IGCSE Mastery Sheet
IGCSE Mastery Sheet
IGCSE Mastery Sheet
Structure = Function
Ciliated cells in respiratory Secretes mucus - traps particles. Cilia move material away.
tract -long hair like
Root hair cells – “T” shaped, Increases rate of water absorption.
increases surface area
Xylem vessels (a tissue) Dead. Hollow-conduction of water.
Hollow. Strong cell wall. Strong cell wall-stops cell from bursting.
Red Blood Cells – biconcave, Biconcave/no nucleus: can carry more haemoglobin which carries
no nucleus, small and flexible. oxygen. Small and flexible: can squeeze through small capillaries.
Pallisade cells – top of leaf, Collects light, carries out photosynthesis
full of chloroplasts
Nerve cells – long and thin Conduction of impulses
egg cells – contain half of Reproduction
genetic material. Contains
yolk for energy storage
sperm – contains half genetic Reproduction
material. Tail for swimming
Magnification: AS X M = IS
AS: Actual Size - Usually small. M: magnification, seen in picture sometimes as number with “x”
after it. IS: image/picture size - Usually larger than AS. 1 mm = 1,000 µm
tissue: a group of cells with similar structures, working together to perform a shared function
organ: a structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perform specific functions
organ system: a group of organs with related functions, working together to perform body functions
Unit 2 Cell transport
Solute: A solid that dissolves (ex: sugar) in a solvent.
Solvent: A liquid (ex: water) that dissolves the solute.
Solution: A solution is a solute dissolved in a solvent.
Concentration: The amount of solute in an area. Also, the amount of a gas in an area. Ex: CO2 in
Diffusion: the net movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region
of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement.
Osmosis: the diffusion of water molecules from a region
of their higher concentration (dilute solution) to a region of
their lower concentration (concentrated solution), through a
partially permeable membrane.
Osmosis: water moves from high water potential to low
water potential.
Example: Water flows into root hair cells by osmosis,
moving down it’s concentration gradient, from an area of
High water potential to an area of Low water potential, across a semi-permeable membrane.
Water: can diffuse through the cell membrane (partially permeable), faster with protein channel.
High solute concentration environment: water leaves cells by osmosis.
animal cell: shrivels. Plant cell: becomes plasmolyzed and cell membrane
tears away from cell wall.
Low solute concentration environment: water enters cell by osmosis.
Animal cell lysis (bursts). Plant cell wall prevents cell from bursting and
cell becomes “turgid.” This helps many plants remain upright (support).
Much of this support and turgor pressure is in xylem cells.
Unit 4 Enzymes
Enzyme: a protein that functions as a biological catalyst.
Catalyst: a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction and is not changed by the
Substrate + Enzyme Enzyme + Product
Unit 5 Animal Nutrition part 1
Ingestion: Taking substances (e.g. food, drink) into the body through the mouth.
Digestion: The break-down of large, insoluble food molecules into small, water soluble molecules
using mechanical and chemical processes.
Absorption: The movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the
blood or lymph.
Assimilation: The movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are
used, becoming part of the cells.
Deamination: The removal of the nitrogen-containing part of amino acids to form urea, followed
by release of energy from the remainder of the amino acid.
Egestion: Passing out of food that has not been digested, as faeces, through the anus.
Tooth structure: Enamel, dentine, pulp cavity (blood supply and nerves), fibres and cement.
Tooth types/functions: incisors-sharp, for biting pieces of food. Canines- most pointed, for
ripping (wolf). Molars/pre-molars: flat/wide, for grinding (cow).
Tooth decay and gum disease: sugar digested by bacteria makes acid – dissolves
enamel/dentine. Bacteria grow in plaque (soft), can become tartar (hard). Prevention: brush teeth
(fluoride toothpaste), eat less sugar, visit dentist.
Arguments for fluoride in water: proven to prevent tooth decay. Poor people maybe can’t
buy expensive fluoride toothpaste. Arguments against: want choice, can turn teeth black, fluoride
toothpaste maybe good enough.
Peristalsis: Rhythmic, wavelike contractions that move food through the gastrointestinal tract
Small intestine structure: Lined with villi – increase surface area. Lots of capillaries – absorb
nutrients from small intestine – carry it to hepatic portal – to liver.
Structure Function
Health is the absence of disease. A deficiency disease is caused when the diet does not contain
enough of a particular mineral or vitamin.
Vitamins are organic molecules that are needed in the body in tiny amounts.
Dietary Problems
Dietary fibre prevents constipation and allows good peristalsis. Perstalsis is the muscular
contractions of the gut (alimentary canal). Cellulose from plant cell walls is the main form of
dietary fibre. Humans cannot digest cellulose.
Saturated fat (animal fat) and Cholesterol deposit in arteries and can cause coronary heart
disease (heart attack)
Excess energy in the diet can lead to the deposition of adipose tissue (fat cells) and make a
person obese. This causes high blood pressure/strokes/diabetes.
Starvation (too little energy) causes death. Malnutrition (an unbalanced diet) can lead to
deficiency diseases. Kwashiorkor caused by a lack of protein leads to underweight children.
Food Additives
A food additive is something that is added to a food for reasons other than nutrition. The table lists
the main types of additive. In Europe each additive has an E number.
Food production is unequally distributed around the planet. Famines occur when there is a shortage
of food. Famines are caused by:
Growing crops and animals on farms is the main way in which food is supplied. Modern intensive
agriculture relies on:
Machinery that allow farmers to prepare the land and spray the chemicals.
Chemical fertilizer, nitrates /phospates/potassium (NPK) and urea that help plants grow
Pesticides, Chemicals that kill pests that eat or destroy plants or animals
Herbicides, Chemicals that kill weed plants that compete with the crop and lower yields
Selective breeding, Plants and animals with desirable properties rice with high yields/ cows
with high volumes of milk production
The leaf is supported by the stem and the petiole (d) their job is to hold the leaf in a position that
maximizes the adsorption of light energy. The leaf is flat to give it a large surface area and light
weight. The central midrib (c) and lateral veins (b) show how water moves through the leaves. (a) is
the lamina or flat body of the leaf.
Structure Function
Waxy cuticle Prevents water loss (evaporation)
Upper epidermis Makes and secretes the waxy cuticle
Palisade layer (Palisade Mesophyll) Traps light energy in chloroplasts
Spongy Mesophyll (round shape leaves room for CO2) diffusion Traps light energy in chloroplast
Lower epidermis (Also has guard cells which make the stoma (ta) Makes and secretes the waxy cuticle
Xylem vessels Water transport to leaf
Phloem vessel Sucrose transport from leaf
There must be holes in the leaf (stomata) and air spaces in the middle of the leaf to allow gases
to diffuse in and out of the cell.
The glucose that is made in photosynthesis is transported to other parts of the plant as sucrose. It
is then broken down in respiration to release chemical energy (which is used to make new
cells/chemicals). Sugar may also be stored as starch in fruits or tubers (potato). Plants need inorganic
ions like nitrates (NO3) and minerals like magnesium (Mg) to make organic molecules. Nitrogen makes
proteins and magnesium makes chlorophyll. Like animals, plants can have deficiency diseases. No
nitrate means no protein which means slow growth and small plants. No magnesium means no
chlorophyll which means yellow leaves.
The chloroplast has double membrane. The chlorophyll is in membranes that are in stacks. Large
stores of starch can be seen as starch grains. These starch grains can be detected using the starch
test (iodine in solution will turn from red/brown to blue black). For this colour change to be seen,
the waxy cuticle is first removed by boiling the leaf in water (also ruptures the cell membrane and
chloroplast membrane). Then the chlorophyll is removed by boiling the leaf in ethanol, this
decolourises the leaf. Starch is insoluble in ethanol and water. If starch is present there is a positive
Limiting factors
Photosynthesis needs: light, water, carbon dioxide (heat). A limiting factor is the chemical or
condition which is in short supply and because of this the rate of the reaction (photosynthesis) is
Unit 8 Transport in animals (blood and lymph)
Plasma is the liquid part of the blood and is water with dissolved glucose, amino acids, salts,
hormones and enzymes in solution.
Source Destination
water Absorbed in small intestine/colon All cells
plasma protein Fibrinogen made in liver Remain in blood (fibrinogen for
Antibodies made by lymphocytes clotting. Antibodies kill
lipids Cholesterol and fatty acids absorbed in ileum Liver for respiration. Adipose
tissue (fat cells) for storage
carbohydrates Absorbed in ileum (glycogen breakdown in All cells for respiration
excretory Urea produced by deamination of amino Kidneys for excretion
waste acids
mineral ions Na+, K+ , Cl- absorbed in ileum/colon All cells. Excess to
hormones Excreted by endocrine glands Target cells
Dissolved gases CO2 produced by cell respiration Lungs for excretion
Unit 9 Transport in animals (Functions of the blood)
Capillaries leak plasma. This is called tissue fluid. White blood cells can also leave the blood and
move into the tissues. Tissue fluid brings oxygen, nutrients and soluble proteins to the cells. The
tissue fluid does not drain back into the blood vessels and into lymphatic capillaries. These small
vessels join with bigger vessels that for the lymphatic system. The lymph vessels carry lymph to the
subclavian vein.
Unit 9 Transport in animals (blood vessels)
Narrow (very small lumen)
Close to every cell to allow rapid diffusion of O2 H2O and
glucose to the cells
The circulatory system is made up of
blood, blood vessels and the heart (a
muscular pump/ cardiac muscle is
myogenic and contracts by itself without
fatigue). Humans have a double
circulation in which deoxygenated and
oxygenated blood are separated. This is
achieved by splitting the heart with the
septum (each septum has two chambers
(atria and ventricles).
The coronary
artery supplies the
heart with O2 and
glucose. CAD
coronary heart
disease causes a
heart attack or
cardiac arrest. This
happens when the
flow of blood stops
(atheroma). CAD is
caused by:
Smoking nicotine
damages the blood
Diet saturated fat
and cholesterol get
deposited in the
artery and block it.
Obesity and high
blood pressure and
Satins are drugs
that reduce
cholesterol and
reduce the risk of
Cardiac Cycle: Diastole: all the muscles relax and blood flows into the heart. The semilunar valves
close preventing blood entering the ventricles. The atrioventricular valves open. The muscles of the
atria relax allowing blood to flow in from the veins. Atrial systole Atria contract and fill the
ventricles. Ventricular systole the muscles of the atria relax and the ventricles contract.
Unit 10 Transport in plant
Transpiration: Evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells followed by loss of
water vapour from plant leaves, through the stomata.
Translocation: The movement of sucrose and amino acids from source to sink in phloem:
Leaf Structure:
Cuticle: thick/waxy layer on epidermis. Prevents water loss if thick.
Vascular bundle: contains xylem (water/mineral transport) and phloem (sugar transport).
Xylem: Dead, big hollow cells – thick, lignified, cell wall for support.
Phloem: Smaller live cells, transport sugar from source to sink. No nucleus, but companion cell has
Stomata: Water evaporates out of stomata. Opened and closed by guard cells. CO2 diffuses in
through stomata.
Pathway of water from soil to air: Root hair cell, root cortex, xylem, mesophyll cell (in leaf).
Phloem Xylem
Causes of wilting:
Not enough water is absorbed in root hair cells, often due to high solute concentration in soil, and
turgor pressure is lost in xylem cells.
Root hair cell: large surface area, water absorbed by osmosis, mineral ions absorbed by active
transport up their concentration gradient (uses energy).
Finally….. can you annotate this picture and explain what is happening using the terms:
photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, translocation, osmosis, active transport, xylem,
phloem, source and sink?
Unit 11 Respiration and gas exchange
Respiration: The chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release
energy (ATP).
Aerobic respiration: as the release of a relatively large amount of energy in cells by the
breakdown of food substances in the presence of oxygen.
Anaerobic respiration: The release of a relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown of
food substances in the absence of oxygen.
Equations (word equations and chemical formulas/symbols)
Aerobic respiration: Glucose plus oxygen combine to form water and carbon dioxide.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
Anaerobic respiration:
Muscle cells: glucose → lactic acid. C6H12O6 → 2C3H6O3
Yeast cells: glucose → alcohol + carbon dioxide. C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Role of yeast in bread and beer making
Yeast, in the absence of oxygen makes alcohol by digesting the carbohydrates in grains.
Anaerobic respiration in muscles.
When not enough oxygen is available muscles produce lactic acid and a smaller amount of
ATP/energy. After exercise, the lactic acid if transported to the liver where it is combined with
oxygen to produce glucose.
Unit 12 Excretion
Excretion: the removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism
(chemical reactions in cells including respiration) and substances in excess of requirements. ----You
need to understand how carbon dioxide, urea and salts are excreted.
-Urea is formed in the liver from excess amino acids (deamination: the removed of the nitrogen
from amino acids to form urea).
-Carbon dioxide is produced from respiration.
Function of kidney:
Removes urea and excess (extra) salts and water. If a person needs conserve water or salts, less is
excreted. If a person eats too much salt or drinks too much water, less is reabsorbed in the tubule of
the nephron.
All glucose is reabsorbed (by active transport – up concentration gradient).
Renal capsule: Allows water, glucose, urea, and salts to pass into the tubule. Bigger molecules and
cells cannot pass through.
Tubule: Reabsorbs all glucose (active transport-up
concentration gradient), most water (osmosis), and
some salts (diffusion and active transport). Result:
urea is concentrated in the ureter.
Unit 13 Coordination and response (the nervous system)
CNS (Central Nervous System) brain and spinal cord Processes nervous impulses
and co-ordinates the bodies
PNS (Peripheral Nervous sensory, relay and motor Connect the CNS to the
System) neurones sense organs and effectors
(muscles and glands
Specialist sense organs eye, ear, skin, tongue and nose Detect changes in the
Nerves connect the sense organs to the CNS. Nerves are large bundles of neurones.
A neurone is a single nerve cell.
An impulse is an electrical signal that moves along the neurone.
Neurones do not touch one another. There is a small gap, this gap is called a synapse.
At the gap a chemical messenger is secreted this is called a neurotransmitter. The
neurotransmitter diffuses across the gap and when it binds to the membrane of the next neurone it
causes a new impulse to start moving along the neurone.
A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. They often protect the body. eg blinking.
Reflexes are involuntary which means that the body responds without conscious thought (the brain is
not involved). Voluntary actions involve the brain and only happen when you think about it.
The pathway along which impulses travel in a reflex is called a reflex arc. It involves the stimulus
receptor sensory neurone relay neurone in spinal cord motor neurone effector
The Eye
Cornea and lens are transparent and let
light pass through. Both also focus the
light so that it falls on the retina. Retina
is the location of the receptor cells the
rods (black /white) and the cones
(colour). The pupil is a hole that lets the
light in (no pigment unlike the iris). Iris
(pigmented and opaque) dilates in low
light. The iris controls the amount of light
entering the eye. Optic nerve (bundle
of sensory neurones that carry impulses
to the brain) Ciliary muscles (change
the shape and thickness of the lens.
Refract light on to the retina). Remember
the lens is elastic when it is not be in
stretched by the pull of the ciliary
muscles it is short, curved and thick.
Fovea a concentration of cone cells.
Unit 14 Coordination and response (Endocrine glands)
BST (bovine somatotrophin) is a hormone that is injected into cattle to increase milk production. BST
is a natural hormone in cows but more is injected.
Advantages Disadvantages
Milk production is increased BST will enter the food chain in milk and cheese
You need fewer cows to get the same amount of Cows that produce large amounts of milk may
milk feel discomfort and are more prone to udder
*For IGCSE you do not need to know the location or function of the pineal, parathyroid or
thymus glands.
Remember that while the hormones in the plasma circulate to every cell and organ in the body, they
only have their effect on specific target organs. These target organs have receptor sites that are
complimentary to the shape of the hormone (similar to the relationship with an enzyme and its
substrate). The hormone binds to the receptor site to have its effect. No receptor site no binding no
Unit 15 Homeostasis
Homeostasis: the maintenance of a constant internal environment. It is achieved using negative
Temperature regulation:
Unit 16 Coordination and response in plants
Gravitropism: When a plant grows towards or away from gravity.
Phototropism: When a plant grows towards or away from light.
Both of these tropisms are examples of living things responding to stimuli from their
environment. Light and gravity are both environmental stimuli.
Growth: A permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell
size or both.
Development: An increase in complexity.
Auxins are mostly made in the tips of the shoots and roots, and can diffuse to other parts
of the shoots or roots. It collects in the shady side of the shoot, making the side grow faster
so the shoot bends towards the light. Auxins are used as selective weed killers.
A seed needs oxygen, the right temperature, water and energy to begin growing.
Respiration supplies the energy needed for growth, requires oxygen, and is also an enzyme
catalyzed reaction. Because it is an enzyme catalyzed reaction, it also requires an appropriate
temperature for enzymes to operate at. Furthermore, because respiration is a metabolic
reaction, it requires a medium, which is water. If there is too much water, for example if it
flood, oxygen will not reach the seed and germination will not occur.
Unit 17 Drug
A drug is defined as ‘any substance taken into the body that changes or affects the chemical
reactions in the body’.
Drugs are either legal or illegal. Drugs that are used to cure illness and disease are called medicines.
One of the most famous drugs is penicillin. Penicillin is made by the fungus Penicillium. It is an
antibiotic (stops life). Penicillin works against bacteria (but not viruses). It prevents them from
multiplying by stopping them making a cell wall (during mitosis).
Opium is a mixture of chemicals extracted from poppies. It is used to make the legal drugs morphine
and codeine which are very strong pain killers. Opium is also used to make the illegal drug heroin.
Heroin is a depressant. A depressant works on the brain and can temporarily make us feel happy
(euphoric). It also makes us lose our inhibitions (the feelings that help regulate our actions) this can
lead to doing dangerous things. Heroin is addictive this means that the person will want to take it
again and again. If they do not get the drug they will feel ill and crave the drug. Once addicted it take
great will power to go through the process of withdrawal. People using heroin are at greater risk of
contracting HIV because the needs used for injecting heroin are sometimes shared without being
Alcohols is a legal drug. It is a depressant. People enjoy the feeling of relaxation and the loss of
inhibitions. Alcohol is toxic but drinking small amounts will not cause serious health problems.
Alcohol slows down a person’s reaction time (that is why you are not allowed in many countries to
drink and drive). Alcohol makes people aggressive (to argue and fight). Drinking large amounts of
alcohol will damage the liver (cirrhosis) and the brain.
Smoking tobacco means that a person is breathing in a number of harmful chemicals. Nicotine is
an addictive, stimulant (this makes people feel more alert, it also stops you feeling hungry). Nicotine
narrows the blood vessels and raises blood pressure (hypertension). Smokers have a much greater
risk of developing heart diseases. Tar is a carcinogenic chemical (cancer causing chemical). Tar makes
cells divide and divide to form cells that have no function. This lump of cells is called a tumour.
Carbon monoxide is a very poisonous gas found in cigarette smoke. It reduces the bloods ability to
carry oxygen by binding to haemoglobin. It can pass from a mother to the foetus (baby) and reduce
the growth of the baby. Smoke particles. The particles cause a disease called emphysema.
Unit 18 Pathogens and immunity
A pathogen is an organism that causes disease. Pathogens include bacteria and viruses.
Organisms which harbour these pathogens are referred to as hosts. Pathogens can be spread
from host to host through contact with an infected organism, or through other mediums such
as food, water, waste and bodily fluids, and are thus called transmissible diseases. It is
therefore important to make sure that food is prepared hygienically, waste and sewage are
treated, and good personal hygiene is maintained to prevent the spread of disease.
Defenses against infection:
The body’s first line of defense attempts to prevent pathogens from entering the body, and
● Mechanical barriers - this includes hairs in the nose and skin.
● Chemical barriers - includes mucus, stomach acid and tears.
Once the pathogen has infected the body, an immune response occurs to kill it. This involves
phagocytosis and antibody production.
Antibodies and antigens:
Pathogens can be detected by white blood cells and are destroyed in an immune response. Each
pathogen has a specific antigen protein on the cell membrane. In the immune response,
lymphocytes produce specific antibodies, which bind to the antigens to produce an antibody-
antigen complex. As each type of pathogen has different antigens, a specific antibody which is
complementary to this antigen must be made for each disease. Once the antibody binds to the
antigens, the pathogens clump together making them harmless. They can then either be killed
directly or marked for destruction by phagocytes.
Autoimmune diseases: Some diseases can be caused by an immune response on healthy
body cells, where they are targeted and destroyed by the immune system. An example of this
is type 1 diabetes, where the body targets cells in the pancreas, thus insulin can no longer be
Active immunity: Active immunity can be gained after an infection, or through vaccination.
Infection: After the pathogen has been killed, some of the lymphocytes remain as memory
cells. This means that if the same pathogen ever enters the body again, the lymphocyte would
recognize the antigens and be able to produce new antibodies more quickly than the first time.
Memory cells stay in the body for years, thus giving long-term immunity.
1. A dead or attenuated version of a pathogen is given to the patient
2. The antigens evoke an immune response, in which antibodies are produced
3. Memory cells are produced which stay in the body, giving long-term immunity
Vaccination can be used to control the spread of disease by providing herd immunity. This
is where a large amount of the population is vaccinated and are thus immune to the pathogen,
so the disease cannot spread as there are only a few people left who can still become infected.
The few that cannot be vaccinated, for example due to medical reasons, are therefore protected
against the disease.
Passive immunity: Passive immunity is a short-term defense against a pathogen and can be
gained through acquiring antibodies from another individual. One example of passive
immunity is antibodies being passed to a baby through the mother’s milk, thus it is important
for babies to be breastfed to reduce the risk of diseases. It can also be gained through injections
of antibodies from a donor. Passive immunity is short-term as memory cells are not produced.
Unit 19 Reproduction (asexual and sexual reproduction)
Asexual reproduction is a process which results in the production of genetically identical offspring,
known as clones. This only requires one parent, unlike sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction
occurs predominantly in plants, although some animals such as starfish also reproduce in this way.
Advantages of asexual reproduction:
● Only one parent is required - this is helpful for organisms which live in desolate environments where
finding a mate is difficult.
● Can reproduce quickly - large quantities of offspring can be produced quickly to rapidly populate an
area. This helps to dominate a habitat and prevent competition from other species.
● It takes less energy to reproduce asexually.
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
● Lack of diversity - all offspring are genetically identical.
● Prone to extinction - as each organism produced is genetically identical, a disease which harms one
will be dangerous to all of them, thus it is easy for the whole population to be destroyed by one
● Cannot adapt - organisms are adapted to one environment and cannot adapt to changes. If the
environment changes, e.g. the temperature rises, they are likely to be killed.
● Overpopulation - too many offspring may be produced, which causes overcrowding in a habitat.
Sexual reproduction requires two parents. The nuclei of two gametes, one from each parent, fuse
together to form a zygote. Each offspring is genetically different. The process of the gametes fusing
is called fertilisation.
Most cells in the body are diploid cells, meaning that they have a full set of chromosomes, whereas
haploid cells (egg and sperm cells) only have half as many chromosomes. This means that when two
haploid gametes fuse during fertilisation, a complete set of chromosomes is produced - half from the
mother and half from the father. The nucleus of a zygote is therefore diploid as it has a complete set
of chromosomes.
Advantages of sexual reproduction:
● Wide diversity - each offspring is genetically unique.
● Promotes survival - each organism is unique so disease cannot spread as easily.
● Organisms can adapt - as each offspring is born with different genes, those with a genetic advantage
are more likely to survive and pass their positive traits on to their offspring, whilst those with a genetic
disadvantage are more likely to die without producing offspring. This allows the species to evolve
through natural selection.
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:
● Two parents are required - it may be difficult for some species to find mates, especially when there
is an imbalance of males and females in an area or if the species is endangered.
● Fewer offspring produced - it takes longer and requires more energy to produce offspring, therefore
it is less efficient than asexual reproduction.
Unit 20 Reproduction (sexual reproduction in plants)
Sexual reproduction in plants takes place in the flowers using pollen. Cross-pollination occurs
when grains of pollen are transferred from the anthers of one plant to the stigma of another plant of
the same species. Some flowers can produce male and female gametes, and thus can self-pollinate
by transferring pollen from their anther to their stigma. This is considered as sexual reproduction as
there is still a male and female gamete.
Cross-pollination vs self-pollination:
● Cross-pollination results in more genetic diversity in a species, thus the species can adapt and is
more resilient to diseases.
● Self-pollination uses less energy as the plant does not need to expend energy in attracting
pollinating insects.
● Self-pollinating plants can spread to areas where the species does not currently exist as other
pollinators are not required. Cross-pollinating plants, however, are reliant on pollinators.
● Cross-pollination can only occur when the flowers are open.
1. Pollen grains land on a plant stigma.
2. If the pollen is of the same species, a pollen tube begins to grow.
3. The pollen moves down the pollen tube to the ovule.
4. Fertilisation occurs when the nucleus from the pollen cell fuses with a nucleus in an ovule. This
produces a zygote.
5. The zygote develops into an embryo plant.
Unit 21 Human Reproduction
Male Reproductive Structures: The male reproductive system also involves the
excretory system starting with the ureter which transports urine, the bladder which stores
urine, and the urethra which transports urine out of the body. The sperm are made by meiosis
in the testes, then transported through the sperm duct to the urethra where liquid is added
by the prostate gland.
Fertilization is where the male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (egg) fuse together (in
oviduct). After fertilization, a zygote is formed (1 cell) which divides by mitosis to form an
embryo which implants in the endometrium (implantation). The endometrium is thick,
spongy and well supplied with blood vessels for the embryo to attach to, and grows to form
the placenta.
Development of the foetus: Key structures:
● Umbilical cord - allows the exchange of substances between the foetus and the mother through the
● Placenta - Connects to the foetus end of the umbilical cord and allows exchange of substances. It
also produces hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone.
● Amniotic sac - Surrounds the foetus and produces amniotic fluid.
● Amniotic fluid - protects the foetus.
The Placenta: Oxygen, glucose, and amino acids dissolve from the maternal blood pool
across the placenta into the fetus’ capillaries, through the umbilical cord to the fetus. Carbon
dioxide, urea, and other metabolic wastes diffuse across the placenta from the fetus to the
maternal blood pools.
Ante-natal care:
Breastfeeding vs bottle-feeding:
● Breastfeeding allows antibodies to be passed from the mother to the child, providing immunity.
● Breastfeeding contains all the essential nutrients for the baby. Some nutrients in bottled milk may
be harder for the baby to digest. There is also no risk of an allergic reaction to breastmilk.
● Breastfeeding may be painful for the mother.
● Breastfeeding can only occur when the mother is present.
Unit 22 Sex hormones in humans
Two hormones are key to the development of secondary sexual characteristics during puberty and
the subsequent regulation of these characteristics:
Testosterone: Causes the development of facial and pubic, increased muscle mass and
sperm production.
Oestrogen: Causes the increase in width of pelvic girdle, growth of pubic hair, breast
development and enlargement, and stimulates ovulation.
Menstrual cycle: The menstrual cycle happens approximately every 28 days. During each cycle, an
egg cell is released from the ovaries. The uterus wall thickens by filling with blood capillaries in
preparation for a pregnancy, which would occur if the egg is fertilised. If this egg is not fertilised, the
egg dies and menstruation occurs, where the dead egg cell and old uterus lining is expelled from the
body in a period.
Birth control in humans There are many methods to prevent pregnancy if children are not wanted,
● Natural birth control methods - these methods use the knowledge of the menstrual cycle to avoid
pregnancy. This is done by monitoring body temperature and cervical mucus to predict when
ovulation is occurring and avoiding sexual intercourse in this period. As cycles can be irregular and
difficult to accurately predict, this method is not always reliable. Another natural method is to abstain
from sexual intercourse.
● Chemical methods - chemical methods include the contraceptive pill, implant and injection, as well
as IUD and IUS. These contain hormones which stop pregnancy. The contraceptive pill contains the
hormones progesterone and oestrogen, which prevents ovulation.
● Barrier methods - this includes the condom, femidom and diaphragm. These are used to act as a
physical barrier and prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Condoms also have the advantage of
preventing the spread of STIs.
● Surgical methods - these procedures prevent the release of sperm and egg cells. A vasectomy
involves the sperm ducts being tied or cut, preventing sperm from exiting the testes. In women, the
oviducts can be tied or cut to prevent the release of egg cells from the ovaries.
Fertility treatments: On the other hand, there are also people who have difficulty becoming
pregnant. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) and artificial insemination (AI) are two fertility treatments which
can solve this:
● IVF - If fertilisation cannot occur due to the sperm count or quality being too low, the egg cell can
be fertilised outside of the body and then be implanted back into the uterus.
● AI - sperm is directly inserted into the uterus. This sperm can be from the partner, or from a sperm
bank if their sperm is not of a high enough quality.
Social implications of contraception and fertility treatments: Some people believe that
fertility treatments, such as IVF, and genetic screening of embryos may lead to ‘designer babies’,
where parents will discard eggs which do not have desired characteristics, for example a certain hair
colour or gender. In addition, they may avoid having a child with an inherited disease. Some religious
groups do not agree with artificial methods of contraception. This is because they believe that they
are preventing a life that otherwise would have been created, which goes against their beliefs.
Fertility treatments are also contentious as during IVF, multiple eggs are taken and fertilised at once,
leading to spare embryos which are afterwards frozen and stored or destroyed.
Sexually transmitted infections known as STIs, are infections that are transmitted via bodily
fluids during sexual intercourse or contact. The spread of STIs can be controlled by abstaining from
sexual contact, avoiding risky sexual practices and always using protection such as condoms.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an example of an STI. HIV is present in the bodily fluids
of infected people, such as blood and semen, and can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. In the
blood, HIV attaches to lymphocytes (white blood cells) and enters the cell. Here, it uses the
cell to replicate itself and thus the cell cannot carry out its normal functions. Consequently, HIV
reduces the number of functioning lymphocytes, as well as reducing the body’s ability to produce
antibodies to fight off infection. HIV leads to AIDS, which makes the person extremely susceptible to
other pathogens as the white blood cells can no longer fight off disease, which can be fatal.
Unit 23 Inheritance
● Inheritance - the transmission of genetic information from parents to offspring.
● Chromosome - a thread-like structure of DNA that carries genetic information in the form of
● Gene - a length of DNA that codes for a particular protein.
● Allele - one of a number of different versions of a gene.
● Genotype - the genetic makeup of an organism, consisting of all the alleles present.
● Phenotype - the observable features of an organism as a result of the expression of particular
alleles of the gene.
● Homozygous - an organism containing two identical alleles of a particular gene.
● Heterozygous - an organism containing two different alleles of a particular gene.
● Diploid nucleus - nuclei which contain a full set of chromosomes (23 pairs).
● Haploid nucleus - nuclei which only contain half the number of chromosomes. These cells are egg
and sperm cells, which fuse during fertilization to produce a diploid cell.
Sex determination: The genotype of males is XY and the genotype of females is XX. 100% of
the time females produce gametes containing 1 X chromosome. 50% of the
time males produce gametes containing a Y chromosome, and 50% of the time
males produce gametes containing an X chromosome.
Do this: circle the games on the punnet squares to the right!
Sex-linked characteristics: Some genes are located on the sex chromosomes. A characteristic
which comes from one of these genes is referred to as a sex-linked characteristic. A result of this is
that some traits are more common to one gender, for example any gene located on the Y chromosome
can only be present in males as females do not have this chromosome. An example of a sex-linked
characteristic is colour blindness, which is a recessive characteristic found on the X chromosome.
Mitosis: is a form of cell division. During mitosis, nuclear division of a parent cell occurs, producing
two genetically identical daughter cells. Mitosis is used to create new cells in the body to repair and
replace old and damaged tissues, as well as allowing growth of the organism and playing a role in
asexual reproduction.
Mitosis involves the splitting of chromosomes into their two halves, each of which are known as a
1. Before replication can occur, the chromatids in the parent cell must replicate to produce identical
copies of themselves which pair as chromosomes.
2. The chromosomes line-up along the nucleus.
3. The chromosomes separate so that each identical chromatid is pulled to opposite poles of the cell.
4. The cell membrane constricts in the middle and the nucleus is separated as the cell splits into two
new daughter cells. Each of these cells will contain a set of chromatids.
Meiosis: Produces gametes (sperm and eggs in humans). Also called sex cells, and all of them are
haploid (half the number of genes/chromosomes). Meiosis produces a large variety of sex cells
because of independent assortment and crossing over.
Independent assortment: inheriting one maternal chromosome does not affect whether or
not another maternal chromosome is inherited (the same is true for paternal chromosomes).
Crossing over: genes are exchanged between homologous chromosomes. This creates
chromosomes with new combinations of alleles (not genes). The diagram below shows a
homologous pair (after DNA replication) where there are two types of chromosome; one has
two dominant alleles and the other has two recessive alleles. After crossing over has occurred,
there are four types of chromosome; 1 has two dominant alleles, 1 has two recessive alleles, one
has a dominant A and a recessive b, and 1 has a dominant B and a recessive a. Look carefully at
the TWO diagrams showing how the two genes can be inherited.
mutation: a change in a gene or chromosome.
natural selection: the greater chance of passing on of genes by the best adapted organisms.
Variation: Means differences. Differences that help
an organism survive in an environment are called
adaptations. Organisms compete for limited resources
such as food and space. Organisms most adapted to
their environment survive, reproduce, and pass on
their genes to their offspring.
Note: mutations are the source of all new
Artificial Selection: Animals and plants are selected that have favorable traits, such as more
meat on a cow, or larger more beautiful flowers. Organisms with these favorable traits are bred and
their offspring inherit these traits. Over time, a species may change significantly. Obvious examples
included domesticated animals such as dogs, and crops species such as corn.
Discontinuous Variation: The result of genes alone, and results in a limited number of
phenotypes with no intermediates. Blood groups are a good example. Bar graphs are frequently
used for all types of data that is discontinuous.
Adaptive features are inherited functional features that help the organism by increasing its
fitness, which is the ability of the organism to survive and reproduce in its environment.
Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to live in very dry climates, such as cacti. They have a
number of adaptive features that help to increase survival by reducing water loss:
● Fewer stomata - water vapour diffuses out of the plant via the stomata, thus less water is lost if
there are fewer stomata. Stomata are also sunken in pits in the leaf, which allows bubbles of moist
air to be trapped around them. This lowers the water potential gradient, so less water is lost from the
● Small, rolled leaves or spines - this reduces the surface area of the leaf and traps moisture to lower
the water potential gradient, reducing water loss.
● Deep roots - this allows plants to absorb water from the soil. Roots are also adapted to absorb lots
of water when it rains for storage, e.g. in monsoon seasons.
● Thick waxy cuticle - this provides a waterproof barrier around the leaf to prevent water loss.
Hydrophytes, in contrast, are plants which are adapted to live in very wet conditions and includes
species such as the water lily and the lotus. These plants are adapted differently to xerophytes as
they do not need to minimize water loss:
● Leaf shape - leaves are usually large and flat to have a large surface area which promotes water
● Stomata - positioned on the top of the leaf where the sun hits. There is also a large number of
stomata, which are usually open to allow water vapour to diffuse out of the leaf.
● Thin/no waxy cuticle - water loss does not need to be restricted by this layer in hydrophytes.
● Small root system - as there is a large amount of water reliably available, root systems can be
shallow, and water can diffuse directly into the stem.
Unit 25 organisms and their environment
● Producer - an organism which converts light energy to chemical energy in order to produce its own
● Consumer - an organism which gets energy from feeding on other animals or plants.
● Food chain - a diagram which shows the order of energy transfer through feeding in an ecosystem.
● Food web - a diagram showing how different food chains interact with each other.
● Trophic level - the trophic level of an organism refers to its position in the food chain, food web,
pyramid of numbers or pyramid of biomass.
● Pyramid of numbers - shows the number of organisms in each trophic level of a food chain.
● Pyramid of biomass - shows the total mass of organisms in each trophic level of a food chain.
● Biomass - the total mass of living material.
● Herbivore - organisms which feed on plants.
● Carnivore - organisms which feed on animals.
● Decomposer - organisms which break down decaying organic material
Solar energy (sunlight) is the main source of energy for organisms. Energy is initially trapped in
the process of photosynthesis, by producers. They use the energy to carry out the 7 characteristics
of life (MRS GREN). Autotrophs are self-feeding (plants). Heterotrophs eat other organisms.
Each organism lives on a trophic level (feeding level). The Producer is on the First trophic level, the
Primary Consumer is the Second trophic level. There are never more than five trophic levels. This is
because energy is lost when one organism consumes another.
● Not all animal and plant material can be digested to gain energy from, e.g. fur and bones.
● Energy is lost through excretion and decay.
● Energy is used in other processes, e.g. movement and keeping warm
This means that organisms later on in the food chain gain less energy from their food than organisms
earlier on, as energy is lost at each level. Consequently, organisms later in the food chain must eat a
larger amount to gain enough energy for survival. For this reason, there are usually not more than
five trophic levels as too much energy would be lost to sustain another. This is also why it is more
efficient for humans to eat plants rather than animals, as there are more stages in the food chain if
animals are present.
A pyramid of numbers can be used to show the number of organisms in each trophic level. This is
similar to a pyramid of biomass, which measures the total biomass of all the organisms at each
level. A pyramid of biomass tends to have a true pyramid shape as biomass is lost in each level which
corresponds to the energy lost. A pyramid of biomass therefore is more useful as it gives an indication
of the amount of energy being passed on at each stage of the food chain.
Human impact on food chains: Humans alter food webs through over-harvesting food species
and introducing foreign species to habitats. Over-harvesting will damage food chains as other
organisms which consume these organisms will not have enough food to survive, meaning that many
of them will die. Introducing foreign species may have the same effect as there is now competition for
resources, which could damage existing species by interfering with the food chain.
The carbon cycle: Carbon is an essential element which makes up the majority of molecules in
living organisms.
The carbon cycle is used to show how carbon atoms move between the atmosphere and living
1. Carbon is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, which makes up about 0.04%
of the air.
2. Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants during photosynthesis. Here, the carbon is transferred from
carbon dioxide to other molecules such as proteins and carbohydrates.
3. These molecules are passed through the food chain when feeding occurs, hence carbon is also
passed between the trophic levels.
4. Carbon is returned to the atmosphere during respiration, which releases carbon dioxide, and during
Carbon can be trapped in dead organisms when decomposition does not occur. These organisms
become fossilised over thousands of years to form fossil fuel. When this fossil fuel is burned, large
amounts of carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. This, along with the effect of
deforestation, leads to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increasing, which causes
global warming.
The nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen is another element which is key to biological lifeforms. Nitrogen is
used to make amino acids, DNA and ATP, which is a molecule that releases energy. Microorganisms
are key to the nitrogen cycle as they help to convert nitrogen to different forms so that it can be used.
1. Nitrogen gas is present in the air. This nitrogen is fixed (converted to useable nitrate ions) by
nitrogen-fixing bacteria which live on the root nodules of some plants, or by lightning.
2. Plants absorb these nitrate ions and use them to make other molecules, such as amino acids and
3. These molecules are passed through the food chain via feeding.
4. Nitrogen is returned to the soil in the form of ammonia when decomposition occurs, or in the form
of urea, which is excreted from organisms after deamination occurs. If this decomposition occurs in
anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) then denitrifying bacteria can break down nitrates and return
nitrogen gas to the atmosphere.
Population size
● Population - A group of organisms of the same species living together in one habitat.
● Community - Populations of many different species living together in one ecosystem make up a
● Ecosystem - A system in a specific area which contains a variety of living organisms which work
together within the environment.
Unit 27 Human influences on ecosystems
Improvements in farming: With the advancement of technology, new methods of farming have
been introduced in order to maximise yield:
● Use of machinery - agricultural machinery can be used in place of people. This is quicker and more
efficient, thus larger amounts of land can be farmed at once.
● Chemical fertilisers - fertilisers increase the amount of nutrients in the soil for plants, meaning that
they can grow larger and produce more fruit, increasing the yield.
● Insecticides and herbicides - these chemicals kill off unwanted insects and weed species.
● Selective breeding - animals and crops which produce a large yield are selectively bred to produce
a large number of organisms with a high yield.
Farmers also grow crops in a monoculture, which means that only one species of crop is grown at
once. This is done to maximise efficiency and simplicity. It does, however, have a negative impact on
the surrounding ecosystems. This is because there is a loss of biodiversity as only one species is grown.
This can harm food chains and reduce the population of some species.
Intensive farming: Animals and crops can both be farmed intensively. With crops, this means
farming in a monoculture using high amounts of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers to maximise
production. Animals are kept in high densities and energy loss is limited by restricting movement and
keeping a constant optimum temperature so that the organisms do not waste energy to
thermoregulate. High amounts of antibiotics are also used to prevent diseases.
Intensive farming is not sustainable, however, and damages the environment: livestock produce large
amounts of methane gas, which is a main contributor to global warming, whilst crops take up huge
amounts of space, meaning that forests and other habitats must be destroyed to make space for
Food shortage: When people do not receive enough food, famine occurs. This can be caused by a
variety of factors, including natural disasters, such as drought and flooding, increasing population,
poverty, and unequal food distribution. As the world human population increases, food production
must also be increased to sustain the population. This is a problem as more land is required to grow
crops and animals, meaning that deforestation is happening at an increasing rate, and there is also an
increasing amount of greenhouse gases emitted from animal production. Greenhouse gases cause
global warming, which is a worldwide issue that leads to increased natural disasters, such as tropical
storms and drought, as well as rising sea levels, which floods homes and decreases the amount of
habitable land.
Habitat destruction Many habitats are destroyed by humans to make space for other economic
activities, or by pollution from these activities. Consequently, the biodiversity of many places is
decreasing. This interrupts food chains and webs and means that more species may die because their
prey is gone.
Main causes of habitat destruction:
● Clearing land for farming and housing
● Natural resource extraction
● Marine pollution
Deforestation: Deforestation involves cutting down large amounts of trees to gather as resources
for manufacturing or to clear space for other economic activities. This has a large amount of
undesirable effects:
● Extinction - habitat destruction can lead to the extinction of species that lived there.
● Soil erosion - without roots to anchor the soil, it is carried away by the wind and heavy rains. This
decreases the fertility of these areas.
● Flooding - forests prevent flash flooding by slowing the time that water takes to reach the ground.
They also allow the water to be absorbed into the soil.
● Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
during photosynthesis. If there are fewer trees, less carbon dioxide is absorbed, thus there is more in
the atmosphere. This increases global warming.
Eutrophication and water pollution: One of the major pollutants to lakes and rivers is chemicals
from fertilisers. When fertilisers are washed off fields into waterways, eutrophication occurs:
1. Fertilisers are washed from fields into the waterways by rain. This brings an excess of nutrients
into the habitat.
2. The nutrients cause plants to grow rapidly, and there is an algae bloom across the surface.
3. Algae covers the surface of the water, preventing sunlight from passing through. This means that
plants cannot photosynthesise to produce energy so they begin to die.
4. As there are less plants to photosynthesise, less oxygen is released into the water. The dead plants
are broken down by decomposers, which use up the remaining oxygen from the water.
5. The lack of oxygen causes organisms such as fish to die, reducing the biodiversity of the habitat.
Another cause of water pollution is female contraceptive hormones. These hormones are excreted
from the body in urine and then make their way into the water supply, as they are not filtered out by
sewage treatment plants. When they reach male aquatic organisms, such as fish and frogs, which are
very sensitive to the hormones, it causes feminisation. This is where male organisms begin to produce
eggs and lose the ability to reproduce. Consequently, a small amount of offspring is produced which
can harm the species survival and also disrupts the food chain for animals that usually feed off these
organisms. In addition, these hormones can reduce the sperm count in men, which causes fertility
Air pollution: The main pollutants of air are methane and carbon dioxide. These are released into
the atmosphere due to farming practices and manufacturing, especially during the burning of fossil
fuels. Air pollution leads to a number of environmental problems: carbon dioxide and methane
contribute to the increasing rate of global warming and climate change, as well as causing acid rain.
Global warming occurs when greenhouse gases rise into the atmosphere and form a layer around the
Earth, preventing heat from the Sun escaping the atmosphere. This means that the climate of Earth
becomes hotter. Acid rain is caused by carbon dioxide dissolving in rain water to form carbonic acid,
and sulphur dioxide dissolving to make sulphuric acid. Acid rain then falls and accumulates in bodies
of water and soils, causing a change in pH which may harm organisms living there. The acid also
corrodes infrastructure and damages tree bark and leaves. To reduce acid rain, sulphur dioxide is
removed from gases before they are released into the atmosphere. Sulphur can also be removed from
fossil fuels before burning, although this process is expensive. Soils and water can be made less acidic
by adding powdered limestone or slaked lime.
It is important to reduce the negative impacts that humans have on the environment to conserve the
biodiversity of ecosystems. This means increasing the sustainability of resources and manufacturing.
Sustainable resources are those which can be taken from the environment without the risk of
them running out, i.e. they can be produced naturally as quickly as they are harvested. Resources such
as coal and oil are not sustainable as fossil fuels are non-renewable. Others, such as wood and fish,
can be harvested sustainably with the help of quotas, education and re-stocking.
Development should also happen sustainably. Sustainable development is defined as development
which meets the needs of people today, as well as providing for an increasing population without
damaging the environment. Development must be managed carefully to maintain sustainability. This
involves cooperation between different players, from local councils and companies, to governments
and NGOs, each of whom may have differing demands. For example, some companies may want to
continue harvesting resources to protect jobs and profits, whereas other people may disagree as it
could damage habitats.
Reducing waste: Unsustainable practices can lead to large amounts of waste. This waste can be
reduced by introducing recycling programmes. Paper, glass, plastic and metals can all be reused and
recycled, which greatly reduces the amount of these materials polluting the environment or in landfills.
It also reduces the demand on sourcing raw materials, which in turn reduces the amount of habitat
Sewage treatment: Water treatment happens in three stages: sedimentation, filtration and
chlorination. In sedimentation, larger solids separate out from the water to form sludge, whilst water
and lighter particles which float on top are drained into another tank. This liquid is then passed
through gravel and sand filters in filtration to remove any particles still left in the water. Finally,
chlorine is added to the water to kill microorganisms such as bacteria which makes the water safe to
● Captive breeding programmes - endangered animals can be bred in captivity where their chance of
survival is greater. They can later be reintroduced to habitats in the wild.
● Seed banks - seeds from endangered plant species can be preserved so that the plants may be grown
in the future.
Conservation is important to prevent the extinction of species and to protect the environment. It is
important to protect these things to improve sustainability and to make sure that there are resources
available in the future.
Biotechnology involves using microorganisms and biological substances to carry out functions in
manufacturing processes:
● Yeast is a microorganism which can respire anaerobically (without oxygen) to release carbon
dioxide. This can be used in bread-making to make dough rise as bubbles of carbon dioxide form.
Ethanol is also released during this reaction, which can be used to make biofuels that are used as an
alternative to fossil fuels.
● Pectinase is an enzyme used in fruit juice production. Pectinase breaks down pectin, which is found
in plant cell walls and is used to hold the cell wall together. Adding pectinase therefore breaks down
these walls to release the contents of the cell, which increases the yield of fruit juice.
● Biological washing powders contain enzymes to break down different molecules. Amylases break
down starch, lipases break down fats and oils, and proteases break down proteins. Enzymes break
these into smaller products that are water soluble, thus can be washed out easily. As enzymes are
denatured at high temperatures and extreme pH, a lower washing temperature is needed, and the
enzymes may not work in acidic or alkaline water.
● The enzyme lactase can be used to make lactose-free milk. When lactase is added to milk, it breaks
down the lactose into glucose and galactose, which can be safely consumed by lactose-intolerant
● Penicillium is a fungus used to produce penicillin, an antibiotic. The fungus is placed in a fermenter
to keep it at the optimum temperature and pH, so the penicillin yield is high. There is also an air inlet
so that aerobic respiration can take place, and all other microorganisms are killed to limit
contamination and competition.
Genetic engineering: When a gene from one species is put into another species. Ex: The gene
which codes for human insulin can be cut out of a human chromosome with a restriction enzyme (a
restriction enzyme is an enzyme the cuts DNA) and then put into a bacteria. Bacteria have one circular
chromosome, and also 1 or more small circular plasmids which are made of DNA. The human insulin
gene can be connected to these plasmids using an enzyme. After this has been done, the bacteria
reproduces, also copying the human insulin gene. Because the bacteria has the human insulin gene,
it makes insulin. This insulin can be given to diabetics who are unable to make their own insulin.
Process of genetic engineering:
1. The gene which codes for the desired protein is isolated and cut with restriction enzymes. The
isolated gene has “sticky ends”.
2. The plasmid from the bacterial cell is cut with the same restriction enzymes. This leaves
complementary sticky ends to the isolated gene.
3. The gene is inserted into the plasmid. The complementary sticky ends are joined using the enzyme
DNA ligase. This forms a recombinant plasmid.
4. This plasmid is inserted into the bacteria, which will then produce this protein as the inserted gene
is expressed.
5. The bacterial cell reproduces, making more cells which produce the protein.
Unit 30 Classification
Classification means putting things into groups based on finding SIMILAR characteristics or features
eg all the animals in the Class Birds have feathers.
Kingdoms then divide into Phyla (phylum), Classes (class), Orders (order), Families (Family), Genera
(genus) and species.
The table above shows the classification of 3 animals (Human, Chimpanzee and Giant Pangolin). Two
are closely related (human and the chimpanzee) they have the same kingdom, phylum, class, order
and family. They have a different Genus and species. Each organism is named by giving its genus and
species. Humans are Homo sapiens (note the genus has a capital letter). This is a two part or binomial
name. Organisms from different species cannot sexually reproduce to have fertile offspring. Lion x
Tiger = Liger (Liger is sterile). Zebra x Donkey =Zonkey (Zonkey is sterile). Sterile = cannot
In this course we are ONLY interested in 4 kingdoms the Animals, Plants, Prokaryote and Fungi. In the
animal kingdom we will look at:
The phylum vertebrates and the classes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
The phylum arthropods and the classes crustaceans, arachnids, insects, myriapods.
Vertebrates are animals with a support running the length of their bodies an example is a backbone
or a spine. Invertebrates have no backbone.
Plant Kingdom
Kingdom Characteristics/Features
Bacteria Unicellular/no nucleus/cell wall/ sometimes chlorophyll
Fungi Mostly multi-cellular/nucleus/cell wall/ feed by decomposing other organisms or as a parasite
Viruses are not considered to be alive as they do not have the 7 characteristics of life (they need a
host to reproduce).They are made of a simple strand of RNA wrapped in a protein coat.