Module 3 Ass 2.
Module 3 Ass 2.
Module 3 Ass 2.
I. Introduction
Assessment is the process that asks and answers important questions: To what
degree are students learning? Are courses effective? While many of us have long asked
these questions about teaching, the goal of “outcomes-based assessment” is to familiarize
the ways we answer them, in harmony with each program goals.
Outcomes Based-Education
The Meaning of OBE
Deferred outcomes refer to the ability to apply cognitive, psychomotor and affective
skills/competencies in the various aspects of the professional and workplace practice (Navarro,
Examples are success in professional practice or occupation as evidence of skill in career
planning, health and wellness and continuing education. Navarro’s explanation of outcomes is
synonymous with Spady’s.
Spady adds:
This has bacroconceptions of the same things. Years ago, we had outcomes that
were really just little skills. Now, we’ve got complex role performances as culminating
outcomes. From an OBE perspective, it’s not a matter of what students had or what courses
they have taken. It’s a matter of hat they can do when they exit the system.
Biggs and Tang (2007) make use of the term outcomes-based teaching and
learning (OBTL) which in essence is OBE applied in the teaching-learning process. They define
outcomes as learning outcomes which are more specific than institutional outcomes, program
outcomes and course outcomes. In Biggs’ and Tang’s OBTL, outcomes are statements of what
we expect students to demonstrate after they have been taught. These are referred to as
learning outcomes.
Outcomes in Different Levels
Arranged from most broad to most specific, outcomes start with institutional
outcomes followed by program outcomes, course outcomes and learning outcomes.
From the institutional outcomes are drawn the graduate attributes that graduates
of the institution are expected to demonstrate after graduation. Others claim that the graduate
attributes are likewise drawn from the program outcomes.
The program outcomes are outcomes that graduates of the program are expected
to demonstrate at the end of the program.
Course outcomes are the specific outcomes that the teacher is concerned with in
his/her specific lessons.
Institutional Outcomes-Graduate
Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Principles of OBE
1. clarity of focus
2. designing down
3. high expectations
4. expanded opportunities
Clarity of focus simply means that outcomes which students are expected to
demonstrate at the end of the program are clear. Designing down means basing the
details of your instructional design on the outcomes, the focus of instruction. High
expectations are believing that all learners can learn and succeed, but not all in the same
time or in the same way and in the same amount of time but all capable of mastery and
meaningful learning. Some learners may need more time than others. Teachers, therefore,
must provide expanded opportunities for all learners. Most learners can achieve high
standards if they are given appropriate opportunities. OBE is anchored on the premise that
all learners are teachable.
The Parable of the Talents is a frequent reminder that not all learners received
five talents. Others received three and still others one. Take note, however, that everyone
received a talent or more. Other than more time and more opportunity for learners with just
one or three talents, more scaffolding from teacher is necessary.
Constructive Alignment
The supportive learning environment is a learning environment where the intended learning
outcomes, the teaching-learning activities and the assessment tasks are aligned. It is a
learning environment that is highly focused on the attainment of learning outcomes.
Aligned Curriculum Model
(Source: Bigg, J.B. (2003). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: Open University Press)
Understanding by Design
1. Identify
2. Determine
acceptable evidence.
3. Plan learning
experiences and
This UbD is OBE and OBTL in principle and in practice. Identifying desired
results is identifying outcomes, the first step in OBE and OBTL. Determining acceptable
evidence of the realization of outcomes is assessment.
In UbD, it is only when desired results (outcomes) and evidence of the
realization of the proof of the attainment of that outcome that the teacher starts to plan for
instruction. This is to ensure alignment of assessment task and criteria and instructional plan
with learning outcome, the desired result. UbD operates on the same principle that OBE and
OBTL operate on.
The assessment process may not take place yet after you have identified
desired results for understandably you have not yet taught but the evidence of learning through
an assessment task is already identified at this stage. Identifying the evidence of learning tight
after identifying the intended learning outcome has an instructional advantage. Making clear
how the intended learning outcome will be assessed invariably sharpens and focuses
instruction. In fact, if teacher is not able to determine how he/she is going to assess the
achievement of the intended outcome, it means that the intended outcome is not specific and
clear enough that teacher does not even have a clear idea on how he/she is going to assess it.
In basic education, a teacher’s lesson plan actually begins with a lesson
objective/s. However, the evaluation portion is planned and is written last and so very often the
evaluation that teacher writes is far-fetched from his/her lesson objective. “Your evaluation is
not congruent with your objective” – is a common remark of school heads who check lesson
plans and do classroom observations. This implies the need for teachers to work on an
assessment task that is aligned to the lesson objective.
The Instructional Cycle
Learning Outcomes
The instructional cycle above shows that the cycle of instruction begins
with setting clear learning outcomes. These should be made very clear and explicit to the
learners who should make the learning outcomes also their own. Based on the learning
outcome and applying all principles of teaching and educational technology the teacher has
learned, the teacher first finds out how well the learners have attained prerequisite
knowledge and skills, remedies the situation, if necessary, then proceeds to teach for the
attainment of the intended learning outcome. Teacher employs appropriate teaching-
learning activities and instructional materials. While the teaching-learning process is in
progress, teacher checks learner’s progress in relation to the learning outcomes by
engaging himself/herself in formative assessment. If the learners have not attained the
learning outcomes, the teacher will re-teach using other teaching-learning activities. When
every effort has been exerted to help the learners attain the intended learning outcomes,
assessment for scoring and grading (summative assessment) takes place.
Knowing what is expected from the learners by their teachers at the end of
a particular lesson helps them to meet those targets successfully in the same way that
students who are well informed about what behaviors are expected of them in a course or
subject or learning activity have a definite guide during the learning activity and are
therefore perceived to attain success.
It is clear that, that which determine/s the content, the teaching-learning
activities, the instructional materials in the instructional process and assessment is/are the
intended learning outcome/s. Then and only then can we call it Outcomes-Based Teaching
and Learning.
IV. Learning Assessment
(in Google Forms)
V. Enrichment Activity
2. Compare the similarities and differences of UbD and OBE/OBTL. Use a table for
the comparison.
VI. References: