68th BPSC Pre-1-32-63
68th BPSC Pre-1-32-63
68th BPSC Pre-1-32-63
D. स ह ह ह B. Density
Ans A C. It is independent of pressure, temperature and
Q29. Human eye is most sensitive to visible light D. Temperature
of the wavelength : E. None of the above / More than one
र स र र ह:
स ह ह: A.
A. 6050 Å B.
B. 5500 Å C. ह , और र र ह र
C. 4500 Å D.
D. 7500 Å Ans
E. None of the above / More than one
Q34. Which of the following does not change
Ans B when light travels from one medium to another?
A. Velocity
Q30. The nature of radiation of light is- B. Wavelength
A. Like wave C. Frequency
B. Like particle D. Refractive index
C. Like both of wave and particle E. None of the above / More than one
D. Like neither of wave nor of particle स सर र स
E. None of the above / More than one ह ह?
र स ह ह? A.
A. हर रह B. र
B. रह C.
C. र और रह D.
D. स र Ans C
Ans C
Q35. The formation of glittering colours in thin
Q31. Light appears to travel in a straight line foam of soap is the result of which of the
because – following phenomenon –
A. It consists of small particles. A. Total reflection and interference
B. The velocity of light is very large. B. Total refraction and dispersion
C. The wavelength of light is very small. C. Diffraction and dispersion
D. Light is reflected by the surroundings. D. Polarization and interference
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
स र च ह ह - स च र स
A. इस ह ह स र र ह-
B. ह ह A. और ह
C. र ह ह B. और र
D. र स र ह ह C. और र
Ans C D. र और र
Ans A
Q32. The speed of light is –
ह ह- Q36. The generating images on a screen by
A. 9×102 m/sec focusing an electronic beam on phosphorus
B. 3×1011 m/sec coated screen is called –
C. 3×108 m/sec रस रइ स
D. 2×104 m/sec र रइ ह ह-
E. None of the above / More than one A. Master Scan
Ans C B. Total Scan
C. Roster Scan
Q33. The speed of light in air depends on : D. Radar Scan
A. Pressure E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Q40. The sun is visible to us a few minutes
before the actual sunrise because of
Q37. Assertion A. : In a motion picture, usually A. Scattering of light
24 frames are projected every second over the B. Diffraction of light
whole length of the film. C. Total internal reflection of light
Reason (R) : An image formed on the retina of D. Refraction of light
eye persists for about 0.1s after the removal of E. None of the above / More than one
the stimulus. स स ह ह स ई
A: च च , र र र ह?
ई स 24 ह ह A. र
(R) : र र उ ह B.
0.1s रह ह C. र र
Code : D.
A. Both A. and (R) are true and (R) is the correct Ans D
explanation of A.
B. Both A. and (R) are true but (R) is not a correct Q41. Suppose a rocketship is proceeding from
explanation of A. the earth at a speed of 2/10th the velocity of
C. A. is true but (R) is false light. A light in the rocketship appears blue to
D. A. is false but (R) is true the passengers on the ship. What colour would
E. None of the above / More than one it appear to an observer on the earth?
Ans C र 2/10
स स रह ह ह रस र
Q38. The technique used to transmit audio र ई ह र
signals in television broadcasts is : स ह सर ई ?
A. Amplitude Modulation A. Blue
B. Frequency Modulation B. Orange
C. Pulse Code Modulation C. Yellow
D. Time Division Multiplexing D. Yellow-Orange
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
सर स स र र
ह: Ans C
B. उ र-च Q42. Which of the following is used by the
C. dentist to see the image of teeth of a patient?
D. स स A. Concave lens
Ans B B. Convex lens
C. Convex mirror
Q39. In human eye, light rays get transformed D. Plane mirror
into neural impulses at : E. None of the above / More than one
A. Cornea र च
B. Pupil स स उ र ह?
C. Retina A. स
D. Lens B. उ स
E. None of the above / More than one C. उ
, र र ह D. स
ह: Ans E
B. Q43. The image formed by astronomical
C. र telescope is
D. स A. Virtual and diminished
Ans C B. Virtual and magnified
C. Real and diminished
D. Real and magnified
E. None of the above / More than one B. To and fro movement of the lens
र र ई ई _______ ह C. To and fro movement of the retina
A. स और D. Change in the refractive index of the eye fluid
B. स और E. None of the above / More than one
C. और स स र ह?
D. और A. स उ र
Ans B B. स इ र-उ र
C. र और
Q44. Assertion A.: Small glass beads fixed on D. सच र
traffic signals glow brightly when light falls Ans A
upon them.
Reason (R) : Light is totally reflected when the Q47. Retina of the eye is comparable to which of
angle of incidence exceeds a certain critical the following parts of a traditional camera?
value and light travelling in a denser medium is र र र र
reflected from a rarer medium. स स स स ह?
A.: स र च A. Film
रच ह B. Lens
र (R): र रह स ह ह C. Shutter
ह स ह ह और D. Cover
स र र स E. None of the above / More than one
र ह ह
Code : Ans A
A. Both A. and (R) are true and (R) is the
correctexplanation of A. Q48. In long-sightedness, images are formed at
B. Both A. and (R) are true but (R) is not a which of the following?
correctexplanation of A. A. On Retina
C. A. is true but (R) is false B. In front of Retina
D. A. is false but (R) is true C. Behind Retina
E. None of the above / More than one D. On Blind Spot
Ans A E. None of the above / More than one
- स स र ह?
Q45. When a person enters into a dark room A. र र
from the strong light area, he is not able to see B. र स
clearly for some time. Later he gradually begins C. र
to see things, This is because- D. इ र
A. Changes in the size of pupil Ans C
B. Changes in the diameter and focal length of lens
C. Bleaching and reformation of Rhodopsins Q49. Which is not a primary colour?
D. Eyes become familiar with darkness in course of स र ह ह?
time A. Black
E. None of the above / More than one B. Yellow
ई स र र C. Red
र ह, ह स ह ह D. Blue
ह र- र च ह, स इस ह E. None of the above / More than one
- Ans A
A. र र
B. स स और ई र Q50. Find out the odd colour from the following
C. र र और स र options-
D. स स रस रच ह ह स र
Ans A. Green
B. Brown
Q46. The focusing in the eye is done by C. Red
A. Change in the convexity of the lens D. Yellow
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
Ans B र
ह ह :
Q51. Consider the following phenomena A. र ह ह ह
1. Size of the Sun at dusk B. र ह रस ह ह
2. Colour of the Sun at dawn C. र रसस ह ह
3. Moon being visible at dawn D. र उ र ह
4. Twinkle of stars in the sky Ans A
5. Polestar being visible in the sky
Which of the above are optical illusions? Q55. What is the use of thermostat?
र र चर A. To measure the temperature
1. स र B. To increase the temperature
2. र स र C. To maintain the temperature
3. र च ई D. To convert heat into electricity
4. र ह E. None of the above / More than one
5. र ई उ ह?
उ र स स ह? A.
A. 1, 2 and 3 B.
B. 3, 4 and 5 C. र
C. 1, 2 and 4 D.
D. 2, 3 and 5 Ans C
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Q56. When a glass rod is placed in steam, its
length increases but its width:
Q52. The heat required in calories to convert A. Remains unchanged
one gram of ice at 0° C to steam at 100° C is B. Decreases
approximately C. Increases
0°C र 100°C र D. Becomes irregular
र ऊ ह ह? E. None of the above / More than one
A. 80 च र ह उस ई
B. 336 ह र च ई:
C. 720 A. र
D. 620 B. ह ह
E. None of the above / More than one C. ह
Ans C D. ह ह
Ans C
Q53. Normal temperature of human body on
Celsius scale will be – Q57. An assertion and its reason is given below -
स स र रर स ह - Assertion A. : Salt is used for cooking the food
A. 310 degree at places on higher from sea level .
B. 98.4 degree Reason (R) : Temperature is low in higher places.
C. 36.9 degree और उस र च ह-
D. 31.5 degree A: उ स स ऊच र
E. None of the above / More than one ह
Ans C र (R) : ऊच र ह ह
Which one among these is right answer ?
Q54. In cold countries, alcohol is preferred to A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
mercury as a thermometric liquid because : explanation of A..
A. Alcohol has a lower freezing point B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
B. Alcohol is a better conductor of heat explanation of A..
C. Alcohol is cheaper than mercury C. A. is true, but (R) is false.
D. The world production of alcohol is greater than D. A. is false, but (R) is true.
that of mercury E. None of the above / More than one
Ans B C. Water vapour pressure of any solution is lower
than vapour pressure of pure water.
Q58. To keep drinks at the same temperature for D. When a solution is separated with the help of
quite sometime, the walls of thermos bottle are semipermeable membrane then water flow can be
coated with : stopped by giving pressure to the solution
स ह रर स स स ह ह:
स र र स A. स स
ह: ह ह
A. Aluminium paint B. स स उस
B. Lead Powder ह
C. Silver layer C. स
D. Mercury Layer स ह ह
E. None of the above / More than one D. र सह स
Ans C ह र
ह र स ह
Q59. Xeric condition refers to – Ans B
A. low temperature
B. low humidity Q62. In a pressure cooker, the temperature at
C. high evaporation which the food is cooked depends mainly upon
D. extreme temperature which of the following?
E. None of the above / More than one 1. Area of the hole in the lid
र स र ह- 2. Temperature of the flame
A. 3. Weight of the lid
B. , ,
C. उ र व ?
D. 1.
Ans B 2.
3. व
Q60. The atmosphere exerts enormous pressure Select the correct answer using the code given
on us. But, we do not feel it because below.
A. Our blood exerts a pressure slightly more than A. 1 and 2 only
that of the atmosphere. B. 2 and 3 only
B. We are used to it. C. 1 and 3 only
C. Our bones are very strong and can withstand the D. 1, 2 and 3
pressure. E. None of the above / More than one
D. The surface area of our head is very small. Ans C
E. None of the above / More than one
र ह र र ह , ह इस Q63. What changes will the volume of water
हसस ह र show if the temperature is lowered from 9oC to
A. ह र र र 3oC :
ह A. The volume will not change
B. ह इस ह B. The volume will first increase and then decrease
C. ह र ह ह ह और C. The volume will first decrease and then increase
स रस ह D. Water will freeze
D. ह र सर स ह ह ह E. None of the above / More than one
Ans A 9oC स र 3oC र
र ई ?
Q61. Which of the following statement is not A. ह
true : B. ह और र
A. Boiling point of any water solution is higher than C. ह और र
pure water. D.
B. Addition of solute to a solution increases its Ans C
water potential.
Q64. If a gas is compressed to half of its original
volume at 27oC, to what temperature should it Q68. Which one of the following statements is
be heated to make it occupy its original volume? not true about cosmic rays?
स स 27oC र उस A. They are electromagnetic waves.
ह स च ह, उस स र B. They have very short wavelength.
च ह ह र C. They are made of highly energetic charged
? particles.
A. 3270C D. They originate from the Sun
B. 6000C E. None of the above / More than one
C. 540C र र स स
D. 3000C स ह ह?
E. None of the above / More than one A. च र ह
Ans A B. इ र ह ह
C. ऊ स ह ह
Q65. In a Sitar, which type of sound vibrations D. स सउ ह ह
are produced? Ans A
A. Progressive and Longitudinal
B. Progressive and Transverse Q69. Which one of the following is associated
C. Stationary and Longitudinal with 'Albedo’?
D. Stationary and Transverse A. Transmitting power
E. None of the above / More than one B. Absorbing power
स र स र उ ह ह? C. Emissive power
A. और D. Reflecting power
B. और E. None of the above / More than one
C. र और स स ' 'सस ह?
D. र और A. सच र
Ans D B.
C. उ
Q66. Waves of the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) D. र
range normally propagate by means of Ans D
हई स (UHF) र र स स
र स ह? Q70. Which one is not an example of
A. Ground waves electromagnetic wave?
B. Sky waves स च र उ हर ह ह?
C. Space waves A. Gamma rays
D. Surface waves B. X-rays
E. None of the above / More than one C. Ultraviolet rays
Ans C D. Supersonic waves
E. None of the above / More than one
Q67. Assertion A. : Radio waves bend in a
magnetic field. Ans D
Reason (R) : Radio waves are
electromagnetic innature. Q71. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves
A: र र च ह having frequencies in range of :
(R) : र र च ह ह इ स स स
A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct च र ह?
explanation of A.. A. 300 KHz – 3 MHz
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct B. 3 MHz – 300 MHz
explanation of A.. C. 1 GHz – 300 GHz
C. A. is true, but (R) is false. D. 300 GHz – 400 THz
D. A. is false, but (R) is true. E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans C
Ans D
Q72. A radar which detects the presence of an र 30 र र स र ह ह इस
enemy aircraft uses : र ह र ह:-
A. Light waves A. 10 KHz
B. Radio waves B. 100 KHz
C. Sound waves C.10 MHz
D. Ultrasound waves D.100 MHz
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
उ र र Ans C
उ र ह:
A. र Q77. CT Scan is done by using –
B. र र स स र स ह?
C. र A. Infrared Rays
D. सउ र B. Ultrasonic Waves
Ans B C. Visible Light
D. X-Rays
Q73. When there is depletion of ozone in the E. None of the above / More than one
stratosphere, the wavelength of radiation Ans D
striking the earth's surface will be –
स ह र स ह र Q78. Consider the following statements :
र र ह ? 1. A flute of smaller length produces waves of
A. 10–10 m lower frequency.
B. 10–7 m 2. Sound travels in rocks in the form of
C. 10–2 m longitudinal elastic waves only.
D. 100 m र च र र:
E. None of the above / More than one 1. ई सर र उ र
Ans B ह
2. च र र च
Q74. Which one of the following types of waves र ह
are used in a Night Vision apparatus? Which of the statements given above is/are
इ उ र स स र correct?
र उ ह? A. 1 only
A. Radio waves B. 2 only
B. Microwaves C. Both 1 and 2
C. Infrared waves / र र D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. None of these E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans D
Ans C
Q79. What is the decibel level of sound
Q75. Which one of the following does a TV produced by two persons in conversation?
remote control unit use to operate a TV set ? च र उ स र
स च र ह?
स स उ र ह? A. About 5 Decibel
A. Light waves B. About 10 Decibel
B. Sound saves C. About 30 Decibel
C. Microwaves D. About 100 Decibel
D. Radio waves E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans C
Ans D
Q80. As per the WHO, the safe noise level for a
Q76. A radio station broadcast at 30 metre band. city is –
The frequency of the carrier wave transmitted स स र स हर सर
by this station is:- रह-
A. 45 db
B. 50 db C. र र र च
C. 55 db र ह ह
D. 60 db D. उस स र रह
E. None of the above / More than one Ans A
Ans A
Q85. Consider the following statements:
Q81. The tolerable limit of noise for human 1. A widely used musical scale called diatonic
being is around- scale has seven frequencies.
र सह स ह- 2. The frequency of the tone Sa is 256 Hz and
A. 45 decibel that of Ni is 512 Hz.
B. 85 decibel र च र र:
C. 125 decibel 1. सउ
D. 155 decibel स स ह ह
E. None of the above / More than one 2. Sa र 256 Hz ह और Ni 512 Hz ह
Ans B Which of the statements given above is/are
Q82. Sound above what level (in decibels) is A. 1 only
considered hazardous noise pollution? B. 2 only
स रसऊ र ( स ) र C. Both 1 and 2
ह? D. Neither 1 nor 2
A. 30 db E. None of the above / More than one
B. 100 db Ans D
C. 80 db
D. 120 db Q86. When T.V. is switched on :
E. None of the above / More than one A. Audio and video both start simultaneously
Ans C B. Audio is heard immediately but video starts later
because video needs some warm up time
Q83. The optimum sound level for human C. Video starts immediately but audio is heard later
beings is- because sound travels at a lesser speed than light
इ र ह- D. It depends on the T.V. brand
A. 90 db E. None of the above / More than one
B. 60 db . .च ह:
C. 120 db A. और स ह ह
D. 100db B. र स ह
E. None of the above / More than one ह ह इ
Ans B र ह ह
C. र ह ह
Q84. A worker was working on the rail track. A स ह
boy at a distance holds his ear near the rail स र ह
track. This boy was able to hear sound of the D. ह र र र ह
blow of workman twice. It is because of : Ans A
A. The speed of sound is greater in steel than in air.
B. The speed of sound is greater in air than in steel. Q87. The total resistance of a circuit having two
C. Part of the sound wave is reflected between the parallel resistors is 1.403 kilo-ohm. If one of the
rail tracks. resistors is 2.0 kilo-ohm, then the other resistor
D. His ears are at different distance from the source. will be
E. None of the above / More than one स र र स र 1.403
रर र र रह र र - ह र स 2.0 -
र र स ह ह ह, सर र ह
र र र स स ह इस A. 1.403 kilo-ohm
र स ह: B. 2.0 kilo-ohm
A. ह ह C. 3.403 kilo-ohm
B. ह ह ह D. 4.70 kilo-ohm
E. None of the above/More than one 2. Electrolyte used is hydrochloric acid.
Ans D 3. Electrodes are lead and copper.
4. Capacity is expressed in ampere-hour.
Q88. Of the two bulbs in a house, one glows Which of the above statements are correct ?
brighter than the other. In this context which of र र र स र चर
the following statements is correct ? र-
A. The brightness does not depend on the 1. र र 12V ह ह
resistance. 2. इ इ हइ र स ह
B. Both the bulbs have same the resistance. 3. इ स स और ह
C. The bright bulb has larger resistance. 4. र- ह
D. The dim bulb has larger resistance. A. 1 and 2
E. None of the above / More than one B. 2 and 3
र स सर C. 3 and 4
च ह इस स स स D. 1 and 4
सह ह? E. None of the above / More than one
A. च र र र ह र ह Ans D
B. र स ह
C. च र ह ह Q92. Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery is used in :
D. र ह ह A. Calculator
Ans D B. Cordless electronic appliances/ रर ह
इ उ र
Q89. When electrical energy is converted into C. Transistors
motion D. All of the above
ऊ र ह E. None of the above / More than one
A. There is no heat loss Ans D
B. Heat loss is 50 percent
C. Heat loss is 30 percent Q93. The temperature of the filament of lighted
D. Heat loss is 80 percent electric bulb is generally :
E. None of the above / More than one स
Ans A ह ह?
A. 100oC to 500oC
Q90. Electric motors operating at low voltages B. 1000oC to 1500oC
tend to burn out because – C. 2000oC to 2500oC
A. They draw more current which is inversely D. 3000oC to 3500oC
proportional to the voltage. E. None of the above / More than one
B. They draw more current which is inversely Ans C
proportional to the square root of the voltage.
C. They draw heat proportional to v2 Q94. In a three-pin electrical plug longest pin
D. Low voltage sets in electrical discharge. should be connected to
E. None of the above / More than one स स सस
रच इ र ह च ह ?
- A. Ground terminal
A. र च ह B. Live terminal
ह ह C. Neutral terminal
B. र च ह D. Any terminal
ह ह E. None of the above / More than one
C. v2 स ह Ans C
D. ह स
Ans A Q95. A fuse is used in main electric supply as a
safety device. Which one of the following
Q91. Consider the following statements statements about the fuse is correct?
regarding a motor car battery - A. It is connected in parallel with the main switch
1. The voltage is usually 12 V. B. It is made mainly from silver alloys
C. It must have a low melting point Q99. Light Emitting Diode (LED) work on
D. It must have a very high resistance principle of :
E. None of the above / More than one इ (LED) स स र र ह:
सर उ र A. Laser
उ ह र स B. Thermionic emission(उ )
स सह ह? C. Photoelectric code
A. ह च स स र ह D. Electroluminiescence/ स
B. ह सच स ह E. None of the above / More than one
C. इस ह च ह
D. इस र ह च ह Ans D
Ans C
Q100. Assertion A. : Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Q96. The filament of a halogen lamp is an alloy lamps offer longer service life as compared to
of – Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL).
A. Tungsten and iodine Reason (R) : Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lamps
B. Tungsten and bromine are more energy efficient as compared to the
C. Tungsten and sodium Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL).
D. Molybdenum and sodium A: रस (CFL)
E. None of the above / More than one इ (LED) स स
ह स ह ह- र ह
A. और र (R): रस (CFL)
B. और उ (LED) ऊ ह
C. और स Select the correct answer using the codes given
D. और स below:
Ans C A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) explains A.
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) does not explains
Q97. Assertion A. : The temperature of a metal A.
wire rises when an electric current is passed C. A. is true, and (R) is false.
through it. D. A. is false, and (R) is true.
Reason (R) : Collision of metal atoms with each E. None of the above / More than one
other releases heat energy. Ans A
A.: स र ह
उस स र ह ह Q101. With reference to street-lighting, how do
(R) : र स र सऊ sodium lamps differ from LED lamps?
ऊ ह ह 1. Sodium lamps produce light in 360 degrees
Code : but it is not so in the case of LED lamps.
A. Both A. and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 2. As street-lights, sodium lamps have longer
explanation of A. life span than LED lamps.
B. Both A. and (R) are true but (R) is not a correct 3. The spectrum of visible light from sodium
explanation of A. lamps is almost monochromatic while LED lamps
C. A. is true but (R) is false offer significant colour advantages in street-
D. A. is false but (R) is true lighting.
E. None of the above / More than one - इ स ,स ई स स
Ans C ह?
1. स 360 र र ह
Q98. Full form of C.F.L. is – ई स ह ह
A. Compact Fluorescent Lamp 2. - इ , ई स
B. Centrally Fixed Lamp ह ह
C. Chemical Fluorescent Lamp 3. स स
D. Condensed Fluorescent Lamp ह ह ई - इ
E. None of the above / More than one ह र र ह
Ans A Select the correct answer using the code given
A. 3 only C. Moving charges in space outside
B. 2 only D. None of the above
C. 1 and 3 only E. None of the above / More than one
D. 1, 2 and 3
E. None of the above / More than one Q106. With reference to solar water pumps,
Ans C consider the following statements:
1. Solar power can be used for running surface
Q102. In comparison to an electric bulb, a pumps and not for submersible pumps.
fluorescent tube is preferred because – 2. Solar power can be used for running
A. It has greater external outer surface to centrifugal pumps and not the ones with piston.
radiate/emit the light. स र र स र चर
B. There is no effect of voltage fluctuation on it. :
C. In the tube, electric energy almost converted into 1. स र ऊ उ स ह च
light energy. स ह स स
, रस 2. स र ऊ उ सर च
ह – स ह
A. /उ र इस हर Which of the statement given above is/are
हर स ह ह ह correct?
B. इस र उ र-च ई ह A. 1 only
ह B. 2 only
C. , ऊ ऊ र C. Both 1 and 2
ह ह D. Neither 1 nor 2
D. None of these. E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans D
Ans D
Q107. At which temperature superconductivity
Q103. How does the white light produce in the can be of tremendous economic interest saving
tube? billions of rupees?
स सउ ह ह? A. At very low temperature
A. by heating up the copper wire B. At a temperature when semiconductor becomes
B. by heating up the filament a superconductor
C. by accelerating the atoms C. at room temperature
D. by oscillating the molecules D. At a very high temperature
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
Ans D स र च र ह
ह स ह सस र च ह स ह?
Q104. Small drops of the same size are charged A. र
to V volts each. If n such drops coalesce to form B. उस र च च ह
a single large drop, its potential will be : C. र र
स र V रच D. र
ह n स स र Ans C
ह, इस ह :
A. n2/3 V Q108. The highest temperature attained by a
B. n1/3 V superconductor is :
C. n V स र र र उ ह:
D. N–1 V A. 24 K
E. None of the above / More than one B. 133 K
Ans A C. 150K
D. 300K
Q105. The earth’s magnetic field is due to E. None of the above / More than one
च स र ह Ans
A. Currents circulating inside the core
B. Presence of a huge magnet at is centre
Q109. The newly discovered high temperature Q113. Cyclotrons are used to accelerate :
super conductors are – स स र र सइ
A. Metal alloys उ ह?
B. Pure rare earth metals A. Neutrons
C. Ceramic oxides B. Protons
D. Inorganic polymers C. Atoms
E. None of the above / More than one D. Ions
उ स र रह- E. None of the above / More than one
A. Ans B
C. सर इ Q114. Which one of the following can be used
D. to confirm whether drinking water contains a
Ans C gamma emitting isotope or not?
उ इस ह ह , इस
Q110. The conductivity of a semiconductor at स स उ
zero Kelvin is– स ह?
र च च ह ह- A. Microscope
A. 105 ohm B. Lead plate
B. 10-1 ohm C. Scintillation counter
C. 10-5 ohm D. Spectrophotometer
D. Zero E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans C
Ans D
Q115. Stars obtain their energy from :
Q111. The Government of India has totally 1. Nuclear fusion
banned the export of burnt coal (Jhama) 2. Gravitational contraction
because it contains recoverable amount of a 3. Chemical reaction
metal/element which is used in transistors. 4. Nuclear fission
Which one of the following is that element? स र ऊ र ह:
र सर र ( ) र र 1. र स
रह स ह इस / 2. स च
स ह ह स उ र 3. र स
ह 4. र
स ह -स ह? Select your answer from the codes given below:
A. Phosphorus Code :
B. Germanium A. 1 and 2
C. Silicon B. 1, 2 and 3
D. Tungsten C. 1 and 4
E. None of the above / More than one D. 2 and 4
Ans B E. None of the above / More than one
Ans A
Q112. Which one of the following pairs is not
correctly matched : Q116. Which one of the following is the source
A. Discovery of Meson – Hideki Yukawa of renewable energy in stars–
B. Discovery of – C.D. Anderson Positron A. Hydrogen changes into helium
and U.F. Hess B. Helium changes into hydrogen
C. Theory of energy – H.A. Bethe production in C. Decay of radioactive material
the sun and stars D. Excess of oxygen which is helpful in burning and
D. Synthesis of – Enrico Fermi transuranic generate energy.
elements E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one स -स र र ऊ
Ans D ह-
A. ह इ ह ह
B. ह हइ ह उस हच र सस
C. र स ह ह
D. और ऊ उ A. Monazite
र सह ह ह B. Thorium
Ans A C. Beryllium
D. Chromium
Q117. In a nuclear reactor, self-sustained chain E. None of the above / More than one
reaction is possible, because: Ans D
1. More neutrons are released in each of the
fission reactions. Q120. Hydrogen bomb was developed by :
2. The neutrons immediately take part in the हइ स र स ?
fission process. A. Edward Teller
3. The fast neutrons are slowed down by B. Bernor Bon Bron
graphite. C. J.Robert Oppenheimer
4. Every neutron released in the fission reaction D. Samual Cohen
initiates further fission. E. None of the above / More than one
र र र र स ह, Ans A
1. ह ह Q121. Which one of the following is not
2. ह radioactive ?
3. इ र ह स स र ह ह?
4. र और A. Astatine
र र ह B. Francium
Which of these statements are correct ? C. Tritium
A. 1, 2 and 3 D. Zirconium
B. 1 and 3 E. None of the above / More than one
C. 2 and 4 Ans D
D. 2, 3 and 4
E. None of the above / More than one Q122. What are the links between Dhruva,
Ans B Purnima and Cirus?
A. They are Indian research reactors
Q118. Consider the following statements about B. They are stars
nuclear fusion reactors : C. These are names of famous books
i. They work on the principle of fission of heavy D. They are power plants
nuclei. E. None of the above / More than one
ii. They usually have Tokamak design. , और स इरस च स ह?
iii. They operate at very high temperature. A. र स र रह
र स र र र र B. स रह
च र र: C. स ह
1. र स र र ह D. स ह
2.उ स र र इ ह ह Ans A
3. उ र र ह
Of these Q123. The Indira Gandhi Atomic Research Centre
A. Only i and iii are correct is located in
B. Only i and ii are correct इ र र स ह
C. Only ii and iii are correct A. Maharashtra
D. All the three i, ii and iii are correct B. Tamil Nadu
E. None of the above / More than one C. Uttar Pradesh
Ans C D. Karnataka
E. None of the above / More than one
Q119. Identify the mineral not associated with Ans B
atomic power –
Q124. The function of heavy water in a nuclear A. Smiling Buddha
reactor is to B. Thunder Bolt
र र र ह C. Flying Garud
A. Slow down the speed of neutrons. D. Agni Pareeksha
B. Increase the speed of neutrons. E. None of the above / More than one
C. Cool down the reactor. Ans A
D. Stop the nuclear reaction.
E. None of the above / More than one Q129. The Pokhran II test was conducted on –
Ans A र II र स र ?
A. June 11th, 1998
Q125. Which one of the following is used as B. June 9th, 1998
moderator in a nuclear reactor ? C. May 11th, 1998
स स उ र र र D. May 29th, 1998
ह? E. None of the above / More than one
A. Thorium Ans C
B. Heavy Water
C. Radium
D. Ordinary Water 3. CHEMISTRY
E. None of the above / More than one
Q1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
Ans E (B & D)
answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I (Characteristics) List-II (Particle)
Q126. Which one of the following is used as a
A. Zero mass 1. Positron
moderator in the nuclear reactor?
B. Fractional charge 2. Neutrino
स स उ र र र
C. Fractional spin 3. Quark
D. Integral spin 4. Phonon
A. Thorium
A. 1.
B. Graphite
B. 2.
C. Radium
C. च 3.
D. Ordinary water
D. इ च 4.
E. None of the above / More than one
Code :
Ans E (B & D)
A. 2 3 1 4
Q127. Fast breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor
B. 3 2 4 1
which produces electricity –
C. 2 3 4 1
A. By fission process
D. 3 2 1 4
B. With the help of solar cells
E. None of the above / More than one
C. By burning phenyl substances used by it and by
Ans A
its reproduction
D. By using refined hard water
Q2. Which one is a fundamental particle?
E. None of the above / More than one
स ह?
र र र र र रह
A. Neutron
र ह-
B. Proton
A. स
C. Pi-meson
B. स र स सह स
D. Quark
C. इस र
E. None of the above / More than one
इ र
Ans D
D. र र उ र
Ans A Q3. The Nucleus of Helium has –
ह ___________ ह
Q128. The official code name of the Pokhran A. Only one neutron
nuclear test 1974, was – B. Two protons
र र र 1974 र C. Two protons and two neutrons
D. One proton and two neutrons Ans A
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Q8. Consider the following statements :
1. During the process of osmosis, the solvent travels
Q4. Which of the following carries a negative from the concentrated solution to the dilute
charge? solution.
स स रऋ ह ह? 2. In the reverse osmosis, external pressure is
A. X-rays applied to the dilute solution.
B. Alpha particles Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
C. Beta particles र च र र:
D. Gamma rays 1. र सर र , स स
E. None of the above / More than one र ह
Ans C 2. र स सस , र हर
Q5. Give a thought to these statements : ऊ र स स सह ह?
Statement A. : Temperature below 0 C is achieved A. 1 only
by the mixture of salt and ice. B. 2 only
Reason (R) : Salt increases the freezing point of ice. C. Both 1 and 2
A: और स 0°C स च D. Neither 1 nor 2
ह E. None of the above / More than one
(R) : ह ह Ans D
In the context of above statements which one of
the following is correct: Q9. UNESCO inaugurated the celebration of 2019
A. A. and (R) both correct, and (R) is the correct as the International Year of the Periodic Table of
explanation of A.. Chemical Elements to celebrate its completion of
B. A. and (R) both correct, but (R) is not the correct how many years?
explanation of A.. रस सर र
C. A. is correct but (R) is wrong. 2019 उ उ
D. A. is wrong but (R) is correct. र ह उ ?
E. None of the above / More than one A.100
Ans C B.150
C. 75
Q6. Which of these is not a colloid : D. 50
इ स स इ ह ह: E. None of the above/More than one
A. Milk Ans B
B. Blood
C. Ice-cream Q10. What is the usual property of oxides of Group
D. Honey 3 and 4?
E. None of the above / More than one A. Basic and Acidic
Ans D B. Basic
C. Acidic
Q7. Which type of colloidal system is expressed in D. Neutral
the fog : E. None of the above / More than one
A. Liquid in a gas स ह 3 और 4 इ स ह?
B. Gas in a liquid A. र
C. Solid in a gas B. र
D. Liquid in Liquid C.
E. None of the above / More than one D.
हर स र इ स Ans A
A. स Q11. Which of the following is the most common
B. स element in the Universe?
C. स स स स स स ह?
D. र र A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen Q16. Which is the most reactive metal ?
C. Nitrogen स स स ह?
D. Carbon A. Sodium
E. None of the above / More than one B. Calcium
Ans A C. Iron
D. Potassium
Q12. Which of the following is a fundamental E. None of the above / More than one
element : Ans D
स स ह:
A. Sand Q17. Which one of the following materials is very
B. Diamond hard and very ductile ?
C. Marble स -स स र और
D. Sugar ह?
E. None of the above / More than one A. Carborundum
Ans B B. Tungsten
C. Cast iron
Q13. Which of the following is not a type of D. Nichrome
element? E. None of the above / More than one
A. Metals Ans D
B. Nonmetals
C. Gases Q18. The heaviest metal among the following is :
D. Metalloids सस स र ह:
E. None of the above/More than one A. Gold
स स र ह ह? B. Silver
A. C. Mercury
B. D. Platinum
C. स E. None of the above/More than one
D. उ Ans D
Ans C
Q14. Which of the following elements was first Q19. The chemical structure of the pearl is –
produced artificially? रस सरच __________ ह
स स ह र स A. Calcium Carbonate
? B. Calcium Carbonate & Magnesium Carbonate
A. Neptunium C. Calcium Chloride
B. Plutonium D. Calcium Sulphate
C. Francium E. None of the above / More than one
D. Technetium Ans A
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans D Q20. What are Rubies and Sapphires chemically
known as?
Q15. Which one of the following is the hardest और रस स स स
metal? ह?
A. Gold A. Silicon Dioxide
B. Iron B. Aluminium Oxide
C. Platinum C. Lead Tetroxide
D. Tungsten D. Boron Nitride
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
स -स स स र ह? Ans B
A. स
B. ह Q21. The chemical formula of sapphire (Ruby) is :
C. ( ) रस स ह:
D. A. Al2O3
Ans D B. Al3O2
C. N2O स स र ऊ स स
D. NO2 स ह ह?
E. None of the above/More than one A. Mercury
Ans A B. Water
C. Ether
Q22. Assertion A. : Sodium metal is stored under D. Benzene
kerosene. E. None of the above / More than one
Reason (R) : Metallic sodium melts when Ans A
exposed to air.
A. : स र Q27. The poorest conductor of heat among the
ह following is :
र (R): ह स र स सऊ स स च ह:
ह A. Copper
A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct B. Lead
explanation of A.. C. Mercury
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct D. Zinc
explanation of A.. E. None of the above / More than one
C. A. is true, but (R) is false. Ans C
D. A. is false, but (R) is true.
E. None of the above / More than one Q28. Mercury is basically used in thermometer
Ans C devices because its speciality is
A. High density
Q23. Gold is dissolved in – B. High liquidity
स स ह? C. High circulation power
A. Sulphuric acid D. High specific heat
B. Nitric acid E. None of the above / More than one
C. Mixture of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid र र उ स रउ र
D. Hydrochloric acid ह इस ह
E. None of the above / More than one A. उ
Ans E B. उ र
C. उ रसचर
Q24. The softest mineral, Talc (Soapstone) is mainly D. उ ऊ
: Ans C
स स (स ) ह:
A. Manganese Silicate Q29. Which of the following do not react with water
B. Sodium Silicate at all?
C. Sodium Phosphate स स स
D. Magnesium Silicate ह र ह?
E. None of the above / More than one A.Iron
Ans D B.Lead
C. Magnesium
Q25. Monazite is an ore of – D. Aluminium
इ स ह? E. None of the above / More Than One
A. Zirconium Ans B
B. Thorium
C. Titanium Q30. Which one of the following statements is
D. Iron correct ?
E. None of the above / More than one A. Liquid sodium is employed as a coolant in
Ans B nuclear reactors
B. Calcium carbonate is an ingredient of toothpaste
Q26. Which among the following liquids is the best C. Bordeaux mixture consists of sodium sulphate
conductor of heat? and Lime
D. Zinc amalgams are used as a dental filling
E. None of the above / More than one D. Aluminium
स स सह ह? E. None of the above/More than one
A. र स उ र र र Ans A
B. ह Q34. Which metal is generally used for coating of
C. स स और च ह ह brass utensils to prevent copper contamination?
D. उ स र र
ह र र स उ
Ans B ह?
A. Tin
Q31. Match List-I (Industrial process) with List-II B. Zinc
(Industry with which associated) and select the C. Aluminium
correct answer using the codes given below the D.Lead
lists. E.None of the above / More than one
List-I List-II Ans A
A. Cracking 1. Rubber
B. Smelting 2. Petroleum Q35. Aluminium surface is often 'Anodized'. This
C. Hydrogenation 3. Copper means the deposition of a layer of –
D. Vulcanization 4. Edible Fats स ह र' इ ' ह ह इस
सच -I (औ ) सच -II (उ सस स स स र ह?
ह) स स और स च च A. Chromium Oxide
र सह उ र च B. Aluminium Oxide
सच -I सच -II C. Nickel Oxide
A. 1. र र D. Zinc Oxide
B. 2. E. None of the above / More than one
C. ह इ र 3. Ans B
D. र 4. स
Code : Q36. Bronze is an alloy of –
A B C D स स ह
A. 3 2 1 4 A. Copper and Tin
B. 2 3 4 1 B. Copper and Silver
C. 2 3 1 4 C. Copper and Zinc
D. 3 2 4 1 D. Copper and Lead
Ans B E. None of the above / More than one
Ans A
Q32. Which one of the following is the correct
sequence of the given substances in the decreasing Q37. Which of the following alloys has a maximum
order of their densities? percentage of Copper ?
स स उ A. Brass
सह ह? B. Bronze
A. Steel > Mercury > Gold C. German Silver
B. Gold > Mercury > Steel D. Gun Metal
C. Steel > Gold > Mercury E. None of the above / More than one
D. Gold > Steel > Mercury स स
E. None of the above / More than one ह?
Ans B A.
Q33. Which of the following has highest melting C. स र
point? D.
स स स स ह? Ans B
B.Iron Q38. Combination of which substance in the alloy
C. Silicon renders stainless steel non-magnetic ?
स स स र- स उ र ह स
च ह? ह ह:
A. Carbon A. Aluminium
B. Chromium B. Chromium
C. Nickel C. Tin
D. Molybdenum D. Carbon
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Ans B
Q39. To make the steel hard requires increase in – Q43. Stainless steel is an alloy of :
र स स A.Iron and nickel
ह ह? B.Iron and chromium
A. The quantity of Carbon C. Copper and chromium
B. The quantity of Manganese D. Iron and zinc
C. The quantity of Silicon E. None of the above/More than one
D.The quantity of Chromium स ह:
E.None of the above / More than one A. ह और
Ans A B. ह और
C. और
Q40. Steel slag can be the material for which of the D. ह और
following? Ans E
1. Construction of base road
2. Improvement of agricultural soil Q44. How much carbon does steel contain?
3. Production of cement ह ह?
स स स ह स ह? A. 0.1–2%
1. रस B. 7-10%
2. स र C. 10-50%
3. स उ D. Zero
Select the correct answer using the code given E. None of the above / More than one
below: Ans A
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only Q45. Arrange the following substances in
C. 1 and 3 only chronological order of their first synthesis in lab :
D. 1, 2 and 3 उ स
E. None of the above / More than one र:
Ans D 1. Black gold 2. Fullerene
3. Graphene 4. Kevlar
Q41. Steel is further processed to obtain stainless Select correct answer from the codes given below :
steel by adding some element. Which one of the Codes :
following is not used for this purpose ? A. 1 2 3 4
र स र B. 4 2 3 1
सस ह इस उ C. 2 4 3 1
स स उ ह ह? D. 4 1 2 3
A. Carbon E. None of the above / More than one
B. Silicon Ans B
C. Manganese
D. Nickel Q46. Which of the following is made up of Carbon
E. None of the above / More than one only?
Ans B स स स ह?
A. Kevlar
Q42. The important metal used with iron to B. Lexan
produce stainless steel, is : C. Graphene
D. Spider silk
E. None of the above / More than one 2. It is one of the thinnest but strongest materials
Ans C tested so far.
3. It is entirely made of silicon and has high optical
Q47. Graphene is transparency.
A. An alloy of carbon/ 4. It can be used as 'conducting electrodes' required
B. Nano structure of carbon/ सरच for touchscreens, LCDs and organic LEDs.
C. Isotope of carbon/ स Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
D.None of the above correct?
E. More than one ह ह र र रह ह इस ह
Ans B ह?
1. ह - स ह और इस
Q48. Third allotrope of Carbon was discovered by च ह
three scientists, who were awarded the Nobel Prize 2. ह र ईस स स स
for Chemistry. Find out who was not on that team– स स ह
सर , 3. ह र रह स स स ह और इस उ
रस र रसस र ह
र उस ह ? 4. इस च , स और ई
A. H.W. Kroto ' इ ' इ
B. R.F. Curl स ह
C. R.E. Smalley ऊ र स स सह ह?
D. Faimen A. 1 and 2
E. None of the above / More than one B. 3 and 4
Ans D C. 1, 2 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q49. Which of the following is not in the form of E. None of the above / More than one
crystal? Ans C
स स ह ह?
A. Diamond Q52. What is the bond order of CO group?
B. Quartz CO स ह ह?
C. Sulphur A.1
D. Graphite B.2.5
E. None of the above / More than one C. 3.5
Ans C D. 3
E. None of the above/More than one
Q50. Consider the following statements : Ans D
Glass can be etched or scratched by –
1. Diamond 2. Hydrofluoric Acid Q53. One mole of hydrogen gas burns in excess of
3. Aqua-regia 4. Conc. Sulphuric Acid oxygen to give 290 KJ of heat. What is the amount
च र रच स ह- of heat produced when 4g of Hydrogen gas is burnt
1. ह र 2. ह इ र under the same conditions?
3. -र 4. स स र 290 KJ ऊ हइ स
Which of these statements are correct ? ह स र
A. 1 and 4 4g ह इ स ह ऊ
B. 2 and 3 उ ह ह?
C. 1 and 2 A. 145 Kj
D. 2 and 4 B. 290 Kj
E. None of the above / More than one C. 580 Kj
Ans C D. 1160 Kj
E. None of the above / More than one
Q51. Graphene is frequently in news recently. What Ans C
is its importance?
1. It is a two-dimensional material and has good Q54. According to weight, the percentage of
electrical conductivity. Hydrogen in water (H2O), is –
र सर हइ (H2O) ह: 2. स स
A. 44.45 % 3. र उ
B. 5.55 % 4. स सच ई र
C. 88.89 % Which of these statements are correct?
D. 11.11 % A.1 and 2
E. None of the above / More than one B.2 and 3
Ans D C. 1, 2 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q55. Heavy water is a type of – E. None of the above / More than one
A. Coolant Ans D
B. Moderator
C. Ore Q59. Permanent hardness of water is due to –
D. Fuel र र ह-
E. None of the above / More than one A. Chlorides and sulphates of Calcium and
र र __________ ह Magnesium
A. B. Calcium bicarbonate sulphates
B. C. Magnesium bicarbonate
C. D.Chlorides of Silver and Potassium
D. ई E.None of the above / More than one
Ans. E (A & B) Ans A
Q56. The substance used as moderator and coolant Q60. Large quantities of drinking water is
both, in nuclear reactors is: prepared from impure water by –
A. Ordinary water A. Desalination
B. Heavy water B. Distillation
C. Liquid Ammonia C. Ion-exchange
D. Liquid Hydrogen D. Decantation
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
र र र और स स र स
ह: र ह?
A. स र A. र
B. र B. स
C. र C.
D. र ह इ Ans A
Ans. E (A & B)
Q61. Which gas is not in the gaseous cycle?
Q57. Heavy water has molecular weight : स च स स ह ह ह?
र र ह ह? A.N2
A. 18 B.O2
B. 20 C. Carbon
C. 36 D. H2
D. 54 E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans D
Ans B
Q62. Percentage amount (by volume) of which one
Q58. Consider the following statements : of the following gas is lowest in the atmosphere?
Hard water is not suitable for स स स ( स र)
1. Drinking स स ह?
2. Washing clothes with soap A. Argon
3. Use in boilers B. Carbon dioxide
4. Irrigating crops C. Nitrogen
स स र उ ह ह? D. Oxygen
1. E. None of the above / More than one
Ans B
Q68. Bromine is a :
Q63. What is the shape of sulphur hexafluoride A. Colourless gas
molecule? B. Brown solid
A. Trigonal pyramid C. Highly inflammable gas
B. Octahedral D. Red liquid
C. Planar E. None of the above/More than one
D. Tetrahedral ____________ ह
E. None of the above / More than one A. र ह स
स रह रइ र स ह ह? B. र स
A. र C. स
B. र D. र
C. Ans D
D. च
Ans B Q69. Which one of the following non-metals is not
a poor conductor of electricity?
Q64. Easily soluble in water – स -स च ह
स स ह?
A. Carbon A. Sulphur
B. Nitrogen B. Selenium
C. Ammonia C. Bromine
D. Iodine D. Phosphorus
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Ans B
Q65. Which one of the following is the permanent Q70. Which gas is filled in normal tubelights?
gas in the atmosphere? स इ स स र ह ह?
स -स स ह? A. Sodium vapour with argon
A. Carbon dioxide B. Sodium vapour with neon
B. Ozone C. Mercury vapour with argon
C. Nitrogen D.Mercury vapour with neon
D. Neon E.None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans. E (C & D)
Ans C
Q71. Tubelight is filled with –
Q66. Tear gas is : A. Sodium vapour
A. Ammonia B. Argon gas at low pressure
B. Chlorine C. Mercury vapour at low pressure
C. Hydrogen Carbide D. Mercuric oxide & Argon gas
D.Hydrogen Sulphide E. None of the above / More than one
E.None of the above / More than one Ans. E (B & C)
Ans B
Q72. Which acid is present in Acid Rain?
Q67. The foul smell of dead fish is due to the स ह?
compound A. Benzoic acid
र ई ___________ र B. Acetic acid
ह ह C. Nitric acid
A. Amino compounds D. Oxalic acid
B. Aldehydic compounds E. None of the above / More than one
C. Sulphur compounds Ans. C
D.Nitro compounds
E.None of the above / More than one Q73. An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is
Ans A acidic in nature because the salt undergoes –
A. dialysis (3) Bleaching powders are produced in Hasnclaver
B. electrolysis plant.
C. hydrolysis र च र र-
D.Photolysis (1) स र र
E.None of the above / More than one स ( स ) ह
रस ह ह (2) स उ
स सस ह? ह
A. सस (3) हस रस र च उ
B. ह
C. Which of these statements is right:
D. - A. 1, 2 and 3
Ans C B. 2 and 3
C. Only 3
Q74. Which is not a Lewis acid? D. 1 and 2
-स ईस ह ह? E. None of the above / More than one
A. AlCl3 Ans B
B. BF3
C. NH3 Q78. Quartz crystals used in clocks are :
D. FeCl3 ह ह:
E. None of the above / More than one A. Sodium silicate
Ans C B. Silicon dioxide
C. Germanium oxide
Q75. Assertion A. : To dilute sulphuric acid, acid is D. Titanium dioxide
added to water and not water to acid. E. None of the above/More than one
Reason (R) : Specific heat of water is very high. Ans B
A: स र स र
स ह स Q79. Which one of the following salt predominant
(R) : ऊ ह ह in the ocean?
A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct स स स ह?
explanation of A.. A. Calcium Carbonate
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct B. Sodium Chloride
explanation of A.. C. Potassium Chloride
C. A. is true, but (R) is false. D. Magnesium Sulphate
D. A. is false, but (R) is true. E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans B
Ans A
Q80. Which one of the following salts should not be
Q76. Soda water obtained by passing carbon used as dining table salt?
dioxide in water is : स स
इ इ ह र स स इ ह च ह ?
ह A. Iodized salt
A. An oxidising agent B. Sea salt
B. Basic in nature C. Rock salt
C. Acidic in nature D. Processed common salt
D. A reducing agent/ च र E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans C
Ans C
Q81. Iodised salt contains :
Q77. Consider the following statements- A. Free iodine
(1) Anhydrous Sodium carbonate is commonly B. Calcium iodide
known as baking sodium (baking soda). C. Magnesium iodide
(2) Baking soda is used as a fire extinguisher. D. Potassium iodide
E. None of the above/More than one
Ans D स स उ और
र ह?
Q82. Which one of the following statements is not A. Chrome red
correct? B. Sodium thiosulphate
A. The presence of NaCl increases the rate of C. Hydrogen peroxide
setting of Plaster of Paris D.Calomel
B. Gypsum is added to the cement to slow down its E.None of the above / More than one
rate of setting Ans. B
C. All alkaline earth metals form hydrated salts
D. Barium and Strontium are found free in nature Q86. Which one of the following substances is used
E. None of the above / More than one in glazing the pottery?
स स सह ह ह? स स उ
A. NaCl उ स र रस र च ह?
ह A. Alum
B. स र र उस B. Calomel
ह C. Zinc chloride
C. स र ह D. Zinc oxide
D. र और ह E. None of the above / More than one
Ans D Ans D
Q83. What is untrue for bleaching powder? Q87. Which of the following imparts deep blue
A. It is more soluble in water colour to glass?
B. It is powder of light yellow colour स च हर र र
C. It is an oxidant ह?
D.It releases chlorine after reaction with dilute acid A. Cobalt oxide
E.None of the above / More than one B. Cupric oxide
च उ र स ह? C. Ferric oxide
A. ह ह D. Nickel oxide
B. हह र च ह ह E. None of the above / More than one
C. ह र ह Ans A
D. ह स र
ह Q88. From the decomposition of which of the
Ans. A following printing ink is formed?
स स ह स ह?
Q84. To develop photographic plates – A. Acetylene
A. Sodium thiosulphate is used as oxidising agent. B. Methane
B. Free bromine releases. C. Carbon tetrachloride
C. Light affected area quickly oxidizes. D. Benzene
D.The solution is kept developing until all the E. None of the above / More than one
bromide is not dissolved. Ans B
E.None of the above / More than one
स र , __________ Q89. The breath test conducted by police to check
A. स स उ र drunken driver has which one of the following on
ह the filter paper?
B. : र र ह च च स र सस
C. र र ह र र र र स ह?
D. स स ह रह ह A. Potassium dichromate-sulfuric acid
स इ ह ह B. Potassium permanganate-sulfuric acid
Ans A C. Silica gel coated with silver nitrate
D. Turmeric
Q85. Which one of the following substances is used E. None of the above / More than one
in photography and also as an antichlor? Ans A
Q90. Natural rubber is a polymer of – ' ' स स उ
र स स ह? ह?
A. Butadiene A. Fibrous glass
B. Ethylene B. Gun metal
C. Isoprene C. Lead
D. Styrene D. Laminated glass
E. None of the above / More than one E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Ans D
Q91. Cellulose and starch both are made up of : Q96. Bisphenol A (BPA), a cause of concern is a
स और च स सस ह ह? structural/key component in the manufacture of
A. (+) – glucose which of the following kinds of plastics?
B. (–) – fructose A (BPA), स स र
C. Both A. and B. given above सरच / च
D. (+) – galactose र ह?
E. None of the above / More than one A. Low-density polyethylene
Ans A B. Polycarbonate
C. Polyethylene terephthalate
Q92. Which one of the following is used in the D.Polyvinyl chloride
synthesis of polythene? E.None of the above / More than one
स स स उ Ans B
A. Methane Q97. Phenol is used in the manufacture of which
B. Ethene one of the following ?
C. Propane स स उ
D. Butane ह?
E. None of the above / More than one A. P.V.C.
Ans B B. Nylon
C. Polystyrene
Q93. Which one of the following polymer is used in D. Bakelite
making bullet-proof vests? E. None of the above / More than one
स स Ans D
उ ह?
A. Bakelite Q98. Lemon is citrus due to –
B. Polyamides स स र स इ स ह?
C. Teflon A. Hydrochloric acid
D. Polyurethanes B. Acetic acid
E. None of the above / More than one C. Tartaric acid
Ans B D. Citric acid
E. None of the above / More than one
Q94. Which one of the following polymers is used Ans. D
for making bullet-proof windows?
स स Q99. Which one of the following organic acids is
र उ ह? abundant in grapes, tamarind and banana?
A. Polycarbonates स स र, इ और
B. Polyurethanes चर ह ह?
C. Polystyrene A. Acetic acid
D. Polyamides B. Citric acid
E. None of the above / More than one C. Lactic acid
Ans A D. Tartaric acid
E. None of the above / More than one
Q95. Which one of the following is used in making Ans D
‘Bulletproof Jacket’?
Q100. Which acid is used in photography? D.Cyclonite
स ह? E.None of the above / More than one
A. Formic acid Ans D
B. Oxalic acid
C. Citric acid Q106. Which one of the following explosives does
D. Acetic acid not contain nitroglycerine as an essential
E. None of the above / More than one constituent ?
Ans B स स
इ सर ह ह ह?
Q101. Which of the following is not optically active? A. Cordite
स स सस ह ह? B. Blasting Gelatine
A. Glycine C. Dynamite
B. Alanine D. Amatol
C. Serine E. None of the above / More than one
D. All of the above Ans D
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans A Q107. The chemical used in manufacturing of
dynamite is
Q102. A mixture of which one of the following pairs A. Glycerol
of gases is the cause of occurrence of most of the B. Glycerol triacetate
explosions in mines? C. Glycerol trinitrate
स स स D. Glycerol triiodate
ह र ह? E. None of the above / More than one
A. Hydrogen and Oxygen Ans C
B. Oxygen and Acetylene
C. Methane and Air Q108. Why is there a concern about copper
D.Carbon dioxide and Methane smelting plants?
E.None of the above / More than one 1. They may release lethal quantities of carbon
Ans C monoxide into environment.
2. The copper slag can cause the leaching of some
Q103. 'Nobel oil' is the name of which one of the heavy metals into environment.
following explosives? 3. They may release sulphur dioxide as a pollutant.
' ' स स ह? Select the correct answer using the code given
A. TNG below.
B. TNP A. 1 and 2 only
C. TNA B. 2 and 3 only
D. TNT C. 1 and 3 only
E. None of the above / More than one D.1, 2 and 3
Ans A E.None of the above / More than one
Ans B
Q104. RDX was invented by
A. Alfred Nobel Q109. LPG used as domestic fuel chiefly contains
B. Soddy A.Methane
C. Bergillins B.Propane
D. Henning C. Ethylene
E. None of the above / More than one D. Butane
Ans D E. None of the above/More than one
Ans E
Q105. Which one of the following is another name
of RDX? Q110. The Pressure gauge is not given in the
A. Cyanohydrin domestic LPG cylinders because-
B. Dextran A. They are so costly
C. Cyclohexane
B. They cannot represent the quantity of gas in LPG Q114. ‘Hydrocarbon Vision 2025’ is associated with :
cylinders A. Storage of petroleum products
C. Their use is not safe B. Euro I and Euro II vehicles
D.They are choked by LPGs C. Green House effect
E.None of the above / More than one D. None of the above
Ans B E. More than one
Ans A
Q111. Consider the following statements :
1. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is liquefied under Q115. Which one of the following substances is
extremely cold temperatures and high pressure to used in the preservation of food stuff ?
facilitate storage or transportation in specially स स उ स
designed vessels. सर ह?
2. First LNG terminal in India was built in Hassan. A. Citric Acid
3. Natural Gas Matters (NGM) are separated from B. Potassium Chloride
LPG and these include ethane, propane, butane and C. Sodium Benzoate
natural gasoline. D. Sodium Chloride
Which of the statements given above is/are correct E. None of the above / More than one
? Ans C
A.1 only
B.1 and 3 Q116. The sweetest sugar among the following is:
C. 2 and 3 स स र ह:
D.1, 2 and 3 A. fructose
E.None of the above / More than one B. glucose
Ans A C. maltose
D. sucrose
Q112. Which one of the following is used as an E. None of the above / More than one
anti-freeze for the automobile engines? Ans A
स स इ इ -
उ ह? Q117. Which one of the following compounds is
A. Propyl alcohol used as a sedative?
B. Ethanol स स उ
C. Methanol ह?
D. Ethylene glycol A. Potassium Bromide
E. None of the above / More than one B. Calcium Chloride
Ans D C. Ethyl Alcohol
D. Phosphorus Trichloride
Q113. Hydrogen gas can be conveniently used as a E. None of the above / More than one
fuel for running vehicles if it is absorbed at very low Ans A
temperature by a substance only to be released at
the temperature generated by the exhaust. What is Q118. Which one of the following fruits is most
that substance found in India? suitable for jelly making?
हइ स च ह ई स स स
स सउ स ह इस स उ ह?
र र ह और A. Mango
स र उ र ह र B. Papaya
ह? C. Guava
A. Hydride D. Wood apple
B. Coals E. None of the above / More than one
C. Soapstone Ans C
D. Resins
E. None of the above / More than one Q119. For wheat cultivation which fertilizer is used?
Ans A -स ह?
A. Nitrogen
B. Potassium A. Land revenue/ र
C. Copper B. Agricultural policies of the British Government/
D. Iron सर र
E. None of the above / More than one C. Cash crops/ स
Ans A D. Land grants/
E. None of the above / More than one of the above
Q120. Which one among the following is called
philosopher’s wool? 6. Who said, “Wherever I am, there is Jagdishpur”?
स स ऊ ह ह? स ह," ह , ह ह र"?
A. Amar Singh
A. Zinc Bromide
B. Kunwar Singh
B. Zinc Nitrate
C. Rani Lakshmibai
C. Zinc Oxide D. General Lloyd
D. Zinc Chloride E. None of the above / More than one of the above
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C 7. Which was the first English newspaper published
from Patna?
स ह ह र स
4. BIHAR STATIC A. The Indian Nation
B. The Bihar Herald
1. Find the wrong match:/ : C. The Mirror
A. Valmiki wildlife sanctuary - West Champaran D. Hindu Patriot
B. Kaimur wildlife sanctuary - Rohtas E. None of the above / More than one of the above
C. Vikramshila wildlife sanctuary - Begusarai
D. Bhimbandh wildlife sanctuary - Munger 8. Bihar state is situated between which of the following
E. None of the above / More than one of the above longitudes?
हरर स स र च ह?
2. The Indian National Congress Session of 1922 was
A. about 84 East to 88 East
held at which place in Bihar?
B. about 80 East to 84 East
1922 र र स हर स C. about 80 East to 88 East
र ? D. about 83 19'50'' East to 88 17'40'' East
A. Gaya E. None of the above / More than one of the above
B. Patna
C. Haripura 9. In the decade of 1830, Patna city was not the centre
D. Ramgarh of
E. None of the above / More than one of the above 1830 हर स ह ?
A. Wahabi Movement
3. The plywood industry in Bihar is located in B. Munda Revolt
A. Hajipur C. Godkhari Revolt
B. Katihar D. Sanyasi Revolt
C. Bhagalpur E. None of the above / More than one of the above
D. Kishanganj
E. None of the above / More than one of the above 10. Who formed the Ravidas Sabha in Bihar in 1928?
1928 हर र सस स ?
4. Famous Sufi Saint of Bihar Sharfuddin Maneri is
A. Mahatma Gandhi
related to which Sufi order?
B. Jagjivan Ram
हर स स स र र स स C. Karpoori Thakur
स स स ? D. Sant Ravidas
A. Kubrawi E. None of the above / More than one of the above
B. Firdausi
C. Chisti 11. Where was the first Zila School opened in 1835?
D. Suhrawardi
1835 ह ह ?
E. None of the above / More than one of the above A. Patna
B. Darbhanga
5. The Champaran Movement was basically against ? C. Ranchi
च र स स ?
D. Muzaffarpur 18. Phagu Chauhan became Governor of Bihar on which
E. None of the above / More than one of the above date?
चह स र हर र ?
12. The word ‘Bihar’ originally means A. 29 July, 2019
' ह र' ह… B. 29 July, 2020
A. Buddhist Monastery/ C. 29 July, 2021
B. Land of Angels/ D. 29 July, 2006
C. Arya Pradesh/ E. उपरोक्त में से कोई नह ीं / उपरोक्त में से एक से अधधक
D. Land of Greenery/ ह र
E. None of the above / More than one of the above 19. Expansion of Tarai Region in Bihar is
हर रई र ह…..
13. The Son River, which joins the Ganga river in Bihar, A. Parallel to the India-Nepal boundary/ र -
originates from स स र
हर स उ ह स B. Parallel to the North bank of Chhotanagpur
ह ह? plateau/ र र उ र स र
A. Hazaribagh Plateau C. Parallel to the East bank of Rohtas plateau/ र ह स
B. Palamu Plateau र स र
C. Malwa Plateau D. Parallel to the West boundary of Rajmahal
D. Amarkantak Plateau mountain series/ र ह
E. None of the above / More than one of the above स स र
E. उपरोक्त में से कोई नह ीं / उपरोक्त में से एक से अधधक
14. Where was the battle between Sher Shah and
Humayun fought on 26 June, 1539? 20. In Bihar though ‘Zamindari’ was statutorily abolished
26 , 1539 र ह और च ह in 1952, the social base of land control remained in the
? grip of
A. Teliyagarhi हर 1952 ' र' स
B. Rohtas स र , र स
C. Chunar
र स च रह ?
D. Chausa
A. Middle Caste Hindus
E. None of the above / More than one of the above
B. Dominant Caste Hindus
C. Scheduled Tribe Hindus
15. In which year was Ali Gauhar’s Bihar expedition
D. Scheduled Caste Muslims
E. None of the above / More than one of the above
हर हर स स ?
A. 1761 21. North Bihar is most famous for
B. 1757
उ र हर स स स स स ह?
C. 1764
D. 1759 A. Flood/
E. None of the above / More than one of the above B. Famine/
C. Heavy industries/ र उ
16.After the death of Alivardi Khan who became the D. Agricultural prosperity/ स
Nawab of Bengal? E. None of the above / More than one of the above
A. Mir Qasim 22. Which one of the following is the largest city of
B. Sirajuddaula Bihar ?
C. Murshid Quli Khan स स हर स स हर ह?
D. Saadat Khan A. Patna
E. None of the above / More than one of the above B. Gaya
C. Begusarai
17. The highest part of Ramnagar Dun is… D. Ara
A. Someshwar fort E. None of the above / More than one of the above
B. Barabar
C. Gridhkut 23. Where is Telhar waterfall located in Bihar?
D. Santpur A. Gaya
E. उपरोक्त में से कोई नह ीं / उपरोक्त में से एक से अधधक B. Kaimur
C. Vaishali
D. Ara
E. None of the above / More than one of the above 30. Among the following pairs of tribe and district,
which one is not correctly matched?
24. Bihar State has the highest number of people below और स स सह
the poverty line due to स ह ह?
स स र हरर र र स A. Munda- Jamui
च स स स ह? B. Santhal- Banka
A. Failure of Land reforms/ स र C. Oraon- Supaul
B. Lack of political will/ र इ D. Kharwar-Bhagalpur
C. Large number of labour class/ स E. उपरोक्त में से कोई नह ीं / उपरोक्त में से एक से अधधक