Cadalmin-151 Vardha News
Cadalmin-151 Vardha News
Cadalmin-151 Vardha News
see page 7
C o n t e n t s Breakthrough in seed production
of orange spotted grouper 3
Research Highlights 7
Director speaks
Training Programmes 14
Swachhta Pakhwada 17
Awards 18
New Publications 18
Recreation Club 19
Visitors 19
Exhibitions 20
Warm greetings to all.
Official Language Implementation 20
KVK (Ernakulam) News 21 rossing the last
Programme Participations 22
Human Resources Development 24 quarter of 2016, it is
Personnel 26 encouraging to note that
Dr. U. Ganga development and larval rearing of a marine ornamental serranid are
Editorial Committee critical first steps in building robust technologies for their culture in
Dr. Rekha J. Nair controlled conditions in the future. Several training programmes
Dr. R. Jeyabaskaran
Shri. Subal Kumar Roul relevant to the needs of the stakeholders have also been organised
Dr. N. S. Jeena
and this can be further enhanced to reach the concerned
Smt. P. Geetha
Dr. K. A. Sajeela stakeholders. As we move into a New Year 2017 let the vision of a
Shri. Aju K. Raju
clean, healthy and vibrant marine fisheries sector in the country guide
Assisted by
and motivate our activities.
Shri. Arun Surendran
Shri. C. V. Jayakumar
Shri. P. R. Abhilash
Shri. V. H. Venu A. Gopalakrishnan
The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, is a premier research Institute
under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, devoted to research and training in
marine fisheries and mariculture.
ICAR-CMFRI has three Regional Centres viz., Mandapam Camp, Visakhapatnam and
Veraval and seven Research Centres located along the Indian coastline, catering to
the marine fishery policy needs of all maritime states of the country.
Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, DG, ICAR
visits Mangalore Research Centre
T he Honourable Secretary, DARE
and Director-General, ICAR,
Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra made a brief visit
to the Mangalore Research Centre of
ICAR-CMFRI on 11th December 2016.
He was accompanied by Dr. M. G.
Nayak, Director, NRC for cashew, Puttur.
The Scientist-in-Charge, Dr. Prathibha
Rohit and the staff of the Research Centre
extended a warm welcome to the
visitors. The DG was briefed about the
major activities and achievements of the
Research Centre and the vital role played
by the Centre in the field of marine
capture and culture fisheries. Expressing
his happiness on the good work done at
the Mangalore Research Centre, DG
asked the scientists to make an impact
analysis of the fish culture in small-scale
cages demonstrated by the institute
which is now widely practiced by the
coastal fishers of the region. DG meeting with Staff of Mangalore Research Centre
pearl spot (Karimeen) in the cage culture the feed developed by the institute for Anilkumar, Chairperson of Maradu
project of ICAR-CMFRI started eight pearl spot farming was used in the cage Municipality inaugurated the harvest in
months ago under the Tribal Sub Plan culture which had the participation of five the presence of Dr A Gopalakrishnan,
(TSP) programme of the Government of tribal families in Thandassery. The ICAR- Director, ICAR-CMFRI. Dr Imelda
India. During the harvest, the farmers got CMFRI team under the leadership of Dr Joseph, Chairman of the TSP in ICAR-
pearl spot having an average weight of Boby Ignatius, Principal Scientist trained CMFRI, Vinu Joseph, Councillor, Mr.
300 g from two 4x4 m cages made of GI the tribes in the farming activities and Rajendran, Leader of the tribal group in
pipes. Fingerlings of pearl spot were empowered them to become the area and Mr. Prakashan, leader of the
stocked in the two cages at a density of entrepreneurs in cage culture enterprise, farming group were present on the
20 numbers per square metre. Pearl Plus, a less expensive farming method. Divya occasion.
Scientists interacting with the Irular community members Installation of GI cage at site
Stakeholders Consultation on
ini IRC meeting was
tuna fisheries held at Veraval held from 24 – 25
November, 2016 at
V eraval Regional Center of ICAR- President, Veraval Municipality, Shri. Headquarters in which Project
CMFRI hosted the Stakeholders Lakhanbhai Bhensla, President, Sea Food leaders and scientists from
consultation on Tuna Fisheries for the Exporters Association, Gujarat and Shri. various centres made
Bay of Bengal Programme-Inter- K. Mohammed Koya, Scientist In-Charge, presentations on achievements
Governmental Organization (BOBP- Veraval RC were present. Around 70 during the 12th Plan period and
IGO) under the Ocean Partnership for stakeholders comprising fishermen skilled proposed future research
Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity in tuna fishing, exporters, processors and programmes. 46 projects were
Conservation - Models for Innovation traders, officials of the CIFT, MPEDA, EIA, presented and discussed of
and Reforms programme on 22 nd Collage of Fisheries, JAU, Department of which 35 projects and 8 sub
October, 2016. The Programme was Fisheries, Govt. of Gujarat, WTI etc projects were shortlisted for
inaugurated by Dr. Y.S. Yadava, Director, attended the programme and actively detailed presentation at the 24th
BOBP-IGO. Dr. E. Vivekanandan, interacted in the discussions on future Institute Research Committee
Technical Advisor, BOBP-IGO, Shri. developmental plans and road map for (IRC) to be held shortly.
Veljibhai Masani, President, GFCC, Govt. the development of tuna fisheries in
of Gujarat, Shri. Jagadishbhai Fofandi, Gujarat.
confronted with several problems since programme’ at Cheruvathur, Kasaragod, eavy spatfall of green mussel, Perna
2014-15. The scientific team from ICAR- on 15 th October, 2016. In this meet viridis, was observed in intertidal
CMFRI monitoring the mussel farming around 200 farmers and agents from and sub-tidal mussel beds along Goa,
activity in the area, set up a task force to Kasaragod, Kanhangad and Valiyaparamba
Karnataka and Kerala coast during
identify the issues and suggest solutions to Panchayats participated and interacted
September to December 2016. In the
farmers and the Government. The results with the scientists, state fisheries officials
intertidal mussel beds off Karnataka, the
of the in situ experiments conducted by and local Panchayat officials. Among the
onset of spatfall was noticed from
the institute was analysed and the draft 21 recommendations proposed by the
task force to tackle these challenges are September, 2016. The average size of
report was presented to Kerala State
Fisheries officials in a meeting organised the adoption of sustainable aquaculture the mussel spat was 8.7 mm. Mussel spat
by the Deputy Director of Fisheries, practices in Padanna Backwaters by settlement was also observed extensively
Kasaragod, on 14th October, 2016. improving the quality of seeds, enhancing on oyster shells and sandy substratum
the flushing rates, modifying the farm near bar mouths and estuaries along the
Following this, the report Karnataka coast. Large scale settlement
layout and reducing the farming density
“Recommendations to resolve the crisis of the spat of brown mussel Perna indica
per unit area.
in mussel farming in Padanna Backwaters, (Reported by MFD and FEMD) was observed along Vizhinjam coast from
August 2016 and they grew to seed size
(35-40 mm) by October. Similar spat
settlement was observed at Perumathura
in Kerala and Kadiyapattanam and
Enayam in Tamil Nadu. Along with brown
mussel spat, stray numbers of green
mussel spat was also observed in these
places. Spat settlement was also
observed on ropes suspended from rafts
at Vizhinjam harbour.
(Reported by: Geetha Sasikumar, P. Gomathi and
M. K. Anil, Molluscan Fisheries Division)
Discussion with stakeholders regarding mussel farming
Training Programmes
Visit to cage farm site Hands on training in cage fabrication Dr. R. Narayanakumar distributing certificates
technology demonstration and net exchange etc was provided to the r. N. Aswathy and Dr. P. Shinoj organised
development' was conducted for the officials. Visit to hatchery facilities to 10 days on the job training programme
employees of State Fisheries Department understand brood stock development from October 24th to 4th November, 2016 for
of Kerala at the Karwar research centre and seed production technologies of 79 Vocational Higher Secondary School
during 6th to 12th December, 2016. 8 marine finishes was arranged besides field students from Kaippamangalam, Thevara and
participants attended the programme. visits to sea cage at Karwar and Polem. Kadamakkudi on 'Advances in capture fisheries
Hands on training on cage farming and aquaculture' under ATIC.
Beach clean up at Fort Kochi Awareness campaings among fish processing fisherwomen Schoolchildren gathered for the painitng
groups organized by Vizhinjam Research Centre competition organised at Veraval
Clean up drive at Versova Beach, Mumbai Biowaste management unit set Cleaning of premises at Tuticorin Research Centre
up at Mangalore Research Centre
Planting of saplings at Mandapam Regional Centre Awareness Rally organised at Tuticorin Elocution competition on 'CLEAN INDIA' for school
children organized by Tuticorin Research Centre
Rachycentron canadum fingerlings fed r. T. M. Najmudeen, Senior Najmudeen, P. U. Zacharia and T. V.
with commercial pellet feed and low Scientist, received the Best Poster Sathianandan at the International Congress
value fish" at International Conference on Award for the poster presentation entitled on 'Post-Harvest Technologies of
Science and Technology for National "Bioeconomic model to estimate Agricultural Produce for Sustainable Food
Development 25th-26th, October, 2016 economic loss due to juvenile fishing using and Nutritional Security' held at Lucknow
at KUFOS, Panangad, Kochi. population parameters authored by T. M. during 10th-12th November, 2016.
New Publications
Recreation Club
Health check up organised at Tuticorin Research Centre Diwali Celebrations at Mangalore Research Centre
P rof. Richard Hay, MP, Lok Sabha visited centre's activities. Later, Dr. Jena jointly interest in the mariculture activities of the
Kochi HQ on 28th December, 2016. addressed the staff of ICAR-CMFRI and centre.
Prof. Richard Hay in the Museum Dr. Jena, DDG, ICAR in the marine fish hatchery
(Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi visited Accreditation Committee for ICAR-
r. C N Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-
the Visakhapatnam Regional Centre of CIFE, Mumbai visited Mumbai Research
CIFT visited the Visakhapatnam
ICAR-CMFRI and Visakhapatnam Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI on 25th October,
Regional Centre on 30th November 2016.
Centre of ICAR-Central Institute Fisheries 2016.
He interacted with the scientists and was
Technology on 15th October, 2016. At
apprised of the research activities and
ICAR-CMFRI he visited the the RAS and
mariculture facilities of the centre.
Hatchery facility where larval rearing of
orange spotted grouper is in progress as
part of mariculture programmes at the
centre. The Scientist-In-Charge(s) of both
M r. Ram Sankar Naik, Commissioner
of Fisheries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
visited the Visakhapatnam Regional Centre
the institutes made power point on 2nd December 2016. He evinced a keen
presentations and briefed about the UGC accreditation committee
members interacting with SIC of
Mumbai Research Centre
the arrangements and showcased the
organised by KarthikaThirunal umbai Regional Centre of ICAR-
activities and technologies developed by
Government vocational and Higher CMFRI participated in the Exhibition
the institute. Shri. Radha Mohan Singh,
Secondary school for girls, from 21st-23rd "Vigyan Yagnya-2016", at K. J. Somaiya
Union Minister for Agriculture and
October 2016. College, Vidyavihar during 7 th to 10th
Farmers' Welfare, Shri Anant Kumar
December, 2016.
Hindi Workshops the Officers and staff members of CMFRI staff to promote the use of official
Headquarters on 8th December, 2016. language. Dr. S.D. Tripathi, former
by Smt. Dr. P. Saraswathi, Assistant he quarterly meeting of Official
Professor, University of Madras, Chennai. Language Implementation
It was attended by 20 staff members of Committee of the Institute was held on
the Centre. 05.10.2016 under the Chairmanship of
Mumbai Research Centre of ICAR- Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director.
Workshop at Headquarters CMFRI conducted Hindi Workshop on
the topic related to Swacch Bharat
Abhiyan and cleanliness on 22nd October, Participation in Kochi
2016. Hindi Karyanvayan Committee TOLIC Joint Hindi
meeting of the Centre was conducted n
5th November, 2016. Dr. Veerendra Celebration - 2016
Veer Singh, Scientist-in-Charge,
participated in the meeting of Hindi
Coordination Committee of Nagar O fficers and Staff members actively
participated in the Joint Hindi
Celebration - 2016 conducted by Kochi
Rajbhasha Samithi (TOLIC) at ICAR-
Central Institute of Fisheries Education on TOLIC in Income Tax Office, Kochi
29th November, 2016. during 21st-25th November, 2016. Dr. J.
Jayasankar, Principal Scientist, Smt. A.
Hindi Pakhwada/ Hindi Chetana Maas Ramya, Assistant and Shri A.T. Sunil,
was celebrated at Mumbai Research from UDC won prizes for various
Valedictory functions of Hindi Chetana Mas 1st October 2016 to 15th October 2016 competitions in Hindi proficiency, held
celebrations at Mumbai Research Centre by organising various competitions for during the event.
Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director Dr. P. U. Zacharia, Head,, DFD 12th November, 2016 at Tamil Nadu
attended the meeting with the Director attended the NICRA Review Meeting at Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
General, ICAR at CTCRI, Mumbai on 17th December, 2016.
Dr. K. K. Joshi, Dr. K. S.
Thiruvananthapuram on 20th October
Attended the Video Conference meeting Sobhana, Dr. Molly Varghese,
with SAARC member countries on Dr. M. K. Anil, Dr. B.Santhosh,
Attended the final meeting of the Task Climate Change Impact on Coastal Dr.S.Jasmine, Dr. Rekha J.Nair,
Force related to the use of technology Fisheries and Aquaculture on 20th (Principal Scientists), Dr. Jayasree
for Agriculture Insurance under the December, 2016. Loka, Dr. Miriam Paul Sreeram
Chairmanship of Dr. Ramesh Chand, (Senior Scientists) and Dr. L. Ranjith,
Dr. R. Narayanakumar, Head,
Member (Agriculture) at NITI Aayog, Scientist, participated in the 1 st
SEETTD, attended the RGCA Project
New Delhi on 24th & 25th October, 2016. International Agrobiodiversity Congress-
Evaluation Committee Meeting at DTSF
Attended the review meeting of ICAR Project, Port Blair, Grouper Project, 2016 held at New Delhi during 6th - 9th
Network Projects and Outreach Rudland Island A&N Islands, 21st-22nd November, 2016.
Research Projects at NASC, New Delhi October 2013; Visakahapatnam, Dr. K. K. Philipose, Project
on 3rd & 4th November 2016. Vijayawada 1st-2nd November, 2016. coordinator attended AINP (All India
Attended the 25th meeting of ICAR Attended the Admission Supervisory Network Project) on Mariculture. Review
Regional Committee No. VIII at Committee of Professional Colleges in Meeting held at Delhi on 3rd November,
Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Kerala (ASC)-KUFOS Workshop on 2016.
Coimbatore on 11th & 12th November Modernization of Syllabus for MBA Dr. Veerendra Veer Singh, SIC,
2016. Programmes in Kerala, Panagad, 10th-11th Mumbai Research Centre attended
November 2016. workshop on cage culture organized by
Dr. K. S. Mohamed, Head, MFD
attended a meeting of awareness Attended the Meeting with Dr. Anup Maharashtra State Fisheries Department
programme on “Minimum Legal Size and Wadhwan, Additional Secretary, Ministry and presented Mariculture activities of the
Stock Depletion” for the Fishermen of of Commerce to discuss the possible Institute at Mahila Vikas Kendra, Colaba
Ernakulam District organized by strategies to deal with the ongoing on 18th October, 2016.
Department of Fisheries, Kerala held on negotiations on fishery subsides in WTO,
Was invited expert regarding signals
20th October, 2016 at the Relief Boat at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi, 9 th
extension in the sea along with
Owners Association Hall, Munambam, November, 2016.
hydrographer, TCS representatives and
Attended the RGCA Project Evaluation Asian Development Bank representatives
Attended the meeting of the Working Committee Final Report Presentation at meeting convened by Maharashtra
Group on Fisheries 27th October, 2016 Meeting at MPEDA, Kochi on 30 th Maritime Board (MMB), Mumbai on 17th
at State Planning Board, Pattom, November, 2016. October, 2016.
Dr. V. Kripa, Head, FEMD attended Attended meeting with Hon’ble. Minister
Attended the 3rd meeting of the Expert the Scoping meeting of the IPCC Special of State for Home (Rural), Finance and
Committee for making amendments in Report on Climate Change and Oceans Planning Government of Maharashtra
KMFR Act held on 31st October, 2016 at and Cryosphere held at Novotel Monte Shri. Deepak Kesarkar, Principal Secretary
CIFT, Kochi. Carlo in Monaco as National nominee Fisheries, Commissioner of fisheries Gov.
during 6th-9th December, 2016. of Maharashtra along with the group of
Attended the Fisheries awareness
programme for fishermen of Ernakulum Attended the inaugural meeting of fishers and UNDP officials regarding
District 7th November, 2016 at Salwa cleaning progrmme of Cochin backwaters development of fisheries in Sidhudurg
Hall, Thoppumpadi. conducted by Deewara Sabha on 2nd District of Maharashtra on 19th October,
October, 2016 and handed over the 2016.
Attended the meeting with Minister of
materials for creating awareness Attended Meeting of Head of the
Fisheries and Deputy Director of
programmes to the youth. Institutions and ICAR-CIRCOT
Fisheries (Alappuzha) for black clam
project on 10 th November, 2016 at Attended the Consultative Workshop as programme in presence of Hon’ble
Alappuzha. an Expert advisor organized by the Minister of State for Agriculture, Shri
Institute for Climate Change Studies at Parshottam Rupala on 24 th October,
Attended the meeting of the Clam 2016.
ICCS Office at Kanjikuzhy, Kottayam on
resource management committee held
29th December, 2016. Attended meeting with Mr. Pravin Pardesi,
on 22nd November, 2016 at Collectorate,
Kollam. Dr. Prathibha Rohit, SIC, Principal Secretary, Govt of Maharashtra
Mangalore Research Centre Dr. P. and Mr. Jaco Cilliers, Country Director,
Attended the meeting of the MSC
Laxmilatha, SIC, Madras Research UNDP in India along with other higher
Technical Advisory Board held on 29th-
Centre, Dr. P. P. Manojkumar, SIC, officials of Govt.of Maharashtra,
30th November, 2016 at London.
Tuticorin Research Centre and Dr. A. representatives of the ICAR institutes,
Attended the meeting “Clam restoration K. Abdul Nazar, SIC, Mandapam Mangrove Cell and Maharashtra State
programme in Vembanad Lake held on Regional Centre attended the 25th ICAR Fisheries Department regarding review
17th December, 2016 at CMFRI, Kochi. Regional Committee No. VIII during 11th- of UNDP Projects and discussions on
Name & Designation From To w.e.f
Name & Designation Promoted as Centre w.e.f
Mr. P. Chidambaram, Assistant Chief Technical Mandapam Regional Centre 01.07.2011
Senior Technical Officer (Library) Officer (Library)
Mrs. P. Geetha, Assistant Chief Technical ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 01.12.2014
Senior Technical Officer (Library) Officer (Library)
Dr. V. Mohan, Assistant Chief Technical ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 02.03.2015
Senior Technical Officer (Library) Officer (Library)
Dr. (Ms.) Madhumita Das, Assistant Chief Technical Visakhapatnam Regional 25.05.2015
Senior Technical Officer Officer Centre
Mr. Suresh Kumar Mojjada, Assistant Chief Technical Veraval Regional Centre 14.07.2015
Senior Technical Officer Officer
Dr. Phalguni Patnaik, Assistant Chief Technical Visakhapatnam Regional 31.07.2015
Senior Technical Officer Officer Centre
Name Designation From w.e.f
Mr. K. M. Jijil, Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 5.12.2016
Shri R. Selvakumar
Senior Technician
Mandapam Regional Centre