Developments in Refractories For Plasma Technology
Developments in Refractories For Plasma Technology
Developments in Refractories For Plasma Technology
As many of these problems are common to a.c. open-bath furnaces, they can
can be remedied by the use of existing technology, for instance by the
introduction of water cooling to minimize erosion of the sidewalls. This
cooling can be extended further to facilitate the formation of a protective
layer of frozen slag or unreacted feed material at the side walls, which
effectively separates the refractory from the molten metal and slag in the
Studies of thermal plasma-arc technology and its potential advantages
over conventional processes for high-temoerature extractive metallurgy
were started at the Council for Mineral Technology (Mintekl in the
mid-1970s. This work was undertaken because the effect of this
rapidly developing technology on conventional processes and equipment
like the submerged-arc electric smelting furnace needed to be evaluated.
The work was regarded as being in the national interest, because it
involved the determination of the amenability of local materials to
processing, technically and economically, in the various types of plasma
systems that were being developed. Mintek also approached industry, in
particular ferro-a 11 oy producers, to draw their attention to these new
deve 1opmen ts.
ces, and
Dire ct or alter natin g curre nt can be used in plasma furna
.: are two
hence two or more elec trica l conta cts are requ ired. There
basic electri cal config uration s: non-tra nsferre d and transfe rred arc
(Fig. 1 ). In the non-tra nsferre d-arc mode, the plasma is generated
between two electro des (positi ve and negativ e) located inside the
device , which is usually called a plasma torch. In the transfe rred-
arc system, the plasma arc is transfe rred from the device (conunonly
connected as the negativ e) to an externa l electro de, which usually
takes the fonn of the materi al to be processed (e.g. a molten bath).
jacket column
Plasma tail flame
Non-tr ansferr ed-arc plasma devices were developed origin ally from arc
gas heaters .and are typifie d by the Westinghouse arc gas heater
(Fig. 2). The arc heater consis ts basica lly of a closely spaced pair
of tubula r water-c ooled copper electro des within which an electr ic arc
is magne tically rotated at extremely high veloci ties. Process gas is
,. injecte d through the gap between the two electro des and drags the arc
to the interio r of the arc chamber, while the superheated gas is
directe d into the proces s.Another example of the non-tr ansfer red-arc
system is the SKF plasma genera tor (Fig. 3).
Magne tic field Replac eable
coils electro des
Plasm a
tail nam~
Magn etic
Electr ode
Fig. 3. Schem atic of SKF tubula r arc heater device
number of
This system shows grea t pote ntial for appl icati on to a
y is most
meta llurg ical react ions because the inten sive thermal energ
it is
effec tivel y direc ted at, and trans ferre d to, the mate rial
processing. Examples of transferred-arc plasma devices are the plasma
torches of the Plasma Energy Corporation 3 (Fig. 4) and Tetronics
Research and Development Ltd 4 (Fig. 5).
Plasma gas
Molten bath
Transferred arc
. - Argon gas
Nozzle cooling
• •
Ndule I '---- Tungsten cathode
Fig. 5. T.R.0."s water-cooled translerr.ed-arc torch with rod cathode electrode'
A large number of metallu rgical processes have been carried out in a
variety of laborato ry and industr ial plasma furnaces . P·lasma
applica tions in metallu rgy were recently reviewed by Barcza and Stewart
and by Reid . Most of these furnaces are essenti ally electric -arc
furnaces in which the carbon electrod es have been replaced by one or
more plasma torches and, consequ ently, the conventional electric arcs
have been changed to plasma arcs by the use of controll ed input of gas.
Four d.c. transfer red-arc plasma furnaces rated respecti vely at 50 kVA,
100 kVA, 200 kW, and 3,2 MVA have been installe d in the pilot bays at
Mintek. These furnaces have the same basic configu ration., although
they differ in size and design details.
800 A) at arc lengths of between 50 and 150mm. Argon and nitrogen are
Feed port
Ceramic wool
tube --~--Magnesia lining
Thermoco uples Metal
- .·. .
By 1981, Mintek's involvement in plasma processes had reached the stage
where it was necessary for the d.c. transferred-arc furnace to be proved
at the pilot scale. It was then decided that a 3,2 MVA furnace should be
built, since it would provide useful scale-up data for industry at the
1 to 2 MW power levels.
The criteria for refractory design were based rather on the proving of
the thennal efficiency of this type of reactor than on the adoption of
the approach involving high throughput versus high heat loss, which is
used in current open-arc technology. The details of the refractory
lining are shown in Fig. 7, which indicates the use of substantial
insulating material, particularly in the furnace hearth.
Position of
off-gas ducts
High-alumina castable
(900/o AliOJ)
Insulating brick
(340Jo Ali03)
1,0 !11
The respective average projected temperatures for the side wall and
the hearth shell were 120 and 140°C for heat flows of 11,0 kW per metre
of side-wall height and 1,0 kW per square metre of hearth. During the
final stages of the commissioning run in May 1983, hot spots were
noticed around the gas off-takes. It was later confirmed that these
hot spots had developed because.the brickwork in this area had collapsed.
Fig. 8. Photograph showing fusion of insulation and resultant collapse of hot-face brickwork
At that stage, successful'test work on the smaller 100 kVA scale had led to
the realization that a h~gh-power·, high-throughpu t operation was necessary
for reliable furnace -performance in smaller vessels with a more conductive
lining. The philosophy is similar to that used· in the design of ultra-high
... ~;;.. power (UHP) steelmaking furnaces, i.e. that extra losse.s".._of heat energy are
more than compensated for by high throughputs and short turn-around times,
provided that it is borne in mind that the plasma operation is essentially ..
not a batch process except for the intermittent tapping.
It was also noted that substantial thermal shock damage
(spalling) had occurred in the hot face brickwork in the upper
sidewalls. The 3,2 MVA furnace was subsequently relined with a
hot-face of chromate bonded magnesia ramming, but subsequent
courses of direct-bonded magnesia-chromite and magnesia ramming
were used as the safety lining in the sidewalls. Details of the
lining are given in Fig. 9.
Magnesia-chromite brick
(30% Cr203)
By then, the design temperature for the shell had risen to 258°C
for a much higher heat loss of 38 kW per metre of side-wall
height. similarly, the temperature of the hearth shell was
predicted as being 16Q°C for a heat loss of 1,4 kW per square
.metre of hearth-shell area. However, side-wall temperatures were
not considered to be high enough to warrant the use of wa~er
cooling. A 10-·day smelting campaign was carried out with the
above lining strategy ~n which some 85 toris of slag and metal
were tapped at an average tapping ternperature·of 165o c. Average
Baked S0derberg electrode Off-gas
paste Feed port port port
\J L7
Alumina fibre
'sight tube' IJIE .,
Metal heel
Datum line
Mild- - -
D\ J
wt 'j"
Roof erosion
Radiation --+----.,f----4t
of anode
down of that anode and the break-o ut of slag and m~tal from the •
A1 ternative hearth designs have been adopted by ASEA of Sweden
and Didier 10
of West Germany. These involve the use of an
electrically conducting refractory hearth. The ASEA design is
shown schematically in Fig. 12.
or bars De-slagging port
or ramming·
and insulation bricks
from the furnace hearth. However, this is a complex design, which must
allow for the exact matching of joint tolerances and thermal expansion
to avoid the opening-up of joints, leading to metal penetration or loss
of electrical continuity.
The Didier design also uses metallic conductor s, but in the form
of metal rods connected to an external steel plate attached to
the underside of the furnace. As with the ASEA design, the
hearth refractor y consists of successiv e layers of graphite-
containin g refractory , with a working hearth of magnesia-
containin g chromic oxide.
The concept of a conductin g hearth was also adopted by Mintek,
but simpler hearth designs were used that require the use of only
one refractor y. Two different designs were tested successfu lly
on the 100 and 200 kW furnace facilitie s.
penetrate to the bath of molten metal, and have a total cross- '" .·I
sectional area designed to carry more than the full current I
pins are selected so that the energy flow by thermal conduction
will be restricte d in the hearth area directly beneath the arc-
attachment zone. This limits the flow of energy that the collector
plate is required to dissipate so that reasonabl e temperatures can
be maintained. The internal metal collector plate then distribut es
the thermal load and collects the current load from each pin. It
are in the form of a rammable for the small-sca le 'pot-test ' and
100 kVA furnaces, or interlock ing bricks with an integral collector -
plate design for the 200 ·kV/ furnace (Figs. 14 and 15 respectiv ely).
Pre fired Rammed
magnesia-----+-+!-'- magnesia-graphite
crucible hearth refractory
Collector ------r-tF=~~"~~~=:U--+-- collector
pins plate
Anode attachment
Collector to furnace shell
Electrical properties. The excellent combination of properties
that can be achieved by the introduction of substantial
proportions of flake graphite as a matrix component in magnesia-
11 1
based refractories is well-documented - "'t. However, although
these properties are of relevance in a conducting hearth refractory,
it is the electrical properties imparted by the graphite which
are the most important, and the graphite flakes must be distributed so
that a continuous network is formed in the brick matrix (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16. The optical microstructure of magnesia-graphite conducting hearth refractory. The
continuity of the graphite network (G) around the grains of periclase (P) can be seen
In order that the conductiv ity of these materials could be
assessed, the electrica l resistivi ty of rammed and cured specimens
of 150mm length and 50mm diameter were determined. A simple
measuring technique was used, which had been developed for the
determina tion of the electrica l resistivi ty of electrode paste •
The measurements obtained on fused grain magnesia-graphite
materials containin g up to 40 per cent graphite are shown in Fig. 17.
I =Test pieces containing
synthetic graphite
2 =Test pieces containing
E 10-J natural flake graphite
c: 8
u 10-4
c; 8
·.::: 6
uu 4
Ei 2
10- $
10 20 30 40
Graphite content, OJo by mass
Fig. 17. Electrical resistivity versus graphite content for materials containing natural flake and
synthetic graphites at room temperature
apparently marginally more effective as a matrix conductor than
synthetic 1 graphite (ground electrode stubs), possibly because
of its greater degree of graphitizat ion as the theoretical
atomic-packing density is approached.
Analyses of fines as received and after re-
melting. Composition, % by mass
Si Mn Fe c Cr Ca
On the larger 100 kVA scale, successful chromite-smelti n9 trials
lasting many days were carried out using a rammed hearth containing
30 per cent graphite. Further trials are in progress in the larger
200 kW furnace using the bricked version as a preliminary stage
so that the suitability for scale-up can be assessed.
Initial results from these trials, which involved the remelting of ORI,
have indicated that power densities of 2,0 MW/m2 and above, at feed
rates exceeding 500 kg/hr, are possible with the bricked hearth design.
Use of alternative materials. Other materials are being
conducting phase.
10- J
E Alumina;-26070 graphite
c: 10-.
>: 8
~ 4
-;:; • I
u 2
<J 10- ~
10- ,,
···:-> ·- ·II
Fig. 18. Electrical resistivity versus temperature for magnesia-graphite, alumina-graphite, and
magnesia-ground ferrochromium materials
All three curves have a chara cteris tic shape , which is simila r to
that for semi-c onduc tors. A rapid decrea se in resiSt ivity occurs
above about 750°C, followed by a flatte ning- off above 1150 to
1200°C. This is believ ed to be due to carbon izing of the phenolic
resin bond that is common to all three mater ials, since mater ials
of simila r composition with a non-carbon yieldi ng bond (e.g. Calgon)
do not exhib it this type of curve and, in fact, exhib it little
change in restiv ity over the whole tempe rature range.
Also, the resis tivit y value s on cooli ng did not follow
heati ng-up curve and showe d only a sligh t incre ase in
resis tivit y when coole d to room temp eratu re. It would
appea r that, as the resin carbo nizes, the electr ical contac t
between the graph ite flakes improves, and contin ues to improve
until carbo nizati on is complete at 1150 to 1200°C. This indica tes
impor tant when the conducting matrix phase is delibe rately made
metal lic because, if the purity of the mater ial in the brick
matrix is equal to, or higher than that of the molten metal or
alloy in the bath, contam ination due to dissol ution of the
refrac tory matrix can be avoide d. For example, it is highly
necess ary for the fonnat ion of extrem ely stable carbid es in
titaniu m alloys to be avoide d, since even very small quant ities
of dissol ved carbon from a graph ite matrix may make ·it diffic ult.
for alloy specif icatio ns to be met.
At Mintek the problem of stray arcing to the roof was overcome mainly by
electric al means and partly by changes in refracto ry design. The
electric al method involved electric al insultat ion of the roof from the
furnace itself. Hence, the roof shell is allowed to rise electric ally to
a potentia l that could be of the order of 110 V for the 200 kW' furnace.
Safety precauti ons are necessar y to prevent personnel from acciden tally
contacti ng the roof while working on the furnace . The change in
Resilient insulation
fi - - Cooling water in
~,1--- Compressiv e
j insulation
Cooling water 1-,...+;::;:; ::=--- Purge gas in
The stray arcing associated with the water-cooled plasma torch has been
overcome successfully by the installation of graphite sleeves round the
outer copper tube 16 (Fig. 20).
- - - Clamp assembly
The choice of graphite is possibly surprisi ng at first, in view of its
high conduct ivity. However, insulati ng ceramics like alumina or
zirconia cannot be used because of the tremendously high thermal gradien ts
through the sleeve, which can be as high as 1700 to 1750°C over a radial
thicknes s of 10 to 20mm. The alternat ive approach is the use of a
materia l current ly availab le that can meet both requirem ents, i.e.
electric al conduct ivity and resistan ce to thermal shock. Open-arc
experiments with this design failed to induce any damage to the torch
due to stray arcing, even when the stray arc was deliber ately introduc ed
to the graphite sleeve as a dead short.
6 . 3. Are F1a re
(Fig. 11). Several conditio ns can lead to skewing of the arc-atta chment
point, e.g. the use of extended arcs, insuffic ient flow of gas,
unsuitab le geometry of the electrod e tip,.and asymmetrical electric al
connect ions at the anode and the cathode where electrom agnetic
interact ions with the plasma column will force it away from a •
centrali zed position . In larger furnaces these conditio ns can be
and the
remedied to a certa in exten t by a sound engin eering approach
contr ol of process varia bles. However, in small -scale react ors,
wall is much
the critic al distan ce between the electr ode tip and the side
can resul t
short er, even sligh t exposure of the side walls to arc flare
in sever e refra ctory damage.
This problem was large ly overcome at Mintek by the use of selec
es of high
placed water -coole d panel s used in conju nctio n with refra ctori
try. An
condu ctivit y, and by caref ul atten tion to elect rode- tip geome
example is given in Fig. 21, which shows a react or of pot-t est
with an enclosed coolin g jacke t of the helic al-co il type, a
il-po int'
resin-bonded magn esia-g raphi te refra ctory , and a machined 'penc
electr ode tip.
C =:r-Roof
:=...r,:;; ;::;;-._;:;;
Pencil 1. . .- - cooling 0,25m
electro de jacket ·
Ir Graphi te
~~ ........
· ....
Succe ssful trials were carri ed out with this system, up to ten
indiv idual experiments being carrie d out with a singl e rammed
with neglig ible fettlin g. Previo usly, a prefir ed 95 per cent
The pencil -point electr ode tip ensure s that the arc attach ment at the
cathod e is confined to a limite d surfac e area at the tip, and cannot
wander around the periph ery as it does with an electr ode of larger
diame ter. Typic ally, the electr ode tip has a diame ter of 15mm and a
centra l hole of Smm, whereas the standa rd electr ode used up to 200 kVA
level has a diame ter of 50mm and a centra l hole of 10mm. The smalle
centra l hole requir es that higher gas veloc ities should be generated
to mainta in a simila r gas flowra te. The higher gas veloc ities also
help to centra lize the arc. The use of water- cooled magne sia-gr aphite
aluminium, and carbon species that are dissolved in the alloy, as was
realized when inconsisten t silicon levels were obtained during the
smelting of certain ferro-alloy s. This inconsisten cy was invariably associated
the condensed fume, which had rapidly blocked the off-gas port, was
cound to contain over 90 per cent MgO, which confirmed that the intense
white flame was associated with the combustion of magnesium-metal vapour.
Some of the possible reduction reactions taking place in the furnace are
shmvn be 1ow.
+ Mg ( vap ) ' ( 1)
MgO(ref) +Si -:: SiO(vap)
and 1M + CO (vap) fA
+ '19 (vap)'
g0 (ref) + C +_
where the subscripts ref and vap refer to the refractory and the vapour
respectivel y.
1 =React ion line MgO(r<fJ + Si~SiO<••Pl + Mg<••Pl
2 =React ion line MgO(r<f) + JSi~JSi02(slag) + Mg<••pl
3 =React ion line MgO(n:I) +!Si+ CaO(,lag) ~j(2Ca0 · Si0 2 )(•I••> + M&<••Pl
4 = Reactio n Ii ne M gO(n:f) + C ~ CO<••P> + M&<••pl
---Rea ction line M&.r aim)~Mgo ••ml
200 '
PM,= 0,001 atm
--- --- ---
--- ---
--- --- - --- -
0 50
Temper ature, K
tempe rature
This simple thermodynamic approach indic ates that, at a bath
ive change
of 1600°C, none of the react ions are favoured, because a posit
in free energy is indic ated. However, at a tempe rature of 1777°C, the
reduc tion of magnesia by silico n in the presence ·of CaO to form
vapour and dicalc ium silic ate is feasi ble·( react ion 3). In the
of CaO, or where silico n monoxide is formed, the minimum react
2 and
temperatures are much highe r, i.e. 2177 and 1997°C for react ions
is the
1 respe ctive ly. Signi fican tly, the carbo n-red uctio n line ·(4)
next most favou rable , a minimum tempe rature of 1857°C being requi
favou rable
At tempe rature s above 1907°C, reduc tion by carbon becomes more
than reduc tion by silico n.
on of
It will be noted that all the above react ions involve rmati
of 1
one or more gaseous produ cts, and a magnesium parti al press ure
atmosphere. Where one or both of the parti al press ures of these speci es
are lower than 1 atmosphere, the equilibriu m will be shifted to the right
of the equation. One effect of this is that the reaction becomes
thermodynamically feasible at a lower temperatu re. Lines reflectin g the
instance, the magnesium vapour can be swept away by other furnace gases~
deliberately in such a way that it enters the furnace in close
proximity to the selectively water-cooled side walls. A thin layer of
unreacted feed is then built up at the side walls as the level of the
bath rises.
Fig. 23. Solidified plug showing freeze linir:ig of unreacted feed and slag
However, the rate at which heat can ne removed from the reactor (which
limits the power-input level) is detenntned largely by the low thennal
fi"J·: .
conductivity of the magnesia , i.e. 3,0 W/m/K.
The thennal conductivities of magnesia -graphite materials are much
higher than this 11 , typically about 20 W/m/K for a resin-bonded 80 per
cent magnesia-20 per cent graphite material, which allows for faster
rates of heat removal. The graphite content of these materials imparts
other properties that make them suitable for use in a plasma furnace,
as follows.
(a) Their resistance to thennal shock is excellent due to a minimal
degree of ceramic bonding between the magnesia grains, which
retards crack propagation through the refractory. Also, because
the graphite matrix is slightly compressible, it can absorb any
expansion of the individual magnesia grains.
(b) They have low coefficients of thermal expansion. For instance,
the typical percentage expansions of magnesia and magnesia-20 per
cent graphite material at 1200°C are 1 ,6 and 0,6 respectively .
The thennal expansions of magnesia and graphite also helps to
retard crack propagation during thermal cycling.
(c) Their low wettability by molten phases minimizes the penetration
of those phases into the open pores of the hot face.
In addition, where resin or tar bonding is used, low porosity and good
hot strength can be achieved without the need for hard firing, which is
commonly used for magnesi~ brick. This feature makes the use of rarrmed
linings in the 10 to 20 per cent graphite range very attractive for
smaller furnaces and for furnaces with complex lining de~igns that
material was limited to small-scale experiments in which 10kg of feed
material were used, and it was found that up to twelve individual
experiments could be performed with the same lining without the need for
major fettling. The cooling ability of the lining was improved further
by solid-metal cooling fins that were embedded in the refractory.
\\;.it er _ _ __
\V ater-cooling
fin Molten
Magnesia- -H.c,..c,.~~ bath
Fig. 24. Schematic representation of the system us~d In the development of the heat-flow model
., ')
This concept can be extended further in the design of slag-covered
water-cooled panels at the upper side walls. However, in view of the
danger of stray arcing to the panel, where only a thin slag cover is
present, it is unlikely that water-cooled panels will be used
extensively without a hot-face lining of refractories in d.c.
transferred-arc furnaces in the near future.
Several alumina and magnesia castables or rammables were tried in the 100
and 200 kVA furnaces, but heavy spalling and reactions with the slag and
gaseous phases in the furnace atmosphere result in poor roof life. Coked
electrode paste was tried as an alternative roof material but, although this
material could withstand the thennaJ stresses imposed by the radiation,
rapid erosion often occurred in the hottest centre section the
ingress of air through the· various roof ports, particularly where the
sealing was inadequate.
The dual requirements of high mechanical strength and a high degree of
resistance to thet111al shock were met finally by the use of a composite
material developed by the use of existing concrete technology. This
material is based on a 95 per cent alumina castable, and contains 6
per cent by mass stainless-steel fibres measuring 0,5 by 2 by 25mm,
which are produced from a type 304 - 18 per cent chromium, 8 per cent
The dried and fired properties of this material are given in Table 2,
which shows the high strength attainable.
Dried and fired properties of 95 per cent alu~ina castable
containing 6 per cent stainless-steel fibres
Property Dri ed at 11 O° C
Successful furnace campaigns were achieved with the roof design shown
schematically in Fig. 26.
Water cooling
Water-cooled Feed
t off-gas ports
Electrode port
95% alumina castable
containing 6% stainless-steel fibres
0,1 m
Fig. 26. Schematic representation of water-cooled roof consisting of 95 per cent alumina castable
containing 6 per cent stainless-steel fibres
This paper is published by pennissl.on of the Counci 1 for Mineral
Technology. The contributions of Messrs H. Lagendijk, B. Tinniswood
and B. Waldron, who conducted much of the experimental work on the
36 p'
refractories, and Messrs K.C. Nicol, M.S. Rennie, W.C.J. Cameron, and
B. Groenewald, who assisted with the work relating to control and
measurement, are gratefully acknowledged.
1. FEY, M.G., and MELILLI, W.J. The application of thermal plasma
systems to economic scale ironmaking. PREPRINT, Sth INTERNATIONAL
pp. 1-21.
2. ANON. Reduction by plasma metallurgy. MetaZZ. Plant Technol.,
38 I'