Ocr A&e 0529
Ocr A&e 0529
Ocr A&e 0529
» ocregister.com
From Ella to Beatles to Gustavo, a new book, box set and podcast
rewind a century of history at the Southern California institution
“Hollywood Bowl: The First 100
Years,” by Derek Traub, presents
By Kelli Skye Fadroski >> [email protected] and the orchestra performing with Gwen Stefani and text and photos of the iconic venue.
guests. The book can be purchased at laphil.com, at
the L.A. Phil Store at Walt Disney Concert Hall and
o commemorate the 100th season at the at the Hollywood Bowl.
Hollywood Bowl, the Los Angeles Phil- “The Hollywood Bowl is a little bit magical,” Ward
harmonic is publishing “Hollywood Bowl: said during a recent interview backstage at the venue.
The First 100 Years,” a 300-page, coffee ta- “It’s situated in a gorgeous natural environment and
ble-style book filled with rare photos and it’s an experience. You can bring a bottle of wine,
historical facts that pays homage to no- sit under this beautiful night sky and hear some of
table performances and moments in the history of the greatest music in the world. It has become a tra- A new vinyl box set includes over
the iconic venue. dition in the lives of so many families in Southern 50 classical, rock, pop and jazz
The book, which was written by the L.A. Phil’s California. There are people that have handed down performances from 1928-2021.
Derek Traub and edited by its director of humanities, their box subscriptions for generations now, so it’s
Julia Ward, and Robin Rauzi, will be available Friday,
and it coincides with the opening of the 100th sea-
really a part of people’s lives and a part of the fab-
ric of this city.” MORE INSIDE ,
son at the venue, with conductor Gustavo Dudamel HOLLYWOOD BOWL » PAGE 2 CENTENNIAL LINEUP: John Fogertye 3
Diana Ros s, The Roo ts on tap. Pag
4 5 10
BOOKS: For this geologist, Earth history BOOKS: A local author and swimmer TRAVEL: New York City hustles back to
is simpler to figure out than family history. explores a different kind of dog rescue. normal as its pandemic slowdown ebbs.
Hollywood Bowl
my buried past
By Lauret Savoy
the fastest on the continent. But as they grow,
they weather away, grain by grain, the residue
carried downward to spread around their base
My book “Trace: Memory, History, Race, and like a fallen skirt. The daily business here is up-
the American Land” (Counterpoint Press) be- lift and erosion, mountain making and decay.
gan as a struggle to come to terms with ques- The nearby Devil’s Punchbowl consists of
tions that have lingered since my childhood — sandstone and conglomerate, once sands and
about my origins, about my place, about what pebbles of ancient mountain streams that flowed
it means to inhabit this land and to be a citizen millions of years ago, now upended into rocky
of this nation. tablets.
Early on, the mountains, coast and quality What to take from this?
of light of Southern California imprinted on Each grain, each pebble embedded in Punch-
me, the only child of older parents who had mi- bowl rock began as detritus from the denuding
grated westward — my father searching for op- of ancestral highlands. Now-vanished cascades
portunity, my mother following without much once conveyed sand and gravel down now-van-
question. ished mountains. If you and I were to examine
I, though, had questions. the pieces, consider their texture and makeup,
I grew up in a family largely silent about its we could deduce much about their places of ori-
past: How my ancestors — from Africa, from Eu- gin, about climate through time. But the Punch-
rope and from Indigenous America — converged bowl as a place of tilted rock also means later
in me seemed beyond reach. Even though, as shifting and deforming. Earthquake after earth-
an Earth historian, I could track the continent’s quake dragged and shoved this terrain against
deep past from rocks and fossils, the traces of the San Gabriel Mountains like a crumpled car-
my own family’s generations seemed eroded and pet shoved into a wall.
lost. Origin and material source. Warping dis-
Was my family’s past lost to the ages? I won- Author, educator and former Southern California placement. We can still detect both kinds of
dered if my work reading the land’s history could resident Lauret Savoy compares her search for provenance even though most of what once ex-
help me fathom a human past on the land, so family history to her academic field, geology, with isted has long since eroded away.
I’d like to tell you a little about my path to un- the San Gabriel Mountains’ Devil’s Punchbowl a What of us? What of who we are is owed to
derstanding. metaphor for its many components and layers. memories of blood or culture, custom or circum-
Sand and stone are Earth’s memory. Each of stance? To hardness? What makes an individual
us, too, is a landscape inscribed by memory and in a sequence of generations?
by loss. At a young age, I began to hope that de- These questions simmered on my drive east
spite such wounds, a sense of wholeness could from the Punchbowl. June edged toward its lon-
endure. That each of us might possess a hard- gest days as I followed Pacific-bound streams to
ness — not harshness, not severity, but the qual- their source, then across the Continental Divide.
ity of stone or sand to retain some core though It did seem easier to piece together the geologic
broken again and again. history of almost any place on Earth than to
This internal struggle led me on many jour- recover my ancestors’ past. Easier to construct
neys across a continent and time to understand a plausible narrative of a long-gone mountain
how the country’s ever-unfolding history has range from the remnant pieces than to recognize
marked the land, this society and a person: the the braiding of generations into a family. Than
twisted terrain within the San Andreas Fault to know my parents’ reasons for turns taken.
zone. The Grand Canyon’s rim. A South Caro- •••
lina plantation. An island in Lake Superior. “In- The past-to-present that we all emerge from is
dian Territory” and Black towns in Oklahoma. broken and pitted by gaps, not unlike the frag-
The U.S.-Mexico border and U.S. capital. Na- mented annals of Earth history. For me, these
tional parks, burial grounds, even the names gaps grew from many things. From centuries of
this land wears. omissions and erasures. From losses of language
Once, on a journey to the Devil’s Punchbowl in and voice. From dispossession and forced servi-
the San Gabriel Mountains, I began to see how tude. From complex dimensions of lives flattened
the structure, materials, textures and history of and distorted by the weight of ignorance and
Southern California’s rugged landscapes offered stereotype. From public narratives that still dis-
metaphors to ponder the deposition and erosion member who “we the people” are to each other
of human memory, the fragmentation and dis- and to this land.
placement of human experience. And for you? What of your own life, the lives
In “Trace,” I write about this ancient yet dy- of your family? I ask each of you, please, to think
namic landscape near the San Gabriel Moun- about your own origins and ancestors, to pon-
tains and its lessons for a searching soul: der your relationships with the past to present
Steeply tilted sandstone ledges hundreds of sand grain roll, bounce and be carried aloft. on this land. Our stories will differ — yet this
feet high rim the Punchbowl, a “geologic curios- Long-avoided questions emerged as the current richness of experience is so vital to understand-
ity” within the San Andreas Fault zone. Fluent nudged me downstream with its sediment. I was ing who we are.
and patient in its work, the small stream drain- 5 years old when last at the Devil’s Punchbowl, Recognizing the nature of, and reasons be-
ing the rocky bowl gathers and reworks pieces on a picnic with my mother and father. Decades hind, silences and gaps is as important as gath-
of the cliffs and abutting San Gabriel Mountains later the cliffs and basin still fit within memo- ering the pieces found. In “Trace,” I begin this
today as it has done through centuries of days. ry’s frame, satisfying a wish to feel sun-warmed reckoning to re-member.
It is a tactile reminder that here is a land of pro- sandstone and this stream’s grainy flow. But per-
cess and response. Water’s motive forces, from haps I also returned to reach beyond memory Lauret Savoy is a writer and the David B.
cloud to creek — the forces of weathering and to some origin, to some direction. That 5-year- Truman Professor of Environmental Studies
erosion — and abrasive, shuddering movements old had imagined these waters flowed from the and Geology at Mount Holyoke College.
along bounding faults shaped and continue to beginning of the world ... . “Trace” won the American Book Award from
reshape the cliffs and basin. What one might The San Gabriel Mountains rise to 10,000 the Before Columbus Foundation and the
perceive as timeless is but one frame of an end- feet, jutting high above Los Angeles and the ASLE Creative Writing Award. It was also a
less geologic film. Mojave Desert. Between peaks and city basin finalist for a PEN American Award and Phillis
I descended through stands of pinyon, man- lies the sharp-turning hinge of a geologic trap Wheatley Book Award, as well as shortlisted
zanita and mountain mahogany to wade the door hidden by alluvium, freeways and sprawl. for the William Saroyan International Prize
cooling water. To watch grain after entrained These mountains continue to lift at rates among for Writing and Orion Book Award.
Devil’s Punchbowl in Angeles National Forest has rugged sandstone formations built up, torn down and twisted by the forces of the past and present: water, tectonics, accretion.
Creamy apple noodle kugel 2. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 300 de-
Yield: 8 servings grees. Line a baking sheet with parchment
paper. Place tortillas on baking sheet and
INGREDIENTS brush very lightly with oil. Bake 10 minutes
6 ounces wide egg noodles or until crisp but not burned.
Vegetable oil for drizzling 3. Spread ricotta mixture on baked tortillas.
4 ounces cream cheese, softened 4. Top with tangerine segments on outer
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk, whole or edge and a ring of strawberry slices and
low-fat, warmed blueberries.
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus 5. Garnish with remaining 1 teaspoon
more for greasing tangerine zest. If you like, cut with a pizza
1/2 cup small curd cottage cheese, regular cutter.
or low-fat
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar Mediterranean vegetable galette
1 teaspoon vanilla extract Yield: 4 servings
1 teaspoon cinnamon, divided INGREDIENTS
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt Cream cheese pie dough:
3 large eggs, beaten 2 cups all purpose flour
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and 1/2 teaspoon salt
diced small 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Berry compote: 12 tablespoons (6 ounces) butter, chilled
1 cup quartered strawberries and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 cup blueberries 1/2 cup (4 ounces) cream cheese, chilled
2 tablespoons sugar and cut into small pieces
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest
Sweet and savory dishes are thick 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or rice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
with cheese, sour cream and more 3 tablespoons water
2 Chinese eggplants, sliced about 1/3 inch
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees with oven thick
rack in center. Butter an 8-inch glass bak- By Faye Levy and Yakir Levy >> Correspondents 2 red bell peppers, cut in strips
ing dish.
1/2 red onion, cut in quarter slices
2. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Boil
egg noodles for 5 minutes until softened e love the creamy specialties of Shavuot, which begins 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
but still a little firm. Drain, drizzle with a Salt and freshly ground pepper
little vegetable oil and toss.
this year on Saturday evening.
1/2-3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
3. In a large bowl beat together cream Shavuot commemorates the receiving of the Torah Fresh oregano leaves or dried oregano, for
cheese, milk and butter with a mixer. Add by Moses and the Hebrews at Mount Sinai. It is said that the an- sprinkling
cottage cheese, sugar, vanilla, 1 teaspoon Sesame seeds, for sprinkling
cinnamon, salt and beaten eggs and stir cient Israelites avoided meat the day before this important event,
until well combined. Gently fold in noodles PROCEDURE
and diced apples. and that was the origin of the holiday’s custom of serving dairy 1. Pie dough: In a large bowl, place the
4. Pour mixture into baking dish. Sprinkle foods. Some attribute this tradition to the season, as the holiday flour, sugar, salt and baking powder and mix
with remaining 1 teaspoon cinnamon. with a fork.
5. Bake kugel for 40 minutes. Cover with
occurs during the time of year when cows, goats and sheep give 2. Add butter and cream cheese and, with
foil and bake for 5 minutes until center is plenty of milk. clean hands, quickly crumble the mixture
set and top is golden brown. Cool at least until it looks like coarse meal with some
10 minutes. Cut in squares to serve. When I was growing up, I always looked forward to my moth- small peas in it.
6. Berry compote: Combine berries, sugar er’s Shavuot apple noodle kugel with cottage cheese. Now I make 3. Sprinkle vinegar and water over mixture
and lemon juice in a small saucepan. Bring and mix with a fork or your fingers.
to a boil over medium heat. Cook over an even richer version that includes cream cheese and butter. 4. Lightly squeeze and press dough until it
medium-low heat until berries started to Cream cheese also enriches our lemony blueberry muffins. We holds together. Form into a ball or rectan-
break down, about 7 minutes. Stir in lemon gle. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for about
zest and vanilla. Serve cold or at room tem- use ricotta cheese in a quick and easy fruit tart on a tortilla base. an hour.
perature, with the kugel. For a savory Shavuot pastry, a top choice of ours is a Mediter- 5. Filling: Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Arrange sliced vegetables in one layer in
Blueberry lemon muffins ranean vegetable galette with a flaky cream cheese dough. We fill a roasting pan. Drizzle with olive oil and
sprinkle with salt. Bake for 20 minutes or
Yield: 12 muffins it with roasted eggplant and roasted peppers, and for a double- until tender. Sprinkle with pepper. Cool to
INGREDIENTS cheese delight, we add feta. room temperature.
2/3 cup sugar 6. Divide dough in four equal pieces. Roll
2 teaspoons grated zest of Meyer lemons or each piece to roughly a 7-inch circle.
other lemons 7. Place one dough circle on a parchment-
2 cups all purpose flour covered baking sheet. Sprinkle with 1-2 ta-
2. In a small bowl rub sugar with lemon zest blespoons feta. Top with a layer of roasted
2 teaspoons baking powder Easy ricotta fruit tart vegetables, leaving a 1- to 2-inch border of
1/4 teaspoon baking soda with your fingertips until sugar is moist-
ened. Yield: 2 servings dough uncovered. Sprinkle vegetables with
1/4 teaspoon salt 1-2 tablespoons feta and a little oregano.
3. In a medium bowl whisk together flour, INGREDIENTS
4 tablespoons (2 ounces) butter, softened baking powder, baking soda and salt. 8. Fold in and pleat edges of dough over
4 tablespoons (2 ounces) cream cheese, 1 cup ricotta cheese filling, leaving an opening in center where
4. Beat butter and cream cheese with mixer 2 tablespoons tangerine juice
softened until soft. Add sugar and beat until light filling shows. Repeat with remaining dough
2 large eggs and smooth. Beat in eggs one by one, then 2 teaspoons grated tangerine zest, divided and filling.
2 tablespoons Meyer or other lemon juice lemon juice, yogurt and vanilla. 2 8-inch low-carb or regular flour tortillas 9. Lightly brush edges of dough with water
5. Mix in dry ingredients, then dried and Grapeseed or vegetable oil (for brushing) and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
3/4 cup whole milk yogurt
fresh blueberries with rubber spatula. 2 seedless tangerines, divided in segments 10. Refrigerate galettes for about 20 min-
1 teaspoon vanilla extract utes. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
1/2 cup dried blueberries 6. Divide among muffin cups and sprinkle 6-8 strawberries, stemmed, thinly sliced
with pine nuts. 16-20 blueberries 11. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce oven
1 cup fresh blueberries temperature to 375 and bake for 15 minutes
2 tablespoons pine nuts 7. Bake 18-23 minutes until tops are golden PROCEDURE
and a thin knife inserted in a muffin comes more or until golden brown. Serve warm or
PROCEDURE out clean. 1. In a small bowl, combine ricotta, tan- at room temperature.
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put liners gerine juice and 1 teaspoon tangerine zest.
8. Cool on a rack for 5 minutes, and remove Refrigerate. Faye Levy is the author of “Faye Levy’s
in 12 muffin cups. from pan. International Jewish Cookbook.”
Blueberry lemon muffins, left, contain cream cheese, butter, yogurt and pine nuts, while this easy ricotta fruit tart requires only the simplest of cooking.
bizarre turn, needs on reporting from the the moon moves from Taurus
Frank Herbert into Gemini.
independent booksellers
of Southern California, the 3. The Wise Man’s Fear: Happy birthday for Sunday,
Patrick Rothfuss
Spell on You’’
shaded squares herein 70 Mower’s trail 104 Singer O’Day
lots of physical energy, which
117 Wishy-washy response 74 Means of electronic 105 Bad messages to send to means whatever you do, you
20 Hardly a team player?
118 Captivate communication with
21 Nickname for 114-Across the wrong person will do with strength and
119 The Panthers of the restricted access 107 Tap-in, e.g. Answers to last Sunday’s puzzle
coined by John Steinbeck
N.C.A.A., familiarly 76 Ending with cash or front vigor! Tonight: Check your
23 Large rodents 109 140, in old Rome
120 Art in the Television Hall of 77 Self images? 110 Covid Data Tracker org.
24 Corpse ____ (morning- Fame 79 Stevenson of 1950s politics Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.
after cocktail) 111 New Deal power agcy.
121 Dislikes and then some 80 They may be ridden to 21): \*\*\*\*\* This is a
25 German surname part 112 Fools are often seen at its
122 Things sometimes named victory start: Abbr. fantastic day for competitive
26 One of the Guccis after presidents 81 Some co. name endings
28 At the top 113 Peaceful, informally sports and physical athletics.
DOWN 83 Santa Monica ____, 115
29 Skip or drop southwest terminus of
Partner of only You also will enjoy fun outings
31 Down-to-earth 1 One of 50,460 in the 116 Posed for a portrait with children and entertain-
Chunnel 114-Across
32 Cool 84 Golden rule preposition ing diversions. However, your
2 Actress Barrymore, great-
35 Opposite of a breeze
aunt of Drew energy is so pumped, be
37 Instruction for some
3 Famed fountain of Rome careful about taking risks,
Thanksgiving cooking
4 Half step, in music 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 both physically or gambling.
38 “Downton Abbey’’ countess
5 Character seen on a Tonight: Cooperate.
39 Colorful natural attraction
along 114-Across
6 Bile
18 19 20 Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.
43 An awful state to live in 19): \*\*\* Today you have
7 Obsequious
46 Twitch user, perhaps 21 22 23 tremendous energy for mak-
8 Sun deck?
47 Spanish : -ando or -iendo ::
ing home improvements or
English : ____ 9 “That’s my cue!’’
24 25 26 27
48 Attempt to grasp, as a 10 Actress Long winning an argument with a
complicated situation 11 Component of a bridge family member. This is be-
truss 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
49 Car-pooling inits. cause you are confident and
50 Cuisine that includes 12 Positive results of some
convinced about what you
strikes 35 36 37 38
gochujang paste want to achieve. Remember
52 “Go ahead and ask’’ 13 TV 6-year-old who attends
Little Dipper School 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 that others have their own
56 Pastis flavorer
58 Peridot, for one
14 Lead-in to “com’’ ideas, too. Tonight: Work.
15 Bit of writing on Twitter or 46 47 48 Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):
60 Smart, say
61 Bad stat for a QB: Abbr.
16 Natural conclusion?
\*\*\*\* You can do a lot
49 50 51 52 53 54 55
64 Left
17 Some mil. officers
today, because you are con-
65 Tall, curved attraction
19 Abbr. on many streets in fident and enthusiastic. This
along 114-Across 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Quebec is why your communications
69 Gear for gondoliers
20 “Holy ____!’’ with others will be positive
71 Trafficker trackers, for 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
22 Pass and persuasive, which, in
27 Not mainstream, for short turn, makes this a strong day
72 Legend 71 72 73 74
30 Sierra ____ for those in sales, marketing,
73 Animal in the genus Bos
31 1990s film with a famous
teaching, acting or writing.
74 Following along
wood chipper scene
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
75 Roux ingredient?
32 Word with a wave in Tonight: Socialize!
78 B3, nutritionally Oaxaca 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):
82 Beverage with a “New 33 Classic Camaro \*\*\*\* You are confident in
England’’ variety 90 91 92 93
34 Grant ____, northeast financial negotiations today.
83 Gone to press? terminus of 114-Across
86 Booked it 36 Kind of tape 94 95 96 97
However, your confidence will
88 Phrase one might yell at 37 $100 bill, slangily
be so strong, you must be
the screen during a horror
38 Underwriting? 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 careful. Don’t take unneces-
film sary risks in financial ventures
39 “What malarkey!’’
90 What roots are, to powers
or financial speculation. Do
40 Paid penance 106 107 108 109
92 Graffitied artistic
attraction along 114-Across 41 Site of a U.C. in the O.C. your homework. Tonight:
94 Summers in la cité 42 Muscle-bone connector 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Cocoon.
95 ____ Austin, Biden’s 44 Verb in Poe’s “The Raven’’
secretary of defense 45 Trece menos doce 117 118 119
97 Bugs 51 Many a Hollywood worker Find Georgia Nicols
53 Brownish-yellow hue 120 121 122 horoscopes at
54 Big ____
Universal Crossword
Edited by David Steinberg May 29, 2022
Thomas of
36 Slowpokes
“That Girl”
31 Hot
Truedog up
Sanity and savings dwindle
as my girl’s wedding nears
the same
9 Marriott rival virtuous
school? 9 Metal
12 Heros’in 32 Keyboard
39 Not to be
14 Poem of personArabia
47 Saudi aliases?often
bronze, discussed
4 Easy to 46 What has 10 “So tasty!” 36 Slowpokes
understand neighbor
rules at 13 Type of
11 Had a bite 40 Bibliographic
37 Hot dog
9 Pet
Marriott rival 48 “It’s ___
school? 12 talk
Metal oninthe 39 list abbr.
14 protection
Poem of 47 Time” (beer
Saudi Arabia internet
bronze, often 41 Resistor
operators As many of you tioned the other travel insurance paid the
homage slogan)
neighbor 18
13 Edmonton
Type of 40 measure
Bibliographic know, my 23-year- day that their bills, but I did start pan-
15 Protruding
Pet 50
48 Joltless
“It’s ___ joe hockey
talk on the 42 Street
list abbr. old daughter Curly friends all drink icking at one point that I
navel Time” (beer
54 European internet
team 41 surface
org. slogan)with 18 Party
Edmonton measure Girl is getting mar- White Claw hard might not make it home
17 In a way capital 22 at 44 Downfall ried. In a few days. seltzer, so we in time for the Big Day.
16 Protruding 50 Joltless joe hockey 42 Street
19 Change,
navel like a baguette-
54 European a club
team 45 Foray
surface So, last night I spent should get some However, here I am, all
17 the
In aConsti-
way baking
capital with 24
22 Refusals
Party at 49
44 Coup
Downfall d’___ an exciting prewed- White Claw. the wedding garlands
19 tution
Change, like competition
a baguette- 26 Some
a club 51
45 Golf
Foray targets
20 Allegation
the Consti- 57 Famous
baking 24 historic
Refusals 49 or
ding evening, de- As in, a LOT of are sorted out and I only
21 Word
tution before competition
last words 26 Plains
Some 51 Surmounting
52 Golf targets voting several hours White Claw. have 36 rustic center-
20 “bar”
or 57 in
“Julius historic
homes or events
53 Greek salad to untangling fake Great. So who’s pieces to make by Satur-
21 “drink”
Word before last words
Caesar” 27 Plains
___ a tie 52 cheese
Surmounting sunflower gar- going to drink day.
“bar” or in “Julius homes 53 Greek salad lands to put on the din- all that wine? Well, OK, This is a huge occa-
23 Come
“drink”down 59 Select
Caesar” 27 (necessitate
___ a tie 54 Touch
23 to Earth
Come down 59 group
Select of overtime)
(necessitate 54 the
Touch headon
ner tables at her wedding I will, but still. Someone sion for me, not only be-
25 Great
to EarthBasin celebrities
group of 28 Boot up
overtime) 55 ___ carte
the head venue while watching could have mentioned cause Curly Girl is my
25 natives
Great Basin 60 Salary
celebrities 29
28 Outdoor
Boot up 55 menu
___ carte old episodes of “Father the words “White Claw” only daughter, but be-
29 Social 60 boost
Salary 29 clothing
Outdoor menu
56 Upholstery Brown” and a depress- before I bought $1,800 cause when I was very
29 campaign
Social boost prize
61 Poker clothing
brand, or 56 problem
Upholstery ing movie called “Friends worth of fermented grape sick not long ago, I re-
started 61 Records
62 Poker prizefor brand,
a squirrelor 58 problem
Play for a fool With Money.” This is the juice. ally didn’t think I’d be
started 62 Records for a squirrel 58 Play for a fool
by Tarana
by Tarana later
later kind of exciting celebrity This afternoon, Curly around long enough to
Burke 63
63 War
War horse
Answers PUZZLE
puzzle ANSWER
to yesterday’s ANSWER life I have. Girl is going to bring over see this day. (Wiping a
31 Classic 64 Wellness This movie was a the seating chart. Ap- tear away.) But, here I
game retreat downer partly because all parently I’m supposed to am, as mean as ever, and
consoles DOWN
DOWN the characters were de- sit at the “family table.” I even plan to dance to
33 Some
33 Some 1 Brownish
1 Brownish
simians pear pressed — even the rich Well, I don’t want to sit the DJ, though I’m still
34 Kissing in pear
2 Person you ones — and also because with my family. I have to rather gimpy.
34 Kissing in
public, e.g., 2 Person
look up you
to I don’t have any money, see those people all the Curly Girl informed me
briefly e.g., 3 look up to
___ blocker so I don’t need to watch time anyway. I want to sit a few days ago that she’d
35 briefly
Metallica 3 ___ blocker
(heart rich people cavort un- with my friends who’ve lost the list I gave her of
35 Metallica
drummer (heart
happily with each other. flown from all over to at- dance songs I wanted the
drummer 4 medicine)
South Asian
36 Ulrich
Stethoscope rice variety I especially don’t have tend this event. Is that DJ to play, and I can’t
4 South
5 Venomous
users: Abbr.
Stethoscope rice variety any money now, because wrong? I don’t think so. help wondering if that
37 “Witness” snake I’ve just plunked down I’m doing it even if it is. was actually an accident.
Peter 5
6 Venomous
37 “Witness”
38 PC pioneer snake
a good portion of my re- My daughter is de- She felt that she was enti-
39 director
Greenish Peter 6
7 Swimsuit
Optimist’s 5/28 © 2022 Andrews McMeel Universal
tirement account to pay manding that every- tled to pick all the songs
38 PC words
brand www.upuzzles.com for this upcoming wed- one who’s coming has to for the entire event, since
39 Greenish 7 Optimist’s 5/28 © 2022 Andrews McMeel Universal ding. I hope my daughter wear black, so she can it’s “her wedding.” But I
blue words www.upuzzles.com realizes this means I’ll be shine in her white wed- pointed out to her that
Mixed Doubles by Gary Larson moving in with her when ding dress. I find this an- I’m paying for this event,
I run out of cash. noying, but I went along and she’ll be getting all
Since the wedding is in with it. She also banned the good presents from
Mixed Doubles by Gary Larson less than a week, I keep all children under the my friends, so we will be
thinking there will be age of 10, which means dancing to music that we
a point at which I stop a set of family friends like, not just songs that
spending money. But this who are important to sound like squirrels on
is simply a hallucina- me were so miffed they speed.
tion caused by too many couldn’t bring their new Besides, who doesn’t
drugs in college. Every baby, they’re boycotting like Motown and the Bea-
time I think, “OK, whew, the wedding. They’d even tles? So after I finish
I’m done,” I realize it’s already bought match- writing this, I have to sit
going to be cold up at ing black outfits to wear. down and re-create my
her mountain venue, so I was really upset about dance list for her. Some
of course I have to order this, but I finally decided of those songs better be
the girl a fake fur shrug just to bless it and re- played this weekend. I
to wear over her wedding lease it. need my Rolling Stones.
dress so she doesn’t turn If you read last week’s Meanwhile, I just found
blue. column, you know that I out that Curly Girl’s birth
Then, there’s the li- just got stuck in London mother, who lives in an-
quor. After I’d already with my nephew, who other state, is planning
bought some 137 cases came down with a mild to show up at the wed-
of white wine, red wine, case of COVID-19, so we ding. She was invited,
sweet wine, dry wine, had to delay our flights but no one expected her
sangria and such, not home for five days. Lon- to come. Hmm. Let’s
to mention the beer, the don isn’t the worst city bring on the drama. Stay
bride and groom men- to be stuck in, and the tuned.
Sudoku Classic TM
and clue.
Answers to 5/22/22 Jumbles: WRITER WALKER FANTASY CLIMATE
Answer: This actress, who was born in Liverpool, England in 1956, attended
the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.
c 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC,
You can e-mail David L. Hoyt at [email protected]. KIM CATTRALL All Rights Reserved
Now arrange the circled letters
©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
YNWOAH All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
“ ” -
Now arrange the circled letters
©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
“ ”
Answers toAnswer:
last week’s puzzle
The books near the top of the
bookcase had —
After they cleaned up when
Michelangelo was done painting
the ceiling, it was a —
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— Newport Beach Independent — The Show Report 5/29
by Thornton Wilder 6/18 THE SIDE DEAL (featuring founding
members of train, sugar ray and PawnshoP kings)
directed by Beth Lopes 6/1 6/19 DELVON LAMAR ORGAN TRIO
JOURNEY USA (Journey tribute)
(Joan Jett & the blackhearts tribute) /
Whole Lotta Rosies (ac/dc tribute)
6/26 DOUG STARKS higherground
(Stevie Wonder Tribute)
7/2 SHINE ON - Pink floyd exPerience
6/8 7/8 KISSED ALIVE (kiss tribute)
7/10 SAVOR (santana tribute)
7/14 PROJECT PRESLEY (elvis tribute)
In this celebrated American classic, teenagers George Gibbs and Emily Webb go 7/15 KEVIN NEALON
from friends to puppy love to wedding day and beyond—two families forever 7/16 ABC starring martin fry
joined together. Age 12 and up. 7/21 SERPENTINE FIRE
Evan Lugo, Grace Morrison and Hal Landon Jr. Photo: Matt Gush
(earth wind and fire tribute)
6/9 7/28 BRITAIN’S FINEST (beatles tribute) 7/15
“Roars with comic energy… “THIS TIGER IS KING… 8/3 JAKE SHIMABUKURO
a stellar production” a helluva lotta fun” 8/5 SKELETON CREW
— Orange County Register — Stage and Cinema (grateful dead tribute)
by Mike Lew w 8/18 THE AIRPLANE FAMILY
8/19 SUPER DIAMOND (neil diamond tribute)
directed by Ralph B. Peña 8/20 SUPER DIAMOND (neil diamond tribute)
N – J 5 6/19
What happenss when “tiger DELVON 9/9 YYNOT (rush tribute)
parenting” goees wrong? A ORGAN TRIO 9/15 TAIMANE
sharp comedyy about today’s
family filled with colorful COMING SOON
characters, intrrigue and 9/16 THE LOVIN SPOONFUL 10/23 JOURNEYMAN
surprise. Highschool and up. 9/17 JOHN MARK McMILLAN (eric claPton tribute)
9/18 BENISE “sPanish nights” 11/5 PIANO MEN: G enerations
Jon Norman Schneider and Amy Kim Waschke. Photo: Jenny Graham 9/23 ROBBY KRIEGER (b illy J oel and e lton J ohn t ribute )
Eric Martin of MR. BIG 11/11 KIDS OF CHARLEMAGNE
(s teely d an t ribute )
(714)708-5555 • SCR.org 10/12 LEONID & FRIENDS
(chicago tribute)
11/20 O-TOWN
For SCR’s full COVID-19 requirements and protocol: scr.org/covid 33157 Camino Capistrano | San Juan Capistrano | www.thecoachhouse.com
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M AY 2 0 2 2
r alif Ne rts s
’ sections a o the A ocia r
was cted in the top circulation ca egory for its coverage n 2021. co .
Reid was also named as one the country’s Top 10 writers in the Breaking News category.
We’re proud of our team of hard-working journalists who go to great lengths each day to bring
you the area’s best coverage in print and online. Whether it’s a local high school game or a
dy b it ew
n n n n n
n n n n
June 18, 2022
F O R C H I C A N O A R T & C U LT U R E
think it’s safe to say sharing great food with family, friends,
that you can check out next And staff journalist Tyler around the region by train.
weekend (or tonight!), along Shaun Evains shares her At Southern California
with a couple of stories that personal recommendations on News Group, we strive to
you can sink your teeth into three Black-owned restaurants deliver the best in local news
for an enjoyable Sunday read. to try in the L.A. metro area — along with smart, informed
Old La Brea Chop House Columnist Marla Jo Fisher local gems with an appetizing feature writing like the stories
array of culinary options. you’ll find here. And as
Now that travel restrictions always, we are committed to
are being lifted, more of our maintaining open and candid
readers and staff members lines of conversation between
are finding their way across our staff, our clients and
the country and across the partners, and, importantly,
globe. Like SCNG writer with you, our subscribers.
Brooke Staggs who penned Contact me anytime at
a wonderful essay on how her [email protected] and
recent trip to Africa restored enjoy this month’s issue of
tep into Old Brea
Chop House and
you’ll be transported
to the kind of plush
steak house experience
you’d expect to find in
Chicago or New York — a
place where you wouldn’t be
surprised if Frank Sinatra
and the rest of the Rat Pack
magically waltzed right in
and took a corner booth.
The owner, Tony Faluso,
was a bigwig at Morton’s
Steak House for two
decades, and the chef knows
what to do with great cuts
of meat and seafood (the
delicious Tomahawk must
be as big as your head).
But the guy you want
to talk to about what to
pair with a prime rib or
King Crab Oscar is Steven
Ashworth. He’s the-rare-
for-an-American Italian
Master Sommelier, but
is also a self-described
“knowledge junkie,”
conversant in all aspects
of wine service and food Wine Director Steven Ashworth, the sommelier at the Old Brea Chop House
pairing, not to mention
world history and When did you first fall in love with wine?
geography — someone with While competing in Europe, I got exposed to wine, and
a general gift of gab. kind of fell in love with it. People say that we have these
You can often find defining moments in our lives, you know, that kind of form
him holding court in the and mold us. The things that we do are the things that we
dining room, spinning become. For me, that was definitely the case.
fascinating tales about a It was 1989. I was traveling through Europe and had just
wine’s journey to your table. finished a major competition. A friend of mine invited me
A former track athlete out to dinner to a little family run restaurant in Milan. At
who competed in Europe, the time, I liked wine, but didn’t know a lot about it. I could
a college professor and a tell you the difference between a Cabernet and a Pinot
wine consultant, Ashworth Noir, but beyond that, I didn’t know a whole lot. Anyway,
( just call him Steve) admits we went to this dinner and the wine poured was the one
he had a “very convoluted” that left a mark on me: Nozzole Chianti Classico Riserva,
path to his current career, the 1986 vintage.
but all that life experience It wasn’t particularly fancy wine, but I was like, oh my God,
just adds to his expertise. I’ve never tasted anything like this in my life.
La Poubelle Bistro lies in the heart of Franklin Village. The name, which
translates to “the trash can,” was picked to honor seedy jazz clubs and
brothels of early 1960s London (which is not French, but let’s go with it).
In 1969 when La Poubelle opened, it seemed a fitting name for the state
of the Franklin Village neighborhood and spirit of the owners. “La Poubelle
is a crazy place,” says long-time employee Mançois when I corner him
under the bistro’s iconic blue awning. The French fare includes classics like
steak frites, moules frites and soupe à l’oignon. At night, La Poubelle Bistro
opens its La Poubelle party doors to the neighboring room, where local
bands play under a massive disco ball and neon Le Son sign (the sound).
If you’re longing for some down-and-out Paris vibes, La Poubelle is the
Parisian fringe party you may be looking for.
Pro tip: Enjoy the delicious cocktails and apéritifs on the patio couch
framed by the blue mural of Paris city streets and the Eiffel Tower.
:: facebook.com/lapoubellebistro
The two Michelin-starred menu with French classics like pastries are certainly a star at
Japanese kaiseki restaurant soft scrambled eggs made with Figaro Bistrot, the menu offers and
displays the creativity of chef Parmesan and crème fraîche, executes top-notch items from
Niki Nakayama and her wife/ croque monsieur with hot ham, the Caesar salad to the pain perdu
partner/sous chef Carole Iida- mushrooms and béchamel, and (French toast) and especially le
Nakayama. The 11-course tasting a goat cheese salad served crab façon bénédicte (crab cakes
menu changes almost daily, but on sourdough bread. Dine in eggs benny) – they’re all incredible.
one signature dish represents for breakfast and lunch (the Pro tip: Since it’s just a hop and
the culmination of Nakayama’s restaurant is closed midafternoon) a skip from Skylight Books, Figaro
creative take on California or come by later for dinner. Bistrot may be the perfect spot
kaiseki: The creamy abalone There’s also a secluded room to plop down with a book (maybe
pasta with delicate fish roe in the back perfect for intimate “Candide” by Voltaire or Alexandre
and shaved truffles. Nakayama dinner parties and birthday Dumas’ “The Count of Monte
appeared on “Master Chef” and celebrations, and a charming patio Cristo”?) and a café au lait. Bonus:
teaches kaiseki-style cooking via with bench tables outside. A dining room with comfy couches
her “Master Class,” but the best Pro tip: Order the orange wine, and cozy pillows in overstuffed
way to experience her food is it’s soft and silky and goes down chairs. Wind down with a glass
eating at n/naka. lovely on a hot Los Feliz summer of wine and enjoy something
3455 Overland Ave., Los Angeles day. smothered in béchamel.
:: n-naka.com :: loupiottekitchen.com :: figarobistrotla.com
Let’s eat!
Fatuma Adan from Somalia waters her lush garden at the New Roots Community Farm in San Diego.
New Roots neighborhoods and economic self-sufficiency. Part of this
mission is the New Roots Community Farm.
Near the working-class neighborhood of City Heights in Alongside these East African communities in the southeast
San Diego is a green stretch that you could easily miss if you San Diego neighborhoods of Encanto, Skyline, Paradise
didn’t pay attention to the road that leads to it. A hand- Hills and City Heights, there are immigrant groups from
painted sign, “The New Roots Community Farm,” is quite Cambodia, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Philippines,
inconspicuous, while bossy chickens in the coop close to the Korea, Vietnam and many more. They all access New Roots
chain-linked fence gate offer greetings as you enter. Community Farm in the middle of this “food desert” – low-
You’re transported to heaven, and it’s right next to a income neighborhoods in which affordable, good quality,
California freeway. fresh food is hard to come by. Refugees and immigrants
For decades, the City Heights neighborhood has welcomed have been allotted about 75 plots in which to grow food from
refugees and immigrants from African countries including their native countries to sustain their families and to sell at
Somalia, Zimbabwe, Congo, Uganda and the Democratic farmers markets.
Republic of the Congo. An estimated 30,000 East Africans As an immigrant to America as a graduate student three
call San Diego home, making it the largest African decades ago, and the daughter of refugees – my parents
community in California. The City Heights Community moved to India from what’s now Bangladesh during the
Development Corporation (City Heights CDC) works with partition of India into India and Pakistan – I am hyper-
residents to create and sustain affordable housing, livable aware of what it takes for people to travel continents and
friends, and neighbors, relentlessly focused on getting the I notice Figueroa’s hands. They are those of a farmer’s –
garden started. creased, arthritic, and yet, when she touches a Swiss chard
Many didn’t call back, many weren’t interested, but leaf, have the grace of a dancer’s. She has needed to slow
she was keen to find those who were – and she did. This down as her knees aren’t the same as before. Now, from July
initiative has proudly existed as a community project for through October, she grows marigolds, or la maravilla, for
nearly a decade and a half, sustained through negotiations, Day of the Dead festivities. The rest of the year, her friend,
“Merced? Why on Earth are you cleaner than the streets of downtowns I
spending the weekend in Merced?” frequent. Inside, I get settled and head to
I’m asked this as I’m driving northbound dinner in the courtyard where there’s a
through the Grapevine, past Bakersfield, two-man ensemble playing stand-up bass
past miles of railroad tracks and graffiti- and guitar.
painted trains. Andrea, who works for the hotel, sits
The question has merit, because of all the across from me. Platters overflowing
glorious destinations on Earth, I’d never with pork chops, barbecue chicken and
longed for Merced. After checking the elote corn cobs cover the table, bourbon
crime rates and cringing, I asked myself and honey cocktails too. Andrea tells me
the same thing. But Merced is making a between sips that she grew up in Merced
push to become the next hot destination and that the hotel used to be boarded-up.
spot for wine and dine enthusiasts like I ask what she did for fun, and she says her
me, so rather than visit Sonoma or Paso friends would typically hang out near the
Robles, I figure, OK Merced, let’s see what creek. “We never had any of this,” she says,
you’ve got. gesturing toward the hotel.
I venture on, farther north from Fresno, Day two and it’s high noon at Vista Rainbird's Sauterne poached
until I reach this middle-of-nowhere town Ranch. A white farmhouse sits adjacent cod with stuffed morel
nestled within acres of olive and almond to vast farmland and inviting vineyards. mushrooms, white shiso
groves. There’s a quaint wooden sign that reads glazed peas, walnut and
I arrive at the newly renovated El “wine tasting open” with a red arrow matsutake tapenade alliums
Capitan Hotel on the corner of Main and pointing toward the farmhouse, so
M streets. It’s a modern white building naturally I walk in that direction. Marc
with nods to its art deco past incorporated Marchini greets the group; he’s a fourth-
into the design. Looking around, there generation Mercedian farm owner. They
are no clear signs of the crime rate that grow everything under the sun, even
had me spooked. The streets are clean, grapes for pinot noir despite them not
Potato Tart includes fermented potato mousse, brown Left: Rainbird's fan favorite (chef's favorite,
butter and pestled nasturtium, topped with trout roe. too!) is the Rye & Farro country loaf served
It pairs nicely with Opolo Paso Robles sparkling wine, with sunflower butter, bellwether ricotta,
according to the menu. golden raisin marmite and honeycomb.
The evening mist rolls
think, due to the irresistible urge to Location: 22760 Valle de Guadalupe
linger everywhere, so if you want / Ensenada, Baja California
to visit Fauna, make yourself a :: faunarestaurante.mx
Deckman’s at El Mogor
Run by Michelin star chef Drew
Deckman, this is another restaurant that
serves its customers outdoors on a series of
stunning terraces overlooking the vineyards.
Food and service are refined, with a casual
feel. Food is cooked over a huge outdoor
grill, making this a place for people who
love meat and seafood.
The offerings are local farm-to-table —
they grow their own fruits and vegetables —
and Deckman is involved in the Slow Food
movement. The menu changes constantly,
but look for oysters, clams, grilled meats
and crab.
The day we were there, they had fresh
anchovies and quail on the grill. They
didn’t have a vegetarian menu, and when
I asked for veggie food, they came up with
some, but it wasn’t terrific. They had an
interesting tasting menu. The service was
spotty, but really this is a place that you
have to try. (The editor of this magazine
swears it’s some of the best food she’s ever
had, and she used to live in snooty Paris,
France. So.)
The restaurant is located at the Mogor-
Badan winery, where tastings are also
Reservations are essential. Walkups are
not accepted. In the spirit of Baja, they
suggest casual clothes and sensible shoes. A
sweater is not a bad idea, or even a blanket.
(also known as Restaurante y Vivero La Hacienda)
There are a few different ways to enter the Ruta de Vino,
which is the officially designated name for the Valle de
Guadalupe wine country. Perhaps the most popular is to
Getting there: Valle de Guadalupe, which sits drive the beautiful coastal road south, as if you’re going
14 miles northeast of Ensenada along Baja to Ensenada, but then cut off onto Highway 3, 14 miles
Highway 3, is a three- to four-hour drive from northeast of Ensenada. When I take this route, I always
Southern California. It is most often entered try to stop for breakfast or lunch at La Hacienda, which
from a turnoff on Baja Highway 1 or by entering can be found on the turnoff to San Antonio de las Minas
Mexico through Tecate, then heading south. (sometimes called Villa Juarez). Yes, it’s down a rutted dirt
Temperature: The weather is usually pleasant, road, but my old Toyota Corolla can make it, and your car
with cool-to-chilly winters and hot summers. can, too.
Bring a sweater even in summer for evenings This business started 40 years ago as a plant nursery, on
spent outdoors. a beautiful pastoral setting covered with ancient oak trees.
Peak time: The Ruta de Vino has become the People began asking if they could picnic there. Sensing
Napa Valley of Mexico, with many well-heeled a good thing, the owner began selling roast chicken and
Mexican tourists visiting from all over. Crowds burgers. Nowadays, there are elegant tables under the
can get heavy during holidays and the Vendimia beautiful oak trees, and a refined menu that attracts day-
wine, food and harvest festivals in August. It’s trippers from all over. It’s impossible to avoid relaxing
never a bad idea to make reservations. Day trips while there, and the excellent food and service prepares
from Ensenada or Rosarito Beach are popular. you for the day to come. Check out their weekend brunch
buffet. While you’re there, see if you can sample some of the
flavored aperitifs made from local fruits by the owner’s son.
Finca Altozano
If you’re the kind of person whose life depends on trying
to get a reservation for The French Laundry in Napa, you
might as well just turn the page right now. Because there
are no snooty restaurants in the Valle. None. Nada.
But that doesn’t mean there isn’t incredible gourmet
food. It just means that it’s cheaper, less pretentious and
easier to get into than it is at home. Expect to pay half of
what a fine dining experience would cost at home. Though
you have to drive a dirt road to find it.
One case in point is Finca Altozano. It was founded by
celebrity chef Javier Plascencia, who at last count runs
seven restaurants. It has refined and elegant cuisine.
Think Kumamoto oysters mignonette, Serrano ham
from Extremadura, artisanal cavatelli with beef cheek
and fennel and oak-grilled quail. People come from
everywhere to eat there.
But, here’s the thing: The entire restaurant is outdoors
under a roof with rustic tables and chairs. The food
is cooked over a wood-fired oven. On one memorable
visit, the resident pet pig, Olivia, slept on my foot the
entire meal. (She’s too big now and been relegated to the
farmyard, sadly).
I’ve never met Javier Plascencia, but he sat near me once
wearing a plaid flannel shirt and John Deere tractor cap.
That attitude encapsulates the Valle de Guadalupe dining
experience, which is all about enjoyment, and not about
La Paz
eeling adventurous after, oh, two years
of being cooped up? La Paz in Baja
California promises a wonderland for
those who love adventure – whether
that’s the relatively tame kind or a bit closer to
the edge.
Perched on a protected bay on Mexico’s
famed Sea of Cortez (aka the Gulf of
California), the city is the major gateway to
everything those spectacular waters have to
offer. It’s a desert climate, so it is warm to
downright hot virtually all year round, just
like Cabo San Lucas, located about two hours
to the south.
To get to La Paz, take one of the numerous
nonstop, 2.5-hour flights to Los Cabos out of
LAX. Once there, hire a transport service to
drive you north. Or, you can rent a car, but
know that once you’re in La Paz, you won’t
really need one, as tour companies will pick
you up, taxis are plentiful and walking is
definitely an option around town.
While there are many adventures to be had
in La Paz, the ones that get you wet are some
of the most exciting. So, plan to be on a boat
as often as you can – especially in the months
of November to May, when the Sea of Cortez
really lights up. That’s when the whale sharks
meander in, those massive, gentle sharks that
feed on plankton. Snorkeling with a whale
shark is a surreal experience for these are the
largest fish in the world, and the moment
you hit the water with one, you’re suddenly
aware of just how small we humans are. The
exhilarating rush of swimming with them is
hard to compare with anything else; but scuba
diving in the Sea of Cortez runs a close second.
Every dive in this underwater wonderland
is different, of course, but if you’re lucky you’ll
spot six Moray eels among the corals, teeth
bared in search of food, then a sea turtle will
as they have been in business since 1995 and really know be a beginner and have a wild time with a rod and reel here,
everything about these waters and the denizens of the deep as the fishing guides bring all the experience you need. Take
that call it home. a full-day trip and see what you bring home (the guides will
make sure you only bring home fish that are in season) and
GET DIRTY then the real magic of La Paz begins.
Grab your oldest clothes (and whatever you do, don’t It’s such a fishing town that many of the top restaurants are
wear white!) to have a completely different experience out perfectly willing to take your catch and cook it right up for
in the desert in a Polaris RZR. That fat-tired, wide-open, you that night, creating spectacular dishes and even pairing
four-wheel drive vehicle can go anywhere, but for locals and Mexican wines (from the Valle de Guadalupe in northern
visitors alike, the prime place to go is El Mogote. Found Baja). Famed chef Hector Palacios of Origen La Paz did just
across the bay from La Paz, this wild place is filled with that after our fishing voyage, creating a five-course meal from
Cap off your Baja Sur adventures with a completely
different experience by spending your last few nights at
the Montage Los Cabos, located not far from Los Cabos
International Airport. Their Montage Spa is a gorgeous
place, filled with steam rooms, plunge pools and other
Did you know Metrolink’s Orange County Line connects travelers to
lots off prime
i f d destin
food d inations? On weekends, all-day passes
for adults are $10, whille riders 17 and younger can hop aboard
for free. Riding the raiils reduces your carbon footprint and,
according to the Metrrolink’s stats, “by taking the train,
Metrolink riders ann nually help reduce 130,000 metric tons of
CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.” Sure, the train is
an eco-friendlier wayy to travel, but if the prices at the pump
have you cutting bacck on gas consumption, this mode of
transportation is also
o a cost-saving alternative.
Navigate the diningg options with this comprehensive
restaurant guide. Begiin or end at San Juan Capistrano or
Union Station in Los Angeles – either way, there
are h
historic tea houses and Michelin star
resstaurants to be discovered. All aboard,
nd eat well!
If you’re seeking a cozy slice of San Juan Capistrano, reserve a table at
the Tea House on Los Rios. The 1911 cottage nestled on historic Los
Rios Street was converted into a teahouse and maintains its charming
historical ambiance. Sit outside on the patio and watch passersby
Built in 1881, the Ramos House Cafe was
transformed into a restaurant in 1995. In 2020, The California State Landmark building is updated with a mesquite
Michelle and Kris Winrich took over the local grill in the kitchen. President Richard Nixon, who was born in Yorba
favorite. Linda and had his Western White House in San Clemente, enjoyed the
Order: Cinnamon apple beignets. These sweet California-Mexican food prepared by El Adobe de Capistrano’s chefs.
bites are Order: The President’s Choice combination plate, which included
an updated the former president and his wife’s favorites: chile relleno, chicken
version of the enchilada and a beef taco, with rice and beans.
cafe’s famous Walking distance from station: 0.2 mile; 3 minutes
beignets that :: eladobedecapistrano.com
were featured
in magazines
and travelogues FKNBREAD
for decades.
Huckleberry This family owned bakery is named after the owners’ three boys:
coffee cake and Finn, Kane and Nash. The bakery is known for its sourdough bread,
basil-cured but in 2021 the kitchen expanded its offerings to include grab-and-go
salmon lox with toast points are other new menu items such as salads and sandwiches. The bakery rotates a selection of
options worth a try. scones, pastries, cookies and pies.
Walking distance from station: 344 feet; Order: Grab a loaf of sourdough; for sweets, try a baklava croissant.
1 minute Walking distance from station: 410 feet; 2 minutes
:: ramoshouse.com :: fknbread.com
The bright open-air space features high ceilings, a The Los Angeles-based specialty coffee roaster grew a loyal
small market section with cookbooks, Emily Brown following in Silver Lake before expanding to Anaheim. The sleek
stoneware mugs, and a variety of wines. red exterior and modern white interior with wooden and brass
Order: Pop in for brunch and cocktails. The classic evokes a museum-boutique atmosphere.
croque madame is the safe and tasty way to commence. Order: A classic breakfast sandwich with Neuske’s bacon, the
Eggplant toast (think: avocado toast upgraded) and the Valrhona mocha and the Japanese iced coffee.
za’atar-spiced chicken served on the weekend Supper Walking distance from station: 0.7 mile; 14 minutes
Club menu showcase the kitchen’s modern take on :: lamillcoffee.com/pages/anaheim
California-Mediterranean cuisine.
Walking distance from station: 167 feet; 1 minute
:: mayfieldoc.com
TREVOR’SATTHETRACKS The microbrewery is a local favorite with a rotating tap list.
The large steel water tower marks the
The space itself attracts architecture aficionados with its brewery’s entrance. Though it doesn’t have
1894 Mission Revival-style exterior. While the building a kitchen, there is a rotating list of local
and proximity to the tracks evoke a nostalgic vibe, the food trucks and pitmasters who sell food
menu is modern Californian. The restaurant sources to pair with Noble Ale Works beers.
locally from The Ecology Center; it serves salads Order: Ask in the tasting room about the
and flatbreads along with nostalgic desserts. Owner monthly specials and what’s best on tap at
Trevor Baird dedicates his time to the community the moment.
by supporting organizations such as South County Walking distance from station: 0.9 mile; 19 minutes
Outreach, a nonprofit that helps prevent homelessness :: noblebeertogo.square.site
in OC.
Order: The Southern seafood chowder and Nonna’s
Sicilian cannolis are great bookends to a meal. The
ahi tuna nachos and the Farm Stand Feaster prepared
with vegetables from The Ecology Center are sharable
starters that showcase the area’s abundance.
Walking distance from station: 49 feet; 1 minute
:: trevorsatthetracks.com
Keizo Shimamoto made it his life’s mission to craft
ramen. He developed several recipes after traveling
around Japan and the United States. His goal: devour
as many bowls of ramen as possible. These taste GOLDENROADBREWINGANAHEIM
memories, travels and the evolution of his soup bases
are represented on his menu. Broths range from The award-winning brewery expanded into Anaheim with an
traditional tonkatsu (pork) to chicken with dashi and a industrial-style pub that features 30 beers on tap. The outdoor
completely vegan version. space is welcoming for large groups and pets. The indoor
Order: The classic Tonkatsu is where most diners start, ambiance feels like a Southern California biergarten.
but the vegan Capistrano shoyu ramen with kabocha Order: Al pastor fries with pineapple-habanero crema, pub
broth is a true celebration of Shimamoto’s Ramen Shack pretzel with IPA beer cheese, street tacos, beer-infused flan, and
in Southern California. mango nada with mango sorbet and chamoy seasoning.
Walking distance from station: 276 feet; 1 minute Walking distance from station: 1.1 miles; 22 minutes
:: ramenshack.com :: goldenroad.la
Orange County’s award-winning distillery
updated its offerings with a full kitchen. The
outdoor patio is welcoming for imbibing in
the afternoon or brunching on the weekends.
The sleek bar inside offers an intimate tasting
room experience where guests can view the steel
drums and barrels where the distillery’s liquors
are aging to perfection.
Order: Start by sampling Blinking Owl
Distillery’s rye whiskey then move on to the
food. The Everything Bagel breakfast pizza
highlights the playful innovation of the kitchen
The next iteration of Playground, Trust and This collective of
Detention DTSA offer chef-driven meals in two restaurants highlights
formats. At Trust, chef Justin Werner presents the culinary range
thoughtful tasting in downtown Santa
menus that Ana. Hawaiian
change weekly. plate lunches at
The dinners Faka’s Island Grill,
ON The gastropub-style
menu is boosted by the
kitchen’s attention to
The historic station here
has been operational sourcing. The restaurant
since 1865 and houses two is a popular watering
depots: one built by the hole in the evenings,
Union Pacific Railroad in but its brunch offerings
1923 and another built by (including chilaquiles
Atchison, Topeka and Santa and French toast) are
Fe Railway in 1930. Both worth a visit earlier in
are listed on the National the day.
Register of Historic Places. Order: A burger –
Explore the city’s history simple, classic and done
Since 1969, this old school, leather-boothed restaurant has been an
under-the-radar Fullerton dining destination. Complete with oddities,
local lore and old Hollywood stories – this is the place where Richard
The Michelin-award winning restaurant
showcases chef Ali Mookhi’s cooking, which
encompasses flavors from Pakistan and India.
The Halal-friendly menu and alcohol-free
cocktails create a tapestry of flavors that
illustrate Mookhi’s love of street food.
Order: Pani puri, butter chicken and tandoor-
fired naan.
Walking distance from station: 0.2 mile;
5 minutes
Steps from the museum center, this popular
dessert chain serves Japanese-style taiyaki
waffles stuffed with Nutella, custard or cheese.
The shop is intended for takeaway orders with ROMANCUCINA
a small seating area.
Order: The uber photogenic matcha ice cream The family run, red sauce Italian restaurant is an Orange County favorite
stuffed taiyaki with custard and chocolate for families and Cal State Fullerton students. Casual décor, string lights,
cookie crumbles. wooden bar and big-screen TVs add to the ambience.
Walking distance from station: 0.3 mile; Order: Calamari fritti and pasta with chicken covered in rosa sauce.
6 minutes Walking distance from station: 0.2 mile; 4 minutes
:: somisomi.com :: romancucinafullerton.com
Since 1959, this homestyle Aurora Guerrero
Mexican-American restaurant opened her nondescript
has served countless visitors stand in 1934. Since
to Olvera Street in downtown then, this family owned
Los Angeles. The Berber shop put taquitos on
family managed the restaurant the map. The shredded
for decades with grandson beef rolled in a corn
Gregory taking the reins. After tortilla and lightly
all these years, most of the fried and covered with
menu remains unchanged – green avocado sauce
when something works, why seems ubiquitous with
change it? – with Michoacan California Mexican
Mexican influences. cuisine, but it all started
This family owned Japanese confectionary shop is one of the oldest running
businesses in Little Tokyo. Known for its pounded sweet rice desserts filled with red
Azuki beans, this small storefront is one of the only places to prepare this delicacy.
Order: Peanut butter manju or seasonal strawberry-infused white bean manju dotted
The izakaya-style restaurant features an
As one of L.A. Chinatown’s expansive menu ranging from sukiyaki to The museum’s tea room
oldest businesses, Phoenix hamburger with brown gravy over rice. serves an English-style
Bakery holds a special place in The wooden booths and sushi bar give the afternoon tea with tiered
the hearts of locals. restaurant a laid-back atmosphere. But the towers of sandwiches,
Order: Birthday cakes long list of menu items and the speedy pace of scones and pastries. The
flavored with strawberries, the servers keep this Little Tokyo restaurant wide selection of tea options
almond cookies and sticky popular with locals seeking a casual albeit well- and comprehensive menu
sugar “butterflies.” During the executed meal. enhance the experience.
Lunar New Year, mooncakes Order: Daikoku ramen with tonkatsu broth Order: Afternoon tea
are the confections to order. and chashu. service.
Walking distance from Walking distance from station: 0.6 mile; Walking distance from
station: 0.8 mile; 18 minutes 13 minutes station: 0.5 mile; 10 minutes
:: phoenixbakeryinc.com :: group.bishamon-ten.com/daikokuya/littletokyo :: chadotearoom.com
This Cantonese-style This Arts District retreat is a feast for the eyes. Occupying
restaurant located in the the former Globe Mills complex, the restaurant features
go. But the lamb dipped sandwich is a must-try only Walking distance from
available at Philippe. station: 0.3 mile;
Walking distance from station: 0.3 mile; 6 minutes 8 minutes
:: philippes.com :: littlejewel.la
Experience the
delightful down-market
for budget gourmets
in Paso Robles
A h, wine country! The long drives on bumpy backroads, the pricey tasting rooms that look
like Versailles, the smelly winery dog lounging at your feet. Wouldn’t it be nice to just park
yourself in an interesting urban neighborhood, walk around and sample unusual wines in hip,
casual surroundings, maybe shop for a picnic, and enjoy a really good meal – or even a tasty craft
beer – between tasting room visits?
Welcome to Tin City, emblematic of
a trend that’s transforming California’s
wine world and drawing in people who
wouldn’t be caught dead on a “wine
Neighborhoods like Tin City, near
Paso Robles on the Central Coast,
were born out of economic necessity.
In many California wine regions,
success has come at a cost – literally.
Smaller winemakers looking to open
production facilities and tasting
rooms have found themselves priced
out of rapidly appreciating real
estate markets. Rents in downtown
neighborhoods, where off-the-beaten-
track wineries can showcase their
products to a bigger audience, are
often beyond their reach.
And over the last decade, the tastes
and habits of wine consumers have
changed as well. Younger wine lovers
are more interested in an intimate
and casual experience that involves
meeting the winemaker, seeing how
wine is produced as they taste it, and
experiencing wine as part of a larger
sensory, aesthetic and gustatory
The result has been the emergence
of consumer-friendly wine
480 Marquita Ave., Suite B, Paso Robles; 3070 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
805-235-1947 805-369-2787
:: allagowines.com :: mcpheescanteen.com
BarrelHouse Brewing Co. MCV Wines
3055 Limestone Way, Paso Robles; 3773 Ruth Way, Suite A, Paso Robles;
805-296-1128 805-712-4647
:: barrelhousebrewing.com :: mcvwines.com
Benom Wines Monochrome Wines
3050 Limestone Way, Paso Robles; 3075 Blue Rock Road, Paso Robles;
run by Brian and Stephanie Terrizzi. 805-674-2160
:: benomwines.com
:: monochromewines.com
The feel of Tin City is industrial Brian Benson Cellars
chic with a touch of farmhouse. It’s 2915 Limestone Way, Paso Robles; Negranti Creamery
805-296-3838 2989 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
cozy and casual. Metal siding is the 805-369-2663
:: brianbensoncellars.com
dominant building material, but :: negranticreamery.com
its hard-edged look is softened by Cloak & Dagger Wines
Ruth Way, Paso Robles; 310-877-0210 Nicora
gentle pastel colors and the wineries’ 2945 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
:: cloakanddaggerwines.com
whimsical and imaginative logos. 805-400-0039
CONCUR Wines :: nicorawine.com
Some winemakers have indulged in
flights of fancy in their designs. The 2945 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
805-242-9463 Olivas de Oro
tasting room at Field Recordings, :: concurwines.com 2989-B Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
for example, has been meticulously :: olivasdeoro.com
constructed to look like a high school 3060 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
gymnasium, down to realistic details 805-434-9611 ONX Wines
:: desparada.com 2910 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
such as team pennants and lockers 805-434-5607
lining the walls. Emercy Wines :: onxwines.com
Murals and other works of art dot 3775 Ruth Way, Suite A, Paso Robles;
Powell Mountain Cellars
the Tin City landscape. Even the 805-221-5840
:: emercywines.com 3050 Blue Rock Road, Paso Robles;
nearby railroad tracks seem to have 805-434-8097
End of the Day Wines :: powellmountaincellars.com
been included in the design aesthetic.
On some patios, you can watch 2915 Limestone Way, Paso Robles; 805-237-1480 Sans Liege Wines
:: endofthedaywines.com 2995 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
passenger and freight trains whiz by
just a few feet away. Etto Pastificio :: sansliege.com
One of Tin City’s biggest attractions 3070 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
805-400-3193 Six Test Kitchen
is convenience. You can hit several :: ettopastificio.com
3075 Blue Rock Road, Paso Robles
tasting rooms, sip a craft beer for :: sixtestkitchen.com
Field Recordings
contrast, eat a great meal, and even 3070 Limestone Way, Suite C, Paso Robles;
do a little grocery shopping without 805-503-9660 The Fableist
:: fieldrecordingswine.com 3005 Limestone Way, Suite A, Paso Robles;
getting into your car. 805-246-1431
“This is an area with lots of different Giornata :: fableistwine.com
things to do,” Strekas says. “I think 470 Marquita Ave., Suite A, Paso Robles;
Tin City Cider Co.
we do see a more diverse crowd here 805-434-3075
:: giornatawine.com 3005 Limestone Way, Suite A, Paso Robles;
than at the winery, and it gives us 805-293-6349
Hubba Wines :: tincitycider.com
the chance to introduce ourselves to
2929 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
people who otherwise might not be 805-550-8190 Turtle Rock Vineyards
into wine culture.” :: hubbawines.com 3075 Blue Rock Road, Unit A, Paso Robles;
But perhaps Tin City’s best asset is :: turtlerockvineyards.com
Jacob Toft
that it’s a much-needed antidote to the 2929 Limestone Way, Suite A, Paso Robles;
traditional wine country experience. 805-550-1633 Union Sacré Winery
:: jacobtoft.com 460 Marquita Ave., Paso Robles;
It makes a sometimes rarified world 805-369-2777
more approachable, less clubby, and Kaleidos :: unionsacre.com
part of a larger and more diverse 3075 Blue Rock Road, Paso Robles;
805-226-0828 Wine Shine
landscape. And you won’t run across a :: kaleidoswine.com 3064 Limestone Way, Paso Robles;
single winery dog, overpriced gift shop 805-286-4453
Level 3 Wines :: wineshine.com
or pushy wine club salesperson. 2915 Limestone Way, Paso Robles; 805-238-2719
:: level3wines.com
survival guide
BY JENNY PETERS Here’s what to plan
eekend getaways are a perfect
way to shift perspective
for a weekend
escape, whether it’s a
There’s much to enjoy at the 66 tribal
casinos found throughout California,
including 29 here in SoCal. But there
are a few things you will not find in the
Golden State’s tribal casinos. There’s no
sports betting allowed (although that’s
expected to change come November’s
election), and when you play anything in
a tribal casino — from slots to card or dice
games — you will never be served a free
alcoholic beverage. By law, tribal casinos
can sell you a cocktail, but can never give
you one for free.
Here is our guide to the best that SoCal
has to offer:
The Venetian
Mixologists across SoCal are
redefining cocktail culture with
enticing non-alcoholic options
Thankfully, yes.
quality ingredients. Solstice slew of delicious agua frescas.
in Irvine is a prime example Stopping by the recently re-
of respecting seasonal flavors opened W. Wolfskill nearby
and incorporating them into also is recommended. Your guide to finding places mentioned in the story:
their mocktails — or, as they For those looking for a
call them, “un-cocktails.” day trip south to Oceanside, Accomplice Hollywood; 323-978-2170
Their star, named Un-Tequila Carte Blanche is the stop 3811 Grand View Blvd., Los :: graciasmadre.co
Cocktail 1, contains aloe for you before or after your Angeles; 310-574-7610
juice, house-made grenadine, beach day. There is truly no :: littlefattyla.com/ Khan Saab Desi
hibiscus tea, sage, jalapeño lack of options to enjoy, no accomplice Craft Kitchen
essence, lime juice, sage matter which direction you’re 229 E. Commonwealth Ave.,
leaves and dried hibiscus heading. Bathtub Gin Unit A, Fullerton;
petals. 7174 Melrose Ave., Los 714-853-1081
Gracias Madre, which has FOR THE HOMEBODIES Angeles; 323-433-7960 :: khansaaboc.com
locations in both Newport For those who still want :: bathtubginnyc.com/
Beach and West Hollywood, to enjoy at home, there’s location/bathtub-gin-la Maestro
also features bar programs a wealth of companies 110 E. Union St., Pasadena;
bustling with flavor that with no-ABV products to Broadway by 626-787-1512
always consider a non- enjoy while still supporting Amar Santana :: maestropasadena.com
drinker’s needs. Their “Piña” local businesses. Greenbar 328 Glenneyre St., Laguna
mocktail — with pineapple, Distillery and AMASS Beach; 949-715-8234 Palenque by Mezcal
lemon, chili mango tea and Botanics, both in Los :: broadwayby 3737 Main St., Riverside;
spicy salt — is a crowd- Angeles, offer non-alcoholic amarsantana.com 951-888-2240
pleaser. products packed with :: palenquekitchen.com/
flavor (AMASS Riverine Carte Blanche location/palenque
dishes, just as if you were in
a restaurant.”
After training in France for 12
years with a variety of masterful
chefs, Lefebvre came to Los Angeles
and was soon awarded the Mobil
Travel Guide Five Star Award at two
different restaurants, L’Orangerie in
1999 and 2000 and Bastide in 2006.
He has been credited with birthing
the pop-up restaurant concept and
BY SUSAN HORNIK igniting its viability as a business
model with his restaurant tour,
“LudoBites,” which ran from 2007-
You might expect a master chef who co-hosts and co-judges a 2012.
cooking television series to have an elaborate home kitchen, but The veteran chef says he’s been
having a blast co-hosting/judging
Ludo Lefebvre has more of a modest French aesthetic. his new TBS show, “Rat in the
Kitchen.” The series follows a mix of
“It’s not big, but it’s functional,” acknowledges the classically professional chefs and home cooks
trained culinary star who enjoys cooking in his Encino kitchen. as they compete in creative cooking
challenges for a cash prize.
“I love using my beautiful stove cook at home is roasted “crispy and But there’s a twist: the contestants
and my microplane grating tools,” he juicy” chicken and potatoes. “I love have to avert the meddling of an
says. “I am obsessed with citrus, and steaming potatoes! I absolutely love to undercover “rat,” who is determined
love how well it works with fruits and cook for my friends and family.” to sabotage the dishes and undermine
vegetables.” For anyone working on sprucing their victory.
One of Lefebvre’s favorite dishes to up their kitchen, Lefebvre offers a “It’s such a fun show; I have loved
on his show, you can find Lefebvre from. It’s really all about finding the I love hearing what people like to eat
shopping at the local farmers freshest ingredients so you can make and drink.”
markets, buying fresh vegetables, fish, great meals.” Look out for the veteran chef to
meat, cheese and chicken. Always looking for inspiration, open a new restaurant in Los Angeles
“I like to go with my kids on Lefevre still heads back to France by the end of the year.
Trust exercise
Finding faith in humanity on a trip to Tanzania
s the dim lights of downtown Moshi We were in Tanzania for a trip I’d longed to take
disappeared in our rearview mirror, my since I was a child, growing up among squirrels
husband squeezed my hand across the and deer in Big Bear while dreaming of giraffes
backseat and flashed me the look. and elephants in Africa. We originally had a safari
The sun had set hours ago on this town at the booked to celebrate my 40th birthday, which,
base of Mount Kilimanjaro. Our new friend
miserably, fell in fall 2020. We postponed a year.
Magembe drove – and drove and drove and drove –
And in September 2021, fully vaccinated and tested
promising a taste of local nightlife ahead.
multiple times over, we were fortunate enough to
In the glow of the dashboard, my husband’s face
reflected what I was feeling: We either made a celebrate our 10th anniversary with this trip of a
horrible mistake, or we’re gonna have one hell lifetime just before the Omicron wave.
of a story. It was the first trip we’d taken since the pandemic
Every true traveler has surely made that face at hit. While I’d traveled to six continents and hiked
least once. By “true traveler,” I mean those who into the Amazon and jumped out of an airplane,
don’t stick to the well-worn tourist circuits. Who I found myself feeling more anxious than usual
at least occasionally venture off on some sideways on this adventure – and it wasn’t just the virus.
adventures – much like this one, which left my Watching our collective response to the pandemic
husband and I exchanging that look in the back of had left me feeling a bit jaded about humanity.
Of course, my day job probably didn’t help. I cover state determination, even coupled with careful precautions, can
and federal politics for the Orange County Register. Don’t guarantee we won’t get the virus. And if we do, it’s not just us
tell the lawmakers on my beat, but while I’m a naturally we’re putting at risk.
curious person, I’m also pretty trusting. During 16 years as Then there’s my work again. Somewhere amid fights over
a journalist, I’ve trained myself to be more skeptical and to masks and elections, I accepted that it didn’t matter how
question people’s motives. So, it can feel like a constant tug- many experts I interviewed or how clear I tried to make the
of-war between being a sucker and being cynical. information; there simply were facts some readers weren’t
The latter has been winning out in recent years, given how going to accept.
partisan everything has become. I get my share of trolls. Both situations had left me feeling powerless. But I knew,
There have been some sexist email rants I won’t repeat. Even once again, that travel could help. And I carried all of those
some death threats. In short, my faith in humanity was at an hopes and fears as I slid into Magembe’s backseat with
all-time low when we boarded a plane to Tanzania. my husband that September night, on our first full day in
Always before, travel has helped. And there’s research to Tanzania.
explain why. We’d met Magembe 12 hours before, when he pulled into
People who’ve visited multiple countries tend to have the red clay driveway of our Moshi hotel. We’d hired him
a greater sense of “generalized trust,” according a 2013 to lead us on a hike to the Materuni waterfall and a tour of
study, “Does Travel Broaden the Mind?” This “belief in a nearby coffee farm. After hours of chit-chat that turned
the benevolence of human nature” is less about particular into deeper conversation, and laughter as we slipped along
interactions along the way, which can of course be positive muddy clay paths and toasted banana wine, we felt we’d
or negative, and more about interacting with diverse groups made a new friend.
of people. While a focus on finding similarities can be We mentioned we wanted to grab a drink later that night,
comforting, the study found the more travelers recognize and Magembe jumped at the chance to show us his favorite
and appreciate the differences in foreign cultures, the local spot. So, we made plans over WhatsApp to reconnect.
more that sense of generalized Expecting a quick trip to a nearby
trust grows. bar, we started to question our life
Having more faith in the choices after Magembe had been
humans around you is “a key driving for 30 minutes with no
element of successful societies,” businesses in sight. Suddenly, a
the researchers wrote. Generalized large, open-air bar emerged on the
trust is linked to greater civic outskirts of Moshi town. Five hours
engagement, economic growth and multiple karaoke performances
and social capital, where people later, we’d had a night to remember,
of all backgrounds can work making more new friends along
together toward common goals. So, the way. (Pro tip: “Sweet Caroline”
between isolation brought on by is a sure hit in Tokyo, not so much
the pandemic and hyper-partisan in Moshi. Crickets…) Magambe
times that have driven us further dropped us safely back at our hotel.
into our own bubbles, it’s little Chris and Brooke Staggs pose for a picture outside their We tipped him, unable to repay him
wonder our sense of generalized camp before setting off on a safari excursion in Serengeti for all he’d given us.
trust is floundering. National Park during a fall 2021 trip. Of course, no single trip can fully
Perhaps even more concerning, heading into our Tanzania restore rattled confidence or faith in humankind. But, as
trip, I’d been feeling a lack of confidence in one particular that 2013 study showed, it’s the breadth of encounters that
human – me. add up.
If my years of traveling have taught me anything, it’s that In my tally, I count Kim Anh, a waitress at a restaurant
I can get myself through many sticky situations. There was in Dalat, Vietnam, who took friends and I on a tour of her
the time guards started waving their guns and screaming university and, by day’s end, told us, “You are my happiness.”
at us in Vietnamese when we tried to take photos of the I count Alfredo, who cleared a snake from our tent in the
arched gate along the road into Cambodia. Also, the time Amazon and sang a traditional song as fireflies glowed
our horseback guide in the mountains above Cusco in Peru around us. I count Magembe.
dropped us off on a remote street just after dusk, or when Tanzania reminded me that some of my most cherished
I got pick-pocketed on the streets of San Jose, Costa Rica. moments from trips over the years – the ones that sustain
These moments rattled me, but I dealt with them and came me when work or a pandemic have me homebound – have
out the other side feeling more confident and emboldened to come from times I’ve taken a chance and had some faith in
keep exploring. people. And it helped me realize I still want to give people
The pandemic is something else. No amount of self- that chance.
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