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Topics: z f ? o f 8 PJF EPRl EM-6057

Electric Power
End use
Heat pumps
Project 2783-11
Final Report
October 1988
Research Institute Technology utilization

Industrial Heat Pump Manual

Technical and Applications Resource Guide
for Electric Utilities

Prepared by
Linnhoff March, Inc.
Leesburg, Virginia
SUBJECT Industrial electric technologies

TOPICS End use Technology utilization

Electrotechnology Electrification -~
Heat pumps Industry __

AUDIENCE Customer service engineers I Marketing managers

Industrial Heat Pump Manual

Technical and Applications Resource Guide for Electric
Heat pumps can significantly improve efficiency and reduce
energy costs in industrial processing applications. This resource
guide presents the basic technical features of heat pumps,
describes the differences between industrial and commercial
units, and reviews and analyzes the domestic and worldwide
industrial market.

BACKGROUND Heat pumps can improve the efficiency of industrial processes. However,
the heat pump’s unique features make it preferred for some applications
and unsuitable for others. A good technical and economic reputation
depends on choosing the right heat pump for each situation.

OBJECTIVE To explain the use of industrial process heat pump systems, including their
benefits and proper application.

APPROACH Researchers compiled data on industrial heat pump applications, as well as

experience from government and private sources including DOE reports,
publications from the Heat Pump Technology Center of Japan, the Commis-
sion of the European Communities, and the International Union of Electro-
heat. In addition, they reviewed recent EPRl and DOE reports on pinch
technology and its role in evaluating energy cost reduction alternatives. A
comprehensive industrial heat pump design methodology provided input for
a manual for customer service and marketing personnel.

RESULTS This resource guide presents the basic technical features of heat pumps -~
and describes the differences between industrial and commercial units,
such as the choice of sources and sinks. It reviews and analyzes the cur-
rent state of the domestic and worldwide industrial heat pump market. The
manual also discusses in detail how heat pump technology fits into the - ~~

complex puzzle of industrial energy cost reduction options. Just as coal,

gas, and oil compete as energy sources, industrial heat pumps compete
with a range of energy cost reduction options and technologies, including
passive heat recovery or process modification.

EPRl EM-6057s
The manual presents a comprehensive industrial heat pump design
methodology, incorporating developments from the past decade. It iden-
tifies heat pump application opportunities, as well as design and opera-
tion standards.

EPRl PERSPECTIVE The lndustrial Heat Pump Manual can constitute an important tool for
people and agencies promoting energy-saving technology-utilities, ____
government agencies, independent consultants, industry associations,
and those who advise companies on cost reduction options. Industrial ~~

companies can also use the guide to verify heat pump evaluation be-
fore installation. The manual, together with the HPSCAN code, a forth- ___

coming heat pump screening analysis, and the APLUS code, a plant
utility system analysis software (EPRI project RP2783-5), will form a
complete package on placing and using industrial heat pumps for the
benefit of utilities and their industrial customers.

EPRl Project Manager: I. Leslie Harry
Energy Management and Utilization Division
Contractor: Linnhoff March, Inc.

For further information on EPRl research programs, call

EPRl Technical Information Specialists (415) 855-2411.
Industrial Heat Pump Manual
Technical and Applications Resource Guide for Electric

Research Project 2783-11

Final Report, October 1988


Prepared by


2 Cardinal Park Drive, Suite 205A
Leesburg, Virginia 22075

Principal Investigators
R. Gluckman
A. S. McMullan

Prepared for

Electric Power Research Institute

3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304

EPRl Project Manager

I. L. Harry
Industrial Program i
Energy Management and Utilization Division
Requests for copies of this report should be directed to Research Reports Center
(RRC), Box 50490, Palo Alto, CA 94303, (415) 965-4081. There is no charge for reports
requested by EPRl member utilities and affiliates, US. utility associations, US. government
agencies (federal, state, and local), media, and foreign organizations with which EPRl has
an information exchange agreement. On request, RRC will send a catalog of EPRl reports.

Electric Power Research Institute and EPRl are registered service marks of Electric Power Research Institute. Inc

Copyright 0 1988 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

This report was prepared by the organization@)named below as an account of work sponsored by the Electric
Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI). Neither EPRI, members of EPRI, the organization(s) named below, nor any
person acting on behalf of any of them: (a) makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of any
information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report or that such use may not infringe privately
owned rights; or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of,
any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.
Prepared by
Linnhoff March, Inc.
Leesburg, Virginia

When proper y applied, industrial process heat pumps offer process owners the
opportunity to achieve significant energy cost and efficiency improvements.

This Resource Guide presents the basic technical features of heat pumps and
describes the differences between industrial process (or more simply, industrial)
heat pumps and commercial units. The current state of the industrial heat pump
market i s reviewed and analyzed.

Industrial heat pumps are not the only energy saving technology available; there
are many 'competitors' including passive heat recovery, process modifications, and
cogeneration. The way in which the industrial heat pump interacts and competes
with these other alternatives is discussed in detail. Pinch Technology is
introduced as the best method for finding and assessing all industrial heat and
power options.

A comprehensive industrial heat pump design methodology is presented. It can be

used in industrial plants to identify heat pump opportunities and to ensure good
design and operation. This methodology is based on practical experience and will
help those interested in promoting and using industrial heat pumps benefit from the
last decade of heat pump development.


ChaDter Paqe

Chapter Summary 1-1
What I s A Heat Pump? 1-1
The I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump 1-3
The Importance o f t h e Heat Pump 1-4
D i f f e r e n c e s Between I n d u s t r i a l Process and Space C o n d i t i o n i n g
Applications 1-6
. The I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump Market 1-7
Resource Guide S t r u c t u r e 1-8


Chapter Summary 2-1
I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump Systems 2-1
I m p o r t a n t System V a r i a n t s 2-8
Heat Pump Performance Parameters 2-18
I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump Components 2-23
Advanced Systems 2-41


Chapter Summary 3-1
The U n i t e d S t a t e s I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump Market 3-1
Heat Pump I n f o r m a t i o n Sources 3-15
The Worldwide I n d u s t r i a l Heat Pump Market 3-18
The F u t u r e f o r Heat Pumps i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s 3-22


Chapter Summary 4-1
Why Consider A1 t e r n a t i v e s ? 4-1

Chapter Paqe
What Are t h e A l t e r n a t i v e s ? 4-2
Comparison o f A1 t e r n a t i v e s 4-11
Pinch Technology - The Rigorous Tool For Comparative A n a l y s i s 4-15
An I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Pinch Technology 4-16
Why Use Pinch Technology? 4-45
The Benef it s o f Pinch Techno1 ogy 4-49


Chapter Summary 5-1
Heat Pump Feasi b i l it y and Design 5-1
Steps i n t h e F e a s i b i l i t y Stage 5-2
Parameters A f f e c t i n g Heat Pump F e a s i b i l i t y 5-4
The Feasi b i 1 it y Study 5-21


Chapter Summary 6-1
The Need f o r D e t a i l e d Design 6-1
Data C o l l e c t i o n 6-3
Engineering Considerations 6-6
Technical S p e c i f i c a t i o n 6-17


Chapter Summary 7-1
Commissioning o f a Heat Pump 7-1
M o n i t o r i n g o f Performance 7-4
T y p i c a l O p e r a t i o n a l Problems 7-7


Chapter Summary 8-1
The Need f o r Success 8-1
How t o Use T h i s Resource Guide 8-2


I n d u s t r i a l Process Heat Pump Equipment Suppl i e r s A- 1


Fiqure @Jg

1-1 Heat Pull ey Analogy 1-2

2-1 The Three Elements of a Heat Pump 2-3

2-2 C1 osed Cycle Vapor Compression Cycl e 2-5

2-3 Open Cycl e Vapor Compression Cycl e 2-5

2-4 Absorption Cycle 2-7

2-5 Thermocompression Cycle 2-9

2-6 Refrigerant Subcool ing Cycle 2-10

2-7 Horizontal Cascade Cycle 2-12

2-8 Open and Semi-open Cycles 2-14

2-9 Absorption Cycle Types 1 and 2 2-15

2-10 Energy Output from Gas Engine 2-17

2-11 Compressor Efficiency Map 2-22

2-12 Centri fuga1 Compressor 2-25

2-13 Open Reciprocating Compressor 2-27

2-14a Single Screw Compressor 2-28

2-14b Twin Screw Compressor 2-28

2-15a Rotary Vane Compressor 2-30

2-15b Rotary Lobe Compressor 2-30

2-16 Shell and Tube Condenser 2-32

2-17 Finned Coi 1 Evaporator 2-32

2-18 F1 ooded and Direct Expansion Evaporators 2-35

vi i
Fiqure &
2-19 Non-Azeotropic Cycle 2-42
3-1 Breakdown of U.S. Industrial Heat Pump Installations by Cycle 3-3
3-2 Breakdown of U . S . Industrial Heat Pump Installations
by Industry Sector 3-5
3-3 Breakdown of U . S . Closed Cycle Industrial Heat Pumps
by Industry Sector 3-6
3-4 Breakdown of U.S. Industrial Open Cycle Heat Pumps
by Industry Sector 3-7
3-5 Heat Pump in a Lumber Drying Kiln 3-8
3-6 Heat Pump in an Evaporation Process 3-9
3-7 Heat Pump in a Distillation Process 3-10
3-8 Build Rate of U . S . MVR Heat Pump Installations 3-14
3-9 Heat Pump Power Consumption by Cycle Type 3-16
3-10 Heat Pump Power Consumption by Industry Sector for Open Cycles 3-17
3-11 European Industrial Heat Pump Instal 1 ations 3-19
3-12 Build Rate of European Industrial Heat Pump Installations 3-20
3-13 Cost o f Del i vered Heat 3-24
4- 1 Simp1 ified Flowsheet for the Malt Kilning Process 4-4
4-2 Direct Heat Recovery in the Malt Kilning Process 4-6
4-3a Indirect Heat Recovery in the Malt Kilning Process - Single
Ai r-Air Exchanger 4-7
4-3b Indirect Heat Recovery in the Malt Kilning Process - Run
Around Coil 4-9
4-4 Heat Pump Applications in the Malt Kilning Process 4- 10
4-5 Matching Streams on the T-H Diagram 4- 19
4-6 Process Data for the Malt Kilning Example 4-20
4-7 Composite Curves for the Malt Kilning Example 4-21
4-8 The Pinch 4-24
4-9 Final Network Design for the Malt Kilning Example 4-26

Fiqure Paqe
4-10 The Plus/Minus Principle 4-28
4-lla Composite Curves for Basic Process 4-29
4-llb Composite Curves for Modified Process 4-29
4-12a Heat Pump Operating Above the Pinch 4-30
4-12b Heat Pump Operating Below the !inch 4-32
4 - 1 2 ~ Heat Pump Operating Around the Pinch 4-32
4-13 Grand Composite Curve for the Malt Kilning Process 4-33
4-14a Heat Pump Design A 4-35
4-14b Heat Pump Design B 4-35
4-15 Final Network Design for the Malt Kilning Example Incorporating
a Heat Pump 4-36
4-16a Steam Based Utility System 4-38
4-16b Steam Turbine Based Cogeneration 4-38
4 - 1 6 ~ Hot Water Loop 4-39
4-16d Reciprocating Engine Based Cogeneration 4-39
4-17 The Effect of ATmin
on Energy Consumption and Temperature
Driving Forces 4-41
4-18 The Capital Energy Trade-off 4-42
4-19 The Capital Energy Trade-off for the Malt Kilning Process 4-43
4-20 Calculating Retrofit Payback Targets 4-44
4-21a Composite Curves Showing No Cross Pinch Heat Transfer 4-47
4-21b Composite Curves Showing Cross Pinch Heat Transfer 4-48
5-1 Feasibility Analysis 5-3

5-2 Heat Pump Capital Costs 5-6

5-3 Heat Recovery Stream Diagrams for Table 5-4 5-16

5-4 The Option Tree 5-27
6-1 Heat Load Profi 1 es 6-7

6-2 Evaporator Arrangements 6-9

6-3 Condenser Arrangements 6-13
7-1 Data Requirements for Heat Pump Performance Monitoring 7-6


Tab1 e Paqe
1-1 Common Heat Pump Applications 1-5

2-1 Considerations When Selecting Heat Exchangers 2-33

2-2 Common Refrigerants Used in Heat Pumps 2-37

3-1 Historical Heat Pump Applications By Industry Sector 3-12

3-2 Cost of Heat Delivered by an Electric Heat Pump 3-23

3-3 Cost of Heat Delivered by a Boiler 3-23

4- 1 Results of Pinch Technology Studies 4-17

4-2 Stream Data for Malt Kilning Example 4-22

5- 1 Compari son of Heat Pump Performance 5-10

5-2 Optimization of Heat Exchanger Sizes 5-12

5-3 Heat Exchanger Approach Temperatures 5-13

5-4 The Use o f Heating Temperature Range 5-15

5-5 Cycle Selection Matrix 5- 18

5-6 Basic Process Data Requirements 5-24

5-7 Examples of First and Second Level Options 5-26

5-8 Approximate COP Data 5-30

6- 1 Host Process Data Requirements 6-4


Heat pumps have an important role to play in improving the efficiency of industrial
processes. The purpose of this Resource Guide is to promote greater understanding
of industrial heat pump systems including their benefits and their proper
application. Improved understanding will lead naturally to more installations,
better engineered installations, and a more competitive industry.

This Resource Guide is aimed specifically at people or agencies who promote the
use of energy saving technology to potential industrial users. This includes,
utilities, government agencies, independent consultants, industry associations, and
others who can act as 'facilitators' to advise companies on their cost reduction
options. The Guide can also be used by industrial companies themselves to make
certain that a proper evaluation has been performed before a heat pump is
instal 1 ed.

It should be stressed that the Resource Guide is not a textbook or design guide;
it is not intended that the reader be able to build a heat pump having read it!
The Resource Guide provides enough information to enable a reader with a technical
background to act as an intermediary between a potential purchaser and a heat pump
manufacturer through all the stages of the evaluation, design, and installation of
the heat pump system.

The Resource Guide presents the basic technical features of heat pumps and
describes the differences between industrial and commercial units. The current
state of the industrial heat pump market is reviewed and analyzed. Another very
important issue that is discussed in some detail, is the way in which the
industrial heat pump fits into the 'complex puzzle' of industrial energy cost
reduction options. Just as coal, gas and oil compete as energy sources, the
industrial heat pump competes with a whole range of energy cost reduction options
and technologies. These competitors are shown by the 'Option Tree' in Figure Al.
The 'Option Tree' is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5.

Maintenance Process
Modifications Plant


Gas/Liquid Liquid/Liquid


Absorption Mechanical Mechanical Thermocompression

Compression Compression

Type I Type II 4 Subcooler Desuperheater Cascade Engine

Components Drive


Figure S-1. The Option Tree

The heat pump has some unique features which make it preferred for some
applications, but unsuitable in others. To establish a good technical and economic
reputation it is important to assure that the right heat pumps are applied in the
right situations. How these good applications can be found is addressed in this -r

Resource Guide also. One thing is certain, rushing out to find a waste heat
stream as a heat source and another process stream to accept the heat delivered by
the heat pump is not good enough. This 'cherry picking' approach may produce some
projects which are acceptable, but installation of a heat pump is usually more
capital intensive than other heat recovery options. This leads to some important
questions; could a different heat recovery project have saved as much or more money
at a lower investment? Was there a better heat pump project? Was heat pumping
really the right thing to do? A consistent, sound approach to assessing energy
cost reduction alternatives is essential. Such an approach must be
thermodynamically based and allow alternatives to be identified and compared in a
systematic fashion. Pinch Technology is introduced as the best method for finding
and assessing heat recovery, heat pumping, and, indeed, all heat and power options.
If the market is to grow, it is particularly important that heat pumps are compared
to the other options in an unbiased fashion. The engineer must generate a number
of possible projects and then evaluate them for technical and economic feasibility.
Encouraging the installation of heat pumps when they are not the best technical or
economic solution will eventually be detrimental to their use where they are the
best choice.

The second half of the manual sets out a comprehensive design methodology that can
be used in industrial plants to identify heat pump opportunities and ensure good
design and operation.

The first step in this methodology is the Feasibility Stage. At this point, many
options need comparison, and the technical and economic feasibility of each must be
assessed. Assuming that a heat pump option is identified as the best investment
the next step is the Design Stage. Detailed operating data is required to ensure a
good design. The methodology encourages the purchaser to carefully specify the
heat pump, not just to rely on equipment manufacturers to "know best". Finally,
the important points to consider during commissioning and operation of the heat
pump are high1 ighted.

This Technical and Applications Resource Guide is quite unique. For the first
time in a document of this type, the industrial heat pump is treated quite

separately from space conditioning systems. This i s v i t a l because many design
c r i t e r i a are q u i t e d i f f e r e n t . Also f o r the f i r s t time, the practical experiences
gained during t h e l a s t decade of vigorous heat pump a c t i v i t y have been included. ~

Use of t h i s Guide allows the reader t o benefit from previous successes and f a i l u r e s -
and help t o e s t a b l i s h a strong industrial heat pump market.

Chapter 1


This first chapter sets the scene for the rest of the Resource Guide. The
technique of heat pumping is outlined and compared with other heat recovery
options. The industrial heat pump is then defined and typical applications
described. A clear distinction is drawn between industrial heat pumps and the more
commonly known space heating and cooling units. The industrial market and its
importance are examined briefly and the concept of first and second generation heat
pumps is introduced. Finally, the aims and structure of the Resource Guide are


Heat pumps are one of a family of systems that are able to recover waste heat.
They have a unique feature that makes them different from all other heat recovery .
devices: a heat pump is able to deliver useful heat at a temperature higher than
the waste heat source. All other heat recovery systems are "passive" and must
pass the waste heat downhill along the temperature gradient. The heat pump is an
"active" device that is able to lift heat energy up the temperature gradient. Of
course, you cannot get something for nothing - the temperature lift must be paid
for by supplying the heat pump with prime energy (such as electricity) as well as
with waste heat. A useful mechanical analogy to the heat pump is a pulley system
to lift weights. The amount of work required to lift a weight depends on how high
you wish to raise it; similarly, the prime energy input to a heat pump is related
to the temperature lift. Figure 1-1 illustrates this analogy.

There are many uses for heat pumps and equally many different designs and systems.
All heat pumps consist of three essential parts:


Figure 1-1. Heat Pulley Analogy

0 A device to receive waste heat from the source
0 A process that raises the temperature of the waste heat
0 A device to deliver useful heat at a higher temperature

The types of systems that carry out these three steps are examined in Chapter 2.
However, it is worth remembering here that these steps are the same as those
required for refrigeration. The only difference is that the ''low" temperature
level is usually above ambient temperature for a heat pump while it i s below
ambient for refrigeration. Hence, the main distinction between refrigeration and
heat pumping is one of temperature level. For this reason, many types of heat
pumps operate in exactly the same way a5 refrigeration plants. Indeed in some
cases the same machine can simultaneously provide refrigeration at "the cold end"
and act as a heat pump at "the hot end." Many space heating heat pumps take
advantage of the similarity between refrigeration and heat pumping to provide heat
in the winter and cooling in the summer, Such dual purpose units can be extremely
cost effective.


The majority of heat pumps are used for space heating or cooling; there are several
million systems in use in domestic and commercial buildings. This Resource Guide
is devoted to industrial systems which differ in many ways from the better known
space heati ng/cool i ng devices .

It is difficult to define rigorously what is meant by an industrial heat pump.

Inevitably there are many gray areas in which industrial and other types of
systems overlap. However, in general terms, industrial heat pumps should satisfy
two basic criteria:
0 The heat pump must involve an industrial process stream as either the
heat source or as the heat user (or heat sink). In many cases, both the
source and user are process related.
0 Also, the heat pump must be large enough to be "of industrial scale." A
reasonable size to choose as an indicator of scale is a minimum heat
output of 250,000 Btu/hr.

As explained laterin the Guide, there is an enormous range of system types in the
industrial field. This is partly because o f the large variation in sizes (from
250,000 Btu/hr to at least 50 million Btu/hr heat output) and also because of the

variety of temperature levels and fluids encountered in industry. The "low"
temperature heat source could be near ambient temperature in one application while
another will use source heat at 250°F. Similarly, the heat delivered by heat pumps
can vary in temperature between 100°F and 300°F. The fluids that represent the - -~

heat source and heat user may be familiar ones such as air or water; however, many

others are encountered including dirty or corrosive streams, condensing vapors and
boiling liquids. The potential differences in application mean that the industrial
heat pump designer must be much more flexible in approach than the equivalent space
heating specialist. To illustrate the variety of systems, Table 1-1 shows some
common appl i cat i ons .


The importance of industrial heat pump technology must be examined from the
viewpoint of both the user and the utilities.

Clearly, the user only has one thing in mind - to save money! In most industrial
situations the benefits o f a heat pump relate to energy savings, or more
importantly energy cost savings. The heat pump has the potential to supply heat
to a process at a lower cost than by conventional means. If this can be done with
an adequate return on investment, then heat pumps will be considered important by
the end user. Sometimes extra benefits can be identified to improve the economic
case for a heat pump e.g., better product quality or improved raw materials
recovery. Equally, there may be certain disadvantages (such as extra maintenance,
less control or reduced operability) which the end user will wish to consider and
should be made aware of.

From the perspective of the electric power utility the heat pump must also be seen
as a way to sell additional electricity. Space conditioning heat pumps offer the
possibility o f providing an improved base load in winter, which may be important in
those areas with a summer peak demand. This opportunity does not apply to
industrial heat pumps because they will operate throughout the year. Additionally,
in some circumstances, industrial heat pumps may be considered as an alternative to
cogeneration; as such, they offer an important option for utilities.

Table 1-1

Industrial Sector Typical Applications

Lumber Lumber Drying

Pulp and Paper Evaporation of Pulping Liquors

Petrochemical s/Refining Di sti 1 1 ation

Food Evaporation/Concentration o f
Dairy Products/Juices
Wash/Process Water Heating

Chemical s Evaporation/Concentration o f
Product and Waste Streams
Process/Boi ler Feed Water Heating


As stated above, the industrial heat pump does not produce the same load modifying
opportunities as the residential/commercial heat pump. This is just one of many
important differences between the two markets. It is important to recognize these
differences as they affect design and marketing philosophies to be used.

The most important difference is related to "the air conditioning benefit." In

general, heat pumps used in buildings are used as air conditioners in summer and
space heaters in winter. The alternative to the combined heat pump/air conditioner
is an air conditioner plus a separate furnace. The financial return on the small
additional cost involved in converting an air conditioner into a dual purpose heat
pump is extremely good. (It is worth noting that in most parts of Europe, where
air conditioning is not required, space conditioning heat pumps are relatively
unsuccessful.) In the industrial field the same benefits are rarely available and
the heat pump must pay back its full capital cost by providing energy savings and
other benefits.

Another major difference relates to scale of production. Because space heating

applications are so similar, it is possible to offer a range of "packaged" units
that can be mass produced. This is not true in the industrial field, mainly
because each appl i cat i on requires some degree of customizati on.

In terms of technology, the large variety of potential applications means that

industrial heat pumps utilize a far wider range of equipment types than space
conditioning equivalents. There are also a number of more subtle differences. For
example, the purchaser of an industrial system will often be an engineer; although
he or she may not have direct heat pump experience, the purchaser will have many
expectations regarding the specification of a heat pump system concerning factors
such as reliability, safety, maintainability, etc.

Although there are a number of heat pump text books and resource guides, they all
address the space conditioning system as the main topic. Little or no detail is
given about industrial applications. Recently, however, both DOE and EPRI have
sponsored work aimed specifically at industrial systems. One of the main aims of
this Resource Guide is to examine properly all the technical and marketing issues
which currently prevent the wider use of heat pumps in industrial applications.


In Chapter 3 of this guide the state of the industrial heat pump market is
examined in some detail. Research has identified close to 1400 industrial heat
pumps with a total heating capacity of 2.7 x lolo Btu/h and a corresponding
installed driver load of 439 MW. This compares with approximately 3 million space
heating heat pumps in the domestic and commercial fields with a total installed
load of about 10,000 MW.

It is useful to examine why the market penetration has been so low. The main
reasons relate to lack of widespread knowledge about industrial heat pump systems
and applications, high capital costs, the risks involved with unfamiliar
technology, and, of course, economics. The financial benefit of heat pumps are
related to the value of the energy they save. Clearly this is a function of both
fuel and electricity pries. In general, high fuel prices will tend to favor heat
pumps. Of course, high energy prices will also tend to favor all types of energy
recovery schemes.

This economic effect is not the only reason for poor market penetration. In
technical terms, many of the existing installations have been disappointing. In
many cases, heat pumps have failed to reach design values of heating capacity or
efficiency. This can be translated back into economic terms and generally means
the heat pump failed to achieve the design payback period. Poor reliability has
exacerbated the problem - many heat pumps achieve poor utilization factors due to
frequent breakdowns, particularly in the first year of operation.

The key question is whether or not this poor technical reputation is a valid worry
for the potential purchasers of new systems. The reputation represents the
historical performance of existing systems, which can be thought of as "first
generation" heat pumps. It is worth noting that a similarly disappointing
reputation was established in Europe during the period 1975-85 when about 850
industrial systems were installed.

With the present state of knowledge about heat pumps there is no need for this poor
technical reputation to continue. It is possible to build good "second generation"
heat pumps that will meet design performance figures and operate reliably,
providing that the technology is not oversold or wrongly applied. Many first
generation heat pumps failed because too litt e effort was made at the feasib lity

and design stages. This i s probably because systems were i n s t a l l e d before they
were s u f f i c i e n t l y developed f o r operation in real i n d u s t r i a l processes.
Inevitably, mistakes were made and the poor reputation r e s u l t e d . W i t h hindsight,
we know what many o f these problems are and t h e r e i s no need t o repeat them.

The i n d u s t r i a l heat pump market i s a t an i n t e r e s t i n g and somewhat precarious

watershed. More than 10 years of f i r s t generation experience has been accumulated.
Around 2,000 i n d u s t r i a l systems have been i n s t a l l e d worldwide not including several
thousand 'lumber drying', and s i m i l a r , units. A s i g n i f i c a n t body of experience and
know1 edge i s avai 1 ab1 e . Second generation industri a1 heat pumps can be successful
providing they f u l l y benefit from the experiences gained in the l a s t 10 years.
However, i t would be just as easy t o see previous mistakes repeated, p a r t i c u l a r l y
by people who f a i l t o understand properly the difference between t h e
residential/commercial and industrial heat pump markets. The e l e c t r i c power
u t i l i t i e s have an important r o l e t o play t o ensure t h a t second generation heat
pumps are a success. This will be of benefit t o the end user, the heat pump
industry and the u t i l i t i e s themselves. By acting as an informed advisor, t h e
u t i l i t y s a l e s engineer can help the industrial purchaser s e l e c t a good system from
a reputable company.

An unbiased view i s p a r t i c u l a r l y important. I t i s v i t a l t h a t the heat pump i s not

oversold. There are often b e t t e r energy saving a l t e r n a t i v e s than heat pumps; in
these s i t u a t i o n s , the i n d u s t r i a l advisor must point the c l i e n t toward the best
a l t e r n a t i v e r a t h e r than t h e best heat pump! I n the long term, a biased a t t i t u d e i n
favor of e l e c t r i c heat pumps could have a severe negative e f f e c t on the potential

Recently Pinch Technology has been receiving a l o t of i n t e r e s t from i n d u s t r i a l

energy users. As will be described in Chapter 4 , i t i s a methodology t h a t helps t o
find good heat pumping and other energy recovery projects. I t a s s i s t s in the
comparison of a l t e r n a t i v e s , and can ensure unbiased advice.


I t i s c l e a r t h a t g r e a t care must be taken t o develop the i n d u s t r i a l heat pump

market e f f e c t i v e l y . Obviously, the s p e c i a l i s t heat pumps designers and
manufacturers will play an important r o l e . However, people w i t h a good knowledge
of heat pumps, b u t a l s o with a more independent position, will have an equally

important role. They will act as "facilitators" who will advise industrial
companies on the best energy saving options. As mentioned earlier, it is hoped
that this Resource Guide will assist in educating those people who are in a
position to help promote the technology. It may also help owners of existing heat
pumps by suggesting ways in which the performance of these units can be improved.
The first half of the guide gives background to the whole technology. In the
second half, the steps in the feasibility and design stages of a potential heat
pump application are addressed in detail.

Chapter 2, Technology Basics, gives a description o f all the major types of heat
pumps and their components. Important terms like Coefficient of Performance (COP)
are defined.

Chapter 3 , Market Basics, looks at existing U . S . and World-wide industrial heat

pump usage and describes potential applications in different industrial sectors.

Chapter 4 , The Industrial Heat Pump in Perspective, is aimed at examining how the
heat pump fits into a set of competing technologies, and where it is likely to be
the best solution. Pinch Technology is introduced as a powerful tool for
identifying good heat pump applications.

Chapter 5, The Feasibility Stage, describes how to carry out an analysis of an

industrial plant to identify heat pump opportunities and to prove their economic
feasi bi 1 i ty.

Chapter 6, The Design Stage, assumes a cost effective opportunity has been
identified and then elaborates on the design procedure that is required to ensure
the heat pump is well specified.

Chapter 7, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance, discusses the important

issues that arise a ter a heat pump has been in talled.

Finally, Chapter 8, How to Make it Happen, exam nes how the information presented
in this Resource Gu de can be used to help turn opportunities into real
instal 1 at ions.

Chapter 2


This chapter is divided into four principal parts which introduce the reader to
industrial heat pump technology and the factors which influence the heat pump’s

A wide variety of systems and components are discussed. Absorption and

thermocompression heat pumps are described as well as the more common vapor
compression cycle and its open and closed cycle derivatives.

Concentrating on the latter type, the system components are described in some
detail, and selection criteria given. The performance of a heat pump may be
expressed in several ways, and these are defined and discussed. The operational
1 imitations, both thermodynamic and practical, are described, and a concluding
section gives information on trends in heat pump development which may
significantly influence the market in the future.


In the introductory chapter o f this Resource Guide the heat pumping process was
defined in general terms. The process of upgrading (i.e., raising the temperature
of) waste heat was described in terms of the pulley analogy (see Figure 1 - 1 ) . In
more practical terms it was shown that heat pumps all perform three essential
steps. These are:

0 receiving low temperature waste heat

0 raising the temperature of the waste heat
e delivering useful heat at a higher temperature

Figure 2-1 illustrates these steps and shows the three distinct fluid streams in
many heat pumps [i.e., the source, the refrigerant and the user (or sink)]. The
heat pump cycle itself receives a quantity of waste heat, Qin, by passive heat
exchange with the source. Energy is added to raise the temperature of the
recovered energy. This is most commonly shaft power, W . The heat user then
eceives the total energy input, Qout = Qin t W, again by passive heat exchange.
As long as the temperature lift (T2 - TI) is not too high, then Qout is
significantly greater than W and good energy efficiency can be achieved. The

performance of a heat pump is often defined by the ratio Qout/W which is known as
the Coefficient of Performance (COP). Industrial heat pumps generally have COP’S
in the range of 3 to 30 (although values outside this range are possible). COP
and other heat pump performance parameters are discussed in more detail later in
this chapter.

Now it is necessary to describe the types of systems that can actually perform
these steps and to understand their advantages and disadvantages. There are four
principal heat pump systems currently competing in the market. These are the
closed and open cycle compression systems, the absorption cycle and
thermocompression systems. Each of these basic systems is described below. They
all have many design variants, some of which are described later in this chapter.

A number o f other basic heat pump types (e.g., Brayton cycles) are sometimes
quoted in the literature. It must be stressed that these are only at the R&D
stage and are not in commercial production. Such systems are discussed briefly at
the end of this section. The closed and open cycle compression systems are the
most important industrial heat pumps for the readers of this guide because (a)
they dominate the market place (more than 90% of industrial heat pumps are in this
category) and (b) they can be driven by electricity (unlike the other cycles which
are essentially heat driven).

Before describing the basic heat pump types, it is interesting to dentify how
they are able to raise the temperature of waste heat. In all four cases, the heat
pumps rely on the fact that the boiling point of a fluid changes w th pressure.
For example, water boils at 212°F at atmospheric pressure but at higher
temperatures when the pressure is raised (e.g., 250°F at 30 psia). Hence, a heat
pump can absorb heat by boiling a fluid at a low pressure and then deliver heat at
a higher temperature, by condensing the same fluid at a higher pressure. The

Heat User

Temperature, T2

work input Raising

Temperature, T,

b- I Heat Source

Figure 2-1. The Three Elements o f a Heat Pump

heat pumps described below all utilize this principle. The differences between
them are:
(a) Whether a mechanical drive (requiring shaft power) or a thermal drive
(requiring heat) is used; and
(b) whether a refrigerant fluid is reused or not.

It should be noted that the definition of COP given earlier in this section only
applies to mechanically driven heat pumps. A more appropriate measure of
performance for thermally driven systems (i .e. absorption, thermo compression, and
engine driven) is Primary Energy Ratio ( P E R ) . This is also defined later in this

The C1 osed Cvcl e Vapor Compression Heat Pump

The basic closed cycle vapor compression heat pump in is shown in Figure 2-2. This
heat pump type is very similar to most refrigeration cycles and the majority of
space heating heat pumps. Compression of the refrigerant is achieved with a
mechanical compressor. The phrase 'closed cycle' means that the refrigerant
circuit is physically separated from the source and user streams, and that the
refrigerant fluid is reused in a cyclical fashion.

The four main components are (i) the evaporator, where heat is extracted from the
heat source (e.g., a low temperature waste heat stream) to boil a refrigerant; (ii)
the compressor and its drive, where the refrigerant is compressed, thus raising its
pressure and temperature; (i ii) the condenser, where the refrigerant delivers the
heat taken in at the evaporator (plus the heat equivalent of the work o f
compression), and (iv) the throttling valve where the refrigerant pressure is
reduced back to the evaporator condition. The refrigerant itself is also an
important element of the system. All of the components are described in more
detail later in this chapter.

The Open Cvcle Vapor Compression Heat Pump

The open cycle vapor compression heat pump is illustrated in Figure 2-3. This type
also uses a mechanical compressor; however, instead of employing a separate
refrigerant , the process vapor itself is compressed and raised in temperature
directly. In other words, the process vapor acts as both the waste heat stream
and the heat pump working fluid. The high pressure vapor can then be reused

directly or, more commonly, condensed in an exchanger to supply heat to another
process stream, as shown in Figure 2-3. This configuration is often known as semi-
open. These open cycle variants are discussed later in this section. The term
'mechanical vapor recompression' (MVR) is frequently used to describe open cycle -~

heat pumps, particularly in the context of evaporation and distillation plants.

Absorption Cvcl e Heat Pumps


Absorption cycle heat pumps differ from mechanical vapor compression types in that
the mechanical energy input is normally very small, and the principal external
energy supply is in the form of high temperature heat. The major components of the
absorption cycle are shown in Figure 2 - 4 . The absorption cycle is a closed cycle
requiring two working fluids, a refrigerant and an absorbent. The mechanical
compressor is replaced by two heat exchangers (the absorber and the generator) and
a liquid pump. In operation, waste heat is supplied to the evaporator. This
evaporates the refrigerant in the same way as in a closed cycle mechanical
compression heat pump. The refrigerant vapor is then absorbed at low pressure by
the absorbent, generating useful medium temperature heat. The absorbent, now
diluted with refrigerant, is raised in pressure using a liquid pump. High
pressure refrigerant vapor is then produced by heating the mixture in the
generator with high temperature heat. This refrigerant vapor is condensed in the
condenser, a1 so providing useful medium temperature heat, before passing back to
the evaporator. Meanwhile, the reconcentrated absorbent is returned to the

The generator high temperature heat input is the major prime energy consumer,
unlike the mechanical vapor compression cycle where the compressor power
requirement is the major prime energy consumer. In the absorption cycle, the pump
power is very small because the liquid mixture leaving the absorber is virtually
incompressible. It is also important to note that there are two medium temperature
level heat outputs, the absorber and the condenser.

Various refrigerant/absorbent pairs are used in absorption heat pumps. A

water/lithium bromide combination is most commonly found in industrial process
applications, water being the refrigerant.

(High Pressure) Condenser


> SGrce-
T2 1
> L



Absorbent L

Refrigerant Vapor
(Low Pressure) II

L Ab
&er Useful
Heat Out
> zsource<=i

F i g u r e 2-4. Absorption Cycle

Thermocompression Heat Pumps

The thermocompression system is similar to open cycle vapor compression except

that no mechanical energy input i s required. Thermocompressors, sometimes known
as jet compressors, vapor jet heat pumps, or steam ejectors, use the kinetic energy
of a vapor jet, normally steam, to compress a lower pressure vapor stream. No
mechanical energy is needed to effect compression. The way in which the pressure
of the refrigerant is raised is shown in Figure 2-5. In principle this type of
compressor is very practical for heat pump applications because it is so simple and
reliable. However, in most applications the quantity of steam required to drive
the compressor is much greater than that being compressed. This restricts
thermocompression heat pumps to systems with a small heat source and a large heat
user. Also, the performance of a thermocompressor can fall dramatically at off
design conditions making these systems more suitable for processes with steady
operati ng cond i ti ons .


The four heat pump systems described above were outlined i their most basi forms.
There are many variations that can be engineered into real systems to take
advantage of site specific circumstances. Such system variants are very important
when considering the potential for industrial systems because it is often possible
to improve the heat pump performance by more than 25% by using a non-standard
system design.

Use of Refriqerant Subcool inq

One on the simplest and most effective variants to the closed cycle vapor
compression system is the addition of a refrigerant liquid subcooler as shown in
Figure 2-6. This extra heat exchanger cools the liquid refrigerant after it has
left the condenser. The benefits are best illustrated with an example. If we use
a heat source at 50°F to heat water from 60°F to 140°F the coefficient of
performance of a basic closed cycle vapor compression cycle i s approximately 3 .
By preheating the water from 60°F to 79°F in a subcooler, the COP improves by 33%.
This is achieved because we obtain 'free' heat from the liquid refrigerant coming
out of the condenser (note, without a subcooler the hot condensed liquid is cooled
by internal flashing in a wasteful manner). Although the heat exchanger cost goes

Useful Heat Out
Prime Energy In

Motive Vapor, P, L
. -
____t Compressed Vapor, P,

P,> P, 5 Po

Figure 2-5. Thermocompression Cycle

140°F 6OoF



4OoF 50°F

14OoF 60°F


Figure 2-6. Refrigerant Subcooling Cycle

up because of the addition o f a subcooler, the compressor size will fall by about
30% in this case.

The use of refrigerant subcoo ing is particularly relevant in two situat ons :

(a) when the heat user is heated through a large temperature range, as in the
example above. (See Chapter 5 for more details.)
(b) if a lower temperature secondary heat user is avail able (e.g., a heat pump
heating water from 130°F to 140°F could not use subcooling unless a
separate stream needs heating from, say, 60°F to 80°F).

These observations are special cases of a more general set of rules for determining
when refrigerant subcooling is appropriate. These rules are derived from Pinch
Technology which is described in Chapter 4.

Cascaded Heat Pumps

Another way of taking advantage of large heating temperature ranges is to use more
than one heat pump in series or in "cascade." This is illustrated in Figure 2-7.
With a single heat pump the temperature lift is 145°F (allowing for 10°F
temperature differences in the evaporator and condenser). By installing 2 smaller
units in cascade, the temperature lift is only 130°F for unit 1 and 105°F for
unit 2. In both cases, this will give better performance than for a single unit.

In many large installations, customers will require more than one unit for control
and reliability purposes. By arranging the units in cascade as illustrated here
substantial benefits can be gained.

Refriserant Desuperheaters

A small proportion of the energy delivered by a closed cycle heat pump (usually
about 10%) is avail able at temperatures we1 1 above the condensing temperature.
The energy is available in the form of gas superheat at the compressor exit. If a
desuperheater is used before the condenser it may be possible to slightly reduce
the heat pump temperature lift and hence improve the COP. It must be noted,
however, that this superheat energy is recovered under normal circumstances in the
condenser itself. The benefit i s simply to reduce the condensing temperature.
This is quite different to the subcooler described above, which recovers extra
energy that would otherwise be wasted in the expansion valve. Again, Pinch



'IF 1b Al
Unit 1 Unit 2

Ab Ah


Figure 2-7. Horizontal Cascade Cycle

Technology provides rules for determining where the desuperheating heat should be
used. (This is also described in Chapter 4.)

ODen Cycle Variants

There is some confusion over terminology regarding different open cycle

configurations. Figure 2-8 shows the three main types of open cycle variant.
Type (a) is the truly open cycle. It simply consists of a compressor operating
directly on a waste vapor and delivering high pressure vapor into a process. This
configuration is actually quite unusual; most open cycles involve at least one heat

Type (b) shows the most usual variant. Waste vapor is compressed and then
condensed in a heat exchanger. This type of arrangement can be considered a semi-
open cycle although many people think of it simply as an open cycle.

Type (c) shows an alternative semi-open cycle. In this case the heat source is
used to boil a liquid in a heat exchanger. This vapor is then compressed and
supplies heat to the user either directly or indirectly. In the latter case, the
condensed liquid is not reused (if it were supplied back to the evaporator the
cycle would become closed). This variant is useful when the heat source is

AbsorDti on Cvcl e Variants

The absorption cycle can operate in two quite different ways. These are
illustrated in Figure 2-9. Type I operation is known as a Heat Amplifier. In this
mode, there are two heat inputs; a low temperature heat source and a high
temperature prime energy source (e.g., steam or direct gas firing). The useful
heat output is at a temperature between the source and prime energy levels.

Type I1 operation is known as a Temperature Amplifier (or sometimes a Heat

Transformer). In this mode, there is only one heat input which is always waste
heat at a medium temperature level. There are two output levels, one at a
temperature higher than the waste heat source and the other rejected at a low
temperature into cooling water. Hence, in this mode, the heat pump requires no
primary energy input (i.e., it costs nothing to run). Approximately 40% of the
waste heat can be upgraded in temperature by about 100°F.

A) Open Cycle

Vapor '1

Compressed Vapor
at Higher Pressure
Directly Injected
Into User

9)Semi-Open Cycle

Waste Vapor1 - '

at Low Pressure

Heat Used via a
Heat Exchanger

Compressed Vapor
at Higher Pressure

C) Alternative Semi-open Cycle Condensate

(Contaminated) 1


Direct Injection
Fresh Water or Heat Exchanger

Dirty Condensate Clean Condensate

Figure 2-8. Open and Semi-open Cycles

Type 1 - Heat Amplifier

Prime Heat In, T,

Useful Heat Out, T,

Waste Heat In, To

Type 2 - Temperature Amplifier

Useful Heat Out, T,


Figure 2-9.
+ Reject Heat Out, To

Absorption Cycle Types 1 and 2

Drive Variants

The power required to drive the compressor of closed or open cycle vapor
compression heat pumps can come from a number of sources. The most common drive
is the electric motor, but particularly in industrial applications, other methods
are being used. These include Diesel and natural gas internal combustion engines
and steam turbines.

Electric motors have relatively low capital and maintenance costs, are simple and
compact. Some heat pumps use compressors which contain the electric motor within
the same casing - such hermetic systems utilize refrigerant cooling of the
electric motor. Alternatively, an open drive may be used, via belts, a gearbox or
direct coup1 ing. The applicability of electric motors covers the complete
compressor type and size range.

After electric motors, the most commonly used prime movers are gas or Diesel
engines. In addition to producing shaft power, they reject most of the balance of
the fossil fuel input in the form of exhaust gases and jacket cooling water. The
exhaust gases are at a relatively high temperature, while the engine cooling
circuit produces useful heat in the range 160°F to 240°F. Single phase water
cooling or ebullient (two-phase) cooling can be employed.

Effective use of these heat sources and, in larger engines, heat from the oil
cooler means that up to 80% of the primary energy input can be used for process or
space heating applications. A typical energy balance is shown in Figure 2-10 for
an engine fueled with natural gas.

However, this obvious advantage is countered by the higher cost of such engines,
particularly maintenance costs. The relative price of electricity and Diesel oil
or natural gas also has a strong influence on the attractiveness o f such systems.

The use of a steam turbine as a prime mover is often more practical than internal
combustion engines as maintenance costs are much lower. However the use of steam
turbines assumes a high pressure steam source is available and that the relatively
large amount of low pressure pass out steam can be used effectively. As with
thermocompressors this 1 imits applicability. In general non-electric drives are
only worth considering as heat pumps with relatively low COP (less than about 8 ) .
If COP’S are higher than this the benefit is relatively small and it cannot offset

2 - 16
Fuel input 100%

\ Losses 20% >
F i g u r e 2-10. Energy Output from Gas Engine

the extra maintenance cost. This means that most MVR systems will be electrically


There are a number of parameters which are used to compare the performance of heat
pumps or their components. The most commonly used is the Coefficient of
Performance, (COP). Others include the Primary Energy Ratio (PER), and the
capacity. The efficiency of compression is critical in ensuring high values of
these overall performance criteria, and may also be regarded as a basis for
compari son.

Coefficient of Performance, COP

The COP of a mechanical compression heat pump is defined as the ratio of the heat
output to the power input. A heat pump delivering 4 MMBtu/h and driven by a 1
MMBtu/h (293 kW) electric motor, has a COP of 4 . It is important to make a
distinction here between the COP used by heat pump designers and that used by
refrigeration engineers. Referring back to Figure 2 - 1 the COP o f the heat pump may
be defined as:

However, when considering the performance of a refrigeration system, the heat

output is not usually of prime interest. It is the heat input (i.e. the cooling
duty) that is of relevance. Hence, refrigeration COP is defined as the ratio of
heat input to power input, i.e.:

By applying a simple energy balance it is clear that Qout is the sum of Qin t W .
Using this fact in conjunction with the two above equations one can show:

COP is often found to be a difficult concept to understand. Most engineers are

familiar with efficiency measurements on plants such as boilers and they know that
values over 100% are impossible. A COP of 4 implies a 400% efficiency which seems
to defy the laws of thermodynamics! Of course, this is not the case; the delivered

h e a t i s made up o f some " f r e e " h e a t f r o m t h e h e a t source and some purchased energy
( t o d r i v e t h e compressor). As COP r i s e s t h e p r o p o r t i o n o f f r e e h e a t i s i n c r e a s i n g .
W i t h v e r y l o w temperature l i f t s (e.g., 10°F i n an open c y c l e e v a p o r a t o r ) COP'S i n
t h e r e g i o n o f 50 a r e p o s s i b l e !

Care must be t a k e n i n u s i n g COP as a comparative parameter. It u s u a l l y does n o t

i n c l u d e a u x i l i a r y power f o r t h i n g s l i k e c i r c u l a t i n g pumps and fans; t h e s e o f t e n
add s i g n i f i c a n t l y t o t h e r u n n i n g c o s t . A l s o i t makes no allowance f o r t h e f a c t
t h a t t h e h e a t b e i n g s u p p l i e d and t h e power b e i n g used a r e w o r t h d i f f e r e n t amounts.
F i n a l l y , i t i s n o t p o s s i b l e t o deduce a n y t h i n g about c a p i t a l c o s t f r o m t h e COP.

Primary Enerqy R a t i o , PER

The COP, w h i l e b e i n g a p o p u l a r e x p r e s s i o n o f h e a t pump e f f e c t i v e n e s s , does n o t

t a k e i n t o account t h e f a c t t h a t energy a v a i l a b l e as work i s n o r m a l l y more v a l u a b l e
t h a n energy a v a i l a b l e as h e a t . The PER recognizes n o t o n l y t h e h e a t pump COP, b u t
a l s o t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f c o n v e r s i o n o f t h e p r i m a r y f u e l (e.g. o i l , gas o r c o a l ) . It
i s d e f i n e d as:

PER = Useful heat del ivered

Primary energy consumed

When a h e a t engine w i t h a thermal e f f i c i e n c y o f t~ i s used t o d r i v e a h e a t pump


PER = t~ x COP.

T a k i n g t h e example quoted above i f t h e e l e c t r i c motor was r e p l a c e d by a

r e c i p r o c a t i n g n a t u r a l gas engine w i t h 35% e f f i c i e n c y , t h e PER i s :

PER = 0.35 x 4.0 = 1.4.

T h i s means t h a t t h e h e a t pump would d e l i v e r 40% more heat t h a n by d i r e c t

combustion o f t h e f u e l a t 100% e f f i c i e n c y .

The use o f PER a l s o enables one t o account f o r h e a t n p u t s t o t h e system from t h e

engine coo i n g j a c k e t and exhaust. The engine d e s c r bed above r e j e c t s 65% o f

the fuel input as waste heat. It is not practical to recover all this waste heat,
but 45% of fuel input is recoverable. This can supplement the heat pump output and
PER becomes:

PER = 1.4 t 0.45 = 1.85

It can be seen that in such a case the heat pump would supply just over twice as
much heat as a high efficiency boiler, which would have a PER of about 0.9.

This definition is also used to define the performance of absorption and

thermocompression heat pumps. A typical Type I absorption system PER is 1.7. This
implies that for every 0.7 units of waste heat available, 1.0 units of prime energy
are consumed. This results in 1.7 units of useful heat being supplied.

Cost of Heat Supplied

It is important to understand the COP and the PER as these parameters are often
encountered. However, when carrying out a heat pump feasibility analysis it is
much simpler to express the performance simply as an operating cost in $/MMBtu. In
this way all auxiliary power costs can be included and different fuel costs are
properly accounted for.

Capaci tv

The capacity of a heat pump system is conventionally defined as the amount of heat
delivered to the user. This is normally expressed in kW, MW or Btu/h, not, as is
common in refrigeration, as 'tons of refrigeration'.

Compression Effi ci encv

The design o f a heat pump, be it open or closed cycle, is dominated by the

compressor. Compressor types are discussed later in this section, but it is
appropriate to define compression efficiency here. More correctly, three different
efficiencies need to be defined, and two of these have to be taken into account
when calculating the COP of a heat pump.

Isentropic Effi ci encv. The i sentropic efficiency represents the di fference

between a real compressor and one which operates under ideal or isentropic

conditions. The deviation from ideal is principally due to irreversibil ities, such
as heat transfer between the refrigerant and the compressor components, in the
fluid flow through the compressor.

Isentropic efficiency is a complex function of machine design, refrigerant, and

operating conditions (suction and discharge pressure, compressor loading, etc.).
Large variations are common between different machines and even the same machine
operating under different conditions.

A good value of isentropic efficiency is above 75%. Many machines are on the
market with a best efficiency point of only 50%. These will cost one third more to
operate than good machines. Part load efficiency of most compressors is poor.
Some machines operate efficiently over a wide range of suction and delivery
pressures while others have a high peak efficiency that quickly falls at off-design

Selection of a compressor with good isentropic efficiency characteristics is

essential if a heat pump is to have good economics. Relatively little attention
is given to compressor efficiency by refrigeration plant users. Bearing in mind
that most heat pump compressors are designed for use in chilling or freezing,
there is a good chance of choosing an inefficient machine! Figure 2-11 illustrates
a good way of comparing compressor efficiency. Efficiency contours are plotted on
axes representing evaporating temperature and condensing temperature (roughly
equivalent to source and user temperatures). Compressor (a) has the highest
efficiency of either machine, at 80%. However this value falls at off design
conditions. Compressor (b) would be a better choice if the source and user
temperatures are lower.

Mechanical Efficiency. The mechanical efficiency of a compressor is a measure of

the amount of work applied to the shaft which is eventually delivered to the
fluid. This takes into account the mechanical losses o f the drive, and other
moving parts. The energy needed to circulate the lubricant is also taken into
consideration in arriving at this figure. The mechanical efficiency is normally
high, 95% is typical.

Condensing Condensing
Temperature, O F Temperature, O F


120 65




-25 -30 -35 -40 -25 -30 -35 -40

Evaporating Evaporating
Temperature, O F Temperature, O F

Figure 2-11. Compressor Efficiency Map

Volumetric Efficiency. The volumetric efficiency is defined as the ratio of the
actual volume induced per cycle to the swept volume. Volumetric efficiencies
vary, depending on the type of compressor and its design, but typically fall
within the range of 85% to 95%.


Heat pump systems were reviewed in the first half o f this Chapter. Now it is
useful to examine some of the individual components that make up such systems.
These include the compressor and its drive, several heat exchangers (an evaporator,
condenser, and subcooler would be typical), expansion valves and a refrigerant.
Each of these components is discussed in the context of their use in industrial
heat pump systems.


The compressor may be regarded as the heart o f a heat pump, and is critical to the
determination of the performance, life, reliability and environmental
acceptability of the system. While compressors for refrigeration duties are well
proven, the direct use of refrigeration compressors for heat pump applications is
not always advisable. At the outset it is useful to list some of the features o f
heat pump operation which set it apart from most refrigeration duties.

0 First o f all, heat pumps often operate at higher condensing temperatures

and pressures than refrigeration systems. This puts more stress on both
the refrigerant and the compressor.
0 In the second place, heat pumps in industrial processes may operate for
many more hours per year at their maximum design duty than refrigerators
or air conditioning plants.
a Finally, a refrigeration compressor is designed to lose heat to the
environment. A heat pump compressor preferably retains as much heat as
possible for delivery at the condenser.

Comtwessor Cateqories. Compressors can be categorized in three ways; by type, by

enclosure, and by o i l usage. There are many basic types of compressor, although
only four are frequently used for heat pumps. These are reciprocating,
centrifugal, screw and rotary vane types. These are discussed in detail later.

Each type can have three types of enclosures known as hermetic, semi-hermetic or
open. Hermetic compressors together with their motors are encased in a welded

shell; this prevents any possible leakage from a rotating shaft seal. The
electric motor is cooled by passing the refrigerant vapor over it prior to
compression. Hermetic compressors are usually very smal 1. Semi -hermetic machines
are also fully enclosed but instead of a welded casing, a flanged casing is used
allowing access to the compressor for servicing. The open machine is a bare shaft
compressor with a rotating shaft seal. The electric motor is external to the
compressor. Open machines generally have higher efficiency than hermetic machines,
but are more 1 i ab1 e to refrigerant 1 eakage.

The third way of categorizing compressors relates to lubricating oil. Most

compressors are ''wet'' in the sense that oil is allowed to come in contact with
refrigerant (in fact some compressors uti1 ize oil injected into the compression
space for cooling and to improve efficiency). The other type is the oil free or
"dry" compressor. Use of oil is restricted to items such as bearings which are
sealed from the refrigerant.

Centrifuqal Compressors. The centrifugal compressor is used by many refrigeration

plant manufacturers and, unlike other types described here, relies not on positive
displacement, but fluid acceleration in the rotor to raise the pressure. Single-
stage (see Figure 2-12) or multi-stage centrifugal compressors of hermetic or open
design are readily available. Such compressors are classed as dry since oil is of
no benefit to the refrigerant side of the system.

Centrifugal machines handle pressure ratios up to about two in a single stage, and
are more suited to large capacities and relatively small temperature lifts.
Mechanical vapor recompression systems on evaporators, for example, routinely use
single stage centrifugal compressors. They often have a high peak efficiency which
drops rapidly at off design conditions as illustrated in Figure 2-lla. In many
situations the compressor cannot operate too far away from design conditions
because of compressor surge. This is caused by stalling inside the rotor and can
have catastrophic effects such as motor burnout or compressor motor failure.
Capacity control is normally carried out by varying the position of the inlet
guide vanes, and hence the flow of the suction vapor. Variable speed drives are
also used occasionally. Part load efficiency is often very poor.

Recently, high efficiency (80 t %), lower cost turbo fans have been developed for
low pressure ratio steam compression duties up t o 1.3. These are particularly
suited evaporation systems.



Figure 2-12. Centrifugal Compressor

Axi a1 Comwessors. Axial compressors can hand1 e much 1 arger vapor volumes than
centrifugal machines. Unlike centrifugal machines, the vapor flow is parallel to
the compressor shaft. A typical single stage compression ratio is 1.5, with
efficiencies in the range of 80-85". They tend to be smaller and lighter than
comparable centrifugal units and have been extensively developed for use in gas

Reciwocatinq Comwessors. Reciprocating compressors remain the most common type

in the small to medium size range, being regarded as the 'work horse' of
refrigeration systems. The basic design is simple and efficiencies are reasonable
when operated at correct conditions. Reciprocating units are available in
hermetic, semi-hermetic or open form. A typical open reciprocating compressor is
illustrated in Figure 2-13. Size is not a constraint on reciprocating machinery
operation, but it is normally found that centrifugal or screw compressors take
over when drives reach 100 - 150kW. In the longer term, rotary compressor types
may also dominate at lower powers.

In heat pump applications, reciprocating compressors are oil-lubricated, o 1 being

fed from the pump to the crankshaft and cylinders. Substantial quantities of oil
are brought into contact with the refrigerant, and effective separation of oil and
refrigerant is needed.

Capacity control of reciprocating compressors is usually by unloading cylinders.

This is effected by lifting suction valves from their seats on appropriate
cylinders, using hydraulics or gas pressure. Thus, step load reductions can be
achieved, e.g., 75%, 50% and 25% of full load.

Screw Compressors. Two types of screw compressor are competing in the market for
open and closed cycle heat pumps. These are the single screw and twin screw types.
The single screw machine is shown in Figure 2-14a, while the twin screw compressor
is illustrated in Figure 2-14b.

Both types of screw compressor are positive displacement machines. To help

understand their operation, it is useful to envisage the female rotor as a number
of cylinders wrapped in the form of a helix. The vapor is drawn into the
"cylinder" through the suction port and compressed by the "piston" which is a tooth
of the star wheel in a single screw compressor or a lobe of the male rotor in the

Suction and Discliarge
Valve Assembly

Piston and
Connecting Rod -

Figure 2-13. Open Reciprocating Compressor


Figure 2-14a. Single Screw Compressor



Synchronizing pinions

Figure 2-14b. Twin Screw Compressor

twin screw. Screw compressors are very robust machines and can operate well over
a wide range of conditions. The twin screw machine is not affected by liquid
droplets in the suction vapor, which can be a major advantage.

Screw compressors have been developed for use with steam as well as with
conventional refrigerants. The applications tend to be those where shaft power is
upwards of 50kW. Neither type uses suction or discharge valves. Most screw
compressors are oil injected. The oil provides both lubrication and a seal
between rotors and casing. Some designs are oil free which is particularly
important for steam compression.

In the case of the single screw machine, the balanced compression process leads to
very low bearing loads compared to other compressors. Both have stepless capacity
control between 100% and 10% load although this can be at considerable expense in
terms of efficiency.

Other Comwessor Tmes. The rotary vane compressor, shown schematically in

Figure 2-15a7 has been used in a number of smaller heat pump applications. The
reader may, however, be more familiar with its application as a compressor in
vehicle air conditioning. This type of compressor is also known as the sliding
vane type and tends to operate with low to moderate compression ratios, e.g., up to
four, and discharge pressures up to 200 psig. The isentropic efficiency is often
fairly poor.

Rotary lobe compressors (See Figure 15b) have been used in steam compression
systems. They operate with compression ratios up to two and efficiencies o f 60-
75%. Their use is generally restricted to lower flow applications where the
differential pressure across the compressor is less than 15 psi.

Heat Exchanqers

A heat pump of the open type normally involves the use of at least one heat
exchanger, while closed cycle units generally have three, assuming a subcooler is
used in addition to the evaporator and condenser. Optimization of heat exchanger
performance has a major influence on the cost-effectiveness of the overall heat
pump system and it is important that attention is given to all aspects of heat
exchanger design.


.__f Discharge

Figure 2-15a. Rotary Vane Compressor


Figure 2-15b. Rotary Lobe Compressor

The two principal heat exchanger types used in heat pump systems are the shell and
tube heat exchanger and the tube-in-plate heat exchanger ( a l s o known as a finned
c o i l ) . For heat t r a n s f e r t o and from gas/air streams, the finned coil exchanger
i s used. For l i q u i d heat sources and users, f o r some condensing d u t i e s , and where
the heat pump i s used t o boil a f l u i d acting as the heat user, shell and tube heat
exchangers are employed. Examples o f heat exchangers a r e i l l u s t r a t e d in
Figures 2-16 and 2-17.

Another type of heat exchanger which may be considered f o r evaporator or condenser

duty i s the p l a t e heat exchanger. Where heat sources other than a l i q u i d or gas
are used, f o r example the ground or s o l a r energy, heat exchangers need t o be
t a i l o r e d t o t h e s i t u a t i o n . Such s i t u a t i o n s are r a r e in i n d u s t r i a l heat pump

The nature of the heat source and heat user are the dominating f a c t o r s in
determining t h e type of heat exchanger t o be chosen f o r the evaporator and
condenser. As mentioned above, when a i r o r a gas i s the source or sink, a heat
exchanger with a l a r g e amount of secondary surface on t h e gas s i d e must be
selected. I f , on the other hand, a process liquid i s involved, or a stream i s
undergoing evaporation or condensation, the heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t s are l i k e l y
t o be of the same order as those on the r e f r i g e r a n t s i d e , so plain tubes can be
used. An exception t o t h i s r u l e i s where water i s the process f l u i d . Water
normally gives a higher heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t than chorofluorocarbon (CFC)
r e f r i g e r a n t s , and a heat exchanger may be selected with finning on the r e f r i g e r a n t
( s h e l l ) s i d e (commonly low f i n tubes) with the water flowing on the tube-side.

A number of the f a c t o r s which have t o be taken i n t o account when selecting heat

exchangers are l i s t e d in Table 2 - 1 . The reader i s advised t o consult the design
data of organizations such as the Heat Transfer Research I n s t i t u t e (HTRI), based i n
California, f o r d e t a i l e d design procedures. Fouling i s a very important aspect
a f f e c t i n g heat exchanger performance, and i s discussed l a t e r in t h i s section.

EvaDorators. There a r e two important categories of evaporators, flooded and d i r e c t

expansion ( D X ) . In t h e case of a DX evaporator, the r e f r i g e r a n t l i q u i d supplied t o
the heat exchanger i s completely boiled off and s l i g h t l y superheated i n the l a s t
p a r t of t h e exchanger. A flooded evaporator has l i q u i d present a t a l l times which
ensures good wetting o f the heat t r a n s f e r surface and o f f e r s improved heat t r a n s f e r


Water Out

-- -
111 !
ip--- AW.L-

Liquid Outlet

F i g u r e 2-16. Shell and Tube Condenser

Figure 2-17. Finned C o i l Evaporator

Table 2-1

Type of Fluids Gas, Liquid, Vapor

Clean, Dirty
Corrosive Elements
Materials o f Construction Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel
A1 1 oy
Plastic (Teflon, Epoxy, etc.)
Clean1 iness Requirements Fouling resistance
Ease of access to heat
transfer surface
cost First Costs
Maintenance Costs

c o e f f i c i e n t s . However, w i t h a flooded evaporator i t i s necessary t o separate t h e
unevaporated l i q u i d from the vapor. Figure 2-18 i l l u s t r a t e s a s h e l l and tube heat
exchanger in flooded and DX modes.

From a thermal performance viewpoint, flooded evaporators are favored as they

ensure the best heat t r a n s f e r . However, t h e r e are a number o f practical problems
r e l a t e d t o droplet separation and o i l removal t h a t tend t o make flooded evaporators
more expensive.

Condensers. These are almost invariably shell and tube heat exchangers f o r l i q u i d
heat users and finned c o i l s for gaseous heat users. In the case of shell and tube
condensers, the r e f r i g e r a n t i s always condensed on the shell s i d e with t h e liquid
being heated located in the tubes. I t i s good practice t o use a receiver vessel
beneath t h e condenser t o prevent vapor bubbles from passing t o the expansion valve
or excessive l i q u i d banking up inside the condenser.

The Expansion Valve. The l i q u i d feed t o the evaporator i s controlled by the

expansion valve. In the majority of small heat pumps, thermostatic valves are
used. I n l a r g e r systems f l o a t switches or level control devices are common.

Thermostatic expansion valves are used with DX evaporators and are designed t o
ensure t h a t vapor entering the compressor i s always s l i g h t l y superheated.

Where a flooded evaporator i s used, a level controlled expansion valve i s used.

This maintains a constant level of l i q u i d r e f r i g e r a n t i n either t h e evaporator or
the condenser.

Refri qerants

For open cycle systems, the process f l u i d being compressed d i f f e r s from one
i n d u s t r i a l s e c t o r t o another, although steam remains the most common. The range of
r e f r i g e r a n t s or working f l u i d s which can be used in closed cycle heat pumps i s
wide. Note should be taken, however, of the potential impact concerning the e f f e c t
of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) which include several common r e f r i g e r a n t s , on the
Earth’s ozone l a y e r . This i s b r i e f l y discussed l a t e r in t h i s chapter.

Evaporator Vapor
(Refrigerant in tubes) to


- Evaporator
Heat Source
-- (Refrigerant in shell)
Lev21 Control ,

- Liquid
L P Float Valve Condenser

6)Flooded Evaporator with

L P Float Valve

Figure 2-18. Flooded and Direct Expansion Evaporators

Refrigerants for closed cycle heat pumps are identified by an 'R' prefix, followed
by a number, in accordance with the ASHRAE Standard List of Refrigerants. The
most common refrigerants used in heat pumps are listed in Table 2-2.

Refrigerant property data are well documented which facilitates the sizing of
equipment. In many heat pumps significant quantities of lubricating oil can
circulate with the refrigerant. This oil can modify the refrigerant properties,
and recently data have been made available on the thermodynamic properties of
refrigerant/oil mixtures.

The choice of refrigerant for a given situation depends on a number of

thermodynamic and practical factors. The evaporating and condensing pressures are
of prime importance. The evaporating pressure should be above atmospheric
pressure as it is difficult to prevent air in-leakage in a system under vacuum.
The condensing pressure should not be above the maximum rating o f the compressor.
This appears to be an obvious point and, in principle, is not a restriction.
However, most refrigeration compressors are only rated up to about 300 psig. As
these are relatively cheap because of high volume production, it is expensive to
demand higher pressures. It is also important that the condensing pressure is not
close to the critical pressure of the refrigerant. In such circumstances, the
latent heat of vaporization of the refrigerant is significantly reduced. This
results in increased refrigerant flowrates and reduced COP.

The refrigerant chosen will affect the size of compressor required and the heat
transfer coefficients in the evaporator and condenser. Toxicity, flammability and
chemical stability are generally acceptable with the refrigerants 1 isted, and the
final selection is made on the basis of optimizing the cycle efficiency for
refrigerants with acceptable costs.

In normal use, the refrigerants listed in Table 2-2 should prove reliable. If
manufacturers recommended operating temperatures are exceeded, breakdown of the
refrigerant can occur, leading to formation of acidic products which might attack
the compressor, heat exchangers, or other components. Breakdown of refrigerant
will occur at lower temperatures in the presence of mineral lubricating oils. For
heat pumps operating above 210"F, it is necessary to use special synthetic oils or
oil free compressors. Above about 270°F the refrigerant breakdown problem prevents
use of CFC refrigerants, leaving water as the only obvious choice.

Table 2-2


Boiling point a t
Ref r ig e r ant Chemical Chemical Atmospheric
Number Name Formula Pressure, "F

R11 Trichloroflouromethane CC13F 74.7

R12 Dichlorodiflouromethane CC12F2 -21.6

R22 Chlorodifluoromethane CHCLF2 -41.4

R113 T r i c h l o r o t r i f l uorethane c2c13F3 117.6

R114 D i c h l o r o t e t r a f l uoroethane c2c12F4 38.4

R717 Ammon ia NH3 - 28

R718 Water H20 212

For open cycle systems, it is important to have a knowledge of the fluid being
compressed and any impurities which might be present. The possibility of
corrosion must also be examined. This may necessitate all-stainless steel

The Chlorofluorocarbon Problem. Legislation concerning 1 imitations on the future

production and use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) will affect the refrigeration and
heat pump industry, by most accounts, significantly. This is in spite of the fact
that the proportion of total CFC production used in such equipment is relatively
small (compared to other uses, such as foam blowing, aerosols, etc.).

It is difficult to predict the impact on the refrigeration and heat pump

industries, but it is likely that many commonly used fluids will become
unavailable. However, new research is expected to provide other a1 ternatives.

When designing the heat pump, the refrigerant is an important component and any
possible restrictions on this use should be investigated and understood.

Operational Limitations

It is important to recognize some of the technical limits to practical and

economic operation of heat pump systems. The comments made here apply to "second
generation" heat pumps i.e. ones that can be produced commercially today. Some of
these limits will be exceeded by advanced cycles, which are described later in this
section. It must be stressed, however, that such advanced cycles are a long way
from re1 iable commercial production.

Tor, Temperatures. The temperature to which a process stream can be heated in a

heat pump (the top temperatures) is one of the main operational limitations.

In the case o f CFC refrigerants used in closed cycle vapor compression systems,
the top temperature safely achievable is of the order of 250°F, sufficient to
enable low pressure steam to be generated in the condenser. Refrigerants such as
R114 and the modern synthetic lubricants are chemically stable at compressor
discharge temperatures of 260°F and long term durability has been demonstrated in
reciprocating and screw compressors as well as in centrifugal machines. Above this
temperature the refrigerant breaks down chemically, making the heat pump

inoperative. Refrigerant degradation is worst in the presence of oils. With oil
free compressors, top temperatures of 280°F may be possible with CFC refrigerants.

Attempts have been made to use other fluids such as methanol in closed cycle heat
pumps at condensing temperatures up to 320°F. To date, however, no commercial
systems are avai 1 ab1 e.

The most promising fluid for operation above 300°F is steam, either in open or
closed cycle configurations. It is realistic to operate with delivery temperatures
of 320°F, and tests on twin screw compressors have shown that delivery temperatures
of 480°F are achievable.

Temperature Lift. It is not only top temperature that is important. The

temperature lift of a heat pump has a direct bearing on the COP and hence the
economic performance. Clearly if the lift is too high it is pointless trying to
use a heat pump. It is difficult to give specific figures for unacceptable
temperature lift because the economics depend on site specific conditions,
particularly fuel and electricity prices. In general, if the lift is above 100°F
it is unlikely to be a very economical application except in special circumstances.

Pressure Limitations. The choice of refrigerant is often dominated by pressure

considerations. To keep compressor costs down it is important to avoid discharge
pressures above 300 psig. For this reason different refrigerants are used as top
temperature increases. Up to a condensing temperature of 12O"F, R22 or ammonia are
good fluids to choose. Between 120°F and 160"F, R12 is best. Above this
temperature R114 or R500 is used. The thermal degradation problems described
previously are reached before these fluids reach 300 psig condensing pressure.

There can also be pressure limitations on the suction side of the compressor. The
problems arise because refrigeration compressors are the preferred choice to keep
capital costs low. For instance, if R12 is used on a low temperature lift heat
pump operating at a suction temperature between 120°F and 160"F, the suction
pressure would exceed the rating of many designs.

Foul inq/Corrosion. Heat exchanger fouling and corrosion are among the major
problems encountered with first generation heat pumps. If either the heat source
or heat user i s too dirty or corrosive it may be impossible to identify a practical

or economical design. It must be remembered that a fouled evaporator or condenser
can cause a significant loss of COP and capacity.

Foul ing and corrosion can be dealt with in a number of ways, and these should be
considered before proceeding with a potential application. In the case of many
heat sources or sinks, upstream filtration can remove particles. A1 ternatively,
intermittent on-line or off-line cleaning may be carried out. Where condensation
occurs, consideration must be given to the nature of the volatiles which condense
onto the heat exchanger surfaces, since these can cause corrosion. Corrosion can
be prevented through proper selection of materials, although costs can be high.

Fouling on the refrigerant side is not normally a problem if the circuit design is
correct. Care must be taken to avoid a build up of oil in evaporators or air in
condensers, particularly if the heat pump has a suction pressure below atmospheric.

Off-Desiqn Behavior. The design or performance of a heat pump can often be

affected by off-design operation. Such occasions include reduced product
throughput or transients experienced during plant start up or shut down. It is
vital that all conceivable modes of operation are considered at the design stage,
not just the most common conditions.

Location. The location of heat pumps is generally subject to constraints similar

to those for other thermal and mechanical equipment. The relative locations of the
heat source and heat user will have a significant effect on capita cost since
these affect piping or ducting runs.

The physical size of the heat pump also has a bearing on its locat on. If the
major components are too heavy or too large, installation above ground level may be
undesirable or uneconomical .

Provision of appropriate services, principally to power the prime mover, also

influences location, as do environmental conditions. The evaporator often is the
most critical component in determining the performance of heat pump applications,
and its placement needs attention in order to optimize heat transfer and pressure


A review of the current research and development activities of the industrialized

nations (in particular, Japan, the United States and Europe) reveals a high level
of activity on heat pumps. This will lead to new designs based on derivatives of
existing cycles and novel cycles. This section briefly considers some of the

Svstems Empl ovinq Non-Azeotropic Refriqerants

In conventional heat pump cycles the refrigerants evaporate and condense at

constant temperatures. However, in many applications heat is supplied to the
evaporator and removed from the condenser over a temperature gradient - this is
illustrated in Figure 2-19a. It can be seen that at one end of the heat exchanger
a large temperature differential exists. If this can be reduced, the COP can be
rai sed.

A non-azeotropic mixture evaporates over a temperature range, and the heat

exchanger temperature profiles are modified as shown in Figure 2-19b. This has
the effect of reducing the large temperature differential.

An example of the improvement possible using a refrigerant mixture is evident from

the tests conducted by engineers in France, where much work in this area is being
carried out. Sixteen different mixtures were investigated experimentally, and it
was found that increases in capacity of up to 30% and in COP of up to 12% were
achieved. The capacity ncreas was significant because this implies a saving on
capital cost compared to a unit using a single component refrigerant.

Absorption Cvcl e Svstems

While the vapor compress on cyc e heat pump dominates the market, the majority of
R&D funding is being allocated t o absorption systems. This i s to a large extent
aimed at penetration of the domestic heating market, but industrial systems are
also receiving attention.

Like the vapor compression system, top temperature is a limit, as is temperature

lift. It is proposed that 2-stage systems could overcome the latter drawback,
without major cost increases. Also, new working fluid pairs may contribute toward


Heat Source

T Heat Source

\ Refrigerant Evaporating
at Constant Temperature

Conventional Non-Azeotropic Mixture

Figure 2-19. Non-Azeotropic Cycle

the former. Targets of a delivery temperature of 400°F and PER’S of up to 2.5
have been set by one research team in Austria. This might include other forms of
’chemical ’ heat pump where chemical reactions, rather than pure absorption, take
pl ace.

Interestingly, the vapor compression cycle can be linked with the absorption cycle
to give a much improved temperature 1 ift, without changing the compressor inlet
and outlet conditions. The working fluid pair of ammonia and water appear suitable
for many applications. A unit using a monoscrew compressor has been constructed in
the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Bravton Cvcle

Water has already been mentioned as a refrigerant. The other cheap and abundant
compound which can be used as a refrigerant is air. Air is used in the Brayton
cycle; i.e., in a gas turbine-compressor assembly, to produce similar heat pumping
duties to the Rankine cycle, but at higher temperatures.

The Brayton cycle, applied to a spray dryer has been tested experimentally for heat
pump duties, but has yet to see commercial service. It is probable that many o f
the turbo-compressor components could be adapted from systems made for other
applications; one prototype is in fact using a turbocharger. The main interest is
in the high temperature possibilities it seems to offer.

The United States Department of Energy has funded the installation of a Brayton
Cycle heat pump for a solvent recovery application. This is in operation now and
research aimed at broadening the range o f applicability continues.

Finally, it is worth highlighting some aims of Japanese heat pump research. These
include developing heat pumps capable of operating at up to 570°F (with a COP of
3), produce heat at 185°F from a source at 120°F with a COP of 8 , and to give 100
MMBtu/h heat output for district and process heating. These ambitious goals are
supported by significant financial support, which shows how important the Japanese
consider industrial heat pumps to be.

Chapter 3


The majority of industrial heat pumps are driven by electric motors and clearly
represent additional electricity sales. How important are these sales to

This chapter contains a description of the existing industrial heat pump market.
The types of systems in use and their applications are highlighted. The connected
load associated with these installations is estimated and compared to that of
residential and commercial units. To widen the perspective of the analysis, data
about the markets in Western Europe and Japan are presented.

The manufacturers and other parties who may help with the design of a heat pump
system are listed.

Finally, some thoughts about the future for industrial heat pumps are presented.


To better understand the existing industrial heat pump market, a survey of

manufacturers, uti1 i ties, and government agencies was completed during the
preparation of this Resource Guide. The parties were contacted by telephone or
mail and asked about their knowledge of existing installations, their activities in
the industrial heat pump market and their knowledge of other useful information
sources. The following analysis is based on the information gathered during that
survey. The data presented is not intended to be completely comprehensive,
however, it is thought to be a true reflection of the existing heat pump market.
It should also be noted that much of the information was based on manufacturers
data and the installations were not checked to ensure that they were all still in

Numbers, T w e s and Awlications

In Chapter 1 , the industrial heat pump was defined as one having a process related
heat source or heat sink and an 'industrial scale' heat output (approximately
250,000 Btu/h and above). Existing heat pump applications meeting these basic
criteria were found to cover a wide range o f industries, process, and sizes. The
types o f heat pumps in use include open cycles, semi-open cycles, and closed

It is interesting to note that the most numerous application of heat pumps, other
than for space heating, is probably desalination or other purification of water
using MVR evaporators. There are thousands o f these units operating worldwide.
Typical installations appear in resort hotels, water bottling plants, and on ships,
producing anywhere from 200 to 50,000 gallons/day of water. However, the majority
of these units are stand-alone and have the sole purpose of producing water. As
these installations do not generally involve industrial processes, they have not
been included in the analysis.

Types and Numbers. The heat pumps of most interest to utilities are those which
require shaft work, because potentially they could use an electric driver. The
survey identified 1378 of these units, with an estimated shaft power requirement of
440 MW and an estimated heat output of 2 . 7 x lolo Btu/h. The split between open
and closed cycles is shown in Figure 3-1. The open cycles in use are mainly
applied to evaporation processes while the closed cycles in use are mainly applied
to lumber drying. (Note that, strictly speaking, open cycles applied to
evaporation should be called semi-open cycles because they involve the use of a
heat exchanger. However, they are more commonly referred to as open cycles and for
the remainder of this chapter, the term 'open cycle' is used to describe both open
and semi -open cycles. )

Of the heat driven cycles (thermocompression and absorption) thermocompression

systems are the most common. The main application is again evaporation processes.
The survey did not address the numbers of these installations in detail, but it is
estimated that about 400 units are in operation. There were no absorption type
heat pumps in operation although it i s believed that up to 20 absorption chillers
may have been adapted for heat pump duties. Heat driven systems have been excluded
from the remainder o f this discussion.

Number of Units by Cycle Type

Open Cyc

losed Cycle


Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3-1. Breakdown o f U.S. Industrial Heat Pump Installations by Cycle

ARRlications. Figures 3-2 to 3-4 show how the number of industrial heat pumps is
broken down by industrial sector.

The single largest application of industrial heat pumps is lumber drying. In this
process (see Figure 3-5) the moisture content of wood is reduced by circulating
warm air around timber stacked in an insulated building (kiln). The warm, moist
air being exhausted from the kiln is the heat source for the heat pump. Heat
subsequently delivered by the condenser is used to heat air entering the kiln.
Apart from lumber drying, this technique is being used in leather processing, fish
drying, fruit drying, and drying of molded paper products. Typically these
applications are small scale with average drying capacities being 5-6000 pounds of
water per day, corresponding t o a heating load of about 250,000 Btu/h. This heat
output puts the majority of these systems right at the bottom of the industrial
scale, but some applications have a heat output of up to 2 MMBtu/h. This market
represents well proven technology. The benefits to the process operator in these
cases is not just related to lower operating costs. Improved product quality,
reduced material loss and lower first cost when compared to conventional systems
are among some of the other reported advantages.

The other closed cycle applications are generally on a larger scale, with heat
outputs ranging from 1 to 25 MMBtu/h with typical COP’S of four to eight. These
systems have been applied in a wide range of industries. Heat sources used include
hot process streams (liquid and vapor), solar heated water, sewage, and heat from
refrigeration condensers. Typical heat users are process water, water for cleaning
purposes, HVAC systems, and process fluids. The upper temperatures for fluids
being heated are in the range of 180-200°F. These installations are based on
conventional refrigeration cycle technology, using CFC working fluids

The open cycle heat pumps identified are mostly related to evaporation processes
where the vapor produced by evaporation of a liquor is compressed and used to
drive the evaporator (see Figure 3-6). These ‘MVR‘ systems are ma nly used for
water based solutions. All the applications in Figure 3-4, except for those in the
oil/petrochemical industry, involve the compression of water vapor

The oil/petrochemical industry MVR heat pumps are applied to disti 1 at i on col umns .
Generally, overhead vapors from a column are compressed and used to reboil the
column (see Figure 3-7). Applications are restricted to co umns wh ch separate

Number of Units by Industry Sector


Distilleries /AI c0h01 2 2

Food 2 8
Oi I/Petrochem 31
ulp and Paper 40
Corn Wet Milling 45
Chemicals 49
Dairy 50
Others 61 Water/Sewage 52
Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3-2. Breakdown o f U . S . Industrial Heat Pump Installations

by Industry Sector

Number of Units by Industrial Sector

Others 26

Water /Sewage 15

Oil/Petrochem 1
Corn Wet Milling 1
Dis t I 1 leries/ Alcohc31 2
'ulp and Paper 3
Dairy 4
Food 9
Chemicals 8

CLOSED CYCLE (excluding lumber)

Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3 - 3 . Breakdown o f U.S. Closed Cycle Industrial Heat Pumps

by Industry Sector

Number of Units by Industry Sector

Corn Wet Milling

is t i IIer i es /Alco hol

Others 30
Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3 - 4 . Breakdown o f U.S. Industrial Open Cycle Heat Pumps

by Industry Sector

Figure 3-5. Heat Pump in a Lumber Drying Kiln



- Concentrate

Dilute Solution

Figure 3-6. Heat Pump in an Evaporation Process

Feed I-, Overhead
Product 8 Expansion


F i g u r e 3-7. Heat Pump in a D i s t l l a t on Process

components with similar boiling points, such as n-butane and iso-butane, and
therefore, have a low temperature difference across the column.

Open cycles are generally the largest in terms of heat delivered. It is not
uncommon for an evaporation rate of 100,000 lb/h to be achieved in MVR evaporators.
The heat supplied by the vapor after compression, therefore, exceeds 100 MMBtu/h.
The COP’S of these systems are also high, for example, a unit operating with a
compression ratio of 1.5 will have a COP of approximately 20. This means that
100 MMBtu/h of heat can be delivered to the process by using only 5 MMBtu/h of
shaft work (1.5 MW) . Vapor recompression evaporators represent a proven
technology. Apart from very significant reductions in the energy consumption of
the process, other reported benefits include: no requirement for additional steam
raising capacity, no cooling water requirements, possibility for improved product
recovery and improved product quality. The scale o f the oil/petrochemical industry
also leads to large installations. MVR systems integrated with distillation
columns have heat delivery rates of up to 100 MMBtu/h.

Thermocompression heat pumps are typically used in evaporation processes and can be
regarded as an alternative to MVR systems. The performance of these systems is not
as good as that of MVR systems because a relatively large amount o f motive steam i s
required to compress the process vapor. To ensure maximum benefit from these
units, they must be integrated with the process in a way which allows all the
exhaust vapors to be utilized. However, they are simple, cheap, and can have good

Table 3 - 1 highlights some actual applications for each type of cycle by industry

The timing of the MVR installations is illustrated in Figure 3-8. It can be seen
that the build rate was low up to the mid/late seventies but picked up quite
dramatically in the early eighties, probably due to the increase in fuel prices
that occurred in 1979. However, this rate declined in the mid-eighties, just as in
Europe. This, again, is probably related to the fall in energy prices that
occurred in 1985/1986. (It should be noted that year of installation data was only
available for about 70% of the MVR installations identified.)

Table 3-1

Industry Act i vi t y Appl i ed Process Heat Pump Type

Petroleum Refining Manufacture of B Separation of C3‘s Open Cycle
and Petrochemical s petrol eum/petro- B Separation of C4’s Open Cycle
chemical products
Pulp and Paper Pulp manufacture D Concentration of Open Cycle
black 1 iquor and
other pulping
process 1 i quors
Paper manufacture D Process water Closed Cycle
Food/Beverage Manufacture o f D Concentration of Open Cycle
a1 coho1 waste 1 iquids
Brewing D Concentration of Open Cycle
waste beer
Manufacture of D Concentrat on of Open Cycle
starch/sugar steepwater
D Concentrat on of Open Cycle
Manufacture of D Concentration of Open Cycle
dairy products milk
D Concentration of Open Cycle
cheese whey
Manufacture o f D Concentration of Open Cyc e
juices apple j u i c e
D Concentration of Open Cyc e
tomato j u i c e
Manufacture of D Process/cl eani ng Closed Cycle
most food products water heating
Soft Drink D Concentration of Open Cycle
manufacture effluent

Table 3 - 1 (cont.)

Industry Act i vi ty Appl i ed Process Heat Pump Type

Chemical s Salt manufacture 0 Concentration of Open Cycle
salt sol uti on
Sodium sulfate/ 0 Product Open Cycle
ammonia chl oride/ concentration
sodium carbonate/
boric acid
manufacture, etc.
Process effluent 0 Concentration of Open Cycle
waste fluids
'Waste' vapor B Compression of Open Cycle
streams vapor for use
elsewhere in the
Pharmaceuticals/ B Process water/ Closed Cycle
other low temper- fluid heating
ature processes
Uti 1 i ties Nuclear power 0 Concentration of Open Cycle
radi oact i ve waste
Power generation B Concentration of Open Cycle
cooling tower
bl owdown
Others Manufacture of B Desal ination Open Cycle
fresh water
Electroplating B Heating of Closed Cycle
type industries process sol uti ons
B Concentration of Open Cycle
Lumber B Drying Closed Cyc e
Text i 1 es B Process water Closed Cyc e
General Industrial B Wash/process Closed Cycle
water heating
B Water heating Closed Cycle
for space

Installation Rate for MVR’s in the U.S.


20 -

10 -

70 71 72 73 7 4 75 76 77 78 79 8 0 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3-8. Build Rate o f U.S. MVR Heat Pump Installations

The Importance to Uti 1 it i es

It is estimated that the industrial heat pump in use at present require about
440 MW of shaft work to drive them. About 85% o f this work is supplied by an
electric motor. This compares to the estimated 10,000 MW associated with over
3 mill ion electrically driven residential and commercial units.

Although lumber drying installations are the most numerous, they do not represent
the largest power user. As shown by Figure 3-9, open cycles are by far the
largest power user with about 380 MW associated with their drivers. The MW usage
by industry sector for open cycles is broken down in Figure 3-10. The values for
power consumption in Figure 3-10 represent the total power required to drive the
heat pump compressors in each industrial sector. Not all of this power is supplied
by electric motors. About 40% of the oil/petrochemical load, 25% of the corn wet
milling load, and 10 % of the pulp and paper load is non-electric.

The oil/petrochemical sector has the highest shaft power requirement, but such
units have a higher probability of being driven by a gas or steam turbine. The
pulp and paper, water treatment, corn wet milling, and chemicals industry share the
majority of the remaining load. However, in the water treatment category, about
90% of the load is related to utilities, the main application being concentration
of cooling tower blowdown. The food and dairy sectors have a large number of
installations but their average size is much smaller than those in the sectors
mentioned above.

Although the 440 MW of load associated with industrial heat pumps is small compared
to the 10,000 MW of residential load, it appears that in most cases, electric
motors are the preferred driver for heat pump installations. The alternative
drivers most commonly used are steam turbines, but gas turbines are used for large
duties of 5000 hp and above. These figures suggest that electric utilities have a
high likelihood of gaining additional electricity sales from new industrial heat
pump installations and will benefit from promoting their use.


There are many manufacturers of heat pump systems and heat pump components, all of
whom could be useful contacts during the evaluation and design of heat pump
systems. A list of these manufacturers is included in Appendix A for reference.


Power Consumption by Cycle Type (MW)

Source: Linnhoff March

Figure 3-9. Heat Pump Power Consumption by Cycle Type

Power Use by Industrial Sector (MW)

Pulp and Paper 6 4

il/Petrochem 7 8
Water /Sewage 63
f p
4lcohol 21
Corn Wet Milling
Chemicals 53
Source: Linnhof f March

Figure 3-10. Heat Pump Power Consumption by Industry Sector for Open Cycles


I n d u s t r i a l h e a t pumps a r e used a l l over t h e w o r l d w i t h t h e most a p p l i c a t i o n s

o u t s i d e t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s l o c a t e d i n Western Europe and Japan.

Numbers and T w e s o f I n s t a l l a t i o n s

A r e c e n t survey o f i n d u s t r i a l h e a t pumps i n Europe i d e n t i f i e d 850 u n i t s w i t h a

t o t a l h e a t o u t p u t o f 0.85 x lo1' Btu/h ( t h i s excludes a l a r g e number o f t h e s m a l l e r
1umber d r y i n g t y p e s ) . O f these, about 410 a r e open c y c l e s and 440 c l o s e d c y c l e s
based on mechanical compression. There a r e o n l y two o r t h r e e a b s o r p t i o n systems i n
use. T h i s compares w i t h t h e 378 non-lumber systems i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s h a v i n g an
approximate h e a t o u t p u t o f 2 . 7 x 10" Btu/h.

Two t h i n g s a r e obvious: t h e average s i z e o f t h e u n i t s i s s m a l l e r and c l o s e d c y c l e s

f o r m a much l a r g e r percentage o f t h e t o t a l market. This i s a r e f l e c t i o n o f the
s m a l l e r average s i z e o f m a n u f a c t u r i n g processes which u t i l i z e h e a t pumps and a l s o
t h e f a c t t h a t European energy p r i c e s have t r a d i t i o n a l l y been h i g h e r t h a n t h o s e i n
the United States. The h i g h e r energy p r i c e s can j u s t i f y t h e l o w e r COP'S o f c l o s e d
cycle units. F i g u r e 3-11 shows which i n d u s t r i e s a r e u t i l i z i n g h e a t pumps.

The predominant c h o i c e o f d r i v e r i s t h e e l e c t r i c motor. However, t h e r e a r e a

s i g n i f i c a n t number o f gas engines b e i n g used t o d r i v e c l o s e d c y c l e systems. For
systems w i t h l o w e r COP'S, t h e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r h e a t r e c o v e r y f r o m t h e engine exhaust
and c o o l i n g j a c k e t can improve t h e economic case f o r t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n . This i s
r e f l e c t e d by t h e h i g h e r PER ( p r i m a r y energy r a t i o , d e f i n e d i n Chapter 2 ) o f engine ____
d r i v e n systems w i t h h e a t r e c o v e r y , as compared t o e l e c t r i c motor d r i v e n systems.

I t i s of i n t e r e s t t o n o t e t h e t i m i n g o f these i n s t a l l a t i o n s (see F i g u r e 3-12). In

t h e l a t e 1970's, t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n r a t e began t o increase, r e a c h i n g a peak i n 1982
and f i n a l l y f a l l i n g t o a l o w e r l e v e l i n 1985. T h i s f a l l i n i n s t a l l a t i o n r a t e has
been a t t r i b u t e d t o two f a c t o r s : t h e f a l l i n energy p r i c e s i n mid 1985 and t h e
u n s a t i s f a c t o r y performance o f many o f t h e ' f i r s t g e n e r a t i o n systems' d e s c r i b e d i n
Chapter 1 (i.e. mechanical breakdowns corrosion, oversizing, etc.). Avoiding the
' f i r s t g e n e r a t i o n ' problems must be a prime concern o f everyone i n t e r e s t e d i n
s u c c e s s f u l l y p r o m o t i n g h e a t pumps i n he U n i t e d S t a t e s . T h i s i s discussed f u r t h e r
i s Chapter 6.

Breakdown by Application in Europe

Food Processing Misc 30.8%

Plastics 2.4%
All Others 15.0% Textiles 2.7%

Chem. 8 Refining 5.4%

Agriculture 9.9% Malting 6.2%
Paper 8 Wood 7 . 8 %

Source: March Consulting Group

Figure 3-11. European Industrial Heat Pump Installations

by Industrial Sector

Installation Rate in Western Europe
Number of Ins tall at ions

II I ;



0 80 81 85
70 71 7 2 7 3 74 7 5 76 77 78 79 82 8 3 8 4

Ye a r
Source: March Consulting Group

Figure 3-12. Build Rate o f European Industrial Heat Pump Installations

In Japan a great deal of research effort has been put into the development of heat
pumps for domestic, commercial and industrial applications. As Japan is very
dependent on imported primary fuel, heat pumps are regarded as a promising
techno1 ogy for reducing re1 i ance on imported fuel .

Again, the predominant types of systems are open and closed cycle mechanical
compressio,n systems with electric drivers. However, there is an increasing number
of absorption systems being installed. These typically use waste heat, steam, or
gas as their energy source. It is estimated that approximately 250 closed cycle
units have been ordered over the past five years and that about 200 MVR units are
in operation at present. The number of operating absorption systems is thought to
be about 20. No information was available on the number of thermocompression heat

A m 1 i cat i ons

The types of applications encountered in both Europe and Japan are very similar to
those in the United States. Applications for closed cyc e units genera ly involve
recovery o f heat from hot liquid or air streams, with the upgraded heat being used
for wash water, process water, boiler feed water, or other air or gas process
fluids. Open cycles are again applied to the evaporation of water based solutions.
The absorption systems in use have been used for combined chilling and heating
duties as well as heating only duties. In some cases the use ul heat leaving the
absorption heat pump is in the form of low to medium pressure steam.

One application of large scale heat pumps that has been used n both Europe and
Japan, but not yet on the same scale in the United States, is district heating.
These are not strictly considered to be industrial heat pumps. However, these
units have very large heat outputs, up to 100 MMBtu/h. They represent successful
applications of very large scale closed cycle systems. In the United States, large
heat pump based HVAC installations are in use now, but are restricted t o heating
individual buildings or building complexes with heat outputs in the 5 MMBtu/h
range. These systems do not qualify as industrial heat pumps for the reasons
described in earlier sections, but since HVAC applications represent a large
potential market for high output closed cycle heat pumps, it is useful to know that
they have been used successfully elsewhere.


What does the future hold for the United States industrial heat pump market?
Clearly this is a difficult question to answer, but it is possible to explore some
o f the factors which will have an effect.

Enerqy Prices

This is without doubt the single largest factor influencing the future of
industrial heat pumps. If there is a trend towards higher oil prices this will
certainly be of help, especially as the price of electricity is expected to rise
more slowly than that of fuel. As fuel prices increase, heat pumps with lower
COP’S will become more attractive and the scope for applying heat pump technology
wi 11 increase .

The absolute level of energy prices affects interest in all energy saving projects,
not just heat pumping. However, the relative price of fuel and power is of
part i cul ar interest when considering heat pumping (or cogeneration). There are
significant regional variations in this ratio. Areas where power is relatively
cheap compared to fuel will have more attractive heat pump economics.

One method of comparing the running cost of a heat pump with the existing heating
plant is to work out the cost of heat delivered by each system. An indication of
the sensitivity of heat pump economics t o fuel price is provided by Tables 3-2 and
3-3 and Figure 3-13. (It should be noted that the cost of heat presented in these
Tables does not take into account auxiliary equipment or distribution losses, etc.)

As an example, assume that a heat pump is proposed to replace a heating duty

currently using low pressure steam. If fuel is $3.00/MMBtu, and the boiler is 80%
efficient, the cost of delivered heat is $3.75/MMBtu (as shown in Table 3-3). Now,
from Table 3-2 it can be seen that with a power cost of 4#/kWh a heat pump with a
COP of 3 delivers heat costing $3.91/MMBtu7 actually more expensive than that from
the boiler. If, however, the heat pump COP was 5, the cost of heat reduces to
$2.35/MMBtu resulting in a saving of $1.40/MMBtu. If the COP was 20, as it might
be for an MVR system, the saving becomes $3.02/MMBtu.

For each combination o f fuel and power price, there is a COP for which the cost o f
supplying heat from a heat pump and a boiler is equal. This is the ’breakeven’

Table 3-2


Cost o f Heat D e l i v e r e d $/MMBtu

Power Cost Heat Pump COP

Q/kWh 3 5 8 10 20 30

1.95 1.17 0.73 0.59 0.29 0.20

2.93 1.76 1.10 0.88 0.44 0.30
3.91 2.35 1.47 1.17 0.59 0.40
4.89 2.93 1.83 1.47 0.73 0.50
5.86 3.52 2.20 1.76 0.88 0.60

Table 3-3


Fuel Cost Cost o f Heat

$/MMBtu Del iv e r e d


*Assuming a b o i l e r e f f i c i e n c y o f 80%

Cost of Heat $/MMBtu
61- COP = 3

FUEL = $4/MMBtu

COP = 5

FUEL = $2/MMBtu
COP = 8
COP = 10

COP = 20
COP = 30

1 2 3 4 5 6

Power Cost elkwh

Figure 3-13. Cost o f Delivered Heat

COP, and can be determined from Figure 3-14. In order for a heat pump to offer
operating cost advantages, its COP must be better than the breakeven COP for the
prevailing energy price conditions. For a given power cost, the breakeven COP
reduces as fuel gets more expensive.

Apart from the obvious influence of energy price, the data presented in the Tables
shows clearly the importance of COP. For a power cost of 4 #/kWh, improving the
heat pump COP from 5 to 10 results in a reduction in the cost of heat from
$2.35/MMBtu to $1.17/MMBtu. There is, therefore, great incentive to design heat
pumps with COP’s as high as possible. The next section discusses some
technological improvements which help to improve COP and, therefore, heat pump

One other important element of assessing a heat pump application is ensuring that
correct monetary value is associated with the steam or other utilities being saved
by the heat pump. The ’marginal cost’ of generating or saving utilities is
determined by the equipment configuration in the utility system. Calculating
marginal costs can be a difficult task. Further definition and explanation of
marginal costing is given in Chapter 4.

Technoloqical Improvements

There continues to be further development of the individual components of heat

pumps resulting in improved COP’S and lower capital costs.

Areas of most interest include compressors and heat exchangers which account for
the major capital and operating costs. Other heat pump cycles may also come into
more widespread use. An example of such beneficial development has been observed
in the field of steam compressors used in MVR applications. Over time the
isentropic efficiency o f single stage centrifugal compressors has increased from
under 70% to about 80%. This results in about 10% less horsepower being used to
compress the same amount of steam, thus reducing operating costs. Also, for steam
compression appl i cat i ons, a turbo-bl ower type compressor has been devel oped. These
units can handle large vapor volumes over pressure ratios of up to 1.3 with a high
efficiency o f 80t %. These units have a welded construction, operate at low speeds
and offer a lower capital cost than centrifugal units. Developments of this type
are helping to improve the economics of MVR systems. It is reasonable to expect
that similar improvements in the efficiency of compressors used in closed cycle

appl i cati ons wi 11 occur.

To reduce heat exchanger costs, it is necessary either to make them smaller or to

change their construction. In some instances it may be possible to improve the
heat transfer rates in exchangers by using tube inserts or ‘high efficiency‘
surfaces. These devices improve the effective heat transfer co-efficients in the
exchangers and result in lower exchanger costs.

The overwhelming majority of heat pump cycles in use at present are based on
mechanical compression. The alternative most likely to become attractive is the
absorption system. There are many absorption based chillers in use, but not many
absorption heat pumps. However, these systems are in industrial use and
development work aimed at improving performance is continuing.

On a more general level, there are many national and international agencies
involved in development work for all the basic cycles, as well as hybrid and novel
cycles. The objective of this work is to develop ’cycles’ with improved
performance and economics .

Awareness and Perception of Heat Pumps

Clearly the best advertisements for heat pumps are successful installations. There
are many of these in operation now, particularly MVR’s. The use of heat pumps will
increase as potential users are made aware of these successes.

The industrial heat pump is generally perceived as a unit which is installed after
a process is built to save energy. However, the heat pump should be regarded as an
integrated part o f the process and designed as such with ALL its potential benefits
taken into consideration including reduced cooling duty, less steam demand,
improved product quality, etc.

Appl ications

All the information presented on the United States and world markets is historical.
The applications have evolved as people recognized the opportunities. There may be
other types of applications in industry which have not yet been recognized. Also,
some of the existing applications may not really represent the best opportunities
for heat pumps.

In Chapter 1 of this Resource Guide, the importance of finding applications which
really are the best technical and economical solutions was highlighted. The next
chapter describes how Pinch Technology can be used to find those good applications
and to determine how heat pumping stands up to its competitors. The Pinch
Technology approach to finding good heat pump opportunities and other energy cost
reduction measures offers significant potential to improve the applicability and
competitiveness of industrial heat pumps.

New Installations

The economic case for heat pumps will always be better for units installed in new
plants than for retrofits. The reasons for this include:

0 The acceptable payback period for new plants is generally larger than
that for retrofits. This means that heat pumps which do not meet a
companys’ payback criteria in a retrofit situation are more likely
to be acceptable for new plants.
0 The capital investment for the heat pump can be credited with reduced
capital expenditure for boilers, coolers or other utility equipment
which have reduced duties.
0 Installation of equipment at the time a plant is being constructed
is often simpler, easier and possibly less expensive than in
retrofit situations.

New plants offer a good potential market for heat pumps. It is, therefore,
important to ensure that process operators considering new plants are made aware of
the technology and its benefits.

Chapter 4


Heat pumps have a useful role to play in improving the energy efficiency of
industry. However, it is important to realize that they represent just one element
in a whole array o f energy saving and process improvement technologies. In the
long term heat pumps will only establish a good technical and economic reputation
if they are used in the right situations. If they are sold in situations where
simpler alternatives have better economics the whole technology is in danger of
developing a bad reputation.

This section shows how the heat pump fits into the energy saving jigsaw, using the
malt kilning process as an example. The various competing technologies are
examined and ways of comparing them are discussed. In particular Pinch Technology
is introduced as a powerful tool for finding good heat pumping opportunities. Its
role in the systematic generation and evaluation of alternatives is defined and


The technology of heat recovery has an interesting (and sometimes frustrating)

general characteristic. It is almost certain that for every heat recovery scheme
proposed, there will be another alternative. Whenever waste heat is available from
a process there is a whole range of energy saving options. Each will use
different technologies, save different amounts of energy and have different
payback periods.

It is very tempting for a heat pump specialist to identify a cost effective

opportunity in a process and suggest that as the best option. During the past 10
years many heat pumps have been installed in this way. In some cases the purchaser
will have made the correct decision. However, in other situations, the opportunity

for a morecost effective investment will have been missed. For example, a simple
shell and tube heat exchanger could have recovered heat from a hot process stream
instead of a heat pump being used to recover heat from a waste heat stream. The
simple heat exchanger could have been the better option, but the heat pump may have
been more obvious!

It is important to remember that the heat pump is competing against many other
energy saving technologies. For the use of industrial heat pumps to become more
widespread they must be perceived as technically and economically successful, just
as their residential counterparts are. Technical success will come from good
specification and design as described in Section 6. Economic success will come
from finding good applications and ensuring that the heat pump really is the best
option. This in turn means that comparing the heat pump with other energy saving
possibilities is a crucial stage in the assessment of a heat pump installation.


Energy cost saving opportunities can be categorized in the following areas:

0 Improve the performance of the existing equipment by better

maintenance (e.g. fix steam leaks), good housekeeping (e.g.
insulation, turning energy users off), better controls (e.g.
temperature controllers).
0 Install passive heat recovery equipment, such as heat exchangers.
0 Modify the process to reduce energy requirements (e.g.
mechanically reduce the moisture content of wet material prior to
thermal drying).
0 Install a heat pump.
0 Install a lower cost utility system (e.g. cogeneration).

Of course if all this looks too formidable, then doing nothing is another
alternative! Good housekeeping is an obvious way to save and should be pursued on
an ongoing basis. The way in which these other options fit together will be
explained with reference to a case study. The malt kilning process provides a good
example of how the many different energy saving possibilities have been applied.
Since the 1960’s the energy consumed by this process has been reduced from around
2.5 to 1.4 MMBtu/1000 lb. This has been achieved through implementation o f various
energy saving schemes, including the use of heat pumps.

Malt is used in the production of beer and the malting process essentially
invo ves the drying of a cereal grain after it has been soaked in water. A
simp ified flowsheet for the process is shown in Figure 4 - 1 , Dry cereal grain,
most commonly barley, is taken from storage and 'steeped' in water tanks until
germ nation occurs. At a certain point the germination must be stopped and this
is achieved by drying, or kilning, the grain in a stream o f hot air.

In the kiln, grain is loaded on a grid to a height of 3 to 6 feet and heated air
passes through the bed, removing moisture. Initially the air is heated to 170°F
until the grain (or malt as it is now called) is free from surface moisture. At
this point the air temperature is increased to 180-210°F for final drying. When
fully dry, the malt is sent to storage.

The temperature and moisture content of the exhaust air varies throughout the
batch kilning cycle. Initially the moisture content is high and the temperature
low, the air being close to saturation. About halfway through the cycle, the
moisture content of the exhaust air starts to fall and the temperature rises. This
transition point is known as the 'break.'

To achieve the energy savings mentioned earlier, opportunities have been

identified in all the categories defined above. These opportunities are described
in the following sections.

Process Control and HousekeeDinq Improvements

The first opportunities identified by maltsters was that there was scope to
improve the operation of their existing plant. For example, it was discovered that
the way in which the bed of malt was laid had a significant effect on the energy
consumption. An uneven bed could lead to channeling of air. Consequently, it was
possible for some air to pass through the bed without having done any useful
drying. The solution was simply to ensure even laying of the malt and even air
di s tr i but i on.

In some maltings the same vessel is used for steeping, germination and kilning. In
these cases the water used for steeping must be drained from the vessel, although
pools of water tended to remain, needing removal by the drying process; clearly
this is inefficient. By designing the multi-purpose kilning vessels to allow easy
water drainage this problem was eliminated.

Barley In Steep
Drying Germination

Storage Kilning


. .-

Malt Out

F i g u r e 4-1. S i m p l i f i e d Flowsheet f o r t h e M a l t K i l n i n g Process

Obviously the energy cost is proportional to the amount of moisture removed and
therefore, overdrying the malt incurs additional costs. By carefully control 1 ing
air flowrates and temperatures, particularly after the break, the costs associated
with overdrying can be eliminated.

These relatively simple, l o w cost process improvements are typical of many

opportunities which exist in industrial processes. Until they are attended to, it
is usually wrong to consider the more expensive heat recovery or cogeneration
options. As a general rule, one must avoid recovering heat that should not be
there in the first place.

Heat Recovery

Having done the simple things, it is then necessary to address the more complex
opportunities. Recovery of heat from the exhaust air to heat inlet air will reduce
the overall energy consumption of the process. This can be done directly (i.e. by
recycling air) or indirectly (i.e. using heat exchangers). Both methods have been
used in the malting process.

Direct Heat Recovery. Usually, fresh air is heated and used to do the drying.
This has a low moisture content and there is a high driving force for mass
transfer of water from the malt to the air. The exhaust air is hot and can be
used to replace fresh air. However, in the early stages of the cycle the exhaust
temperature is low and the moisture content is high. Use of air in this condition
would not save much energy and would not promote rapid drying. However, after the
'break' the air is hotter and drier and can substitute directly for fresh air. In
many installations more than one kiln is in use and the exhaust air from the
'post break' kiln is fed as preheated air to the 'pre break' kiln. This technique
does not require any heat exchangers, only appropriate ducting and dampers. A
schematic is shown in Figure 4-2.

Indirect Heat Recoverv. The direct method did not require any heat exchangers,
but the energy saving only occurred for the 'post break' part of the cycle.
Indirect recovery schemes allow some level of heat recovery throughout the cycle
because there is no mixing of process streams.

One option, shown in Figure 4-3a, recovers heat from the exhaust using a single
air-to-air heat exchanger. In some cases the exhaust, and inlet air ducts may not

Exhaust Air

Inlet Air

Figure 4 - 2 . Direct Heat Recovery in the Malt Kilning Process

inlet Air

, I
Exhaust Air t- -- 1 I
Air to Air
c- -

Figure 4-3a. Indirect Heat Recovery i n the Malt Kilning Process -

Single A i r-Ai r Exchanger

be close together. As extensive ductwork modifications can be costly, the option
shown in Figure 4-3b could be a cheaper solution. In this scheme heat from the
exhaust is recovered into an intermediate fluid, typically glycollwater. This
fluid is then pumped to an exchanger in the inlet air duct, to heat the inlet air.
This system requires two heat exchangers instead of one. However, the liquid
pipework will be less expensive to install than ducting for air.

Heat Pumping

The scope for passive heat recovery is limited by the relatively low temperature
of the exhaust air in comparison t o the required inlet air temperature. A heat
pump can be used to increase the amount of heat recovery by up-grading the heat in
the exhaust stream to a higher level. A typical installation, such as that in
Figure 4-4, will also include some passive heat recovery. Such installations can
be driven by electric motors or combustion engines. The use o f combustion engines
offers the possibility of additional heat recovery from the engine exhaust and
cooling jacket. Note that the optimum solution has passive heat recovery first
followed by heat pumping. Although a heat pump could do the whole job, it would
lead to both higher running costs and more capital investment.

Utilitv Svstem Desiqn

The utility system supplies the process heat that cannot be obtai ed from rocess
heat recovery and therefore plays an important role in determining the operating
costs of a process. Again, many different types of utility systems can be used in
the malt kilning process. Typical systems include direct firing of oil or gas in
the air stream or the use of hot water for indirect heating.

Direct and Indirect Heatinq. Direct heating represents a very efficient way to
use fuel, with the thermal efficiency reaching over 90%. However, the disadvantage
is that the malt comes into contact with combustion products which contain nitrogen
oxides. In some circumstances this can be detrimental to product quality.

The use of hot water for indirect air heating removes this problem, but the boiler
efficiency may be lower, only 80%. Also the losses associated with hot water
distribution further reduce the thermal efficiency.

r Water Circuit

I Exhaust Air

a - /

f Exchanger

I \

- e--\

- Inlet Air --4

Figure 4-3b. Indirect Heat Recovery in the Malt Kilning Process - Run Around Coil

Run Around Coil Heat Pump

Kiln Exhaust Air e L 6 To Atmosphere

Kiln Inlet Air e

F i g u r e 4-4. Heat Pump A p p l i c a t i o n s i n t h e M a l t K i l n i n g Process

Coqeneration. Cogeneration represents another technique for reducing energy costs.
However, unlike most of the other techniques that have been described, the cost
savings do not come from reducing the primary energy consumption o f the plant. In
a cogeneration system fuel is burned to produce shaft work (or electricity), in
addition to heat for the process. The work (or electricity) is more valuable than
the fuel that was burned to produce it, resulting in a reduction in operating

A very common example of a cogeneration scheme is a boiler producing high pressure

steam which is expanded to a lower pressure in a steam turbine. This type of
installation could be used to supply low pressure steam for air heating in the
mal t ki 1 ni ng process.


All the measures described in the preceding section will save energy related
operating costs. But, with so many alternatives, what selection criteria should
be used for determining which projects to implement? It is important to realize
that projects cannot be assessed in isolation; there can be interaction between
them. For example, reducing the steam demand of a process by installing heat
recovery equipment will affect the economics of a proposed cogeneration plant.
Understanding these interactions is important when comparing projects and
developing an energy cost reduction strategy.

Interaction Between Enerqv Savinq Pro.iects

As demonstrated by the malt kilning example, installation of one project can mean
that another is rejected. For example, if an air to air heat exchanger is used to
recover heat from the kiln exhaust, then run around coils cannot be used. This is
a simple either/or situation. However, some of the interaction between projects
can be more subtle and it is possible to define 'exclusive' projects, 'domino'
projects, and 'independent' projects.

'Exclusive' projects are similar to the one described above. Two different
options exist for doing basically the same job; when one is selected the other
must be rejected. Other types of 'exclusive' projects occur when one heat source
could be used to satisfy two alternative users, or two alternative heat sources

could satisfy a single heat user. Clearly, when a decision is made to match two
particularly streams, the other match is no longer possible.

'Domino' projects are projects which, if implemented, could have a downstream

effect on other heat recovery projects. For example, reducing the flowrate of air
to a malt kiln would reduce the air heating duty. However, it would also have a
'downstream' effect, in that there would be less heat to recover in the exhaust.
This would then effect the economics of heat recovery from the exhaust.

One category of 'domino' projects involves changing the quantity of heat which is
available for recovery in other projects or possibly even the time at which heat
is available (in batch processes). The other category involves changing the cost
of the utility being saved. For instance, installation of a cogeneration scheme
can reduce the cost of steam to a level where other energy reduction schemes no
longer have good paybacks. It is in this sense that a cogeneration scheme
'competes' with heat pumping.

'Independent' projects are ones which have no effect on one another. Either,
neither, or both can be installed and each must be justified independently.

It is important that the status (independent, exclusive or domino) of each

potential project is established in order that a strategy for implementing all
those measures can be developed. Generally it will be best to implement domino
projects first so that the basis on which all subsequent projects are developed is
firm. Installation of a domino project after other projects are installed can be
detrimental to the economics of those projects. The decision on which exclusive
and independent projects would then be implemented can generally be based on
economic and operability criteria.

The Importance of Enerqv Prices

Obviously the cost of primary fuel has a significant impact on the viability of
all energy saving projects. If fuel is expensive there will be a great incentive
to save energy, and vice versa. The capital cost of heat recovery equipment
remains relatively constant as the price of energy varies, sometimes quite
dramatically; consequently, the interest in energy saving projects rises and falls
with fuel prices.

Changes in the absolute cost of fuel will affect all energy saving projects
equally. Lower costs will limit the interest in energy saving projects to the
smaller, simple schemes. Higher costs will promote interest in larger more
complex schemes. Changes in energy prices after a project is installed can
obviously effect the payback. Therefore, the sensitivity should be investigated
during the feasibility study. For straightforward heat recovery projects, a fall
in fuel cost will increase the payback period. But, for cogeneration schemes the
payback could be reduced (because oil will probably drop in price more than
electricity). The sensitivities will, therefore, be different for different types
of projects and should be understood so that there are no surprises in the future!

The absolute value of fuel cost is not the only important factor. The ratio of
fuel to power costs should also be considered, and is particularly important for
heat pumping and cogenerat on schemes. If the cost of fuel is high relative to
power, there will be less ncentive to cogenerate and heat pumping will look more
attractive. Of course, if the cost of fuel is low relative to power the reverse is
true. The economics of heat pumping and cogeneration are very sensitive to changes
in the fuel/power price ratio and, again, these sensitivities should be understood
up front.

The cost of fuel clearly affects the value of savings, but the fuel value is not
necessarily the same as the value of the heat being saved! It is very important to
establish the real value of the heat being saved. This is not as simple as it may
sound. In complex utility systems the calculations can be quite difficult. These
'real values' are known as marginal utility costs and are discussed in greater
detai 1 bel ow.

Marqinal Utility Costs. The marginal cost or value of a utility is defined as the
incremental cost incurred or saved by generating or saving a 'unit' of utility.
The simplest example of marginal costing is steam raising. Assume, for instance,
that steam (15 psig) is being raised in a boiler which is 85% efficient and that
the energy required to raise steam from the feed water is 1 MMBtu/1000 lb. The
fuel that must be fired to raise that steam is actually 1/0.85 = 1.18 MMBtu/1000
lb. So saving 1000 lb/h of steam will result in a fuel saving of 1.18 MMBtu/h. If
fuel costs $3.50/MMBtu, the marginal value of steam will be $4.13/1000 lb.

It is important to remember that in retrofit situations only the variable costs

associated with utility generation are considered in the marginal costing. Fixed

costs associated with capital, labor, buildings etc. are not affected by saving or
generating incremental amounts of utilities. (The exception to this is when, for
instance, boiler capacity is exceeded and new capital expenditure would be

The situation starts to get more complex in cogeneration schemes. The simplest
example for illustrative purposes is generating low pressure steam by first
expanding high pressure steam through a turbine. In this case assume that the
energy required to raise high pressure steam (600 psig, 750°F) is
1.1 MMBtu/1000 lb. If the boiler is 85% efficient the fuel that must be fired is
1.29 MMBtu/1000 lb. At the fuel price above, the value of high pressure steam is
$4.53/1000 lb. However, when the high pressure steam is expanded to low pressure,
some power is generated which reduces the site electrical demand. The value of
this saved power should be credited to the marginal cost of low pressure steam.
The actual power generated by the expansion to 15 psig is 0.195 MMBtu/1000 lb
(57 kWh/1000 lb). If the incremental cost of imported power is 4 t/kWh, the
marginal cost of low pressure steam is $2.24/1000 lb.

This clearly demonstrates the importance of knowing the real costs of ut 1 ities.
A project saving low pressure steam but based incorrect y on the margina cost of
high pressure steam will have a payback period almost twice as long as predicted.
In more complex utility systems which have several steam levels, gas turbines, use
of steam for boiler feed water heating and so on, it is not always clear what the
marginal costs of utilities are. In these situations a thorough analysis must be
done by someone experienced in utility system operation. To assist with this, EPRI
has funded the development of a computer program call ed 'APLUS. ' APLUS simulates
the performance of plant utility systems. The user builds up a model of a utility
system by interconnecting units such as boilers, turbines, headers and expansion
valves. The use of interactive graphics simplifies this task. The program then
calculates the operating cost of the system for the specified utility flowrates.
By making incremental changes in the utility flows, the appropriate costs, or
savings, are calculated. APLUS is available through the EPRI Software Center.

Generatinq the A1 ternatives

So far in this section we have discussed:

0 the areas in which energy savings may be available,

0 the types of projects that may be possible,
0 some of the factors which affect project selection,
0 independent, exclusive and domino projects,
0 the importance of fuel prices, and
0 marginal utility costs.

This information helps to define the environment in which the various energy
saving technologies compete. It also serves to highlight the importance of
considering technologies which are alternatives to heat pumping in order to ensure
that the heat pump really is the best option. However, an important subject must
still be addressed - how can the various options be generated? Ideally a
systematic approach should be used. This will ensure that all the alternatives
are found and high1 ight good heat pumping opportunities.

Pinch Technology is such an approach and has been developed into a powerful tool
for analyzing process energy saving options. It allows identification of good heat
recovery and heat pumping opportunities and provides a means of determining the
impact of various heat recovery options on the entire process.

A description of Pinch Technology and how it can be used to find good heat pumping
projects appears in the following sections. The description i s a brief and
simplified treatment of a technology which has wide ranging imp1 ications for
industrial energy utilization. However, the essential aspects of the technology
are presented and their importance explained. Detailed information about Pinch
Technology can be found in a companion document to this Resource Guide, which will
be published by EPRI in late 1988, entitled 'Pinch Technology Primer.' The
Bi bl iography a1 so 1 i sts useful references.


Pinch Technology offers a new approach to the design of industrial processes. It

gives a clear picture of the energy flows in a process and produces designs which
consume less energy and cost less to build than those developed using conventional

techniques. It is based on a fundamental thermodynamic analysis of the process and
gives proper consideration to actual site energy and capital costs. The technology
allows the optimal level of heat recovery to be determined for any process, and
guarantees that a design achieving this level of recovery can be obtained. The
techniques have been applied to batch and continuous processes in ma y industrial
sectors with outstanding results. Typical energy savings are in the range of 15 to
70% as shown in Table 4 - 1 and capital savings for new designs normal y result.

In addition to improved heat recovery, the technology also addresses all aspects of
site heat and power (utility) systems including boilers, steam systems, steam and
gas turbines, furnaces, heat pumps, cooling towers, refrigeration systems and the
other elements which make up a site utility system! It is the new insight into the
ways in which all these systems interact that allows designs produced using Pinch
Technology to ’beat the learning curve’ described in the preface to this Resource

The way in which the technology can be used to find and assess energy cost
reduction opportunities is explained with reference to the categories of
opportunities identified earlier in this chapter; passive heat recovery, process
modifications, heat pumping and lower cost utility systems. These will be
illustrated using the previous example - the malt kilning process.


The technology is based on several very important concepts. These include

0 Setting energy consumption and capital cost targets for the process
using ‘Composite Curves,’
0 Designing heat recovery networks to meet these targets using the
’Pinch Principle’ and the ’Pinch Design Methodology,’
0 Modifying the process to make it inherently more energy and capital
efficient using the ’P1 us/Mi nus’ principle,
0 Placing process equipment in the process using the ’Appropriate
Placement Principle,’ and
0 Selecting site utility systems using the ’Grand Composite Curve.’

However, the first important step in any pinch analysis is ’Data Extraction.’

Table 4 - 1


A. E. Staley Co. Corn Wet Mi 11 i ng Energy Savings of 20%

starch/syrup production at 30 month payback.
Cadbury Typhoo Batch processing of 30" energy savings at
dairy products. less than 1 year
Ci ba Geigy Chemical s Continuous resin manu- Overall 15% energy plus
facturing process. New capital cost savings.
Ectona Fibres Continuous cell ul ose $170,00O/year energy
acetate processing. savings at 1 year
payback .
Long John International Whisky distillery. Batch Energy savings 50% at
and cont i nuous operations . less than 2 years
payback . Sign i fi cant
01 in Corporation Syngas/Petrochemi cal Energy savings in
compl ex. excess of 20%
identi fi ed .
Pfizer, Inc. Food additives. Energy savings of
30% identified at
good payback.
Shell UK Crude Oil refinery 12 operating cases
preheat train. designed for.
Attractive energy
savings .
Southern Cal i forni a Tissue paper mill. Savings of 25%
Edi son identified with better
payback than proposed
cogeneration scheme.
Uni 1 ever Edible oil refinery. Energy savings 70% plus
Totally batch operation. 15%increased capacity.
Wide range of feedstocks.
U.S. Brewery Beer manufacture . Fuel savings of 45%

Data Extraction

In order to complete a pinch analysis it is necessary to identify the process

streams which need to be heated and cooled. Any stream can be identified as either
a 'hot' stream (one which gives up heat) or a 'cold' stream (one which receives
heat). These streams can be defined in terms of a starting or 'supply'

temperature, an ending, or 'target' temperature and an enthalpy change. For

example, a hot stream might cool from a supply temperature of 190°F to a target
temperature o f 9O"F, with an enthalpy change of 200,000 Btu/h. If this hot stream
is matched, in a heat exchanger, with a cold stream heating from 70°F to 120°F and
an enthalpy change of 200,000 Btu/h, the exchange can be represented on a
temperature-heat content (enthalpy) diagram as shown in Figure 4-5.

Data extraction is a very important step because the resulting stream data form
the basis of the pinch analysis. Having good data at this stage is essential.

The malt kilning example is shown in Figure 4 - 6 . Two kilns are in operation, one
pre-break (i.e., the exhaust air is cool and moist) and one post-break (i.e., the
exhaust air is warm and dry). In this problem there are four streams, two hot and
two cold. The two cold streams are the air supplies to each kiln and the hot
streams are the exhaust streams from each kiln. Table 4-2 shows the stream data.
Note that stream 2, the exhaust air from the first kiln, has a substantial amount
of latent heat to give up because it is close to saturation. This is reflected by
splitting the stream into two sub streams (segments) which correspond to the
condensing curve.

How Much Passive Heat Recoverv?

Having obtained stream data for all the process streams it is possible to set
targets for the amount of passive heat recovery possible and the utility
requirements of the process. The tools used for this purpose are the hot and cold
composite curves. In Figure 4-7 all the hot streams defined in Table 4-2 have been
combined into a single curve known as the 'hot composite curve' and all cold
streams have been combined to form the cold composite curve. Both curves are
plotted on the same temperature-enthalpy axes.

4- 18
Temperature, T

I - Mass Flow
= 2000 Ib/h
- Heat Capacity= 1.O Btullb O F
180 Heat Lost = 2000 x 1 x (190-90)
= 200,000 Btu/h



120 Mass Flow = 4000 Ib/h

Heat Capacity= 1.0 Btu/lb F
heat Gained = 4000 x 1 x (120-70)
100 = 200,000 Btu/h


I Exchange Duty
= 200,000 BtWh
Enthalpy, H

Figure 4 - 5 . Matching Streams on the T-H Diagram

6 F 60"F

90°F (65% Saturated) 170°F

Kiln 2

170°F 190°F
I\ I\

250,000Ib/h Air 250,000Ib/h Air

F i g u r e 4-6. Process Data f o r t h e M a l t K i l n i n g Example

= 8.7
1a0 /






40 -
20 -Q, m,n = 3.8

0 ’ I I I I I I I I I S H
5 10 15 20

Figure 4-7. Composite Curves f o r t h e M a l t K i l n i n g Example

Table 4-2


Stream Stream Stream Supply Target Enthalpy

Number Name Type Temperature Temperature Change
"F "F MMBtu/h

Kiln 1 Air


50 170 7.5

K i l n 1 Exhaust Hot 90 77 0.9

77 60 3.6
Kiln 2 Air Cold 50 190 8.8
K i l n 2 Exhaust Hot 170 60 6.9

The o v e r l a p between t h e h o t and c o l d composite curves i s a measure o f t h e maximum
scope f o r p a s s i v e h e a t r e c o v e r y between h o t and c o l d process streams i n t h e p l a n t .
T h i s i s analogous t o t h e o v e r l a p between t h e s i n g l e streams i n F i g u r e 4 - 5 .

A t t h e h o t end o f t h e composite curves, t h e r e i s an ' o v e r s h o o t ' o f t h e c o l d

composite c u r v e where no corresponding h o t streams a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r h e a t
exchange. T h i s overshoot r e p r e s e n t s t h e minimum amount o f u t i l i t y h e a t i n g which
must be s u p p l i e d and i s known as t h e ' h o t u t i l i t y t a r g e t , ' QHmin. Similarly, the
overshoot o f t h e h o t composite c u r v e a t t h e c o l d end r e p r e s e n t s t h e minimum amount
o f u t i l i t y c o o l i n g which i s r e q u i r e d . This i s the 'cold u t i l i t y target,' QCmin.
The composite c u r v e s a l l o w t h e minimum energy consumption o f a process t o be
p r e d i c t e d b e f o r e t h e d e s i g n o f t h e h e a t exchanger network i s determined.

For t h e example, t h e h o t u t i l i t y t a r g e t i s 8.7 MMBtu/h, t h e h e a t r e c o v e r y t a r g e t i s

7.6 MMBtu/h, and t h e c o l d u t i l i t y t a r g e t i s 3.8 MMBtu/h. It should be n o t e d t h a t
i n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r case, t h e c o o l i n g i s achieved by v e n t i n g t h e exhaust a i r t o

Devel o p i nq Heat Recoverv P r o j e c t s

Now t h a t t a r g e t s have been e s t a b l i s h e d a h e a t r e c o v e r y n e t w o r k which meets t h o s e

t a r g e t s must be designed. Pinch Technology p r o v i d e s s p e c i f i c r u l e s on how t h i s can
be done.

The p o i n t a t which t h e composite curves a r e c l o s e s t t o g e t h e r i s known as t h e

process ' P i n c h . ' A t t h i s p o i n t , t h e temperature d i f f e r e n c e between t h e curves i s a
minimum and i s c a l l e d ATmin The p i n c h d i v i d e s t h e system i n t o two
thermodynamically s e p a r a t e systems as shown i n F i g u r e 4-8. The system above t h e
Pinch i s s h o r t o f h e a t and t h e system below t h e Pinch has a s u r p l u s o f h e a t . When
t h e t a r g e t h e a t i n g and c o o l i n g d u t i e s (QHmin and Qcmin) a r e suppl i e d , t h e two
systems a r e i n h e a t balance.

If, however, t h e process consumes X u n i t s o f h o t u t i l i t y above t h e t a r g e t , t h e

e x t r a X u n i t s must be t r a n s f e r r e d across t h e boundary i n t o t h e c o l d system. By t h e
same reasoning, t h e X u n i t s o f a d d i t i o n a l heat must t h e n be r e j e c t e d i n t o t h e c o l d
u t i l i t y t o m a i n t a i n t h e energy balance around t h e c o l d system. It f o l l o w s f r o m
t h i s argument t h a t ' t o meet t h e energy t a r g e t s , h e a t must n o t be t r a n s f e r r e d across
t h e pinch.' T h i s c o n c l u s i o n i s known as t h e 'Pinch P r i n c i p l e . ' There a r e two

Temperature, T

F i g u r e 4-8. The Pinch

corollaries to this principle. For minimum energy consumption the designer must
0 use a cooling utility above the pinch, or
0 use a heating utility below the pinch.

To design a network which guarantees the target energy recovery level the above and
below pinch region are kept separate. This results in above pinch and below pinch
designs. In both cases the process-to-process heat exchange matches are made
first, with the utility to process matches completing the solution. The above and
below pinch networks are then brought together and refined. The 'design grid' is a
simple and convenient way of representing the heat exchanger network. Streams are
represented by horizontal lines. Hot streams are shown running left to right at
the top of the grid while cold streams are shown running right to left at the
bottom of the grid. Process heat exchangers are shown as circles on the relevant
streams connected by a vertical 1 ine. Utility-process exchangers (heaters and
coolers) have symbols, 'H' for heater and 'C' for cooler. Exchanger heat loads are
shown underneath the symbols with stream temperatures being shown at various points
in the grid. Figure 4-9 shows the completed grid design for the malt kilning
exampl e.

The procedure for determining which streams to match is known as the 'Pinch Design
Method.' It provides specific rules and design tools which enable networks meeting
the targets to be designed. There is no longer any guesswork involved in designing
heat recovery systems. From the very outset the energy recovery level is known and
achievement of that level is guaranteed.

Applying the Pinch Design Method to a problem will generate a consistent set of
projects which can then be assessed for their technical and economic merit.

How Can The Process Be Modified To Reduce Its Enerqv Consumption?

Figure 4-8 showed how the pinch divides the process into two thermodynamically
separate systems. The above pinch system is in heat balance when hot utility QHmin
is supplied and the below pinch system is in heat balance when cold utility QCmin
is suppl ied.

90 60

170 70 60

170 150

F i g u r e 4-9. F i n a l Network Design f o r t h e M a l t K i l n i n g Example

Is there any way in which the targets can be reduced? Consider the system above
the pinch in Figure 4-10. The only way that the hot utility target can be reduced
is either by reducing the heat duty of cold streams ( - ) or by increasing the heat
content of hot streams (t). Similarly below the pinch, the only way that the cold
utility target can be reduced is either by reducing the heat content of hot streams
below the pinch ( - ) or by increasing the heat duty of cold streams below the pinch
(t). This is the 'Plus/Minus' principle.

As an example, consider the composite curves in Figure 4-lla. The process

represented by these curves incl udes independent evaporation and condensation
steps. The condensation occurs below the pinch and the evaporation above the
pinch. How can the process be modified to reduce energy consumption? If the
temperature of the condensing vapor could be increased to a value above the pinch
temperature, the heat would become available above the pinch, thus reducing the
utility targets as shown in Figure 4-llb. This is in line with the Plus/Minus
principle because the amount of heat available from hot streams above the pinch has
increased. In practice, the necessary temperature increase can be achieved by
increasing the condensation pressure.

This simple example illustrated how process modifications suggested by the

composite curves can be translated into actual changes in equipment design or
process operation.

Where Do Heat PumDs Fit In?

The energy targets developed so far only take into account the scope for passive
heat recovery. What about opportunities for heat pumping?

A heat pump, as defined earlier, is a device wh ch accepts heat at a low level and
delivers it at a higher level. The P nch Princ ple provides guidelines on how to
integrate heat pumps within a process and tools for sizing heat pumps and deciding
on the heat sources and uses.

Armrooriate Placement Of Heat PumDs. There are three options for placing a heat
pump in the process a) both the heat source and user above the pinch, b) both
below the pinch, or c) the heat source below the pinch and the heat user above the
pinch. Figure 4-12a shows a heat pump operating entirely above the pinch. Qin
units of heat are supplied to the heat pump at a low temperature level, W units of


b H

Figure 4-10. The Plus/Minus Principle

, = 20 units
k >I

, ,Q
, = 17 units
k 4
Figure 4-lla. Composite Curves for Basic Process

QHdn = 10 units

Figure 4-llb. Composite Curves for Modified Process

Temperature, .

Enthalpy. H

Figure 4-12a. Heat Pump Operating Above the Pinch

work are used to drive the heat pump, and W t Qi, units of heat are delivered at a
higher level. What is the effect of this on the heat balance above the pinch? The
hot utility requirement has been reduced by W units. In other words, W units of
work (electricity) have been used in place of W units of steam. This will not be
cost effective unless work (electricity) costs less than steam. As this is very
rarely the case, the conclusion is that a heat pump is not appropriately placed if
both the heat source and user are entirely above the pinch.

A similar argument for a heat pump operating entirely below the pinch is shown in
Figure 4-12b. In this case, hot utility use is not reduced at all. Work
(electricity) is being degraded into heat and rejected to the cooling water.
Again, there is no benefit and this configuration can never be correct.

Now consider a heat pump operating around the pinch, as shown in Figure 4-12c.
Qin units of heat are supplied below the pinch, W units o f work are used to drive
the heat pump and W t Qin units are delivered above the pinch. In this case, the
hot utility requirement is reduced by W t Qin and the cold utility requirement is
reduced by Qin. This is clearly beneficial and the heat pump has a chance of being
economically attractive.

This analysis results in a very important conclusion: a heat pump is

'appropriately placed' only when it accepts heat below the pinch and delivers it
above the pinch. How is this of help when designing a heat pump system? The
appropriate placement rule, when used in conjunction with a tool called the 'Grand
Composite Curve' provides a systematic approach to finding good heat pumping

Heat Pumps And The Grand Composite Curve. The Grand Composite is a representation
of all the process streams--hot and cold--as a single line on temperature-enthalpy
axes and shows the levels at which heat must be supplied to and rejected from the
process. This is significant because it allows the amount of hot or cold utility
required at any temperature level to be determined. It also allows the operating
temperatures and heat loads for heat pump evaporators and condensers to be
determined. The Grand Composite Curve is derived from the same data as the
composite curve and shares two common features: the same minimum utility
requirements and the same pinch location. Figure 4-13 shows the Grand Composite
Curve for the malt kilning process.


Enthalpy, ti
F i g u r e 4-12b. Heat Pump O p e r a t i n g Below t h e Pinch


Enthalpy, H ’
F i g u r e 4-12c. Heat Pump O p e r a t i n g Around t h e Pinch

Q, m,n = 8.7

0 I 1 I I I I I I H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40

Figure 4-13. Grand Composite Curve for t h e Malt Kilning Process

I f a h e a t pump i s t o be b e n e f i c i a l , i t must p i c k up h e a t below t h e p i n c h and
r e j e c t i t above t h e p i n c h . It i s c l e a r f r o m t h e grand composite c u r v e i n
F i g u r e 4-14a t h a t i f a h e a t pump e v a p o r a t o r were t o o p e r a t e a t 40"F, 3.8 MMBtu/h o f
h e a t c o u l d be c o l l e c t e d . T h i s heat, p l u s t h e work i n p u t , must be d e l i v e r e d above
t h e p i n c h , b u t where? ~

The Grand Composite a l s o shows t h a t , above t h e p i n c h , t h e minimum temperature l e v e l

a t which 3.8 MMBtu/h c o u l d be used i s about 150°F. However, t h e work s u p p l i e d t o
t h e h e a t pump i n c r e a s e s t h e amount o f h e a t t h a t has t o be r e j e c t e d . This i n turn
means t h a t t h e h e a t must be d e l i v e r e d a t a temperature h i g h e r t h a n 150°F i n o r d e r
t o accommodate t h e a d d i t i o n a l l o a d . I n t h i s case, t h e r e q u i r e d d e l i v e r y
temperature i s about 170°F. T h i s heat pump would have a COP o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3.5,
would r e q u i r e about 450 kW (1.5 MMBtu/h) o f d r i v i n g energy and reduces t h e h e a t
r e q u i r e d by t h e process by 5.3 MMBtu/h. An a l t e r n a t i v e h e a t pump o p e r a t i n g w i t h an
e v a p o r a t o r temperature o f 45°F i s shown i n F i g u r e 4-14b. T h i s h e a t pump absorbs
2.0 MMBtu/h o f h e a t below t h e p i n c h . The minimum temperature a t which t h i s amount
o f h e a t can be accepted i s 120°F and t h e p r a c t i c a l l e v e l f o r h e a t d e l i v e r y ( t a k i n g
i n t o account t h e work element) i s about 130°F. T h i s h e a t pump would have a COP o f
about 5.0, would r e q u i r e about 140 kW (0.5 MMBtu/h) o f d r i v i n g energy and reduce
t h e h e a t r e q u i r e d by t h e process by 2.5 MMBtu/h. O b v i o u s l y t h e r e a r e many o t h e r
p o s s i b i l i t i e s , but t h e y can a l l be e x p l o r e d u s i n g t h e grand composite c u r v e p r i o r
t o d e s i g n i n g t h e h e a t pump o r t h e h e a t r e c o v e r y network.

When a good o p p o r t u n i t y i s found, t h e streams which must be matched w i t h t h e heat

pump e v a p o r a t o r and condenser a r e i d e n t i f i e d u s i n g t h e Pinch Design Method.
F i g u r e 4-15 i s t h e g r i d diagram o f t h e heat pump and h e a t r e c o v e r y network f o r t h e -

system r e p r e s e n t e d i n F i g u r e 4-14b.

D e s i q n i n q U t i l i t v Svstems

U t i l i t y system d e s i g n has a d i r e c t impact on t o t a l and m a r g i n a l energy c o s t s . As

d i s c u s s e d e a r l i e r , r e d u c i n g energy c o s t s through m o d i f y i n g t h e u t i l i t y system can
have a 'domino' e f f e c t on t h e economics o f o t h e r h e a t r e c o v e r y p r o j e c t s , i n c l u d i n g
h e a t pumps. I t i s , t h e r e f o r e , i m p o r t a n t t h a t u t i l i t y system d e s i g n i s w e l l
understood. Pinch Techno1 ogy shows how a p p r o p r i a t e u t i 1 it y systems a r e s e l e c t e d
and s i z e d .


F i g u r e 4-14b. Heat Pump Design B

W = 0.5

130 I
I 130

90 75 65 60

170 70

170 150

< Ig0 0 110


Figure 4-15. Final Network Design for the Malt K i ning Examp e
Incorporating a Heat Pump

The heat duties and temperature levels of utilities can be determined using the
grand composite curve, just as the heat pump system loads and levels were
determined. This is particularly useful when sizing cogeneration schemes.

What are the options for supplying heat to the malt kilning process? The grand
composite in Figure 4-16a shows that the maximum temperature at which the process
needs heat is about 200°F. This can be supplied by low pressure steam at, say,
240°F. Because the hot utility target is known, the exact quantity of steam can be
calculated, and from an estimate of boiler efficiency, the amount of fuel consumed
can be calculated.It would also be possible to supply that low pressure steam by
first raising high pressure steam and expanding it through a steam turbine to
generate power (Figure 4-16b). Again, because the low pressure steam demand is
known it is possible to back-calculate the amount of high pressure steam required,
the fuel consumed and the power generated.

Steam-based options are not the only possibilities. A hot water loop could be used
(Figure 4-16c). This eliminates the need for steam mains, traps, blowdown and
other losses associated with steam systems and may provide a good solution.
Another option worth noting is a reciprocating internal combustion engine
(Figure 4-16d). This device generates exhaust gas and hot water (from the cooling
circuit) which could satisfy the process heat demand, while generating more power
than the steam turbine based system.

The ease with which utility options can be generated from the grand composite
curve makes it the idea tool for utility selection. A range o f equipment types
can be considered. B o i ers, steam and gas turbines, reciprocating engines and
furnaces represent just some of the hot utility systems which can be considered
individually or in comb nation. Of course, cold utility systems are handled
equally as easily; cooling water, mechanical refrigeration and absorption
refrigeration representing some of the typical cold utility systems in use. In
each case knowledge of the required load and level for each utility allow the
operating costs of each utility configuration to be determined.


1 1
250 LP Steam Q = 8.7


20n L \L--\L-\L--+--+--J.

175 t- Minimum Temperature of

Steam that can satisfy
Total Heating Duty

75 I-

25 -
I I 1 I I I I I I

F i g u r e 4-16a. Steam Based U t i l i t y System

HP Steam

25 -

F i g u r e 4-16b. Steam T u r b i n e Based Cogeneration










0 I I I I I I I I I H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 $1 0

Figure 4-16c. Hot Water Loop


Engine Exhaust

250 Hot Water from
Engine Cooling Circuil









0 I I I I I I I I I b H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9

Figure 4-16d. Reciprocating Engine Based Cogeneration

Capital Cost Implications

Up t o t h i s point the process has been analyzed taking i n t o account only energy
c o s t s . Clearly t h i s i s only one-half of the picture. For an energy c o s t reduction
scheme t o be a t t r a c t i v e i t must have an acceptable payback. How can the capital ~~

c o s t implications be determined? The composite curves indicate t h e temperature

driving forces available f o r heat t r a n s f e r , in addition t o the energy t a r g e t s .
With a knowledge of the process stream film heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t s , the d r i v i n g
forces can be t r a n s l a t e d i n t o a heat exchanger surface area t a r g e t . The cost of
heat exchangers i s a strong function of t h e i r surface area and with appropriate
costing r e l a t i o n s h i p s , the area target can be t r a n s l a t e d i n t o a c a p i t a l c o s t
t a r g e t p r i o r t o design! Additional influences on cost are the number of heat
exchangers and t h e number of s h e l l s ( f o r shell and tube types). Both these f a c t o r s
can a l s o be taken i n t o account.

One design v a r i a b l e which has a strong influence on c a p i t a l c o s t i s ATmin, the

minimum approach temperature in the heat recovery network. When the composite
curves are close together, the temperature driving forces are low, r e s u l t i n g in a
high c a p i t a l c o s t , b u t the energy t a r g e t s are low, r e s u l t i n g in a low energy c o s t .
As the curves a r e moved f u r t h e r apart the temperature driving forces increase,
reducing the c a p i t a l cost and increasing the energy costs. This i s shown i n
Figure 4-17. Both the annual energy cost and annual c a p i t a l cost are important and
the t o t a l c o s t of operating the heat recovery network i s the sum of these two
c o s t s . Annual c a p i t a l cost i s the t o t a l i n s t a l l e d cost of the heat exchanger
network annualized over the l i f e of the equipment. Clearly, t h e r e i s a trade-off
between the two c o s t elements and t h i s general capitallenergy trade-off i s shown in
Figure 4-18. There i s an optimum value f o r ATmin which r e s u l t s in the lowest
t o t a l annual c o s t . Figure 4-19 shows t h i s trade-off f o r the malt kilning process,
with the optimal value o f ATmin being about 2 5 ° F . Note t h a t t h i s optimization
i s done p r i o r t o design o f the heat recovery network and a t t h i s stage only
considers passive heat recovery.

Energy saving will a l s o be considered i n r e t r o f i t s i t u a t i o n s . Typically an

e x i s t i n g plant will consume t o o much energy f o r the amount o f heat exchange
surface area i n s t a l l e d as shown in Figure 4-20. T h i s implies t h a t , by rearranging

the e x i s t i n g heat exchangers, i t i s possible t o reduce energy consumption t o the

ideal l e v e l . While t h i s i s t h e o r e t i c a l l y possible, i t i s n o t p r a c t i c a l l y possible
in most cases. The r e a l i s t i c option involves adding additional heat exchanger area

Capital Cost

---xw I


I I b

Figure 4-17. The Effect o f A T m i n on Energy Consumption and Temperature

Driving Forces




F i g u r e 4-18. The C a p i t a l Energy T r a d e - o f f




cost 300 Energy




0 I I I I I I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Source: Linnhoff March


Figure 4-19. The Capital Energy Trade-off for the Malt Kilning Process


\ \ Practical
Retrofit Path


Ideal Plant

I I d
AEnergy Energy

Payback= ita1 C o s
A Energy Cost

A Capital Cost = A Area x Cost of Area

A Energy Cost = A Energy x Marginal Energy Cost

F i g u r e 4-20, C a l c u l a t i n g R e t r o f i t Payback T a r g e t s

to reduce energy consumption. This route is shown as the 'practical retrofit
path' in Figure 4-21. This clearly shows the relationship between the potential
energy savings and the additional heat exchange area (and therefore capital cost).
By calculating the incremental cost of additional area required and the associated
energy savings it is possible to target for retrofit paybacks. At some point,
however, the payback available from passive heat recovery projects may not be
attractive and heat pumping may be a more economic option. EPRI has funded the
development of a computer program called 'HPSCAN' which can assist with the
comparison between improved heat recovery and heat pumping. The program uses the
concepts of Pinch Technology to quickly investigate the trade-offs in energy and
capital between simple heat integration and heat pumping. This allows the
appropriate combination of heat integration and heat pumping to be determined for
any given set of economics. HPSCAN is available through the EPRI Software Center.


Pinch Technology shows clearly the relationships between & Ithe heat sources and
heat sinks in a process. Because of this, it offers a consistent approach to
identifying and designing passive heat recovery systems, selecting process
modifications, designing utility systems, and placing heat pumps.

Without Pinch Technology, heat pump opportunities are identified in isolation from
the rest of the process. Some of the dangers of this are highlighted below.

Which Heat Is 'Waste' Heat?

Traditionally, heat pumping opportunities have been identified by finding a source

of waste heat along with a suitable sink. The economic performance of the heat
pump system would be calculated and if the owners' payback criteria were satisfied,
installation would proceed. Such an installation would certainly have reduced
energy costs, provided that the economic analysis were correct. However, was a
heat pump installation really the best opportunity? Could straightforward passive
heat recovery have saved a similar amount of energy at a lower investment? The
Pinch Technology concepts that have been described can answer that question.

It is quite possible that many waste heat streams only appear to be waste because
of cross pinch heat transfer already present in the heat recovery network. Cross
pinch heat transfer not only increases the utility consumptions, but can lead to

h o t streams b e i n g a v a i l a b l e as 'waste' h e a t sources which appear t o be s u i t a b l e f o r
h e a t pumping. S i m i l a r l y , t h i s also leaves sinks a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e heat d e l i v e r e d
by t h e h e a t pump. T h i s i s shown i n F i g u r e s 4-21a and b. F i g u r e 4-21a r e p r e s e n t s
t h e s i t u a t i o n where h o t streams above t h e p i n c h a r e o n l y used t o h e a t c o l d streams
above t h e p i n c h , and h o t streams below t h e p i n c h a r e o n l y used t o h e a t c o l d streams
below t h e p i n c h . There i s no c r o s s p i n c h h e a t t r a n s f e r . I n F i g u r e 4-21b, however,
h o t streams above t h e p i n c h a r e b e i n g used t o h e a t c o l d streams below t h e p i n c h .
This i s cross pinch transfer. Consequently, some h o t streams below t h e p i n c h
cannot t r a n s f e r h e a t t o c o l d process streams and t h e r e f o r e become a p o t e n t i a l heat
source f o r a h e a t pump. S i m i l a r l y , above t h e p i n c h some c o l d streams t h a t should
be heated by h o t streams above t h e p i n c h have now become a p o t e n t i a l u s e r f o r t h e
h e a t d e l i v e r e d by a h e a t pump. The source and u s e r would b o t h d i s a p p e a r i f t h e
h e a t exchanger network were r e a r r a n g e d i n l i n e w i t h t h e p i n c h p r i n c i p l e s , t h e
u t i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e process would be reduced and t h e need f o r t h e h e a t pump
would be e l i m i n a t e d . I n many cases i t i s l i k e l y t h a t t h e revamp o f t h e h e a t
exchanger n e t w o r k would achieve good savings a t a b e t t e r payback and l o w e r
investment t h a n t h e h e a t pump o p t i o n .

C l e a r l y , 'waste' and 'wasted' h e a t must be c a r e f u l l y d e f i n e d . 'Wasted' h e a t i s

h e a t t h a t i s n o t r e c o v e r e d because o f poor d e s i g n o f t h e heat r e c o v e r y network.
'Waste' h e a t i s h e a t t h a t must be r e j e c t e d from a process a f t e r t h e economic l e v e l
o f h e a t r e c o v e r y has been achieved i n a p r o p e r l y designed h e a t exchanger network.
P i n c h Technology e l i m i n a t e s any c o n f u s i o n about 'waste' h e a t by showing c l e a r l y
which h e a t s h o u l d be recovered and where i t should be used f o r b o t h p a s s i v e h e a t
r e c o v e r y and h e a t pumping o p t i o n s .

Understandinq The T o t a l Process

Sometimes l o o k i n g a t p r o j e c t s i n i s o l a t i o n f r o m t h e process can g i v e m i s l e a d i n g

results. The g l o b a l p e r s p e c t i v e t h a t Pinch Technology p r o v i d e s i s i n v a l u a b l e when
t r y i n g t o understand t h e impact o f d e s i g n d e c i s i o n s on t h e t o t a l process. I n
a d d i t i o n t o a d d r e s s i n g t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f h e a t pumps, t h e technology p r o v i d e s r u l e s
f o r a p p r o p r i a t e l y i n t e g r a t i n g o t h e r u n i t o p e r a t i o n s , such as e v a p o r a t i o n and
d i s t i l 1a t i o n .

Hot Utility


Cold Utility

F i g u r e 4-21a. Composite Curves Showing No Cross Pinch Heat T r a n s f e r

Hot Utility

Apparent Heat Pump


Cross Pinch Heat Transfer

Cold Utility

F i g u r e 4-21b. Composite Curves Showing Cross Pinch Heat T r a n s f e r


Pinch Technology offers a structured approach to solving the energy cost reduction
puzzle and has important imp1 ications for industrial heat pump applications.

The benefits of applying the technology fall in the areas of:

0 Systematic generation of energy cost reduction alternatives including

passive recovery, process modifications, cogeneration, and heat
0 Understanding the overall process implications o f a project rather
than the 1 oca1 consequences.
0 Finding good heat pump applications.
0 Ensuring that the heat pump is appropriately integrated within the
enti re process.
0 Correct selection of the temperature level and heat loads.

There is no other approach which gives as much insight into process energy
uti1 ization.

In summary, Pinch Technology is an invaluable tool for finding and assessing

energy cost reduction schemes and guarantees that if a good heat pumping
opportunity exists, it will always be found.

A Final Note On Pinch Technoloqv

The main example presented was really quite simple. The malt kilning process has
been evolved over many years and the kilns in operation now incorporate some or all
of the energy saving options described in the preceding sections. Also, the heat
pumps, where used, are indeed appropriately placed. How did Pinch Technology help
in this case? It should be clear that all the heat recovery, utility, and heat
pump options can be generated very quickly, allowing rapid feasibility assessment.
Years of evolution are not required to arrive at the optimal solution. Also, with
a relatively small problem the number of stream matching possibilities is quite
small. With two hot and two cold streams there are only about 12 different ways in
which all the streams can be matched. It would be possible for an experienced
engineer to generate and assess those possibilities. However, in a problem with
four hot and four cold streams the number of possible heat recovery networks
increases to over 1013 and there is no way that this number of possible

configurations can be generated and assessed. In these cases, using Pinch
Technology is the ofJy sensible approach to design the process energy network.
Even with smaller problems, using Pinch Technology offers the best approach.

There are no hard and fast rules as to when Pinch Technology should be used and
when it should not be used. However, as discussed, processes with a small number
of process streams can be analyzed without using Pinch Technology more easily than
those with a large number o f streams. F o r example, a pinch analysis on the lumber
drying process is unlikely to reveal any energy saving projects which have not
a1 ready been di scovered .

If Pinch Technology i s not used explicitly to find cost reduction opportunities,

then being aware of its guiding principles will certainly be o f help whichever
alternative approach is used.

Chapter 5


In the previous chapters of this Resource Guide the general background to

industrial heat pumps was presented. This chapter begins the description of how to
appraise specific heat pump opportunities.

The first part of heat pump appraisal is the Feasibility Stage. This consists of
three steps; - Data Gathering, Generating Options, and Assessment of Options.
Each step is described in this section. These basic steps must be considered part
of an iterative procedure i.e. the steps are repeated in more detail as the best
options are defined. The need for a structured analysis is stressed - if a project
is randomly selected and appraised it is unlikely to prove the most cost effective

Feasibility analysis is essentially a financial comparison of available options.

Details are given of the way certain key parameters affect the economics of heat
recovery systems.


Chapters 1 to 4 of this Resource Guide are intended to give a background to the

field of industrial heat pumps and other energy cost reduction options. The
remaining chapters are devoted to explaining the procedures required to assess a
particular heat pump opportunity. The procedures must encompass the initial search
for a possible application through to the commissioning and operation o f a full
scale i ndustri a1 heat pump.

In this chapter the Feasibility Stage is discussed. The ai; of this stage is to
assess a factory or process to identify which package of heat recovery projects,
including heat pumping, has the best financial return. The Feasibility Stage must

investigate a wide range of options. The Design Stage described later in Chapter 6
describes in detail the steps that should be followed when designing and specifying
a heat pump installation after its initial feasibility has been proven.


The Feasibility Stage is essentially an economic comparison of potential energy

saving projects. An interesting feature o f energy recovery opportunities, as
pointed out in Chapter 4 , is that there are usually many different options. The
existence of so many options makes a feasibility study more difficult to carry out
properly, hence it is vital to use a structured approach.

The Feasibility Stage is probably the most important single step in the whole
design procedure; if the wrong decision is made here then the wrong option will be
carried forward and eventually built. The resulting project could well be a
technical success but it might not represent the best investment. There are many
examples of first generation heat pumps that were built in place of a simpler
option. Clearly what must be avoided is the investment of $250,000 to save
$100,000 when an alternative with a capital cost of, say, $150,000 could have
saved the same amount.

The Feasibility Stage must include procedures to generate lots o f potential

projects as well as screening stages which reduce the number of options. This will
avoid excess time and effort being spent on appraising projects which are poor from
the beginning. More detailed appraisals should be restricted to the most promising
projects. Because of this need for option elimination the feasibility stage must
be considered an iterative procedure. That means that the basic steps in the
analysis are repeated with increasing levels o f detail. The first time around the
minimum amount of work necessary to home in on the best set of options is done.
Then the analysis is repeated in increasing detail in order to rank the better

The various steps in a rigorous feasibility analysis are outlined in Figure 5-1.

Step 1 is to gather relevant data about the host process. The data will be used
as the basis for analyzing the process, and proposing and assessing the various
energy saving opportunities. The data must include many technical details and a so
key commercial factors (e.g., what return on investment is acceptable).

I Collect Data

1 Generate Options 1

I AssessOptions I

Figure 5-1. Feasibility Analysis

Step 2 i s G e n e r a t i n g Options. T h i s i s t h e stage when a l l r e l e v a n t h e a t pump and
other opportunities are i d e n t i f i e d . The techniques o f P i n c h Technology s h o u l d be
appl ied here.

Step 3 i s Assessment o f Options. The o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e i n v e s t i g a t e d i n s u f f i c i e n t

d e t a i l t o ensure c o s t s and savings can be a c c u r a t e l y c a l c u l a t e d , and t o ensure
t h a t a t e c h n i c a l l y f e a s i b l e scheme i s f i n a l l y proposed.

The second h a l f o f t h i s s e c t i o n l o o k s i n d e t a i l a t each o f t h e s e s t e p s . However,

b e f o r e d o i n g t h a t i t i s necessary t o f u l l y understand t h e ways i n which h e a t pump
economics i n p a r t i c u l a r can be i n f l u e n c e d .


As s t a t e d e a r l i e r , t h e F e a s i b i l i t y Stage i s e s s e n t i a l l y a f i n a n c i a l a n a l y s i s o f
t e c h n i c a l l y feasible options. The n e x t s e c t i o n s examine how t h e most i m p o r t a n t
parameters a l t e r t h e payback p e r i o d o f a h e a t pump. Some o f t h e parameters a r e
o n l y r e l a t e d t o h e a t pump systems (e.g. COP, h e a t i n g temperature range). Others
a r e more g e n e r a l and b e t t e r known (e.g. f u e l c o s t s , running h o u r s ) .

Fuel Costs

The i n f l u e n c e o f b o t h a b s o l u t e and r e l a t i v e energy ( f u e l and power) p r i c e s on t h e

economics o f h e a t r e c o v e r y p r o j e c t s was d e s c r i b e d i n Chapter 4 , and i n Chapter 3
t h e s e n s i t i v i t y o f h e a t pump o p e r a t i n g c o s t s t o changes i n f u e l p r i c e s were
described. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e importance o f a t t a c h i n g t h e c o r r e c t m a r g i n a l c o s t t o
t h e u t i l i t i e s b e i n g saved by h e a t r e c o v e r y p r o j e c t s was d i s c u s s e d i n Chapter 4.
However, t h e r e a r e a number o f energy p r i c e i s s u e s r e l a t e d p a r t i c u l a r l y t o h e a t
pumps. These a r e d i s c u s s e d below.

The c o s t o f e l e c t r i c i t y i s v e r y v a r i a b l e f r o m one p a r t o f t h e c o u n t r y t o another.

Hence c a r e must be t a k e n i n assuming t h a t a s u c c e s s f u l h e a t pump i n a p l a n t i n one
s t a t e can be r e p l i c a t e d i n another. S i m i l a r l y t h e converse must be t r u e - d o n ’ t
assume t h a t a d e s i g n t h a t proves n e g a t i v e i n one s i t u a t i o n w i l l always be t h a t
way !

Using t h e c o r r e c t f u e l p r i c e d a t a i s n o t as easy as i t would seem. A common e r r o r

i s t o use average u n i t c o s t s f o r e l e c t r i c i t y . However, many t a r i f f s a r e

c a l c u l a t e d on a v a r y i n g s c a l e - e x t r a e l e c t r i c i t y usage f o r a h e a t pump may be a t
a p r i c e l o w e r t h a n t h e average r a t e . It i s i m p o r t a n t t o use t h e m a r g i n a l c o s t f o r
t h e e x t r a usage, n o t t h e average c o s t and any impact on demand charges s h o u l d be
investigated. C l e a r l y t h e same a p p l i e s t o u t i l i t i e s b e i n g saved.

Heat Pump C a p i t a l Cost

The payback p e r i o d o f a h e a t pump w i l l be d i r e c t l y p r o p o r t i o n a l t o c a p i t a l c o s t .

A t t h e F e a s i b i l i t y Stage t h i s f i g u r e i s v e r y d i f f i c u l t t o e s t i m a t e a c c u r a t e l y and
confidently. The c a p i t a l c o s t must r e p r e s e n t t h e f u l l y i n s t a l l e d p r i c e and
i n c l u d e t h e c o s t o f t h e h e a t pump i t s e l f p l u s a l l a s s o c i a t e d c o s t s such as c i v i l
works, e l e c t r i c a l and c o n t r o l w i r i n g , i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n e t c . Often the ex-factory
h e a t pump package o n l y r e p r e s e n t s about one t h i r d o f t h e f i n a l p r i c e , so i t i s
i n e v i t a b l e t h a t t h e i n s t a l l e d c o s t w i l l v a r y from s i t e t o s i t e .

A u s e f u l measure i s t h e ' s p e c i f i c c a p i t a l c o s t ' which i s t h e c o s t p e r u n i t o f

h e a t i n g c a p a c i t y (e.g. $/Btu/hr o r $/kW). T h i s a1 1ows e a s i e r comparison between
h e a t pump systems o f d i f f e r e n t s i z e .

A good s t a r t i n g p o i n t i n t h e a n a l y s i s o f c a p i t a s t o l o o k back a t e x i s t i n g
installations. F i g u r e 5 - 2 shows values o f s p e c i f i c c a p i t a l c o s t f o r a v a r i e t y o f
h e a t pump i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n t h e U . S . and i n Europe. The main f e a t u r e o f t h e p l o t
i s t h e degree o f s c a t t e r and t h e f a c t t h a t economy o f s c a l e i s n o t an obvious
effect. T h i s graph c o n f i r m s t h e p o i n t s t a t e d above t h a t i t i s n o t an easy m a t t e r
t o estimate c a p i t a l cost.

A t t h e F e a s i b i l i t y Stage t h e r e i s one p o i n t i n o u r f a v o r . The a n a l y s i s r e q u i r e s

t h e comparison o f many o p t i o n s . I n g e n e r a l , as l o n g as i n t e l l i g e n t c o s t e s t i m a t e s
a r e made, t h e f i n a l r a n k i n g o r d e r o f t h e o p t i o n s w i l l be c o r r e c t and t h e b e s t one
w i l l be i d e n t i f i e d , even though t h e a b s o l u t e v a l u e o f payback p e r i o d may be
a c c u r a t e o n l y t o w i t h i n +lo t o 20%.

Annual Runni nq Hours

Another b a s i c parameter i s t h e annual usage o f t h e h e a t pump. I t i s necessary t o

l o o k a t t h e annual a v a i l a b i l i t y o f t h e source and t h e p o t e n t i a l annual usage o f
t h e d e l i v e r e d h e a t and c a l c u l a t e how many hours/year t h e s e c o i n c i d e and hence how
many hours/year t h e h e a t pump can r u n . I n many cases, e s t i m a t e s o f usage have

Specific Capital Cost $lOOO/MMBtu/h






0 IO 20 30 40
Heat Output MMBtu/h
Figure 5-2. Heat Pump C a p i t a l C o s t s

tended to be rather optimistic, often by as much as 25%. If a heat pump has a
design payback period of 2.5 years and operates for 25% less hours than planned
the payback period will rise to 3.4 years; this is an unacceptable increase.
Care must be taken to ensure the operating hours estimate is realistic and
accounts for typical levels of unplanned shutdown as well as budgeted operation.

High annual running hours are an essential ingredient for a cost effective heat
pump. Factories operating 7 days/week 24 hours/day (annual operating
hours > 8,000) will have better opportunities than those operating a 5 day/week 3
shift pattern (6,000 hourslyear). If usage is significantly less than 5,000
hours/year then a heat pump will usually require some extra non-energy benefit to
achieve satisfactory payback periods. Hence single shift processes are usually
not worth considering. Low running hours is one of the reasons why space heating
heat pumps are not cost effective in countries where summer time air conditioning
is not required.

Load Factor and the Sizinq Issue

It is not only the total operating hours that will influence the amount of fuel
savings from a particular heat pump. The heat pump load factor is equally
relevant. If a heat pump runs 8,000 hours/year but only operates at a load of 25%
of its full rated output the payback period wili be very poor. Ideally a heat
pump should run at 100% load all the time it is running. If this does not occur
there is a financial penalty for 2 reasons,

0 If a heat pump that supplies 250,000 Btu/hr only operates at an

average of 175,000 Btu/hr then the capital investment is not
being well used. Although the actual capital cost was, say,
$100/kBtu/hr the EFFECTIVE capital cost is actually $143/kBtu/hr
because of the low load factor.
0 When a heat pump operates at part load, its efficiency usually
falls. This is because the compressor does not operate well at
part load and because various auxiliaries such as pumps or fans
usually operate at full load all the time.

These two effects make the part load performance of a heat pump very poor in
overall economic terms. If low load only occurs occasionally, say 1 hourlday
during a cleaning cycle, then the situation is fine. If, however, the heat pump
operates with a consistently low load factor the economics will be poor.

The importance of ensuring a high load factor cannot be s t r e s s e d enough. The most
common f a u l t of f i r s t generation heat pumps was oversizing. The problem usually
occurs because " f o s s i l fuel design r u l e s " are applied. I f , f o r example, a b o i l e r
p l a n t i s being b u i l t t o heat a process i t will always be made l a r g e r t h a n
necessary, so i t has contingency t o supply a l l foreseeable peaks. This design
philosophy i s wrong f o r heat pumps because they a r e a more c a p i t a l intensive heat
source and hence should be operated a t high load f a c t o r s . Generally, t h e r e i s no
need f o r the heat pump t o supply a l l the heat requirement; e x i s t i n g b o i l e r plant
can supplement t h e heat pump and follow the peaks and troughs i n the process.

The c o r r e c t design philosophy f o r heat pumps i s "small i s beautiful". Select a

heat pump s i z e t h a t f i t s below the troughs in heat demand so i t runs a t f u l l load
f o r most of t h e time. Part load operation down t o 75% i s forgivable in a heat
pump operating 8,000 hours/year b u t s i g n i f i c a n t usage below t h i s level will lead
t o poor economics. This important issue i s discussed again in Chapter 6 in the
Design Stage, Step Two.

Heat Pump Performance

The four parameters discussed above are a l l of a general nature and require l i t t l e
s p e c i a l i s t understanding o f the heat pump i t s e l f . I t i s a l s o v i t a l t o have a good
knowledge of t h e f a c t o r s t h a t a f f e c t the running cost of the heat pump system so
t h a t t h i s can be compared with t h a t of the existing u t i l i t y system. The following
s i x sections examine the various ways i n which heat pump running cost can be
a1 tered.

Before t r y i n g t o e s t a b l i s h the way heat pump performance varies i t i s helpful t o

define some measure of performance. In Chapter 2 of t h i s Resource Guide the
concept of Coefficient of Performance, COP, was introduced and defined. The COP i s
the r a t i o of heat o u t p u t t o the compressor s h a f t power input; higher values of COP
imply better heat pump performance. However, the COP i s n o t the best measure of
performance f o r use in the F e a s i b i l i t y Stage. There are several reasons f o r t h i s

0 The value of COP makes no allowance f o r the f a c t t h a t the heat

pump fuel and the e x i s t i n g f o s s i l fuel usually have d i f f e r e n t
0 The COP does n o t include the cost of running a u x i l i a r i e s such as
pumps and fans.
0 The concept i s r e l a t i v e l y unfamiliar t o most non-specialists.

It is far better to establish the cost of each unit of heat supplied by the whole
heat pump system. This can be simply expressed in $/MMBtu or #/kwh and then a very
easy comparison between different heat pumps and the existing utility system i s
possible. In order to calculate this figure it is necessary to know the
instantaneous heat output, the power absorbed by the heat pump and any auxiliaries,
and the price of each fuel involved. In that way quite different types of system
can be compared as shown in Table 5-1. From the Table, which compares two electric
heat pumps and a gas engine driven system it is clear that COP is an unsatisfactory
method of comparison. Heat Pump 2 has the best COP but this is achieved with a
very high auxiliary power so the overall running cost is highest. Heat pumps 1 and
3 both have the same COP but the fuels used are different and the gas engine heat
pump has the opportunity for exhaust gas recovery. Remember that the ranking of
these two plants will change if the fuel price ratio alters. All the heat pumps
have a running cost just over 50% of that of a conventional fossil fired plant.

TemDerature Lift. The temperature lift of a heat pump is the temperature

difference between the heat source and the heat user. For example, consider a heat
pump which heats a fluid from 150°F to 200°F; the heat source is a process stream
at 100°F that is cooled to 75°F in the heat pump evaporator. In this case the
temperature lift is 200-75 = 125°F. Note we use the higher figure for the heat
user and the lower figure for the source as these values will define the heat pump
evaporating and condensing conditions.

It is obvious from the "heat pulley" analogy discussed in Chapter 1 (see

Figure 1-1) that heat pump performance improves as the temperature lift falls. The
temperature lift is always a function of the host process streams. A key part of
the Feasibility Stage is to find the best combination of potential heat sources
and heat users. As a general rule it is best to minimize the temperature lift
between streams in order to minimize the cost of heat from the heat pump.

Although the temperature lift is a host process characteristic it is sometimes

possible for the heat pump designer to alter the process conditions in favor o f
the heat pump. In some circumstances it may be possible to alter the heat source
conditions so that the heat is available at a higher temperature. If this leads
to a waste heat source at 130°F being cooled to 105°F (instead o f 100°F to 75°F)
then the temperature lift falls from 125°F to 90°F and the heat pump performance
will improve.

Table 5-1


Heat Pump 1 Heat Pump 2 Heat Pump 3

Electric Electric Gas Engine

Heat Pump Output KW 100 100 100

Compressor power i n p u t kW 25 20 25

Heat Pump COP 4 5 4

Auxi 1 ia r y E l e c t r i c
i n p u t kW 5 15 10

Engine Waste heat kW

recoverable (80% t o t a l ) 0 60

Cost o f E l e c t r i c i t y Q/kWh 5 5

2 2


COST B/kWh 1.75 1.6


Note, c o s t o f heat from conventional gas f i r e d b o i l e r w i t h

75% e f f i c i e n c y = 2 = 2.7 Q/kWh

Gas engine assumed t o have 25% thermal e f f i c i e n c y

Evaporator and Condenser Sizinq. The actual temperature difference over which the
heat pump operates is the difference between the refrigerant condensing temperature
and evaporating temperature (for closed cycle systems). This is greater than the
temperature lift because it must include the heat exchangers driving forces. In
the first example above, the lift was 125°F. However the refrigerant would have
to condense at, say, 220°F to heat a fluid from 150°F to 200°F. Similarly the
evaporating temperature may be 55°F. Hence the OVERALL TEMPERATURE LIFT is
actually 220-55 = 165°F. By altering the design of the evaporator and condenser
it is possible to change the overall lift. If larger heat exchangers are used a
closer approach temperature of, say, 10°F is possible. If both the evaporator and
condenser are altered the overall lift in this example falls from 165°F to 145°F.

The heat exchangers will need careful optimization at the Design Stage. In the
Feasibility Stage it is sufficient to use figures based on previous experience to
make comparisons between different designs. The approach temperature to be used
depends on two main factors,

a) The type of fluid being heated or cooled (liquid,

gas or two phase?, clean or dirty?).
b) The temperature 1 ift.

Generally speaking 1 arger approach temperatures are required for gases than for
liquids; two phase mixtures (e.g. condensing vapor heat source) have lower
approach temperatures than liquids. These rules must be adjusted if the fouling
factor is high.

The temperature lift is also of importance in heat exchanger optimization. If the

lift is large, say above 100°F then optimization of the approach temperature is
less important than a heat pump based on streams with a lower lift. Table 5-2
compares a heat pump with a 50°F lift with one of 125°F. In the case of heat pump
1 the COP rises by 25% if the temperature approach in each heat exchanger is
reduced from 20°F to 10°F. For a similar change in temperature approach, the COP
of heat pump 2 only improves by 8%.

Table 5-3 shows some typical approach temperatures that can be used in the
Feasibility Stage of a heat pump analysis.

Table 5-2


Heat Pump Heat Pump

1 2

Temperature L i f t "F 50

Heat Exchanger
Approach Temperature O F 10 20 10 20

O v e r a l l Temperature
Lift "F 70 90 145 165

Heat Pump COP 5.0 1 4.0 2.7 2.5

Table 5-3


Temperature L i ft , O F

F l u i d Type > 100 50-100 < 50

Clean L i q u i d 20 15 10

Dirty Liquid 25 20 13

Clean Gas 30 25 20

D i r t y Gas 40 32 25

C1ean Condensing
Vapor/Boil i n g L i q u i d 15 10 10

D i r t y Condensing Vapor/
Boiling Liquid 20 13 13

Note: Values given f o r " d i r t y " f l u i d s are t y p i c a l f i g u r e s f o r moderate

f o u l ing

5- 13
H e a t i n q TemPerature Ranqe. H e a t i n g temperature range (HTR) i s a v e r y s i m p l e and
e f f e c t i v e d e s i g n concept t h a t i s o f enormous v a l u e when a n a l y z i n g h e a t pumps and
other heat recovery options. I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o n o t e t h a t HTR has l i t t l e o r no
v a l u e t o t h e d e s i g n e r o f a f o s s i l f u e l e d h e a t i n g system. The concept o f HTR i s an
e x c e l l e n t example o f t h e need f o r a d i f f e r e n t d e s i g n p h i l o s o p h y f o r c o n v e n t i o n a l
p l a n t s and f o r h e a t r e c o v e r y .

The d e f i n i t i o n of HTR i s v e r y simple; i t i s t h e temperature d i f f e r e n c e t h r o u g h

which a h e a t u s e r i s r a i s e d . F o r example h e a t i n g w a t e r f r o m 50°F t o 150°F
i n v o l v e s an HTR o f 100°F. HTR can be used as a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f a heat u s e r
stream. As e x p l a i n e d below a stream w i t h a l a r g e HTR has a b e t t e r p o t e n t i a l f o r
h e a t r e c o v e r y t h a n a stream w i t h a small HTR.

The concept i s most e a s i l y i l l u s t r a t e d w i t h an example; r e l e v a n t d a t a i s shown i n

T a b l e 5-4. A comparison i s made between two h e a t users. Both a r e streams o f water
b e i n g heated t o 150°F. I n b o t h cases t h e h e a t i n g d u t y i s 100 kBtu/hr. I n the
f i r s t case t h e f l o w r a t e i s l o w b u t t h e HTR i s h i g h ; t h e converse i s t r u e f o r t h e
second h e a t u s e r .

So, what i s t h e d i f f e r e n c e ? I f you a p p l y " f o s s i l f u e l r u l e s o f thumb" t h e r e i s no

d i f f e r e n c e ! I f a b o i l e r s u p p l i e s h e a t t o t h e s e streams t h e f u e l consumption w i l l
be t h e same. But i n t h e case o f a heat r e c o v e r y system t h e d i f f e r e n c e can be
enormous. Imagine a waste w a t e r h e a t source i s a v a i l a b l e . The f l o w r a t e o f t h i s
waste stream i s 1500 l b / h r and i t i s a v a i l a b l e a t 175°F. W i t h t h i s h e a t source i t
i s p o s s i b l e t o s u p p l y a l l t h e r e q u i r e d energy t o Heat User 1 s i m p l y by p a s s i v e
h e a t r e c o v e r y . I n t h e case o f Heat User 2 i t i s o n l y p o s s i b l e t o e x t r a c t energy
from t h e source between 175°F and 145°F ( a l l o w i n g 15°F minimum d r i v i n g f o r c e i n
t h e h e a t exchanger). T h i s i s o n l y e q u i v a l e n t t o 45% o f t h e h e a t requirement o f
t h e h e a t u s e r . F i g u r e 5-3 i l l u s t r a t e s t h e two h e a t r e c o v e r y o p p o r t u n i t i e s . In
t h i s example i t i s c l e a r t h a t t h e p o t e n t i a l v a l u e o f a waste u s e r stream i s
dependant on t h e HTR o f t h e h e a t u s e r . When t h e HTR was l a r g e t h e h e a t r e c o v e r y
p o t e n t i a l was f a r g r e a t e r t h a n when t h e HTR was s m a l l .

I t i s w o r t h n o t i n g t h a t t h e concept o f HTR i s a s i m p l i f i e d s p e c i a l case o f some o f

t h e r u l e s t h a t emerge f r o m Pinch Technology.

Table 5 - 4


Heat User 1 Heat User 2

I n 1 e t Temperature O F 50 130

O u t l e t Temperature OF 150 150

Mass Flow 1b/h 1,000 5,000

Heat ng Duty kBtu/h 100 100

HTR 100 20

Heal Source Heat Source
.-- ---- - _ _ _ _ _ _ -
..- - 1500 Ib/h 1500 Ib/h


130 ..---
I I Healuser2 I
I I 5000 Ib/h I
50 I I 5 q I
3 - Heat User1 I
I 1000 Ib/h I I I
* H I I
b H

100,000 Btu/h >I

F i g u r e 5-3. Heat Recovery Stream Diagrams f o r Table 5 - 4

Choice of Basic Cvcle. In Chapter 2 of this Resource Guide some of the design
variants for different heat pump types were examined. During the feasibility
stage it is necessary to decide which cycles should be considered. The concept of
HTR is a useful tool for this purpose. There is a corollary to HTR which is the
temperature range of the heat source. This can be called CTR or cooling
temperature range. The CTR is also an important selection tool for heat pump

Table 5-5 shows a matrix of different combinations of HTR and CTR. This table can
be used to identify the best cycles. It must be noted, however, that the table is
only a rough guide. The choice of cycle not only depends on HTR and CTR. The
overall temperature lift and the heat pump capacity also have a great influence on
this choice.

If both HTR and CTR are low then the simple 4 component cycle is the only choice
unless the heat source is a vapor. In that case open cycle will be preferable. A
refrigerant subcooler should be added as soon as the HTR is greater than 20°F and
if it reaches 60°F a desuperheater can be added as well. If HTR remains low but
CTR rises then a cascade of 2 heat pumps should be considered. If both HTR and
CTR are high then a combination of cascaded heat pump with subcoolers is possibly
the best option. On large systems it is worth considering a cascade of at least 3
heat pumps.

It is also interesting to note that engine driven systems can be most effective
when the HTR is large. This is because the engine waste heat is used to do the
final heating of the heat user. With a large HTR this means the heat pump itself
will operate over a much lower temperature lift - - with a significant increase in

Heat Pump Auxiliaries. The performance of a good heat pump can sometimes be
spoiled by excessive auxiliary power. As discussed above, the cost of auxiliary
power must be included in the calculation of heat pump operating cost. The major
auxiliaries are pumps or fans to pass the heat source and heat user fluids through
the heat pump evaporator and condenser. Other possibilities include oil pumps on
screw compressors, crank case oil heaters and standby or supplementary heaters.

It is important not to penalize the proposed design with auxiliary loads that are
required even without the heat pump. For example a heat pump may extract heat

Table 5-5

Cool i ng Heating Temperature Range

Range Low Med i um High
< 20°F 20' F-60" F >60 F

Low Use open cycle Add a Use subcool e r

< 20°F i f possible or subcool e r and desuper-
4 component heater
closed cycle Consider
engine drive

Med i um 4 component Add a Cascade o f 2

20"F-50" F closed cycle subcool e r with sub-
Cons ider
engine drive

High Cascade of 2 Cascade o f 2 Cascade of 3

> 60°F with subcool e r plus sub-
engine drive

from a process water stream. I f the e x i s t i n g water pump i s capable of passing the
water through the heat pump evaporator then t h e r e i s no e x t r a a u x i l i a r y power and
the pump need n o t be considered as a heat pump auxiliary. In f a c t in some cases
t h e r e will be a saving in auxiliary power. For instance, the heat pump evaporator
may reduce a cooling tower duty. In t h i s case the cooling tower fans are no longer
needed and the heat pump should be credited with an additional saving. Note t h a t
by measuring heat pump system performance i n Q/kWh these adjustments t o the
running c o s t are e a s i l y made.

As a general r u l e a u x i l i a r y power should n o t exceed about 15% of the f u l l load

heat pump compressor power. If i t i s higher than t h i s then the pipework f o r
source and user streams may be badly designed or undersized. The amount of pumping
power can influence the optimization of heat exchanger s i z e s as discussed above.
To achieve a smaller approach temperature, and hence improve the heat pump COP, a
l a r g e r heat exchanger i s required. This can imply e x t r a a u x i l i a r y power and
although the COP i s improved the overall performance i s not always b e t t e r .

Another relevant point i s t h a t a u x i l i a r i e s do n o t usually have any capacity

control. I f t h e heat pump i t s e l f has capacity control and i s running a t , say, 50%
load then the a u x i l i a r y power becomes twice as important as i t was a t f u l l load.
This i s a strong influence on part load performance and heat pumps running
c o n s i s t e n t l y a t p a r t load are unlikely t o have good economics.

Effect of Constraints. I n the F e a s i b i l i t y Stage i t i s necessary t o make many

judgments in order t o make use of the various f a c t o r s described above and hence t o
estimate the economic performance of a heat pump. A t a l l stages one must consider
s i t e s p e c i f i c c o n s t r a i n t s (and in some cases, benefits) and modify the general data

Heat pump location often has a strong influence on c a p i t a l c o s t . I f the source

and user streams a r e conveniently close together and also close t o a s i t e t o place
the heat pump then c a p i t a l c o s t s will be low. However, in many cases the converse
i s t r u e and i t may even be necessary t o include t h e cost of a building t o locate
the heat pump.

Corrosive or d i r t y source and user streams a l s o represent e x t r a c o s t s . Heat

exchangers may require expensive materials of construction or automatic cleaning

facilities. The heat pump performance may also be affected as the heat exchanger
approach temperatures wi 11 be greater than normal .

Excessive variations in heat load or poor matching of source and user loads are to
be avoided. Similarly if the source and user are in different processes that
operate at different times of day opportunities are limited. Plant start up must
be considered. In many cases this is no problem, but occasionally extra plant is
required to ensure proper operability.

Estimatinq Heat PumD ComDressor Power Reauirements. The most accurate method for
determining compressor power required is to do a detailed thermodynamic calculation
using the properties of the proposed refrigerant. However, for estimating purposes
in the feasibility stage, a short cut method can be used. This method is based on
the fact that the COP of 'real' heat pumps only reaches a certain fraction of the
COP of an ideal heat pump. The COP of an ideal heat pump cycle (Carnot cycle) is
easily calculated from the refrigerant evaporating and condensing temperatures.
Referring back to Figure 2-1, the ideal heat pump COP would be:

Where T2 is the condensing temperature of the refrigerant and T1 is the evaporation

temperature of the refrigerant (in absolute temperature, "Rankine). For example, a
heat pump being used to heat water from 100 to 180°F with a heat source at 85°F
cooling to 55°F (as shown in Figure 2-7) will have an evaporation temperature of
45°F and a condensing temperature of 190°F (assuming a temperature approach of 10°F
in the evaporator and condenser). Thus the Carnot COP is given by:

Carnot COP = 650 = 4.5


In practice, typical actual COP'S fall in the range of 0.65-0.75 of Carnot COP.
(This variation is caused by a number of factors including compressor efficiency
and refrigerant properties.) On this basis, the actual COP of the example heat
pump would be approximately 3.0.

Having calculated the COP, it is easy to calculate the work (power) requirement
from know1 edge o f the evaporator duty or condenser duty:

Qout = Qin + W = COP x W

:. w = Qi n or W = Qout

Thus, if the evaporator duty in the example is 1 MMBtu/h, the work required is 0.5
MMBtu/h (147kW) and 1.5 MMBtu/h are delivered in the condenser.

It should be stressed that this is only an approximate method and final evaluation
of the operating cost of the heat pump should be based on detailed thermodynamic
calculations. However, in the early stages of evaluation, this shortcut method
will give an approximation of performance which will assist in screening the heat
pump options.


It is worth re-emphasizing that a heat pump feasibility study must be treated as a

heat recovery feasibility study and address all the possible a1 ternatives. Just
considering whether a heat pump will be cost effective and technically feasible for
a given application is not sufficient; it may provide a good solution and good
savings, but other options such as passive heat recovery, process modifications,
cogeneration or any combination of these may provide better technical and economic

This section describes the three steps necessary in a feasibility analysis, Data
Collection, Generation of Options, and Assessment of Options. However, there is
one important preliminary step, the ’5 Minute Screening’.

The 5 Minute Screening

The structure of the feasibility study presented in this guide is based on an

iterative approach i.e. you proceed through the 3 basic steps more than once. The
first pass through the analysis should be considered as a quick initial screening.

T h i s has t h e aim o f q u i c k l y d e c i d i n g , w i t h o u t c o m m i t t i n g much t i m e and money,
whether i t i s w o r t h w h i l e l o o k i n g f o r energy c o s t r e d u c t i o n o p p o r t u n i t i e s . It
addresses o v e r a l l q u e s t i o n s such as:

0 I s energy c o s t r e a l l y a problem?
0 I s i t l i k e l y t h a t energy r e c o v e r y o p p o r t u n i t i e s e x i s t ?

0 I s t h e energy b i l l l a r g e enough t o j u s t i f y spending t i m e on s t u d y i n g ?

0 Is t h e i n t e r e s t i n energy s a v i n g aimed a t r e l i e v i n g c a p a c i t y

Asking t h e s e q u e s t i o n s , and o t h e r s o f t h i s type, up f r o n t w i l l h e l p t o p u t t h e

c o r r e c t p e r s p e c t i v e on t h e o b j e c t i v e s o f c o m p l e t i n g a study.

Steu One, Data C o l l e c t i o n

B e f o r e any h e a t r e c o v e r y p r o j e c t s can be i d e n t i f i e d , some d a t a i s r e q u i r e d !

d a t a r e l a t e s t o t h e process and t h e economic parameters a t t h e s i t e b e i n g s t u d i e d .

I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o n o t e t h a t Step 1 o f t h e Design Stage, d e s c r i b e d i n t h e n e x t

c h a p t e r o f t h i s Resource Guide, i s a l s o d a t a c o l l e c t i o n . T h i s has two
implications. F i r s t l y , i t s t r e s s e s how i m p o r t a n t d a t a c o l l e c t i o n i s i n b o t h t h e
f e a s i b i l i t y and d e s i g n stages. Secondly, i t i m p l i e s t h a t d i f f e r e n t d a t a i s
r e q u i r e d f o r t h e f e a s i b i l i t y stage and d e s i g n stages. A t t h e f e a s i b i l i t y stage,
wide r a n g i n g d a t a about t h e process and s i t e a r e r e q u i r e d . However, i n t h e d e s i g n
stage o n l y one o p t i o n i s b e i n g addressed and much more d e t a i l e d and r e l i a b l e d a t a
s p e c i f i c t o t h a t p r o j e c t should be used.

The necessary d a t a f a l l s i n t o two main c a t e g o r i e s , d a t a t o h e l p i d e n t i f y t h e

r e c o v e r y o p p o r t u n i t i e s and d a t a t o compare these o p p o r t u n i t i e s w i t h t h e e x i s t i n g
process performance.

The b a s i c r e q u i r e m e n t f o r t h e t e c h n i c a l assessment o f h e a t r e c o v e r y o p p o r t u n i t i e s
i s a c o n s i s t e n t h e a t and mass balance f o r t h e process. This i s a q u a n t i f i c a t i o n
o f t h e f l o w r a t e , temperatures and heat c o n t e n t s o f a l l process streams. T h i s can
be done by f i r s t making a l i s t o f a l l streams and t h e n e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e d a t a t o
a t t r i b u t e t o each stream. D u r i n g t h e d a t a g a t h e r i n g f o r t h e "5 m i n u t e s c r e e n i n g "
i t i s q u i t e s u f f i c i e n t t o use approximate d a t a f o r average o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s .

When the f e a s i b i l i t y analysis has reached a more d e t a i l e d level then i t i s
necessary t o v e r i f y the data and t o look a t the way i t v a r i e s under d i f f e r e n t
operating conditions.

In addition t o t h e basic heat and mass balance data discussed above, f u r t h e r

technical information i s required. This includes d e t a i l s of the physical location
of the streams, any variation i n heat loads or temperature l e v e l s , the presence of
fouling or blocking or corrosive constituents and potential hazards, e . g . ,
chemical reactions t h a t may occur i f two streams become cross contaminated. The
basic process data requirements are summarized in Table 5-6.

The information discussed above i s s u f f i c i e n t f o r the technical evaluation of the

relevant options. I n order t o carry o u t a financial analysis of these options and
t o compare them with the e x i s t i n g plant other more general data i s needed.

I t i s important t o know what return on investment, (payback period e t c . ) i s

acceptable t o a p a r t i c u l a r company. Does t h i s vary with the level of investment?
Is investment in one process more favorable than in another, due t o plans f o r
expansion and so? How much does fuel and e l e c t r i c i t y cost? Will this change and
what are the marginal costs?, e t c .

Data on any e x t r a benefits should a l s o be gathered. An example i s where the use o f

a heat pump r e l e a s e s b o i l e r capacity eliminating the need, perhaps, t o purchase
additional b o i l e r plant for other heating objectives. An a l t e r n a t i v e spin-off i s
the reduction in cooling water required f o r the heat source, with a corresponding
reduction in treatment c o s t s and the release of cooling capacity again perhaps,
eliminating the need f o r new plant.

Step Two, Generatinq The Options

As soon as relevant host process data has been gathered i t i s necessary t o

generate options on a t l e a s t two l e v e l s . The f i r s t level options r e l a t e t o 'What
cost reduction p o s s i b i l i t i e s e x i s t ? ' The second level options are r e l a t e d t o 'How
can the c o s t reduction be achieved?' For example, i t may be determined t h a t i t i s
possible t o heat process stream A w i t h process stream B. This i s a f i r s t level
o p t i o n , i t has been established t h a t the two streams can exchange heat. The
suboptions r e l a t e d t o t h i s project a r e , should a shell and tube exchanger or a

Table 5-6


Thermodynamic Properties Supply Temperature

Target Temperatures
Heat Capacity
Latent Heat (if appl icabl e)

Phys i cal Properties F1 owrate

Heat Transfer Coefficient
Foul i ng Tendency

plate and frame exchanger be used? or, is an intermediate heat transfer fluid
required, and so on.

The types of projects which fall under the first and second level categories are
shown in Table 5-7. It could also be argued that third level options also exist
i.e., if it is decided to match stream A and stream B in direct heat exchange, the
further options are what type of exchanger, what material of construction, etc.
These are really more detailed engineering and cost considerations which become
more important at the design stage.

To make the option generat ng process eas er, it is essential that a structured
approach be used.

For generati ng first 1 eve1 options, the P nch Techno1ogy approach descri bed in
Chapter 4 will quickly lead to identification of a thermodynamically consistent set
of projects and a clear picture of the energy interactions in the process.
However, it may be possible to utilize an alternative approach if it provides a
structured comprehensive approach to identifying the possibilities. Just
looking for passive heat recovery opportunities or just looking for heat pumping
opportunities, etc. may cause better projects to be overlooked.

In problems with a large number of streams, a comprehensive search for

opportunities will be very difficult to accomplish without using Pinch Technology.
In smaller problems a comprehensive search may identify good projects however, it
would be very easy to identify inappropriate heat pumping or process modification
opportunities as shown in Chapter 4. It should be noted that the same data about
the process and site is required whichever approach is taken. Using Pinch
Technology represents the most cost effective way of using that data.

To help generate second level options, the Option Tree shown in Figure 5 - 4 can be
used. This shows the types of projects which may be identified. The Option Tree
should be considered an 'aide memoir'. It does not generate specific options, but
it reminds us of the general categories available.

The key to the best sub-options for passive heat recovery is the choice of heat
exchanger type. The type of streams (whether gas or liquid, dirty or clean etc.)
will define which type of heat exchanger is best suited.

Table 5-7

Type o f Project 1 s t Level 2nd Level

Passive heat recovery Match stream A with d i r e c t heat exchanger

stream B
i n d i r e c t heat exchanger

I n s t a l l a heat pump Use stream A as the open cycle

heat source and stream
B as the heat sink closed cycle
electric drive
U t i l i t y supply Use steam as the hot 1ow pressure boi 1er
high pressure b o i l e r
plus steam turbine
combined cycl e

Process Modi f i c a t i on Reduce evaporation 1oad accept wetter product

i n a drier
reduce moisture content
o f material entering
d r i e r by improved
mechanical dewatering

Cont roIs
Maintenance Process
I 1
Modifications Plant


Gas/Liquid Liquid/Liquid


Absorption Mechanical Mechanical

I Thermocompression

Type I Type II 4 Subcooler Desuperheater Cascade Engine

Components Drive


F i g u r e 5-4. The O p t i o n Tree

In the case of cogeneration options the site heat to power ratio and the
temperature at which heat is required are two of the basic criterion to be used.
Steam turbines operate at heat to power ratios of about 10 while internal
combustion eng nes operate at the other extreme with heat to power ratios of 1 and
gas turbines f t in between at 3 to 4 .

Following the heat pump branch of the tree, the first decision regards open or
closed cycle. In general open cycle heat pumps will be more cost effective as they
have both higher COP'S and lower capital cost than closed cycles. Hence open
cycle options should be generated if at all possible.

In the case of open cycle options, the mechanical compression route is the one
usually followed. Thermocompression is only valid if the heat user is much larger
in capacity than the heat source. The suboptions for MVR systems usually relate
to temperature lift optimization. For example, if an evaporator is being
retrofitted with MVR there are often two basic possibilities (i) use the existing
heat exchanger and run with a high temperature lift (and low COP) or (ii) install
a new, larger heat exchanger and obtain a significantly better COP. The economics
of both options must be appraised in the feasibility stage. If the second option
is proved best, the "fine tuning" of heat exchanger size versus COP can be left to
the Design Stage (see Chapter 6).

The choice of closed cycle options follows a similar process. The selection matrix
discussed previously (Table 5-5) helps choose between the various closed cycle sub-
options such as subcoolers and cascaded cycles. The ratio of gas to electricity
prices will influence whether or not engine driven options should be proposed.
Absorption cycles are worth considering although it must be noted that experience
of this technology in the United States is limited.

SteD Three, Assessment of Options

Having generated a list of options each one must be assessed and three basic
questions must be answered:

0 is the option technically feasible?

0 what is the annual cost saving?
0 what is the capital cost?

Usually the capital cost is the most difficult of these questions to answer with
confidence. Leaving that question till last is a good idea - - you may reject the
option before the capital cost needs assessment!

Assessment of technical feasibility involves a search for practical factors that

will prevent an option being possible. For example, a heat pump option involving a
top temperature of 400°F may be found. This option can be dismissed immediately
because 400°F is above the top operating temperature of existing cycles. Some
practical factors may make an option difficult but not impossible. For example a
heat source and user located far apart will involve extra cost. It is a matter of
judgement whether this should be dismissed early in the analysis as technically
infeasible or whether it should be carried forward with an appropriate adjustment
to the capital cost.

The annual cost saving assessment first involves establishing a base case running
cost for the existing system. Then the operating cost o f the proposed option must
be carefully assessed. Note we are calculating cost savings, not energy savings.
By converting all energy savings into costs at an early stage it is easy to include
tariff changes, maintenance costs and any other saving or extra cost.

The running cost of a heat pump usually consists of three elements; the prime
energy, auxiliaries, and maintenance. In the case of mechanical vapor compression
heat pumps, the compressor power is calculated from the heating duty and the COP.
During a detailed feasibility assessment the COP should be properly calculated from
thermodynamic and manufacturers data. However, during an initial screening it is
useful to have some approximate data available. Table 5-8 gives some approximate
COP’S for cycles with different temperature lifts. Note that the table is based on
overall temperature lift, i .e., including the temperature differences in the
evaporator and condenser. These values should only be used as a rough guide to
COP. The actual COP depends not only on overall temperature lift but also on the
top temperature, the compressor efficiency, the refrigerant subcooler and so on.

For thermally driven systems, the cost of compressor power is replaced by the cost
of the primary heat energy.

When the annual savings of the various options have been calculated it is often
possible to reject a number of them either because savings are negative or because
in comparison to other options the savings are too low.

Table 5 - 8


Lift COP

Small HTR
(4 component h e a t pump
o r open c y c l e )

Large HTR
( u s i n g subcooler
o r cascade)

40°F 10 11
60°F 7 8
100°F 4.5 5.5
140°F 3.5 4.7
180 OF 2.5 3.6

Finally the capital cost must be estimated. Some guidance on this topic was given
earlier in this section. Realistic estimates must be made and full allowance
included for all installation costs. In general feasibility study estimates tend
to be low because of too much optimism! When the capital cost is known an
analysis o f the payback period and return on investment of each option can be
made. It can be dangerous to only use the simple payback period for comparison as
this can give a distorted picture. For example a passive heat recovery option may
save $100,00O/year with a payback of 2 years while a heat pump saves $200,000 with
a payback of 3 years. In the long term the heat pump may be the better option.
For investments of this scale a proper discounted cash flow analysis is the only
way of giving a true comparison.

In addition to establishing the technical and economic feasibility of each project,

their status as either independent, domino, or exclusive (as defined in Chapter 4)
should be determined. This will enable 'packages' of compatible projects to be
developed. Care should be taken with domino projects because of the 'downstream'
effect they can have on other projects.

At this point, some projects may have been eliminated and at least one package of
projects will have been developed. Each of the promising projects should now be
reassessed in more detail. For instance, instead of basing savings on the average
flowrate o f the streams being matched in a heat exchanger, the instantaneous
flowrates should be investigated to make sure the savings can really be achieved.
In general, the purpose of iterating in the assessment stage is to define the
savings, technical feasibility, and estimated capital cost to the point at which
there is sufficient confidence to proceed with detailed design.

In the initial stages, the level of detail does not have to be great. his enab es
a reasonably rapid and crude screening of the generated options. The use of
screening criteria such as payback, capital cost, safety, etc. will reduce the
number o f options at each iteration until the necessary degree of confidence in the
projects is reached.

Chapter 6


This Chapter outlines the three step Design Stage that is required before going out
to tender. The importance of detailed design is highlighted so that the heat pump
purchaser understands why this stage is needed.

Step 1 of the Design Stage is data collection. Detailed information about the host
process is required as the design basis for the heat pump. Relevant data include
temperatures and flows, fluid properties, time related data and site information.

Step 2 concerns engineering details. A range o f topics concerning system design,

controls and component design are examined.

Step 3 of the Design Stage is writing a technical specification. The requirements

of an industrial heat pump specification are explained.


The feasibility stage has been completed and a potentially good heat pump
opportunity has been identified. Now it is very tempting to rush off to a
manufacturer and ask for a quotation.

However, this is precisely the wrong thing to do at this time and is probably the
reason why so m a y 1st Generation heat pumps turned out to be unreliable and did
not meet the purchaser’s expectation in terms of performance. The purchaser is
not yet ready to get a quotation because much vital information is missing. First
it is necessary to examine the potential design in more detail.

The Design Stage really consists of three main steps. Firstly the basic design
data from the host process must be confirmed and checked in more detail. The heat

pump size should be reassessed and then various points of detailed engineering
examined. Finally the technical specification should be written to allow
different manufacturers to quote on a comparable basis.

Money and effort spent at this stage is usually invaluable. Correcting faults in
a heat pump is at least 10 times more expensive after it has been built than at
the design stage. The value of a good detailed design is of course true for any
type of engineering project. However, what the purchaser must realize is that it
is very risky to expect the manufacturer to do the detailed design under the
misapprehension that this design is free. Clearly the manufacturer must recoup
his design costs in the final tender price so they are definitely not free. Of
greater worry is the fact that the manufacturer will always do the minimum amount
of design work possible because he knows he may never win the contract (either
because he loses it to opposition, or, as is commonly the case, the heat pump is
never built). This means he will base the design on data from the feasibility
study, which will often be approximate and usually not comprehensive enough. An
alternative approach is to contract an engineering design company to do the
detailed design. In this case, it is just as important to ensure that the
engineering company is working on the correct basis.

There are many examples of heat pumps that were designed and built on very vague
data from a feasibility study and the results were disastrous. Systems built were
too large, corrosive constituents in the heat source were not identified, start up
conditions had not been considered .... the list is almost endless!

Again, it must be stressed that this Resource Guide is aimed at "heat pump
facilitators." The design stage that is recommended here does not enter the realm
of pressure vessel ratings o r compressor valve design. Clearly that is the
responsibility of the manufacturer. What is necessary at the design stage is work
that relates to the host process and decisions that the manufacturer cannot be
expected to make himself. This is best illustrated by two examples.

If the heat source is a gas stream it should be tested for corrosive or fouling
components. This is best done by the purchaser and defined in the specification.
This saves separate measurements by each manufacturer on the tender list (which is
clearly a waste of money) and it may give the purchaser a stronger legal position
if the evaporator suffers corrosion at some later date.

A second example is standby strategy. Is it important to have a standby
compressor available in case of a breakdown? This is a costly extra and it is
impossible for the manufacturer to be certain whether or not it is necessary.
This should be decided by the purchaser in the design phase and then clearly
speci fi ed.


The first step of the design stage is to collect detailed data which will ensure
that the heat pump can be properly specified. All the required data relates to
the host process. The heat pump interacts with the host process in two places;
energy is extracted from a waste heat source and is delivered to a heat user. In
the feasibility stage it was good enough to know the approximate characteristics
o f these two streams in terms of temperature and flow rate. Now it is important
to define more carefully the nature of these two streams. The required data falls
into four categories, bulk properties, thermodynamic properties, time related data
and site information. Table 6 - 1 summarizes these requirements.

Bul k ProDerti es

Usually the streams will be a gas, a liquid or two phase mixture (i.e., a
condensing vapor or a boiling liquid). The most common streams will either be
water or air although many other fluids can be encountered. If the fluids are
pure the data collection exercise is relatively easy. However, in most cases
there are mixtures of fluids involved that make things much more complicated. For
example, an open cycle heat pump that has water vapor as a heat source will
usually have to incorporate design features for purging air because the heat
source i s often a mixture of air and steam. If large quantities of air are
present then the host process may require modification to minimize the problem

The temperature and flow rate of the source and user must be carefully measured
under a variety of operating conditions. Usually the full load figures are the
only ones used in the feasibility study. Of equal importance are values for
typical part load operation, plant start-up, shut down, and any other relevant
variations. It is necessary to relate the variations in the source with
variations in the user. If they are part of the same process the variations may
coincide. However, in many cases the streams may be in two separate and
independent processes. This means that variations will be unrelated and, if they

Table 6 - 1


Type o f Data* Item Comments

Temperature Averages Are v a r i a t i o n s l a r g e

and Maxima and f r e q u e n t ?
F1 owrate Minima Do v a r i a t i o n s i n source
Start-Up/Shut Down and u s e r c o i n c i d e o r
F u l l Load/Part Load are they unrelated?

F l u i d Properties Main Components

Phase( s)
S p e c i f i c Heat C a p a c i t y
L a t e n t Heat F o r vapors/two phase
C o r r o s i v e Components mixtures
F o u l i n g Components
A v a i l ab1 e Pressure Prop
Heat T r a n s f e r C o e f f i c i e n t s
Annual Avai 1a b i 1it y

Dai ly/Weekly Load Particularly i f avail-

P r o f i1es a b i l i t y i s variable

Seasonal V a r i a t i o n s

Frequency o f S t a r t - u p / W i l l t h i s be d i f f i c u l t
Shut Down w i t h a h e a t pump?

S i t e Information Heat Pump L o c a t i o n Civil/Structural

D e t a i l s and Access
P i p i n g Routes

Location o f Services Fuel/Power/Water, Etc.

*These a p p l y t o b o t h h e a t source and h e a t u s e r

are significant, will affect the design of the heat pump. In the case of a
condensing vapor heat source or a boiling liquid heat user it is necessary to
measure the dew point or boiling point carefully. If there are impurities (such
as air in steam) then the values can be significantly different to those of the
pure fluid.

The pressure of the source or user stream will influence the design of the heat
exchanger. It is important to establish the maximum allowable pressure drop
through the heat exchanger. In some cases there will be enough pressure available
to incorporate a heat exchanger with no modifications. In other situations an
extra pump or fan may be required.

It is also important to identify any fouling or corrosive elements in the streams.

Thermodynamic Properties

Various thermodynamic and physical properties of the heat source and heat user
must be established. Firstly, the main fluid constituents must be defined. This
will enable the specific heat capacity and latent heat to be found from relevant
data tables. ,Then minor fluid constituents must be investigated. These may not
affect the thermodynamic properties but can influence the heat exchanger design
because of corrosion or fouling. Information about the heat transfer properties
are a1 so required.

Time Related Data

The third group of measurements relate to time. The total annual running hours
and annual load factor should be established. It is surprising how often the
owner of a plant over-estimates the load factor of a piece of equipment. As this
will define the heat pump size it is very important to get this correct. If usage
is variable then daily or weekly load profiles are often useful. Conditions at
start up, shut down and under emergency or breakdown should also be established as
these may affect the heat pump design.

Site Related Data

The final set of data that is required relates to more general information about
the site. A good location for the heat pump must be identified and relevant

civil and structural engineering details established. If the heat pump is to be
electric, then the location of the nearest suitable connection to the electricity
network must be established. In some cases the heat source or heat user will not
be adjacent to the heat pump so a suitable pipework or ductwork route must be


In the Feasibility Stage the best heat pump configuration was identified. More
detailed data to define the host process has been collected in Step 1 of the
Design Stage. Now it is useful to benefit from the experience of previous heat
pump installations to ensure that various aspects of the engineering design are
given careful cons deration. This will ensure that mistakes made by other people
are not repeated! First the heat pump must be considered at system level and then
at component 1 eve1

The Sizins Issue, Aqain!

The importance of heat pump size has already been stressed. In general the system
should be designed to run at a high load factor; peaks in the heat requirement can
be more cost effectively supplied by conventional heating methods. Now that more
detailed pictures of the heat source and heat user are available, it is possible
to reassess the optimum size for the heat pump. This is best done by plotting
representative heat load profiles for both source and user. In Figure 6 - 1 we see
an example where the heat source is a stream of warm water at 90°F and the heat
user is boiler make-up water. It is clear that the two process streams are not
related to each other. The heat source is very steady and is always greater in
capacity than the heat requirement. The need for make-up water varies quite
considerably and has short duration peaks. From this example we can make the
following assessments:

(a) It i s wrong to base the heat pump size on the heat source as this
would lead to a heat pump that is too large;
(b) similarly it is wrong to make the heat pump
cater for the maximum heat requirement of 3.2 MMBtu/hr
because heat loads over 2 MMBtu/hr only occur for 15% of the time;
(c) the minimum load of 0.5 MMBtu/h only occurs for 1 hourlday so it is
reasonable to run the heat pump on part load during this period.

I Heat Source

Duty MM Btu/h

24.00 06.00 12.00 18.00 24.00
Heat Load Profiles

F i g u r e 6-1. Heat Load P r o f i l e s

(d) t h e heat user has two d i s t i n c t "average" levels of load. For 12 hours
the load i s about 1.5 MMBtu/h and f o r the o t h e r 12 hours the load i s
somewhat higher a t 2 MMBtu/h. Ideally, the heat pump should be sized
a t one of these l e v e l s . I t i s not immediately obvious which i s best.
The s h o r t e s t payback period will be f o r a heat pump sized t o the lower
f i g u r e . This will run a t 100% load f o r more than 90% of each day.
However, i n the long term the s l i g h t l y l a r g e r heat pump will save more
money. A discounted cash flow analysis i s needed t o d i f f e r e n t i a t e
between the two options. In general i t i s s a f e s t t o chose the smaller
s i z e a s t h i s will have less control problems than the l a r g e r one t h a t
must operate a t 76% load f o r 1 2 hours/day. Use of a hot water stokage
tank can a l s o be considered together with a heat pump of 1.75 MMBtu/h
running a t f u l l load 24 hours/day.


Poor evaporator design has led t o many problems i n f i r s t generation heat pumps.
The f a u l t s cause poor heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t s and a l o s s of both COP and thermal
capacity through 1ow evaporating temperatures.

Direct Expansion Evaporators. A common heat pump configuration i s t o use a d i r e c t

expansion (DX) evaporator i n conjunction with a thermostatic expansion valve. In
such an arrangement r e f r i g e r a n t i s completely evaporated i n one pass through the
evaporator (see Figure 6-2a and b). This i s d i f f e r e n t t o the flooded evaporator
where a mixture of l i q u i d and vapor i s present throughout the evaporator. DX
evaporators suffer a number of possible problems t h a t lead t o poor heat t r a n s f e r
r a t e s and disappointing heat pump performance. These r e l a t e t o uneven d i s t r i b u t i o n
of l i q u i d t o t h e evaporator c i r c u i t s , which leads t o e a r l y drying out of the
evaporator. This does not occur i n a flooded evaporator where heat t r a n s f e r i s
good throughout. I t i s recommended t h a t flooded evaporators a r e used whenever

Superheat Zone. Many systems a r e operated with a high superheat a t compressor

suction. This can be through evaporator design o r a badly set expansion valve.
In these s i t u a t i o n s a s i g n i f i c a n t percentage of the evaporator surface can be dry
on the r e f r i g e r a n t s i d e a s described above. This waste of surface area leads t o
lower than normal evaporating temperatures. Another serious s i d e e f f e c t occurs
with systems t h a t have moisture in the heat source. The water vapor cannot
condense i n the superheat zone of t h e evaporator as i t i s too warm. This leads t o
p a r t i c u l a r l y poor heat t r a n s f e r in t h a t p a r t of the c o i l , and a further l o s s of
capacity. The system should be designed f o r low superheat a t the evaporator e x i t .

a) DX Evaporator
r Evaporator


Liquid -
expansion valve
100% vapor
to compressor

Figure 6-2. Evaporator Arrangements

If necessary, a suction line heat exchanger (using condensed liquid to heat the
suction vapors) can be used to protect the compressor from liquid carry over.

Frost Build UP. Most designs of air source evaporators do not minimize the losses
that occur through frost build up. It is vital to stop frost forming a bridge
between adjacent fins. Useful design rules are:

(a) do not use closely spaced fins - 3 or 4 fins/inch is the minimum spacing
that should be chosen. Some small sized systems have used 12 fins/inch
and frost has been a tremendous difficulty.
(b) use coils with relatively large face area and a high air face velocity as
this encourages water droplets to be blown off before freezing occurs.
(c) place coils horizontally with air blowing downward so gravity can assist
the path of water droplets off the coil.

Effects of Oil. Evaporators are often designed on the assumption that the
refrigerant is pure. This is not the case in most plant as oil is present as a
vapor, in liquid droplets and in solution with the refrigerant. Oil can cause a
reduction in evaporator capacity. The effects appear greater in many heat pump
applications than i n apparently similar refrigeration systems.

Oil return systems have often caused problems, particularly in fl'ooded

evaporators. When using R22 special care must be taken in designing the oil
return equipment.

Undersizinq. The COP of a heat pump is related directly to temperature lift. The
temperature difference across the evaporator adds to this lift. Many heat pumps
have used evaporators that have too little surface area. This undersizing is
caused by use of refrigeration design rules and gives a non-optimized COP.

Foulinq and Corrosion. Many heat sources have dirty or corrosive constituents.
Great care must be taken to select the correct materials for the evaporator. In
two malt drying heat pumps, plastic dipped finned coils were used as evaporators.
Foul i ng occurred because of the cl ose fi n spacing and corrosion occurred because
the plastic finish was not sound. One of the heat pumps had a new evaporator made
from bare stainless steel tubes which was a much more satisfactory design. The
other was actually scrapped when a leaking evaporator was added to a long list of
technical problems.


The compressor has seen major improvements during the last decade for heat pump
applications. At first it was believed that completely standard refrigeration
compressors could be used. This has been found to be wrong except for extremely
robust machines that were previously overdesigned. Great care must be taken using
the cheaper machines that are designed for packaged chillers and air conditioning
plant. Some common faults have included:

0 Valve failure through higher than normal forces from compressed

refrigerant. Valve seats, springs and plates must be carefully
chosen for heat pump applications.
0 Bearing failure through high side thrusts on crankshafts, etc.
Stronger bearings must be used.
0 Shaft seal leakage.
0 Failure of ancillary components such as baffles in oil separators due
to higher than normal forces from compressed refrigerant.
0 Frequent motor burnouts. With semi-hermetic compressors this has led
to great difficulty in cleaning the refrigerant pipework and heat

Compressor Efficiency. Is surprising how often a heat pump is designed without

reference to compressor efficiency. Bearing in mind that the isentropic efficiency
of compressors used for heat pumps varies between 40% and 80% this can lead to
serious reductions in financial return. Using a low efficiency compressor has
exactly the same effect on the heat pump performance as the use of a low efficiency
boiler has on a steam system. Boiler purchasers are unlikely to buy a 75%
efficient boiler if 80% is available - they certainly will not use one at 40%.

Compressor efficiency is not necessarily related to capital cost; often a cheaper

machine is more efficient than an expensive one. The manufacturer should always be
requested to supply isentropic efficiency data relating to three modes of
operati on s :

0 design point efficiency - this value allows quick comparison of

performance between several machines
0 off-design full load efficiency - if the heat pump is required to
operate under different evaporating or condensing conditions the off-
design figures are important. There is no point in buying a machine

with a very high design point efficiency if the off-design values
fall significantly.
0 part load efficiency - most compressors have very poor part load
efficiency. Ideally, the heat pump should be sized in such a way
that it doesn’t run at part load. If this is not possible design
calculations should take into account low efficiency when the
compressor is unloaded.

The best way of presenting compressor efficiency data is through efficiency

contours. These were described in Chapter 2, see Figure 2-11.


Of the three main components of heat pumps the condenser has caused the fewest
problems. The main causes for concern have been fouling or corrosion on the heat
user side and undersizing. Similar issues affect evaporators and are discussed

In some systems two condensers are used, one for heat recovery and a second unit to
reject heat to the atmosphere when heat recovery is not required. The way these
vessels are piped together is very important. On at least one installation the
heat recovery condenser was acting as a liquid receiver!

It is necessary to consider how the condensers may effect each other. In

Figure 6-3 we see an air cooled condenser in parallel with a water cooled heat
recovery condenser. The heat pump was designed to operate with just one
condenser. In heat recovery mode, the condensing temperature could be 140°F and in
air cooled mode, a typical value of a 95°F was expected. The condensers were well
piped, compared to the 1 iquid receiver problem described above, having generously
sized liquid line connections to the common receiver. However, when the weather
was cold and wet the air cooled condenser pulled the head pressure down, even
though the fans were not operating, and the heat recovery condenser could not
deliver suitably hot water. An extra solenoid valve is required in the air cooled
condenser liquid line to prevent this from happening. However, further care must
be given to switching from one condenser to the other. Ideally the liquid solenoid
should be operated a short time after the vapor line valves are switched to ensure
that the air cooled condenser can be drained of liquid. Without these simple
practical considerations taken into account, the heat pump is unlikely to operate

Vapor from Compressor


Air cooled
I -
condenser - Heat Recovery

- Exchanger

Additional valve reauired

Liquid to expansion valve

F i g u r e 6-3. Condenser Arrangements

Exoans i on Val ves

As with refrigeration systems a wide range of expansion valves can be used,

including thermostatic expansion valves (TEV’s) , low and high pressure float
control 1 ed Val ves and el ectroni cally control 1 ed Val ves .

TEV’s do not suffer from the inefficiencies they cause in refrigeration plant, due
to the need for head pressure control. However, superheat settings are often too
high, causing poor evaporator performance as described above. Float controls will
respond much better to variations in pressure ratio. This can be important when
process requirements lead to variations in heat source or heat user temperature.
Modern developments in electronically control led expansion valves will be of great
help to designers of second generation heat pumps.

Enqine Driven Systems

Engine driven systems are often worth considering because they improve the overall
energy savings potential , particularly for applications with high temperature 1 ift
However the engine does lead to a lot of extra design and maintenance

Enqine Air Intake Location. One of the classic lessons learned, and unfortunately
relearned, during the last ten years has been the simple rule about engine
combustion air intakes. These MUST be ducted from outside the engine room in a
position where refrigerant cannot be ingested into the engine. The consequences o f
CFC refrigerants entering an engine combustion chamber are dramatic. The
refrigerant is broken down by high temperatures into highly corrosive compounds o f
fluorine and chlorine. Severe engine damage is inevitable.

Enqine Comoressor Vibration. Several large systems have suffered major problems
due to the wrong type of coupling between engine and compressor. Flexible
compressor and engine mountings have caused many di ffi cul ties . The engine and
compressor manufacturers must carry out a rigorous vibration analysis to design the
mounting and couplings. Analysis should allow for unloaded compressor cy1 inders,
and possibly unloaded engine cy1 inders resulting from spark plug failure.

Exhaust Heat Exchanqer Desiqn. The exhaust heat exchanger must n o t cause too
great a back pressure otherwise engine performance i s l o s t . Materials must be
c a r e f u l l y selected t o avoid corrosion, p a r t i c u l a r l y i f diesel engines are used.

Lubricatinq O i l s . These must be c a r e f u l l y selected in conjunction with the engine

manufacturers. I t i s necessary t o check on the r a t e of consumption of lube o i l -
on some engines a l o t of o i l i s burned r e s u l t i n g i n high annual maintenance costs.

Refriqerant Leakaqe

Many heat pumps have suffered with r e f r i g e r a n t leakage problems. In general the
cause has been poor manufacturing standards, lack of checking and lack of
a t t e n t i o n t o d e t a i l . Leakage was a major f a c t o r contributing t o the downfall of
the German domestic heat pump. In a recent f i e l d t r i a l in the UK seven o u t of
eight systems suffered from s i g n i f i c a n t leaks. I t s h o u l d be noted t h a t these were
systems t h a t t h e manufacturers knew were t o be c a r e f u l l y t e s t e d and appraised!

Temperature L i f t of Open Cycle Heat Pumps

For many MVR processes i t i s possible t o achieve very high COP by using the
smallest p r a c t i c a l temperature l i f t . COP'S over 30 are practical i n some
i n d u s t r i a l applications. I n order t o evaporate water a t 212°F i t i s possible t o
use steam condensing a t about 230°F. This will give a COP of around 20. I t also
implies a very low pressure r a t i o in the compressor and axial "fans" have been used
in some cases. However, the main heat exchanger must be very large f o r such low
temperature d i f f e r e n c e s .

The trade-off between COP and heat exchanger s i z e i s the most important issue in
MVR system design. I t a l s o i l l u s t r a t e s well the need f o r a new philosophy when
designing heat pumps in place of f o s s i l f i r e d systems. I n a f o s s i l heated
evaporator steam a t around 300°F (50 psig) i s usually available. Compact heat
exchangers are normally used f o r convenience and low c o s t . I t i s important not t o
f a l l i n t o the t r a p of assuming t h a t small heat exchangers should s t i l l be used f o r
MVR systems.

As well as the obvious e f f e c t on heat exchanger design the issue of temperature

l i f t often a f f e c t s the mode of operation. Many evaporator heat exchangers become
fouled and are cleaned periodically. For MVR plant the fouling could cause an

unacceptable drop off in COP. Much more regular cleaning may be required. In
breweries, for example, the main evaporator heat exchangers are cleaned about twice
a week. This must be increased to a clean in between each brew, about every two

hours, to achieve maximum COP.

Boilinq Point Rise in Open Cycle Systems. Boiling point rise is a major
consideration in the design of evaporation systems incorporating open cycle heat
pumps (MVR’s). Boiling point rise is the difference between the boiling point of a
solution and the boiling point of pure water at the same pressure. For example,
pure water boils at 212°F at one atmospheric pressure but a 20% salt solution boils
at about 220°F at atmospheric pressure. If the boiling point rise is high, the
vapor leaving the compressor must condense at a higher temperature (pressure) than
it would in a system with low boiling point rise. This makes the system more
expensive to operate.

The physical properties of the solution being evaporated should be carefully

checked before recommending vapor compression evaporation.

DesuDerheatincl in a Steam Compressor. When steam i s compressed it reaches very

high levels of superheat. In many MVR applications steam would reach more than
480°F at compressor discharge. This is unacceptable for most compressor types so
it is necessary to inject water into the compressor to reduce the superheat.
Control of water injection has proved difficult and it is worth buying good quality
control valves for this job. The point at which water is injected is also of
importance. Direct injection into the compressor may be best but this cannot be
carried out in all types.

Instrumentat i on

As a general rule it is worth considering a relatively comprehensive set of

measuring instruments on any industrial heat pump. This will ensure that regular
and meaningful monitoring can take place and that the heat pump can be run under
optimum energy saving conditions.

Temperature pockets should be included in the system whenever a significant change

in temperature occurs. In the refrigerant circuit of a closed cycle heat pump this
includes compressor suction and discharge vapors and liquid from the condenser. If
a liquid subcooler is included the temperature after the subcooler should also be

measured. Similarly the heat source and heat user stream temperatures should be
monitored in and out of each heat exchanger.

The most important pressure measurements are the compressor suction and the
discharge vapors. These a1 low proper assessment of the thermal performance o f
both the evaporator and condenser (by converting the pressure measurements into
evaporating and condensing temperatures using refrigerant tables and comparing
these values with heat source and heat user temperatures). Other pressure
measurements are less usual although pressure drops through heat exchangers provide
a useful way of identifying fouling problems.

Electric power input to the whole system and preferably to each major load should
be recorded. Ideally, the mass flow rate of the heat source and/or heat user
should also be measured to enable the COP to be calculated. An alternative is to
measure the refrigerant flow rate although this is not commonly done.

The requirements for safety in terms of pressure relief, cut-outs, electrical

isolation, etc. are the same as for refrigeration and standard codes should be
adhered to.


The last step of the Design Stage is to write a technical specification. This
will clearly define the heat pump that is envisaged and will be used as the basis
for manufacturers’ quotations. Many heat pumps have been based on a very vague
specification. The whole point o f the Design Stage i s to ensure that attention is
given to the kind of details that caused many first generation heat pumps to have
problems. Clearly the effort will be wasted unless the specification reflects the
work done. There can be a danger, however, that if the specification is too long
and rigorous, manufacturers will find it necessary to add extra costs. The degree
of detail must reflect the complexity and size of the proposed heat pump. A system
with a heat output of, say, 5 MMBtu/hr will be very costly and must be very
carefully specified. The smallest industrial systems (at around 250,000 Btu/hr
heat output) will usually cost less than $50,000 (before installation) and a 50-
page specification is obviously overkill.

A good specification for an industrial heat pump will have the following

0 The host process will be clearly defined. All relevant data about
the heat source and heat user will be described
0 The preferred heat pump system, derived from the feas bi 1 i ty study,
will be presented.
0 Any important engineering requirements must be specif ed
0 The specification must be structured in a way that wi 1 allow easy
comparison of tenders.

One of the values of a good technical specification is that contract

responsibilities are clearly defined. If the heat pump installation has problems
in meeting the expected performance it is usually relatively easy to find out
whether the manufacturer did not meet the specification or that the specification
was in fact incorrect. If only a vague specification is given to the manufacturer
(with many details only given verbally) then it is often very difficult to prove
who is responsible for a problem.

The engineering specification for a large heat pump will usually include two
sections; i .e., a General Specification and a Particular Specification In
addition to the engineering specification there must also be a variety of
commercial conditions specified, in line with the preferred purchasing and
contractual procedures. For small er heat pumps the general speci fi cat on (or
large parts of it) can be omitted.

The general specification will include requirements about many of the heat pump
components that must be met to satisfy the purchaser. For example, pressure vessel
and pipework design codes, preferred types of electric motors or pumps,
requirements for safety, etc. This type of specification will be familiar to all
purchasers of process plant and will not be discussed in this guide.

The Particular SPecification

This i s the part of the Technical Specification that must be customized to the
required heat pump. Usually the General Specification and the Commercial
Specification will be based on standard material used regularly by the Purchaser or

his Consultants. The Particular Specification for a heat pump is less familiar.
The following sections are recommended:

Desiqn Basis. This section outlines all the relevant host process
data collected in Step 1 of the Design Stage.
Rewired heat Dump performance. A clear statement should be given
that specifies the required heat pump output under relevant process
conditions. As well as the thermal output, any other important
requirements should be clearly stated (e.g., the need to run at part
load, the need for standby, etc.).
Preferred heat pump desiqn. In the Feasibility Stage the option
tree was used to investigate the financial performance of various
different heat pump designs. The preferred design must be specified
and shown as an outline system. Where possible the outline should be
made flexible as this will allow the manufacturer the opportunity to
use his equipment (and expertise) in the best way. However, if the
outline is too f exible then the opportunity to obtain the optimum
heat pump design may be missed. Usually the system design will need
relatively detai ed specification (e.g., that a heat pump with a
liquid subcooler is required) but the component design can be left
unspecified (i.e , the manufacturer can choose the type of
Kev Enqineerinq Requirements. All key design features identified in
Step 2 of the Design stage must be specified. These can be
subdivided into system design, controls and component design.
Heat PumD Installation. When the heat pump is installed it will be
necessary to carry out various ci vil/structural/electrical
modifications and also to break into the existing process streams
that will be the heat source and heat user. Often the civil work,
etc., is best carried out by someone other than the heat pump
manufacturer. The preferred responsibilities must be specified. Any
restrictions on access t o the process streams must be stated (usually
the host process must be stopped to connect the heat pump into the
system - this may only be poss.ible in an annual shutdown, or at
Commissioninq and Operational Details. Any requirements for specific
performance and commissioning tests should be specified. A request
for specific operator training and maintenance/operating manuals
should also be given.
Tenderinq Information. An important section of a good Particular
Specification is the one that sets out the tendering requirements.
If tenders are to be easily compared, it is useful to have identical
tables of data from each manufacturer. A blank table of data should
be drawn up and included in the specification.

Chapter 7


In this chapter various important issues concerning the actual usage of heat pumps
are discussed. In order to ensure proper operation it is necessary to carry out a
proper commissioning program. Having established good operation it is vital that
this is maintained. A comprehensive monitoring system is recommended to keep a
regular check on energy savings and to identify potential problems as they arise.
Finally, it is useful to be aware of the typical operational problems that can
arise; these are discussed together with methods of diagnosis and cure.


The commissioning phase of a heat pump installation is critical to ensuring that

the subsequent performance of the system is close to that specified, and remains so
over a long period of time. Codes of Practice exist for commissioning of many
types of plant, including air and water distribution systems and refrigeration
equipment. All of these component systems are relevant to heat pump
commi ssi oni ng .

It is intended here to highlight some of the important points which must be taken
into account during commissioning. It should, however, be noted that the
responsibility for commissioning to the customer’s satisfaction will normally rest
with the equipment supplier/installer.

Gas and Vapor Distribution Systems

When the heat source or user is a vapor or gas (e.g. air) stream, a number of
factors related to the distribution system must be taken into account. If these
are neglected, a reduced COP could well result.

Preliminary checks are necessary in at least seven areas. These are:

Velocities and pressure drops - these should be measured and

compared with design data.
System cleanliness - including ducts, fans, filters and coils.
Flow control devices - correct operation of dampers or inlet guide
vanes, if incorporated and any safety features such as hazard
isolation doors or pressure relief systems.
Leak tightness - ductwork and fittings such as access doors, joints
etc. should be checked.
Mechanical components - in particular the lubrication of any moving
components should be checked, and the alignment of compressor and fan
drives etc. confi rmed.
Electrical components - a1 1 electrical components should be checked
for correct wiring, fuses, power supplies etc.
Special equipment - items such as electrostatic filters, features
involving gases other than air, and any other potentially hazardous
items requiring outside specialist knowledge should be dealt with

Liauid Distribution Systems

Excluding the refrigerant circuits and coolant/lubrication for compressors or

drives, many industrial heat pumps also have liquid sources or users which require
integrating into the system, Additionally, water systems may be used to clean
heat exchangers in the system which may be liable to fouling - most commonly the
evaporator. It is important that any automatic wash-down system has a high degree
of re1 i abi 1 i ty.

Procedures are generally similar to those for air distribution systems, but the
first critical steps following installation are system filling and flushing.
Flushing is carried out normally from high to low points, on a sectional basis
using isolating valves. Chemical cleaning may be needed in some circumstances,
although care should be taken to ensure all traces of chemicals are subsequently

Leak testing is of course necessary, and frost protection should be incorporated

(e.g. trace heating or antifreeze agents) if in a cold environment. Checks on
pressure and temperature drops should be made, with thermal insulation applied

where appropriate. Correct balancing of 1 iquid flow rates is particularly

The Heat Pump Circuit

To obtain satisfactory operation of a closed cycle heat pump, carefully planned

procedures must be followed associated with refrigerant charging.

Firstly, it is essential to make sure that the refrigerant itself does not become
contaminated following delivery by the supplier. Secondly, it is important to
keep the circuit and all associated components on the refrigerant side as clean as
possible, and free from moisture, oil, any fluxes, dirt etc.

Leak testing and pressure testing are critical in ensuring the integrity of the
refrigerant pipework, valves and other components. If a vacuum leak testing
method is used, this will also assist in removing moisture from the system as it
is pumped down. However, prior pressure testing will be necessary for most heat
pumps, and this will also help identify gross leaks. Leakage has been a major
problem with first generation heat pumps. The purchaser should insist on the
highest possible standards o f leak tightness. Ideally, the leak tests should be
independently witnessed.

The heat pump circuit must again be evacuated prior to filling with refrigerant.
Charging will normally be done by adding the refrigerant in its liquid phase.
Both undercharging and overcharging will lead to reduced heat pump performance.
It is important to check that the correct refrigerant is being used, or if a
refrigerant mixture is selected, that the correct proportions are added.

Correct selection of the compressor lubricating oil also needs consideration.

Oil-refrigerant compatibility is particularly critical in heat pump systems
operating at higher temperatures, and it may be necessary to use one o f the newer
synthetic lubricating oils. Again, oil cleanliness cannot be too highly stressed.

It will generally be found, either soon after charging or after early heat pump
operation, that the system will require purging of trapped air and non-condensible
gases which may have been generated by some local contaminant reaction. It may be
advisable to purge once or twice during this early operating period. If excessive

or over frequent purging is needed, this can indicate the presence of more serious
contamination, or a leak.

For both open and closed cycle units, compressor operation is the critical
component. It is important to ensure that liquid carryover is avoided and that the
1 ubrication system is operating correctly. The manufacturers recommendations
regarding start-up should be followed.


Performance monitoring of a heat pump installation is essential for several

reasons. The principle llraison d’etre” for the purchase of a heat pump in the
first place is energy cost reductions. Performance monitoring will ascertain
whether the predicted reductions are being achieved consistently. Should this not
be the case, such monitoring will assist the operator and equipment supplier to
pinpoint system components which are not performing to specification, for example
the compressor, drive, evaporator, condenser, or some aspect o f the control
system .

Plant log sheets provide an effective way of gathering data on plant performance
but they are only of real use if:

0 the data recorded is accurate

0 the information is analyzed correctly
0 any problems identified are followed up

Key operating parameters, (temperature, pressure, hours run, power consumption

etc.) should be included on the sheets along with details of their normal
operating range so that out of limits operation can be seen readily

Performance Tests

The log sheets can only provide a rough guide to the operation of the heat pump.
Periodically, review of detailed tests should be carried out. Essentially, a full
consistent heat balance should be calculated from measured conditions and then
compared with design and expected performance figures for the various heat pump
components. In this way you can determine the energy savings and identify faults.
The importance of the monitoring cannot be overstressed. Without analysis of

measured data it is quite common to find a heat pump operating but achieving a
heat recovery level much lower than it should be.

Figure 7 - 1 shows the measurements required to assess the performance of closed

cycle vapor compression heat pumps. Using this data, equipment performance can be
calculated, item by item.

The Evaporator. The mass flow rate of the heat source stream can be determined
from the flow/pressure characteristics of the pump or heat exchanger (or both).
The heat duty can then be calculated using fluid properties and the temperature
fa1 1 (TZ-TI).

The refrigerant evaporating temperature, TE, will be the saturated temperature

corresponding to the compressor suction pressure. The performance of the
evaporator can then be compared with the expected performance to identify problems
such as foul ing.

The Compressor. Compressor manufacturers provide performance data for their

machines either as curves or in tabular form. Essentially, these relate the heat
duty of the evaporator and condenser to the compressor power requirement.

The volume of vapor being compressed can be calculated from a knowledge of the
evaporator duty (and the pressure drop across the flash valve in in closed cycles).
The actual power taken by the compressor can be measured and then compared with the
expected value. Motor efficiency and power factor should be taken into account.

The Condenser. The condenser can be analyzed in a similar way to evaporator. The
heat duty should be equal to that of the evaporator plus the power required to
compress the gas. Any inconsistencies between actual and expected performance is
indicative of problems and should be investigated further.

Automatic P1 ant Monitoring

As mentioned above, monitoring assists considerably in minimizing the effects of

malfunctions, by warning of their possible occurrence, where feasible. Automatic
plant monitoring, using microprocessor-based systems, is now available, and this
can relieve plant operators of many of the tedious tasks associated with data


Compressor T7
1' F3


T, = Temp. of Heat Source Entering Evap. F, = Flow Rate of Heat Source

T2= Temp. of Heat Source Leaving Evap. F,= Flow Rate of Heat User

T, = Temp. of Heat User Entering Cond. F, = Flow Rate of Refrigerant

T, = Temp. of Heat User Leaving Cond. P, = Compressor Suction Pressure

T, = Temp. of Refrigerant at Compressor Suction P, = Compressor Discharge Pressure

T, = Temp. of Refrigerant at Compressor Discharge P, = Pressure prior to Expansion

T, = Temp. of Refrigerant in Receiver P, E Pressure after Expansion

T8= Temp. of Refrigerant Entering Evap.

Figure 7-1. Data Requirements for Heat Pump Performance Monitoring

Such systems can automatically and continuously monitor the essential parameters
of the heat pump, and present the data on demand. It is also comparatively simple
to incorporate a capability for providing at regular intervals data on plant
performance and efficiency, possibly in the form of an overall COP.

A typical monitoring system would be called upon to produce the following data
during each shift or at any other time interval:

0 Running times.
0 Compressor suction and del ivery temperatures and pressures.
0 Evaporator inlet and outlet temperatures.
0 Condenser subcool and approach temperature.

Following an analysis of data over an extended period of, say, four weeks, such a
system would generate figures for:

0 Overall COP.
0 Analysis of source and delivery temperatures (time and date-related).
0 Analysis of running times at different loads.
0 Total running time.
0 Time to next schedu ed service.

Such a system would not over ride the normal trips supplied with the compressor
and other components, and so ely serves a monitoring function. Until confidence
is gained in its performance normal manual monitoring procedures can be carried


The operational problems encountered with heat pumps are basically similar to
those familiar to refrigeration plant users. Faults can occur in any of the fluid
streams (i.e. the source, the user and refrigerant) or the problem may be a
failure of a specific heat pump component.

In both the heat source and heat user streams the most common problems are fouling
or reduced flow rate. In both cases the log mean temperature difference observed
in the relevant heat exchanger will be seen to rise above design values. If for
example the evaporator is fouled the refrigerant evaporating temperature will fall

below design values. Similarly if the evaporator is starved of air (assuming the
heat source is air) the same symptom will be observed. Measuring the pressure
drop across the evaporator differentiates these two problems; lack of flow leads
to a low pressure drop whereas fouling is indicated by a high pressure drop.

There are four common problems related to the refrigerant stream. These are
undercharge, overcharge, air contamination or oil contamination. Undercharge
usually occurs through leakage. it can lead to significant drops in COP -
eventually vapor is pumped uselessly round the circuit. If a liquid line sight
glass is fitted undercharging is observed by the presence of bubbles in the liquid
line. The absence of liquid subcooling at the condenser exit and low evaporating
pressures are also indications of undercharge. Overcharging with refrigerant can
either lead to an evaporator or a condenser with too much liquid inside it
(depending on the type of expansion value used). If the evaporator is overcharged
there is danger of liquid getting back to the compressor which could cause damage.
If the condenser is overcharged the condensing pressure will rise and liquid
subcool i ng wi 11 increase.

If air is present in the circuit it will always collect in the condenser. Air in
leakage is quite likely in systems where the evaporating pressure is below
atmospheric. The air prevents proper condensation taking place - which leads to
high head pressure and reduced COP. The pressure of air can be confirmed by
isolating the condenser from the refrigerant circuit and running the heat user
stream through the condenser at a constant temperature. If no air is present the
pressure inside the condenser will give a saturation temperature that is
equivalent to the heat user temperature. If the pressure is higher than expected
air is present and should be purged.

If oil is present it will collect in the evaporator and cause fouling problems.
This is only a major problem on flooded evaporators and regular checks for oil
fouling should be made. With CFC refrigerants automatic oil purge systems are
required as the oil and refrigerant are miscible. With ammonia oil can simply be
drained from the evaporator. A common misconception is that heat pumps "burn" oil
like a car. Clearly this is impossible. If the compressor is requiring extra oil
on a regular basis this implies oil is building up inside the system.

Various components in the heat pump can fail. The most likely ones are the
expansion valve and the compressor. Expansion valves can stick open - usually

leading to gas bypass and high evaporator pressure. Compressors can fail in a
number of ways, some of them disastrous! On reciprocating machines, valve failure
is common; this is often associated with high discharge temperatures. Centrifugal
compressors are liable to surge if they are run at off design conditions. This may
be observed by heavy operation or fluctuations in power absorption. If allowed to
persist motor burnout or compressor rotor failure can occur.

Many other operational problems can occur. These are not necessarily specific to
heat pumps. Control problems are common through probe failures or incorrect
settings. A practical textbook on refrigeration is a good source of reference for
other types of failure.

Chapter 8


Chapters 1 to 7 of this-Resource Guide have provided a comprehensive background to

the field of Industrial Heat Pumps. This has included much valuable information
relating to the performance, design, evaluation, and operation of heat pump
systems. The way in which the heat pump competes with other energy saving
opportunities was also discussed and the importance of ensuring that the heat pump
is compared to these other options in an unbiased fashion was stressed. Pinch
Technology was introduced as the best tool for identifying good heat pumping,
passive heat recovery, and other energy cost reductions measures. Existing
applications, and the current state of the heat pump market were also presented.

This information forms the basis of a design methodology covering the feasibility
assessment, detailed design, and commissioning and operation of industrial heat
pumps. Of course all this, while useful, is of limited value unless it is used
effectively to promote heat pump technology to potential industrial users with the
result that more heat pumps are installed.

So, just how can the information presented in this Resource Guide be used
effectively? Chapter 8 contains some ideas!


Poor reliability, due to equipment failure, has been a common experience for 1st
generation heat pump owners, particularly those with closed cycle systems. In many
cases, this has led to poor economic performance and a lower than expected return
on investment. Another factor contributing to poor economic performance has been
oversizing. Systems have often been designed to deliver peak heat demands,
resulting in part load operation (at low efficiency) for the majority of the time.
Apart from increasing running costs, this represents poor use of capital. If these
mistakes continue to be made, the industrial heat pump will not gain more

widespread use. However, these mistakes are not necessary. It is time to learn
from the 1st Generation experience. Good designs, based on the guidelines
presented in this Resource Guide will be reliable and meet expected economic

To increase user confidence, in the short term, it is important to encourage

successful case studies, but initially a conservative approach i s required. It is
better to have a small number of visible successes rather than a larger number of
partial success or failures. Developing the market in this cautious way will lay
solid foundations for the future.


The Resource Guide was not intended to be a completely comprehensive reference on

the subject of heat pump technology. After reading the Guide, the reader may feel
like an expert, but . . . this is not really the case! The Resource Guide gives a
good overview of the technology and provides a good structure for the design and
appraisal of heat pump systems, but . . . this doesn’t mean that the reader is
qualified to perform these tasks. That takes,real expertise and experience.

So, what can the reader do after reading this Guide? He or she is in an excellent
position to be a facilitator and promote the use of industr a1 heat pumps by,

0 Advising clients on how to do it right.

0 Asking the right technical questions.
0 Recommending what external expertise is required a each stage.

This is a useful and important role of great benefit to potential users and

Findina the Market

What steps should be taken to get heat pumps installed? A first step is actually
identifying good applications. This can be done by examining the industrial
customer base in the service territory to identify companies with heat recovery and
heat pumping potential. The industries listed in Chapter 3 can form a basis for
the initial search but don’t forget that there may be other applications which

haven’t been discovered yet. Concentrate on industries with long running hours
i.e., 6000 t hours/year and look out for sites installing new equipment.

Generatinq and Evaluatinq Options

The decision to install a heat pump or any other energy cost reduction equipment
will be based on an economic and technical comparison of the alternatives.
Therefore, having found a suitable site, discuss &iJ the energy cost reduction
options with them. Don’t just try to sell a heat pump - explain the ’Option Tree’.

It is very important to understand the operations on-site. Use the ’5 Minute

Screening’ to quickly determine whether it is worth while looking for energy cost
reduction opportunities. Identify how much energy is used and what it is used for.
(It is interesting to note that in many industries, all the purchased energy is
eventually rejected to cooling water or the atmosphere. For example, if cold water
is processed into cold beer, there is no net energy change in the water. This
implies that all energy purchased in a brewery must leave as ‘waste’ heat. This is
true of many food processes and low temperature industries. There are however,
exceptions, particularly when the process involves chemical reaction.) Find out
about the site’s financial criteria (i.e. payback, rate of return, maximum
capital outlay) and other relevant criteria such as the need to debottleneck,
limitations on boiler capacity, and so on. The background knowledge obtained in
the ’5 Minute Screening’ is essential for understanding how well each proposed
project meets the site’s objectives.

To generate and evaluate projects, follow the three step feasibility study
methodology described in Chapter 5.

1. Collect Data
2. Generate Options
3. Assess Options

Remember that this is an iterative procedure. In the early stages, approximate

data is sufficient, but as projects are investigated in more detail, more accurate
data is required. Use Pinch Technology, or an alternative thermodynamically
consistent approach, to generate options. As discussed in Chapter 4, Pinch
Technology offers an excellent approach to identifying heat pumping and all other
heat and power options. Remember to classify the projects identified as either

independent, exclusive, or domino. This helps with understanding of the
interactions between projects and will allow a mutually consistent set of projects
to be devel oped.

When assessing options in the early stages, use approximate capital costs and
savings to calculate prel iminary economics. Make sure that the correct marginal
energy costs are used. Some projects may be eliminated at this stage because the
paybacks will obviously be unacceptable. Use other screening criteria such as
relative location of heat source and heat user to reduce the number of options.
The quality of the savings and capital estimates will need to be improved as
project definitions are firmed up.

When a potential heat pump application is found, the compressor power requirement
can be estimated from the formula given in Chapter 5. Capital cost estimates are
slightly more difficult, but Figure 5-2 gives an indication of the range of costs
that may be encountered. Look for open cycle opportunities, they are likely to
cost less to build and operate than closed cycles. If a closed cycle is
appropriate, don’t just consider a four component cycle. Look for subcooling and
cascading opportunities which improve the COP.

The economic benefits of heat pump are particularly sensitive to the relative costs
of fuel and power. When calculating payback or rate of return, ensure that the
sensitivities to fuel price changes are understood. This will help to avoid
surprises after the equipment is installed. A l s o don’t forget to include credits
for other benefits accrued by installing a heat pump (e.g. improved product
quality, increased throughput, etc.) in the economic analysis. If the economic
case for a heat pump is marginal, it may be worth considering a special rate
structure for the heat pump load which swings the economics in favor of the heat
Pump *

During the detailed design phase, take care to select the most appropriate heat
pump size. Go for long operating hours and a high load factor. Choose the system
components carefully, particularly the compressor, and investigate heat pump
performance for all the operating cases that are likely to be encountered.

Consideration should be given to working with an independent consultant. This will
improve credibility and bring knowledge and experience to the project that may not
be available within the utility. This in turn, will improve the quality of results
and the benefits to the customer.

If Pinch Technology is used, the utility again has the option of working with an
independent consultant or training its own staff to do pinch studies. The decision
on which route is best should be based on the resources available within the
utility, the perceived need for the skills and the frequency with which such
studies will be done.

Developing relationships with equipment suppliers and vendors is essential. This

will make obtaining capital estimates easier and also help in obtaining knowledge
about other installations and applications.

Presentins the Results

For the energy cost reduction study to be a success, the customer must believe the
results and believe that utilities involvement is of benefit to them. Therefore,
communication with the customer must take place throughout the study and all
efforts must be taken to ensure a good working relationship.

It is in the best interest of the utility to present the study results in an

unbiased fashion. By recommending heat pumps when they are not the best opt on for
a customer, the utility will lose its credibility. The results package shou d be
presented in very clear terms showing exactly which projects are recommended a1 ong
with the project savings and payback (or return).

The study results should come as no surprise to the customer, having been developed
in close cooperation with the customer to ensure that the appropriate objectives
are satisfied.

After presenting the study results, follow-up by the utility is essential to ensure
that the proposed projects are given appropriate consideration by the customer.
Such follow-up includes being available to answer questions about the study and
providing contacts with equipment vendors.

Finally, when an installation is operating successfully, make sure the system is
monitored and pub1 icize the results.

Good Luck!

Chapter 9


Barton, I., Jones, D. H. and G. J. Smith. New Developments in Heat Exchanqer

Network Tarqetinq, Desiqn and Analvsis. AIChE Summer Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,
August, 19, 1987.
Boland, D., Saboo, A. and E. Hindmarsh. Efficiencv and Flexibilitv Improvements in
Crude Units. 1986 NPRA Annual Meeting, March 1986.
Boland D. and E. Handmarsh. Heat Exchanqer Network Improvements. Chem. Eng.
Progr., July, 1984.
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. Opportunities for Enerqy Saving
Throuqh the Development of Larqe Industrial Heat Pumps. Prepared by March
Consulting Group, September 1987.
Department of Energy. Industrial Heat Pump Identification and Case Studies.
Prepared by Hagler, Bailly and Company, July 1987.
Department o f Energy. Opportunities for Productivitv Improvements and Enerqv
Savinss in U.S. Industrv: Heat Pump Applications. Prepared by Hagler, Bailly and
Company, June 1987.
Department o f Energy. Optimum Heat Pump Placement in Industrial Processes.
Prepared by ICI-TENSA Services, DOE/ID/12583-1, March 1987.
Department of Energy. A Comparative Economic Evaluation of Industrial Heat Pumps.
Prepared by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EG&G-2408, April 1986.
Department o f Energy. U.S. Heat Pump Research and Development Pro.iects 1976-1986.
Prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/CON-224, April 1987.
Electric Power Research Institute. Heat Pumps in Evaporation Processes. Prepared
by Union Carbide Corporation, EPRI EM-4693, December 1986.
Electric Power Research Institute. Heat Pumps in Distillation Processes. Prepared
by Radian Corporation, EPRI EM-3656, August 1984.
Gas Research Institute. An Assessment of Vapor Compression Heat Pump Technoloqv
and A m 1 ications for Industrial Processes. Prepared by Insights West, Inc.,
GRI-80/0103, February 1982.
Heat Pump Technology Centre of Japan, Tokyo. Heat Pumps for Industrial Use in
Japan. 1986.

Heat Pump Technology Centre of Japan, Tokyo. Heat Pumps in Japan, Product and
Technical Trends in 1986.
Hindmarsh, E. and D. Boland. Maximizing Enerqv Savinqs for Heat Enqines in Process
Plants. Chem. Eng., p. 38, Feb. 4, 1985.
International Union for Electro-Heat, Paris. Mechanical Vapour Compression for -
Concentration bv Evaporation. 1986.
McMullen, J. T. et al. A Suite o f Computer Proqrams for Calculatinq Refriqerant
Properties. Heat Recovery Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 143-180, 1985.
Moser, F., and H. Schnitzer. Heat Pumps in Industrv. Chemical Engineering
Monograph No. 20, El sevier, Amsterdam, 1985.
New York State Energy Research and Development Association. Assessment of
Industrial Heat Pumps. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc., NYSERDA Report 84-14.
Ranade, S . M., and M. 0. Sullivan. Optimal Inteqration of Industrial Heat Pumps.
Understanding Process Integration 11, IChemE Symp. Ser. No. 109, Rugby, England,
Ranade, S . M., Jones, D. H. and A. Zapata-Suarez. Impact o f Utilitv Cost on Pinch
Desiqns. To be published in Hydrocarbon Processing, 1988.
Ranade, S . M. et al. Industrial Heat Pumps: New Insiqhts on Their Placement in
Total Sites. Proc. of 3rd Int. Symp. on Large Scale Applications of Heat Pumps,
Oxford, England, p. 83, March 1987.
Reay, D. A., and D. B. A. MacMichael. Heat Pumps, Desiqn and Applications. 2nd
Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987.
Rossiter, A. P., and R. Toy. Improved Process Heat Pump Economics Usinq Semi-open
Cvcles. Presented at the 15th ETC, Washington, D.C., February 1988.


Linnhoff, B., Polley, G. T., and V. Sadev. General Process Improvements Throuqh
Pinch Technoloqv. Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 51-58,
June 1988.
Linnhoff, B., and G. T. Polley. Total Process Desiqn Throuqh Pinch Technoloqy.
Paper No. 38c, AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, March 6-10, 1988.
Linnhoff, B. and S . Ahmad. SUPERTARGETING: Optimum Svnthesis o f Enerqv Manaqement
Svstems. ASME Meeting, Anaheim, California, December 1986.
Linnhoff, B., and W . D. Witherell. Pinch Technoloqv Guides Retrofit. Oil and Gas
Journal, April 7, 1986.
Linnhoff, B. et al. User Guide on Process Guide an Process Inteqration for the
Efficient Use of Enerqy. Inst. of Chem. Engrs., UK, 1985.

Smith, R., and 8 . Linnhoff. The Desiqn of SeDarators in the Context of Overall
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Spriggs, H. D., Shah, J. V., and A. Eastwood. Analvze Process/Coqen Svstem Link
Before the Desiqn Staqe. Power, August 1987.
Tjoe, T. N., and B. Linnhoff. Pinch Technoloqv for Process Retrofits. Chemical
Engineering, V o l . 93, No. 8, pp. 47-60, April 1986.
Townsend, D. W . , and B. Linnhoff. Heat and Power Networks in Process Desiqn,
Part 1: Criteria for Placement of Heat Enqines and Heat Pumps in Process Networks.
AIChE Journal, Vol, 29, No. 5 , pp. 742-748, September 1983.
Townsend, D. W . , and B. Linnhoff. Heat and Power Networks in Process Desiqn,
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Ranade, S . M. et al. Modelinq On-Site Utilitv Systems Usinq APLUS. Presented at

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Ranade, S . M., and W . E. Robert. Marqinal Utilitv Cost ConceDt H e l w Maximize
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IChemE Symp. Ser. No. 109, Rugby, England, p. 283, 1988.

Appendix A

A-C Compressor Corporation i

1126 South 70th Street
West Allis, Wisconsin 53214
4 14 - 796-3999

APV Equipment, I n c .
395 Fillmore Avenue
P.O. Box 366
Tonawanda, New York 14150

ASEA Brown Boveri, Inc.

50 Chestnut Ridge Road
Montvale, New Jersey 07645

Ambient Technologies
1250 Broadway
New York, New York 10001

Appl i cat i on Engineering Corporati on

801 AEC Drive
Wood Dale, Illinois 60191


Aqua-Chem, Inc.
P.O. Box 421
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

Atlas Copco Comptec

20 School Road
Voorheesville, New York 12186

Blaw-Knox Food & Chemical Company

Box 1041
Buffalo, New York 14240

Budco, Inc.
21 Old Windsor Road
P.O. Box 357
B1 oomf i el d, Connecticut 06002

Continental Products, Inc.

P.O. Box 418228
Indi anapol i s, Indi ana 46241

Dedert Corporation
20000 Governors Drive I

Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461

E-Tech, Inc.
3570 American Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
404 - 458 - 6643

El 1 iott Company
North Fourth Street
Jeannette, PA 15644

FES, Inc.
Box 2306
York, Pennsylvania 17405
7 17- 767- 6411 I

Food Machinery Sales & Service, Inc.

P.O. Box 692
Canandaigna, New York 14424

Friedrich Air Conditioning

Climate Master Division
2007 Beech Grove Place
Utica, New York 13501

GEA Food & Process Systems Corporation

8940 Route 108
Columbia, Mary1 and 21045

Gosl i n - Bi rmi ng ham

P.O. Box 398
Birmingham, A1 abama 35201

Graver Water
2720 U.S. Highway 22 i

Union, New Jersey 07083


HPD, Inc.
305 East Shuman
Naperville, Illinois 60566

Hackman-MKT, Inc.
100 Pinnacle Way
Suite 165
Norcross, Georgia 30071

Heat Exchangers, Inc.

8131 N. Monticello Avenue
P.O. Box 790
Skokie, Illinois 60076

Hitachi Zosen U.S.A., Ltd.

150 East 52nd Street
20th Floor i

New York, New York 10022

212-355-5650 I

Koch Engineering
161 East 42nd Street r-

New York, New York 10017 -


2442 Executive P1 aza
P.O. Box 10717
Pensacola, Florida 32504

Lewis Refrigeration Company

395-T West 1100 North
North Salt Lake, Utah 84054


Marlow Industries, Inc.

10451 Vista Park Road
Dallas, Texas 75238

Marvai r Company
P.O. Box 400
Cordele, Georgia 31015

McQuay, Inc.
13600 Industrial Park Blvd.
P.O. Box 1551
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440
612-553-5330 ?

Mechanical Technologies, Inc. 1

968 A1 bany-Shaker Road

Latham, New York 12110
518-785-2211 i

Mycom Corporation
19475 Gramercy P1 ace
Torrance, Cal i forni a 90501
213-328-6279 ?

Niro Atomiser Food & Dairy, Inc.

1600 County Road F
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016
7 15-386-9371

Nyl e Corporation
P.O. Box 1107
Bangor, Maine 04401

Patterson International
Dantherm Systems Division
208 East Adams Street
Cambridge, Wisconsin 53523

Refrigeration Engineering Corporation

8799 Crown Hill
P.O. Box 3C
San Antonio, Texas 78217

Resources Conservation Corporation

3101 N.E. Northup Way
Bellevue, Washington 98004

3700 East Michigan Blvd.
Michigan City, Indiana 46360

Swenson, Inc.
15700 Lathrop Avenue
Harvey, Illinois 60426

Thermo Electron Corporation

45 First Avenue
P.O. Box 9046
Wal tham, Massachusetts 02254

Vi1 ter Manufacturing Corporation

2217 South First Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207

York International Corporation
P.O. Box 1592
York, Pennsylvania 17405

A- 7

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