Lesson 3 Physical Education Hip Hop

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(1:00 – 3:00 PM) QUARTER

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management
to promote societal fitness.
B. Performance Standard  The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical
activity participation of the community and community and society.
 The learner practices healthful eating habits that support an active
C. Learning  Assess physical activities, exercises, and eating habits. (PE10PF-Ia-
Competencies/Objectives h-39).
 Express a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in
physical activity-related community services and programs.
 Applies correct techniques to minimize risk of injuries. (PE10PF-Ib-
PREAPARATORY Before we formally start. May I request
ACTIVITIES (call a student) to lead us in our
Opening Prayer.
Let’s bow our heads and feel the
presence of the Lord. In the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen
(the prayer will be flashed on the

A blessed Afternoon, Grade 10 St.

Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Ignatius, and St.
Good Afternoon, Sir!

For your attendance, may I request

one representative from St. Lorenzo
Ruiz (call a student) and (call a
student) from St. Ignatius, and (call
a student) from St. Thomas to
check the attendance for this
afternoon. Did you understand? Yes Sir!


Class, can you give me our
past/previous lesson?

(Let the student/s give or

summarize the previous lesson)
Our lesson for today is all about Dance
Forms (Hip-hop).

Have you ever seen the hottest Hip-hop

dance music video or performance on
top of the hits today?
Yes Sir!

Then you may already know what hip-

hop looks like.

Now, What comes into your mind when

you hear the word Hip-hop?
Sir, based on my own experience,
Hip-hop dance is that I was
determined to refine my dance
style with grace and elegance.
Very well said _________.

Would you mind to read (call a student)

what is hip-hop all about? What is Hip-hop?

Hip-hop - is very energetic as

dancers move freely and add their
own personality into the dance.
Class, Hip-hop dance allows us to
create a language of movement all our
own. It offers us the strength and
conditioning we needed to excel in
other styles. Hip-hop is very important
because it was the greatest gift of all, is
the ability for someone to express
themselves through their unique style in
hip-hop dance.

Hip-hop dancing as an aerobic exercise

can help lower the risk of obesity, type
2 diabetes, and heart diseases by
improving blood pressure and
cholesterol level. It also develops
stronger muscles and bones.

What are the health benefits of hip-

hop dancing?
Stronger and Toned Muscles –
Kindly read (call a student). most hip-hop routines use the
muscles of the body especially in
the popping and locking dance
moves; they are mainly a
combination of arms, legs, neck,
shoulders, and torso muscles in a
shaking movement.

(The teacher will give his

understanding and explanation about
Stronger and Toned Muscles).

Next (call a student). Would you mind

to read. Alternative Weight Loss
Program – it is one of the
examples of aerobic exercises
through the vigorous dance
moves, it can make you sweat and
burn many calories.

(The teacher will give his

understanding and explanation about
Alternative Weight Loss Program).

Next (call a student). Would you mind Improves Cardiovascular

to read Strength, Balance,
Coordination, Agility, and
Other Fitness Components -
Performing hip-hop dancing
requires a lot of skills like stunts,
handstand, and head spin that
need careful instruction;
professional assistance can
effectively improve some of the
components of physical fitness.

(The teacher will give his

understanding and explanation about
Improves Cardiovascular Strength,
Balance, Coordination, Agility, and
Other Fitness Components).

Next (call a student). Would you mind

to read Develops Personal Satisfaction
and Better Social Skills – hip-
hop dancing helps an individual
meet self-satisfaction while
dancing. It develops one’s self-
confidence, self-esteem, and
psychological well-being through

(The teacher will give his

understanding and explanation about
Develops Personal Satisfaction and
Better Social Skills).

Overall, there are many benefit of hip-

hop dancing for students. It can help
them to be physically fit, express
themselves, and help them meet other
students with similar interests.

What are the basic dance movements

in hip-hop dancing?
A. Pop-lock dance moves –
Would you mind to read (call a quickly contract and relax
student). muscles.

1. Begin by standing straight with

arms on the side. (Insert Picture)

Next (call a student). Would you mind 2. Pop your rib cage by thrusting
to read it forward while bumping the
chest with someone in front of
you. Do it to the left, right, and in
front. (Insert Picture)
Next (call a student). Would you mind 3. Swing your left arm out to the
to read right side of your body then flex
every muscle and do it on the
other side. (Insert Picture)

Next (call a student). Would you mind 4. Bring your arms up and out in
to read front while raising your knee; as
you do this, lift your elbows up
the shoulder level then hold your
body, and then do it again lifting
your elbow at the ear level.
(Insert Picture)

Next (call a student). Would you mind

to read 5. After raising your elbow to
your shoulder and ear levels, slam
down your arms; be sure to lock
after every moment. Then in your
head, count the beats, “Up, up,
down” and do this twice and
switch to other side to continue
with the same upper movement of
the body using your opposite
knee. (Insert Picture)

Let us proceed to, What are the proper

techniques in popping and locking
dance moves?

Would you mind to read (call a

student). 1. Popping Moves – pop dancing
techniques should include an
overall body fluid of motion with
arm and body wave moves.

Class, the technique should be done

properly with alternative contraction
and relaxation of the body muscles to
make a jerky move.

Next (call a student). Would you mind

to read
2. Locking - in this technique, the
body should stop in the middle of
a dance move and hold for a few
Class, this technique has to be done
properly and timely, synchronized with
the music.

Last is, Pop-locking. Would you mind

to read. (call a student).
3. Pop-locking – this technique
involves a smooth transition of
choreographer popping moves
with an abrupt locking, and with
an exaggeration in hand and arm
movements and gestures.
As you remember class that Popping
and Locking are unique dance moves
that have a long history of influencing
popular and mainstream hip-hop dance

Would you mind to read (call a

B. Crip Walk

1. Stand with your feet wide apart.

Place your left foot slightly in
front of your right foot. Your left
hell and the tip of your right foot
should form a line. (Insert
Next (call a student). Would you mind
to read
2. Pick the ball of your left foot
off the ground. Move your left
foot out to the left and back to the
front, keeping your left heel
touching the ground. (Insert
Next (call a student). Would you mind
to read
3. Step your right leg behind your
left leg at the same time, you
move your left foot out, and move
your right leg back to its starting
position as you move your left
foot back to the front. Repeat
steps 2 and 3 twice. (Insert
Would you mind to read (call a
C. Walk It Out

1. Twist your legs left and right

just like the popular twist from
1950s, but pick your heels off the
floor. (Insert Picture)
Next (call a student). Would you mind
to read
2. Move your arms in different
directions. (Insert Picture)
Last is, Would you mind to read. (call a
3. Improve and have fun trying
new arm movements. For this
move, there is no need to worry
about choreography. (Insert
Let us proceed to Kick Ball Change.
Would you mind to read. (call a
D. Kick Ball Change (Insert

1. Stand upright with your feet

together and toes pointing

2. Kick your right foot in front of

you and then bring it back toward
your body.

3. Step out to your right, placing

your weight on your right foot.

4. Pick up your left foot and step

out to your left, moving your
weight on your left foot.
Let us proceed to Moon Walk. Would
you mind to read. (call a student).

E. Moon Walk (Insert Picture)

Next (call a student). Would you mind 1. Position your feet closer than
to read shoulder with apart.

Next (call a student). Would you mind 2. Place your right foot toe in line
to read at the center part of your left foot.

3. Raising or lifting your right

Next (call a student). Would you mind heel, place your weight on your
to read right foot.

4. Slide the left foot straight back,

while keeping it flat on the floor.
It must be done until your left foot
Next (call a student). Would you mind is in line with the middle of your
to read right.

5. Then drop your right heel to the

Next (call a student). Would you mind ground and consecutively raise
to read your left heel.

6. Again, slide your right foot

back till the toe reaches the
middle of the left foot. Do this
And last is, Harlem Shake. Would you
mind to read (call a student)

F. Harlem Shake (Insert

Next (call a student). Would you mind 1. Have your shoulders kind of
to read pivot out and at the same time,
bring your other shoulder out.

2. While you are doing that, you

can move in from side to side and
you are bringing it from side to
Next (call a student). Would you mind side, leaving your hips in one
to read section.

Next (call a student). Would you mind 3. Just shake and shake from your
to read shoulders. That is why they call it
the Harlem Shake.

4. You can put your shirt over

What are the different fitness dances your head and improvise steps.
that can also be considered as health- But the basic step is about
enhancing program? shoulder movement.

1. Hip-hop Abs – it is a fitness dance

that helps you tighten abdominal
muscles; it is paired with popular dance
moves set in a high-intense cardio

2. Zumba – it is a new fitness dance

that uses the salsa ballroom dance and
some hip-hop dance routines set into
salsa-inspired music; it can also be done
in the water.

3. Yoga Booty Ballet – it is a

combination of ballet, jazz, salsa, and
hip-hop dance moves with yoga styles
or poses that focus on cardio and
strength training to achieve a toned

4. Breakdancing - is a style of hip-hop

dancing which consists of head spins
and stunts like one-armed stands and
head stands that require a lot of time to
practice with care and professional

It seems that you really understand our
lesson. Let’s have your Performance
Task to be submitted/uploaded on
Schoology. Prepare yourself because
you are going to execute the basic
movements in Hip-hop dancing. To
further understand your Performance
Task, kindly open your Schoology and
proceed under the DISCUSSION ON
DANCE FORMS (Hip-hop and
Contemporary Dances)

INSTRUCTION: Open your book on

page 298 and 299. Master the basic
dance movements in hip-hop dancing
There are Five (5) basic dance
movements under Pop-lock Dance
Moves. I want you to capture yourself
with each movement. After capturing
yourself, write 1,2,3,4, and 5 for each
photo that you have captured to be able
for me to know how to give you points.
You will paste the five (5) photos you
have captured on MICROSOFT
WORD. Submit your Performance Task
GENERALIZATION on Schoology under LC 7.

I know you have learned a lot from this

afternoon’s discussion, So anyone who
can summarize the lesson. Anybody,
from St. Lorenzo Ruiz (call a student),
how about St. Thomas (call a student),
and St. Ignatius (call a student). (Students will give their own

So far, do you have any questions class?

None Sir!

Class, Thank you for your cooperation

and thank you for making our day a
productive day. GOD BLESS!

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