68th BPSC Pre-1-1-31
68th BPSC Pre-1-1-31
68th BPSC Pre-1-1-31
Q52. Work as intermediaries between biotic and Q57. Which of the following have species that can
abiotic components : establish symbiotic relationship with other
और च organisms?
र ह: 1. Cnidarians 2. Fungi 3. Protozoa
A. Parasite / र स स स ह
B. Decomposers/ स सह स रस ह?
C. Producers / उ 1. इ र 2. 3.
D. Consumers/ उ Select the correct answer using the code given
E. None of the above / More Than one below.
Ans C A.1 and 2 only
B.2 and 3 only
Q53. Trophic level-I includes : C. 1 and 3 only
A. Herbivorous animals D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Carnivorous animals E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Omnivorous animals Ans D
D. Green plants
E. None of the above / More Than one Q58. Lichens, which are capable of initiating
र- I ह: ecological succession even on a bare rock, are
A. हर र actually a symbiotic association of –
B. सहर र A. Algae and bacteria
C. स ह र र B. Algae and fungi
D. हर C. Bacteria and fungi
Ans D D. Fungi and mosses
E. None of the above / More Than one
Q54. Redness in apple is due to – इ , च र र
स स स र ह ह? र र स ह ह, सह स हच
A. Anthocyanin ह-
B. Lycopene A. और र
C. Carotene B. और
D. Xanthophyll C. र और
E. None of the above / More Than one D. और ई
Ans B
Ans A
Q59. We get morphine from :
Q55. Which of the following accounts for the red A. Flower
colour of tomato? B. Leaves
स स र र र ह ह? C. Fruit
A. Capsaicin D. Stem
B. Carotene E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Anthocyanin Ans C
D. Lycopene
E. None of the above / More Than one Q60. The main constituent of opium is :
Ans D ह:
A. Morphine
Q56. The yellow colour of papaya is due to – B. Heroin
र स स र ह ह? C. Atropine
A. Papain D. Quinine
B. Lycopene E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Caricaxanthin Ans A
D. Carotene
E. None of the above / More Than one Q61. What is the botanical name of opium?
ह? Q65. Change in the base sequence within a gene is
A. Emblica officinalis called:
B. Papaver Somniferum A. Mutation
C. Rauwolfi a Serpentina B. Cloning
D. Cinchona Species C. Fusion
E. None of the above / More Than one D. Breeding
Ans B E. None of the above / More Than one
र र र ह ह:
Q62. Opium is of which category medicine ? A. उ र
A. Depressant B.
B. Stimulant C.
C. Hallucinogenic D.
D. None of the above Ans A
E. More Than one
स औ ह? Q66. Which of the following features of DNA makes
A. स it uniquely suited to store and transmit genetic
B. उ information from generation to generation ?
C. DNA स स इस स
Ans A र र और स र र
सउ ह?
Q63. The cellular and molecular control of A. Complementarity of the two strands
programmed cell death are known as : B. Double helix
स र और C. Number of base-pairs per turn
इस ह: D.Sugar-phosphate backbone
A. Apoptosis E.None of the above / More Than one
B. Ageing Ans A
C. Degeneration
D. Necrosis/ र Q67. Sexual reproduction causes genetic variation
E. None of the above / More Than one because of
Ans A A. Blending of genes
B. Chromosomal changes
Q64. The characteristics features of genetic code C. Shuffling of genes
are : D. All of the above
i. It is always universal E. None of the above / More Than one
ii. It is triplet of nucleotides bases corresponding to र ह
20 amino acids A. स
iii. It is non-overlapping, non-ambiguous and B. स र
commaless. C. र
iv. It has start and stop codon D. ऊ र स
ह: Ans D
i. हस स ह ह
ii. ह 20 स इ स Q68. Who has proposed for the first time the
स ह double helix model of DNA ?
iii. ह र- , र-स और र ह DNA ह ह र स
iv. इस और ह ह ?
Which of the statements given above are true? A. Watson and Crick
A. i, ii and iv only B. Fisher the Haldoni
B. i, iii and iv only C. Lamark and Darwin
C. i, ii and iii only D. Hugo de Vries
D.All of the above E. None of the above / More Than one
E.None of the above / More Than one Ans A
Ans D
Q69. Who discovered DNA?
A. James Watson and Francis Crick 3. Coal miner
B. Gregor Mendel 4. Dyer and painter
C. Johannsen स स र स DNA
D. Hargovind Khorana र च स र ह?
E. None of the above/More than one of the above 1. 14 इस उ र रह
Ans E 2. -र
Q70. Har Gobind Khorana is credited for the 4. र र और च र
discovery of – Select the correct answer by using the codes given
हर र स ह? below :
A. Synthesis of Protein A. 2 only
B. Synthesis of gene B. 1, 2 and 3
C. Synthesis of Nitrogenous C. 1, 2 and 4
D. None of these D. 1, 3, and 4
E. None of the above / More Than one E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans A Ans A
Q71. Who delivered the principle of 'jumping Q75. Which of the following is/are used as
genes’? biofertilizers?
' ' स स ? 1. Azolla
A. Gregor Johann Mendel 2. Blue-green algae
B. Tomas Hunt Morgan 3. Alfalfa
C. Barbara McClintock स स उ र
D.Watson and Crick ह?
E.None of the above / More Than one 1.
Ans C 2. -ह र
Q72. Which compound present in D.N.A. does not Choose the correct answer by the given codes :
form amino acid ? A. Only 2
D.N.A. उ -स ह B. 1 and 2
ह? C. 1 and 3
A. Adenine D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Tyrosine E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Guanine Ans B
D. Cytosine
E. None of the above / More Than one Q76. Which of the following is used as Biofertilizer?
Ans B स स उ उ र
Q73. Which of the following does not have sex- A. Rhizobium
chromosome? B. Blue-green algae/ हर
स स - स ह ह ह? C. Azolla
A. Monkey D. All of these
B. Tiger E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Butterfly Ans D
D. Lizard
E. None of the above / More Than one Q77. Which of the following is a source of bio-
Ans D fertilizer?
स स उ र ह?
Q74. Which of the following professional(s) are A. Yeast / र
more likely to run the risk of a permanent change in B. Chlorella
their cell's DNA? C. Azolla
1. Researchers using carbon 14 isotope D. Mold
2. X-ray technician E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans C Q83. Which one of the following salts is found in
maximum amount in the human bones?
Q78. Azolla gives a good biofertilizer when mixed स स ह
with – ह?
स स स र A. Magnesium Chloride
उ र ह? B. Calcium Carbonate
A. Blue-green algae C. Calcium Phosphate
B. Bone meal D. Sodium Chloride
C. Cow dung E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Urea Ans C
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans A Q84. Alpha-keratin is a protein, present in :
A. Blood
Q79. Azolla is – B. Skin
A. Aquatic Fern C. Lymph
B. Aquatic algae D. Eggs
C. Aquatic bacteria E. None of the above / More Than one
D. None of these Ans B
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans A Q85. The strongest muscle in human body is found
Q80. Which bacteria is responsible for nitrogen A. Jaws
fixation in soyabean? B. Thighs
स इ र र स C. Neck
र ह? D. Hands
A. Rhizobium leguminosarum E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Rhizobium japonicum रर स स ह ई ह?
C. Rhizobium fajioleai A.
D. Rhizobium traitolai B.
E. None of the above / More Than one C.
Ans A D. ह
Ans A
Q81. Weight of our body is mostly made of
ह र रर र सस ह ह Q86. Nutraceuticals are products which have-
A. From bones A. Nutrients vitamin and minerals
B. Parts of body B. Nutrients protein and fatty acids
C. Parts of skin C. Nutrient and toxic effect
D. From water D. Nutrient and medicinal effect
E. None of the above / More Than one E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans D सउ ह -
A. और
Q82. The percentage of water in an adult human B. और स
body is around– C. और
रर D. और औ
ह ह? Ans D
A. 10%
B. 30% Q87. Living organisms require at least 27 elements,
C. 65% of which, 15 are metals. Among these, those
D. 75% required in major quantities, include :
E. None of the above / More Than one स स 27 ह ह,
Ans C स 15 ह इ स, ह,
उ ह:
A. Potassium, manganese, molybdenum and A. Vitamin B12
calcium B. Vitamin C
B. Potassium, molybdenum, copper and calcium C. Vitamin K
C. Potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium D. Vitamin A
D. Sodium, magnesium, copper and manganese E. None of the above / More Than one
E. None of the above / More Than one Ans E (A & C)
Ans C
Q93. The Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease
Q88. Apples have special value for heart patients, :
because they are rich source of – A. Rickets
र स ह ह, स B. Beri-Beri
ह- C. Osteoporosis
A. Sodium and Potassium D. Pellagra
B. Phosphorus and Magnesium E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Potassium and Phosphorus D स स र ह ह?
D. Potassium only A. स र
E. None of the above / More Than one B. र- र
Ans D C. स र
Q89. The chemical name of Vitamin C is- Ans E (A & C)
A. Ascorbic Acid
B. Thiamine Q94. Which one of the following pairs is not
C. Citric Acid correctly matched ?
D. Tartaric acid A. Niacin - Pellagra
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Thiamin - Beri-Beri
Ans A C. Vitamin D - Rickets
D. Vitamin K – Sterility
Q90. Vitamin 'C' help in absorption of which of E. None of the above / More Than one
following elements? Ans D
'C' स स
र ह? Q95. Which of the following is the richest source of
A. Iron vitamin A?
B. Calcium स स A स सस
C. Iodine ह?
D. Sodium A. Apple
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Papaya
Ans A C. Guava
D. Mango
Q91. Which of the following vitamins does not get E. None of the above / More Than one
stored in the body? Ans D
स स रर स ह ह
ह ह? Q96. Which one of the following is an important
A. Vitamin A source of vitamin E?
B. Vitamin C स स E ह
C. Vitamin D ह?
D. Vitamin E
E. None of the above / More Than one A. Palm( ) oil
Ans B B. Coconut oil
C. Wheat germ oil
Q92. Which of the following is synthesized by D. Mustard oil
intestinal bacteria? E. None of the above / More Than one
स र र स Ans C
ह ह?
Q97. Assertion A. : If somebody stops taking green रइ स स -स र ह
vegetables he will suffer from night blindness. ह?
Reason (R) : He will suffer from vitamin A deficiency. A.Pellagra
A. : ई हर स र B.Scurvy
ह हर स ह C. Beri Beri
र (R): ह A स ह D. Cheilosis
Select the correct answer from the codes given E. None of the above / More Than one
below: Ans D
A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
explanation of A. . Q102. Match List- I with List- II and select the
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is NOT the correct answer from the code given below the lists :
correct explanation of A. . List I List II
C. A is true, but (R) is false. A. Retinol 1. Pernicious anaemia/
D. A is false, but (R) is true. स र ह
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Tocopherol 2. Mental illness/
Ans D स र
C. Cyanocobalamin 3. Conjunctivitis/
Q98. Assertion A. : Vitamin B12 remains stored in
liver for about 3-5 years. D. Pyridoxine 4. Sterility/infertility/
Reason (R) : Vitamin B12 is water-soluble. /
A. : B12 3-5 Code :
स च रह ह A B C D
(R) : B12 ह A. 1 2 3 4
Select the correct answer using the codes given B. 3 4 1 2
below: C. 4 3 2 1
A. Both A. and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct D. 3 4 2 1
explanation of A. . E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Both A. and (R) are true, but (R) is not the Ans B
correct explanation of A. .
C. A is true, but (R) is false. Q103. Which among the following pairs is not
D. A is false, but (R) is true. correctly matched?
E. None of the above / More Than one A. Thiamine - Beri-Beri
Ans B B. Vitamin D - Rickets
C. Vitamin K - Sterility
Q99. Thiamine is : D. Niacin – Pellagra
A. Vitamin C E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Vitamin B2 Ans C
C. Vitamin B6
D. Vitamin B1 Q104. Banana accepted as most calories fruit has
E. None of the above / More Than one what amount of calories per 100 gm?
Ans D स र
100 र ह ह?
Q100. Which one of the following pairs is NOT A. 416 Kcal
correctly matched? B. 316 Kcal
A. Vitamin A – Orange C. 216 Kcal
B. Vitamin C – Lemon D. 116 Kcal
C. Vitamin D – Cod liver oil E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Vitamin B6 – Rice bran Ans D
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans A Q105. A rich source of both protein and fat is :
और स स ह:
Q101. Riboflavin deficiency causes which of the A. Coconut
following diseases? B. Groundnut/
C. Soyabean Q110. The element that maintains balance between
D. Sunflower acidity and alkalinity in our body is
E. None of the above / More Than one ह र रर और र चस
Ans B र ह:
A. Phosphorus
Q106. Which of the following is mostly B. Sodium
carbohydrate? C. Potassium
A. Wheat D. Calcium
B. Barley E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Rice Ans A
D. Maize
E. None of the above/More than one of the above Q111. Which one of the following compounds is
Ans C not stored in human body ?
A. Glycogen
Q107. Which one of the following statements is not B. Amino acids
correct regarding the amino acids, tyrosine, present C. Fat
in protein rich food? D. Tocopherol
A. It can help increase energy levels. E. None of the above / More Than one
B. It can help with emotional & environmental स स रर स ह ह
stress. ह ह?
C. It can combat depression. A. इ
D. It can protect against free radicals responsible B.
for aging. C. स
E. None of the above / More Than one D. र
स , इर स र Ans. B
स स सह ह ह?
A. ह ऊ र रस ह Q112. Grains of basmati rice get elongated on
B. ह और र र being cooked because of higher content of –
स ह A. Lysine
C. ह स स ह B. Amylose
D. ह उ र सर र C. Sugar
स ह D. Oil
Ans D E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans B
Q108. The major food fuel during exercise of long
duration is Q113. Cow milk is yellowish white in colour due to
र ई ह the presence of –
A. Fat र स स उ र
B. Protein ह ह
C. Carbohydrate A. Casein
D. None of these B. Lactose
E. None of the above / More Than one C. Carotene together with casein
Ans C D. Butyric acid together with lactose
E. None of the above / More Than one
Q109. Nitrogen is NOT an essential constituent of : Ans C
इ स स ह ह?
A. Chlorophyll Q114. What is the average fat content of buffalo
B. RNA milk ?
C. DNA A. 7.2%
D. Carbohydrate B. 4.5%
E. None of the above / More Than one C. 9.0%
Ans D D. 10.0%
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans A
Q120. Which of the following would lead to
Q115. Milk protein is digested by which of the malnutrition ?
following enzyme? 1.Overnutrition
स स इ र च 2.Undernutrition
ह? 3. Imbalanced nutrition
A. Pepsin स स र ह ?
B. Trypsin 1.
C. Rennin 2.
D. Erepsin 3. स
E. None of the above / More Than one Select the correct answer by using the codes given
Ans C below :
A. 2 alone
Q116. Which one of the following pairs is correctly B. 2 and 3
matched ? C. 1 and 3
A. Vitamin B1 - Retinol D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Vitamin B6 - Niacin Ans D
D. Vitamin C – Calciferol
E. None of the above / More Than one Q121. Consider the following statements :
Ans B (i) Fatty acids should be a part of human diet.
(ii) A normal diet should contain 75 gm of fat.
Q117. Which is the main vitamin found in Papaya? (iii) The cells of human body can not synthesize any
स ह? fatty acids.
(iv) Deficiency diseases develop due to the absence
A. Vitamin 'A’ of essential fatty acids.
B. Vitamin 'C' र च र र:
C. Vitamin 'B’ (i) स हर ह च ह
D. Vitamin ‘K’ (ii) स ह र 75 स ह च ह
E. None of the above / More Than one (iii) रर स स
Ans B स ह रस ह
(iv) स र
Q118. Which one of the following does not ह र स ह ह
denature a protein? Which of the above statements is/are correct ?
स -स ह र A. (i), (ii) and (iii)
ह? B. (i), (ii) and (iv)
A. Heat C. (ii) and (iii) only
B. Infrared rays D. (iii) and (iv) only
C. X-rays E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Heavy metal salts Ans B
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans B Q122. Linseed is a rich source of-
स स स ह-
Q119. How much protein a lactating mother A. Vitamin C
requires in a daily diet? B. Omega-3 fatty acid
र हर C. Essential amino acids
ह ह? D. Antioxidants
A. 30 grams E. None of the above / More Than one
B. 20 grams Ans B
C. 70 grams
D. 100 grams Q123. Which among the following is the richest
E. None of the above / More Than one source of alpha-linolenic acid ( 18- carbon omega-3
Ans C fatty acid)?
स स - स (18- Q127. Consumption of fish is considered to be
-3 स ) स सस ह? healthy when compared to the flesh of other
A. Moth bean animals because fish contains :
B. Oats A. Polyunsaturated fatty acids
C. Mung bean B. Saturated fatty acids
D. Flaxseed C. Essential vitamins
E. None of the above / More Than one D. More carbohydrates and proteins
Ans D E. None of the above / More Than one
र स स
Q124. Which one of the following food materials ह ह ह?
contains all essential amino acids? A. स स
स स स स B. स स
स ह ह? C.
A. Rice D. हइ और
B. Milk Ans A
C. Egg
D. Soyabean Q128. A company marketing food products
E. None of the above / More Than one advertises that its items do not contain trans fats.
Ans What does this campaign signify to the customers?
1. The food products are not made out of
Q125. The substance which makes up about 80% of hydrogenated oils.
the living material in most organisms is : 2. The food products are not made out of animal
A. Protein fats/oil.
B. Fats 3. The oils used are not likely to damage the
C. Carbohydrates cardiovascular health of the consumers.
D. Minerals उ र
E. None of the above / More Than one ह उस उ स स ह ह ह ह
ह 80% स ह ह?
ह: 1. उ हइ स ह ह
A. 2. उ स/ स ह ह
B. स 3. उ सउ
C. हइ स च स ह ह
D. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Ans A A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3
Q126. Assertion A : Unsaturated fats are more C. 1 and 3
reactive compared with the saturated fats. D. 1, 2 and 3
Reason R : Unsaturated fats have only single bonds E. None of the above / More Than one
in their structure. Ans D
A: स स स स
ह ह Q129. What is triglyceride?
र R: स स सरच ह A.Protein
ह B.Carbohydrate
A. Both A and R are individually true, and R is the C. Fat
correct explanation of A. D. Mineral
B. Both A and R are individually true, but R is not E. None of the above/More than one
the correct explanation of A. Ans C
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false, but R is true. Q130. Which of the following statements is/are
E. None of the above / More Than one correct?
Ans C 1. Viruses lack enzymes necessary for the
generation of energy.
2. Viruses can be cultured in any synthetic medium.
3. Viruses are transmitted from one organism to Q134. The disease caused by swelling of the
another by biological vectors only. membrane over spinal cord and brain is
स सह ह? र ह और र स सह
1. ऊ उ इ र ह:
ह ह A. Leukaemia
2. स स स B. Paralysis
स ह C. Sclerosis
3. स सर र ह D. Meningitis
र सच र ह ह E. None of the above / More Than one
Select the correct answer using the codes given Ans D
A.Only 1 Q135. Which one of the following diseases is not
B.Only 2 due to contamination of water?
C. 1 and 3 स -स र ह स ह ह
D. All of these ह?
E. None of the above / More Than one A. Typhoid
Ans A B. Hepatitis B
C. Jaundice
Q131. Which of the following does not have any D. Cholera/ ह
enzyme in its cells? E. None of the above / More Than one
A.Lichen Ans B
C. Bacteria Q136. Smallpox was declared eradicated from the
D. Algae world in
E. None of the above/More than one A. 1975
स स ई इ ह B. 1980
ह ह? C. 1996
A. इ D. 2008
B. E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Ans B
Ans E Q137. Assertion A. : Immune system gets affected
by AIDS.
Q132. Which of the following disease is related to Reason (R) : T-lymphocytes get completely
Coronavirus? damaged in AIDS.
स स र र रस स स A. : र सस ह ह
ह? र (R) : स - स इ स र रह ह
B. SARS Select the correct answer using the code given
C. COVID-19 below :
D. All of the above A. A is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation
E. None of the above / More Than one of A. .
Ans D B. A is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of
A. .
Q133. Yellow fever is spread by – C. A is correct but (R) is wrong.
र स र ह D. A is wrong but (R) is correct.
A. Air E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Water Ans B
C. Housefly
D. None of the above Q138. In AIDS virus, there is –
E. More Than one A. DNA + Protein
Ans D B. RNA + DNA
C. RNA + Protein
D. DNA only B. Edwerd Jenner
E. None of the above / More Than one C. Luck Izon Jenner
Ans C D. Robertson
E. None of the above / More Than one
Q139. Consider the following statements : Ans A
1. Adenoviruses have single-stranded DNA
genomes whereas retroviruses have double- Q143. Most frequently used medicine for AIDS is –
stranded DNA genomes. स स स इ ह–
2. Common cold is sometime caused by an A. Zedovudine (Azidothymidine)
adenovirus whereas AIDS is caused by a retrovirus. B. Micronazol
र च र र: C. Nanaxinel-a
1. रस स - ह ह D. Vinajol
र रस - DNA ह ह E. None of the above / More Than one
2. स स - रस र ह ह Ans A
AIDS र रस र ह ह
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Q144. Which part of human body is infected by the
A. 1 only virus causing Japanese encephalitis?
B. 2 only रर स इ स
C. Both 1 and 2 र सस ह ह?
D. Neither 1 nor 2 A. Skin
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Red blood cells
Ans B C. Brain
D. Lungs
Q140. Which of the following diseases can be E. None of the above / More Than one
transmitted from one person to another through Ans C
स -स र स Q145. Japanese encephalitis is caused by :
स सर स ह? A. Bacteria
1. Chikungunya B. Virus
2. Hepatitis B C. Parasitic protozoan
3. HIV-AIDS D. Fungus
Select the correct answer using the codes given E. None of the above / More Than one
below इस इ स स र ह ह:
A. Only 1 A.
B. 2 and 3 B.
C. 1 and 3 C. र
D. All of these D.
E. None of the above / More Than one Ans B
Ans B
Q146. Which of the following diseases, antibiotics
Q141. Which of the following strains of H.I.V. is cannot cure?
dominant in India ? A. Leprosy
र H.I.V. स -स उ B. Tetanus
ह? C. Measles
A. HIV 1A D. Cholera
B. HIV 1B E. None of the above / More Than one
C. HIV 1C स -स र , ह र
D. HIV 1D स ह?
E. None of the above / More Than one A. र
Ans C B. स
C. सर
Q142. Who discovered the H.T.L.V. III AIDS Virus ? D. ह
A. Robert Gallo Ans C
Q159. Which one of the following is an antibiotic Q163. Which of the following is not a Zoonotic
drug? disease?
स स ह? स स र ह ह?
A. Quinine A. Mucormycosis
B. Sulphaguanidine B. Rabies
C. Chloramphenicol C. Plague
D. Aspirin D. SARS
E. None of the above/More than one E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans E Ans A
Q169. The diseases caused by nematodes : Q173. Haemophilia is a genetic disease carried by –
स सह र : A. Women appear in women
A. Filaria B. Women, appear in men
C. Men appear in women B. 2 3 1 4
D. Men appear in men C. 3 2 1 4
E. None of the above / More Than one D. 3 2 4 1
ह र ह- E. None of the above / More Than one
A. ह , ह ई ह Ans B
B. ह , ई ह
C. , ह ई ह Q177. If a colour blind man marries with normal
D. , ई ह women, then the symptoms of colour blindness is
Ans B generated in :
स स ह र
Q174. Which of the following is not a genetic स उ ह ह?
disorder? A. Sons
A. Down-syndrome B. Daughters
B. Haemophilia C. Sons of sons
C. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) D. Sons of daughters
D. Sickle Cell Anaemia E. None of the above / More Than one
E. None of the above / More Than one Ans D
स स र ह ह?
A. उ स Q178. The people who eat cooked food with
B. ह adulterated mustard oil can cause dangerous
C. च च स (IBS) disease (Dropsy).
D. र Which one of the following reasons may not be
Ans C correct (As happened in India)?
A. Argemone oil adulteration
Q175. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, which B. Parts of cyanide in mustard oil
is caused due to – C. Adulteration of rice husk in oil
A. Due to changes in the number of the D. White colour adulteration
chromosomes E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Due to changes in the structure of the सरस ह,
chromosome उ र र ( )ह स ह
C. Due to changes in the structure of D.N.A. स स र सह ह ह स ह( स
D. Due to changes in the structure of R.N.A. र )?
E. None of the above / More Than one A.
उ स र ह, र B. सरस सइ इ
ह ह- C. च स
A. स स र र D. स र
B. स सरच र र Ans C
C. D.N.A सरच र
D. R.N.A सरच र र Q179. The disease hysteria generally occur in which
Ans A group –
A. Married women
Q176. Match List-I (Disease) with List-II (Types of B. Old women
disease) and select the correct answer using the C. Young women
codes given below : D. Young men & women
List-I List-II E. None of the above / More Than one
A. Haemophilia 1. Deficiency ह र र स सस ह ह ह-
disease A. ह
B. Diabetes 2. Genetic disease B. ह
C. Rickets 3. Hormonal C. ह
disorder D. और
D. Ringworm 4. Fungal infection Ans C
A. 2 3 4 1 Q180. ‘Silicosis’ is a –
A. Kidney disease Ans B
B. Liver disease
C. Lung disease Q185. Which one is not correctly matched ?
D. Neurological disorder/ स र A. Cobalt 60- treatment of body’s internal
E. None of the above / More Than one neoplasm
Ans C B. Iodine 131- treatment of thyroid neoplasm
C. Phosphorus 32- treatment of leukaemia
Q181. In countries where polished rice is the mean D. Gold 198 - treatment of retinal disorders
cereal in their diet, people suffer from – E. None of the above / More Than one
च उ हर स सह स ह ह?
औस ह ह, ह इसस ह ह- A. 60- र र र रस उ चर
A. Pellagra B. 131- रइ उ चर
B. Beriberi C. रस 32- उ चर
C. Scurvy D. 198 - र र उ चर
D. Osteomalacia Ans D
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans B Q186. Which one of the following radio elements is
used to measure the speed of the blood flow in the
Q182. The ‘blue baby’ pollution disease is due to human body?
the excessive presence of which of the following in रर र ह
drinking water ? स सर उ ह?
स स उ र ' A. Radio-Phosphorus
' र ह ह? B. Radio-Iodine
A. Fluoride C. Radio-Iron
B. Chloride D. Radio-Sodium
C. Nitrate E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Arsenic Ans D
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans C Q187. The radioisotope used to control blood
cancer (leukaemia) is :
Q183. Excess of which of the following in the blood र सर ( ) र
causes the ‘Blue Baby Syndrome’ disease ? र इस ह:
र स स स' स 'र A.Iodine-131
ह ह? B.Sodium-24
A. Iron C. Phosphorus-32
B. Lead D. Cobalt-60
C. Methemoglobin E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Nitrate Ans E (C & D)
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans C Q188. Cobalt-60 is generally used in radiation
treatment because it ejects –
Q184. What is the correct sequence of the following -60 उ र र र उ चर
in a heart attack ? ह ह स र हर ह?
1. Narrowing of the inner orifice of the vessel. A. α rays
2. ‘Plaque’ from fibrous tissue and high cholesterol. B. β rays
3. Inadequate supply of blood and oxygen. C. γ rays
4. Clots of blood carried into the coronary D. X-rays
arteries( ). E. None of the above / More Than one
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 Ans C
B. 2, 4, 1, 3
C. 2, 3, 1, 4 Q189. Which among the following is the most
D. 4, 2, 1, 3 recent therapy of all types of cancers?
E. None of the above / More Than one A. 3D Conformal Radiotherapy (3D CRT)
B. Immunotherapy Ans C
C. Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT)
D. Molecularly targeted therapy Q194. The Defence Research Development
E. None of the above / More Than one Organisation (DRDO) has developed a drug named,
स -स स र सर ‘Lukoskin’. It is being used in the treatment of......... .
च ह? र स सस (DRDO) ' '
A. 3 र र (3 CRT) स ह इस उ स
B. र च स उ चर रह ह?
C. इ स र र (IMRT) A. Leucoderma
D. स च B. Leukorrhea
Ans C C. Leukaemia
D. Lung Cancer
Q190. ‘Cerebral palsy’ is a brain disorder found E. None of the above / More Than one
generally in : Ans A
'सर ' रह र र
स ह? Q195. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
A. Old people answer by using the codes given below :
B. Drug addicts List-I List-II
C. Small children A. Malaria 1. Bone marrow/
D. Only ladies
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Filaria 2. Brain
Ans C C. Encephalitis 3. Muscle
D. Leukaemia 4. Lymph node/ स
Q191. The Nobel Prize for developing treatment of 5. Blood cells
Parkinson’s disease was given to Code :
सस र इ स र र A B C D
स ? A. 5 3 2 1
A. Arvid Carlsson B. 5 4 2 1
B. John F. Enders C. 4 3 5 1
C. Robert B. Laughlin D. 5 4 1 2
D. Walter Kohn E. None of the above / More Than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans B
Ans A
Q196. Which one of the following pairs is correctly
Q192. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
matched? A. Pneumonia - Lungs
Pollutants Disease caused B. Cataract/ - Thyroid gland
A. Mercury - Minamata disease C. Jaundice - Eye
B. Cadmium - Itai-Itai disease D. Diabetes – Liver
C. Nitrate ion - Blue baby syndrome E. None of the above / More Than one
D. Fluoride ion – Indigestion Ans A
E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans D Q197. Astigmatism is a disease of the
स स र ह?
Q193. Which one of the following is useful in the A. Ears
treatment of scurvy disease? B. Eyes
स स र उ चर उ C. Nose
ह? D. Throat
A. Mango E. None of the above / More Than one
B. Papaya Ans B
C. Gooseberry
D. Ber Q198. Myopia or short sightedness is corrected by :
E. None of the above / More Than one A. Use of convex lens
B. Use of concave lens E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Use of plain concave lens Ans D
D. Use of plain convex lens
E. None of the above / More Than one Q203. The pupils of human eye are dilated with a
स स very dilute solution of an alkaloid which is
र ह? इ
A. उ स स ह, ह
B. स A. Ephedrine
C. स स B. Equanil
D. स उ स C. Atropine
Ans B D. Adrenaline
E. None of the above / More Than one
Q199. In which part of eye ‘blind spot’ and ‘yellow Ans C
spot’ are found?
स ' इ ' और ' ' Q204. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder, in
ह? which people
A. Cornea र र ह, स
B. Lens A. Walk during sleep without knowing what he or
C. Iris she is doing.
D. Retina B. Sleep with eyelids half open.
E. None of the above / More Than one C. Briefly and repeatedly stop breathing during
Ans D sleep./ र र और र- र स स र
D. Make loud snoring( र ) sound while a sleep.
Q200. The retina is outgrowth of the – E. None of the above / More Than one
A. Pons varoli Ans C
B. Mesencephalon
C. Diencephalon Q205. Oral submucous fibrosis is a disease caused
D. Telencephalon by –
E. None of the above / More Than one र स स इ सस स र ह र
Ans C ह?
A. Drinking Liquor
Q201. If the lens in eye becomes opaque, the B. Smoking Tobacco
disease is called C. Consuming Gutka of Tobacco
A. Myopia D. Consuming Red Meat
B. Astigmatism E. None of the above / More Than one
C. Glaucoma Ans C
D. Cataract
E. None of the above / More Than one Q206. The factor of madcow disease is –
स र ह ह, र ह ह A. Bacteria
A. B. Virus
B. C. Fungus
C. D. Prions
D. E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans D उर र ह-
Q202. Which part of human eye is affected by B.
cataract? C.
स स ह D.
ह? Ans D
A. Iris
B. Retina Q207. Bright’s disease affects human body in the
C. Cornea part –
D. None of the Above A. kidney
B. spleen Reason (R) : Alcohol intake speeds up the secretion
C. heart of vasopressin in the body.
D. Liver A: स ह
E. None of the above / More Than one (R) : र स रर स स
Ans A र ह
Code :
Q208. The blood glucose level is commonly A. Both A and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct
expressed as : explanation of A. .
A. mm of Hg B. Both A and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct
B. Milligram per decilitre explanation of A. .
C. Parts per million C. A is true, but (R) is false.
D. Gram per litre D. A is false, but (R) is true.
E. None of the above / More Than one E. None of the above / More Than one
Ans B Ans C
Q209. Ramu injects an injection in an excess Q212. Which one of the following seeds can benefit
amount. In result, he suffers from spasm, apoplexy a patient of diabetes mellitus by normalizing his
and faintness and dies later. The reason is – blood sugar level?
A. Unusual glucose concentration in blood
B. Highly glucose concentration in blood A. Coriander seeds
C. Lack of glycogen in blood B. Mustard seeds
D. Lack of calcium ion in blood C. Cumin seeds
E. None of the above / More Than one D. Fenugreek seeds
र इ ह उस E. None of the above / More Than one
, र और ह ह और उस स स ह र र र
ह ह र ह- र स र च स ह?
A. र स A.
B. र B. सरस
C. र इ C. र
D. र D.
Ans A Ans D
Q210. Assertion A. : The person with diabetes Q213. A commonest side effect of Cu-T :
insipidus feels thirsty. A. Bleeding
Reason (R) : A person with diabetes insipidus suffers B. Pain
from excess secretion of vasopressin. C. Perforation /
A. : इ सस D. Pelvic inflammatory disease/ स र
स ह E. None of the above / More Than one
र (R) : इ स स स Ans A
स ह ह
Code : Q214. Which statement about aspirin is not true?
A. Both A and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct A. It is a neurologically active drug.
explanation of A. . B. Aspirin belongs to narcotic analgesics.
B. Both A and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct C. It is effective in relieving pain.
explanation of A. . D. It has anti blood clotting action.
C. A is true, but (R) is false. E. None of the above / More Than one
D. A is false, but (R) is true. र र स स ह ह?
E. None of the above / More Than one A. ह र सस ह
Ans C B. र ह
C. ह सरह र रह
Q211. Assertion A. : Drinking of whiskey increases D. इस ह
the frequency of urination. Ans B
Q215. In coronary artery bypass surgery, the blood B. Rice
vessel to be used as graft has to be – C. Sugarcane
र र र ई सस र , उ D. Soyabean
र ह ह च ह - E. None of the above / More Than one
A. Vein( स) from the leg Ans C
B. Artery( ) from the forearm
C. Artery from mammary region of chest Q220. White rust is prominent fungal disease of –
D. Any of these स र स र ह
E. None of the above / More Than one A. Wheat
Ans D B. Mustard
C. Rice
Q216. In which of the following departments of a D. Millet
hospital will ‘Cath lab’ be found ? E. None of the above / More Than one
A. Pathology Ans B
B. Surgery
C. Cardiology Q221. Karnal Bunt is a disease of :
D. Nuclear Medicine A. Barley crop
E. None of the above / More Than one B. Wheat crop
स स ' ' C. Bajra crop
? D. Jowar crop
A. E. None of the above / More Than one
B. स र Ans B
D. औ Q222. Tungro virus of rice is spread by –
Ans C च स र ह
A. Borer
Q217. Blank capsules used in dispensing are made B. Inflorescent Bug
of : C. Golmiz
स उ सस D. Green leafhoppers
ह ह? E. None of the above / More Than one
A. Egg-white Ans D
B. Gum
C. Starch Q223. Yellow vein mosaic disease in okra, caused by
D. Gelatine :
E. None of the above / More Than one र र , स र ह ह:
Ans E (C & D) A. Aphids
B. Whitefly
Q218. Which of the following statements is/are C. Leafhopper
correct? D. Fungi
Viruses can infect E. None of the above / More Than one
1.Bacteria 2. Fungi 3. Plants Ans B
Select the correct answer using the code given
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 3 only 2. PHYSICS
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
E. None of the above / More Than one
Q1. Which one of the following is not correctly
Ans D
A. Knot - Measure of speed of ship/ ह
Q219. Pyrilla is pest of which crop?
र स स ह?
A. Wheat
B. Nautical mile - Unit of distance used in C. X = Y = Z
navigation / र इ ई D. X = 4Y = 8 Z
C. Angstrom - Unit of wavelength of light / E. None of the above / More than one
र इ ई Ans C
D. Light year - Unit of measuring time/ स
इ ई Q6. A person is sitting in a car which is at rest.
E. None of the above / More than one The reaction from the road at each of the four
Ans. D wheels of the car is R. When the car runs on a
straight level road, how will the reaction at
Q2. Phonometer is used to measure which one either of the front wheels vary?
of the following? र ह र रह र
र उ स स चर ह स रस स Rह
ह? रस स स रच ह, ह स
A. The power of brightness of light/ च स र स ह ?
A. It will be greater than R
B. Extremely high temperature/ उ B. It will be less than R
C. It will be equal to R
C. Frequency of electromagnetic wave/ D. It shall depend on the material of the road/ ह
च र स स र र र
D. Atmospheric humidity/ E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one Ans B
Ans E
Q7. An oil tanker is partially filled with oil and
Q3. The instrument, used for measuring angular moves forward on a level road with uniform
distances in vertical plane (elevation) and the acceleration. The free surface of oil then –
horizontal plane (azimuth), is : र स स र ह और स
ऊ र (ऊच ई) और ( ) र स स स र ह
र उ र ह: स ह -
A. Bevel protractor A. Remains horizontal/ रह ह
B. Altimeter B. Is inclined to the horizontal with smaller depth at
C. Syncline the rear end/ सर र हर ई स
D. Theodolite र ह
E. None of the above / More than one C. Is inclined to the horizontal with larger depth at
Ans D the rear end/ सर र हर ई स
र ह
Q4. The energy of wind is – D. Assumes parabolic curve
A. Only potential/ स E. None of the above / More than one
B. Only kinetic/ Ans C
C. Electrical/
D. Potential and kinetic both/ स और Q8. Consider the following statements :
A 4-wheel vehicle moving in a sharp circular
E. None of the above / More than one path at high speed will :
Ans B 1. Overturn about its outer wheels
2. Overturn about its inner wheels
Q5. A truck, a car, and a motorcycle have equal 3. Skid outwards
kinetic energies. If equal stopping forces are 4. Skid inwards
applied and they stop after traveling a distance Which of these statements are correct ?
of X, Y and Z respectively, then – A. 1 and 3
, र और रस इ स B. 2 and 4
ऊ ह ह स और X, C. 2 and 3
Y और Z र र , - D. 1 and 4
A. X > Y > Z E. None of the above / More than one
B. X < Y < Z Ans A
C. Decrease by 0.5%
Q9. The Leaning Tower of Pisa does not fall D. Decrease by 2%
because – E. None of the above / More than one
A. It is tapered at the top Ans B
B. It covers a large base area
C. Its centre of gravity remains at the lowest Q13. The acceleration due to gravity of a
position destructive earthquake will be –
D. The vertical line through the centre of gravity of र र ह ?
the tower falls within its base A. > 550 cm/sec
E. None of the above / More than one B. > 750 cm/sec2
स र इस ह र ह - C. > 950 cm/sec2
A. ह र ह ह D. > 980 cm/sec2
B. इस र ह E. None of the above / More than one
C. इस स स च र रह ह Ans D
D. र स र
इस र र र ह Q14. Consider the following statements :
Ans D A Simple Pendulum is set into oscillation Then :
1. the acceleration is zero when the bob passes
Q10. If an object is falling from above, its weight through the mean position.
remains – 2. in each cycle the bob attains a given velocity
ई ऊ र स र ह उस र रह twice.
ह- 3. both acceleration and velocity of the bob are
A. Zero zero when it reaches its extreme position during
B. Same the oscillation.
C. Change 4. the amplitude of oscillation of the simple
D. Unchanged pendulum decreases with time.
E. None of the above / More than one Which of these statements are correct ?
Ans B र च र र:
स र स ह :
Q11. The two balls of iron and wood of same 1. स र ह र ह
weight dropped from the same height in air, ह
then – 2. च र र
A. They reach the ground (earth) at the same time. ह
B. One falls first, another falls later. 3. र चर र च
C. The wooden ball falls later. ह उस र और ह ह
D. They reach the ground after some gap. 4. सर स स
E. None of the above / More than one ह
स ह और ह इ स स सह ह?
स ऊच ई स र ह, - A. 1 and 2
A. ह स ( ) र च ह B. 3 and 4
B. ह र ह, सर C. 1, 2 and 4
C. र ह D. 2, 3 and 4
D. र र च ह E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C Ans C
Q12. If the radius of the earth were to shrink by Q15. Given below are two statements-
one percent, its mass remaining the same, the Assertion A. : Lighting a candle in space does
value of g on the earth's surface would : not produce a flame.
ह ह, इस Reason (R) : A flame exists due to the pull of
स रह ह, स ह रg gravity.
ह : In the context of above, which one of the
A. Increase by 0.5% following is correct?
B. Increase by 2%
A. Both A. and (R) are true and (R) is the correct C. The smaller bubble will become larger and larger
explanation of A. will become smaller to get the same size
B. Both A. and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct D. Both bubbles will burst as soon as they come in
explanation. contact
C. A. is true but (R) is false. E. None of the above / More than one
D. A. is false but (R) is true. - स स
E. None of the above / More than one स ह ?
च ह- A. रस रह
A: र स उ B. ह और ह
ह ह ह C. ह और स र
र (R): च र ह
ह D. स ह
उ स , स -स सह ह? Ans B
A. A. और (R) स ह और (R) A सह ह
B. A. और (R) सह ह (R) सह ह ह Q19. Four wires of same material and
C. A. स ह र (R) स ह dimensions as mentioned below are stretched
D. A. स ह र (R) स ह by a load of same magnitude separately. Which
Ans A one of them will be elongated maximum?
A. Wire of 1 m length and 2 mm diameter
Q16. In the state of weightlessness, the size of B. Wire of 2 m length and 2 mm diameter
candle's flame will be- C. Wire of 3m length and 1.5 mm diameter
A. Longer D. Wire of 1m length and 1 mm diameter
B. Smaller E. None of the above / More than one
C. Spherical च सरस स और चर र
D. Constant स र र र - च ह
E. None of the above / More than one उ स स ?
रह रह - A. 1 र ई और 2 स र
A. B. 2 र ई और 2 स र
B. C. 3 र ई और 1.5 स र
C. र D. 1 र ई और 1 स र
D. र Ans C
Ans C
Q20. Consider the following statement –
Q17. Pressure inside a soap bubble is – If there were no phenomenon of capillarity, then
A. More than atmospheric pressure 1. It would be difficult to use a kerosene lamp
B. Less than atmospheric pressure 2. One would not be able to use a straw to
C. Equal to atmospheric pressure consume a soft drink.
D. Half of atmospheric pressure 3. The blotting paper would fail to function.
E. None of the above / More than one 4. The big trees that we see around would not
स र ______________ ह ह have grown on the earth.
A. स ह ह Which of the following statements given above
B. स are correct?
C. र र र चर र–
D. ई ह ह ,
Ans A A. उ र ह
B. स र ई उ
Q18. If two bubbles of soap of different ह र
diameter come in contact with a tube, then what C. र ह र
will happen? D. ह च र र - ह, र ह
A. The size of both the bubbles will remain same उ ह
B. The smaller bubble will become smaller and ऊ र स स सह ह?
bigger will become bigger A. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 1, 3 and 4 only
C. 2 and 4 only E. None of the above / More than one
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only Ans B
E. None of the above / More than one
Ans B Q25. 200 gm of water is filled in a weightless
balloon. Its weight in water will be
Q21. For which one of the following capillarity is रह र 200 र ह इस
not the only reason? र ह ?
A. Blotting of ink A. Zero
B. Rising of underground water B. 100 gm
C. Spread of water drop on a cotton cloth C. 200 gm
D. Rising of water from the roots of a plant to its D. 400 gm
foliage E. None of the above / More than one
E. None of the above / More than one
स स Ans A
र ह ह?
A. ह Q26. While floating in a sea what part of an
B. iceberg is above the surface of the sea ?
C. स र स र स ह स स
D. स ऊ रउ स ह स ऊ र ह ह?
Ans D A. 1/9
B. 1/10
Q22. Kerosene rises in the wick of the stove is C. 1/6
due to- D. ¼
A. Osmosis E. None of the above / More than one
B. Diffusion
C. Surface tension Ans A
D. biogen contraction
E. None of the above / More than one Q27. A body floats at 4°C water. If temperature
च ऊ रउ ह इस र reaches 100°C then-
ह- A. The body will sink
A. र सर B. No change
B. सर C. More part of the body will submerge
C. स ह D. The body will float freely
D. स च E. None of the above / More than one
Ans C 4°C र र ह 100°C
च ह -
Q23. The highest viscosity among the following A. रर
is of : B. ई र ह ह ह
सस स ह: C. रर ह
A. Water D. रर स र रह
B. Air Ans A
C. Blood
D. Honey Q28. Why it is easier to swim in the sea than in a
E. None of the above / More than one of the above river?
A. The sea water is salty
Ans D B. The sea water is deep
C. The sea water is heavier
Q24. The maximum density of water is at D. The sea water is lighter
ह ह: E. None of the above / More than one
A. 373 Kelvin स र स ह?
B. 277 Kelvin A. स र ह ह
C. 273 Kelvin B. स हर ह
D. 269 Kelvin C. स र ह ह