Effects of Stem Cutting Length and Split Application of NPK Fertilizer On Growth and Yield of Waterleaf (Talinum Triangulare JACQ)

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effects of Stem Cutting Length and Split Application

of NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Waterleaf
(Talinum Triangulare JACQ)
Ikeh, A. O. Udoh, E. I.2
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Uyo. P. M. B. 1017 Uyo, Akwa Ibom
Umuagwo, Imo State, Nigeria State Nigeria.

Abstract:- The field experiment was conducted at the I. INTRODUCTION

University of Uyo Teaching and Research Farm (Town
campus) to investigate the effects of stem cutting length Waterleaf (Talinum triangulare Jacq) is a leaf
and split application of NPK fertilizer on growth and vegetable that belongs to the family of Portulaceae (Udoh et
yield of waterleaf in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons. al., 2016). The Waterleaf, like most members of
The experiment was laid he experiment was a 6 x 4 Portulaceae family can regenerate vegetatively stem cuttings
factorial arranged in Randomized Complete Block and sexually by seeds (Jules, 1982; Akpan, 2011).
Design with three replications. The factors under Waterleaf is characterized by waxy leaves which are capable
consideration included factor A (length of stem cutting) of water loss through evapo -transpiration. Waterleaf can
at different levels: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 cm and factor B branch profusely, a physiological adaptation that make it
(split application of NPK fertilizer) including 200kg ha-1 capable to survive spell or extended drought period due to
(once), 100ha-1 (twice) and 50ha-1 (4 times) and the its waxy nature. Waterleaf production is now a very popular
control. The results indicated significant differences (P< and lucrative business in Nigeria due to its significance as
0.05) on the growth and yield parameters assessed. major component of sauce, soup, yam, porridge, especially
Among the stem length treatments, the result showed in southern Nigeria. It has some inherent characteristics
significant increase in growth and yield from 5 cm stem which makes it attractive to small scale farmers, this include
cutting to 7 cm stem cutting. There was not significant its short duration to harvest after planting which is about 20
increase in growth and yield from 7 cm stem cutting to – 30 days (Rice et al., 1986). The demand for waterleaf is
10 cm. The result showed that stem cutting of 10cm had high in Southern Nigeria which including Akwa Ibom,
29% and 36% more number of leaves per plant compare Cross River, Delta, Imo, Abia etc. and it is a major source of
to 5cm stem cutting, but only 1% and 6% when income for farmers (Ndaeyo, et al., 2013). Its high demand
compared to 7 cm stem cutting. The 10 cm stem cutting is attributed to its nutritional value and importance as a
had 1 -45% and 1-42% more number of branches in “softler” when cooking fibrous leaf vegetables such as okazi
both cropping season than other treatments. The 10cm (Gnetum africana)and flute pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis)
cutting also had significant foliar yield of 46% and 50%
more than 5 cm cutting in both cropping seasons. When Recently, as the demand and cultivation of waterleaf
10 cm cutting was compared to 7 cm, the percentage rise, the planting materials become scarce. Most farmers
difference was 2% and 1%, respectively. The now plant waterleaf with different length of stem cutting
application of NPK stimulated vegetative growth and which invariably may results to differences in growth and
yield waterleaf. Split application of 50kg/ha (4 times) foliar yield of waterleaf. Also, the harvesting of waterleaf is
produced 19 – 78% and 21 – 76% more foliar yield than usually every two or three weeks, although some farmers do
the other fertilizer treatments. The study therefore harvest at monthly interval. Adequate fertilizer application
advised farmers to adopt 7cm cutting for vigorous is required for optimum crop establishment, growth and
growth and to avoid wastage of planting material. The regeneration of the foliage vegetables (Ikeh et al., 2017).
split application of 50kg/ha (4 times) was recommended Often time, farmers do apply fertilizer once throughout the
to waterleaf farmers. life span of waterleaf which range between 2 – 3 months.
The high rainfall distribution is Akwa Ibom state which was
Keywords:- Waterleaf, Stem Cutting Length, Fertilizer and estimated to about 2500mm per annum encourages soil
Split Application. erosion and leaching of nutrients. Leaching is one of the
major challenges of fertilizer utilization in many coastal
plain soils of Akwa Ibom state. Split application become
one of the means of minimizing leaching. According to
Shaviv (2001), a lack of synchronization between crop
demands and N demands leads to low N-use efficiency.
Split application may be a solution for this, but the

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
application of slow release fertilizer has been found to be The following growth and yield parameters were
more effective. This fertilizer is composed of highly soluble determined; plant height, number of leaves per plant,
urea pills coated with water insoluble material such as number of branches per plant and total foliar yield in tons
polyfin or sulfur which controls the pattern, rate, and per hectare. All growth and yield parameters obtained were
duration of the N release (Shaviv, 2001). They have the subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant
advantage of saving labor and amount of N as well as means were compared with least significant difference
reducing nitrous oxide emissions into the environment (LSD) at 5% probability level.
(Kondo et al., 2005). Therefore the alternative means of
reducing soil nutrient leaching could be through splitting the III. RESULTS
application of fertilizer doses and apply at different
intervals. The objectives of this study were to assess the Waterleaf height as affected by length of stem cutting
effects of stem cutting length and split application on growth indicated significantly different (P<0.05) in both cropping
and yield of waterleaf in Uyo, southeastern Nigeria. seasons (Table 1). The result showed no significant
difference (P>0.05) when stem cutting length of 7 cm was
II. MATERIALS AND METHOD compared to 8, 9and 10 cm. At 12 weeks after planting
(WAP), the 10cm stem cutting had 0.2 – 49.1% and 2 – 39%
The experiment was conducted at University of Uyo taller plants compared to the other treatments in both
Teaching and Research Farm (Town campus) in Uyo, Akwa cropping seasons.
Ibom State in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons. Uyo is
located in the Southeastern part of Nigeria and is situated The significant differences recorded from increase in
within the humid tropical rainforest zone. The Research stem length from 5cm to 7cm with further increase in
Farm located at the latitude 5◦ 18ꞌ and 5◦28ꞌN and longitude vegetative growth which was not significant difference
7◦ 26ꞌ, and 7◦ 57ꞌ E of equatorial region respectively with (P>0.05) could be due to the longer cuttings might be that
mean altitude of about 38.1m above sea level (Uyo Capital greater part of the cuttings were buried and more points
City Development, 1989). The mean annual rainfall is about were exposed which facilitated early establishment and
2115 mm with a mean monthly relatively humidity of rapid growth and more food reserves (dry matter
79.8%. The mean monthly temperature is about 26.88oC accumulation). This observation agrees with the report of
(Meteorological Garden, 2008). Peleyeju (2017) who reported significant increase in
vegetative growth of sweet potato as source of leafy
The entire experimental site was 96 m x 14 m (1344 vegetable with increase in longer vines of 4 to 6 nodes.
m2). The experimental design was randomized complete
block design (RCBD) in 6 x 4 factorial combinations. The Waterleaf height as influenced by split application of
treatments were six (6) stem cutting lengths (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 NPK fertilizer also varied significantly (P<0.05) in both
cm) and four fertilizer split application; 200kg/ha (once), cropping seasons. The tallest plant at 4 and 8 WAP was
100kg/ha (2 times), 50kg/ha (4 times) and control (zero observed at plots of 200kg/ha while at 12 WAP, application
application). The experimental site was manually cleared of 100kg/ha (twice) and 50kg/ha (4 times) performed better
with cutlass, spades and tilled with Indian hoe to break soil than 200kg/ha (once). Among the fertilizer treatments, the
clods into particles. control (no soil amendment) treatment had the shortest plant
at 4, 8 and 12 WAP. The interaction effect between stem
The soil physic-chemical properties of the cutting and split application of NPK fertilizer were not
experimental site were as followed; soil pH (5.70), Organic significantly different at 4, 8 and 12 WAP, in both cropping
matter (2.10%), total nitrogen (0.08%), available seasons.
phosphorus (87 mg/kg), Ca, Mg and K were 2.75, 1.12 and
1.33 cmol/kg, respectively. The particle size distributions The shortest plant observed from the control treatment
were; 86.70% (sand), 8.22% (Clay) and 5.08% (silt) could be due to low soil nutrients content of the
experimental site before planting. The soil had low organic
The soils were prepared into sunken seedbeds of 4 m x matter, total nitrogen and exchangeable bases. This
2 m size. Planting was done October, 2015 and 2016. The observation agrees with Ndaeyo et al (2013) and Ikeh et al
planting distance used was 10 cm x 5 cm inter and intra row (2015) that low nutrient reserve of most soils in the high
spacing, respectively. The field was irrigated with aid of humid zone of Nigeria limits crop growth and yield.
watering can before planting. The planting method used
was slanting. Watering was done once in every week from 4 The split application of treatments performed better
weeks after planting (WAP) till at 9 weeks after planting from 12 WAP could be that the dose of fertilizer applied
(WAP). Watering can was used for the irrigation. The rate later were better utilized on sustainable bases compared to
of water used weekly was 1500 mm per hectare. Weeding applying the 200kg/ha at once which could have been lost as
was done manually by hand pulling at monthly interval. result of leaching within short period. The observation
Fertilizer (NPK-15:15:15) application started from 2 WAP agrees with Ibia and Udo (2009) report that split application
base on treatment basis. The method of fertilizer application of organic and inorganic fertilizer enhances vegetable
was broadcasting within the sunken seedbeds. growth and yield in high humid ecological zone compared to
sing application.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Number of leaves per plant as influenced by stem number of branches per plant (Table 3), followed by 9 and 8
cutting length showed significant differences (P<0.05) at 4, cm stem cuttings. The least number of branches per plant
8 and 12 WAP, in both cropping seasons (Table 2). The was from 5 cm stem cutting length. The result further
increase in stem cutting length resulted to increase in indicated no significant difference (P<0.05) from7 cm stem
production of higher number of leaves per plant. cutting to 10 cm stem cutting in both cropping seasons. The
Comparing the results, there was no significant difference in stem cutting of 10cm length had 1 – 45% and 1 – 42% more
number of leaves per plant when 7 cm stem cutting was number of branches per plant compared to other stem
compared to 8, 9 and 10 cm stem cutting. The 7 cm stem cutting lengths at 8 and 12 WAP, 2015. In 2016, it also had
cutting had (18.81, 35.41 and 39.71 in 2015) and (13.12, 0.1- 41% and 0.3 – 45% more number of branches than the
34.12 and 37.40 in 2016) at 4, 8 and 12 WAP, respectively other stem cuttings. Comparing the number of branches
while (14.20, 36.81 and 40.11 in 2015) and 14.22, 37.50 and from 7 cm and 10 cm stem cuttings, the 10 cm stem cutting
40.85 in 2016) respectively, was from 10 cm stem cutting. plots had (3% and 1%) and (4% and 5%) more number of
At 12 WAP, 10 cm stem cutting had 29% and 36% more branches at 8 and 12 WAP than 7 cm stem cutting in both
number of leaves per plant compare to 5 cm stem cutting in cropping seasons. The significant number of leaves per plant
2015 and 2016 cropping seasons. The 10 cm stem cutting observed from 5cm stem length to 7cm and no further
had only 1% and 8.6% number of leaves per plant when significant increase from 7 to 10 cm length could be that 7
compared to 7 cm stem cutting. cm was the optimal length in which further increase in
length could not have compensate further increase in
The result showed no significant differences when 7cm vegetative growth and yield. This observation was in
stem cutting was compared to 8, 9 and 10 cm. This consonance with the observation Peleyeju (2017) where no
observation was in consonance with the report of Essilfe, et significant increase in sweet potato growth and yield was
al (2016) in sweet potato propagules. Essilfe, et al (2016) observed between 5 and 6 nodes per stem cutting.
reported no further significant difference in treatment of
longer vines with 6 nodes per cutting when compared with 7 Numbers of branches per plant as influenced by split
nodes per cutting. The longer cuttings may have more application of NPK fertilizer were significantly different at
sprouting points compare to shorter stem cuttings which 4, 8 and 12 WAP in both cropping seasons (Table 3). The
establish relatively slowly and this reflected to the lower result maintains the similar trend as in the number of leaves
number of leaves per plant, number of branches and shorter per plant and plant height. The application of 200kg/ha
plants observed from the shorter stem cuttings. (once) had (20 – 50 % and 7 – 49% in 2015) and (24 – 46%
and 11- 55% in 2016) at 4 and 8 WAP. At 12 WAP, the
Number of leaves per plant as affected by split application of 50kg/ha (4 times) produced 4 – 59% and 5 -
application of NPK fertilizer also varied significantly in 56 % more number of branched per plant compared to the
both cropping seasons (Table 2). At 4 and 8 WAP, the other treatments in both cropping seasons.
application of 200kg/ha (once) produced the highest number
of leaves per plant. This was followed by the application of The higher foliar yield obtained from 50kg/ha (4 times)
100kg/ha (2 times). At 12 WAP, the application of 50kg/ha could be that 4 times periodic application of NPK helps the
(4 times) produced the highest number of leaves per plant. crop to regenerate easily after harvesting and only few
In all the sample weeks, control (no soil amendment) nutrients could have lost through the process of leaching.
treatment produced the least number of leaves per plant This observation agrees with application of nitrogen
(Table 2). At 8 WAP, application of 200kg/ha (once) had 7- fertilizer at intervals helps to stimulate water leaf growth
63% and 7 – 62% more number of leaves per plant and yield.
compared to other treatments in both cropping seasons. At
12 WAP, the application of 50kg/ha (4 times) had 2 – 70% Total foliar yield as affected by stem cutting length
and 1 – 68% higher number of leaves per plant compared to were significantly different (P<0.05) in both cropping
the other treatments. seasons (Table 4). The result showed that 10 cm stem
cutting produced the highest total foliar yield; 29.13 and
The interaction effect between stem cutting and split 30.24 t/ha in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons respectively.
application of NPK fertilizer were not significant difference The stem cutting of 9 cm had 29.12 t/ha and 30.18 t/ha,
in both cropping seasons. respectively. The stem cutting of 7 cm had 28.45 t/ha and
30.09 t/ha, respectively. The least total foliar yield; 14.59
The significant response to fertilizer observed from the t/ha and 16.33 t/ha, respectively was from 5 cm stem
fertilized plots could be due to the low nutrients reserve of cutting.
the experimental site. The increase in the growth and yield
of waterleaf observed from the fertilized plots agrees with The 10 cm stem cutting produced 50% and 46% total
Akpan (2011) and Ndaeyo et al. (2013) reported increase in foliar yield compared to 5 cm stem cutting in both cropping
total output of waterleaf with application of fertilizer. seasons. It had only 2% and 1% more total foliar yield in
both cropping seasons when compared to 7 cm stem cutting.
Number of branches per plant as affected by length of
stem cutting was significantly different (P< 0.05) at 4, 8 and Among the split fertilizer application, the result
12 WAP in both cropping seasons (Table 3). The result showed that application of 50kg/ha (4 times) produced the
showed that stem cutting of 10 cm length had the highest highest total foliar yield of 36.18 t/ha and 38.57 t/ha in 2015

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and 2016 cropping seasons, respectively. This was followed [4]. Ikeh, A. O. Etokeren, U. E., Akpan, E. A. and Essien,
by 29.50 t/ha and 30.40 t/ha from application of 100kg/ha (2 I. E (2015). Effect of Composted Pig Excreta Rate on
times). The application of 200kg/ha of NPK (once) performance of some Elite Yam Genotype in
produced 20.14 t/ha and 20.55 t/ha respectively. The least Kaolinitic ultisol of southeastern Nigeria. Journal of
foliar yield; 8.12 t/ha and 9.11 t/ha respectively, was from Forestry, Environment and Sustainable
the control. The application of 50kg/ha (4 times) produced Development, 1:2: 120-128.
19 – 78% and 21 – 76% more than the other fertilizer [5]. Ikeh, A. O., Etokeren, U. E., Essien, I. E., Udo, E. A.,
treatments. Comparing the split application of 50kg/ha (4 Ukut, A. N. and Nwanne, A. J. (2017). Effect of
times) and 200kg/ha (once), the result showed that 50kg/ha crop Residue Ash Application on Soil, Cowpea Yield
had 44% and 47% more total foliar yield compared to and Economic Returns to Management in Uyo, Niger
application of 200kg/ha (Once). The interaction between Delta Region of Nigeria. Journal of Forestry,
stem cutting length and split application of NPK on total Environmental and Sustainable Development, 3(1):
foliar yield was not significant difference (P>0.05) in both 154-165
cropping seasons. [6]. Jules, J. (1982). Horticultural Reviewa. Vol 4 West
Port: A. U. Publishers.pp.25-28.
The application of 200kg/ha of NPK (once) performed [7]. Ndaeyo, N.U., Ikeh, A.O., NKeme, K.K., Akpan,
better than split application of 100kg/ha (2 times) and E.A and Udoh, E. I. (2013). Growth and Foliar Yield
50kg/ha (4 times) at 4 and 8 WAP, this could be due to high Response of waterleaf (Talinumtriangulare Jacq) to
dose of essential nutrients which resulted in earlier vigorous Complementary Application of Organic and
growth. The decrease in growth and yield parameter with Inorganic Fertilizers in an ultisol. American Journal
increase in sampling period in 200kg/ha (once) could be as a of Experimental Agriculture, 3(2):324-335.
result of high level of leaching in the study area which [8]. Peleyeju, K.O. (2017). Effects of Variety, Number
associated with high amount of rainfall. The observation of Nodes and Time of Harvesting on Growth and
agrees with Ibia and Udo (2009) report that split application Yield of Sweet potato (Ipomoeabatatas (L.) Lam) in
of organic and inorganic fertilizer enhances vegetable an Ultisol. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis of Department
growth and yield in high humid ecological zone compared to of Crop Science, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom
sing application. State, Nigeria.
[9]. Rice, R.P.,Rice, I. W. and Tindall, H. D. (1986).
IV. CONCLUSION Fruits and Vegetables in the Tropics. Macmillian
Educational Book Ltd. London.
The result of this investigation has shown that, indeed, the [10]. Udoh, D. J. and Ndon, B. A. (2016). Crop Production
application of this innovative agricultural technology has Techniques for the Tropics. Concept Publication
many advantages in waterleaf production. It has great Limited, Lagos, Nigeria. p. 293.
potential of sustainably increasing the foliar yield of [11]. Uyo Capital City Development (UCCD, 1989).
waterleaf in humid ecology. It would also help to reduced
leaching which is one of the major problem farmers in high
humid zone of Nigeria is facing. Therefore the study advice
waterleaf farmers to adopt stem cutting of 7 cm and split of
200kg/ha NPK into 4 times at rate of 50kg/ha at monthly


[1]. Akpan, N.M. (2011). Effect of Type of Stem cuttings

and Fertilizer Rates on the Growth and Foliage Yield
of Waterleaf (Talinumtriangulare, willd).
Unpublished Project of Department of Crop Science
University of Uyo, Nigeria.
[2]. Essilfie, M.E., Dapaah, H.K., Tevor, J.W. and
Darkwa, K. (2016). Number of Nodes and Part of
Vine Cutting Effect on the Growth and Yield of
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam) in
Transitional Zone of Ghana. International Journal of
Plant & Soil Science, 9(5): 1-14.
[3]. Ibia, T.O. and Udo, E. J. (2009). Guide to Fertilizer
Use for Crops in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. Sibon
Book Limited. pp. 104.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1: Waterleaf Height (Cm) As Affected By Stem Cutting Length And Split Application Of Fertilizer
Treatment 2015 2016
Weeks after planting Weeks after planting
4 8 12 4 8 12
Stem cutting length (cm)
5 8.33 7.59 8.11 7.91 8.18 10.20
6 10.15 9.25 13.18 9.28 10.40 12.45
7 10.98 12.40 15.83 11.33 15.10 16.20
8 11.20 12.86 15.87 11.45 15.14 16.33
9 11.22 12.90 15.89 11.60 15.20 16.45
10 11.25 12.99 15.92 11.70 15.26 16.81
LSD (P<0.05) 1.03 1.45 1.33 0.78 0.93 1.12
Split Application (kg/ha)
0 7.55 7.12 6.25 6.91 8.11 6.25
200 (once) 13.40 15.10 14.14 13.75 15.18 13.81
100 (2 times) 12.15 12.40 17.50 13.11 13.48 18.25
50 (4 times) 9.09 12.40 15.90 8.59 11.41 16.44
LSD (P<0.05) 2.14 2.91 3.48 2.01 2.99 2.80
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS

Table 2:Number Of Waterleaf Leaves Per Plant As Affected By Stem Cutting Length And Split Application Of Fertilizer
Treatment 2015 2016
Weeks after planting Weeks after planting
4 8 12 4 8 12
Stem cutting length (cm)
5 10.20 19.33 28.40 10.33 18.55 26.11
6 13.40 28.40 30.11 12.10 30.11 30.14
7 13.81 35.41 39.71 13.12 34.12 38.40
8 13.90 35.97 39.80 13.20 36.01 38.50
9 14.01 36.01 39.90 14.18 37.40 40.22
10 14.20 36.81 40.11 14.22 37.50 40.85
LSD (P<0.05) 0.85 1.85 2.17 2.33 3.59 3.64
Split Application (kg/ha)
0 8.50 13.59 12.70 9.06 15.08 16.22
200 (once) 15.15 36.75 37.18 18.25 39.50 42.40
100 (2 times) 14.30 34.30 41.30 17.15 36.80 49.60
50 (4 times) 12.40 30.11 42.11 16.33 34.18 50.18
LSD (P<0.05) 2.18 3.01 3.41 2.24 3.13 5.17
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS
*NS= not significant

Table 3: Number Of Waterleaf Branches Per Plant As Affected By Stem Cutting Length And Split Application Of Fertilizer
Treatment 2015 2016
Weeks after planting Weeks after planting
4 8 12 4 8 12
Stem cutting length (cm)
5 4.10 6.22 6.90 4.18 6.25 6.89
6 5.59 7.11 9.40 5.12 7.30 9.59
7 6.75 10.89 11.77 6.79 10.20 11.90
8 7.11 10.66 11.81 6.99 10.51 11.92
9 7.78 11.14 11.90 7.40 10.66 12.45
10 8.16 11.25 11.92 7.77 10.67 12.49
LSD (P<0.05) 1.87 2.03 2.16 1.01 1.22 1.72
Split Application (kg/ha)
0 6.25 6.90 7.11 6.10 7.01 8.06
200 (once) 12.40 13.40 13.55 11.25 15.40 14.68
100 (2 times) 9.90 12.45 16.70 8.55 13.74 17.40
50 (4 times) 8.85 12.14 17.45 7.82 12.99 18.30

IJISRT22DEC1009 www.ijisrt.com 2147

Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
LSD (P<0.05) 2.11 2.33 4.13 2.55 2.75 3.05
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS
*NS= not significant

Table 4: Foliar Yield (T/Ha) As Influenced By Stem Cutting Length And Split Application Of Fertilizer
Treatment 2015 2016
Total foliar yield (t/ha) Total foliar yield (t/ha)
Stem cutting length (cm)
5 14.59 16.33
6 20.01 21.14
7 28.45 30.09
8 28.49 30.12
9 29.12 30.18
10 29.13 30.24
LSD (P<0.05) 3.67 3.35
Split Application (kg/ha)
0 8.12 9.11
200 (once) 20.14 20.55
100 (2 times) 29.50 30.40
50 (4 times) 36.18 38.57
LSD (P<0.05) 2.44 3.24
Interaction NS NS
*NS= not significant

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