Geogenic Dispersive Corpus Power Template
Geogenic Dispersive Corpus Power Template
Geogenic Dispersive Corpus Power Template
Total Points: 272
Basic Attributes (-240 points)
Limb (arm [-2], leg [-2], wing, striker, or prehensile tail): Injury over HP (5)/2 =3 (cripple), 6
Extremity (hand [-4], foot [-4], tail, fin, or extraneous head): Injury over HP (5)/3 =2 (cripple), 4
Less than ⅓ (≤1) HP: ½ Move (2 yards/second) and Dodge (3 +3 [retreat] =6).
0 HP or less (0 to -49): Succeed at a HT roll every turn at -1/5 HP below 0 to remain conscious,
unless Doing Nothing and not attempting any defense rolls.
-1× HP (-5): Succeed at an immediate HT roll or die. Roll again at -2× (-10), -3× (-15) and -4×
(-20) HP.
-10× HP ( -50): Total body destruction, if this makes sense given the source of damage.
Will: 6
Perception (Per): 6
Less than ⅓ (≤0) FP: ½ Move (2 yards/second), Dodge (3 +3 [retreat] =6) and ST (2) [round up].
Does not affect ST-based qualities such as HP a
nd Dmg.
0 FP or less: Each additional FP lost also causes 1 HP of injury. To do anything besides talk or
rest, make a Will roll; in combat, roll before each maneuver other than Do Nothing. Can act
normally on a success; collapse incapacitated on a failure and can do nothing until recovery to
positive FP. Make an immediate HT roll on a critical failure. Suffer a heart attack on a failure.
-1× FP (-3): Fall unconscious. While unconscious, recover lost FP at the same rate as for normal
rest. Awaken when positive FP is reached. FP can never fall below this level. After this stage, any
FP cost comes off HP instead!
Basic Speed: 3
Dodge: 6 +3 (retreat) =9
Build (0 points)
Height: 4’ 9”
Weight: 90 lbs.
Size Modifier (SM): 0
Special Recharge; -70%: ER doesn't recharge over time. It only recharges via DR with
Absorption, Leech, the Steal Energy spell etc. Incompatible with S r -80%
low Recharge. -70% o
if the energy bleeds away at the rate of 1 point/second.
Limitations (-10%)
Accessibility (only while NOT using Injury Tolerance [Diffuse] {Corporeal Dispersal}): -10%.
Limitations (-10%)
Accessibility (only while NOT using Doesn't Breathe [N
ull Respirator]) : -10%.
Body composed of cohesive earth.
Hardened 6; 120%: Each level of Hardened reduces the armor divisor of an attack by one step.
These steps are, in order: “ignores DR,” 100, 10, 5, 3, 2, and 1 (no divisor). +20%/level.
Tough Skin: By default, Damage Resistance is “hard”: armor plate, chitin, etc. With this limitation,
possessor’s DR is merely tough skin. Any effect that requires a scratch (e.g., poison) or skin
contact (e.g., electrical shock or Pressure Points skill) affects the possessor if the attack carrying
it penetrates the DR of any armor he is wearing – even if it does exactly 0 damage! The
possessor’s natural DR, being living tissue, provides no protection at all against such attacks.
This limitation includes all the effects of the Flexible limitation; the possessor cannot take both.
It is mutually incompatible with Force Field. -40%.
Enhancements (+50%)
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-270%)
Costs Fatigue 49; -245%: -5%/FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (49)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [25] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [low humming
that increases in frequency and volume when the user is struck accompanied by visual
distortions {“ripples”} that radiate from the point of impact]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect”
that causes him serious inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its
value in each case, and should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely
limit the ability’s value. A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these
drawbacks): • User’s ability earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes
him look disgusting, or requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/-1 to
reactions (maximum -4). • User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting
enemies. -5%. • User’s ability physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects,
causes his armor to rust, makes him ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a
valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an
acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the
user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead of frightening them, this is amusing but not a
Enhancements (+60%)
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-140%)
Accessibility (only while using Subsonic Speech [Low-Frequency Earth-Borne Acoustics Transceptor]):
Accessibility (user and subject must be in contact with the same mass of solid stone or
cohesive earth) : -20%.
Costs Fatigue 16; -80%: -5%/FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (16)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [8] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Visible (visible sensory ability [objects {e.g. loose pebbles on the ground} and features {e.g.
puddles of liquid} nearby user, in contact with the same mass of solid stone or cohesive earth as
the user and the source of sound he is currently focusing this ability on, and in between the user
and previously mentioned source of sound becomes agitated {pebbles skip, puddles of liquid
vibrate with ripples on their surfaces etc.}]); -10%: Ability has a manifestation that makes it
plainly obvious to everyone nearby. The effects and value depend on the underlying advantage:
A communication, influence, information, or sensory ability that would otherwise have no visible
effect – such as Clairsentience or M ind Reading – generates an attention grabbing effect
(shimmering ray, floating eye, etc.) that gives away the fact that subject is being affected or
observed. This makes subtlety impossible (if it doesn’t, it’s not a limitation). -10%. An ability that
allows physical attacks might qualify if it’s normally invisible and largely unavoidable; e.g.,
Telekinesis. In addition to the effects above, target gets an unpenalized defense roll to avoid the
attack. -20%.
Null Respirator
Doesn't Breathe (Exotic, Physical); 4 points: Do not breathe or require oxygen. Choking and
strangulation cannot harm (or silence!) self. Immune to inhaled toxins. Still affected by contact
poisons, pressure, and vacuum; take Sealed, Pressure Support, and Vacuum Support respectively,
to resist those threats.
Enhancements (+60%)
Link (cannot be used separately) [with Injury Tolerance {Diffuse} ❴Corporeal Dispersal❵, Injury
Tolerance {No Eyes} ❴Glowing Oculars❵, and Resistant {metabolic hazards} ❴Empowered Fortitude❵];
+10%: Can use two or more advantages simultaneously, as if they were a single ability. For
+10%, the abilities are permanently linked into a single power, and must be used together –
they cannot be used separately. For +20%, they can also be used separately. This
enhancement must be added to all abilities to be linked. If two attacks are linked into one and
given identical Malf., ½D, Max, A cc, R
oF, Shots, and Recoil, treat them as a single attack with one
attack roll but separate rolls for damage. This is not the same as the Follow-Up enhancement!
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-140%)
Costs Fatigue 24; -120%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (24)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [12] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Limitations (-30%)
Accessibility (only while using Resistant [metabolic hazards] {Empowered Fortitude}): -10%.
Enhancements (+50%)
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-130%)
Accessibility (only while using Resistant [metabolic hazards] {Empowered Fortitude}): -10%.
Costs Fatigue 20; -100%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (20)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [10] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Empowered Tenacity
Hard to Subdue (Physical) 21; 9 points: 2 points/level. +1/level (+21) to HT rolls to avoid
unconsciousness – whether as a result of injury, drugs or ultra-tech weapons – and to resist
supernatural abilities that cause unconsciousness.
Enhancements (+100%)
Cosmic (defense or countermeasure) : Defensive trait provides it's usual benefits against
offensive abilities modified with the Cosmic enhancement. +50%.
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-180%)
Costs Fatigue 32; -160%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (32)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [16] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Dispersive Toughening
Injury Tolerance ( Exotic, Physical; Damage Reduction) ; 20 points: Divide injury suffered by 4
after subtracting DR from damage and applying wounding modifiers. 100 points.
Enhancements (+50%)
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-110%)
Accessibility (only while using Damage Resistance [Permeable Conversive Coating]): -10%.
Costs Fatigue 15; -75%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (15)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [8] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [low humming
that increases in frequency and volume when the user is struck accompanied by visual
distortions {“ripples”} that radiate from the point of impact); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect”
that causes him serious inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its
value in each case, and should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely
limit the ability’s value. A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these
drawbacks): • User’s ability earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes
him look disgusting, or requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to
reactions (maximum -4). • User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting
enemies. -5%. • User’s ability physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects,
causes his armor to rust, makes him ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a
valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an
acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the
user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead of frightening them, this is amusing but not a
Corporeal Dispersal
Injury Tolerance ( Exotic, Physical; Diffuse) ; 20 points: Impaling and piercing attacks of any size
never do more than 1 HP point of injury, regardless of penetrating damage. Other attacks can
never do more than 2 HP of injury. Area-Effect, Cone and Explosion a ttacks are exceptions and
cause normal injury. Includes Injury Tolerance ( [Exotic, Physical; No Blood]: Do not bleed,
unaffected by blood-borne toxins, and immune to attacks that rely on cutting off blood to part of
own body. 5 points. ), Injury Tolerance ([Exotic, Physical; N
o Brain]: Treat blows to the skull or
eye as blows to the face [an eye injury can still cripple that eye]. 5 points. ) and Injury Tolerance
([Exotic, Physical; No Vitals] : Treat hits to the vitals or groin as torso hits. 5 points.). 100 points.
Enhancements (+60%)
Link (cannot be used separately) [with Doesn't Breathe {Null Respirator}, Injury Tolerance {No
Eyes} ❴Glowing Oculars❵, and Resistant { metabolic hazards} ❴Empowered Fortitude❵]; +10%: Can use
two or more advantages simultaneously, as if they were a single ability. For +10%, the abilities
are permanently linked into a single power, and must be used together – they cannot be used
separately. For +20%, they can also be used separately. This enhancement must be added to
all abilities to be linked. If two attacks are linked into one and given identical Malf., ½D, Max, Acc,
RoF, Shots, and Recoil, treat them as a single attack with one attack roll but separate rolls for
damage. This is not the same as the Follow-Up enhancement!
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-140%)
Costs Fatigue 23; -115%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (23)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [12] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/ FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [user’s body
becomes composed of cohesive earth]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him
serious inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its value in each
case, and should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the
ability’s value. A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): •
User’s ability earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look
disgusting, or requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to reactions
(maximum -4). • User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. •
User’s ability physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to
rust, makes him ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a valuable power as a
Nuisance Effect. For instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance
Effect! Neither can he claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage
attracts gerbils instead of frightening them, this is amusing but not a limitation.
Glowing Oculars
Injury Tolerance (Exotic, Physical; No Eyes) ; 7 points: Lack eyes or other vulnerable optics, but
can somehow see despite this (unless suffering from Blindness). No eyes to be attacked. Also
immune to blinding attacks. 5 points.
Enhancements (+60%)
Link (cannot be used separately) [with Doesn't Breathe {Null Respirator}, Injury Tolerance { Diffuse}
❴Corporeal Dispersal❵, and Resistant { metabolic hazards} ❴Empowered Fortitude❵]; +10%: Can use two
or more advantages simultaneously, as if they were a single ability. For +10%, the abilities are
permanently linked into a single power, and must be used together – they cannot be used
separately. For +20%, they can also be used separately. This enhancement must be added to
all abilities to be linked. If two attacks are linked into one and given identical Malf., ½D, Max, Acc,
RoF, Shots, and Recoil, treat them as a single attack with one attack roll but separate rolls for
damage. This is not the same as the Follow-Up enhancement!
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-25%)
Geogenic Dispersive Corpus power modifier (-20%)
Required Disadvantages: Code of conduct: Code of Honor ( Mental; informal Code that applies all the
time [Legendran Code of Chivalry]); -10 points: -10%. Power disappears: Immediately: +0%. Power turns
against user: -5%. Restoration requires: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a month’s
income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating affliction): -5%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [user’s “eyes”
glow]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him serious inconvenience. The GM
must approve this limitation and determine its value in each case, and should ruthlessly forbid
effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the ability’s value. A few guidelines (a
given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): • User’s ability earns a reaction penalty
from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look disgusting, or requires him to perform some
sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to reactions (maximum -4). • User’s ability makes him obvious,
limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. • User’s ability physically inconveniences him – it
attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to rust, makes him ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The
user cannot take a valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For instance, “kills everyone within a
mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he claim a limitation for a harmless
nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead of frightening them, this is
amusing but not a limitation.
Enhancements (+390%)
Affects Insubstantial: +20%.
Underwater: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid. This
enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. +20%.
Limitations (-70%)
Accessibility (only while using Injury Tolerance [Diffuse] {Corporeal Dispersal}) : -10%.
Damage Limitation (No Knockback [n kb]) : An attack that inflicts crushing or cutting damage
normally inflicts knockback. Add this limitation if it does not. -10%.
Melee Attack (Reach C [cannot parry]) ; -35%: Attack functions as a melee weapon. It has no
range, but allows the attacker to parry, use Rapid Strike, Feint, etc. It lacks Malf., ½D, Max, Acc,
RoF, Shots, and Recoil statistics, and may not have any enhancement or limitation that modifies
these statistics. Instead, it has a Reach statistic. R
each C, -30%; Reach 1 or 2, -25%; Reach C, 1, or
1, 2, or 2, 3, -20%; Reach 1-4 (like a whip), -15%. If the attack cannot parry, it is worth an extra
Anti-Compression Coating
Pressure Support 3 (Exotic, Physical); 10 points: Every character has a “native pressure.” For
ordinary humans, this is the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere (“1 atmosphere”). A native pressure
other than 1 atmosphere is a 0-point feature, but if able to survive for a prolonged period of time
at a wide range of pressures, it is an advantage. This trait comes in three levels: Pressure
Support 1: Can survive at pressures between own native pressure and 10 times that. (This
would enable a human to survive on most of Earth’s continental shelves.) 5 points. Pressure
Support 2: Can withstand pressures between own native pressure and 100 times that. (This
would enable a human to survive anywhere in Earth’s oceans, save the deepest trenches.) 10
points. Pressure Support 3 : Immune to the effects of high pressure. 15 points. Pressure Support
lets own body stay at a constant internal pressure with respect to a constant and uniform
external pressure. This protects against attacks that manipulate ambient pressure or crush the
entire body, but provides no defense against localized or transient pressure changes. In
particular, Pressure Support does not reduce or prevent damage from crushing attacks or
explosions of any kind. Those with Pressure Support often have the Sealed advantage, but this is
not required.
Limitations (-35%)
Accessibility (only while using Resistant [metabolic hazards] {Empowered Fortitude}): -10%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [user emits a
strong “earthy” smell]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him serious
inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its value in each case, and
should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the ability’s value.
A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): • User’s ability
earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look disgusting, or
requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to reactions (maximum -4). •
User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. • User’s ability
physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to rust, makes him
ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For
instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he
claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead
of frightening them, this is amusing but not a limitation.
Enhancements (+300%)
Cosmic (ability other than an attack or a defense): Recovers even unrecoverable HP or FP ( as
appropriate) loss such as those due to Cyclic attacks. +50%.
Energy Reserve Recovery: Only for Fast or better Regeneration. Regain lost ER at the same rate
as recovering lost HP. +100%.
Fatigue Recovery: Only for Fast or better Regeneration. Regain lost FP at the same rate as
recovering lost HP. +100%.
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-280%)
Accessibility (only recovers HP lost to burning, corrosion, and/or toxic damage [works 30% of
the time]): -30%.
Accessibility (only while using Damage Resistance [Permeable Conversive Coating]): -10%.
Costs Fatigue 64; -320%: -5%/FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (64)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [32] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Empowered Fortitude
Resistant (Physical; Very Common [metabolic hazards]) Immunity; 6 points: Possessor is
naturally resistant (or even immune) to noxious items and substances that are not direct,
physical attacks. This gives a bonus on all HT rolls to resist incapacitation or injury from such
things. The bonus from Resistant applies to all rolls to resist noxious effects within a particular
category – usually some combination of disease, poison and environmental syndromes (altitude
sickness, the bends, space sickness, etc.). It also applies to rolls to resist attacks that use these
effects. This includes Afflictions with one of B
lood Agent, Contact Agent, Follow-Up, or
Respiratory Agent, or Innate Attacks that have such modifiers and inflict toxic or fatigue
damage. Resistant d oes not protect against effects that Damage Resistance or Protected Sense
either stop or provide a HT bonus to resist. This includes Afflictions and Innate Attacks t hat do not
have any of the modifiers given above. The base cost for Resistant depends on the rarity of the
effects it counteracts: Very Common: A broad category within the noxious items described
above. Example: Metabolic Hazards (all threats that only affect the living, including all disease
and poison, plus such syndromes as altitude sickness, bends, seasickness, and jet lag). 30
points. Common: A group of related items encountered as often in nature as in an attack, or
some other suitably broad subset of “Very Common.” Example: Poison (all toxins, but not
asphyxiants or corrosives) or Sickness (all diseases and environmental syndromes). 15 points.
Occasional: A group of closely related items more often encountered in nature than as a
deliberate attack, or a subset of a “Common” group. Examples: Disease (all bacteria, viruses,
fungus infections, etc.) or Ingested Poison. 10 points. Rare: A specific item or environmental
syndrome, or a subset of an “Occasional” group. Examples: Acceleration (blackouts due to
extreme G-forces), Altitude Sickness, Bends (decompression sickness), Seasickness, or Space
Sickness; Nanomachines. 5 points. Multiply base cost to reflect the possessor’s degree of
resistance: Possessor is totally immune to all noxious effects, and never have to make
resistance rolls (write this as “Immunity” on his character sheet): ×1. Possessor has +8 to all HT
rolls to resist: ×½. Possessor has +3 to all HT rolls to resist: ×⅓. Drop all fractions from the final
Enhancements (+60%)
Link (cannot be used separately) [with Doesn't Breathe {Null Respirator}, Injury Tolerance { Diffuse}
❴Corporeal Dispersal❵, and Injury Tolerance {No Eyes} ❴Glowing Oculars❵]; +10%: Can use two or
more advantages simultaneously, as if they were a single ability. For +10%, the abilities are
permanently linked into a single power, and must be used together – they cannot be used
separately. For +20%, they can also be used separately. This enhancement must be added to
all abilities to be linked. If two attacks are linked into one and given identical Malf., ½D, Max, Acc,
RoF, Shots, and Recoil, treat them as a single attack with one attack roll but separate rolls for
damage. This is not the same as the Follow-Up enhancement!
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-140%)
espiratory Agent [works 75% of
Accessibility (doesn't protect against effects modified with R
the time]): -10%.
Costs Fatigue 21; -105%: -5%/FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (21)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [11] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/FP.
Geogenic Dispersive Corpus power modifier (-20%)
Required Disadvantages: Code of conduct: Code of Honor ( Mental; informal Code that applies all the
time [Legendran Code of Chivalry]); -10 points: -10%. Power disappears: Immediately: +0%. Power turns
against user: -5%. Restoration requires: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a month’s
income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating affliction): -5%.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [user emits a
strong “earthy” smell]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him serious
inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its value in each case, and
should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the ability’s value.
A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): • User’s ability
earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look disgusting, or
requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to reactions (maximum -4). •
User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. • User’s ability
physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to rust, makes him
ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For
instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he
claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead
of frightening them, this is amusing but not a limitation.
Enhancements (+60%)
Cosmic (ability other than an attack or a defense): Cannot be blocked by “jamming” abilities
(e.g. Obscure). +50%.
Limitations (-50%)
Accessibility (possessor and subject must be in contact with the same mass of solid stone or
cohesive earth): -20%.
Visible (visible communication ability [surface of user’s body and solid stone or cohesive earth
in direct contact with said surface up to a thickness of 1 inch vibrates visibly with a frequency
and intensity corresponding directly to the speed and volume respectively of vocalizations made
by himself or those within earshot of him]); -10%: Ability has a manifestation that makes it plainly
obvious to everyone nearby. The effects and value depend on the underlying advantage: A
communication, influence, information, or sensory ability that would otherwise have no visible
effect – such as Clairsentience or M
ind Reading – generates an attention grabbing effect
(shimmering ray, floating eye, etc.) that gives away the fact that subject is being affected or
observed. This makes subtlety impossible (if it doesn’t, it’s not a limitation). -10%. An ability that
allows physical attacks might qualify if it’s normally invisible and largely unavoidable; e.g.,
Telekinesis. In addition to the effects above, target gets an unpenalized defense roll to avoid the
attack. -20%.
Limitations (-130%)
Accessibility (only while using Injury Tolerance [Diffuse] {Corporeal Dispersal}) : -10%.
Costs Fatigue 19; -95%: -5%/ FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (19)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [10] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [excessive noise
and vibration]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him serious inconvenience.
The GM must approve this limitation and determine its value in each case, and should ruthlessly
forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the ability’s value. A few guidelines
(a given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): • User’s ability earns a reaction
penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look disgusting, or requires him to
perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/-1 to reactions (maximum -4). • User’s ability makes
him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. • User’s ability physically
inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to rust, makes him
ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For
instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he
claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead
of frightening them, this is amusing but not a limitation.
Empowered Resilience
Unkillable (Exotic, Physical) 1; 10 points: Never need to make a H
T roll to stay alive due to injury.
Survive (and function, if conscious) down to -10× HP, at which point body is physically destroyed
and death occurs. Heal at usual rate, modified by Regeneration (if any). Crippled limbs heal,
severed limbs are gone unless Regrowth i s possessed. 50 points.
Enhancements (+50%)
Reflexive: For defenses that take a second to activate, senses that require a second of
concentration (e.g. Detect), and anything the GM feels serve a purpose similar to either. Allows
ability to switch itself on – under attack if a defense, in the presence of something “interesting” if
a sense – without a Ready or Concentrate maneuver. If this normally requires a success roll,
activation requires a roll at -4; otherwise it's automatic. Successful activation also wakes the
possessor up if he’s asleep. Reflexive counts as a level of Reduced Time when ability is used
consciously. Incompatible with Active Defense, Always On and Usually On. +40%.
Switchable: This enhancement only exists for physiological features (e.g., Claws), defenses,
and other traits that are normally “always on.” It allows the switching of the advantage off and on
with a Ready maneuver. Specify whether it switches on or off – or remains in its current state,
whatever that is – when user is knocked out. Can’t add Switchable to an advantage that lists
special modifiers that enables turning it off and on, regardless of whether own ability has those
modifiers. If an advantage notes Switchable as a special enhancement with a different value,
use that value instead. Switchable isn’t permitted on meta-traits, either. To get a switchable
meta-trait, buy an Alternate Form. +10%.
Limitations (-130%)
Accessibility (only while using Damage Resistance [Permeable Conversive Coating]): -10%.
Costs Fatigue 20; -100%: -5%/FP/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. Innate Attack), this FP cost
must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. Flight), this FP cost (20)
must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half as many
FP (round up) [10] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing effect only lasts
one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the value of the
limitation to -10%/FP.
Minimum Duration (less than 1 hour [1 minute]); -0%: Available only for switchable abilities that
would – in the GM’s opinion – seriously inconvenience user if he couldn’t deactivate them at will.
Ability must stay “on” for a certain period of time once activated; it can’t be shut off before this
time is up. Minimum Duration can never exceed Maximum Duration (if any). The limitation’s
value depends on the minimum amount of time ability stays on: less than 1 hour, -0%; up to 8
hours, -5%; up to 12 hours (or one night), -10%; up to 24 hours, -15%; up to 1 week, -20%; up
to 1 month, -25%; greater than 1 month, -30%. On an advantage that allows Always On, this
limitation is worth at most -5% less than Always On; e.g., if Always On is -20%, Minimum
Duration can’t go beyond -15%.
Anti-Decompression Coating
Vacuum Support (Exotic, Physical); 4 points: Immune to deleterious effects associated with
vacuum and decompression. This advantage does not provide an air supply; buy Doesn't Breathe
for that. Those with Vacuum Support usually have the Sealed advantage, and often have Radiation
Tolerance and Temperature Tolerance, but none of these traits are required.
Limitations (-35%)
Accessibility (only while using Resistant [metabolic hazards] {Empowered Fortitude}): -10%.
Nuisance Effect (makes user obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies [user emits a
strong “earthy” smell]); -5%: User’s ability has a “side effect” that causes him serious
inconvenience. The GM must approve this limitation and determine its value in each case, and
should ruthlessly forbid effects that are abusive or that do not genuinely limit the ability’s value.
A few guidelines (a given trait can have more than one of these drawbacks): • User’s ability
earns a reaction penalty from those around him. Perhaps it makes him look disgusting, or
requires him to perform some sort of distressing ritual. -5%/ -1 to reactions (maximum -4). •
User’s ability makes him obvious, limiting stealth and attracting enemies. -5%. • User’s ability
physically inconveniences him – it attracts stinging insects, causes his armor to rust, makes him
ravenously hungry, etc. -5%. The user cannot take a valuable power as a Nuisance Effect. For
instance, “kills everyone within a mile” is not an acceptable Nuisance Effect! Neither can he
claim a limitation for a harmless nuisance. If the user’s Terror advantage attracts gerbils instead
of frightening them, this is amusing but not a limitation.
Perks (3 points)
Nonprotective Clothing; 1 point: The strict definition of Can't Wear Armor, as a limitation on DR,
forbids wearing any form of clothing: the subject has to go naked! With this perk, a hero with this
limitation can still wear a costume or clothing. His garments have no DR or any other function
that protects against damage, such as Damage Reduction; their function is to preserve his
decency, hide his secret identity, and give him pockets. (At the GM’s discretion, they can protect
him from harmful environmental conditions such as vacuum or cold.) This perk is legitimate
even in realistic campaigns. In silly campaigns, a hero might wear a full suit of body armor – and
still get no extra DR from it; it would be purely a fashion statement.
Sanitized Metabolism (Exotic); 1 point: Possessor is totally clean. His body produces minimal,
sanitized waste products, and he never suffers from bad breath, excessive perspiration, or
unsightly skin problems. This gives -1 to attempts to track him by scent and +1 to reaction rolls
in close confines (cramped spaceships, submarines, elevators, etc.).
Code of Honor ( Mental; Informal Code that applies all time [Legendran Code of Chivalry]); -10 points:
The subject takes pride in a set of principles that he follows at all times. The specifics can vary,
but they always involve “honorable” behavior. He will do nearly anything – perhaps even risk
death – to avoid the label “dishonorable” (whatever that means). The subject must do more than
pay lip service to a set of principles to get points for a Code of Honor. He must be a true follower
of the Code! This is a disadvantage because it often requires dangerous – if not reckless
behavior. Furthermore, he can often be forced into unfair situations, because his foes know he
is honorable. Code of Honor is not the same as Duty or Sense of Duty. A samurai or British
grenadier marches into battle against fearful odds out of duty, not for his personal honor (though
of course he would lose honor by fleeing). The risks the subject takes for his honor are solely on
his own account. The point value of a particular Code of Honor depends on how much trouble it is
liable to get the subject into and how arbitrary and irrational its requirements are. An informal
Code that applies only among the subject’s peers is worth -5 points. A formal Code that applies
only among peers, or an informal one that applies all the time, is worth -10 points. A formal Code
that applies all the time, or that requires suicide if broken, is worth -15 points. The GM has the
final say! Informal Code that applies all time ( Legendran Code of Chivalry): In combat, never use
“dirty tricks” (e.g. liquid in the face), Stealth (surprise), superior numbers, or sabotage opponents
in any way (e.g. stealing his weapon before combat). Never attack opponents in a
disadvantaged condition (minors, invalids, unarmed etc.). Note that creating an advantage
through superior skill or power (e.g. disarming or breaking an opponent’s weapon in combat) is
Invertebrate (Exotic, Physical); -20 points: Possessor has no spine, exoskeleton, or other natural
body support. Use his full Basic Lift for the purpose of pushing, but only ¼ his BL (0.8 lbs.) to
calculate the weight he can lift, carry, or pull. This trait has a small side benefit, however: he can
squeeze through much smaller openings than his size might suggest! Note that this trait differs
somewhat from the biological term “invertebrate.”
No Sense of Smell/Taste (Physical); -5 points: Unable to detect hazards that ordinary people spot
quickly. Need never worry about skunks, and can always eat what is set before self.
Blunt Teeth (DX) 8 (Brawling or DX): Dmg thr -1 (1d -6) cr; Reach C; Parry No
Kick (DX) 8 -1 =6 (Brawling -2, Karate -2 or DX -2): Dmg thr (1d -5) cr; Reach C
, 1; Parry No; Miss, roll
vs. DX to avoid falling.
Punch (DX) 8 (Boxing, Brawling, Karate or DX): Dmg thr -1 (1d -6) cr; Reach C; Parry 7 +1 (retreat) =8