1B Cholinergics and Anticholinergics Drug - Student
1B Cholinergics and Anticholinergics Drug - Student
1B Cholinergics and Anticholinergics Drug - Student
Cholinergic Drugs
🠶Parasympathomimetics or cholinomimetics
🠶Stimulate parasympathetic nervous system in
same manner as does acetylcholine
🠶May stimulate cholinergic receptors directly or
slow acetylcholine metabolism at synapses
(affect the enzyme acetylcholinesterase)
Cholinergic Drugs
🠶 Neostigmine (Prostigmine)—prototype
anticholinesterase agent.
🠶Used for long-term tx of myasthenia gravis and as
an antidote for tubocurarine and other non
depolarizing agents in surgery.
🠶 Poorly absorbed orally so requires larger doses
than when given parenterally.
🠶 Can develop resistance to its action over time
Indirect Acting Agents
🠶 Physostigmine (Antilirium)—only
anticholinesterase capable of crossing the
blood brain barrier.
🠶 Is more lipid soluble.
🠶 Used as an antidote for overdosage of
anticholinergics such as: atropine,
antihistamines, TCA, phenothiazines.
🠶 May also be used in tx of glaucoma.
Indirect Acting Agents used
to treat Alzheimer’s disease
🠶 Emergency tx includes:
1. Decontamination of clothing 2.
Flushing poison from skin and eyes
3. Activated charcoal and lavage for GI
4. Atropine to counteract the muscarinic
Toxicity cont.
🠶Used preoperatively
Use In GI Disorders
🠶Helpful in treating irritable colon or colitis
🠶Useful in gastritis, pylorospasm and
ulcerative colitis as they slow
Use in GU disorders
🠶In bronchospasm whether related to
asthma or COPD
🠶Atrovent very useful for its
bronchodilating effects
🠶 Myasthenia gravis
🠶 Hyperthyroidism
🠶 Glaucoma
🠶 Tachydysrhythmias
🠶 Not in situations whereby delaying of gastric
emptying is a concern
Individual Anticholinergic Drugs
► Atropine—prototype. Antidote. Belladonna
► Ipratropium (Atrovent). Useful in rhinorrhea.
Also excellent bronchodilator.
► Scopolamine, similar to atropine. Depresses
CNS and causes amnesia, drowsiness,
euphoria, relaxation and sleep.
= Also good for motion sickness. Given
parenterally, orally and transdermally.
Centrally Acting Anticholinergics
🠶Benztropine (Cogentin)—temporary
use in Parkinson’s disease. Useful for
dystonic reactions caused by
🠶Trihexyphenidyl (Trihexy)—also used
for txing EPS by some antipsychotics.
*Contraindicated in glaucoma.
Urinary Antispasmotics
► Flavoxate (Urispas)—relieves dysuria, urgency,
frequency, and pain with GU infections
► Oxybutynin (Ditropan) has direct antispasmodic
effects on smooth muscle and anticholinergic
effects. Decreases frequency of voiding.
► Tolterodine (Detrol) is competitive, antimuscarinic
anticholinergic that inhibits contraction.
= More selective for this area than elsewhere in
the body.
Toxicity of Anticholinergics