Im 16just got my licenseso it was weird telling my friends that my mom is pregnant. I was embarrassed (and a little jealous) at first but now I kind of like the idea of having a baby sister. Mom had an amniocentesis because she is 37, so we know its a girl. My mom has been great about including me and telling me what is going on. Ive gone to a couple of her prenatal appointments so I got to hear the heartbeat and I saw the baby moving on ultrasound. Im surprised by how interesting I am finding everything. Dont laugh, but I think I might like to be a nurse-midwife someday. Krista, 16
Summarize the essential components of a prenatal history. Define common obstetric terminology found in the history of maternity clients. Identify factors related to the fathers health that are generally recorded on the prenatal record. Describe areas that should be evaluated as part of the initial assessment of psychosocial and cultural factors related to a womans pregnancy. Describe the normal physiologic changes one would expect to find when performing a physical assessment of a pregnant woman.
Compare the methods most commonly used to determine the estimated date of birth. Develop an outline of the essential measurements that can be determined by clinical pelvimetry. Delineate the possible causes of abnormal findings during the initial or subsequent prenatal examination. Relate the components of the subsequent prenatal history and assessment to the progress of pregnancy.
CD-ROM Audio Glossary NCLEX-RN Review
Companion Website Thinking Critically NCLEX-RN Review Case Study: Initial Prenatal Assessment Care Plan Activity: Initial Assessment of Primigravida
Abortion, 214 Antepartum, 214 Diagonal conjugate, 230 Estimated date of birth (EDB), 227 Gestation, 214 Gravida, 214 Intrapartum, 214 Multigravida, 214 Multipara, 214 Ngeles rule, 227 Nulligravida, 214 Nullipara, 214 Obstetric conjugate, 230 Para, 214 Postpartum, 214 Postterm labor, 214 Preterm or premature labor, 214 Primigravida, 214 Primipara, 214 Risk factors, 217 Stillbirth, 214 Term, 214
ow can the registered nurse (RN) caring for a pregnant woman establish an environment of comfort and open communication with each antepartal visit? Including the family in the prenatal visits, such as inviting siblings to listen to the fetal heartbeat, is one way. The RN may complete many areas of prenatal assessment. Advanced practice nurses such as certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and nurse practitioners are able to perform complete antepartal assessments. This chapter focuses on the prenatal assessments completed initially and at subsequent visits to provide optimum care for the childbearing family.
The following terms are used in recording the history of maternity clients:
Gestation: the number of weeks of pregnancy since the first day of the
last menstrual period Abortion: birth that occurs before the end of 20 weeks gestation Term: the normal duration of pregnancy (38 to 42 weeks gestation) Antepartum: time between conception and the onset of labor; usually used to describe the period during which a woman is pregnant; used interchangeably with prenatal Intrapartum: time from the onset of true labor until the birth of the infant and placenta Postpartum: time from the delivery of the placenta and membranes until the womans body returns to a nonpregnant condition Preterm or premature labor: labor that occurs after 20 weeks but before completion of 37 weeks gestation Postterm labor: labor that occurs after 42 weeks gestation Gravida: any pregnancy, regardless of duration, including present pregnancy Nulligravida: a woman who has never been pregnant Primigravida: a woman who is pregnant for the first time Multigravida: a woman who is in her second or any subsequent pregnancy Para: birth after 20 weeks gestation regardless of whether the infant is born alive or dead Nullipara: a woman who has had no births at more than 20 weeks gestation Primipara: a woman who has had one birth at more than 20 weeks gestation, regardless of whether the infant was born alive or dead Multipara: a woman who has had two or more births at more than 20 weeks gestation Stillbirth: an infant born dead after 20 weeks gestation The terms gravida and para are used in relation to pregnancies, not to the number of fetuses. Thus twins, triplets, and so forth count as one pregnancy and one birth.
The following examples illustrate how these terms are applied in clinical situations: 1. Jean Sanchez has one child born at 38 weeks gestation and is pregnant for the second time. At her initial prenatal visit, the nurse indicates her obstetric history as gravida 2 para 1 ab 0. Jean Sanchezs present pregnancy terminates at 16 weeks gestation. She is now gravida 2 para 1 ab 1. 2. Tracy Hopkins is pregnant for the fourth time. At home she has a child who was born at term. Her second pregnancy ended at 10 weeks gestation. She then gave birth to twins at 35 weeks. One twin died soon after birth. At her antepartal assessment, the nurse records her obstetric history as gravida 4 para 2 ab 1. To provide comprehensive data, a more detailed approach is used in some settings. Using the detailed system, gravida keeps the same meaning, but the meaning of para changes because the detailed system counts each infant born rather than the number of pregnancies carried to viability (Varney, Kriebs, & Gegor, 2004). For example, triplets count as one pregnancy but three babies. A useful acronym for remembering the system is TPAL: T: number of term infants bornthat is, the number of infants born after 37 weeks gestation or more P: number of preterm infants bornthat is, the number of infants born after 20 weeks but before the completion of 37 weeks gestation A: number of pregnancies ending in either spontaneous or therapeutic abortion L: number of currently living children Using this approach the nurse would have initially described Jean Sanchez (see the first example) as gravida 2 para 1001. Following Jeans spontaneous abortion, she would be gravida 2 para 1011. Tracy Hopkins would be described as gravida 4 para 1212 (Figure 101 ). Occasionally a fifth digit is added to indicate the number of pregnancies that ended in multiple births (Varney et al., 2004). Using the five-digit system, Tracy Hopkins would be gravida 4 para 12121.
The history is essentially a screening tool to identify factors that may place the mother or fetus at risk during the pregnancy. The following information is obtained for each pregnant woman at the first prenatal assessment: 1. Current pregnancy First day of last normal menstrual period (LMP). Is she sure of the dates or uncertain? Do her cycles normally occur every 28 days, or do her cycles tend to be longer? Presence of cramping, bleeding, or spotting since LMP Womans opinion about the time when conception occurred and when infant is due Womans attitude toward pregnancy (Is this pregnancy planned? Wanted?) Results of pregnancy tests, if completed Any discomforts since LMP such as nausea, vomiting, urinary frequency, fatigue, or breast tenderness 2. Past pregnancies Number of pregnancies Number of abortions, spontaneous or induced Number of living children History of previous pregnancies, length of pregnancy, length of labor and birth, type of birth (vaginal, forceps or vacuum-assisted birth, or cesarean), type of anesthesia used (if any), womans perception of the experience, and complications (antepartal, intrapartal, and postpartal) Neonatal status of previous children: Apgar scores, birth weights, general development, complications, and feeding patterns (breast milk or formula) Loss of a child (miscarriage, elective or medically indicated abortion, stillbirth, neonatal death, relinquishment, or death after the neonatal period). What was the experience like for her? What coping skills helped? How did her partner, if involved, respond? If Rh negative, was medication received after birth to prevent sensitization? Prenatal education classes and resources (books)
Gravida 2 4
Term 1 1
Preterm 0 2
Abortions 1 1
Living Children 1 2
The TPAL approach provides detailed information about the womans pregnancy history.
3. Gynecologic history Date of last Pap smear; any history of abnormal Pap smear Previous infections: vaginal, cervical, tubal, or sexually transmitted Previous surgery Age at menarche Regularity, frequency, and duration of menstrual flow History of dysmenorrhea Sexual history Contraceptive history (If birth control pills were used, did pregnancy occur immediately following cessation of pills? If not, how long after?) 4. Current medical history Weight Blood type and Rh factor, if known General health, including nutrition, normal dietary practices, and regular exercise program (type, frequency, and duration) Any medications presently being taken (including prescription, nonprescription, homeopathic, or herbal medications) or taken since the onset of pregnancy Previous or present use of alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine (Ask specifically about the amounts of alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine [specify coffee, tea, colas, or chocolate] consumed each day.) Illicit drug use or abuse (Ask about specific drugs such as cocaine, crack, and marijuana.) Drug allergies and other allergies Potential teratogenic insults to this pregnancy such as viral infections, medications, x-ray examinations, surgery, or cats in the home (possible source of toxoplasmosis) Presence of disease conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, renal problems, or thyroid disorder Record of immunizations (especially rubella) Presence of any abnormal symptoms 5. Past medical history Childhood diseases Past treatment for any disease condition (Any hospitalizations? History of hepatitis? Rheumatic fever? Pyelonephritis?) Surgical procedures Presence of bleeding disorders or tendencies (Has she received blood transfusions?) 6. Family medical history Presence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, hematologic disorders, tuberculosis, or preeclampsia-eclampsia Occurrence of multiple births
History of congenital diseases or deformities Occurrence of cesarean births and cause, if known 7. Religious, spiritual, and cultural history Does the woman wish to specify a religious preference on her chart? Does she have any religious beliefs or practices that might influence her healthcare or that of her child, such as prohibition against receiving blood products, dietary considerations, or circumcision rites? What practices are important to maintain her spiritual well-being? Might practices in her culture or that of her partner influence her care or that of her child? 8. Occupational history Occupation Physical demands (Does she stand all day, or are there opportunities to sit and elevate her legs? Any heavy lifting?) Exposure to chemicals or other harmful substances Opportunity for regular meals and breaks for nutritious snacks Provision for maternity or family leave 9. Partners history Presence of genetic conditions or diseases Age Significant health problems Previous or present alcohol intake, drug use, or tobacco use Blood type and Rh factor Occupation Educational level; methods by which he learns best Attitude toward the pregnancy 10. Personal information about the woman Age Educational level; methods by which she learns best Race or ethnic group (to identify need for prenatal genetic screening and racially or ethnically related risk factors) Housing; stability of living conditions Economic level Acceptance of pregnancy Any history of emotional or physical deprivation or abuse of herself or children or any abuse in her current relationship (Ask specifically whether she has been hit, slapped, kicked, or hurt within the past year or since she has been pregnant. Is she afraid of her partner or anyone else? If yes, of whom is she afraid? [It is important to ask only when she is alone.]) History of emotional problems Support systems available to her
Personal preferences about the birth (expectations of both the woman and her partner, presence of others, and so on) (For more information see Chapter 8. ) Plans for care of child following birth Feeding preference for the baby (breast milk or formula?)
A questionnaire is used in many instances to obtain information. The woman should complete the questionnaire in a quiet place with a minimum of distractions. The nurse can get further information in an interview, which allows the pregnant woman to clarify her responses to questions and gives the nurse and client the opportunity to develop rapport. The partner can be encouraged to attend the prenatal examinations. The partner is often able to contribute to the history and may use the opportunity to ask questions or express concerns.
After obtaining the history, prepare the woman for the physical examination. The physical examination begins with assessment of vital signs; then the womans body is examined. The pelvic examination is performed last. Before the examination the woman should provide a clean urine specimen. When her bladder is empty, the woman is more comfortable during the pelvic examination and the examiner can palpate the pelvic organs more easily. After the woman empties her bladder, the nurse should ask her to disrobe and give her a gown and sheet or some other protective covering. Increasing numbers of nurses, such as CNMs, nurse practitioners, and other nurses in advanced practice, are prepared to perform complete physical examinations. The nurse who is not an advanced practitioner assesses the womans vital signs, explains the procedures to allay apprehension, positions her for examination, and assists the examiner as necessary.
In a clinic or office setting, gowns and goggles for the healthcare provider are usually not necessary because splashing of body fluids is unlikely. Gloves are worn for procedures that involve contact with body fluids such as drawing blood for lab work, handling urine specimens, and conducting pelvic examinations.
Risk factors are any findings that suggest the pregnancy may
have a negative outcome, for either the woman or her unborn child. Screening for risk factors is an important part of the prenatal assessment. Many risk factors can be identified during the initial assessment; others may be detected during subsequent prenatal visits. It is important to identify highrisk pregnancies early so that appropriate interventions can be started promptly. Not all risk factors threaten a pregnancy equally; thus, many agencies use a scoring sheet to determine the degree of risk. Information must be updated throughout pregnancy as necessary.Any pregnancy may begin as low risk and change to high risk because of complications. Table 101 identifies the major risk factors currently recognized. The table also identifies maternal and fetal or newborn implications if the risk is present in the pregnancy.
Thoroughness and a systematic procedure are the most important considerations when performing the physical portion of an antepartal examination. See Assessment Guide: Initial Prenatal Assessment. To promote completeness, the assessment guide is organized in three columns that address the areas to be assessed (and normal findings), the variations or alterations that may be observed, and nursing responses to the data. Certain organs and systems are assessed concurrently with others during the physical portion of the examination. Nursing interventions based on assessment of the normal physical and psychosocial changes of pregnancy, evaluation of the cultural influences associated with pregnancy, and mutually defined client teaching and counseling needs are discussed further in Chapter 11.
Karen Blade, a 23-year-old, G1P0, is 10 weeks pregnant when she sees you for her first prenatal examination. She has been experiencing some mild nausea and fatigue but otherwise is feeling well. She asks you about continuing with her routine exercises (walking 3 miles a day and lifting light weights). She also asks about using the heated pool and a hot tub. What should you tell her?
Social and Personal Low income level and/or low educational level Poor diet
Multiparity Weight
91 kg (200 lb)
Cardiac disease
Anemia: hemoglobin 9 g/dL (white) 29% hematocrit (white) 8.2 g/dL hemoglobin (black) 26% hematocrit (black) Hypertension
Cardiac decompensation Further strain on mothers body maternal death rate Iron-deficiency anemia Low energy level Decreased oxygen-carrying capacity vasospasm risk central nervous system irritability convulsions risk cerebrovascular accident risk renal damage
Low birth weight Macrosomia Neonatal hypoglycemia risk congenital anomalies risk respiratory distress syndrome risk fetal demise prenatal mortality Fetal death Prematurity Low birth weight placental perfusion low birth weight Preterm birth
Renal disease (moderate to severe) Diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure Obstetric Considerations Previous Pregnancy Stillborn Habitual abortion Cesarean birth Rh or blood group sensitization
emotional or psychologic distress emotional or psychologic distress possibility diagnostic workup possibility repeat cesarean birth financial expenditure for testing
risk IUGR risk preterm birth risk abortion risk preterm birth risk respiratory distress Hydrops fetalis Icterus gravis Neonatal anemia Kernicterus Hypoglycemia Birth injury Hypoglycemia Congenital heart disease Cataracts Nerve deafness Bone lesions Prolonged virus shedding Hepatitis Thrombocytopenia IUGR Encephalopathy Neonatal herpes virus type 2 2% hepatitis with jaundice Neurologic abnormalities fetal demise Congenital syphilis Fetal or neonatal anemia Intrauterine hemorrhage fetal demise placental perfusion low birth weight risk preterm birth risk fetal demise Fetal death rate 5 times normal rate
Rubella (second trimester) Cytomegalovirus Herpes virus type 2 Severe discomfort Concern about possibility of cesarean birth, fetal infection incidence abortion risk hemorrhage Bed rest Extended hospitalization See hypertension risk postpartum hemorrhage risk preterm labor Increased viscosity of blood
Preeclampsia or eclampsia Multiple gestation Elevated hematocrit 41% (white) 38% (black) Spontaneous premature rupture of membranes
uterine infection
Vital Signs
Blood pressure (BP): 135/85 mm Hg High BP (essential hypertension; renal disease; pregestational hypertension, apprehension or anxiety associated with pregnancy diagnosis, exam, or other crises; preeclampsia if initial assessment not done until after 20 weeks gestation) Increased pulse rate (excitement or anxiety, cardiac disorders) Marked tachypnea or abnormal patterns BP > 140/90 requires immediate consideration; establish womans BP; refer to physician if necessary. Assess womans knowledge about high BP; counsel on self-care and medical management. Count for 1 full minute; note irregularities. Assess for respiratory disease.
Pulse: 6090 beats/min; rate may increase 10 beats/min during pregnancy Respirations: 1624 breaths/min (or pulse rate divided by four); pregnancy may induce a degree of hyperventilation; thoracic breathing predominant Temperature: 36.237.6C (9799.6F)
Assess for infection process or disease state if temperature is elevated; refer to physician or CNM.
Depends on body build Weight < 45 kg (100 lb) or > 91 kg (200 lb); rapid, sudden weight gain (preeclampsia) Evaluate need for nutritional counseling; obtain information on eating habits, cooking practices, foods regularly eaten, income limitations, need for food supplements, pica and other abnormal food habits. Note initial weight to establish baseline for weight gain throughout pregnancy.
Color: Consistent with racial background; pink nail beds Pallor (anemia); bronze, yellow (hepatic disease; other causes of jaundice) Bluish, reddish, mottled; dusky appearance or pallor of palms and nail beds in dark skinned women (anemia) Edema (preeclampsia); rashes, dermatitis (allergic response) Ulceration (varicose veins, decreased circulation) Petechiae, multiple bruises, ecchymosis (hemorrhagic disorders; abuse) Change in size or color (carcinoma) The following tests should be performed: complete blood count (CBC), bilirubin level, urinalysis, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). If abnormal, refer to physician.
Condition: Absence of edema (slight edema of lower extremities is normal during pregnancy) Lesions: Absence of lesions Spider nevi common in pregnancy Moles Pigmentation: Pigmentation changes of pregnancy include linea nigra, striae gravidarum, melasma Caf-au-lait spots
Counsel on relief measures for slight edema. Initiate preeclampsia assessment; refer to physician. Further assess circulatory status; refer to physician if lesion is severe. Evaluate for bleeding or clotting disorder. Provide opportunities to discuss abuse if suspected. Refer to physician. Assure woman that these are normal manifestations of pregnancy and explain the physiologic basis for the changes. Consult with physician.
Character of mucosa: Redder than oral mucosa; in pregnancy nasal mucosa is edematous in response to increased estrogen, resulting in nasal stuffiness (rhinitis of pregnancy) and nosebleeds Olfactory loss (first cranial nerve deficit) Counsel woman about possible relief measures for nasal stuffiness and nosebleeds (epistaxis); refer to physician for olfactory loss.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
May note hypertrophy of gingival tissue because of estrogen Edema, inflammation (infection); pale in color (anemia) Assess hematocrit for anemia; counsel regarding dental hygiene habits. Refer to physician or dentist if necessary. Routine dental care appropriate during pregnancy (no x-ray studies, no nitrous anesthesia).
Nodes: Small, mobile, nontender nodes Thyroid: Small, smooth, lateral lobes palpable on either side of trachea; slight hyperplasia by third month of pregnancy Tender, hard, fixed, or prominent nodes (infection, carcinoma) Enlargement or nodule tenderness (hyperthyroidism) Examine for local infection; refer to physician. Listen over thyroid for bruits, which may indicate hyperthyroidism. Question woman about dietary habits (iodine intake). Ascertain history of thyroid problems; refer to physician.
Inspection and palpation: No retraction or bulging of intercostal spaces (ICS) during inspiration or expiration; symmetric expansion. Tactile fremitus Percussion: Bilateral symmetry in tone Low-pitched resonance of moderate intensity Auscultation: Upper lobesbronchovesicular sounds above sternum and scapulas; equal expiratory and inspiratory phases Remainder of chest: Vesicular breath sounds heard; inspiratory phase longer (3:1)
Refer to physician. Evaluate for pleural effusions, consolidations, or tumor. Refer to physician. Refer to physician.
Rales, rhonchi, wheezes; pleural friction rub; absence of breath sounds; bronchophony, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy
Refer to physician.
Supple; symmetric in size and contour; darker pigmentation of nipple and areola; may have supernumerary nipples, usually 56 cm below normal nipple line Axillary nodes unpalpable or pellet sized Pigskin or orange-peel appearance, nipple retractions, swelling, hardness (carcinoma); redness, heat, tenderness, cracked or fissured nipple (infection) Tenderness, enlargement, hard node (carcinoma); may be visible bump (infection) Encourage monthly self-examination; instruct woman how to examine her own breasts.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Breasts (continued)
Pregnancy changes: 1. Size increase noted primarily in first 20 weeks. 2. Become nodular. 3. Tingling sensation may be felt during first and third trimester; woman may report feeling of heaviness. 4. Pigmentation of nipples and areolae darkens. 5. Superficial veins dilate and become more prominent. 6. Striae seen in multiparas. 7. Tubercles of Montgomery enlarge. 8. Colostrum may be present after 12th week. 9. Secondary areola appears at 20 weeks, characterized by series of washed-out spots surrounding primary areola. 10. Breasts less firm, old striae may be present in multiparas. Discuss normalcy of changes and their meaning with the woman. Teach and/or institute appropriate relief measures. Encourage use of supportive, wellfitting brassiere.
Normal rate, rhythm, and heart sounds Pregnancy changes: 1. Palpitations may occur due to sympathetic nervous system disturbance. 2. Short systolic murmurs that increase in held expiration are normal due to increased volume. Enlargement, thrills, thrusts, gross irregularity or skipped beats, gallop rhythm or extra sounds (cardiac disease) Complete an initial assessment. Explain normalcy of pregnancy-induced changes. Refer to physician if indicated.
Normal appearance, skin texture, and hair distribution; liver nonpalpable; abdomen nontender Pregnancy changes: 1. Purple striae may be present (or silver striae on a multipara) as well as linea nigra. 2. Diastasis of the rectus muscles late in pregnancy. 3. Size: Flat or rotund abdomen; progressive enlargement of uterus due to pregnancy. 1012 weeks: Fundus slightly above symphysis pubis. 16 weeks: Fundus halfway between symphysis and umbilicus. 2022 weeks: Fundus at umbilicus. 28 weeks: Fundus three finger breadths above umbilicus. 36 weeks: Fundus just below ensiform cartilage. 4. Fetal heart rate: 110160 beats/min may be heard with Doppler at 1012 weeks gestation; may be heard with fetoscope at 1720 weeks. Muscle guarding (anxiety, acute tenderness); tenderness, mass (ectopic pregnancy, inflammation, carcinoma) Assure woman of normalcy of diastasis. Provide initial information about appropriate prenatal and postpartum exercises. Evaluate womans anxiety level. Refer to physician if indicated.
Size of uterus inconsistent with length of gestation (intrauterine growth restriction [IUGR], multiple pregnancy, fetal demise, hydatidiform mole)
Reassess menstrual history regarding pregnancy dating. Evaluate increase in size using McDonalds method. Use ultrasound to establish diagnosis.
Failure to hear fetal heartbeat with Doppler (fetal demise, hydatidiform mole)
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Abdomen (continued)
5. Fetal movement palpable by a trained examiner after the 18th week. 6. Ballottement: During fourth to fifth month fetus rises and then rebounds to original position when uterus is tapped sharply. Failure to feel fetal movements after 20 weeks gestation (fetal demise, hydatidiform mole) No ballottement (oligohydramnios) Refer to physician for evaluation of fetal status. Refer to physician for evaluation of fetal status.
Skin warm, pulses palpable, full range of motion; may be some edema of hands and ankles in late pregnancy; varicose veins may become more pronounced; palmar erythema may be present Unpalpable or diminished pulses (arterial insufficiency); marked edema (preeclampsia) Evaluate for other symptoms of heart disease; initiate follow-up if woman mentions that her rings feel tight. Discuss prevention and self-treatment measures for varicose veins; refer to physician if indicated.
Normal spinal curves: Concave cervical, convex thoracic, concave lumbar In pregnancy, lumbar spinal curve may be accentuated Shoulders and iliac crests should be even Abnormal spinal curves; flatness, kyphosis, lordosis Backache Refer to physician for assessment of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD). May have implications for administration of spinal anesthetics; see Chapter 20 for relief measures. Refer very young women to a physician; discuss back-stretching exercise with older women.
Normal and symmetric Hyperactivity, clonus (preeclampsia) Evaluate for other symptoms of preeclampsia.
Pelvic Area
External female genitals: Normally formed with female hair distribution; in multiparas, labia majora loose and pigmented; urinary and vaginal orifices visible and appropriately located Vagina: Pink or dark pink, vaginal discharge odorless, nonirritating; in multiparas, vaginal folds smooth and flattened; may have episiotomy scar Cervix: Pink color; os closed except in multiparas, in whom os admits fingertip Lesions, hematomas, varicosities, inflammation of Bartholins glands; clitoral hypertrophy (masculinization) Abnormal discharge associated with vaginal infections Eversion, reddish erosion, nabothian or retention cysts, cervical polyp; granular area that bleeds (carcinoma of cervix); lesions (herpes, human papilloma virus [HPV]); presence of string or plastic tip from cervix (intrauterine device [IUD] in uterus) Explain pelvic examination procedure. Encourage woman to minimize her discomfort by relaxing her hips. Provide privacy. Obtain vaginal smear. Provide understandable verbal and written instructions about treatment for woman and partner, if indicated. Provide woman with a hand mirror and identify genital structures for her; encourage her to view her cervix if she wishes. Refer to physician if indicated. Advise woman of potential serious risks of leaving an IUD in place during pregnancy; refer to physician for removal.
Pregnancy changes: 14 weeks gestation: Enlargement in anteroposterior diameter 46 weeks gestation: Softening of cervix (Goodells sign), softening of isthmus of uterus (Hegars sign); cervix takes on bluish coloring (Chadwicks sign)
Refer to physician.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Fixed (pelvic inflammatory disease [PID]); nodular surface (fibromas) Pain on movement of cervix (PID); enlarged or nodular ovaries (cyst, tumor, tubal pregnancy, corpus luteum of pregnancy)
Pelvic Measurements
Internal measurements: 1. Diagonal conjugate at least 11.5 cm (Figure 105) 2. Obstetric conjugate estimated by subtracting 1.52 cm from diagonal conjugate 3. Inclination of sacrum 4. Motility of coccyx; external intertuberosity diameter > 8 cm Measurement below normal Disproportion of pubic arch Abnormal curvature of sacrum Fixed or malposition of coccyx Vaginal birth may not be possible if deviations are present.
Laboratory Evaluation
Hemoglobin: 1216 g/dL; women residing in areas of high altitude may have higher levels of hemoglobin ABO and Rh typing: Normal distribution of blood types <11 g/dL (anemia) Note: Wear gloves when drawing blood. Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL requires nutritional counseling; < 11 g/dL requires iron supplementation. If Rh negative, check for presence of anti-Rh antibodies. Check partners blood type; if partner is Rh positive, discuss with woman the need for antibody titers during pregnancy, management during the intrapartal period, and possible need for Rh immune globulin. (See Chapter 15 ).
Rh negative
Complete blood count (CBC) Hematocrit: 38%47% physiologic anemia (pseudoanemia) may occur Red blood cells (RBC): 4.25.4 million/microliter White blood cells (WBC): 500012,000/microliter Differential Neutrophils: 40%60% Bands: up to 5% Eosinophils: 1%3% Basophils: up to 1% Lymphocytes: 20%40% Monocytes: 4%8%
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Gonorrhea culture: Negative Urinalysis (u/a): Normal color, specific gravity; pH 4.68.0 Negative for protein, red blood cells, white blood cells, casts Glucose: Negative (small degree of glycosuria may occur in pregnancy) Rubella titer: Hemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) test1:10 or above indicates woman is immune Hepatitis B screen for hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg); negative
Repeat u/a; refer to physician. Assess blood glucose level; test urine for ketones. Immunization will be given on postpartum or within 6 weeks after childbirth. Instruct woman whose titers are < 1:10 to avoid children who have rubella. If negative, consider referral for hepatitis B vaccine. If positive, refer to physician. Infants born to women who test positive are given hepatitis B immune globulin soon after birth followed by first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. Refer to physician. Refer to physician. Refer to physician. Refer to physician. Discuss with the woman the meaning of the findings and the importance of follow-up. NURSING RESPONSES TO DATA Work with a knowledgeable translator to provide information and answer questions. Address the woman according to her preference. Maintain formality in introducing oneself if that seems preferred. Honor a womans practices and provide for specific preferences unless they are contraindicated because of safety. Have information printed in the language of different cultural groups that live in the area.
HIV screen: Offered to all women; encouraged for those at risk; negative Illicit drug screen: Offered to all women; negative Sickle-cell screen for clients of African descent: Negative Pap smear: Negative
Positive Positive Positive; test results would include a description of cells Test results that show atypical cells
CULTURAL ASSESSMENT Determine the womans fluency in English. Ask the woman how she prefers to be addressed.
VARIATIONS TO CONSIDER* Woman may be fluent in a language other than English. Some women prefer informality; others prefer to use titles. Practices are influenced by individual preference, cultural expectations, or religious beliefs. Some women believe that they should perform certain acts related to sleep, activity, or clothing. Some women have restrictions or taboos they follow related to work, activity, sexual, environmental, or emotional factors.
Ask the woman if there are certain practices she expects to follow when she is pregnant. Ask the woman if there are any activities she cannot do while she is pregnant.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
VARIATIONS TO CONSIDER* Foods are an important cultural factor. Some women may have certain foods they must eat or avoid; many women have lactose intolerance and have difficulty consuming sufficient calcium. Some women are comfortable only with a female caregiver. A woman may not want her partner involved in the pregnancy. For some the role falls to the womans mother or a female relative or friend. Some women seek advice from a family member, curandera, tribal healer, and so forth.
NURSING RESPONSES TO DATA Respect the womans food preferences, help her plan an adequate prenatal diet within the framework of her preferences, and refer to a dietitian if necessary. Arrange for a female caregiver if it is the womans preference. Respect the womans preferences about her partner or husbands involvement; avoid imposing personal values or expectations. Respect and honor the womans sources of support.
Ask the woman whether there are certain foods she is expected to eat or avoid while she is pregnant. Determine whether she has lactose intolerance. Ask the woman whether the gender of her caregiver is of concern. Ask the woman about the degree of involvement in her pregnancy that she expects or wants from her support person, mother, and other significant people. Ask the woman about her sources of support and counseling during pregnancy.
Psychologic Status
Excitement and/or apprehension, ambivalence Marked anxiety (fear of pregnancy diagnosis, fear of medical facility) Apathy; display of anger with pregnancy diagnosis Establish lines of communication. Active listening is useful. Establish trusting relationship. Encourage woman to take active part in her care. Establish communication and begin counseling. Use active listening techniques.
Educational Needs
May have questions about pregnancy or may need time to adjust to reality of pregnancy Establish educational, supporting environment that can be expanded throughout pregnancy.
Support Systems
Can identify at least two or three individuals with whom woman is emotionally intimate (partner, parent, sibling, friend) Isolated (no telephone, unlisted number); cannot name a neighbor or friend whom she can call upon in an emergency; does not perceive parents as part of her support system Institute support system through community groups. Help woman to develop trusting relationship with healthcare professionals.
Family Functioning
Emotionally supportive Communications adequate Mutually satisfying Cohesiveness in times of trouble Long-term problems or specific problems related to this pregnancy, potential stressors within the family, pessimistic attitudes, unilateral decision making, unrealistic expectations of this pregnancy or child Help identify the problems and stressors, encourage communication, and discuss role changes and adaptations.
Economic Status
Source of income is stable and sufficient to meet basic needs of daily living and medical needs Limited prenatal care; poor physical health; limited use of healthcare system; unstable economic status Discuss available resources for health maintenance and the birth. Institute appropriate referral for meeting expanding familys needsfood stamps and so forth.
Refer to appropriate community agency. Work with family on self-help ways to improve situation.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
The most common method of determining the EDB is Ngeles rule, which uses 280 days as the mean length of pregnancy. To use this method, begin with the first day of the LMP, subtract 3 months, and add 7 days. For example: First day of LMP Subtract 3 months Add 7 days EDB November 21 3 months August 21 7 days August 28
The EDB wheel can be used to calculate the due date. To use it, place the last menses began arrow on the date of the womans LMP. Then read the EDB at the arrow labeled 40. In this case the LMP is September 8, and the EDB is June 17.
be delayed several weeks following her last menses. Then, too, a postpartum woman who is breastfeeding may resume ovulating but be amenorrheic for a time, making calculation based on LMP impossible.
It is simpler to change the months to numeric terms: November 21 becomes Subtract 3 months Add 7 days EDB 1121 3 821 7 828
Physical Examination When a woman is examined in the first 10 to 12 weeks of her pregnancy and her uterine size is compatible with her menstrual history, uterine size may be the single most important clinical method for dating her pregnancy. In many cases, however, women do not seek maternity care until well into their second trimester, when it becomes much more difficult to evaluate specific uterine size. In obese women it is difficult to determine uterine size early in a pregnancy because the uterus is more difficult to palpate. Fundal Height Fundal height may be used as an indicator of uterine size, although this method is less accurate late in pregnancy. A centimeter tape measure is used to measure the distance abdominally from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterine fundus (McDonalds method) (Figure 103 ). Fundal height in centimeters correlates well with weeks of gestation between 22 to 24 weeks and 34 weeks. Thus, at 26 weeks
A gestation calculator or wheel lets the caregiver calculate the EDB even more quickly (Figure 102 ). Ngeles rule may be a fairly accurate determiner of the EDB if the woman has a history of menses every 28 days, remembers her LMP, and was not taking oral contraceptives before becoming pregnant. However, Ngeles rule is not foolproof. A delay in ovulation affects the formula Ngeles rule uses to determine the EDB. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the onset of the next menses, not 14 days after the previous menses. Consequently, if a womans cycle is irregular, or more than 28 days long, the time of ovulation may be delayed. If a woman has been using oral contraceptives, ovulation may
A cross-sectional view of fetal position when McDonalds method is used to assess fundal height.
gestation, fundal height is probably about 26 cm. If the woman is very tall or very short, fundal height will differ. To be most accurate, fundal height should be measured by the same examiner each time. The woman should have voided within onehalf hour of the examination and should lie in the same position each time. In the third trimester, variations in fetal weight decrease the accuracy of fundal height measurements. A lag in progression of measurements of fundal height from month to month and week to week may signal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). A sudden increase in fundal height may indicate twins or hydramnios (excessive amount of amniotic fluid).
trasonic Doppler is not available, a fetoscope may be used, although in current practice it is seldom necessary. The fetal heartbeat can be detected by fetoscope as early as week 16 and almost always by 19 or 20 weeks gestation.
Ultrasound In the first trimester, ultrasound scanning can detect a gestational sac as early as 5 to 6 weeks after the LMP, fetal heart activity by 6 to 7 weeks, and fetal breathing movement by 10 to 11 weeks of pregnancy. Crown-to-rump measurements can be made to assess fetal age until the fetal head can be visualized clearly. Biparietal diameter (BPD) can then be used. BPD measurements can be made by approximately 12 to 13 weeks and are most accurate between 20 and 30 weeks, when rapid growth in the biparietal diameter occurs. (See Chapter 14 for discussion of fetal ultrasound scanning.)
Manual measurement of inlet and outlet. A, Estimation of the diagonal conjugate, which extends from the lower border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory. B, Estimation of the anteroposterior diameter of the outlet, which extends from the lower border of the symphysis pubis to the tip of the sacrum. C and D, Methods that may be used to check the manual estimation of anteroposterior measurements.
Ask specifically whether the woman has experienced any discomfort, especially the kinds of discomfort that are often seen at specific times during a pregnancy. Inquire about physical changes that relate directly to the pregnancy, such as fetal movement. Also ask about the danger signs of pregnancy (Table 102). Other pertinent information includes any exposure to contagious illnesses, medical treatment and therapy prescribed for nonpregnancy problems since the last visit, and any prescription or over-the-counter medications that were not prescribed as part of the womans prenatal care. Periodic prenatal examinations offer a chance to assess the childbearing womans psychologic needs and emotional status. If the womans partner attends the antepartal
The woman should report the following danger signs in pregnancy immediately:
Danger Sign Use of a closed fist to measure the outlet. Most examiners know the distance between their first and last proximal knuckles. If they do not, they can use a measuring device.
Sudden gush of fluid from vagina Vaginal bleeding
Possible Cause
Premature rupture of membranes Abruptio placentae, placenta previa Lesions of cervix or vagina Bloody show Premature labor, abruptio placentae Infection Hypertension, preeclampsia
1. Pelvic inlet (Figure 105) Diagonal conjugate (the distance from the lower posterior border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory) at least 11.5 cm Obstetric conjugate (a measurement approximately 1.5 cm smaller than the diagonal conjugate) 10 cm or more 2. Pelvic outlet (Figures 105 and 106) Anteroposterior diameter, 9.5 to 11.5 cm Transverse diameter (bi-ischial or intertuberous diameter), 8 to 10 cm The pelvic cavity (midpelvis) cannot be accurately measured by clinical examination. Examiners estimate its adequacy. However, that discussion is also beyond the scope of this text.
Abdominal pain Temperature above 38.3C (101F) and chills Dizziness, blurring of vision, double vision, spots before eyes Persistent vomiting Severe headache Edema of hands, face, legs, and feet Muscular irritability, convulsions Epigastric pain
Hyperemesis gravidarum Hypertension, preeclampsia Preeclampsia Preeclampsia, eclampsia Preeclampsia, ischemia in major abdominal vessel Renal impairment, decreased fluid intake Urinary tract infection Maternal medication, obesity, fetal death
The following advice is important for women who practice yoga during pregnancy (Fontaine, 2005): During pregnancy, some yoga poses or positions are contraindicated. In particular, pregnant women should avoid those poses that put pressure on the uterus as well as any extreme stretching positions. Because of the changed center of gravity that occurs as pregnancy progresses, women need to be especially careful to maintain balance when doing stretching. Pregnant women should avoid stomach-lying for any poses. After 20 weeks gestation, women should lie on their left side rather than on their back for floor positions. Pregnant women should immediately stop any pose that is uncomfortable. Warning signs that indicate the need to contact the physician or certified nurse-midwife immediately include the following: dizziness, extreme shortness of breath, sudden swelling, vaginal bleeding.
visits, they can also be a time to identify the partners needs and concerns. The woman should have sufficient time to ask questions and air concerns. If a nurse provides the time and demonstrates genuine interest, the woman will be more at ease bringing up questions that she may believe are silly or has been afraid to verbalize. Be sensitive to religious or spiritual, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that may influence a familys response to pregnancy, as well as to the womans expectations of the healthcare system. One way to avoid stereotyping clients is simply to ask each woman about her expectations for the antepartal period. Although many womens responses may reflect what are thought to be traditional norms, other women will have decidedly different views or expectations that represent a blending of beliefs or cultures. During the antepartal period, it is also essential to begin assessing the readiness of the woman and her partner (if possible) to assume their responsibilities as parents successfully.
Clinical Question How can we effectively screen and treat pregnant women who have colonized for perinatal group B streptococcus (GBS)? Evidence Four experts from the National Center for Infectious Diseases revised its 1996 guideline, using input and consultation from 26 infectious disease practitioners from a variety of settings. After reviewing clinical trials and public health cohort studies, these experts concluded that risk-based screening is no longer acceptable to prevent perinatal GBS. Implications All pregnant women should be screened between 35 and 37 weeks gestation for vaginal and rectal GBS colonization. Collection of specimens for culture may be conducted in an outpatient setting either by the woman, with instruction, or by the healthcare provider. If a woman is identified as a GBS carrier, chemoprophylaxis should be started at the time of labor or when membranes rupture. Antimicrobial agents should not be used before the intrapartum period to treat GBS colonization. Doing so has not been found to prevent neonatal disease and may have adverse consequences. An exception is made if the GBS has been identified in the womans urine. In this case, chemoprophylaxis should be started earlier because urinary concentration indicates a heavy colonization. Increased risk of giving birth to an infant with early-onset GBS disease warrants use of the drug during pregnancy, even with the risk of complications. If a woman has previously given birth to an infant with invasive GBS disease, she should get chemoprophylaxis during the intrapartum period as well. Only if the colonization status of the mother is unknown should the decision about chemoprophylaxis during labor be based on assessment of risk, rather than on cultures. Risks that would indicate treatment include premature gestation, prolonged rupture of the membranes, or a temperature greater than 38C. You should encourage women to be screened for GBS during late pregnancy. Clients need information about when to expect that preventive antimicrobial prophylaxis will be initiated. (Client resources and brochures are available from the Centers for Disease Control Web site at In most cases, prophylaxis is started when the woman is in labor but may be initiated earlier if heavy colonization is confirmed. Prevention of neonatal disease is a primary focus. Critical Thinking How will you respond to the questions mothers have about the safety of antimicrobial prophylaxis during labor? Earlier in the pregnancy? What assessments would indicate to you that a mother can expect the use of antimicrobials during labor? Reference
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease: Revised guidelines from CDC. MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 51(RR-11), 122.
Vital Signs
Temperature: 36.237.6C (9799.6F) Pulse: 6090/min Rate may increase 10 beats/min during pregnancy Respiration: 1624/min Blood pressure: trimester) 135/85 (falls in second Elevated temperature (infection) Increased pulse rate (anxiety, cardiac disorders) Marked tachypnea or abnormal patterns (respiratory disease) > 140/90 or increase of 30 mm systolic and 15 mm diastolic (preeclampsia) Evaluate for signs of infection. Refer to physician. Note irregularities. Assess for anxiety and stress. Refer to physician. Assess for edema, proteinuria, and hyperreflexia. Refer to physician. Schedule appointments more frequently.
Weight Gain
First trimester: 1.62.3 kg (3.55 lb) Second trimester: 5.56.8 kg (1215 lb) Third trimester: 5.56.8 kg (1215 lb) Inadequate weight gain (poor nutrition, nausea, IUGR) Excessive weight gain (excessive caloric intake, edema, preeclampsia) Discuss appropriate weight gain. Provide nutritional counseling. Assess for presence of edema or anemia.
Small amount of dependent edema, especially in last weeks of pregnancy Edema in hands, face, legs, and feet (preeclampsia) Identify any correlation between edema and activities, blood pressure, or proteinuria. Refer to physician if indicated.
Uterine Size
See Assessment Guide: Initial Prenatal Assessment for normal changes during pregnancy Unusually rapid growth (multiple gestation, hydatidiform mole, hydramnios, miscalculation of EDB) Evaluate fetal status. Determine height of fundus (page 227). Use diagnostic ultrasound.
Fetal Heartbeat
120160/min Funic souffle Absence of fetal heartbeat after 20 weeks gestation (maternal obesity, fetal demise) Evaluate fetal status.
Laboratory Evaluation
Hemoglobin: 1216 g/dL Pseudoanemia of pregnancy Quad marker screen: Blood test performed at 1520 weeks gestation. Evaluates four factors maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP), unconjugated estriol (UE), hCG, and inhibin-A: normal levels < 11 g/dL (anemia) Provide nutritional counseling. Hemoglobin is repeated at 7 months gestation. Women of Mediterranean heritage need a close check on hemoglobin because of possibility of thalassemia. Recommended for all pregnant women; especially indicated for women with any of the following risk factors: age 35 and over, family history of birth defects, previous child with a birth defect, insulindependent diabetes prior to pregnancy (Cleveland Clinic, 2005). If quad screen abnormal, further testing such as ultrasound or amniocentesis may be indicated.
Elevated MSAFP (neural tube defect, underestimated gestational age, multiple gestation). Lower than normal MSAFP (Down syndrome, trisomy 18). Higher than normal hCG and inhibin-A (Down syndrome). Lower than normal UE (Down syndrome).
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Urinalysis: See Assessment Guide: Initial Prenatal Assessment for normal findings Protein: Negative Glucose: Negative Note: Glycosuria may be present due to physiologic alterations in glomerular filtration rate and renal threshold Screening for Group B streptococcus (GBS): Rectal and vaginal swabs obtained at 3537 weeks gestation for all pregnant women (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2002).
Plasma glucose level > 140 mg/dL (gestational diabetes mellitus [GDM]) Note: Some facilities use level > 130 mg/dL, which identifies 90% of women with GDM (American Diabetes Association, 2000) See Assessment Guide: Initial Prenatal Assessment for deviations Proteinuria, albuminuria (contamination by vaginal discharge, urinary tract infection, preeclampsia) Persistent glycosuria (diabetes mellitus)
Repeat urinalysis at 7 months gestation. Repeat dipstick test at each visit. Obtain dipstick urine sample. Refer to physician if deviations are present. Refer to physician.
Explain maternal and fetal/neonatal risks (see page 369 in Chapter 15 ). Refer to physician or CNM for therapy.
CULTURAL ASSESSMENT Determine the mothers (and familys) attitudes about the sex of the unborn child. Ask about the womans expectations of childbirth. Will she want someone with her for the birth? Whom does she choose? What is the role of her partner?
VARIATIONS TO CONSIDER* Some women have no preference about the sex of the child; others do. In many cultures, boys are especially valued as firstborn children. Some women want their partner present for labor and birth; others prefer a female relative or friend. Some women expect to be separated from their partner once cervical dilation has occurred (Andrews & Boyle, 1998). Some women may have a fully prepared nursery; others may not have a separate room for the baby.
NURSING RESPONSES TO DATA Provide opportunities to discuss preferences and expectations; avoid a judgmental attitude to the response. Provide information on birth options but accept the womans decision about who will attend.
Ask about preparations for the baby. Determine what is customary for the woman.
Explore reasons for not preparing for the baby. Support the mothers preferences and provide information about possible sources of assistance if the decision is related to a lack of resources.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Expectant Mother
Psychologic status First trimester: Incorporates idea of pregnancy; may feel ambivalent, especially if she must give up desired role; usually looks for signs of verification of pregnancy, such as increase in abdominal size or fetal movement Second trimester: Baby becomes more real to woman as abdominal size increases and she feels movement; she begins to turn inward, becoming more introspective Third trimester: Begins to think of baby as separate being; may feel restless and may feel that time of labor will never come; remains self-centered and concentrates on preparing place for baby Educational needs Self-care measures and knowledge about the following: Health promotion Breast care Hygiene Rest Exercise Nutrition Relief measures for common discomforts of pregnancy Danger signs in pregnancy (See Key Facts to Remember on p. 217) Sexual activity: Woman knows how pregnancy affects sexual activity Preparation for parenting: Appropriate preparation Preparation for childbirth Client aware of the following: 1. Prepared childbirth techniques 2. Normal processes and changes during childbirth Increased stress and anxiety Inability to establish communication; inability to accept pregnancy; inappropriate response or actions; denial of pregnancy; inability to cope Encourage woman to take an active part in her care. Establish lines of communication. Establish a trusting relationship. Counsel as necessary. Refer to appropriate prefessional as needed.
Inadequate information
Lack of information about effects of pregnancy and/or alternative positions during sexual intercourse Lack of preparation (denial, failure to adjust to baby, unwanted child)
Provide counseling.
3. Problems that may occur as a result of drug and alcohol use and of smoking Woman has met other physician or nurse-midwife who may be attending her birth in the absence of primary caregiver
Continued abuse of drugs and alcohol; denial of possible effect on self and baby Introduction of new individual at birth may increase stress and anxiety for woman and partner
Counsel. If lack of preparation is due to inadequacy of information, provide information. If couple chooses particular technique, refer to classes (see page 190 in Chapter 8 for description of childbirth preparation techniques). Encourage prenatal class attendance. Educate woman during visits based on current physical status. Provide reading list for more specific information. Review danger signs that were presented on initial visit. Introduce woman to all members of group practice.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
Expectant Father
Impending labor Client knows signs of impending labor: 1. Uterine contractions that increase in frequency, duration, and intensity 2. Bloody show 3. Expulsion of mucous plug 4. Rupture of membranes Psychologic status First trimester: May express excitement over confirmation of pregnancy and of his virility; concerns move toward providing for financial needs; energetic, may identify with some discomforts of pregnancy and may even exhibit symptoms Second trimester: May feel more confident and be less concerned with financial matters; may have concerns about wifes changing size and shape, her increasing introspection Third trimester: May have feelings of rivalry with fetus, especially during sexual activity; may make changes in his physical appearance and exhibit more interest in himself; may become more energetic; fantasizes about child but usually imagines older child; fears mutilation and death of woman and child Lack of information Provide appropriate teaching, stressing importance of seeking appropriate medical assistance.
Increasing stress and anxiety; inability to establish communication; inability to accept pregnancy diagnosis; withdrawal of support; abandonment of the mother
Encourage expectant father to come to prenatal visits. Establish lines of communication. Establish trusting relationship.
Counsel. Let expectant father know that it is normal for him to experience these feelings.
Include expectant father in pregnancy activities as he desires. Provide education, information, and support. Increasing numbers of expectant fathers are demonstrating desire to be involved in many or all aspects of prenatal care, education, and preparation.
This column provides guidelines for further assessment and initial nursing intervention.
physical examinations the pregnant woman should undergo for optimal antepartal care and also provides a model for evaluating both the pregnant woman and the expectant father, if he is involved in the pregnancy.
During the subsequent antepartal assessments, most women demonstrate ongoing psychologic adjustment to pregnancy. However, some women may exhibit signs of possible psychologic problems such as the following:
When assessing blood pressure, have the pregnant woman sit up with her arm resting on a table so that her arm is at the level of her heart. Expect a decrease in blood pressure from baseline during the second trimester because of typical physiologic changes. If the decrease does not occur, evaluate further for signs of preeclampsia.
Every 4 weeks for the first 28 weeks gestation Every 2 weeks until 36 weeks gestation After week 36, every week until childbirth
Increasing anxiety Inability to establish communication Inappropriate responses or actions Denial of pregnancy Inability to cope with stress Intense preoccupation with the sex of the baby Failure to acknowledge quickening Failure to plan and prepare for the baby (e.g., living arrangements, clothing, and feeding methods) Indications of substance abuse If the womans behavior indicates possible psychologic problems, the nurse can provide ongoing support and counseling and also refer the woman to appropriate professionals.
A detailed prenatal history includes the following: Details of current pregnancy (such as LMP). History of past pregnancies. Gynecologic history (such as last Pap and contraceptive use). Current medical history (such as weight, prescription medications, chronic diseases). Past medical history (past surgeries). Family medical history (cancer or diabetes). Religious, spiritual, and cultural history. Occupational history (physical demands of present job). Partners history (genetic conditions, blood type). Demographic information about woman (age, educational level, and ethnic background).
Terms about the number of pregnancies and births: gravida, parity, and TPAL. Terms that denote the phase of pregnancy: ante-, intra-, and postpartum. Terms that denote age and developmental status of fetus at birth: prematurity, postmaturity, and term (see page 214).
Identify factors related to the fathers health that are generally recorded on the prenatal record.
Fathers health details to be recorded: History of chronic illness in father or immediate family member. Blood type and Rh factor. Present use of alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs. Occupation. Age.
Describe areas that should be evaluated as part of the initial assessment of psychosocial and cultural factors related to a womans pregnancy.
Language preference. Determine how woman should be addressed. Determine food customs and preferences. Determine significant people to woman, and degree of involvement of these persons. Psychologic status. Educational needs. Support system. Family functioning. Economic status. Stability of living conditions.
Describe the normal physiologic changes one would expect to find when performing a physical assessment of a pregnant woman.
Vital signs: Pulse may increase by 10 beats/min. Respiration may be increased, and thoracic breathing predominant. Temperature and blood pressure within normal limits. Weight: Varies, but should be proportional to the gestational age of the fetus. Skin: Linea nigra. Striae gravidarum. Melasma. Spider nevi. Nose: Nasal stuffiness. Mouth: Gingival hypertrophy.
Neck: Small, nontender nodes. Slight hyperplasia of thyroid in third trimester. Chest and lungs: Transverse diameter greater than anteroposterior diameter. Breasts: Increasing size. Pigmentation of nipples and areolae. Tubercles of Montgomery enlarge. Colostrum appears in third trimester. Abdomen: Progressive enlargement by Doppler. Fetal heart rate heard by Doppler at approximately 12 weeks gestation. Extremities: Possible edema late in pregnancy. Spine: Lumbar spinal curve may be accentuated. Pelvic area: Vagina without significant discharge. Cervix closed. Uterus shows progressive growth. Laboratory tests: Physiologic anemia may occur (hematocrit). Small degree of glycosuria may occur.
Compare the methods most commonly used to determine the estimated date of birth.
Ngeles rule: Date of LMP minus 3 months plus 7 days. Accurate only if woman has 28-day cycles. Physical examination: Uterine size. Fundal height: Measurement should be made from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterine fundus. Ultrasound: BPD.
Develop an outline of the essential measurements that can be determined by clinical pelvimetry.
These measurements are estimates to determine probable adequacy of the pelvis to allow a vaginal birth: Pelvic inlet: Diagonal conjugate (should be at least 11.5 cm). Obstetric conjugate (should be 10 cm or more). Pelvic outlet: Anteroposterior diameter (should be 9.5 to 11.5 cm). Transverse diameter (should be 8 to 10 cm).
Delineate the possible causes of abnormal findings during the initial or subsequent prenatal examination.
Vital signs: Elevations may be due to infection. Blood pressure elevation may be due to preeclampsia. Weight: Less than expected weight gain may be due to inadequate nutrition. More than expected weight gain may be due to preeclampsia. Skin: Pallor due to anemia. Edema due to decreased venous return or preeclampsia. Petechiae or bruises may be due to bleeding disorders or physical abuse. Nose and mouth: Pale mucous membrane may be due to anemia. Inflamed gingival tissue. (continued)
Delineate the possible causes of abnormal findings during the initial or subsequent prenatal examination.continued
Neck: Tender, hard, fixed nodes may be due to infection or cancer. Enlarged thyroid may be due to hyperthyroidism. Chest and lungs: Abnormal lung sounds may be due to infection or asthma. Increased respiration may be due to pleural effusion or collapsed lung.
Delineate the possible causes of abnormal findings during the initial or subsequent prenatal examination (continued)
Breasts: Hard nodes may be due to cancer. Nipple discharge may be due to cancer or infection. Redness, tenderness may be due to infection. Heart: Abnormal rhythm, extra sounds may be due to normal changes of pregnancy but also may indicate cardiac disease. Abdomen: Tenderness, mass, or guarding may indicate ectopic pregnancy, cancer, infection, or obstruction. Failure to hear fetal heart tones may be due to death of fetus or hydatidiform mole. Extremities: Edema may be due to preeclampsia. Lack of pulses may be due to arterial insufficiency. Spine: Abnormal spinal curves may be due to scoliosis or normal changes of expanding abdomen. Reflexes: Hyperactivity may be due to preeclampsia. Pelvic area: Lesions of the external genitalia may be due to sexually transmitted disease. Varicose veins may be due to poor venous return. Vaginal discharge may indicate infection. Lesions of the cervix may be due to erosion, polyp, or human papillomavirus. Pelvic measurements: Measurements below normal may indicate an inability to have a vaginal birth. Rectum and anus: Hemorrhoids may be due to poor venous return. Laboratory tests: Low hemoglobin and hematocrit may indicate anemia. High white count may indicate infection. Positive tests for sexually transmitted disease may indicate presence of these diseases. Urine with elevated white cells may indicate infection. Urine with presence of glucose may indicate gestational diabetes. Elevated blood glucose may indicate gestational diabetes. Tests may indicate the presence of hepatitis B or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Relate the components of the subsequent prenatal history and assessment to the progress of pregnancy.
At each visit the woman will be assessed for: Vital signs. Weight gain. Edema. Uterine size. Fetal heartbeat. Urinalysis. Blood tests for alpha, fetoprotein, glucose. Vaginal swab for group B streptococcus. Expected psychologic stage of pregnancy.
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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2000). Planning your pregnancy and birth (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Author. American Diabetes Association. (2000). Position statement: Gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 23(Suppl. 1), 16. Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (1998). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (2nd ed.). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease: Revised guidelines from CDC. MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 51(RR-11), 122. Cleveland Clinic. (2005). Quad screen, Retrieved September 2, 2005 from health/health-info/docs/0300/0386.asp? index-4695 Cunningham, F. G., Leveno, K. J., Bloom, S. L., Hauth, J. C., Gilstrap, L. C., III, & Wenstrom, K. D. (2005). Williams obstetrics (22nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Jontaine, K. L. (2005). Healing practices: alternative therapies for nursery (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Varney, H., Kriebs, J. M., & Gegor, C. L. (2004). Varneys midwifery (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.