Case Digest 2 PAT 17 20
Case Digest 2 PAT 17 20
Case Digest 2 PAT 17 20
L-16318 October 21, 1921 originally binding upon all parties participating
in it.
plaintiffs-appellees, HELD
LO SENG, defendant-appellant. NO. The bad faith of the plaintiffs in seeking to
FACTS deprive the defendant of this lease is strikingly
revealed in the circumstance that prior to the
Lo Seng and Pang Lim, Chinese residents of the acquisition of this property Pang Lim had been
City of Manila, were partners, under the firm partner with Lo Seng and Benito Galvez an
name of Lo Seng and Co., in the business of employee. Both therefore had been in relations
running a distillery, known as "El Progreso," in of confidence with Lo Seng and in that position
Paombong, Bulacan. The land on which said
had acquired knowledge of the possibilities of
distillery is located as well as the buildings and
improvements originally used in the business the property and possibly an experience which
were leased from Lo Yao, to the firm of Lo Seng would have enabled them, in case they had
and Co. for the term of three years. Upon the acquired possession, to exploit the distillery with
expiration of this lease a new written contract, profit. On account of his status as partner in the
represented by one Lo Shui as attorney in fact, firm of Lo Seng and Co., Pang Lim knew that
became effective whereby the lease was
the original lease had been extended for fifteen
extended for fifteen years. It was agreed that the
improvements should be effected at the expense years; and he knew the extent of valuable
of the lessees. improvements that had been made thereon.
Certainly, as observed in the appellant's brief, it
Pang Lim after some time sold all his interest in would be shocking to the moral sense if the
the distillery to his partner Lo Seng, thus placing condition of the law were found to be such that
the latter in the position of sole owner. Lo Shui,
again acting as attorney in fact of Lo Yao, Pang Lim, after profiting by the sale of his
executed and acknowledged before a notary interest in a business, worthless without the
public a deed purporting to convey to Pang Lim lease, could intervene as purchaser of the
and another Chinaman named Benito Galvez, property and confiscate for his own benefit the
the entire distillery plant including the land used. property which he had sold for a valuable
consideration to Lo Seng. The sense of justice
Thereafter Pang Lim and Benito Galvez
demanded possession from Lo Seng, but the recoils before the mere possibility of such
latter refused to yield; and the present action of eventuality.
unlawful detainer was initiated by Pang Lim and
Benito Galvez to recover possession of the Above all other persons in business relations,
premises. partners are required to exhibit towards each
other the highest degree of good faith. In fact the
From the decision of the justice of the peace the relation between partners is essentially fiduciary,
case was appealed to the Court of First Instance,
where judgment was rendered for the plaintiffs, each being considered in law, as he is in fact, the
Pang Lim and Benito Galvez. The defendant confidential agent of the other. It is therefore
thereupon appealed to the Supreme Court. accepted as fundamental in equity jurisprudence
that one partner cannot, to the detriment of
ISSUES another, apply exclusively to his own benefit the
Whether or not Pang Lim and Benito Galvez, as results of the knowledge and information gained
purchasers of the estate, are at liberty to in the character of partner. Thus, it has been held
terminate the lease, assuming that it was that if one partner obtains in his own name and
for his own benefit the renewal of a lease on Furthermore, every partner becomes a trustee for
property used by the firm, to commence at a date his co-partner with regard to any benefits or
subsequent to the expiration of the firm's lease, profits derived from his act as partner (Art.
1807, New Civil Code).
the partner obtaining the renewal is held to be a
constructive trustee of the firm as to such lease. Consequently, when Catalan redeemed the
And this rule has even been applied to a renewal properties in question, he became a trustee and
taken in the name of one partner after the held the same in trust for his co-partner
dissolution of the firm and pending its Gatchalian, subject to his right to demand from
liquidation. the latter his contribution to the amount of
redemption. The principle of subrogation cannot
ELIGIO CATALAN v. RAMON be applied because at the time Catalan redeemed
GATCHALIAN the property, Dr. Marave, the purchaser at public
G. R. No. L-11648 auction, had not yet become the absolute owner
April 22, 1959 of said properties. He never received the definite
and formal certificate of sale constituting
muniment of title, for the reason that redemption
FACTS: was made. Consequently, there was no title to
Eligio Catalan and Ramon Gatchalian, as the properties which he could convey to Catalan
partners, mortgaged to Dr. Dionisio Marave two as redemptioner.
lots in Tacloban City, including the
improvements thereon, all belonging to the
partnership, to secure the payment of a loan. The
partnership failed to pay the loan; the mortgage G.R. No. L-14617
was foreclosed and the properties were sold at HANLON vs.HAUSSERMAN and BEAM
public auction to Dr. Marave. February 18, 1920