5 - The Bellman Equation
5 - The Bellman Equation
5 - The Bellman Equation
Florian Scheuer
1 Plan
• Prove properties of the Bellman equation
s.t. (1)
y ∈ Γ (x)
• Some terminology:
• Questions:
3 The Bellman Equation as a Fixed-Point Problem
• Define the operator T by
T ( f ) ( x ) = sup F ( x, y) + β f (y)
s.t. y ∈ Γ (x)
ρ ( f , g) = k f − gk = sup | f ( x ) − g ( x )| (3)
1. T ( f ) ( x ) is continuous
– Recall Theorem of the Maximum:
Proposition 1. (Theorem of the Maximum). X ⊆ Rl and Y ⊆ Rm . f : X × Y → R
is continuous. Γ : X → Y is compact-valued and continuous. Then the function
h : X → R defined by
h( x ) = max f ( x, y)
y∈Γ( x )
is continuous; and the correspondence G : X → Y defined by
G ( x ) = {y ∈ Γ( x ) : f ( x, y) = h( x )}
• Now we want to show that T has a unique fixed point. Two steps:
F ( x, y) + β f (y) ≤ F ( x, y) + βg (y)
sup F ( x, y) + β f (y) ≤ sup F ( x, y) + βg (y)
y∈Γ( x ) y∈Γ( x )
T ( f ) (y) ≤ T ( g) (y)
T ( f + a) ( x ) = sup F ( x, y) + β [ f (y) + a]
y∈Γ( x )
= T ( f ) ( x ) + βa
2. Contraction Mapping Theorem
ρ ( TV, V ) ≤ ρ ( TV, T n V0 ) + ρ ( T n V0 , V ) ∀n
n −1
≤ βρ V, T V0 + ρ ( T n V0 , V ) ∀n
but both of these terms go to zero as n → ∞ which implies that ρ ( TV, V ) = 0. Finally,
we need to show that there is no other fixed point. Suppose there is another fixed point V 0 .
ρ V, V 0 = ρ TV, TV 0 ≤ βρ V, V 0
(the first step is because they are both fixed points). This implies ρ (V, V 0 ) = 0.
ρ ( T n V0 , V ) = ρ TT n−1 V0 , TV ≤ βρ T n−1 V0 , V
≤ ...
≤ βn ρ(V0 , V )
• The only missing step is to show that (S, ρ) defined by (2) and (3) indeed constitutes a
complete metric space. (SLP Thm 3.1). Notice that if we used
ρ ( f , g) = | f ( x ) − g ( x )| dx
then (S, ρ) would NOT be a complete metric space. (SLP exercise 3.6.a.).
Proposition 4. (SLP 4.6) If Assumptions 1 and 2 hold, then T has a unique fixed point in S, i.e.
there is a unique continuous bounded function that solves (1).
Proof. From Contraction Mapping Theorem, knowing that Blackwell’s sufficient conditions
are met.
Proposition 6. If Assumptions 1 and 2 hold, then V is the value function of the sequence problem.
4 Proving Properties of V
Basic structure of these results: proving that the fixed point belongs to some subset of S0 ⊂ S,
i.e. the set of functions that meet certain criteria.
Proposition 7. If (S, ρ) is a complete metric space and S0 is a closed subset of S, then S0 is a complete
metric space
Proposition 8. (SLP Corollary 1, page 52). Let (S, ρ) be a complete metric space and T : S → S be
a contraction mapping with fixed point V ∈ S.
• Example:
• Note: we require the subset S0 to be closed but not the sub-subset S00
• In our example:
1. If T maps increasing functions into increasing functions, then the fixed point must
be an increasing function
2. If T maps increasing functions into strictly increasing functions, then the fixed
point must be a strictly increasing function
– What the result does not say is that if T maps strictly increasing functions into
strictly increasing functions, then the fixed point must be a strictly increasing
function (because the set of strictly increasing functions is not closed)
4.1 V increasing
Assumption 3. (Assumption 4.5 in SLP) F ( x, y) is strictly increasing in x.
Assumption 4. (Assumption 4.6 in SLP) x ≤ x 0 implies Γ( x ) ⊆ Γ( x 0 )
Proposition 9. (SLP 4.7). Suppose Assumptions (1)-(4) hold. Then V is strictly increasing.
T ( f ) ( x ) = max F ( x, y) + β f (y)
y∈Γ( x )
≤ max F ( x, y) + β f (y)
y∈Γ( x 0 )
= T ( f ) x0
This implies that T maps any continuous bounded function into a strictly increasing func-
tion. Proposition 8 gives the result.
4.2 V concave
Assumption 5. (Assumption 4.7 in SLP) F ( x, y) is strictly concave.
Proposition 10. (SLP 4.8) Suppose Assumptions (1), (2), (5) and (6) hold. Then V is strictly
concave and G is continuous and single-valued.
Proof. We want to show that T maps concave functions into strictly concave functions. Strict
concavity of V follows by Proposition 8.
• Then:
T ( f ) ( xθ ) ≥ F ( xθ , yθ ) + β f (yθ )
(Γ convex makes xθ , yθ feasible)
> [θF ( x0 , y0 ) + (1 − θ ) F ( x1 , y1 )] + β [θ f (y0 ) + (1 − θ ) f (y1 )]
( f concave and F strictly concave)
= θ [ F ( x0 , y0 ) + β f (y0 )] + (1 − θ ) [ F ( x1 , y1 ) + β f (y1 )]
= θT ( f ) ( x0 ) + (1 − θ ) T ( f ) ( x1 )
(by assumption)
Proposition 11. Suppose V : X → R is concave. Let x0 be an interior point and D be a neighbor-
hood around x0 . Suppose exists concave differentiable w : D → R such that:
1. w ( x ) ≤ V ( x )
2. V ( x0 ) = w ( x0 )
3. w is differentiable at x0
Then V is differentiable at x0
p · ( x − x0 ) ≥ V ( x ) − V ( x0 ) ≥ w ( x ) − V ( x0 ) = w ( x ) − w ( x0 )
• The first step is because a subgradient of a concave function is always (by definition)
above the function
Vi ( x0 ) = Fi ( x0 , g ( x0 ))
Proof. Define
w ( x ) = F ( x, g ( x0 )) + βV ( g ( x0 ))
• w is concave, differentiable and satisfies
w ( x ) = F ( x, g ( x0 )) + βV ( g ( x0 ))
⇒ w ( x ) ≤ max F ( x, y) + βV (y)
y∈Γ( x )
= V (x)
w ( x0 ) = V ( x0 )