Ocr 0213
Ocr 0213
Ocr 0213
a training run at the
2021 Intermountain
Healthcare Freestyle
International Ski
World Cup in 2021 in
Park City, Utah.
Putin on
In hourlong call, Biden
says invasion would bring
‘swift and severe costs’
Biden told Russia’s Vladimir Pu-
tin that invading Ukraine would
cause “widespread human suffer-
ing” and that the West was com-
mitted to diplomacy to end the
crisis but “equally prepared for
other scenarios,” the White House
said Saturday. It offered no sug-
gestion that the hourlong call di-
minished the threat of an immi-
nent war in Europe.
Biden also said the United
States and its allies would re-
spond “decisively and impose
swift and severe costs” if the
Kremlin attacked its neighbor,
according to the White House.
The two presidents spoke a day
after Biden’s national security ad-
viser, Jake Sullivan, warned that
U.S. intelligence shows a Russian
invasion could begin within days
and before the Winter Olympics
in Beijing end on Feb. 20.
Russia denies it intends to in-
vade but has massed well over
100,000 troops near the Ukrai-
nian border and has sent troops
to exercises in neighboring Be-
larus, encircling Ukraine on three
sides. U.S. officials say Russia’s
buildup of firepower has reached
the point where it could invade on
short notice.
Bus routes to
The Rams will be playing at home for the NFL championship be disrupted
in a game SoFi Stadium had been scheduled to host a year ago if OCTA bus
drivers strike
By Todd Harmonson P1
[email protected] Sunday, February 13, 2022 » SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP • Special section:
Everything you want to By Tess Sheets
.J. Simpson tossed the pregame coin, and Mi-
know about the game. [email protected]
chael Jackson performed the halftime show
the most recent time the Super Bowl visited • Sports: Rams look Several bus routes through-
the Los Angeles area, in 1993. RAMS, LOOKING FOR THEIR FIRST BIG-GAME TITLE IN L.A., FACE BENGALS for their first big-game out Orange County could be dis-
The region had two NFL teams at the time, title in L.A. PAGE B1 rupted starting Tuesday morn-
though both left within two years for St. Louis • Focus: A look at the ing, if hundreds of Orange County
and Oakland, and the league was something locals only NFL’s passionate fans. Transportation Authority bus
watched on TV for a generation. drivers decide to go through with
The long, winding trek from then to Super Bowl LVI a threatened strike.
today, when the once-and-current Rams will face the The drivers, who are members
Cincinnati Bengals in a $5.5 billion palace — Ingle- TOP: Rams head of the Teamsters Local 952, voted
wood’s SoFi Stadium — required leaps of faith, incred- coach Sean McVay, last month to allow a walkout and
ible timing and, yes, some dumb luck that left even in- left, celebrates with gave notice last week they would
siders shaking their heads. owner Stan Kroenke strike if negotiations expected to
“It’s sort of surreal that we’re here in many ways af- after the the team’s continue this weekend are not
ter all these years,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell 20-17 victory over the successful on a new contract.
said. San Francisco 49ers in The work stoppage would begin
After all, that journey needed a billionaire to recog- the NFC championship at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. Both parties
nize that business would be better in expensive Los An- game last month have said they hope to come to an
geles than in the Midwest and, a year later, that a mil- at SoFi Stadium in agreement before then, acknowl-
lennial from Washington was the man he needed to Inglewood. edging the impact a strike would
lead the way. KEITH BIRMINGHAM have on residents. The groups
It also depended on a three-month stretch of rain STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER were expected to meet Saturday
— 17.1 inches’ worth — that was wonderful for drought and have another session sched-
conditions but horrible for construction and forced ABOVE: Crews work uled Monday in hopes of reaching
what eventually proved to be a fortuitous delay. on field preparation for a resolution.
And a meet-cute of sorts in Cabo San Lucas certainly Super Bowl LVI at SoFi At a stop at Glassell Street
helped. Stadium in Inglewood and Katella Avenue in Orange on
on Feb. 1.
“If it was a Hollywood script, it would get tossed SECOND CHANCE: COOPER KUPP LOOKS TO CAP A RECORD -BREAKING SEASON. PAGE 6
out because no one would believe it,” Rams Chief
S O F I S T A D I U M | T O D A Y | 3 : 3 0 P . M . | N B C
BRITTANY MURRAY waited for the OC Bus that drives
SUPER BOWL » PAGE 13 Route 50 to take him one stop
for council
Three members’ terms
grew from 2 to 4 years
By Tess Sheets
[email protected]
When Mission Viejo leaders in
2020 decided to delay plans for
changing how voting is done in
the city — after nearly two years
of trying to implement a cumula-
tive system — three council mem-
bers ended up staying in office
two years longer than the terms
they were elected to.
Now a resident is asking the
state attorney general to allow
his lawsuit over the extension of
those two-year terms to four years
without a public vote. And some
PHOTOS BY MARK RIGHTMIRE — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER residents say they are concerned
Hikers walk through stands of oaks along Limestone Canyon Road during the Wilderness Access Day at Limestone Canyon Nature Preserve it could happen again, as Mis-
in Silverado, which Irvine Ranch Conservancy and OC Parks reopened to the public on Feb. 5 after wildfires burned the area in 2020. sion Viejo leaders finalize plans
for transitioning to a by-district
voting system.
But the attorney for Mission
Viejo, who also is representing
the three council members being
challenged, said the city is not
making up new rules. Since of-
ficials couldn’t make cumulative
voting work — state officials said
it would need legislative changes
— the city’s existing laws govern-
ing council member terms were
followed, City Attorney Bill Cur-
ley said.
To settle a 2018 lawsuit against
the city over its at-large election
system, Mission Viejo leaders and
After devastating 2020 fires, Limestone Canyon Nature Preserve showing recovery the voting rights group that sued
the city agreed cumulative voting
was the best method for address-
By Lou Ponsi
ing minority voter dilution in the
city. Under a cumulative system,
voters receive as many votes as
Hikers, mountain bikers, open seats and cast them however
equestrians and nature en- they like — including multiple for
thusiasts of all types are be- the same person. For the cumula-
ing welcomed back to the tive system, all City Council mem-
Limestone Canyon Nature bers would be up for election at
Preserve, more than a year the same time.
after back-to-back fires de- To align the terms of the coun-
livered a blow to the geolog- cil members, city officials in 2018
ical landmark. intended for the three winners for
On Saturday, OC Parks, office that year to serve only two-
which manages Limestone year terms, so all five city leader
Canyon, hosted the first positions would be on the ballot
Wilderness Access Day in in 2020, when the new voting sys-
the canyon since 2020. Do- tem was expected to launch.
cent-led events are staged When those plans were delayed
to protect the area’s sensi- because of pushback from state
tive habitats. officials, the terms of the three
The canyon, which is council members — Wendy Buck-
north of the Whiting Ranch nam, Greg Raths and Ed Sachs —
Wilderness Park, was closed were extended by a City Council
after the Silverado and Bond Hikers stop to take a photo at Limestone Canyon Nature Preserve in Silverado on Feb. 5, The park is located vote.
CANYON » PAGE 8 north of the Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park.. COUNCIL » PAGE 8
A Southern
California News
Group Newspaper
Rottweiler-shepherd mix Lyla is an eager learner 1771 S. Lewis St., Anaheim, CA 92805
Main office 714-796-7000 Opinion Page 714-796-5025
By Maryanne Dell
Classified Notice 714-796-7983 Features 714-796-7866
[email protected]
Advertise 714-409-1311 Photo 714-796-7016
Age: 7 months Back Issues 626-598-8826 Sports 626-544-6678
Gender: Female Newsroom 714-796-3569 Business News 714-796-2310
Lyla’s story: Lyla is a sweet, loving,
goofy girl. She needs a home with Customer Service 714-796-7777
patient owners who will continue her
For missed delivery, call between 7 a.m.-10a.m.
training. She knows most cues and Monday-Saturday and holidays or 8 a.m.-11a.m. Sunday.
is progressing with her leash work. Customer service hours, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday
She’s nearly done teething and is potty
trained. She has benefited from private SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP
training classes and thrives on learning.
RON HASSE, President and Publisher
She needs an experienced dog owner, [email protected]
another large dog, a large yard and no
kids younger than 12. She is an eager FRANK PINE, Executive Editor
[email protected]
worker and will be an extremely loyal
Chief Financial Officer Vice President,
Adoption fee: $500 [email protected] Operations
Adoption procedure: Fill out an ap- [email protected]
plication online at promise4paws.org. A
Promise 4 Paws representative, Sasha, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER
the foster and the potential adopter will KYLA RODRIGUEZ TODD HARMONSON
meet. If the meeting goes well, a home SVP, Advertising Senior Editor
check will be conducted. If that’s suc- [email protected] [email protected]
cessful, the adoption can take place. 714-796-2428
More information: Contact Kevin at
PROMISE 4 PAWS [email protected] or 949- N E W S R O O M C O N TA C T S
Lyla loves to learn and will make a loyal companion. 600-1964. MARK EVANS TOM MOORE
Page One Editor Executive Sports Editor
[email protected] [email protected]
ADOPTABLE DOG 714-796-4957 626-544-6678
1 21 54
Restaurant closures
• Reopened: Feb. 10 ExtraMile at Chevron sta-
By Ian Wheeler tion, 1501 S. Broadway,
Contributing Writer
Baja Sharkeez, 211 Main
St., Suite A, Huntington Santa Ana
Restaurants and other food Beach • Closed: Feb. 3
vendors ordered to close and • Closed: Feb. 8 • Reason: Rodent infesta-
allowed to reopen by Orange tion
County health inspectors • Reason: Rodent infesta-
from Feb. 3 to Feb. 11. tion • Reopened: Feb. 3
Long’s Kitchen, 15435 • Reopened: Feb. 8 Cocina Latina at Anaheim
There’s so much to love at Great Park from some of California’s favorite builders: Jeffrey Road, Suite 103, Holy Sheep, 2401 Lincoln Marketplace, 1440 S.
Neighborhoods. This vibrant community Lennar, Pulte, Taylor Morrison, Tri Pointe Irvine Ave., Suite A, Anaheim Anaheim Blvd., Suite H-8,
of connected neighborhoods is filled with Homes and Trumark. Showcasing a variety • Closed: Feb. 4 Anaheim
• Closed: Feb. 10
creative spaces and opportunities for • Closed: Feb. 3
of single-family and attached homes—from • Reason: Failure to comply • Reason: Insufficient hot
connection. Impressive amenities, signature 1,000–3,000 square feet—many homes with notice of violation water • Reason: Rodent infesta-
• Reopened: Feb. 5 tion
parks, stunning pools and top-ranked have park frontage, all with access to the Lee’s Sandwiches, 1025
Westminster Mall, Suite La Michoacana at Ana- • Reopened: Feb. 3
Irvine schools distinguish it as one of colorful, creative, surrounding community
2113, Westminster heim Marketplace, 1440
the best places to live in Orange County. that is Great Park Neighborhoods.
• Closed: Feb. 9 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite Updates since
Rise neighborhood is offering distinctive
• Reason: Rodent infesta- I-11, Anaheim last week’s list
residences with inspired designs and Another bonus to living at Great Park • Domino’s at 1913 N. Pla-
Neighborhoods is that you get more. tion • Closed: Feb. 3
expansive floorplans. Opening this year, centia Ave., Placentia, which
More parks. More pools. More space to • Reopened: Feb. 10 • Reason: Rodent infesta-
the next great neighborhood, Solis Park, was ordered closed Feb. 3
Kitchen at Fred Kelly tion
is arriving with a fresh mix of brand-new grill-out, play Frisbee, and walk the dog. because of a rodent infesta-
Stadium, 3920 E. Spring • Reopened: Feb. 4 tion, was allowed to reopen
homes and an exciting new way to All amenities and common areas at all of
St., Orange Gano Excel at Anaheim Feb. 4.
live in Irvine. the neighborhoods are managed by one Marketplace, 1440 S. Ana-
• Closed: Feb. 9 • Woodfire Kabob at 24155
homeowners’ association and are available heim Blvd., Suite B-19,
Linked by trails to all things Great Park and for all Great Park Neighborhoods residents • Reason: No water supply Laguna Hills Mall, Suite
Anaheim 1055, Laguna Hills, which
nearby Portola High School, Rise offers Tacos Tijuana, 12011
to share. And don’t forget all the great Chapman Ave., Garden • Closed: Feb. 3 was ordered closed Feb. 1
everything from gardens and playgrounds social programming the HOA supports and Grove • Reason: Rodent infesta- because of a rodent infesta-
to an overlook party deck. Residents can organizes – ranging from a wide variety of • Closed: Feb. 9 tion tion, was allowed to reopen
also enjoy the new 50-meter swimming clubs, activities, and events for residents • Reopened: Feb. 4 Feb. 8.
• Reason: Rodent infesta-
pool. The neighborhood features a variety of of all ages. tion Best Choice SuperMarket, • Rubio’s at 5781 E. Santa
spacious floor plans ranging from 12081 Brookhurst St., Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim,
• Reopened: Feb. 10 which was ordered closed
1,595–4,430 square feet and priced from Within the Great Park, residents enjoy the Garden Grove
The Sushi, 1805 W. Oran- Jan. 31 because of a rodent
the high $800,000s to high $1,900,000s. Sports Park complex which offers individual gethorpe Ave., Suite B, • Closed: Feb. 3 infestation, was allowed to
Three builders offer 7 new collections championship stadiums for soccer, Fullerton • Reason: Rodent infesta- reopen Feb. 5.
including: Ascent and Evergreen by Pulte baseball, softball, and top-notch facilities • Closed: Feb. 8 tion
Homes, the Lennar collections of Almeria, for tennis, volleyball, lacrosse and much • Reason: Rodent infesta- • Reopened: Feb. 4 This list is published
Adagio II, Montair and Bolero and Launch more. With the magnificent new Great Park tion Dot & Dough, 12885 weekly with closures
Ice & FivePoint Arena nearby, patrons can • Reopened: Feb. 9 Beach Blvd., Suite 108, since the previous week’s
by Shea Homes. Stanton
Yogurtland, 3930 S. Bristol list. Status updates are
skate the day away at California’s largest published in the following
Latin for sun, Solis is an invitation to put St., Suite 110, Santa Ana • Closed: Feb. 3
public Ice facility. week’s list.
your walking shoes on, go outside and have • Closed: Feb. 8 • Reason: Insufficient hot
water Source: OC Health Care
some fun. In this beckoning spirit, Solis To learn more, visit • Reason: Cockroach infes- Agency database.
Park will start with 13 home collections www.GreatParkNeighborhoods.com. tation • Reopened: Feb. 3
©2022 Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC. All rights reserved. Great Park Neighborhoods, the bicycle logo, and “Life Will Be Different Here” are registered trademarks of Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC (“Heritage
Fields”) dba Great Park Neighborhoods used for the marketing of new home neighborhoods in Irvine, California. FivePoint Communities Management, Inc. (“FivePoint”) is the development manager of Great
Park Neighborhoods. Neither Heritage Fields nor FivePoint is designing, constructing or offering homes for sale in Great Park Neighborhoods. All proposed amenities are subject to change without notice.
Lifestyle photography does not reflect any ethnic or racial preference. (2/22)
A 7
Robot Council
phones and a touch screen. tion of Amusement Parks Palmer said she considers timately not viable, partic-
Roameo doesn’t look and Attractions Expo in it breaking a “philosophical ularly because of the con-
much like the half man- November. principle” by “taking away, cerns of the secretary of
FROM PAGE 3 half robot that patrolled The Roameo at IAAPA FROM PAGE 3 as a citizen, my fundamen- state, then we went to nor-
the crime-ridden streets of Expo 2021 in Orlando, Flor- tal right to choose those mal, if you will, to consis-
among the potential buyers, Detroit in the 1987 “Robo- ida, sported a baby blue fin- Curley said officials went who represent me.” tent with existing city and
the Sentinel reported. Cop” film and subsequent ish, coiling roller coaster back to an Orange County Another resident, Mi- state law,” which puts coun-
A Roameo robot security sequels. track accents, neon blue Superior Court judge and chael Schlesinger, filed an cil member terms at four
guard patrolled the World Fo r t u n e d e s c r i b e s trim and a Six Flags Public asked for more time to get application with the state years, he said.
Series in Atlanta in October. Roameo as the “illegiti- Safety Department shield. the cumulative voting sys- attorney general last month “And so at no time were
RAD has confirmed sales mate offspring of Wall-E The Six Flags parks won’t tem implemented. asking for a legal opinion we making things up.”
of the Roameo bots to an and Baymax,” and Scream- call the robot Roameo. At Because all five seats on whether Raths, Sachs He said that while it has
unnamed California ca- scape calls the autonomous the IAAPA Expo, the bot’s needed to be up for election and Bucknum can be sued been mentioned during
sino and a major Hollywood officer a “cross between a oversize Six Flags name tag in 2022, when city leaders for remaining in office. public meetings that the
movie studio. popcorn cart and a Google read “Parker.” expected to finally get the Lee Fink, the attorney switch to district-based vot-
The imposing robot cop maps camera car.” Both Six Flags bots at new system in place, the representing Schlesinger, ing will mean three candi-
— which is 6 foot, 6 inches Robotic Assistance De- Magic Mountain and Over two winners from the bal- said if given the go-ahead dates on the ballot in 2022
tall and weighs 750 pounds vices displayed a Six Flags Texas will use the Parker lot for 2020 were to serve by the state’s top prose- and two in 2024, officials
— comes equipped with version of Roameo during name, according to RAD for two years. Elected that cutor, they would file in simply are relaying what
cameras, speakers, micro- the International Associa- officials. year were Trish Kelley and Orange County Superior the standard process is, but
Brian Goodell. Court “and ask that the that could be changed.
Now that Mission Viejo three council members be “We’re telling you what’s
Although not what I came not gulped, which might be leaders have dropped the removed and the offices de- on the books, but the books
here for, I have to admit these harder than it sounds. idea of cumulative voting clared vacant.” can change in a month,” he
tarts are stunningly beauti- Most of the actual bak- in favor of a district-based “We are hoping that we said.
FROM PAGE 3 ful. And delicious. The deli- ing takes place in a larger system, some community can get this matter resolved When the City Council
cate, fine-crumbed crusts re- kitchen upstairs on the members are questioning by the courts to prevent the adopts an ordinance for-
behind the counter tells mind me of a chocolate gra- third level, at The Bak- the term extensions for City Council from further mally implementing the
me. They stock the dough- ham cracker recipe I used ery, which is probably best Raths, Sachs and Bucknum, breaching their obligations district elections process
nuts and leavened pastries to love, but not exactly the known for its Korean-style which they argue were de- to the public and allowing and official map carving the
first thing in the morn- same. They’re better. They red bean-filled, crumb- cided without public input. themselves to just serve be- city into geographic voting
ing. The afternoon shift is are filled with tea-infused crusted gombo doughnuts. And because terms in- yond their term,” Fink said. areas, “absent being uncon-
when the refrigerated case pastry cream and topped That upstairs bakery is lo- stead would be staggered The filing notes that, stitutional, they can pretty
gets restocked with tarts with fresh blueberries posi- cated in the chaotic food in a district-based system, under an amended lawsuit much do what seems right
and cakes and the pantry tioned with jeweler-like pre- court and isn’t very charm- some suspect Kelley and settlement agreement is- for the community then,”
shelves fill with loaves of cision. The tart really needs ing, unlike this little off- Goodell won’t end up facing sued in 2020, Judge Wal- Curley said.
milk bread. to come to room tempera- shoot cafe and eclectic re- a public vote in November. ter Shwarm ordered all five That could mean roll-
“In that case I’ll have a ture before you start. The tail boutique on the second Curley said that has yet council seats be up for elec- ing over the terms of Kel-
blueberry tart,” I say, point- flavors are subtle, contem- level. And the company to be decided. tion in 2022. ley and Goodell to 2024, he
ing to my consolation prize plative, tasting more of black keeps growing. More re- Cathy Palmer, who has But Curley said the two- said. The council could, like
in the refrigerated case. tea than of Earl Grey’s dis- cently, they launched a bak- lived in Mission Viejo since year terms on which the some other cities that made
“You mean Earl Grey?” tinctive bergamot. The sec- ing school next door called the 1980s, said the council’s council members were the switch to district-based
I take a closer look and ond bite is better than the The Bakery School in case decision to extend officials’ elected was based on the voting, also choose to elect
realize the blueberry tarts first, the third more im- you want to learn how to terms in office beyond what plan that the city would the two seats to two-year
are labeled “Earl Grey.” pressive than the second … make blueberry milk bread residents believed they were implement cumulative vot- terms in November to stag-
“Yes, that’s the one.” They are best savored slowly, or tiramisu macarons. voting for is “concerning.” ing, “and when that was ul- ger voting for the future.
A dog checks out all the chili booths during the PHOTOS BY MINDY SCHAUER — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Chili at the Beach cook-off. Dana Kraus dances to live music from Daddie and the Baddies during the chili cook-off.
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● Wednesday, February 16th ●
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Rancho Senior Center 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
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Banquet Room (Desserts Only) 3 Ethel Coplen Way Pines Room
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● Thursday, February 17th Tuesday February 22nd Wed., February 23rd 5PM to 7PM ●
Tuesday February 22nd
● 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM 5:00PM to 7:00PM City of Orange Public Main Library ●
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● The Hills Hotel Gamet The Ctr at Founders Village Senior Ctr 407 East Chapman Avenue ●
The EBell Club of Anaheim
● Gallery Room Art Department Rotary Room ●
226 N. Helena Street
25205 La Paz Road 17967 Bushard Street (Not endorsed or sponsored by City of Orange)
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● Thursday, February 24th Thursday February 24th Thursday, February 17th Wednesday, February 23rd ●
● 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 2:00PM to 4:00PM 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM ●
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Marin 87
77 Solano 65 55
66 San Calaveras Tuolumne
and are fully vaccinated since Dec. 15. Population based on estimates from the Calif.
Dept. of Finance. Estimates did not include “other” and “unknown” race and ethnicity
59.6% Thailand 49.2M
Contra Costa Joaquin 53 Mono categories, so they were excluded. Ark. 1,599,992 Alaska 59.5% U.K. 48.7M
Miss. 1,502,866 Mich. 58.8%
81 58 52 68 By age By gender N.M. 1,444,944 Ohio 57.3% Italy 46.8M
San Francisco 83 Alameda Neb. 1,198,991
Mariposa S.C. 56.7% Spain 38.4M
81 Stanislaus 65+ 82% 5,443,732 Male 66.6% 13,271,327 Hawaii 1,071,397 Mont. 56.5%
Santa 55 Merced 42 Maine 1,047,687 Ky. 56.2% Argentina 35.4M
San Mateo 83 942,216
Clara 50-64 86% 6,219,013 N.H. Mo. 55.9%
84 48 Madera Female 72.3% 14,465,096 Idaho 939,707 Okla. 55.9% By percent of population
Santa Cruz 77 Fresno 18-49 77% 13,078,956 R.I. 845,053 W.V. 55.7%
52 Del. 651,222 Ind. 55.0% Top 20 nations
San 58 D.C. 621,861 Idaho 54.7%
Inyo 12-17 65% 2,055,087 U.A.E. 96.1%
Benito Mont. 593,846 N.D. 54.6%
59 525,313 93.1%
Monterey 69 Tulare
By race/ethnicity S.D.
Vt. 497,669
438,482 53.3% Malta 90.9%
70 Kings 51 Alaska Ark.
County vaccinations 44 Asian 103% 4,581,962 N.D.
Percentage of total population Wis. 55,609 Ala. 50.1%
that is fully vaccinated San Luis Native Wyo. 55,609 Wyo. 50.0% China 87.9%
Obispo Hawaiian or 100% 132,617
Kern other Pacific *Percentage is from the California Dept. of Public Health Cuba 86.9%
20-29% 66 51 Islander
San Bernardino
By state map Singapore
30-39% White 73.7% 9,552,111 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Cambodia 83.6%
Santa Barbara 55 Spain 81.5%
68 Ventura Denmark 81.4%
50-59% 71 Los Angeles Multiracial 64.6% 611,882
71 Canada 81.3%
60-69% Malaysia 80.5%
70-79% Riverside Latino 63.5% 8,493,990 Seychelles 80.5%
80-100% Orange 58 Australia 80.2%
72 Black or
1,208,041 New Zealand 80.2%
Excludes totals from federal agencies who received vaccine African 62%
allocated directly from CDC and those who received American Iceland 79.7%
vaccinations outside of their county of residence San Diego Imperial
Ireland 79.3%
80 85 American
61.5% 91,103
Indian or Japan 79.2%
Alaska native
California New cases Cases
United States New cases Cases
World New cases
Total cases Jan. 29-Feb. 4 Feb. 5-11 Change Total cases Feb. 4 Friday Change Total cases Feb. 4 Friday Change
8,401,399 338,678 279,243 -18% 76,723,621 369,281 223,623 -39% 408,455,835 3,027,409 2,405,832 -21%
Weekly new since Jan. 2020 Daily new cases since Jan. 2020 Daily new cases since Jan. 2020
14-day moving average 6M
600,000 1.2M
400,000 800k
600k 3M
200,000 400k 2M
200k 1M
0 0 0
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
home, the NFL would likely A NASCAR race was valry games there involving time.
never allow another team staged at the Coliseum teams from South L.A. and Man, he’s excited. In-Home Estimates
in the city. Feb. 6. Pla said the motors- other regions. “I,” Pla said, “am beyond Riviera…factory direct since 1954
“Yeah, we’re not going to ports event drew in excess More concerts? Ye — thrilled.”
get a third team,” he said. of 50,000 and that the ma- formerly known as Kanye Open 7 Days 714-520-7801
He delivered an adamant jority were Latino. West — played in front of
“No!” when asked if having He said there is not yet 70,000 at the Coliseum in
an NFL team occupy the a contract with NASCAR December.
Coliseum is even a concern to come back, but he wel- Again, there’s more.
these days. comes that with open arms. Pla said the commission
Moving forward, while “Oh, sure,” Pla said. is planning its centennial
at the same time honor- “We’ll host them every year, celebration, which starts
ing the history of a venue if they want.” Jan. 5. The Coliseum also
that next January will cel- Ben Kennedy, NASCAR’s will host the closing and
ebrate its 100th birthday, is vice president of strategic opening ceremonies as
the focus. innovation, sounded op- well as track and field at
The Coliseum is jointly timistic in his post-race the 2028 Olympic Games.
owned by the city of assessment of the event, Swimming will be held at
Los Angeles, L.A. County which included entertain- USC.
and the state of California. ment by rappers Pitbull — The end-all could be
However, it is operated by a NASCAR team owner — what Pla is trying to make
USC, which in 2019 com- and Ice Cube. happen outside of the Col-
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Super Bowl
a little but not well.
Clearly, they hit it off over
drinks and football talk at
FROM PAGE 1 the pool.
The Rams traded their
Operating Officer Kevin De- former No. 1 overall draft
moff said on a recent con- pick, quarterback Jared
ference call. Goff, two first-round draft
The preferred script for choices and a third-rounder
Rams fans, of course, would to the Lions for Stafford, the
include a victory today for quarterback they hoped
the franchise’s second Su- could do all he has done.
per Bowl title, but its first Well, they hope for one
representing the Los Ange- more victory this season.
les area. During the season, they
The organization won also traded for former Su-
Super Bowl XXXIV as the per Bowl MVP linebacker
St. Louis Rams, but that Von Miller and signed
was bittersweet at best for three-time Pro Bowl re-
local fans who felt jilted ceiver Odell Beckham Jr.
when then-owner Georgia The Rams are knocked
Frontiere moved the team regularly for their lack of
from Anaheim following high picks come draft day,
the 1994 season. but they value proven tal-
The L.A. version of the ents over prospects who are
Rams reached Super Bowl as likely to be busts as stars.
XIV at the Rose Bowl “Maybe that’s not for ev-
against the Pittsburgh erybody,” Demoff said. “And
Steelers and Super Bowl maybe that’s not sustain-
LIII in Atlanta against the able. Maybe it doesn’t work
New England Patriots, but RICK BOWMER — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER long-term; we seem to fig-
they lost both times. St. Louis Rams coach Dick Vermeil and team owner Georgia Frontiere celebrate on the awards stand as confetti falls ure that out every year.
“If the Rams could win following the Rams’ 23-16 win over the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV on Jan. 30, 2000, in Atlanta. “But it’s working right
the Super Bowl, it would now.”
be like the fulfillment of an expansion team in 2000. St. Louis, their value was many in the new home of had just been relocated to Perhaps the Rams and
my childhood dream,” said That team is called the about $875 million,” Stein- the Rams and Chargers. Texas the previous month. their fans imagined this
longtime NFL agent Leigh Houston Texans, by the way. berg said. “The minute “I remember losing sleep A year later, the largest kind of success on the field,
Steinberg, the co-chair- “Losing two teams from they returned, all of a sud- every night when it seemed crowd in SoFi Stadium’s though two Super Bowl ap-
man of the Save the Rams the NFL (here) in the ’90s den it was $2 billion. Now like construction was fall- brief history is expected pearances in the past four
campaign that tried to stop was a difficult period for us it’s $3 billion.” ing behind, that we were for Super Bowl LVI at the seasons is extraordinary for
Frontiere from taking the and our fans and something On Jan. 12, 2016, the not going to be able to host end of a game week with a team that played in only
team to St. Louis. we worked really hard to re- NFL’s owners approved the the 2020 (season’s) Super pristine conditions, an- three of the first 52 Super
solve,” Goodell said. “But we Rams’ move back to Los An- Bowl, waking up with a other reason besides busi- Bowls.
Long time coming wanted to find the right so- geles, their former home of twitch in my eye each day,” ness that some find a move Still, the opportunity to
When Kathryn Schloess- lution.” 49 seasons. Demoff said. “You felt so from the Midwest to Cali- win a championship both
man took the job as the The NFL controlled the Exactly one year later, badly for the league. fornia alluring. in and for the Los Angeles
president of the Los Angeles rights to Los Angeles and they hired 30-year-old Sean “We had stepped up to “The weather gods clearly area — in the first season
Sports and Entertainment refused to let just any team McVay, then the offensive deliver this amazing sta- love us,” Schloessman said. fans were allowed in SoFi
Commission, the return of stake its claim. It took the coordinator in Washington, dium to host the Super Stadium, much less — is
the NFL to the region and, combination of a team in and made him the young- Bowl and we were going to Talk about a dream, beyond what most dared to
with it, more events such as a situation it could leave — est coach hired in the NFL have to push it back.” try to make it real dream.
the Super Bowl seemed like without creating new prob- since 1938. When the Rams real- Southern California’s
a sure thing, the inevitable lems for the league — and McVay is 55-26 in the reg- ized they could not open Super Bowl LVI might first Super Bowl since 1993
conclusion. an owner who could afford ular season, 6-3 in the play- the building for the 2019 break the record for the hot- would have been huge re-
“I had thought that we to build a world-class sta- offs and set to coach in his season, the NFL’s owners test incarnation of the Ro- gardless of the partici-
would have a team back in dium without tax support, second Super Bowl in five pushed the L.A. Super Bowl man-numeraled spectacle pating teams, but the LA-
three to four years and a something that was a non- seasons He turned 36 on back a year. — today’s high temperature SEC’s Schloessman said the
Super Bowl sometime soon starter in California. Jan. 24. “We won it for 2021 and is forecast for 83 degrees — Rams’ involvement “takes it
after,” she said. “That was Rams billionaire owner “Those two risks set us then the weather gods de- but McVay found warmth to a different level.”
25 years ago.” Stan Kroenke had a deal up for where we are today,” cided to rain,” L.A. Sports in Cabo San Lucas last year And she’s fairly certain
Schloessman turned into in St. Louis with an escape said Demoff, the Rams’ and Entertainment Com- after the Rams were elimi- the “fairytale” that’s play-
a regular visitor at other cit- clause, the wealth needed to COO. mission’s Schloessman said. nated from the playoffs. ing out could capture the
ies’ Super Bowls, where she pay for the venue that be- “We got moved from 2021 He also found his quar- hearts of even jaded locals
discussed the seemingly came SoFi Stadium and the Through the rain to 2022. terback. who don’t need SoFi Stadi-
obvious benefits of an NFL opportunity to right what McVay was hired in the “We were blessed.” McVay and his fiancee um’s massive video screen
presence in the nation’s en- many considered Fron- middle of one of the rainiest The Tampa Bay Buc- were on vacation at the to spot a cheesy-yet-irresist-
tertainment capital and tiere’s wrong. stretches in recent South- caneers won Super Bowl same resort where then- ible sports movie plot.
second-largest TV market. Kroenke also understood ern California history, a key LV on Feb. 7, 2021, in their Detroit Lions quarterback “Everyone is more ex-
And such a return moved that a move to Southern period in the construction home stadium in front of Matthew Stafford and his cited because it’s the Rams,”
well past the idea stage and California would be a boon timeline that had to be met 24,835, a crowd signifi- wife were staying in Janu- she said. “A team that was
into strong efforts led by ev- for business, even with sub- to open the Rams’ stadium cantly limited by the coro- ary 2021. Rams left tackle here for so long. A return-
eryone from real estate de- stantial costs such as a re- for the 2019 season. navirus pandemic. Andrew Whitworth, a good ing team.
velopers to Hollywood mo- location fee and venue con- Tied to that deadline was Even that small of a friend of Stafford’s, also was “It’s such a fun story
guls. They flirted with pos- struction to make it hap- the Super Bowl following crowd would have been im- there and encouraged the but could be a complete
sible franchise moves and pen. the 2020 season, which the possible in California at coach to spend time with Holly wood ending if
even reached a final vote on “When the Rams were in NFL planned as the first of that point; the Rose Bowl Stafford, someone he knew they win.”
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Moments in our Journey
Guests of Christ
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—Photo courtesy
of the Diocese of
Send your photos that capture Catholic life in your parish community to: [email protected]
F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 2 n O C C AT H O L I C 15
Emerald fire is
90% contained the neighborhoods, OCFA an OCFA helicopter to make
By Nathaniel Percy
and Caitlin Antonios
Chief Brian Fennessy said water drops during the pre-
Staff writers
Thursday. dawn hours, Concialdi said.
The cause of the fire was The OCFA said just un-
Firefighters had the Em- not yet known. der 100 firefighters were
erald fire 90% contained No structures were dam- assigned to the fire as of
by Saturday night and are aged and no injuries to fire- Saturday night, down from
hopeful it will be fully con- fighters or civilians had 185 in the morning. Crews
tained by midweek, author- been reported, Concialdi worked Saturday in heat
ities said. said. that reached 82 degrees.
On Saturday morning, Overnight, crews contin- Some firefighters would
firefighters continued to ued to use drone technology stay in the area for the next
keep the blaze under con- to find and cool down hot few days, he said, working
trol, holding it to 154 acres spots, he said. suppression repair to pre-
overnight, with 60% con- “Relative humidity went vent the possibility of ero-
tainment, Orange County up and we had cooler tem- sion and runoff during the
Fire Authority Capt. Steve peratures,” Concialdi said. next rain cycle, Concialdi
Concialdi said. “We directed firefighters said.
The fire broke out at 4:10 on the ground to those Firefighters were able to
a.m. Thursday and quickly areas to make sure those get into the neighborhoods
spread to 145 acres in the were all extinguished and to defend homes because
hills above the Emerald cool.” residents evacuated and
Bay and Irvine Cove com- Firefighters got a quick gave them the space to do
munities in the Laguna handle on the fire due to a that, officials said.
Beach area. It came close to number of reasons, which “The residents have been
homes but turned laterally included more available re- very appreciative to our
instead of continuing into sources and the ability for firefighters,” Concialdi said.
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She grew up and raised her three children in Pasadena. After her We are announcing with much love and sorrow the passing of Mike
children left home, she started a successful 50-year career in Real Dugan on Sunday, December 19, 2021, after a long valiant fight
Estate as a licensed Long Beach Realtor earning many accolades. with cancer, he peacefully passed away at home in Newport Beach,
She lived happily in her home in Long Beach, on Naples Island for CA with Sandy, his longtime girlfriend and best friend by his side.
45 years. For the past 30 years, she took care of him and he of her. She
kissed him goodbye and let him go, as this was a journey he had to
Her favorite activities included traveling to 35 countries, and all take alone. Mike will be missed by many. Whether you knew him as
7 continents, with Alaska being her favorite destination. Trudy “Dugie”, “ Blue” or “Dugan”. There will always be an echo of Mike’s
enjoyed her LB Community Garden, hiking, including Mt. Whitney, legendary history, since his arrival to California from New Jersey
skiing, driving for Meals on Wheels for 25 years, and being a docent at the Aquarium of the in 1977 with Blackie’s, OTL, Men’s Slow Pitch Softball, from NB to
Pacific. She was also a Cub Scout Leader, Campfire Girls Leader, a licensed pilot with her own HB for over 30 years, His Jonestown Parties, Das Boot Houseboat
plane, a member of “The Ninety-Nines”, and an avid sailor to Catalina on her own sailboat. trips, or Sunday’s drinking beers. He loved all sports, watching,
playing, and betting the football pools. Later in life, his favorite was
Other achievements include the Press Telegram’s Amazing Women Lifetime Award, REMAX boating at any NV lake- Lake Mead, Mohave’ or Tahoe. Most of all
Realtor of the Year, past President of the Wanderlust Ski Club. it had to be fun!
Mike is survived by his family Sandy Salvin her 2 daughters, son-in-law, and 2 grandsons of
Trudy was born Guntrud Mardele Hilmers with a natural kindness and a heart of gold. She was a CA, and his family in New Jersey; Dennis and Christine Dugan, Terry Dugan, Kevin Dugan, and
very humble person who would help those in need. She was much loved by all of her family and several nephews and nieces.
those who came into contact with her. All animals were her friends. She will be greatly missed.
A celebration of Dugie’s life is pending until we can gather safely. Look for more info to follow at
Trudy’s Celebration of Life will be held on Wednesday, February 16th from 12:30 pm-3:30 pm at Blackie’s tentatively set for March - April 2022.
Old World Huntington Beach, 7561 Center Ave #49, Huntington Beach. For everyone’s safety,
please wear a mask while attending the Celebration of Life, regardless of vaccination status.
Sneh Chand
In lieu of flowers, please make donations to World Wildlife Fund or Long Beach Aquarium. Sneh Chand, 66, of Mission Viejo, CA passed away peacefully in her sleep on
February 2, 2022, at Kindred Hospital in Westminster, CA.
“When asked to do something, say “YES!” instead of no. Find your own limits and push a little She was born to her loving parents, late Shiu and late Sursati Prasad, on July 3,
beyond those, whatever they may be.” Trudy 1955, in Barotu, Fiji Islands. Sneh graduated from Penang Sangam High School
and furthered her education at Derrick Technical Institute in Fiji Islands before
getting married and immigrating to Modesto, CA in 1979. She pursued her career
as a nursing assistant as she loved serving and providing to others. In 1996 she
Florence Edith Scheirer moved to Orange County, CA with her family. She touched many lives with her
1924 -2022 pure heart, kindness, and unconditional love. Her beautiful smile lit up any room she entered.
Sneh was a rare and beautiful soul that brought so much joy and love to everyone she met. She
A week after Florence Scheirer died, her widespread family enjoyed cooking, gardening, traveling, yoga, but above all, her greatest joys were her family and
convened by Zoom call to share memories of this formidable her strong faith. Sneh leaves behind nothing but beautiful memories that will be cherished for a
matriarch. It took at least an hour and the good times rolled. lifetime.
She will be lovingly remembered by her husband of 45 years, Kuar Chand; children: Seema
Florence was born on November 16, 1924 in the Bronx. The house Cisneros, Reema (Rohit) Bora and Ricky (Rosie) Chand; grandchildren: Nathalia, Anisha, Eliana,
is still there, but gone is the local grocery story owned and operated Dominic, and Eshaan; two brothers Narend (Devi) Prasad of Australia and Rajendra (Soni) Prasad
by her parents Abe and Lottie Pomerantz. Florence attended PS 70 of Modesto, CA; sister Kusum Prasad of Australia; sister-in-law, Anila (late Johnny) Prasad of Elk
in the neighborhood and moved on to the nearby all-girls Walton Grove, CA; as well as numerous relatives and friends.
High School. While at Hunter College (another all-girls school) she A funeral service will be held on Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at O’Connor Mortuary
met David Scheirer, a City College man, at a dance and married located on 25301 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Hills, CA 92653. Visitation will be held a day prior on
him when he returned from Army service in WWII. They remained Wednesday, February 16, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at O’Connor Mortuary.
married until his death in 2016.
William O’Hearn
William “Bill” Harold O’Hearn, 81, of Tustin, CA, passed away peacefully after a short illness
on February 1st, 2022 with his beloved wife, Shirley, by his side. He is also survived by his Sally Joanne Rasmussen
five children, Erin (Steve), Michael (Mary), Paul (Mayra), Jennifer (Gary), and Ellen (Clint); 16
Sally Joanne Rasmussen passed away on January 9, 2022 in
grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren; his sister, Mary Stickley, and numerous nephews and
Orange County. She was 92 years old. She was preceded in death
nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents, William and Virginia; siblings Pat, Rosemary,
by her daughter Cynthia; her twin brothers Ronald and Robert; her
Alice, Jim and Betty; and grandson Nick.
parents Petrus and Edith; and her husband Lester. She is survived
by her brother Steven and wife Donna; her son Timothy and
Bill was born on July 18, 1940, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and moved with his family to Santa Ana,
wife Cabrini; her daughter Gayleen and husband David; and her
California when he was a baby. He went to St. Joseph Catholic School and graduated from
daughter Mary. Sally has 6 Grandchildren; Kate, Matthew, Melissa,
Mater Dei High School in 1958. He worked for General Motors at the Delco Remy Battery Plant
Courtney, Madalyn, and Emily; and 5 Great Grandchildren; Peyton,
in Anaheim for over 33 years, retiring in 1992. In 1962, he married Mary Sadler and during their
Roanan, Christopher, Sophia, and Beatrice.
first year of marriage was drafted into the US Navy Reserves and served 8years. They have 4
Sally was born in August of 1929 in Vancouver, Washington to
children who love and admire their father. In 1984, he married Shirley Dennis and became dad
Petrus and Edith Frichtl. She grew up in Portland, Oregon before
to her daughter, who also shares that love and admiration. Bill and Shirley have been Tustin
moving to a 10 acre farm just outside Vancouver, Washington. After
residents for the past 35 years.
graduating from Battleground High School, Sally briefly attended
Oregon State University before marrying in 1950.
After retiring, Bill became a handyman and worked on many homes and projects. His work was
Sally was busy throughout her life raising her 4 children and working
impeccable and as anyone knows, as close to perfection as anyone could get. In 2000, Bill joined
a variety of jobs. She ended up working for the City of Huntington
the Garden Grove Elks Lodge and quickly became very involved. He was Exalted Ruler in 2013
Beach in the Fire Reporting Department for 20 years. Sally was
and loved supporting Elkdom. He continued to be a dutiful member up until the very end.
well liked and respected by her peers; noted for her problem solving abilities and her dedication
to doing the best job possible. After her children were grown, Sally enjoyed living in Southern
A Memorial Service will be held on February 25th at 11 am at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge
California for many years, so she could be close to her children and grandchildren. She was the
#1952 (11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove, 92843). Bill was loved by so many and we look
beloved Matriarch of her family; always inviting her extended family over to celebrate numerous
forward to celebrating his life together with family and friends. In lieu of flowers, the family requests
holidays and events. It didn’t matter if it was a major Holiday (Christmas), or the Super Bowl. She
donations be made in Bill’s memory to the Garden Grove Elks Lodge #1952 Maintenance Fund
loved bringing everyone together and always planned things to make the celebration important
or your favorite charity.
– from decorating her home to cooking just the right dish for the occasion (Corned Beef for St.
Patrick’s Day).
After retiring in 1994, Sally moved to Ashland, Oregon to enjoy the Southern Oregon lifestyle
Raymond Paul Hansen she missed while living in Southern California. She loved being “retired” in a college town and
took every opportunity she could find to take continuing education courses in art, genealogy,
Raymond Paul Hansen (Ray) passed away at age 93, peacefully, and weather in addition to attending as many live theater events possible every summer at the
at his home in Anaheim, California. Ray was predeceased by his Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Sally also loved gardening; growing her own fruits and vegetables,
wife Nancy. He and Nancy had been married 62 years and in their reading, sports (she never missed a Mariner’s, Seahawks, or OSU football game on TV), history,
early years of marriage were winning participants on the Groucho cooking, and baking. Sally also traveled extensively throughout the United States. She enjoyed
Marx TV show. going on adventures to see historical sites that she’d read about, to cheer her granddaughter on
in debate tournaments, or to take her grandchildren to the Oregon coast to see Orcas up close.
He is survived by his loving daughter Keri Muniz, and her husband, Everywhere she went she enjoyed the history, culture, food, and music she found. Her greatest
Kurt. Ray leaves behind three granddaughters, Lissa (Kevin), Casey ongoing interest was Genealogy, where she did extensive research into her family; discovering
(Jonathan), and Kellie (Andrew), and three great-grandsons, David, where her ancestors lived and when they came to the United States.
Matthew, and Apollo. He is additionally survived by his two brothers, In 2013 Sally moved back to Huntington Beach to be closer to her family. While there she
Howard and Bob, and many nieces and nephews for which he was continued her Genealogical studies along with gardening, cooking, reading and spending time
a positive role model. with her Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren.
Her burial will take place this Spring in Portland, Oregon.
Ray’s parents were missionaries in China and on one of their
furloughs Ray was born in Nyack, N.Y. He attended elementary
school in China and graduated high school in Nyack, New York,
e &
where he was an outstanding athlete in soccer and tennis. He then
joined the U.S. Army serving in the Counter-Intelligence Core. Plot at Harbor Lawn,
Veteran Section, $3,000.
After serving in the military, Ray attended Glendale Community College and Los Angeles State Call 949-642-3963
College earning a Bachelor of Science degree and going on to do graduate work at U.S.C. WANTED: Graves at Rose Hills,
Forest Lawn & other cemeteries.
Ray was a dedicated & respected Director of the YMCA of Anaheim for many years and did Broker 1-800-256-7111
fundraising for the YMCA, St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, Boys and Girls Club of Fullerton,
and for the building of the Crystal Cathedral.
Ray was a proud member of the Anaheim & Fullerton Rotary Clubs for decades where he never
missed a meeting. He was a participating member of the Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church, and
in his humble way always ready to help wherever needed.
Following his retirement, Ray became a docent at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and
Museum in Yorba Linda, CA.
On February 23rd, 2022, Raymond Paul Hansen will be buried with honors at the Riverside
National Cemetery at 10:00 am PST. Since 1973 The Neptune Society
of Orange Co. has honored cremation wishes of their
Eugene (Gene) A. Kreyche
Eugene (Gene) A. Kreyche of Placentia, loving husband and father Mail in this coupon today for
of three children, grandfather of three and great-grandfather of
two, passed away on January 23, 2022 at age 97. Gene was born a FREE information packet.
October 21, 1924 in Racine, Wisconsin to Harold and Henrietta
Kreyche, the middle child of five. Upon graduation from high school,
Gene enlisted in the United States Army in 1943 and served with ______________________________________________
distinction in an infantry parachute regiment during World War II,
earning Purple Heart and Bronze Star commendations during
Name Ph#
service in the European Theater. He was honorably discharged
in 1945 with the rank of sergeant and then returned to Chicago,
marrying Laurel M. Dauer in 1947. Gene earned his B.A. from
DePaul University and his M.A. in Speech from Northwestern ______________________________________________
University. Thereafter, Gene (who his family called “Bud”) began his Address City Zip
teaching career at a catholic boys’ academy in Laporte, Indiana.
In 1955, Gene and his young family moved to Whittier California
where he began teaching at California High School. Gene’s career 758 W. 19th St. (800) 225-1601
advanced in public school administration. He served as principal of Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 646-7431
El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera in the mid 1960’s. He was an avid supporter of that school’s F.D.Lic. # 1305
many football and other successes. In 1975 Gene and Laurel moved to Placentia, California when
To place an obituary,
he became Assistant Superintendent in the Placentia Unified School District. He made many
friends among work colleagues and others. After he retired from full-time employment there,
Gene continued to teach at California State University, Fullerton in the Education Department,
supervising student teachers. He was dedicated to the mission of preparing teachers for future
contact us at
generations of students in the California public schools. Gene was athletic and fit, enjoying a
variety of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, hiking, cycling and tennis. He enjoyed cross-
country road trips and hardly ever passed up stopping at historical markers off the beaten path.
At age 60 he cycled across the state of Iowa with a friend. He was a competitive tennis player at
both singles and doubles well into his 80’s. He enjoyed card games, chess, and Scrabble, not
always playing as a gracious loser. He particularly loved every opportunity to sing, especially solo.
He excelled at woodworking as well. Active in his community for many years, Gene served his
Catholic parish as cantor, lector, and choir member. Over the years he belonged to the Knights of
Columbus and held leadership positions in Kiwanis International. As an avid reader, he enjoyed
lively conversations about history, patriotism, and politics. Known as a talented speaker and
singer, he performed at various work, church and community venues. Gene is survived by his
or visit
youngest sibling, his sister Doris who lives in Maryland, his daughter Gene Ellen (Mrs. Robert
Pratter) of Philadelphia, son Mark of Tustin, and three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
His wife of 58 years, Laurel, and his son Daniel (survived by his wife Ann) pre-deceased Gene. A
funeral Mass will be held on Saturday, February 19, 2022 at the Saint John Paul II Polish Center
in Yorba Linda at 11:00AM. Donations may be made to Guide Dogs for the Blind.
McAulay & Wallace Mortuary
up Paris
By Thomas Adamson
The Associated Press
PARIS >> Paris police fired tear
gas Saturday against a hand-
ful of demonstrators on the
Champs-Élysées Avenue who
defied a police order by tak-
ing part in a vehicle protest
against virus restrictions
inspired by Canada’s horn-
honking truckers.
In the Netherlands, dozens
of trucks and other vehicles —
ranging from tractors to a car
towing a camping van — ar-
rived in The Hague for a sim-
ilar virus-related protest Sat-
urday, blocking an entrance
to the historic Dutch parlia-
mentary complex.
Police officers hold a line as protesters against COVID-19 restrictions march in Windsor, Canada, on Saturday. The demonstrations at the of Paris failed to materialize
Ambassador Bridge, downtown Ottawa and elsewhere have targeted vaccine mandates and other coronavirus restrictions. Saturday, despite days of on-
Blockades on border
line organizing efforts.
Police set up checkpoints
into the French capital on
key roads and said they suc-
cessfully stopped at least 500
vehicles from heading to the
News feed
Solomon Islands will Afghans protest U.S. Dad admits to boy’s U.S., Japan, S. Korea Hugo Torres, ex-rebel
get a U.S. embassy aiding 9/ 11 victims torture and starvation meet on North Korea head, dies in prison
LAND >> The U.S. says it will Demonstrators in Afghan- vania father about to stand of State Antony Blinken and dinista guerrilla leader and
open an embassy in the Sol- istan’s capital on Satur- trial on charges he tortured his Japanese and South Ko- opposition politician Hugo
omon Islands, laying out day condemned President and starved his 12-year-old rean counterparts were Torres has died in prison at
in unusually blunt terms a Joe Biden’s order freeing up son before the boy died has meeting Saturday in Hawaii the age of 73, relatives said
plan to increase its influ- $3.5 billion in Afghan as- pleaded guilty to several to discuss the threat posed Saturday.
ence in the South Pacific na- sets held in the U.S. for fam- charges and was sentenced by nuclear-armed North Ko- Torres was the first of
tion before China becomes ilies of America’s 9/11 vic- to life in prison without pa- rea after Pyongyang be- a large group of opposi-
“strongly embedded.” tims — saying the money role. gan the year with a series of tion leaders rounded up in
The reasoning was ex- belongs to Afghans. Scott Schollenberger Jr., missile tests. a 2021 crackdown to die; it
plained in a State Depart- Protesters who gathered 43, of Annville pleaded Blinken gathered in Ho- was unclear if his death was
ment notification to Con- outside Kabul’s grand Eid guilty Thursday to charges nolulu with Japanese For- hastened by conditions in
gress that was obtained by Gah mosque asked America that included criminal ho- eign Minister Yoshimasa prison.
The Associated Press. for financial compensation micide, child endangerment Hayashi and South Korean Torres was a leading
The plan was confirmed for the tens of thousands of and conspiracy for both Foreign Minister Chung commander of the 1970s
by U.S. Secretary of State Afghans killed. counts. His trial had been Eui-yong. Defense chiefs Sandinista revolution who
Antony Blinken during a Biden’s order, signed Fri- scheduled to start March 14. from the three countries broke with President Daniel
Saturday visit to Fiji, part day, allocates another $3.5 Schollenberger and his fi- last week said North Korea’s Ortega more than 20 years
on a Pacific tour that began billion in Afghan assets for ancée, Kimberly Maurer, 36, recent missile tests were de- ago to found the Sandinista
in Australia. humanitarian aid to a trust both were accused in Sep- stabilizing. Renovation Movement.
Blinken later landed in fund to be managed by the tember 2020 of imprisoning Some experts say North Torres was one of 46 op-
Hawaii, where he will host U.N. to provide aid to Af- his son in a darkened room Korea is using the weap- position figures and pres-
the foreign ministers from ghans. The country’s econ- for years, starving him and on’s tests to put pressure idential hopefuls jailed by
Japan and South Korea to omy is teetering on the beating him while treating on President Joe Biden’s Ortega in May and June,
discuss the threat posed by brink of collapse after in- their other children well. administration to resume to clear the way for his al-
North Korea. ternational money stopped Maurer remains jailed and long-stalled nuclear negoti- most unopposed reelection
The State Department coming into Afghanistan is due to stand trial next ations as the pandemic puts on Nov. 7.
said Solomon Islanders with the arrival in mid-Au- month. further strain on an econ- Three of Torres’ chil-
cherished their history with gust of the Taliban. The charges against the omy and from a crippling dren issued a statement
Americans on the battle- Afghanistan’s Central couple stemmed from the U.S.-led sanctions. Biden’s announcing their father’s
fields of World War II, but Bank called on Biden to re- death of Maxwell Schol- administration has offered death. They did not give a
that the U.S. was in danger verse his order and release lenberger, whose body was North Korea open-ended cause, and said that, in ac-
of losing its preferential ties the funds to it, saying in found May 26, 2020. Au- talks but has shown no will- cordance with their father’s
as China “aggressively seeks a statement Saturday that thorities have said the boy ingness to ease the sanc- wishes there would no pub-
to engage” elite politicians they belonged to the people was naked, and his feces- tions without meaning- lic funeral or ceremony. On
and business people in the of Afghanistan and not a covered body was sprawled ful cuts to the country’s nu- June 13 last year, Torres
Solomon Islands. government, party or group. across a soiled bed. clear program. predicted his own arrest.
— The Associated Press — The Associated Press — The Associated Press — The Associated Press — The Associated Press
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San Jose 79/47 64/44 62/41 83/50 83/56 Boston 32/20/sn 25/15/pc Indianapolis 23/11/sn 32/16/s St. Louis 34/18/pc 46/29/s
Huntington Buffalo 20/7/c 19/14/c J’ville, Fla. 68/35/pc 59/35/s Salt Lake City 53/33/pc 57/38/pc
Santa Cruz 75/45 64/44 62/46 Beach Lake Forest Burlington, Vt.17/2/pc 16/5/pc K.C., Mo. 33/24/pc 53/31/s San Antonio 64/38/s 68/44/s
Costa Mesa 86/58 Rancho Santa
CENTRAL COAST 83/50 Margarita Charlstn, S.C. 64/36/c 55/35/s Knoxville 43/24/s 48/26/s San Juan, P.R. 81/72/pc 83/72/pc
Sun and areas of high clouds today; very
83/51 Charlotte 48/27/r 52/28/s Las Vegas 72/47/s 73/51/pc Santa Fe 51/24/s 55/26/s
warm near San Luis Obispo. Cheyenne 51/28/s 51/30/pc Little Rock 57/29/s 66/38/s Savannah 65/34/pc 59/34/s
Mission Viejo Chicago 19/12/c 31/20/pc Louisville 36/19/pc 41/24/s Seattle 55/43/pc 46/40/sh
City Today Mon. Tue. Newport Beach Laguna Hills 85/58 Cincinnati 30/14/sn 33/19/pc Memphis 51/27/s 59/39/s Sioux Falls 23/16/c 31/17/pc
Monterey 75/46 61/45 60/42 83/51 83/57
Cleveland 22/12/sf 24/14/pc Miami 74/57/t 71/63/s Spokane 44/31/pc 42/29/sf
S.L. Obispo 82/45 70/44 64/38 Coto De Caza
Santa Barb. 79/43 70/46 69/41 BEACH WATCH Laguna Beach 83/57
Colo. Spgs. 52/29/s
Colum., S.C. 59/30/pc
Lompoc 80/42 68/44 61/37 Health advisories are issued when bacteria levels
Pismo Bch. 75/44 69/47 63/39
83/56 Columbus, Oh.26/14/sf 28/18/pc Montgomery 53/27/s 60/33/s Topeka 37/28/s 53/31/s
exceed state standards. Here are current bacterial Aliso Viejo Concord, N.H. 28/12/c 21/4/pc Nashville 43/22/s 49/29/s Tucson 80/44/s 80/47/s
NORTHERN DESERT warnings and closures. Long-term postings; 83/56 Dallas 65/37/s 72/45/s New Orleans 53/37/pc 61/41/s Tulsa 51/33/s 66/43/s
Mostly sunny today; pleasant toward 714-433-6400 or www.ocbeachinfo.com. San Juan
Capistrano Denver 55/29/s 55/31/s N.Y. City 36/22/sn 28/21/s Wash., D.C. 38/26/sn 36/24/pc
Baker. Clear and moonlit tonight. Tip: Purchase one all-purpose cleaner instead of buying Laguna Niguel
City Today Mon. Tue. one product for every room.
Barstow 77/45 80/53 61/41
Death Vly. 84/53 82/55 69/53 OCEAN CONDITIONS Forecasts and
graphics provided by
Dana Point
63/40/pc 66/46/s
64/42/s 56/41/pc Helsinki
Havana 80/62/sh 73/64/pc Paris
36/34/sn 36/34/r
55/45/c 52/40/sh
P.-au-Prince 93/65/pc 94/69/pc
Lancaster 76/33 78/44 58/28 SURFING FORECAST AccuWeather, Inc. Avalon Amsterdam 49/47/c 51/40/sh HC Minh City 92/77/sh 92/76/t Prague 46/27/s 45/33/c
Victorville 75/37 74/40 55/33
Wave Sea ©2022 82/64 Athens 56/42/sh 56/44/pc Hong Kong 65/56/r 67/60/pc Pretoria 88/68/pc 88/64/pc
Baker 78/40 77/48 65/43
Beaches height Shape temp. San Clemente Auckland 73/60/c 74/57/s Istanbul 48/41/c 46/37/c P. Vallarta 84/64/pc 85/63/pc
Mostly sunny and very warm today. A
Seal Beach 2-3’ Fair 59 TIDES Palm Springs
72/43/s 73/43/s
90/77/t 87/76/sh Kabul
Jerusalem 58/46/s 55/42/c
47/28/pc 50/28/s
8/-7/pc 7/-7/pc
67/47/s 65/43/c
Huntington 3-4’+ Fair-Good 57 Highs 6:46 a.m. 5.2’ 8:43 p.m. 3.5’ Beijing 28/16/sn 29/12/s Karachi 79/58/s 83/58/s Rio de Jan. 82/73/sh 85/75/t
moonlit sky tonight. Newport 3-4’+ Fair-Good 57
City Today Mon. Tue. Lows 12:51 a.m. 2.3’ 2:15 p.m. -0.5’ Berlin 45/38/c 53/40/c Lima 76/67/pc 75/67/pc Rome 58/46/sh 59/49/sh
Salt Creek 3-4’ Fair-Good 55 Land reference point is Balboa Pier, Newport Beach San Diego Bogota 64/50/t 65/50/r Lisbon 57/49/r 59/46/s San Salvador 89/66/s 84/64/pc
Big Bear 59/28 57/32 40/18 Trestles 3-4’ Fair-Good 59 79/51 Budapest 45/25/s 50/39/pc London 51/43/r 49/37/r Santiago 84/57/s 85/57/s
L. Arrowh’d 63/42 61/37 41/30
Monrovia 89/58 82/51 64/43 Remarks: Sunday will have a mix of UV INDEX TODAY Buenos Aires 79/64/s 83/69/s
Cabo 83/59/pc 86/61/s
57/39/c 55/29/pc Seoul
93/72/pc 92/73/pc Singapore
49/26/pc 44/20/c
88/78/t 88/78/t
Idyllwild 68/48 69/45 51/34 holding to slowly fading S-SW swell and 0-2 Low, 3-5 Moderate, Cairo 71/49/s 68/50/s Manila 89/78/pc 91/76/s Stockholm 41/35/c 39/37/r
Riverside 83/42 79/43 58/37 dropping W-NW energy. Surf will be in 6-7 High, 8-10 Very High,
4 11+ Extreme. The higher the Statistics for Sat. Calgary 44/26/c 40/27/sn Mexico City 61/41/pc 69/47/c Sydney 76/65/pc 79/68/pc
SOUTH COAST the waist- to chest-high range for most AccuWeather.com UV Index™ Cape Town 79/65/s 89/67/s Montego Bay 84/76/s 85/75/pc Taipei City 71/58/r 60/58/r
areas. number, the greater the need for
TEMPERATURES Caracas 88/74/s 88/74/pc Monterrey 62/40/c 67/40/s Tehran 56/42/s 53/41/pc
Mostly sunny and very warm today. A
moonlit sky tonight. DIVING VISIBILITY CONDITIONS eye and skin protection. High/low ............................................ 89/53 Copenhagen 42/40/c 47/40/c Montreal 10/0/pc 12/2/pc Tel Aviv 63/54/s 63/53/pc
Today Mon.
83/53 68/47 65/45
Tue. Laguna: 15-20’ and Moderate SSW
swell surge
20 Minutes in the sun before
skin damage occurs.
Normal high/low ............................... 69/49
Record high ............................... 90 in 2015
79/69/sh 76/67/c
47/39/r 46/38/pc Nairobi
49/38/c 52/39/c
New Delhi
34/28/c 34/27/c
84/58/pc 86/59/c
74/51/pc 74/52/pc Vancouver
44/37/r 48/38/sn
15/3/sn 18/14/s
47/40/pc 47/40/pc
Santa Mon. 81/54 76/52 61/49 Record low ................................ 28 in 1949
Long Beach 83/51 73/53 63/46 Catalina: 35-50’+ and Moderate SSW
swell surge
77/63/sh 70/59/s
46/38/r 47/35/pc Oslo
Oaxaca 65/43/pc 76/43/s
45/35/r 41/32/sn Warsaw
Vienna 45/30/s 47/28/pc
42/30/s 45/33/s
Oceanside 77/41 73/49 62/41 for the week ending 2/6
24 hours through 3 p.m. Sat. ........ 0.00” Guadalajara 73/51/c 72/46/c Ottawa 7/-6/pc 9/-2/s Winnipeg 0/-17/sn 0/-7/s
San Diego 79/51 72/55 61/50 MARINE FORECAST Hanoi 57/54/sh 60/55/s Panama 91/72/t 91/72/t Zurich 49/25/s 45/36/r
SOUTHERN DESERT Winds: a.m. - NE 5-10 knots; p.m. - Month to date ................................... 0.00”
Trees Grass Weeds Mold Normal month to date ....................... 1.25”
W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice
Mostly sunny and very warm today. Clear NW 5-10 knots. 0-3’ seas / W 2’ and
and moonlit tonight. S 2’ swell.
Low Moderate High
Season to date (Oct. 1) .................... 5.64”
Normal season to date ..................... 7.58”
City Today Mon. Tue. Remarks: Sunday will start cool with Today Mon. Full Last New First
Blythe 82/45 81/46 74/50 Absent Unavailable Normal for entire season ................ 13.63”
Needles 81/48 82/51 73/51
clear skies in the morning followed Sunrise 6:38 a.m. 6:38 a.m.
by sunny offshore conditions in the Source: National Allergy Bureau Measurements taken at John Wayne Airport Sunset 5:34 p.m. 5:35 p.m.
Palm Spgs. 86/59 88/55 72/51
29 Palms 78/50 81/51 67/47 afternoon. Traffic and weather updates all day ocregister.com/traffic and ocregister.com/weather Moonrise 2:48 p.m. 3:46 p.m.
El Centro 85/47 86/53 74/48 Source: www.solspot.com How to reach us e-mail: [email protected] Moonset 4:56 a.m. 5:41 a.m. Feb. 16 Feb. 23 Mar. 2 Mar. 10
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Sticking with gas fleets over EVs could delay postal upgrade
By Jennifer A. Dlouhy
was associate director of the Service’s February 2021 de- the rebuttals by other gov- of the electric trucks would The Postal Service un-
White House Council on En- cision to award the mega- ernment agencies -- will pro- amount to $11.6 billion com- derpinned its analysis
vironmental Quality. contract to Oshkosh call for vide fodder to anticipated le- pared to $9.3 billion for the with an assumption of gas-
The U.S. Postal Service is The courts or Congress potentially 90% of the vehi- gal challenges from environ- same number of gasoline- oline prices at $2.19 per
expected in coming days to could force a do-over. cles to be powered by car- mental groups that could powered models. gallon, based on the na-
reaffirm its plan to pay Os- The contract represents bon-belching gasoline en- benefit Workhorse Group But other studies show tionwide average on Oct.
hkosh Corp. as much as $6 a snub of President Joe gines. They won’t even be Inc. and other electric vehi- the total cost of owning and 12, 2020. That’s well be-
billion over 10 years to re- Biden’s executive order for much more fuel efficient: cle makers that lost out on operating short-haul trucks low the $3.48 that most
place an aging fleet of red- the government to favor The service says the new the lucrative contract. is close to the same whether A mericans are pay ing
white-and blue delivery emissions-free trucks and trucks will average 8.6 miles The Biden administra- the vehicles use electric or now. And the Energy De-
vans with mostly gasoline- cars. The 165,000 delivery per gallon of gasoline, ver- tion has limited authority combustion engines -- even partment calculated that
powered models instead of vans the USPS could order sus 8.2 for the current fleet. over the Postal Service be- if the electric versions carry last October, when gaso-
climate-friendly electric ve- amount to roughly a quar- USPS waited until after it cause it is an independent a higher sticker price. line was going for $3.25 a
hicles. ter of the 645,000 vehicles signed the contract to con- agency, but federal courts The research firm At- gallon, the electric equiv-
The service insists it’s the operated by the federal gov- duct a legally required anal- have found it is still bound las Public Policy found in a alent was $1.35.
cheapest alternative. But its ernment, including the mil- ysis of the environmental by the National Environ- study last year that electri- USPS estimated that
analysis is based on assump- itary. consequences. It says the mental Policy Act that re- fying the USPS fleet could charging infrastructure
tions that critics and even It also runs contrary to ef- review proves the origi- quires analysis of major actually yield some $4.3 bil- would average $18,740 to
other government agencies forts by private delivery ser- nal purchase plan is “the policy decisions. And the lion in savings. A separate $20,970 at each of its facil-
say are unrealistic, such as vices such as those run by most achievable” given its contract with Oshkosh was analysis by the California ities. The EPA suggested,
gasoline at $2.19 a gallon Amazon.com Inc., Walmart strained finances because contingent on a successful Air Resources Board found however, that the equipment
and charging stations that Inc. and FedEx Corp. to elec- gasoline-powered trucks conclusion of the NEPA pro- that battery-electric vans could be shared with other
cost roughly $20,000 per trify their fleets as a way to are “significantly less ex- cess. similar to those considered government bodies.
facility. And those assump- cut costs and slash emis- pensive” and can run longer The Postal Service con- by the Postal Service could The EPA and White House
tions will form the bulls- sions. routes than battery-electric cluded that going electric save almost $5,000 over have urged the Postal Ser-
eye of expected legal chal- “You have all these other alternatives. would end up costing more each vehicle’s life. vice to conduct a new anal-
lenges that could stop Osh- folks moving in a different Environmental groups overall, factoring in the up- Moreover, the Environ- ysis or at least make initial
kosh’s assembly lines before direction,” said Corey Can- say the Postal Service is jus- front price as well as the mental Protection Agency purchases all electric. Post-
they even start. tor, an electric vehicle asso- tifying its decision based on costs of fuel, maintenance, points out that the cost of master General Louis De-
“The USPS is running ciate with BloombergNEF. a flawed analysis that down- chargers, training, manu- batteries, the most expen- Joy said the agency could
some risk,” said Ted Boling, “USPS is the one that’s out played the benefits and over- als and other expenses over sive component of an elec- buy more electric models
a partner at the law firm of step.” estimated the costs of going 20 years. The agency said tric vehicle, is rapidly fall- if it got more money from
Perkins Coie who previously The terms of the Postal electric. Those choices -- and the total cost to own 75,000 ing. Congress.
COVID weather stan border was felt widely more times. Other chimpan- triggering freak weather
A new study finds across South Asia, including zees were also seen treating patterns that now chill
that when tempera- New Delhi. the wounds of others in the areas as far south as -57o
tures outside are the • Earth movements were also same manner. Biologist subtropical parts of Florida Oimyakon,
most pleasant, fewer new felt in other parts of northern Simone Pika says the insects and East Asia, a new study Siberia
infections of COVID-19 are India, the coast of northern could contain unknown reveals. An international
likely to occur. Writing in the Queensland and anti-inflammatory and team of researchers found 114o
American Journal of Tropical south-central Alaska. soothing properties. that the new Arctic blasts Bamako,
Medicine and Hygiene, are damaging the agricul- Mali
University of Florida and Bug healing Volcanoes tural production of cereals,
University of Maryland Chimpanzees have A blast at Indonesia’s fruits, root vegetables and
researchers conclude that for the first time Anak Krakatoa (Child legumes in areas unaccus-
areas with both cold winters been observed of Krakatoa) sent tomed to such cold in
and hot summers are likely to treating wounds with a balm thick ash soaring into the sky winter. “This study Contact [email protected]
experience two COVID case of crushed insects. Writing in between Java and Sumatra. highlights how complex the ©2014 Earth Environment Service
peaks each year. “Both the journal Current Biology, The volcano has shown signs effects of climate change
extremes of ambient scientists say they saw the of increased unrest since are,” said study co-author over Vanuatu, then brushed deliberately placed to trap the
temperatures are associated behavior among chimps in the mid-January. Gabriela Schaepman-Strub. New Caledonia. croc as a pet. But a local
with human activity shifting West African nation of Gabon. • The Democratic Republic of “We have now discovered that bird-seller named Tili
indoors, promoting exposure They said the apes not only Congo’s Nyiragongo this (Arctic) warming affects Croc freedom eventually used chicken as
to recirculated air,” the paper treated their own wounds, but volcano spewed toxic ash near ecosystems thousands of An Indonesian bait and ropes to catch it.
says. It points to a number of also those of others around the city of Goma more kilometers away.” crocodile trapped Dozens of nearby residents
COVID-19 hot spots in the them. One chimp named than eight months after a with a tire around its then pitched in to drag the
United States and overseas as Suzee was seen inspecting a powerful eruption killed 32 Tropical cyclones neck for five years has finally animal to shore and cut the
examples of seasonality foot wound of her adolescent people with burns and Category-3 Cyclone been freed by rescuers in a tire from its neck. A local
and the rates of infection. son before catching an insect asphyxiation. Batsirai killed at Central Sulawesi river. conservation agency said Tili
out of the air, putting it in her least 92 people in Conservation workers had will be given a prize for his
Earthquakes mouth to squeeze it and then Subtropical chills southeastern Madagascar just tried since 2016 to capture daring effort to free the croc
A strong temblor applying it on the wound. She Warmer Arctic weeks after Cyclone Ana the reptile and free it from the from its misery.
centered on the later extracted the insect from winters due to ravaged the island. rubber necklace, which was Dist. by: Andrews McMeel Syndication
AfghanistanTajiki- the wound and applied it two climate change are • Tropical Storm Dovi formed believed to have been ©MMXX Earth Environment Service
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gramming for products (both internal
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the Dodgers, demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
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Clippers win
Jackson scores 8 of his 24 points
in the fourth to lead the Clippers
to a win over the Mavericks. PAGE 5
Today at SoFi the IN TODAY’S PAPER Patience and belief the first NFL-AFL Cham-
pionship Game, a byprod-
uct of the merger of com-
Rams can rewrite key to Bengals’ road peting pro football leagues
months before.
Sandra Tsing Loh
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1 p.m. Illinois at Michigan St. BTN
3 p.m. Penn St. at Michigan ESPN2
7 a.m. Duke vs. Utah Pac12N
10 a.m. PGA WM Phoenix Open Golf (noon, Ch. 2)
8:30 a.m. Trackside Live TVG
Noon America’s Day at the Races FS2
11 a.m. Hawks at Celtics Ch. 7
Noon Six Nations Championship: Italy vs. England CNBC
5:55 a.m. Saint-Etienne at Clermont Foot beIN
5:55 a.m. Wolverhampton at Tottenham KVEA
7:55 a.m. Bordeaux at Lens beIN
8 a.m. West Ham United at Leicester City KVEA
9:55 a.m. Leon at UNAM TUDN, 1330
11:35 p.m. Marseille at Metz beIN
2 p.m. Atiker Konyaspor at Trabzonspor beIN
5:30 p.m. Stade de Reims at FC Nantes beIN PHOTOS: KYUSUNG GONG — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
TENNIS USC’s Ethan Anderson goes up for a shot over UCLA’s Tyger Campbell, right, during the second half of Saturday’s game.
5:30 a.m. ATP/WTA tournament coverage, finals Tennis SUMMARY
11 a.m.
3 a.m.
ATP tournament coverage, finals Tennis
ATP/WTA tournament coverage, early rounds Tennis USC UCLA (17-4)
Riley 3-6 2-2 9, Bernard 1-9 0-0 2,
Campbell 6-12 13-14 27, Juzang 4-16 3-3
FROM PAGE 1 12, Jaquez 2-11 1-3 5, M.Johnson 0-2 1-2 1,
Singleton 1-2 0-0 3, Clark 2-5 1-2 5, Wat-
son 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 19-63 21-26 64.
5 games out Home Away bad pass that was stolen by USC (20-4)
Dixon-Waters, who passed Goodwin 3-9 4-4 10, Anderson 3-9 0-0
ahead to Max Agbonkpolo 7, Ellis 0-6 0-0 0, Peterson 9-13 5-6 27,
White 1-4 0-0 2, Agbonkpolo 4-6 0-0 8,
Lakers: 710 AM, nba.com/lakers for a layup to make it a Dixon-Waters 3-5 2-2 10, Hornery 1-2 0-0
3, Morgan 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 24-55 11-12 67.
Wednesday Feb. 25 Feb. 27 March 1 March 3 two-possession game with Halftime: USC 33-31; 3-Point Goals: UCLA
Jazz Clippers Pelicans Dallas Clippers 5 seconds left. 5-15 (Campbell 2-3, Riley 1-1, Singleton
1-1, Juzang 1-2, Clark 0-1, Jaquez 0-2,
7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. After a pair of Johnny Bernard 0-5), USC 8-19 (Peterson 4-5,
SpecSN, SpecSN, SpecSN, TNT TNT Juzang free throws, USC Dixon-Waters 2-3, Hornery 1-2, Anderson
1-3, White 0-2, Ellis 0-4); Rebounds: UCLA
ESPN ESPN ESPN was careless with the in- 36 (M.Johnson 11), USC 35 (Peterson
12); Assists: UCLA 9 (Campbell 3), USC
Clippers: 570 AM, nba.com/clippers
bounds pass. Campbell 13 (Peterson 4); Total Fouls: UCLA 14,
came away with a steal USC 21.
Monday Tuesday Thursday Feb. 25 Feb. 27 and hurled up a last-sec- UCLA guard Johnny Juzang, who made just 4 of 16 shots
Warriors Suns Rockets Lakers Rockets ond shot that bounced off from the field, fires away over USC’s Chevez Goodwin. prise upon arrival, with
7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 4 p.m. the rim to seal USC’s win, leading scorer Isaiah Mo-
prompting fans to storm bley (broken nose) in street
the court. around the rim three the corner, then Campbell clothes. But Peterson was
It was a high-tempo times before going in. His free throws put the Bruins there to pick up the slack
Ducks: 830 AM, nhl.com/ducks game from the start, with hot shooting offset the up for first time since 11:12 for the Trojans, and play
Wednesday Thursday Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 25
both teams running furi- work done by Campbell, mark of first half. up to the crowd.
Flames Oilers Canucks Sharks Kings ously after missed shots. whose 16 first-half points USC’s deficit grew to He gave a Jordan-esque
6:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. The Bruins guards got matched his season total four, but a pair of Ag- shrug after a pull-up jump
BSSC BSW BSSC BSSC BSSC, Ch. 13 UCLA an early four-point against USC in two games bonkpolo f loaters sand- shot. He spread his arms
lead, but 3-pointers by last year. wiched around a block by wide after his bounce
Kings: 570 AM, nhl.com/kings USC freshmen Harrison A corner 3 by Campbell the junior forward tied pass led Chevez Goodwin
Hornery and Dixon-Wa- completed an 8-0 UCLA things up to the delight perfectly for a dunk. And
Tuesday Friday Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 25
Oilers Golden Knights Coyotes Coyotes Ducks
ters put the Trojans in run to tie the scoree in the of the sell-out Galen Cen- his five blocks helped off-
7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 7p.m. 7p.m. the lead. last minute before half- ter crowd. set the Bruins’ attempts to
BSW BSW BSW TNT BSSC, Ch. 13 There USC stayed for time. But another Peter- T he f irst USC stu- score in transition.
much of the first half be- son jumper salvaged a 33- dents started lining up But the Trojans had to
NFL hind 5-for-10 shooting 31 halftime advantage for eight hours before tip-off, play essentially a perfect
Rams: vs. Bengals, Super Bowl LVI, today, 3:30 p.m., Ch. 4 from 3-point range. Peter- USC. and the line eventually game to beat UCLA, and
son alone hit three 3-point- UCLA missed its first six wrapped around the ho- that’s what they did. They
ers on his way to 15 first- shots to open second half, tel neighboring the arena, limited UCLA’s 18 offen-
USC: vs. Washington, Thursday, 8:30 p.m., Pac-12 Network
half points. but offensive rebounding with scores of students un- sive rebounds to 13 second-
UCLA: vs. Washington State, Thursday, 8 p.m., FS1
His shooter’s touch was helped Bruins retake the able to get a seat. chance points, hit 11 of 12
HORSE RACING so finely tuned that even lead. UCLA tied it up on Ju- They who did enter were free throws and blocked 10
Santa Anita: Today, 11 a.m. a fade-away jumper spun zang’s second-chance 3 in in for an unpleasant sur- shots.
Standings LAKERS
by Warriors in fourth
Detroit 12 44 .214 23 1/2 1-9 L-7 8-20 4-24
short in Miami
Westbrook 35:09 7-13 4-4 1-7 5 4 19
The Lakers fought val- Hrtn-Tcker 29:38 5-9 4-4 1-7 3 4 17 the second-place team in the Thompson, or a rebound that
iantly in their first game af- Reaves 23:22 5-5 2-2 1-3 2 1 13 West was more spirited than bounced off the side of Davis’
ter an emotionally turbulent Monk 20:03 5-9 1-2 1-3 1 4 12 others the Lakers have taken face as it shot back toward
trade deadline, trying des- Ariza 16:02 0-2 0-2 1-4 0 0 0 this season, it was still their the 3-point line for a War-
perately to turn the page on Totals 240 41-88 22-33 11-47 25 24 115 third straight, and their sev- riors basket.
By The Associated Press NUGGETS 110, RAPTORS the struggles that have so Percentages: FG .466, FT .667; 3-Point
Goals: 11-27, .407 (Horton-Tucker 3-5, enth in their last nine games. They were cold-blooded
109 >>Rookie guard Bones far defined their season. But James 3-10, Bradley 2-3, Reaves 1-1, Coach Frank Vogel had sig- when the Lakers gave them
Westbrook 1-2, Monk 1-4, Ariza 0-1, Davis
Bam Adebayo had 19 Hyland made a tiebreak- a combined 61 points from 0-1); Team rebounds: 8; Team turnovers: naled that the Lakers had a another shot, going 4 for 4
points and 14 rebounds, ing 3-pointer with 2:16 to LeBron James, Anthony Da- 1;Horton-Tucker);
Blocked shots: 6 (Davis 3, Reaves 2,
Turnovers: 8 (James
new, positive energy at Fri- on second-chance opportu-
and the Miami Heat held play and Denver ended To- vis and Russell Westbrook, as 4, Monk 2, Ariza, Westbrook); Steals: day’s practice after Thurs- nities to score 10 points in
5 (Bradley 2, Horton-Tucker, Monk,
off a furious rally from Ky- ronto’s winning streak at well as a spirited bench per- Westbrook); Technical fouls: coach Phil day’s trade deadline had the fourth.
rie Irving and the Brook- eight. formance, could not over- Handy, 6:34 first, coach Frank Vogel, passed without a move, but “Man, just one of those
lyn Nets for a 115-111 vic- Nikola Jokic had 28 come the Warriors’ Klay 6:25 fourth. improving their record and nights where a lot of bad
tory Saturday night. points and 15 rebounds, Thompson finding his mojo Golden St. Min FG FT Reb A PF Pts standing in the West contin- bounces didn’t go our way,”
Irving scored 20 of his Jeff Green scored 19 points with 16 points in the fourth Kuminga 25:14 8-11 2-3 2-9 0 5 18
Wiggins 32:53 7-15 2-5 0-5 1 3 19 ues to elude them. Vogel said, shaking his head.
29 points in the fourth and Aaron Gordon had 13 quarter, giving Golden State Looney 28:30 1-6 1-2 2-12 3 3 3 Still, the Lakers have con- “But give credit to those guys:
quarter to help the Nets as the Nuggets won for a 117-115 win against a team Curry 36:36 7-17 9-9 0-5 8 3 24 tinued to kick the can down They made five threes down
Thompson 30:01 12-22 4-5 0-5 0 3 33
rally from a 21-point, the third time time in four that can ill afford to lose. Poole 24:59 2-8 6-6 1-1 4 2 11 the road, saying they think the stretch, big shots, a lot of
third-quarter deficit be- games. James is no stranger to Porter Jr. 23:39 1-5 0-0 3-7 2 2 2 they’re building toward the them guarded. It was just too
fore dropping their 11th Pascal Siakam scored a the Splash Brothers thwart- Lee Bjelica
15:21 2-4 0-0 1-3 2 1 6
11:28 0-0 1-4 1-2 3 0 1
postseason — even though much for us to overcome. But
straight game. season-high 35 points and ing his progress. It happened Payton II 11:02 0-1 0-0 0-2 1 2 0 they’re now in ninth place still, still feel good about our
Cam Thomas’ 3-pointer had 10 rebounds, but the again Saturday night at Tscno-Adrsn 0:13 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 in a single-elimination play- guys response to where we
with 37 seconds left cut Raptors lost for the first Chase Center when Thomp- Totals 240 40-90 25-34 10-51 24 24 117 in spot. They still believe were at a few days ago.”
Miami’s lead to 110-109. time since Jan. 26 at Chi- son helped erase a six-point Percentages: FG .444, FT .735; 3-Point they have a high level within Perhaps the player who
Goals: 12-38, .316 (Thompson 5-9,
Down 113-111, the Nets cago. Lakers lead in the fourth Wiggins 3-7, Lee 2-4, Poole 1-5, them, which they’re more in- improved his standing the
had possession and an op- KINGS 123, WIZARDS 110 >> quarter. Thompson, who has Curry 1-8, Kuminga 0-1, Payton II 0-1,
Toscano-Anderson 0-1, Porter Jr. 0-2);
spired to reach now that the most was Westbrook, who
portunity to tie or take the De’Aaron Fox scored 26 missed the last two seasons Team rebounds: 11; Team turnovers: deadline has gone, and they in his last appearance was
lead. But Kyle Lowry stole points, Domantas Sabonis with injury, hit a go-ahead None; Blocked shots: 3 (Kuminga, Lee,
Wiggins); Turnovers: 9 (Curry 2, Poole
know what their team will benched in the fourth quar-
Thomas’ pass, dribbled added 16 points and 11 re- 3-pointer with 1:35 left, then 2, Kuminga, Lee, Looney, Payton II, look like down the stretch. ter. He scored 19 points with
downcourt and found P.J. bounds in his second game after the Lakers failed to Thompson); Steals: 4 (Curry, Lee, Porter
Jr., Wiggins); Technical fouls: None. “Guys had a little more seven rebounds and five as-
Tucker, who got fouled and with Sacramento, and the score on three putback at- Lakers 26 36 32 21 — 115
swag today, a little more con- sists against a single turn-
converted his shots to se- new-look Kings beat Wash- tempts off a missed free Golden State 32 33 30 22 — 117 fidence, more energy, played over, helping charge the Lak-
cure Miami’s fifth consec- ington for their second throw, Steph Curry popped with more of a purpose,” Da- ers in the second and third
utive win. straight victory. in a layup that would prove omed outside the paint, and vis said. “If we can play like quarters.
Duncan Robinson fin- Harrison Barnes added to be the winning points. James could not hurl up a fi- this for the rest of the sea- “He was really locked in to
ished with 17 points and 21 points for the Kings, However, the Lakers had nal shot in time. son, we’ll continue to put what we were trying to do de-
hit 6-of-10 3-pointers, who acquired six players a chance to force overtime: James is above his career ourselves in position to be fensively, and really talking
Jimmy Butler and Tyler this week before Thurs- James was fouled by Curry average in free-throw shoot- successful.” to guys and leading,” said Vo-
Herro each scored 13 and day’s trade deadline.. on a 3-pointer with 2.3, put- ing this season (75.3%), but The Lakers got a huge gel. “And played with a great
Lowry had 13 points and Kyle Kuzma scored 22 ting him at the line with a as a team, the Lakers (72.3%) boost from their reserves, competitive spirit, didn’t
six assists for the Eastern points and Corey Kispert chance to tie the score at 117- are the second-worst free- with Malik Monk, Aus- turn the ball over much, and
Conference-leading Heat. added 20 for the Wizards. all. But James missed the throw-shooting team in the tin Reaves and Talen Hor- was efficient offensively.
76ERS 103, CAVALIERS 93 SPURS 124, PELICANS 114 >> first attempt, forcing him to NBA. They left a lot of points ton-Tucker scoring all 42 of “It’s just disappointing we
>> Joel Embiid had a tri- Dejounte Murray had 31 throw up a high, arcing shot on the board against the the points off the bench (to didn’t get this W because I
ple-double of 40 points, points and 12 rebounds, so the Lakers had a chance at Warriors, going just 22 for 33 Golden State’s 20). Reaves thought there was a lot of
14 rebounds and 10 assists and San Antonio beat New the rebound. But the ball car- from the line, and it was their had one of the best high- positive signs.”
along with a highlight-reel Orleans for a second dou-
jam, and Philadelphia beat ble-digit, wire-to-wire vic-
Cleveland. tory in two nights. LAKERS
Tyrese Maxey added 16 CJ McCollum had a sea-
points for Philadelphia.
Embiid brought the
house down with 1:47 left
son-high 36 points on 15-
of-24 shooting and grabbed
11 rebounds for New Or-
James passes Kareem for scoring mark
in the first half with a one- leans (22-34), which oc-
handed throw-down over cupied the 10th and final By Kyle Goon
ing to be celebrated as if “That’s pretty cool. It’s One of the skills Kerr
Jarrett Allen that had play-in spot in the West- [email protected]
it were the regular season incredible,” coach Frank appreciates most is James’
fans putting their hands ern Conference standings @kylegoon on Twitter record, but that’s incredi- Vogel said. “Everything the capacity for reinvention.
to their heads. He finished when it acquired the star ble when you think about guy has done throughout When Kerr was an NBA
11 of 22 from the field, in- guard from Portland on Behind a mask, the all the players who have his career is just remark- analyst, he noticed how
cluding 4 of 5 from 3-point Tuesday but is 0-2 since. creases by Steve Kerr’s played in this league.” able. It’s why I believe he’s James forced the Spurs to
range, and made 14 of 15 TRAIL BLAZERS 112, KNICKS eyes crinkled, betraying a In the third quarter, the greatest ever to play.” change how they guarded
free throws. 103 >> Anfernee Simons had pained grin as he prepared James did it, sinking a James took a shorter route him on screens because
Darius Garland scored 30 points and eight as- to tip off against the Lak- 3-pointer off an assist by to the record. His appear- of his improved 3-point
27 points to lead Cleve- sists, and Portland erased ers. Anthony Davis to give him ance against Golden State shooting. By the time Kerr
land. a 23-point, third-quarter He had been asked by a 21 points on the night and was his 1,350th career regu- became Golden State’s
GRIZZLIES 125, HORNETS deficit to beat New York. reporter about his assess- pass Lakers great Kareem lar-season game, combined coach and had to face
118 >>Ja Morant scored 26 Newly acquired guard ment of an looming LeB- Abdul-Jabbar’s mark of with 266 postseason games, James in four straight Fi-
points, Desmond Bane Josh Hart added 23 points ron James milestone. The 44,149 points in all of his giving him 1,616 games over- nals, he was a more com-
added 25 and Memphis in his Blazers debut. 37-year-old was poised to NBA games. all. Abdul-Jabbar played plete scorer aside from his
held off Charlotte for its Portland closed the gap become the all-time lead- James has enjoyed one through his 42nd birthday, natural talent for barreling
fifth straight win. to-98-92 in the final pe- ing scorer in NBA his- of his best scoring sea- winding up with 1,797. to the basket.
Jaren Jackson Jr. had 18 riod when Simons and tory by an unconventional sons this year, averaging Abdul-Jabbar holds one “You had to worry about
points and 10 rebounds, Ben McLemore hit back- measurement, with both 29.1 points per game en- of the NBA’s most hallowed his getting downhill,” he
while Steven Adams added to-back 3-pointers. Jusuf regular season and play- tering Saturday night’s records, scoring 38,387 said. “The strength of his
15 points and 11 rebounds Nurkic’s dunk finally put off points combined. And game. Scoring 26 points points. If James keeps to game is his passing, and
for the Grizzlies (40-18), Portland in front 99-98 it made a cosmic kind of total, James extended his his career scoring average yet, he’s this freight train
who have won eight of with 4:23 left, capping a sense that James was about streak of scoring 25 points (27.1 ppg), he could over- coming downhill at you.
their last nine games while 20-4 run. to make history at Golden or more to 22 games, which take the Captain in 69 And then, oh by the way,
scoring at least 120 points Portland outscored New State’s expense. is the longest such streak games, passing him some- he’s shooting 38% from
in their last five. York 35-11 in the fourth “I feel like I witnessed of his career. He surpassed time next season. James’ three or whatever it was.
Terry Rozier had 35 quarter. Julius Randle led a lot of those postseason his previous best of 21 surge in scoring this season Everything changed after
points and 10 rebounds for the Knicks with 28 points points,” Kerr said. “That’s games, which was set back helps build optimism that that, as far as what you had
the Hornets. LaMelo Ball and 16 rebounds, while a spectacular statistic, in 2008 when James was 23 he might be able to keep up to deal with. That’s pretty
finished with 25 points. Kemba Walker added 23. maybe not one that is go- years old. (or even speed up) the pace. remarkable.”
Five-point game
from the Luka Doncic and
his Dallas Mavericks.
Jackson scored eight of
by Wheeler leads
his 24 points in the final
2:08 to help nail the lid on
and diffuse Doncic’s late-
game detonation.
day at American Airlines 8 seconds to go pulled the other 7-footer in the league CLIPPERS 99,
Center, becoming the first Mavericks within one, Jack- doing that. Two games in MAVERICKS 97 Mark Scheifele had a goal GP W L OT Pts GF GA
player since Wilt Cham- son got the inbound pass a row, actually taking the Up next: Warriors at and two assists and Kyle Colorado 45 33 8 4 70 186 131
Minnesota 43 29 11 3 61 164 124
berlain scored 47 and then and succeeded in playing challenge and big shot af- Connor and Pierre-Luc Du-
53 points against Seattle n keep-away, running the ter big shot and still want- Clippers, Monday, bois also scored for Winni-
St. Louis
48 28 16 4 60 149 134
46 27 14 5 59 162 129
December 1967 to record clock down to 3.4 seconds ing that challenge? That’s 7:30 p.m., BSSC peg, which has won two of Dallas 45 25 18 2 52 137 137
Winnipeg 45 20 17 8 48 130 134
96 or more points over a before Jalen Brunson could big ups for big fella.” SUMMARY its last three. Connor Hel- Chicago 48 17 24 7 41 117 162
two-game span against the catch him to foul him and The Clippers’ big fella Clippers Min FG FT Reb A PF Pts
lebuyck made 34 saves and Arizona 48 12 32 4 28 108 180
same opponent. stop the clock. Jackson made also had a big night with Batum 19:38 0-2 0-0 0-2 0 1 0 Josh Morrissey had two as-
But the Clippers didn’t one of two free throws, and his 14th double-double; Zu- Morris Sr. 36:48 9-18 1-1 0-1 2 3 20 sists.
Zubac 33:00 5-8 1-2 1-10 6 2 11
care. They got what they Doncic’s shot from near mid- bac finished with 11 points Jackson 40:01 10-21 2-5 2-5 8 2 24
“For us to be successful, ATLANTIC DIVISION
wanted. court missed wide. and 10 rebounds to go with Mann 34:51 9-15 2-3 2-9 2 3 21 you need your best play- GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Said coach Tyronn Lue, Welcoming his newly as- a season-high six assists. Coffey 30:20 5-9 0-0 1-5 1 1 11 ers,” Winnipeg interim Florida 47 32 10 5 69 194 139
Kennard 18:43 2-4 0-0 0-2 1 4 5
on Zoom: “I just want to cribed extra ball-handling As a team, the Clippers Hartenstein 14:52 1-1 0-0 0-5 2 2 2 coach Dave Lowry said. Tampa Bay 48 31 11 6 68 163 136
Toronto 45 30 12 3 63 161 123
win, I don’t care if he had duties, Mann started in collected 42 rebounds . Covington 11:47 2-4 0-0 0-3 1 2 5 “They stayed with the game. Boston 46 27 16 3 57 135 130
90 – know what I’m sayin’?” place of Norman Powell (turf And although they gave Totals 240:00 43-82 6-11 6-42 23 20 99 We got down early and we Detroit 49 22 21 6 50 140 167
“He could have 40, he toe) and helped with that, up 13 offensive boards, Percentages: FG .524, FT .545; 3-Point didn’t waver. We bent and Ottawa 44 16 24 4 36 118 144
Goals: 7-22, .318 (Jackson 2-5, Mann Buffalo 46 14 24 8 36 120 161
could have 60, he could scoring a season-high 21 Lue was pleased with his 1-2, Coffey 1-3, Covington 1-3, Kennard I really liked the resiliency Montreal 47 8 32 7 23 103 186
have 50, we’re here trying points. (It was his first game team’s renewed toughness. 1-3, Morris Sr. 1-4, Batum 0-2); Team
rebounds: 8; Team turnovers: None;
and I really liked the fact METROPOLITAN DIVISION
to win,” said Terance Mann, of 20 or more points since he “We made a conscious Blocked shots: 4 (Covington, Hartenstein, that our top guys dug in and GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Jackson, Zubac); Turnovers: 14 (Zubac 4,
recounting the Clippers’ launched the Clippers into effort of really turning, try- Hartenstein 3, Kennard 2, Batum, Coffey, really found a way to win.” Carolina 46 32 11 3 67 161 109
strategy to letting Doncic the Western Conference fi- ing to hit bodies,” he said. Covington, Jackson, Mann); Steals: 7 Mikael Granlund and Pittsburgh 48 29 11 8 66 160 126
(Jackson 2, Zubac 2, Covington, Mann,
get his but not to let him nals with his 39-point ef- “They were bigger in some Morris Sr.); Technical fouls: Mann, 3:30 Matt Duchene scored to N.Y. Rangers 47 30 13 4 64 145 122
Washington 49 26 14 9 61 161 137
get his teammates going. fort against Utah in Game 6 positions and probably a fourth. make it 2-0 in the first pe- Columbus 46 23 22 1 47 147 167
“That’s the game plan, of their second-round series little stronger in some po- Dallas Min FG FT Reb A PF Pts riod for Nashville, which N.Y. Islanders 42 17 19 6 40 102 116
Bullock 40:18 6-12 0-0 1-2 1 5 17 New Jersey 48 17 26 5 39 141 172
and I feel like it worked the last playoffs.) sitions, as well. I thought Finney-Smith
39:01 1-4 1-2 1-2 2 3 3
has lost three of four. Philadelphia 47 15 24 8 38 118 162
other night, we came back And Ivica Zubac – the we really paid attention to D.Powell 26:23 3-5 0-0 7-9 1 1 6 Entering Saturday, Nash- Saturday’s results
and gave ourselves a chance Clippers’ 7-foot starting cen- details, but a lot of times Brunson 39:02 8-17 2-4 0-4 3 3 22 ville was 17-0-0 this season Detroit 4, Philadelphia 2
Doncic 39:27 15-33 9-13 0-15 8 2 45 Boston 2, Ottawa 0
to try to win the other game ter who’s been cooked many we just couldn’t come up Kleber 21:55 0-3 0-0 1-8 1 0 0 when leading after the first Columbus 2, Montreal 1
and it worked tonight, we a time by Doncic in the past with it. That’s a start, just Green 20:15 1-7 0-0 3-3 0 2 2 period. Vancouver 3, Toronto 2
Ntilikina 11:33 1-4 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 Winnipeg 5, Nashville 2
won the game.” – welcomed the all but im- seeking out a body, hitting Burke 2:06 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
With the score tied at St. Louis 5, Chicago 1
Jackson answered two of possible mission of serving first and then rebound the Totals 240:00 35-85 12-19 13-44 16 17 97
two goals apiece midway Minnesota 3, Carolina 2
Doncic’s four 3-pointers in as the primary defender on ball. We just got to con- Percentages: FG .412, FT .632; 3-Point
through the third period, Calgary 5, N.Y. Islanders 2
Today’s games
the final period with driving Dallas’ 22-year-old superstar tinue to keep working and Goals: 15-39, .385 (Doncic 6-13, Bullock Nashville defenseman Mark Buffalo at Montreal, 9:30 a.m.
5-10, Brunson 4-7, Finney-Smith 0-2,
buckets, the second draw- at the outset. build on it.” Green 0-2, Ntilikina 0-2, Kleber 0-3); Team Borowiecki was assessed a Ottawa at Washington, 9:30 a.m.
Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 10:30 a.m.
ing a foul. Jackson missed “He’s got some sore … an- It helped the Clippers rebounds: 7; Team turnovers: None; major penalty for elbow- Colorado at Dallas, 11 a.m.
Blocked shots: 0; Turnovers: 14 (Doncic
the free throw, but Mann kles tomorrow,” said Mor- avoid their first four-game 7, Brunson 2, Finney-Smith 2, D.Powell, ing and a game misconduct
tipped the rebound back ris, who chipped in with 20 losing skid of the season. Kleber, Ntilikina); Steals: 4 (Green 3, after he came into contact Laine also had an assist
Ntilikina); Technical fouls: Brunson, 7:09
out to Jackson for a straight- points. “To be able to get They also snapped the host first, Doncic, 3:30 fourth. with the head of Winnipeg’s on Oliver Bjorkstad’s goal 76
away 3 and a 97-89 lead with out there and guard and Mavs four-game winning Clippers 23 26 21 29 — 99 Evgeny Svechnikov. seconds into the game. Elvis
Dallas 26 22 19 30 — 97
1:15 left. actually take the challenge, streak. Wheeler and Dubois Merzlikins made 30 saves as
scored on the ensuing the Blue Jackets won their
power play to earn the win. fifth straight game.
CLIPPERS NOTES “I think we went out there Cole Caufield scored
heading into SoFi Stadium. a chance against the Rams’ fe- must-see matchup, and the Ben- quarterback Matthew Stafford,
Bengals They’re young and inexperi-
enced, but that’s been forgotten
rocious pass rush with Aaron
Donald, Von Miller and Leon-
gals are confident in the rookie
finding success against one of
who will appear in his first Su-
per Bowl in his 13th NFL season.
by their collective confidence. ard Floyd. the game’s best coverage players. It only took Burrow two sea-
And they might be just as tal- “I wouldn’t say that,” Burrow Chase was named the Offensive sons to hit the Super Bowl stage
“Embrace the situation. We knew ented as the Rams, with Burrow, said after being asked if the of- Rookie of the Year. and his prolific postseason per-
what we had here. We knew what rookie star wide receiver Ja’Marr fensive line is the weakest area Taylor said he wasn’t sur- formances and noticeable swag-
we were building. Sometimes it Chase, clutch rookie kicker Evan on the team. “I think those guys prised about Chase’s standout ger has overshadowed Stafford.
comes with the struggle. If you McPherson and a revamped de- work really hard. They’ve been rookie year because he had one He’s definitely no underdog
learn from it, it’s not really a fense that’s led by Bates and de- really good for us this year. I of the greatest college highlight when his Super Bowl run is be-
struggle. fensive end Trey Hendrickson. know we’ve given up some sacks tapes he’s ever seen, but he also ing compared to the other pop-
“I’m thankful for the struggles The Bengals are finally getting and everyone likes to talk about said that about Rams star wide ular Joes — Joe Namath and Joe
that we had. I think that’s why respect and it took three postsea- that, but a lot of those are on me. receiver Cooper Kupp, the Offen- Montana.
we’re so close as a team.” son wins against the Las Vegas Situationally, sometimes sacks sive Player of the Year. “I’m trying to be the best
The two-week lead up to Su- Raiders, Tennessee Titans and are OK.” Bates said he and safety Vonn player that I can be,” Burrow
per Bowl LVI started with many Kansas City Chiefs to get no- Burrow will see pressure in Bell will need to be on the same said. “I’m trying to be the best
pundits stating that the Rams ticed. The confident Bengals are the pocket Sunday, but he quickly page, something they’ve done Joe Burrow I can be. It doesn’t
had the better players and their more than prepared for Sunday’s emerged as one of the best quar- most season, to contain Kupp matter. Everyone likes to make
stout defense was going to be Super Bowl in Inglewood. terbacks in the NFL because he and wide receiver Odell Beck- these comparisons, but I’m just
too much for the Bengals’ sub- “No extra film,” said Burrow, excels in deciphering defenses in ham Jr. from turning catches trying to be the best player that I
par offensive line. But as the days the NFL’s Comeback Player of the pre- and post-snap. If the Rams into long gains. The Bengals’ de- can be. I’m not trying to compare
went by, more people started to Year. “We’ve had two weeks to aren’t able to confuse Burrow, fense was able to limit the Chiefs’ myself to anybody else.”
believe in the Bengals, the same watch it. I’m tired of watching he’ll make them pay with his explosive offense to three points What the Bengals are doing is
way Bates did when Taylor was film. I’m ready to go play.” standout receiving trio of Chase, in the second half of the AFC working, and they belong on the
hired. Burrow was sacked nine times Boyd and Tee Higgins. Championship Game. big stage. But they saw this com-
Burrow got his wish, the Ben- versus the Titans and that’s Chase versus Rams corner- But the Bengals will have a ing when Taylor asked them to
gals are no longer underdogs why many weren’t giving them back Jalen Ramsey will be a tough challenge against Rams believe three years ago.
WHO HAS THE EDGE? “Oh, my gosh, it would be they didn’t see Donald
RAMS (15-5) VS. BENGALS (13-7) Rams incredible. We all know the history, and others every day, the
latest great Rams seeking
When: 3:30 p.m. today FROM PAGE 1
and we’re trying to bring L.A. (a the validation of a Super
Where: SoFi Stadium, Inglewood title) and bring all the fans back.” Bowl ring.
TV/radio: Ch. 4; 710 AM, 93.1 FM, 1330 AM (Spanish) Super Bowls, they’re fa- — Rams safety Eric Weddle “When you have some-
vored to win the game, thing bigger than your-
Line: Rams by 4 four-point choices over the it doesn’t mean they’re go- If the Rams can contain self to play for and mo-
Notable injury designations: Rams: TE Tyler Higbee Cincinnati Bengals in Las ing to make the plays at Bengals running back Joe tivation that drives you,
(knee) and OL Joe Noteboom (chest) were placed on Vegas betting. the exact moment that Mixon, they can press their what a powerful thing
injured reserve; RB Darrell Henderson (knee) and NT Se- Playing on their home they need to. That’s why biggest advantage, the that is,” said McVay, who’s
bastian Joseph-Day (chest) were activated; S Taylor Rapp field at SoFi Stadium you can’t put ‘super teams’ pass rush led by Donald coaching in his second Su-
(concussion) is cleared to return. Bengals: TE C.J. Uzomah only adds to the expecta- together in the NFL, be- and linebackers Von Miller per Bowl in five years in
(knee) is questionable. tions. The Bengals are offi- cause it doesn’t work like and Leonard Floyd against charge. “It’s why I want to
What’s at stake?: It’s the final exam for the judgment by cially the home team, even that. an offensive line that gave try to work as hard as I can
L.A. GM Les Snead and coach Sean McVay that bring- though they’ve never been “I think that’s one of the up a league-high 55 sacks within the framework of
ing now-34-year-old QB Matthew Stafford over from the to the two-year-old Ingle- things that you felt accom- in the regular season and my role, because you want
Detroit Lions to join forces with WR Cooper Kupp and the wood venue before. But plished about (this season). nine in the playoff win over to see Aaron, you want to
Rams offense would make a Super Bowl winner of both. the Rams get to dress in Regardless of whether peo- Tennessee. But Burrow is see the Whitworths, the
While resisting the “Super Bowl or bust” narrative, the their regular-season locker ple thought we added all tough. And he can escape. Weddles, the Staffords, the
Rams clearly made moves to take advantage of having Su- room and line up on the fa- these guys, they still had to On offense, Stafford and Jalen Ramseys, you want
per Bowl LVI on home turf. The pressure to win now weighs miliar eastern sideline. perform, and we still had NFL Offensive Player of the to see all these guys that
more heavily on the Rams than the Bengals. Unlike the 1979 season, to go make those plays.” Year Cooper Kupp try to are so great for our team
Who’s better?: Four points is a relatively big point spread when they lost to the Pitts- Safety Eric Weddle, 37, cap their greatest individ- be able to achieve that suc-
for a Super Bowl, and it reflects the Rams’ superiority by burgh Steelers, and 2018, grew up in Rancho Cu- ual seasons against a Ben- cess and be able to finish
most measures all season. That doesn’t mean the Bengals when they were stopped by camonga and is the only gals defense that ranks be- this deal.”
can’t spring another postseason upset after beating the the New England Patriots, current Rams player who low league average in stop- A nd one other Su-
Titans and coming from behind to shock the Chiefs. But they have the edge in ex- saw the team in L.A. be- ping the pass. per Bowl championship-
Football Outsiders analytics say that if Cincinnati wins, it perience and 36-year-old fore the 1995 move to St. But the Rams will have starved star: L.A.
will have the lowest regular-season overall rating of any Rams coach McVay gets to Louis. Weddle remembers to weather the loss of tight The city has celebrated
NFL champion since 1983. feel like the elder states- his dad burning his Rams end Tyler Higbee to a knee Dodgers World Series
Matchup to watch: Rams CB Jalen Ramsey vs. Bengals man as he coaches his sec- gear when they left. He injury, and need better wins, Lakers NBA titles
WR Ja’Marr Chase. Cincinnati needs a big game from the ond Super Bowl against knows what it would mean than they’ve been getting and Kings Stanley Cups.
league’s Offensive Rookie of the Year, whose attributes the Bengals’ first-timer Zac to win the Super Bowl. from the running game The L.A. Raiders won a Su-
include the fact his yards after catch ranked behind only Taylor. “Oh, my gosh, it would since Cam Akers’ return per Bowl in 1984. But the
Kupp and the 49ers’ Deebo Samuel. Ramsey allowed a 71.1 And as many Hall of be incredible,” Weddle from injured reserve. L.A. Rams, not yet.
passer rating on throws in his direction during the regular Famers, Most Valuable said. “We all know the Higbee’s injury leaves “I think L.A. is a city of
season, fourth lowest among cornerbacks with 16 starts or Players, All-Pros, Pro Bowl- history, and we’re trying Donald, Whitworth, right champions, a city of win-
more. ers and great coaches as to bring L.A. (a title) and tackle Ron Havenstein and ners, and I think that’s
the Rams’ teams of de- bring all the fans back. punter Johnny Hekker as something our players
Rams win if: ... If Stafford continues to meet situations cades past had, they don’t “To be the team, the the only members of the embrace and love,” Mc-
as well as he did in the three playoff games; the Rams are match the star power of guys, the core group, to first unit in the Super Bowl Vay said. “Continuing to
13-1 when he commits one or zero turnovers ... If the Rams’ this one led by quarterback bring ‘em back and bring a LIII loss to New England play at a consistent level
defensive front takes advantage of the Bengals’ offensive Matthew Stafford. Super Bowl (victory) here. who will suit up for Super and present this fan base
line and records at least three sacks; QB Joe Burrow was As history shows, get- Listen, we’ll be etched in Bowl LVI. Kupp was in- with championship-level
sacked at least three times in all of Cincinnati’s losses ... ting to the Super Bowl history.” jured and missed the last play week in and week out
If the special teams, led by K Matt Gay and PR Brandon wasn’t guaranteed, and The Bengals are dan- Super Bowl. Wide receiver is what our guys have de-
Powell, keep up the performance that has made them the winning it certainly isn’t. gerous underdogs, having Robert Woods played in livered on, and we’ve got
Rams’ most-improved unit from early to late season. “You look throughout risen from 4-11-1 in 2020 that one and is hurt now. one more to try to finish
Fantasy pick: Kupp. McVay won’t miss the chance to NFL history, there’s been to 10-7 and the AFC North The Rams wouldn’t be the deal.”
capitalize on having the NFL Offensive Player of the Year a lot of great teams in a title in 2021 before beat- in the Super Bowl without Beckham, a Ram since
for this Super Bowl after he was injured for Super Bowl lot of places where it blows ing the Las Vegas Raid- their roster’s many ma- November, said he knows.
LIII. Per Football Outsiders analytics, the Bengals have the your mind that they didn’t ers, Tennessee Titans and jor changes, from trading “I think we all under-
lowest-rated pass defense the Rams have faced since they win together,” Andrew Kansas City Chiefs in the for Pro Bowl cornerback stand the task at hand,”
routed the Jaguars 10 weeks ago. Whitworth, the 40-year- playoffs. Jalen Ramsey in October Beckham said. “Just see-
Prediction: Rams 27, Bengals 20. Underdogs have gener- old left tackle, said when The improvement came 2019, to trading quarter- ing the excitement around
ally been good bets in recent Super Bowls. And the Bengals he was asked about trying with quarterback Joe Bur- back Jared Goff to acquire town, everything that’s
have beaten the spread in seven games in a row. But in to break the string of L.A. row healthy in his second Stafford in January 2021, coming with it, and how
this matchup, expectations should be high for the Rams to Rams disappointments. season and connecting for to the midseason pickups badly Los Angeles de-
bring home – the 50-mile drive from SoFi Stadium to their “The truth is you can 1,400 yards to former LSU of Miller and wide receiver serves this. I know it would
practice facility in Thousand Oaks – the first Super Bowl put a lot of great players teammate Ja’Marr Chase, Odell Beckham Jr. mean a lot.
championship in their L.A. history. together, and it doesn’t the NFL Offensive Rookie But they might not feel “We’ve got to find a way
— Kevin Modesti mean they’re going to win, of the Year. the drive to get it done if to get it done.”
At a high point,
McVay wonders
what is next He knows he’s a psycho. But it is
By Greg Beacham
The Associated Press
what it is. I wouldn’t want any-
one else leading this team.”
THOUSAND OAKS >> Five years and Perhaps McVay simply exem-
one month after Sean McVay be- plifies the evolving awareness of
came the youngest head coach in mental health among his fellow
modern NFL history, he is some- millennials by giving voice to
how still the youngest coach in doubts and concerns that a ste-
the league. reotypical Boomer coach would THE ASSOCIATED PRESS — 1973
At a time when many of his deny or a Generation X coach Miami coach Don Shula, center, is carried off the field after his team defeated Washington 14-7 to win the
chronological coaching peers are might ignore. Super Bowl at the Coliseum in Los Angeles on Jan. 14, 1973.
still getting started, the 36-year- But given McVay’s self-de-
old Los Angeles Rams boss is scribed obsessive nature of re- a Coliseum that then had a ca- derfully rotund Madden off the
getting his second shot to be-
come the youngest coach to win
search and planning, it’s no
surprise he’s already thinking Alexander pacity of more than 90,000. The
game was televised by both CBS
field. Oof!
Super Bowl XIV, in 1980, was
the Super Bowl. about what he might want sev- FROM PAGE 1
and NBC but was blacked out in the first time a team played one
Perhaps it’s no wonder this in- eral years in the future before L.A., so KRLA (1110 AM) sent in- in its home territory. The Rams
veterate overachiever has been he even has kids or a wife. Mc- growth of the championship structions to interested listeners — 5-6 at one point that season
suggesting for several years that Vay and his longtime fiancée, Ve- game but the modern history of on how to rig a directional an- — unexpectedly got there af-
he might leave coaching early as ronika Khomyn, will finally get pro football in greater Los An- tenna using coathangers and a ter shutting out Tampa Bay, 9-0,
well. married this year after a two- geles. That 29-year gap between broomstick to try to pull in the in the NFC championship game,
McVay answered questions year delay because of the coro- games is proof enough, isn’t it? game broadcast from San Diego only to run into the Pittsburgh
about the subject again this navirus pandemic. Welcome back, Super Bowl. or Bakersfield. Some said it even Steelers and thousands of Ter-
week while the Rams wrapped “I want to have a family, and I We’d forgotten how much oxygen worked. Others weren’t so lucky. rible Towels in the Rose Bowl
up their final preparations to think (it’s important) being able you actually consume. The guys with the jetpacks, stands. L.A. led 19-17 early in the
face the Cincinnati Bengals. to find that balance, but also be For example: There were more one representing the AFL and fourth quarter (and could have
While McVay has never said he’s able to give the time necessary,” than 30 community events — the other the NFL, soared over extended it to 26-17 but for a
planning an imminent exit from McVay said. “I have always had some even having something to the turf briefly at halftime dur- dropped interception by Nolan
his profession, his openness in a dream about being able to be do with football — that were part ing a show produced by Disney- Cromwell) before the Steelers ral-
talking about life after the side- a father, and I can’t predict the of this particular Super Bowl land’s Tommy Walker that also lied to win their fourth title in six
line generates headlines when- future, you know?” week leading up to the Rams and featured Al Hirt — working for years, 31-19.
ever he is asked about it — and McVay is the grandson of Bengals squaring off today at free, reportedly — as well as a The 1983 game in the Rose
it happened again 48 hours be- John McVay, the former Giants SoFi Stadium. Business roundta- 200-member chorus, the Gram- Bowl, XVII, was the John Rig-
fore the Super Bowl. head coach and 49ers execu- bles, diversity events, eco-friendly bling and Arizona bands, the gins game. Washington was be-
“I know I love football and I’m tive. Sean’s father, Tim, didn’t initiatives, charity and military Anaheim High School drill team, hind all day until Riggins’ 43-
so invested in this thing, and I’m go into football partly because and art events, kids’ clinics, and 10,000 balloons and 300 pigeons. yard scoring run early in the
in the moment right now,” Mc- he wanted to have time with his even the International Federa- (The NFL liked the jetpack idea fourth quarter, and he carried
Vay said Friday. “But at some family that John McVay never tion of American Football World so much they did it again 18 38 times for 166 yards, including
point, too, if you said, ‘What had. That example looms large Championship flag football game years later at Stanford for Super eight times on the final scoring
do you want to be able to do?’ in Sean’s mind, because he be- between teams from the U.S. and Bowl XIX.) drive, in Washington’s 27-17 win.
I want to be able have a family, lieves his father could have been Mexico. The unexpected hero was Afterward, the generally irrev-
and I want to be able to spend “an unbelievable coach” and That list didn’t count the tele- Packers receiver Max McGee, erent Riggins, referencing Pres-
time with them, and I also know leader. vised NFL Honors show that who had caught only four passes ident Reagan, said, “At least for
how much time is taken away “One of the things that pre- took place Thursday night, or the all season, was headed for re- tonight, Ron’s the president but
during these months of the year.” vented him from getting into annual Roger Goodell state of tirement and didn’t expect to I’m the king.”
W henever McVay is asked coaching was, ‘Man, I had such the league press conference and play. Thus, he didn’t get back to Super Bowl XXI in 1987?
whether he sees himself follow- a great relationship, but my NFLPA response on Wednesday, the team hotel until 6:30 a.m. The New York Giants scored 30
ing the example of Pete Carroll dad missed out on a lot of the or various news conferences to the morning of the game, un- points in the second half to beat
and Bill Belichick by coaching things,’” Sean McVay said. “And discuss security, food and bever- derstandably bleary-eyed — but Denver, 39-20, despite John El-
into his 60s or 70s, McVay re- he didn’t want to do that with age options, the halftime show, he was called upon when Boyd way’s 304-yard passing day. But
jects the idea. He did it again me and my little brother. I al- counterfeit merchandise, and Dowler got hurt and caught the highlight: In the fourth quar-
Friday, saying he “won’t make ways remembered that.” even the design of the stadium. seven passes for 138 yards and ter with the Giants comfortably
it” that long. McVay’s first NFL boss was Nor did this year’s schedule in- two touchdowns, including the ahead, the TV cameras focused
But McVay’s first half-de- the ever-intense Jon Gruden, clude the traditional yet farci- first one in Super Bowl history. on the Gatorade bucket that New
cade on the Rams’ sideline has and McVay’s speculation about cal “Super Bowl Opening Night,” If we’d only known how difficult York players had started dump-
been wildly successful. He has his long-term future suggests he at which attention-seekers from that really was. ing over Coach Bill Parcells at
55 regular-season victories, a might follow other paths trav- fringe “news” outlets would wan- The other vignette from that the end of each victory to start a
franchise-record six postseason eled by Gruden. gle credentials so they can ask game? Chiefs cornerback Fred football-wide tradition. After the
wins, four playoff berths, three Gruden became the Raiders’ questions like, “If you were a “The Hammer” Williamson game and the Gatorade bath and
NFC West titles and two Super head coach at 34 and won a Su- tree, what kind of tree would you boasted that he was going to the rest of the celebration, Par-
Bowl berths. per Bowl with Tampa Bay at 39 be?” There were no “journalists” knock out the Packers’ top receiv- cells and linebacker Harry Car-
He’s on a path that gives him — the youngest at the time to do in weird costumes asking players ers with the forearm to the head son received endorsement con-
time to become the winningest it, although he was later passed questions in person, though the hit that he’d made his trademark tracts as thanks for the free pub-
coach in NFL history — but only by Mike Tomlin. queries from Monday’s virtual (and which would be absolutely licity.
if he wants to stick it out. Mc- After Gruden was fired by the interview sessions included one illegal today). But the Packers’ The last one in the Rose Bowl?
Vay has openly acknowledged Buccaneers at 45, he spent nine from an “Access Hollywood” cor- Donny Anderson laid him out Super Bowl XXVII in 1993 was
the burnout that hits him dur- years in the broadcast booth respondent asking Bengals quar- first, early in the second half. Dallas’ first title in 15 years, a 52-
ing a season, and he is still try- before his ill-fated second stint terback Joe Burrow the identity Every Super Bowl has a story. 17 rout thanks to nine Buffalo
ing to learn how to regulate his with the Raiders. of his celebrity crush when he The next one in the Coliseum, turnovers. That was the day the
investment. With his polished public per- was growing up. (I don’t believe VII in January of 1973, featured Cowboys’ Leon Lett was about
“I don’t think calm is ever a sona and teaching acumen, Mc- he answered directly.) the Miami Dolphins finishing off to return a fumble 45 yards for
word that anybody would use to Vay could easily handle the de- We are reminded again of how a perfect 17-0 season — still the another score, only to have Don
describe me,” he said. cidedly less stressful responsi- long it’s been since the circus was only start-to-finish perfecto in Beebe catch up to him and knock
McVay throws ever y thing bilities of a broadcast career. in our midst: The last time the NFL history — by beating Wash- the ball away before Lett got to
into his job, yet he’s self-aware W hether he would miss the Super Bowl was here, in 1993, the ington, 14-7. It also featured the the goal line.
enough to realize it exacts a rush of competition is a differ- Dallas Cowboys pummeled the comic/tortured sight of Dolphins It was also the year Michael
toll. His friends and players see ent question, and even McVay Buffalo Bills, 52-17, in XXVII at kicker Garo Yepremian picking Jackson performed, turning
it, too: They love to tease their doesn’t know the answer. the Rose Bowl in one of a series up a blocked kick, rolling out and what had been a staid intermis-
head coach about his intensity, McVay’s mixed feelings on his of one-sided Super Bowls, caus- attempting a hilariously bad pass sion show into pop culture his-
with Cooper Kupp revealing long-term future are still clear, ing some to wonder if abolish- that slipped out of his hand and tory. Halftime, and the game it-
that the Rams often talk about and he seems to be years away ing the extra week off after the turned into a 49-yard fumble re- self, haven’t been the same since.
the “anger sharks” in McVay’s from making any decision about conference championship games turn for a touchdown by Mike The common thread? Mem-
head — a reference to a joke in the next chapter in his life. A might lead to closer games. In Bass. orable and often groundbreak-
the 2003 film “Anger Manage- few moments after speculating retrospect, I don’t think it would Super Bowl XI in the Rose ing moments. As the big show re-
ment.” openly about life after coach- have made a difference. Bowl, in January of 1977? That turns to SoCal, the Rams and
“I think at times he walks the ing, McVay acknowledged he But how far we’ve come from was the late John Madden’s fin- Bengals have a lot to live up to
line between unhealthy com- still can’t imagine it. Game 1, before anyone thought est coaching moment, as the Sunday.
petition and healthy competi- “You’ll probably be talking to to affix Roman numerals, a 35- Raiders won their first champi-
tion,” Kupp said. “He wants to me when I’m 61 doing this stuff,” 10 Green Bay victory over Kan- onship by beating the Vikings, [email protected]
win at all cost. He’s aware of it. he said. sas City before 61,946 fans in 32-14, and then carried the won- @Jim_Alexander on Twitter
Football, followed
by ice dancing on
big day for NBC
By Noah Trister
spot in the 500. Bowe
The Associated Press
ended up in the event
anyway because the U.S.
BEIJING >>Today is a sports received a third quota
bonanza for NBC, which spot.
is airing the Super Bowl The 500 is supposed to
in addition to the Winter start just before 6 a.m.
Olympics. It’s the first NBC plans to carr y it
time those two events are live, with an encore pre-
happening at the same sentation after the Super
time, and the chance to Bowl. USA Network will
air them both is part of also have coverage of it at
the reason NBC switched 4:30 p.m.
Super Bowl spots with
CBS and took this year’s Bobsled
game. Monobob gives wom-
The football game is en’s bobsledders a sec-
obviously forcing some ond medal event at the
changes in NBC’s Olym- Oly mpic s, a long w ith
pic schedule. Instead of the two-woman competi-
its usual afternoon and tion. U.S. standouts Kail-
prime time slots, NBC lie Humphries and Elana
will have coverage from Meyers Taylor were hop-
5 a.m. until Super Bowl ing four-man would be
pregame coverage at 3:30 added on the women’s
p.m. Olympic coverage side, but many nations
picks up again after the lack depth among female
game, when NBC plans to bobsledders, so monobob
show live coverage of ice is in the Olympics in-
dancing’s free dance. stead.
For those uninterested “ Not h in g ’s a g iven
in the football game, here,” Meyers Taylor said.
USA Network will also “I think some good things
carry the ice dancing live, can happen, but it’s going
starting at 5:15 p.m. to take everything I have
Here are some things and I’m going to give it
to watch: everything I have.”
NBC plans to show the
Ice dancing final monobob run live United States players celebrate after scoring during Saturday’s victory over rival Canada in a preliminary-round
Gabr iella Papadak is after the Super Bowl. men’s hockey game at the 2022 Winter Olympics. The surprising Americans are now 2-0 and lead their group.
Scoreboard SKIING
G S B Tot
Norway 8 3 6 17
Germany 8 5 1 14
Olympic Games women’s aerials Winter Vinecki will compete today in women’s freestyle aerials at the Winter Olympics. She is trying to become
competition, and the stage she has only the third female from America to take home Olympic gold in the individual aerials event.
Mixed team snowboard cross
Gold — United States (Nick Baumgart-
dreamed of since she was 9.
ner, Lindsey Jacobellis) Vinecki has come to the Beijing
Silver — Italy (Omar Visintin, Michela Olympics to not only chase a medal in. Before long, she was joining bottling up all these feelings and another in her lower cheeks.
Moioli) but to use the Games’ global stage her mother in road races. She was being sad all the time. I was able Vinecki again refused to be
Bronze — Canada (Eliot Grondin, Mery-
eta Odine)
as an opportunity to raise aware- 5 when she did her first triathlon. to do something about it.” stopped. Four weeks after her re-
ness for prostate cancer. The mother and daughter were After Michael’s death, Estelle constructive surgery, she was back
Team Winter (www.teamwin- competing in a race in Florida that moved the family to Salem, Ore- training for the 2018 Games. Then
Men’s large hill individual
Gold — Marius Lindvik, Norway
ter.org), a nonprofit foundation Vi- offered participants an opportunity gon. Vinecki took up alpine skiing just weeks before the Games, she
Silver — Ryoyu Kobayashi, Japan
necki and her mother, Dr. Dawn to raise money for a cause of their on Mount Bachelor in the Cascades. tore her ACL at an Olympic qual-
Bronze — Karl Geiger, Germany Estelle, set up when Winter was 9, choosing. Vinecki chose childhood She and Estelle also continued run- ifying competition in Deer Valley.
has raised more than $500,000 for obesity. She decided to set up Team ning marathons and raising aware- Her Olympic dreams would have
prostate cancer research. Winter to raise money and aware- ness. They completed marathons in to wait.
Gold — Hannah Neise, Germany
“I’ve always dreamed of going to ness for the issue after returning Mongolia and Kenya and traced the Her breakthrough finally came
Silver — Jaclyn Narracott, Australia the Olympics and competing on the to Michigan. route of Pheidippides in Greece. last season with a World Cup vic-
Bronze — Kimberley Bos, Netherlands biggest stage in the world,” she said. Michael Vinecki’s interests were Vinecki finished the Antarc- tory in Moscow. She followed that
SPEED SKATING “When I was younger, it was always more musical. He played in a polka tica Marathon in March 2013 and with podium finishes the next two
Men’s 500m
more gratifying knowing that I was band. Eventually he decided to fol- then won the Andes Adventure In- weeks.
Gold — Tingyu Gao, China crossing the finishing line not just low his wife and daughter in tri- cas Trail Marathon, climbing two “That was huge for me,” she said.
Silver — Min Kyu Cha, South Korea for myself but for a cause. So it’s re- athlons. He purchased his first tri- peaks at over 13,000 feet in eleva- This season, she posted fifth-
Bronze — Wataru Morishige, Japan ally amazing knowing that I’m out athlon bike shortly before his 40th tion to Machu Picchu and setting place finishes on back-to-back week-
there raising awareness for pros- birthday. a course record. She was 14, the ends at World Cup events in Fin-
MEN’S HOCKEY tate cancer, but in general inspir- He never had a chance to race youngest person to finish a mara- land.
Group A ing kids and adults to do something on it. thon on seven continents. “My strength comes from trying
ts GF GA for a cause so it’s not just for them- Michael and Dawn were open Vinecki was at an awards cere- to be the best that I can be, no mat-
United States 2 0 0 0 6 12 2 selves.” with their children about his diag- mony in the fall of 2011, being rec- ter what I’m doing,” Vinecki said.
Canada 1 1 0 0 3 5 1
nosis. ognized for her foundation, when “Whether it’s running marathons,
1 1 0 0 3 4 7
0 2 0 0 0 2 11
Honoring her dad As well as his prospects. she was approached by Emily Cook, doing a fundraiser for my foun-
Group B The feeling of the loss never goes “They didn’t try to hide informa- a three-time Olympian in freestyle dation or aerial skiing, no matter
ROC 2 0 0 1 7 8 6 away. tion from us just because we were skiing. Vinecki’s speech at the event what, I want to give 110 percent and
Denmark 2 1 0 0 6 7 6 “Sometimes it feels like a lifetime so young,” Vinecki said. resonated with Cook, who had lost know that I’m giving it my all.
Czech Republic 0 1 2 0 4 9 8
Switzerland 0 2 0 1 1 4 8
ago that he was here and passed She decided to shift the focus of her mother at a young age. “Another thing that my strength
Group C away,” Vinecki said, “and other Team Winter from childhood obe- Cook invited Vinecki to Park comes from was losing my dad at
Finland 2 0 0 0 6 9 3 times it feels just like yesterday.” sity to prostate cancer. City, Utah, to try freestyle skiing. a young age. Seeing all the things
Sweden 2 0 0 0 6 7 3 Michael Vinecki was diagnosed “When my dad was going “How could I say no?” Vinecki re- that he never got the chance to do,
Latvia 0 2 0 0 0 3 6
Slovakia 0 2 0 0 0 3 10
with a rare and aggressive form of through prostate cancer, there called. I really want to take advantage of
prostate cancer on his 40th birth- wasn’t much awareness of it,” she every opportunity that I have and
Friday’s results
Czech Republic 2, Switzerland 1, Czech day. Winter, the second of his and said. “It was more common than Overcoming obstacles to really live each day like it’s my
Republic wins 1-0 in shootout Estelle’s four children, was just 9. breast cancer at the time, but the The following summer, Vinecki last and not wait until tomorrow to
Sweden 4, Slovakia 1
Finland 3, Latvia 1
The family lived in the small men didn’t want to talk about it, so was in Park City for a Team USA do things that I’m capable of doing
United States 4, Canada 2 town of Gaylord, Michigan, about a 9-year-old girl at the time was go- prospects camp doing backflips off today.”
Saturday’s results an hour south of the Mackinac ing to talk about it for them.” a ramp into training pool. “Had a Monday evening, she will stand
Germany 3, China 2 Bridge that connects the state’s two And talk she did. Handing out ton a fun,” she said. atop the Olympic hill, her big-
Czech Republic 6, ROC 5, OT
peninsulas, on 200 acres next her blue Team Winter wristbands at Vinecki was offered a scholarship gest opportunity yet before her, a
Denmark 5, Switzerland 3
Slovakia vs. Latvia, late
grandparents’ 2,000-acre potato races, imploring dads and grand- to cover her training expenses blue Team Winter wristband tight
Today’s games and carrot farm. fathers during talks at races to get “I moved out there a couple weeks against her pulse, other memories
Finland vs. Sweden, 12:40 a.m. For years, Winter Vinecki tested regularly during physicals. later,” she said. of Michael even closer.
China vs. Canada, 5:10 a.m. thought her name was the result And she and Estelle raised By the summer of 2017, Vinecki “Most of what I carry about him
United States vs. Germany, 5:10 a.m.
Note: The playoff round begins Tuesday.
of her December birthdate. Later money. A lot of money. By the end seemed to be on track to qualify for is in my heart,” she said.
The first round will match up the fifth she learned it was because Estelle of the first year, Team Winter had the Olympic Games in South Korea Then she will take off, attacking
through 12th teams. The top four teams “thought winter was the most beau- collected more than $100,000. the following winter. But while try- a series of obstacles, fearless and
receive byes until the quarterfinals.
tiful season.” If her older brother, Ten months after being diag- ing to learn a new trick in train- driven by the spirit of her father.
Yukon, had been born a girl, he nosed, Michael Vinecki died at 41. ing in August 2017, Vinecki lost her “I’ve got to think some part of
would have been named Winter. His daughter channeled even balance and landed face first in the him is up there watching down,
QUARTERFINALS “And his birthday is in May,” Vi- more energy into the foundation. pool. After a few moments, she rose giving me a big smile,” she said. “I
Thursday’s result necki said. It was her way of fighting back to the surface of the water. think he would think it was pretty
United States 4, Czech Republic 1 Estelle was a runner and triath- against the disease and heartache. Face down. crazy and also pretty cool that I’m
Friday’s results lete. Trips to her races were family “I think it made it so I felt I had The right side of her face was getting to to fly around through
Canada 11, Sweden 0
Switzerland 4, ROC 2
adventures. A race in Canada had a way to honor my dad,” she said, shattered. Doctors had to place a ti- the sky.”
Saturday’s result a kids’ event and Vinecki hopped “and do something so I wasn’t just tanium plate under her eyelid and Brushing up against heaven.
Finland 7, Japan 1
Canada vs. Switzerland, 8:10 p.m.
United States vs. Finland, 5:10 a.m.
France’s Papadakis, Cizeron open lead in ice dance
By Dave Skretta
Then came the U.S. contin- four years, losing only once, at the They also earned Level 3s for their
The Associated Press
gent: Madison Hubbell and Zach- 2020 European championships. midline step and pattern dance and
Men ary Donohue, who just missed the With sharp edges and crisp turns, received a score of 88.85 to keep in
Sweden 7, Canada 6
South Korea 9, ROC 5
BEIJING >> Many thought Gabriella medals four years ago, scored 87.13 Papadakis and Cizeron seemed to contention.
Japan 8, Denmark 7 Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron points to their “Rhythm Nation” float across the ice of the historic “We were really thinking of every
Japan 10, ROC 5 deserved to stand atop the podium program while Madison Chock Capital Indoor Stadium, finally edge we did in both footworks,” Kat-
Switzerland 8, Denmark 5
Britain 10, United States 5
four years ago in Pyeongchang, and Evan Bates scored 84.14 points breaking through what had been salapov said. “And sometimes when
China 9, Sweden 6 when they were edged by their as they attempt to finally crack the some stingy scoring. you see the reviews, you think it’s
China 12, Italy 9 longtime rivals Tessa Virtue and podium in their third Olympics to- The two graceful technicians re- clean, and sometimes on their re-
Sweden 7, Canada 4
Switzerland 8, Denmark 6
Scott Moir in one of the tightest gether. ceived Level 3 marks for their mid- views, it can be not clean at all. So
Norway 7, United States 6 Olympic ice dance competition in The two American teams are al- line step and pattern dance and I think judges were fair because we
Women history. ready assured of at least one medal Level 4s — the highest mark pos- tried our best.”
Sweden 7, Canada 6 The four-time world champions from Beijing after helping take sil- sible — for everything else, giving Chock and Bates, who is appear-
South Korea 9, ROC 5
Japan 8, Denmark 7 from France aren’t planning to ver in the team event last week. them a record score and sending ing in his fourth Olympics after
Japan 10, ROC 5 leave anything in doubt in Beijing. That could eventually be upgraded them into first place. teaming up with Emily Samuelson
Switzerland 8, Denmark 5
Britain 10, United States 5
Once more merging their unique to gold depending on the outcome “I think we’ve been waiting for in 2010, had some shaky moments
China 9, Sweden 6 combination of technical skill and of a Russian doping inquiry. four years now, but then the last, during their rhythm dance. Chock
balletic grace, Papadakis and Cize- Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan you know, a couple days, couple fought to hang onto a significant
SPEEDSKATING ron broke their own world record Bukin were the first to post a real of hours, couple of minutes, you bobble, and their Level 2 marks for
in the rhythm dance Saturday target for everyone else Saturday know, then it was flight time,” Ciz- their midline step left them playing
Men’s 500m
1. Gao Tingyu, China, 34.32.
night. Their score of 90.83 points night. The Russians scored 84.09, eron said. “And once we were in catchup for a medal.
2. Cha Min Kyu, South Korea, 34.39. gives them a welcome buffer over just off their season best set at the the air, you know, everything dis- Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier, the
3. Wataru Morishige, Japan, 34.49. their closest rivals, Victoria Sinit- European championships, to their appeared and there was just, you world bronze medalists from Can-
4. Laurent Dubreuil, Canada, 34.522.
5. Piotr Michalski, Poland, 34.524. sina and Nikita Katsalapov, head- pop mashup of The Backstreet know, momentum.” ada, also struggled through their
6. Kim Junho, South Korea, 34.54. ing into the free dance. Boys, Shawn Mendes and Justin That one team that beat Papada- midline step sequence. That left
7. Artem Arefyev, ROC, 34.56. “It couldn’t be more different Bieber. kis and Cizeron a couple years back? them behind Stepanova and Bukin
8. Yuma Murakami, Japan, 34.57.
9. Viktor Mushtakov, ROC, 34.60. because we were pretty disap- The lead lasted through Brit- Sinitsina and Katsalapov. in sixth place.
10. Ruslan Murashov, ROC, 34.63. pointed four years ago and we’re ain’s Lilah Fear and Lewis Gibson With an edgy program high- “Our score was a bit lower than
11. Damian Zurek, Poland, 34.734. very happy now,” Papadakis said. and until Papadakis and Cizeron lighted by “Brickhouse” by the 1970s we hoped,” Chock said. “We need to
12. Merijn Scheperkamp, Netherlands,
34.736. Sinitsina and Katsalapov, the took the ice. and ‘80s American funk and soul look at the protocol and see where
13. Jordan Stolz, United States, 34.85. reigning world champions from The four-time world champi- band The Commodores, the reign- we lost some levels. That’s proba-
14. Kai Verbij, Netherlands, 34.87.
15. Haavard Holmefjord Lorentzen,
Russia, scored 88.84 points to stay ons showed why they have been ing world champions rocked their bly where it was. But yeah, it’s not
Norway, 34.921. within striking distance of gold. nearly unbeatable during the past way through a strong program. over yet.”
Villeneuve to risk
reputation to run
in Daytona 500
By The Associated Press Cup by beating Palmeiras 2-1
after extra time in Abu Dhabi,
Jacques Villeneuve tried United Arab Emirates, to win
14 years ago to race the the intercontinental title for
Daytona 500 to add to his the first time.
storied racing resume. He Kai Havertz, the forward
failed to make the field and who scored Chelsea’s winner
moved on with his career. in last season’s Champions
Now he’s returning to League final, proved the man
Day tona International for the big occasion again by
Speedway to give it another converting the game-clinch-
shot. The Canadian will at- ing penalty with three min-
tempt to qualify for the big- utes left in extra time.
gest race on the NASCAR Romelu Lukaku gave
calendar next week for a Chelsea the lead in the 55th
team trying to work its way minute in the final, only for
to the top of stock car racing. Raphael Veiga to equalize
Why would a 50-year-old nine minutes later.
former Formula One cham- European champion,
pion and Indianapolis 500 UEFA Super Cup winner and
winner even bother? now club world champion. It
“The Daytona 500 is one has been quite the start to
of the three big races on the tenure of Thomas Tuchel,
the planet,” Villeneuve said. who made it to the final hav-
“You have the Le Mans 24, ing missed the semifinals
the Indy 500 and Daytona, while isolating after con-
so that’s one reason for do- tracting the coronavirus.
ing it. And you know, you Chelsea is the ninth
have a good race, then you straight European winner
end up doing a few more?” of the title, dating to 2013.
Villeneuve captured the The last team from Europe
Indy 500 in 1995 and two to lose in the final? Chelsea,
years later was the F1 cham- to Corinthians in 2012.
pion. He spent 11 seasons at Palmeiras is the Copa
the top level of motorsports. Libertadores champion.
When he lost his F1 seat at
MIKE MULHOLLAND — GETTY IMAGES the end of 2006, he simply TENNIS
Sam Ryder acknowledges a rowdy gallery after making a hole-in-one on hole No. 16 in the third round of the Phoenix Open. searched for new racing op- Opelka outlasts Isner
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Remembering Bob
Baker and the history
of the Marionette
Theater in new
‘Enchanted Strings’
takes in his the latest
our friends just handed you the
of his Dark Star fantasy
trilogy ‘Moon Witch, wine list and you’re desperately
Spider King.’ looking for something everyone
will like … that cabernet! Check the
price and it’s sticker shock. The bottle you
paid $20 for in the grocery store is 60 bucks.
6 Are restaurants ripping us off? What are
we paying for? Sommelier salaries? High fees
to cellar bottles outside the restaurant? Main-
taining fancy glassware?
Bottles always cost more in dining rooms
— they’re typically marked up two to three
times wholesale, sometimes more. But res-
taurateurs say higher wine prices and cork-
age fees are essential, especially in these
times of rising costs for meat, seafood and
other items, many of which have grown
30%-40% since the pandemic began. Wake
up and sniff the vino: Food gets sold at very
slim margins, and restaurants count on alco-
Travel hol sales to survive.
So, here’s a list of insider info on why
There’s no ‘can’t do’ wines get marked up and how to get the best
with skiing program for deals when ordering.
kids, adults who have WINE » PAGE 2
The highest priced bottles have the
lowest markups
If you dig in your heels, determined not to pay
more than $25 for a bottle of wine, you might
be missing a great deal, says Mark McDonald,
chef and co-owner of Old Vine Kitchen + Bar in Costa
Mesa. “Sometimes it can take a year or more to sell 12
bottles of $150 wine,” he said. “Typically if I did a stan-
dard markup on that it wouldn’t be approachable and
it would be harder to sell. We want people to experi-
ence some of these wines that are a little more special,
and that are a higher price point. So we take less of a
margin on those.”
Wine by the glass has the
highest markups
The “I’m going to save money by order-
ing wine by the glass” plan doesn’t re-
ally pencil out. There’s a common for-
mula in the industry, with a restaurant charging the
Chef Mark McDonald matches each dish to a wine on the COURTESY OF THE WINERY
wholesale price of the bottle plus $2 for a glass of wine.
list. Seen here, seared octopus, sourdough sand, celery, William Lewis, managing partner and sommelier of
(That’s because if they serve one glass and the rest of
citrus and parsley infused extra virgin olive oil. The Winery Restaurant & Wine Bar, has expanded the
the bottle doesn’t sell in a week, it will not taste peak
and they’ll have to dump it down the drain.) The per- restaurant’s wine-country concept.
glass price of a bottle that’s $10 wholesale would be put it in the carafe. So we got the best of both worlds:
The Winery Restaurant & Wine Bar: This boutique
$12. Even if it’s only marked up double ($20) when it’s a better presentation and a better glass.”
sold by the bottle, you buy two glasses of wine, and hospitality group has grown over the years and deep-
you’re spending $24. Might as well buy the bottle and Don’t think you’re paying a ened its wine-country concept with storage for thou-
get four glasses for $20. sommelier’s salary sands of bottles, as well as lockers for diners who keep
Lawry’s Restaurants solved that problem by nar- wines at the restaurants, which host dinners and special
rowing its by-the-glass selection. “We did some anal- Starting in the late ’80s, the number of events regularly. Its many honors include the AAA Five
ysis on it. If you have the right amount of wine by the Americans getting sommelier certified Diamond Award. In Tustin, Newport Beach and La Jolla.
glass for the restaurant, it really doesn’t cost any more,” exploded. Fine dining restaurants at the thewinerynewport.com
said Laura Ratner, director of service and training at highest levels still might have somms, but most restau-
Lawry’s Restaurants Inc. “It’s like, if I’m gonna have rants, even upscale chains, can’t afford to pay a somm
a glass and a half, two glasses, as is my dining com- full-time, so that expense is not getting passed on to
panion, then definitely get the bottle and yes, you’re wine buyers. Most often restaurants require waiters
more assured of a higher quality product. You know and general managers to study wines served and/or
exactly how long it’s been open. It just makes more fi- get some sommelier training.
nancial sense.” “We can’t afford to pay somebody hourly to come in
just to open wine between 6 and 9 o’clock; it doesn’t
It’s useless to look for that Costco make sense,” said Lewis. “I’m like an acting GM. I do
bargain in a restaurant the wine service and I can say I’m onstage soon. I’ll
open wine all day long whenever I get here.”
As one of the biggest wine retailers in the
country, Costco can afford to lose money The most popular wines are sold
on some bottles. “Guests say, ‘We have this at the lowest prices
Caymus; we just got it at Costco. And their price was
this.’ They don’t understand what Costco does,” says General managers know you’re no fool. COURTESY OF POLLY’S PIES
William Lewis, managing partner and sommelier of They won’t excessively mark up a well- Polly’s Pies matches wine to the menu and to diners’
The Winery Restaurant & Wine Bar. “They undercut known wine. “Don’t forget, people now expectations.
prices on purpose. They do that to get you to come have their iPhones when they’re going to a restau-
in. And they know you’re gonna buy something else. rant,” said Tony Maalouf, general manager at the Mis- Polly’s Pies: Successful restaurants
You’re gonna get food. You’re gonna get this. You’re sion Inn Hotel & Spa in Riverside. “They have an idea match wine to the menu and to diners’
gonna get that. You’re not gonna just go and get one what they’re buying, and they know what the market expectations. Vice president of opera-
4 7
bottle of wine.” price is for that wine,” he said. tions Eric Senta has seven wines on the
list. None costs more than $28 per
The wine service you get at a Corkage fees: the rules of bottle, and glasses run less than $8. An
restaurant can’t be replicated engagement expanded program is gradually rolling
at home, and that’s why you’re out, so look for more premium wines at
paying extra. Bringing your own wine has become more Stenta $12 per glass. Management is beginning
common, especially during the pandemic. to form direct relationships with wineries
• Most restaurant wines come directly But consider that wine is the only thing to get the best prices and selection. Multiple locations
from wineries or a trusted distributor. Bottles don’t on the restaurant menu for which you can name your throughout Southern California. pollyspies.com
sit around at room temperature in a grocery store, or price. Tell the sommelier, server or GM exactly what
worse, out in the Southern California sun on a loading you’re willing to spend and make them do the heavy
dock. They’re pristine because they’re stored at the res- lifting, selecting the best bottle in that range. If you do
taurant, often in temperature controlled rooms, which bring your own wine, it’s only courteous to tote some-
is part of the restaurant’s footprint and therefore part thing that’s not already on the wine list, especially a
of the rent they pay. bottle you’ve been saving for a special occasion. It’s
• The selection is far better than the average per- also considered a nice gesture to offer the somm or
son could own or store, sometimes with hundreds of server a taste.
bottles or more. That’s why restaurants have servers “I would just say it’s OK to bring your own bottle,”
or general managers on hand to answer any questions said Stenta, a veteran of the industry who has worked
about the wine and to hear from you about what kinds in fine dining rooms for Patina Group, such as Catal
of wines you like best. Top restaurants pay servers to at Downtown Disney in Anaheim, House of Blues and
attend wine tastings at work led by experts from dis- Greenleaf Gourmet ChopShop. “But I think you have to
tribution companies or wineries. be careful of what that corkage is. I mean, there’s a go-
• The stemware — usually $3-$9 wholesale — has ing rate in some places of $50 to $60 a bottle. But there
to be sturdy yet crystal clear to show off the wine, and is a tradition with corkage fees and it’s typically $20 to
the restaurant picks up the cost of the breakage. They $30. And then if you do purchase a bottle of wine off
might only break one a week, but sometimes a whole the list, typically the somm will waive the corkage fee.”
tray or dishwasher rack hits the floor. When fine din- Laura Ratner, director of service and training at Lawry’s
ing rooms use fancy, fragile glasses, they could be los- Rather than whine, show interest Restaurants, says Lawry’s offers 100 bottles of wine.
ing a dozen a week. Even at Polly’s Pies, which used to in wine to get the best deals
serve boxed wines, the stemware got an upgrade when Lawry’s Restaurants: A go-to in
the wine list got revamped. “If they really like the restaurant, they Southern California for prime rib, Lawry’s
“We changed the glassware to be a more contempo- should have a relationship with myself has gone international, and all locations
rary stemless glass. We pour it behind the bar into a 9 or one of my other managers or maître offer 100 bottles on the list. Lawry’s
ounce carafe. Then at the table, we present it to them,” d’s because that goes a long way,” said Lewis. “When hosts events and prides itself on service,
said Eric Stenta, vice president of operations at Polly’s people actually spend time reaching out, asking me often providing special stemware when
Inc., who said the restaurant group did not even offer questions, I’ll talk to them on the phone, and when a table orders an exceptional bottle.
wine for 40 of the 52 years it has done business. “Be- they come in, I’ll put notes on their reservation say- Lawry’s fosters direct relationships with
cause our program before was so elementary, we had ing, ‘Waive the corkage fee per William.’ When they’re popular wineries and runs regular promo-
glasses that were way too small and we were overfill- really nice, I’ll go out of my way to go meet them. … tions with Caymus Vineyards and Justin
ing them. The wine drinkers at Polly’s began to get ac- Sometimes when they bring a special bottle that’s hard Vineyards & Winery. Restaurants include Lawry’s The
customed to overfilled glasses. So when we went from to procure, we get to taste some things that are unique Prime Rib, Beverly Hills; Tam O’Shanter, Los Angeles;
an 8-ounce glass to a 16-ounce glass, to prevent people and that’s really fun. So, when they do that, we’re re- Five Crowns and Side Door, Corona del Mar. lawryson-
from thinking that they were being underpoured, we ally blessed.” line.com
Some love
letters aren’t
with romance
My fascination with love letters began
when I first read the exchange between po-
ets Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert
Browning. Would that I might love some-
one enough to express it in the poetry of
“Sonnets from the Portuguese,”
Elizabeth’s love letters to her
Later, I would discover that
the tree of love letters has
many branches. Not all of them
have to do with romance. But
all of them have to do with
Like this one: Although I
may not have realized it at the
time, my mother’s love letter to her daugh-
ter was a heart-shaped cake she baked,
boxed and mailed to my dorm for Valen-
tine’s Day.
Or this one: “It’s been a long time since
I got down on my knees to pray,” my long-
time friend, Linda, wrote in a letter that
arrived the day before my cancer surgery.
“But I’m doing it for you tonight.”
I was 10 when I started corresponding
with Sheila, the beautiful young woman
who would become family by marrying
my cousin, Herb. My letters contained ex-
GETTY IMAGES citement about attending her wedding, my
Veggies and healthful dips are an alternative to the junk food choices often found in Super Bowl spreads. first. Her loving responses were the begin-
ning of a close relationship that took us
By Peter Larsen
[email protected]
“Enchanted Strings,” many of them
from the collection Baker gave the Los
Angeles Public Library. Other mate-
Not long after he’s started working rial published in the book or used for
at Bob Baker Marionette Theater in the research came from the theater’s ar-
mid-’80s, Randal J. Metz recalls Baker chives, which required a lot of digging
literally dropping an assignment into to make sense of, Metz says.
his lap: The puppetry legend and Metz’s Baker, Metz says, was very good at
boss wanted his new employee to string organizing his workspace, and much
a Burmese puppet of a horse and rider. less so when it came to documentation.
Oh, and there was more. “One of the things he taught me
“He said, ‘It has to be strung authen- was to be highly organized,” he says.
tically, you have to use the proper ma- “I remember one of the first jobs I had
terials and I need it in two days,’ ” Metz there was redoing a costume on a pup-
says. “So he left it on my lap. pet from the ’30s.
“It was my first job working in the “I said, ‘How are we ever going to
theater, and it ended up being for the find this material?’ ” Metz says. “He
opening of Eddie Murphy’s movie ‘The goes, ‘Oh, no problem.’ He went to
Golden Child,’ ” Metz says of the puppet. a cabinet, opened it up, and he had
“He tossed me in there. To help me get a whole bolt of the original fabric. I
growing up as a puppeteer, but also to looked around and noticed that all of
show his other puppeteers, who weren’t the boxes were very finely labeled with
all professionals, what you can do.” what was in them.”
And the result? “I got done, and Paperwork, such as the news re-
he said, ‘Great, this is exactly what I leases, show notes, design sketches and
wanted.’ ” other material, was a different story.
Metz says he hopes his new book, “En- “We were trying to write the defini-
chanted Strings: Bob Baker Marionette tive history of Bob’s theater while try-
Theater,” which arrives in stores Tues- ing to clean up the archives and un-
day and features a foreword by film- derstanding it for a brand-new group
maker Jordan Peele, might have the of puppeteers that never experienced
same effect on readers that Baker had Bob,” Metz says.
on aspiring puppeteers: to inspire, in-
form and ultimately, like the man and Puppets and pizazz
the theater at the heart of the story, en- “Enchanted Strings” also makes
tertain. clear the influences that shaped Baker
“Everything comes full circle,” says and his work, and the techniques he
Metz, 62, who fell in love with puppetry created that in turn influenced others.
when as a 10-year-old boy he saw a pro- “I really do believe Bob’s theater is
duction of “Treasure Island” at the Sto- successful because it gives children
rybook Puppet Theater at Children’s their first look at a Broadway produc-
Fairyland in Oakland. tion,” Metz says of the shows Baker and
“What we forget about, we’re going to his partner, Alton Wood, created, many
remember, and it’s going to influence us of which are part of the company’s rep-
later on,” he says. “So I’m very glad the ertory to this day.
book is out there.” “You’re actually giving kids their
first pizazz, their first Las Vegas revue-
The book of Bob style show, you know, with the lights
Metz had seen Baker at puppetry con- and the puppets that come up to them,
ventions as far back as 1970, and then the costumes,” he says. “I think that’s
later on he’d watch Baker’s occasional kind of a lost art form, so I’m glad the
visits to Children’s Fairyland, where theater is successfully still here.”
Metz had talked its longtime director Vaudeville puppeteers were an early
Lewis Mahlmann into letting him work influence, using marionettes, many of
while still a schoolboy. them with special effects built into
But around the time Metz gradu- them, but performing in the traditional
ated from San Francisco State Univer- style from behind the stage, Metz says.
sity in the early ’80s, he got to know In the ’30s, Baker’s mentors, Frank
Baker when both ended up doing pup- PHOTOS COURTESY OF ANGEL CITY PRESS Paris and Bob Bromley, decided to step
pet shows at the Humboldt County Fair out from behind the scenes to accom-
one summer. Puppeteers Bob Baker, left, and Alton Wood pose for a publicity photo. A pragmatic foil to pany their puppets onstage.
At the end of the fair, Baker offered Baker, Wood helped realize many of his partner’s elaborate and ambitious visions over five “But they performed only onstage,
Metz a job. He worked for Baker for four decades for Los Angeles’ Bob Baker Marionette Theater. and they won’t let anybody touch their
years in the late ’80s while keeping his puppets or get close to them,” Metz
job at Children’s Fairyland, where he’s says. “Bob said, ‘Let’s do the same
been director of Storybook Puppet The- thing, but let’s do it on floor level with
ater since 1991. ‘ENCHANTED kids sitting all around us and the fam-
Baker died in 2014, but the Bob Baker STRINGS’ ilies in the chairs.
Marionette Theater continues. A few
years ago, as plans for a book began to
EVENTS “‘Furthermore, we’re going to let
the kids touch the puppets,’ ” he says.
develop, Metz was contacted as a possi- In-person event at “Not very many puppeteers let the kids
bility to write the history of the theater, 8 a.m. with Metz touch the puppets. Bob’s big thing was,
which opened in 1963. and Evans. Tickets if you tell a child you can’t touch the
“They started thinking about a book, to the breakfast puppet, it’s almost like turning them
and they started looking at what I had talk hosted by off to what they might become. But let
done,” says Metz, whose previous books the Los Angeles them touch it; it’ll inspire them.
include “A Century of California Pup- Breakfast Club are “So Bob actually brought the puppet
petry: How the West was Strung.” $25. Enchanted- theater into the audience,” Metz says.
Alex Evans, executive director and labc.eventbrite. “I think that’s probably Bob’s greatest
head puppeteer at the Bob Baker the- com. thing, that the Bob Baker Marionette
ater, approached Metz to write the book Theater is an interactive Broadway ex-
with the idea that in addition to Baker’s Wednesday: perience for kids.”
life, it should tell the story of the theater In-person event
and many of the unsung puppeteers and at 7:30 p.m. with A lasting legacy
artists who’d worked with Baker. Metz and Evans Puppetry is a much different field
“They asked me, ‘Can you re-create at Skylight Books, today than it was in Baker’s heyday.
in the book, telling the history of the 1818 N. Vermont Kids these days are focused on digital
theater as though you’re with Bob, in Ave., Los Angeles. screens more than marionette strings,
“Enchanted Strings: Bob Baker Marionette Theater,” by Skylightbooks.
the early morning hours, listening to Randal J. Metz, explores the history of the man and the and stores long ago ended their pup-
him?’ ” Metz says. “So we tried really com/event. petry shows.
theater that bears his name. Metz, a lifelong lover of
hard to do that.” puppetry, worked for Baker for four years in the late ’80s. Hollywood, which once employed
Baker to make puppets on everything
Look back at Baker from “Bewitched” and “Star Trek”
“Enchanted Strings” turns back time to “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” and
to 1924, when Baker was born, and then “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,”
follows him and the world of puppetry uses computer effects today.
in Los Angeles to the present day. But the Bob Baker Marionette The-
Baker was 5 when he saw his first ater, despite some financial hard times
puppet show at a furniture and house- and a move from its original home near
wares store. Department stores in Los downtown Los Angeles to its current
Angeles often hosted puppet shows for Highland Park location, is doing well
shoppers’ children and decorated their these days, Metz says.
window displays with puppets, too. “Live puppet theater can be found at
When he was 8, Baker wrote Walt Bob’s, can be found at Fairyland, and
Disney to ask if he could “look around” there’s another puppet theater at Happy
his Hyperion Avenue studio. The book Hollow in San Jose which does a nice
includes a sweet letter written by Dis- job,” he says. “But not many permanent
ney’s secretary in response, as well as an puppet theaters much anymore.
entire chapter of Baker’s later work for “Most puppeteers are now taking
Disney and Disneyland, which included their shows to the libraries or to birth-
Disney animated movie character pup- day parties to make an income,” Metz
pets in window displays at the theme says.
park and for many years a line of lim- The Bob Baker Marionette Theater,
ited-editon Disney character puppets. which still uses many puppets made de-
By 10, he had taken over a garage at cades ago by Baker and his team of ar-
his family’s Echo Park home and was tisans, has done an excellent job mak-
producing his own puppet shows. ing connections with the community,
Any time one of the big puppetry which in turn continues to support its
companies such as the Yale Puppeteers work.
came through town, Baker was there. “It’s just amazing,” Metz says of the
As an adolescent, he was helping back- theater that is Baker’s legacy. “So kudos
stage in local puppet theaters, includ- to Bob for leaving them with all of this
ing the Teatro Torito on Olvera Street. Baker was often hired to design marionettes for use in films, such as “Close Encounters of stuff, but kudos to the talented theater
Scores of photographs, artist sketches the Third Kind” in 1977. He also created puppets based on Disney cartoon characters for people who are going to carry this leg-
and other documents fill the pages of window displays at Disneyland and for limited-edition sales. acy into the future.”
Gen Z journalist
goes long-form
California teen Olivia Seltzer turns her
youth newsletter The Cramm into a book
By Kelli Skye Fadroski
it,” she said during a recent phone
[email protected]
interview from her Santa Barbara
home. Seltzer just turned 18 and
On election night in 2016, graduated from high school, and
12-year-old Olivia Seltzer sat with though she’s still weighing her
her parents, glued to the television options for college, she said she
and waiting to find out who would was accepted to Harvard Univer-
be the next president of the United sity. Her first book, “Cramm This
States. She didn’t have much in- Book: So You Know WTF is Going
terest in politics before and ad- On in the World Today,” a meat-
mits she naively thought all of the ier version of her newsletter with
world’s biggest problems had al- a slew of current topics and the
ready been solved. history behind them, comes out
But being from a Jewish fam- Tuesday.
ily and attending middle school “It sounds so basic, but it’s very
in Santa Barbara, where many of true,” she said of the concept. “If Olivia Seltzer, an 18-year-old Santa Barbara resident, is the founder of The Cramm, a daily current events
her peers were the children and you don’t know about something newsletter written for Generation Z. Her “Cramm This Book” will come out Tuesday.
grandchildren of immigrants, she happening in the world, you don’t
and her friends had more recently have the power or the tools you very dedicated to being nonbiased problems and to develop opinions her, she’s enjoying being able to
begun talking about the rise in an- need to try to make the world a in my reporting because there re- on them, try to find solutions and wake up at 7 a.m. to write the
tisemitic attacks and shared their better place, and I think it’s really ally is no other source of news also common ground with others. newsletter, and although she’s
fears over undocumented loved important for a generation as mo- like this for young people and I I know this won’t always be the planning to dive deep into politi-
ones suddenly being deported, tivated and as activism-oriented don’t want one of my friends who case, but I also hope people are cal science classes in college, she
since it was all over the news. as my generation to be informed has the opposite beliefs as mine motivated to take action, whether said she will continue the newslet-
The main issue, she said, was that about the issues we’re facing.” to read The Cramm and feel like that’s something local like donat- ter and expand her audience be-
she and her young friends didn’t How could they understand they’re not being represented or ing to a charity or participating cause “it’s the thing I care about
have any historical context as to the current relationship between that it’s not for them.” in a protest or march or even just the most.”
why these things were happening, Russia and the United States with- Through junior high and high getting out to vote.” Keeping up with so much daily
or still happening. They weren’t out learning about the Cold War? school, Seltzer would wake up at For the book, Seltzer said, she content, she doesn’t have too
being taught about it in public How could they wrap their heads 5 a.m. each morning and scour had the opportunity to work with much time to herself, but since she
school, and mainstream news me- around Black Lives Matter with- news sites to look for the biggest numerous journalists, political ex- lives near both the ocean and the
dia outlets certainly weren’t cater- out knowing about the civil rights stories of the day as well as critical perts and professors who helped mountains, she takes long walks
ing to Generation Z viewership. movement? stories that weren’t always mak- fact-check her work and added on the beach with her friends and
In January 2017, Seltzer decided “I was born in 2004, so I wasn’t ing the front pages but were rele- insight on certain topics. But she goes hiking with her dog. The
she wanted to do her own research alive when 9/11 happened and I vant to the daily conversation, in- didn’t want it to read like a social news can oftentimes be depress-
and break down the latest head- grew up in a post-9/11 world,” she cluding articles on school shoot- studies textbook. She wanted to ing and daunting, so she likes to
lines for Gen Z in a daily news- said. “So we were always at war ings and climate change, two write and present it in a language check out with a good book and
letter she’d call The Cramm. She with Afghanistan until last year issues Seltzer said are more im- that spoke directly to Gen Z. said he’s currently reading Steven
took the money she had received when we withdrew from Afghan- portant for her generation. She’d It’s very conversational and Rowley’s 2021 novel “The Guncle.”
for her 13th birthday and bought istan, and I had a lot of friends put her research together and de- visually engaging, with lots of “I know it makes me sound like
the domain name thecramm.com questioning why we were there in liver the newsletter to inboxes by graphics, maps, text message the most boring person on the
and began delivering the news to the first place.” 9 a.m. bubbles and Instagram question planet, but I really do like read-
her followers in smaller, more eas- These are the sort of hot-but- “I hoped people would just start boxes that mirror the discussions ing when I’m not writing,” she
ily digestible bits. That newslet- ton topics that Seltzer researched thinking more critically about happening on private Instagram said. “I spent so much time read-
ter now has more than 2.5 million through dozens of news outlets what’s happening in the world account @thecrammfam, where ing and writing about heavy top-
subscribers in 113 countries across to figure out an easier way to and start really connecting it to a team of about 500 young volun- ics that I like to keep my reading
six continents. She’s still waiting communicate nonbiased content themselves,” she said. “I think peo- teers from all over the world joins to light comedies and more heart-
for her first subscriber in Antarc- to those who signed up for The ple should start having the im- in on the conversation about daily warming stories. I’ve also taken
tica. Cramm. portant conversations about the topics to really give it a global per- up yoga. It’s a post-high school
“Simply put, you can’t change “Pretty much every news source issues that matter, and I think spective, Seltzer added. thing I just started doing and I’m
the world unless you know about out there, I read,” she said. “I’m it’s important to talk about these With high school now behind really enjoying it.”
Achieve Tahoe participants hit the slopes with an instructor and adaptive equipment, such as sliders, bi-skis or other devices, so they can enjoy the snow experience.
By Janet Fullwood
now play is a wildly popular winter
pastime in Northern California. Drive
up to a Tahoe resort on any frosty
weekend, and you’ll see cars parked out to the
highway and hundreds of skiers and snow-
boarders lined up at the lifts and zooming
Tahoe at Alpine Meadows, you might also
spot folks sliding — not on regular skis, but
on sit-down, sled-like devices, single skis with
“outrigger” balance poles and other adaptive
apparatuses designed to accommodate folks
with a wide range of disabilities. Most likely,
they’re students taking lessons with Achieve
Tahoe, an adaptive recreation organization
that has provided year-round outdoor activi-
The list >> The 10 hottest U.S. destinations in 2022, according to Tripadvisor
Tripadvisor’s annual Travelers’ Choice to Tripadvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards.
Awards offer up a variety of “best destina- Now we’re looking closer to home, and
tions” — especially this time around when let’s just say, beaches reign supreme.
they’ve added niche lists for outdoors Here’s a peek. Find all the lists — popular
enthusiasts, city lovers, beach bathers and hot spots, cities for foodies, outdoor wows
foodies. — at tripadvisor.com/TravelersChoice-
Back this year are the site’s venerable Destinations.
“most popular destination” lists, which TOP 10 TRENDING U.S.
bestow awards on locations with the most DESTINATIONS FOR 2022
good reviews over time. Although there’s 1 Island of Hawaii, Hawaii
some jostling for position, the list doesn’t 2 Charleston, South Carolina
vary much from year to year — Dubai took
the top nod for 2022, but London, Paris 3 Branson, Missouri
and Rome are all still right there. 4 Moab, Utah
That’s why the site’s “trending destina- 5 Fort Myers Beach, Florida
tions” list is so interesting. It marks the 6 Clearwater, Florida
cities whose appeal to travelers — and 7 Mount Desert Island, Maine
wannabe travelers — surged the most over 8 Talkeetna, Alaska
the last year, and it’s always loaded with
surprises. 9 Naples, Florida
Last week, we shared the 10 trending 10 Asheville, North Carolina
Tripadvisor’s annual Travelers’ Choice Awards included Florida’s Clearwater Beach on
destinations around the world, according — Staff
its list of trending destinations for 2022.
Refund from
Iceland Car
Rental seems
to be frozen
By Christopher Elliott
48-hour cancellation win-
dow, they’ll charge you for
your rental.
You canceled before two FROM PAGE 6
days, so you should have re-
ceived your money back. So
why didn’t you? techniques have evolved over the
An Iceland Car Rental decades, and so has the breadth
representative tried to ex- of people coming into the pro-
plain it in an email to you. gram, he says. While many par-
“The coronavirus outbreak ticipants are physically chal-
has resulted in thousands of lenged, others live with less vis-
cancellations,” he explained. ible differences, such as autism,
“This means that a lot of Down syndrome, poor vision or
people have applied for re- blindness.
funds — including you. Each “You’re either born with some-
refund application is han- thing or something happens that
dled individually. And with changes your life,” Lang-Ree says
the great amount of cases of participants. “There are many
that we’re currently process- ways that people come to us. The
ing, the waiting time is cur- secret is that there are no prereq-
rently too long.” uisites. We can take you off the
But after you asked how couch and provide a safe expe-
long it might be, you got a rience from Day 1, and you get
different answer. the benefit from Day 1. We spend
“As is the case for many a lot of time telling people, ‘You
tourism related companies can do it!’ ”
around the world, the future While some Achieve Tahoe COURTESY OF SUNEETA KRISH
of our company has been se- participants can stand on two Menlo Park teen Indie Gerard, seen here in 2018, has not let cerebral palsy get in the way of his snow play.
cured throughout this diffi- skis and use poles, others are fit- Instructors from Achieve Tahoe began getting him out on the slopes five years ago.
cult period with a survival ted into “sit skis,” “mono-skis,”
agreement with our bank,” “bi-skis” and other devices that
the company noted. “How- can accommodate those with “Every time we go up, they push him a little bit farther.
ever, the financial restruc- missing or poorly functioning We’ve seen so much improvement.
turing of the company could limbs. There’s even a new de- His stamina in particular has really improved.”
not include the refunds of vice — the TetraSki — that oper-
outstanding reservations for ates with a joystick and puffs of — Suneeta Krish, whose 13-year-old son with cerebral palsy, Indie Gerard, skis with Achieve Tahoe
the foreseeable future; there- breath, much like high-tech elec-
fore, we will not be able to tric wheelchairs. people helping for half an hour or walker for safety. For skiing, you’re living in a wheelchair, you
refund your booking.” Will Crichton, 58, of Oak- and half a can of baby powder “they have an apparatus that es- don’t get that sensation very of-
This appears to be a dif- land, was a software developer to get the boots on for the first sentially creates another set of ten. We’re really glad to inspire
ferent argument. The car and avid skier who regularly time,” he recalls. “But I got up skis around him, because he can’t that confidence.”
rental company was restruc- chalked up 100 days a year on there and said, ‘Yeah, I can drive hold onto poles,” his mother says. From Heavenly and Sierra
turing, which means the old the slopes. About five years ago, this thing.’ Trying to ski with one “And he always has assistants at Tahoe to Mammoth Moun-
company — the one with a stroke changed his life in an paralyzed leg and one half-work- around him.” tain, many Sierra ski resorts of-
which you had the reserva- instant. After the stroke, Crich- ing leg was brutal. My balance Confidence and independence fer adaptive ski and snowboard
tion — technically no longer ton couldn’t stand, and he still was so off, it was terrifying. There are the goals, says Josephine Co- lessons.
exists. The new Iceland Car can’t move one arm. But after a was a lot to overcome, but after mier, communications and pro- Achieve Tahoe includes adap-
Rental apparently didn’t feel lot of work, he can get around about four years it got better.” gram coordinator for Achieve tive ski and snowboard lessons
it had to honor some of the the house on a cane and uses a Achieve Tahoe’s lessons are Tahoe. “We will pretty much for all abilities, as well as a full
obligations of the old com- wheelchair for longer distances. one (and sometimes two) instruc- work with anyone,” she says. range of summer recreation
pany. “I was a very active skier — tors per student and can accom- Kayla MacLennan, a tech programs — kayaking, paddle-
But the Iceland Car and then got paralyzed,” he says. modate children as young as 4. worker from Truckee, is one boarding, rafting and more —
Rental you were dealing “Achieve Tahoe got me back on Indra “Indie” Gerard is a of Achieve Tahoe’s avid volun- for children and adults. Snow-
with shouldn’t have charged skis. It was terrifying and pain- 13-year-old Menlo Park eighth teers. “I wouldn’t want to spend sports lessons are offered at Al-
your card in the first place. ful … and great.” grader who lives with cerebral my time doing anything else. It’s pine Meadows and Northstar
I think you would have had On the snow, he buckles into palsy and has been active with so much fun,” she says. “I’m a daily through April.
a legitimate case for a credit an adaptive device called a Achieve Tahoe for the past five teacher, a yoga instructor; I like At Alpine, the program costs
card dispute, had it come to “slider” that functions as a kind years. to spend my time making other $125 for a half-day or $250 for
that. of walker on snow. It’s tethered “Every time we go up, they people better. These folks are liv- a full day, including private in-
It didn’t. I contacted Ice- to an assistant who skis and push him a little bit farther,” ing with disabilities in a world struction and lift ticket; dis-
land Car Rental on your be- helps guide from behind. “It his mother, Suneeta Krish, says. they have to adapt to. counted equipment is extra. At
half, and it issued a full re- has armrests and a handle and “We’ve seen so much improve- “What I like is that I’ve im- Northstar, the program costs
fund. I drive it one-handed,” Crichton ment. His stamina in particular proved as an instructor and $135 for a half-day or $270 for a
says. has really improved.” helped other people improve, too. full day, including lift ticket and
Contact Christopher Elliott Getting there took motivation While Indie can take inde- It’s all about skiing and getting equipment. Find more details at
at [email protected]. and perseverance. “It took four pendent steps, he uses a cane that sense of moving on snow. If www.achievetahoe.org.
nature has grown on reporting from the 1. 1984: George Orwell The Moon is in Cancer.
independent booksellers 2. Dune: Frank Herbert Happy birthday for
of Southern California, the 3. Mistborn: The Final Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022:
Response to
1 Thinks
6 Quintet
Orange to
48 Baby goat
49 “Where
52 Scrape
53 “White &
floats on
12 Work such
18 Daddy
as “Doctor
13 (rapper
open some
42 Falafel
47 Danced
topper in
45 3/4 time
The new world of menus
served up in bad taste
type Day Begins” Animal that Cracked
11 which
Response “Y” to Nerdy”
territorysinger Puerto
floats on Rico, 50 Carey
open some
may now, 51 Yankovic
“Eureka!” its back
not New drinks
brown cow?”
added 52 Pale
56 Scrape (by)
lager 18 England)
Daddy ___ 47 “Queen
Danced of in
14 Amazon
15 Quintet to 53 British
“White singer
& 23 (rapper from 3/4 time
which “Y” 58 Nerdy” singer
Puerto Rico,
50 Carey
may be Rita
Yankovic lightly
not New 53 Injury
dubbed I want to talk answer is no. I was telling this sad
16 Like
added a good 59
56 Qatari,
Pale lagere.g. 24 Assortment
England) 54 Program
“Queen of to you about res- One of our local fa- story on my Facebook page
15 product
Amazon 61
58 To the ___
British singer 25
23 Lightning-
Apply problem
Christmas” taurants. Many vorites won’t give you (are you a member? Why
assistant degree
Rita wielding
lightly 55
53 Big soda size
Injury of you are famil- a paper menu, but not?) and someone com-
16 Unrestrained
17 Like a good 59 Tea
62 Qatari, e.g.
dispenser 24 behemoths?
Assortment 54 Emotion
57 Program
product 61 Flame-
To the ___ 25 (WNBA/NFL)
Lightning- problem iar with these, in they will give you an mented that I “need to join
occult 63 often paired
figures? degree
shooting 26 wielding
Objectives 55 Big soda size
with guilt which you enter, iPad that has their the 21st century.”
17 Unrestrained 62 Tea dispenser behemoths? 57 Emotion select food from menu on it. “Here, I just don’t think want-
occult 63 sorcerers?
Flame- 28 Drop that’s
(WNBA/NFL) 60 Sing
19 Understand
figures? (MLS/NBA)
shooting 26 shed
Objectives with
with “out”
guilt a list and then re- scroll through this,” ing to look at all the restau-
20 Actress
(NHL/WNBA) 68 “___ my
sorcerers? 34
28 Apt
that’s 64
60 “Isle
Sing of Dogs”
loudly, lax while they the helpful server will rant’s offerings on one page
19 Thurman
Understand problem”
(MLS/NBA) for
shed “net” director
with “out” cook and bring it say. That does not is a sign of decrepitude. I
20 Tip
21 Actress
jar bills 68 Bird
69 “___ onmythe 34 Small
35 Apt rhyme 64 Anderson
“Isle of Dogs” to you. get away from the need to think it’s a sign of superior
22 Thurmanred”
“Seeing problem”flag
Mexican for “net”
piece of 65 director
Maze runner
21 Tip jar bills 69 Bird on the 35 Small Anderson No chopping. No slicing. stare at glowing screens, intelligence. We won’t even
22 “Seeing red” 70 “This meeting
Mexican flag paper
piece of 66
65 Mazeout
Run of
runner No grocery shopping. No and it also means you still get into the issue of hav-
23 Debonair
emotion 70 could’ve
“This meeting 37 Tot’s
paperride 66 batteries
Run out of sticking your hands into have to scroll up and down ing to dine on paper plates,
23 Hobbyist’s
Debonair been
could’vean ___” 38
37 Meal with
Tot’s ride 67 Camera
27 miniature
Hobbyist’s 71 ICU
an ___” 38 a recitation
Meal with 67 type,
Camera briefly disgusting animal parts. to look at the offerings. with plastic utensils. Are
racer 71 Hones
72 ICU workers a recitation
of the type, briefly No desperate searching for If I want to look at the we at a church picnic? Food
29 Glassblowing, 72 Hones
73 Discourage of the
10 Plagues that one stupid pot that you cocktails (well, OK, I al- gets cold in a nanosec-
29 e.g.
Glassblowing, 73 Discourage
DOWN 40 10 Plagues
Goad know you put in the bot- ways want to look at the ond on a paper plate, and
e.g. DOWN 40 Goad
30 Bout-ending
Bout-ending 1
1 One
One of of four
four tom cabinet but now has cocktails), then I scroll to I’d rather not stick plas-
decision: for
for aa fox
Answers PUZZLE
to yesterday’s puzzle ANSWER
PUZZLE ANSWER disappeared. (Hint: Your the cocktail section. Then, tic in my mouth, thank you
Abbr. 2 Luau garland son burned food in it so I have to scroll down to very much. I understand
31 Look for 3 Feel lousy badly that he just threw it the appetizers. Then, more staff shortages and all, but
32 “My
32 “My man!”
man!” 4 “Anyone
4 “Anyone can can
33 Marine
Marine see that!”
that!” away, rather than wash it.) scrolling to reach the en- if you can’t give me a real
33 see You just chill in pleas- trees. After I’ve picked an plate, I’m not eating at your
mammals 5 Mountains’
that bark 5 Mountains’
that bark antly decorated surround- entree, then I always re- place.
36 Game whose 6 tops
Lil ___ X ings that aren’t your living alize I’ve forgotten which When I was in my 20s,
36 Game
winnerwhose 6
7 Lil
always 7 Type of flute
or saxophone room, and that are cleaned cocktail I wanted. So more I had a rich boyfriend who
throws? 8 or
carry by someone else and — in a scrolling up and up until taught me some things
39 throws?
Bladed bloodcarry
8 They to perfect world — they bring I find the cocktail menu. about life that I’d never
39 Bladed the heart
blood to
implements 9 Does you tasty food to eat, after Then I realize I didn’t look learned as the daughter of
41 steering
Put in power the heart
wonderfully which they carry the dirty at the wine menu. More an underpaid military ser-
43 Like a blue 9
10 Does
Stuck in dishes away to get mag- scrolling. geant.
41 Put in power
lobster wonderfully
a loop? ically cleaned by Santa’s Meanwhile, we always “You don’t need to look
44 Like
Nature a blue
spirit 10
11 Stuck
46 lobster
Bubble tea sea
a monster?
loop? 2/12 © 2022 Andrews McMeel Universal
elves. Yes, that’s what they have one friend who left at the menu at a truly fine
insert spirit
44 Nature (NBA/NHL)
11 Enchanted www.upuzzles.com do in the offseason. It’s a her phone in the car, so I restaurant,” he told me.
46 Bubble tea sea monster? 2/12 © 2022 Andrews McMeel Universal fact. Look it up. have to lend her my phone “You just tell the waiter
insert (NBA/NHL) www.upuzzles.com I’m in favor of all of so she can peer at the offer- what you want and they’ll
Fantasy Sports by Will Eisenberg this, which is why I often ings on the tiny screen. bring it to you.” I have had
go out to eat. Even when I Invariably, this means occasion to try that, and
was in a wheelchair, I told we spend the first 15 min- sometimes it works, de-
Fantasy Sports by Will Eisenberg my friends, “Wheel me utes of every get-together pending on what they have
in there, baby. They have desperately trying to read back there in the kitchen.
ribs.” the menu’s minuscule glow- I remember going to a
But there’s one prob- ing type in the weird font. fine Italian restaurant just
lem with restaurants these Someone will say, “I think over the border in the Baja
days, and I don’t mean I’ll have the arugula salad. wine country, outdoors un-
their lack of staff. Well, OK, Does anyone want to share der a spreading oak tree,
two things. But my main with me?” Sigh. This means and asking the server if
gripe everywhere I go is the more scrolling up to look at they had any vegan pasta.
requirement that you use the ingredients. Then back The next thing I knew, the
your smartphone to locate down to what I planned chef/owner was at our ta-
a QR code, and then read to order, to see if I want to ble, talking to me about
the menu on your phone. change my mind. my request. This ended
Instead of just handing me I complained to the up with him going back
a printed menu to peruse. manager of this particu- into the kitchen and mak-
If I wanted to spend the lar restaurant, which we ing me vegan gnocchi from
first 10 minutes of every frequent. He told me, “The scratch.
meal staring at my phone, city is pressuring us to have Moments like this stick
I would have just stayed everything online and not in your mind, especially
home and ordered takeout. offer paper menus, so we when you’re home and your
Nowadays, when I walk don’t feel like we have any nearby restaurant won’t
into a place, my first ques- choice.” Um, other restau- even give you a stupid
tion is: “Do you have a real rants seem to have solved menu. Let alone make you
menu?” And, too often, the that problem. Why not you? vegan pasta.
Sudoku Classic TM
and clue.
Answers to 2/6/22 Jumbles: HOUSE WRITER MAKEUP SKYLINE
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nathan anD the zyDeco cha cha’s
“A POWERFUL STORY and a witty cast of characters” 2/17 ALBERT CUMMINGS
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2/17 (Grateful DeaD triBute)
CUMMINGS (Billy Joel / elton John triBute) FENIANS
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directed by 3/4 ABBAFAB (aBBa triBute)
Lou Bellamy 3/5 WILD CHILD (Doors triBute)
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3/25 G. LOVE & THE JUICE with
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F 19–M 19 Jimmy Prescott
3/26 JOHN MAYALL - The Final Shows
It’s 1973, Atlanta is the “new Black capital of America” and love is in the air! 3/27 EXTC - XTC’S TERRY CHAMBERS & FRIENDS
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Southern California News Group editorial board
Ron Hasse, President and Publisher
Frank Pine, Executive Editor
Salvador Rodriguez, Opinion Editor
Editorial board members:
Larry Wilson, Susan Shelley, Steven
Greenhut, Roger Ruvolo, Richard Boddie,
Matt Fleming
» ocregister.com
It’s time to
rein in the
There is no right to privacy
spelled out in the text of the
U.S. Constitution, but it may be
time to start thinking about an
amendment that
puts one there.
This past week,
the Wall Street
Journal reported
on a newly declas-
sified letter from
two U.S. senators Susan
to the Central In- Shelley
telligence Agency, Columnist
urging the CIA
to tell the public about a secret
program that involved collecting
data from an undisclosed source
and pulling in records of Amer-
The April 2021 letter from
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, and
Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-New
Mexico, was released on Thurs-
DAVID CRANE — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER day. Although heavily redacted,
Xavier Becerra, then-California Attorney General, at a press conference Monday, February 10, 2020. the letter made clear that the
senators thought it was “ur-
gent” that the CIA declassify
and make public information
about the secret program, in-
cluding what records the agency
is collecting, the volume of re-
policies hit
poor hardest
Consumer prices jumped 7.5% compared to
last January, with necessities — electricity,
gasoline, used cars, many food items – up
at astonishing levels. Rents have increased
by the highest percentage in 10 years — and
vacancy rates are so low across Southern
California that it’s nearly impossible to find
an available apartment, per news reports. KEVIN SIERS — THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER
Frederick Douglass
making racist comments are not sults. “Frankly there is no idea
enough to get shown the door, more un-American than the no-
Last week, the Republican Na- what is? tion that any one person could
tional Committee took the ex- It turns out that the line is try- choose the American presi-
traordinary step of publicly cen- ing to bring to justice the peo- dent,” Pence said, according to
Frederick Douglass, born speech delivered on July 5, 1852, suring two House Republicans ple involved with the Trump-in- the Associated Press. “Under the
into slavery in 1818, never knew reflecting on the July 4 holi- with the purpose of “No Longer spired January 6 insurrection. Constitution, I had no right to
the precise date he was born, day. But, Douglass argued, the Support(ing) Them As Members Reps. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ilin- change the outcome of our elec-
but later chose Feb. 14, as his blessings enjoyed by Americans of the Republican Party.” ois, and Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, tion.”
birthdate. We urge all Ameri- ought to be. So what does it take to get have participated in the investi- There seems nothing contro-
cans to consider the ideas, life “There is not a man beneath kicked out of the party? gative congressional committee. versial about Pence’s comments.
and legacy of the great aboli- the canopy of heaven that does Well, Congressman Matt The censure panned the commit- They’re true, so that’s the end of
tionist, author and statesman. not know that slavery is wrong Gaetz is still a member in good tee as a “Democrat-led persecu- the story, right?
Douglass’ life is a testament to for him,” he argued. standing despite being under in- tion of ordinary citizens engaged Wrong!
the horrors of America’s past, With the principles in the vestigation for alleged sex traf- in legitimate political discourse.” Trump argued Pence had the
the importance of liberty and Constitution and Declaration ficking. To say that the people who power to kick the election back
the value of freedom of thought. of Independence in mind, Dou- Congresswoman Lauren Boe- stormed the Capitol on January to the states if “there is fraud or
While enslaved, Douglass se- glass defended the Constitu- bert’s Republican bona fides are 6th — a violent mob who vandal- large scale irregularities,” but
cretly learned to read. “Knowl- tion from criticisms that it up- still in tact after she referred to a ized the building, smeared feces left out the fact that this idea
edge is the pathway from slav- holds the institution of slavery, Democratic Muslim colleague as in the halls and beat police offi- has been fought in court over 60
ery to freedom,” he later said. arguing that “interpreted as a member of the “Jihad Squad” cers, all with the intention of dis- times and was unable to prove
At the age of 20, Douglass suc- it ought to be interpreted, the and joked that she could be a rupting the peace transition of his claims.
cessfully escaped to New York. Constitution is a glorious lib- suicide bomber. power to the rightfully-elected Playing footsies with the luna-
From that point on, Douglass erty document.” In making this This list could go on for president is absurd. tic fringe is probably more dam-
became a sharp and invaluable case, Douglass forced Ameri- awhile, but it would not be com- Facing tremendous criticism, aging to Republicans’ electoral
critic of the institution of slav- cans to confront the grotesque plete without former President McDaniel has tried doing a little chances than anything the Janu-
ery. discrepancy between the na- Donald Trump, who has a sizzle cleanup by playing her greatest ary 6 investigation could do and
Early on, he agreed with ab- tion’s stated principles and the reel of shame that includes: Re- hit: Blame the media. fomenting insurrection is more
olitionist contemporaries, such realities at hand, and thereby peatedly attacking fellow Repub- “Violence is not legitimate po- radical than anything in the
as William Lloyd Garrison, that contributed greatly to helping licans, inspired a failed insurrec- litical discourse… Media outlets Biden agenda.
the United States Constitu- America come closer to fulfill- tion and bragged about sexual pretending the RNC believes oth- But that’s all beside the point.
tion was at its core a proslavery ing its ideals. assault. erwise are acting in bad faith, & What good is winning if it
document and that the United From the abolition of slav- Trump continues to prove their lies should be called out as means the country will get more
States then was predicated on ery to fighting racial discrim- the RNC will tolerate just about cheap political stunts,” McDan- Trump, more Gaetz, more Boe-
an evil foundation. ination to advocating for the anything. In fact, Chairwoman iel tweeted. Of course, the mem- bert, more January 6?
But Douglass ultimately right of women to vote, Doug- Ronna McDaniel once attacked bers of the media she says are ly- Watching some Republicans
came to the conclusion that the lass always showed a commit- her own uncle, Republican Sen- ing and “acting in bad faith” are act like clowns and watching
United States was in fact pred- ment to individual liberty and a ator Mitt Romney, for criticiz- simply quoting the RNC’s cen- others desperately seek their ap-
icated on powerful, liberatory commitment to engaging with ing Trump’s lack of character — sure resolution. proval would be much more en-
values that in his mind ulti- the ideas of those he disagreed a point I thought was beyond de- As members of the RNC were tertaining if democracy wasn’t
mately extended to all people. with. bate. fighting against reality, for- at stake.
“The blessings in which you, Frederick Douglass’ fight for If sex trafficking, sexual as- mer Vice President Mike Pence
this day, rejoice, are not en- freedom and justice must never sault, inspiring an insurrection, was reiterating in a speech that Follow Matt Fleming on Twitter
joyed in common,” he said in a be forgotten. publicly attacking other Repub- he had no right to overturn the @FlemingWords
How to have your say: We welcome letters on all issues of public concern. All are Email: Phone: Twitter: Facebook:
subject to editing and condensation, and they can be published only with the writer’s [email protected] 714-796-5025 Follow or send Leave comments at
true name. Letters must include the writer’s home community and daytime telephone (Please do not include tweets to WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/
number for verification purposes. Please limit letters to 150 words. any attachments) @SOCALOPINION OCREGISTEROPINION
fidence in the federal re- onist barely escaping from Harris’ office has like- plagued all of her previ- Francisco or Los Angeles.
sponse to the virus’ latest a building that he deto- wise echoed explosion ous offices, so why would So while California’s law-
variant, or anything else. nated behind him.” scenes from “Die Hard 2.” we expect anything differ- makers will continue along
FROM PAGE 1 He had virtually no health- I lack the word count to White House damage con- ent as vice president? My their merry, progressive
care experience, but that detail the myriad Becerra trol over Becerra echoes theory: California’s Dem- way, it’s obvious — and for-
on one single health issue was only part of the prob- scandals and management its approach to Harris in ocrats rise to power in a tunate — that they lack the
might not be the best place lem. failures, but the courts re- December after news re- one-party state, where in- skills to impose those pri-
to centralize all healthcare More significantly, peatedly slammed him for ports pointed to infight- ternal party considerations orities on a politically di-
decisions, but I digress. Becerra was a disaster as disregarding the state’s po- ing, intrigue and dysfunc- matter more than policy verse nation.
The administration attorney general. After the lice-accountability laws tion. The White House re- credentials or basic com-
jumped into damage- Senate approved Becerra and mismanaging our gun- assured the nation that the petence, so they are out of Steven Greenhut is
control mode, as Latino as the nation’s healthcare registration system. The vice president is a valuable their league playing at the Western region director for
groups complained about czar, this editorial board newspaper editorial found partner, but it sounded like national level. the R Street Institute and
criticism of Biden’s high- recounted the “ongoing a recurring theme: “basic the administration was California Democrats a member of the Southern
est-ranking Latino official. mess” he left at the Califor- incompetence.” limiting Harris to tasks don’t understand that vot- California News Group
But no Californian should nia Department of Justice Who is shocked that he where she could do little ers in Peoria or Phoenix editorial board. Write to
be surprised at Becerra’s — comparing the imagery took that skillset to the damage. don’t share the same ob- him at sgreenhut@rstreet.
inability to inspire con- to “an action movie protag- federal level? Similar dysfunction sessions as those in San org.
tors, including an online ods and databases to mon- power to amend the U.S.
environment filled with itor the communications, Constitution to guarantee
false or misleading narra- financial transactions and a right of privacy. But that
FROM PAGE 1 tives and conspiracy the- movements of any Ameri- shouldn’t be necessary in
ories, and other forms of can, retaining records in- order to stop abuses by
tain a warrant to spy on mis- dis- and mal-infor- definitely, and regularly the federal government’s
Trump campaign advisor mation (MDM) introduced entering data on inno- intelligence and law en-
Carter Page, was spared and/or amplified by for- cent Americans into law forcement agencies. The
serious consequences for eign and domestic threat enforcement databases. U.S. Constitution’s Fourth
his actions. Kevin Cline- actors.” The government could se- Amendment states plainly,
smith was sentenced to a The bulletin is titled, cretly flag Americans as “The right of the people
year of probation and 400 “Summary of Terrorism suspected “conspirators” to be secure in their per-
hours of community ser- Threat to the U.S. Home- based on nothing other sons, houses, papers, and
vice. For the crime of sub- land.” These govern- than their political views effects, against unreason-
mitting a falsified docu- ment officials are labeling expressed online. Now able searches and seizures,
ment to a U.S. agency, his speech as terrorism. TOM WILLIAMS — POOL VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that the Biden adminis- shall not be violated, and
law license was briefly sus- Let me explain some- William Burns testifies before a Senate Intelligence tration’s Homeland Secu- no Warrants shall issue,
pended. thing. No. Committee hearing on his nomination to be director of the rity Department has used but upon probable cause,
Oversight of U.S. intel- Americans must push Central Intelligence Agency, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021 on the word “terrorist” to de- supported by Oath or af-
ligence and law enforce- back on this creeping creep- Capitol Hill in Washington. scribe people who make firmation, and particularly
ment agencies has com- iness. Did you see what the statements of “mis- dis- describing the place to be
pletely broken down. IRS just tried to do? to set up face-scanning to agency will “transition and mal-information,” we searched, and the persons
The threat to free- The Internal Reve- authenticate identity. Last away” from the plan. How- are a short step from hav- or things to be seized.”
dom from secret surveil- nue Service had said that summer, the Biden ad- ever, the chief executive of ing U.S. law enforcement We can protect our 21st-
lance and data collec- starting this summer, ministration signed a two- ID.me told the Washing- agencies open investiga- century freedom by en-
tion reached a new level of it would require Ameri- year, $86 million contract ton Post that its client list tions that destroy people’s forcing our 18th-century
danger this week with the cans who wanted to go on- with ID.me to manage the includes 10 federal agen- lives for wrong-think. rights. And it’s time we
release of a Department of line to access their tax ac- security and facial recog- cies, among them the So- Some would say we’re started doing it.
Homeland Security “Na- counts or other IRS ser- nition data of U.S. taxpay- cial Security Administra- already there.
tional Terrorism Advisory vices to submit a “video ers. tion, and 30 states, includ- The people of the Susan Shelley can be
System Bulletin” warning selfie” to a private com- Amid a storm of con- ing California. United States, through reached at Susan@
that the U.S. “remains in a pany called ID.me. The troversy, IRS Commis- Hidden by secrecy, the their elected representa- SusanShelley.com. Follow
heightened threat environ- video and other personal sioner Charles Rettig government could use its tives in Congress and the her on Twitter @Susan_
ment fueled by several fac- data would then be used just announced that the various surveillance meth- state legislatures, have the Shelley
no process for correcting of the Valencia lab fiasco of $25 million or more en- employees. Transparent government
the problem. Some samples had whistleblowers not tered into on or after Jan- Inadequate contracting is good government. While
were brought into the bath- risked their careers to ex- uary 1, 2023 to be subject decisions by the Newsom many politicians talk about
FROM PAGE 1 room before being tested. pose the lab’s glaring defi- to an oversight hearing of Administration in criti- the importance of checks
Horrifying. ciencies. They deserve the the Joint Legislative Bud- cal areas such as COVID-19 and balances, in the case of
tests a day and turn the While the Newsom Ad- same protections as other get Committee prior to any test processing have led no-bid contracts, it is just
results around within 48 ministration feigned out- state workers who call at- renewal or extension of to massive waste, left the talk. If Newsom and Dem-
hours. Since then, we have rage and promised to con- tention to grievous prob- the contract. This would state vulnerable to fraud, ocrat leaders in the Leg-
learned the lab has been duct its own investigation, lems at a state agency. ensure that no-bid con- and even worse, ham- islature believe in the im-
riddled with serious prob- it delayed releasing the re- Oversight and account- tracts are not simply auto- strung our ability to slow portance of government
lems and never met the sults for months. I had ability are sorely lacking in renewed without the op- the spread of COVID-19. transparency and account-
goals set out in its contract, been calling for the release this process, which is why portunity for public input, Recently, we learned ability, they must do more
yet it was quietly auto-re- of the report and urging I have introduced two im- discussion, and a robust the Newsom Administra- than talk. They should sup-
newed late last year. the Administration to hold portant measures that will debate about the perfor- tion again secretly negoti- port SCA 7 and SB 947. I
In addition to the poor off on the renewal until all add accountability to no- mance of these providers. ated a massive no-bid con- look forward to working
performance, whistleblow- details were known. Con- bid contracts and expand Senate Bill 947 will fos- tract. This time with Kai- with them to create this ex-
ers exposed unlicensed lab veniently, the report, which whistleblower protections ter accountability by em- ser Permanente to expand tra layer of accountability
techs sleeping on the job, a was critical of the lab and to those individuals brave powering employees of its Medi-Cal coverage area, that taxpayers demand and
lack of supervision over un- supported the whistle- enough to come forward these no-bid contracts to raising many questions deserve.
trained staff, contaminated blower allegations, was and expose fraud or waste report fraud, waste, abuse, about how this will impact
tests, swapped samples, not released until after the by contractors. and improper activity, free the management of Cali- Scott Wilk is the
testing errors, a high rate contract was auto-renewed Senate Constitutional from fear of retaliation by fornia’s Medi-Cal program. California State Senate
of “inconclusive” results, in the dead of night. Amendment (SCA) 7 will granting them the same Without putting checks Republican Leader. He
and inaccurate results be- Furthermore, Califor- increase oversight by re- whistleblower protections and balances into place, represents the 21st Senate
ing given to people with nians would not be aware quiring no-bid contracts already afforded to state this trend will continue. District.
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Rams' success
follows an
The team has to do things in a distinctive way in North America's most diverse sports market
By Jim Alexander Rams owner one in this market, should do it.
[email protected] Stan Kronke If you don’t have stars or impact
speaks at players, do whatever you have to
The NFL is in many ways a a press do to go out and get them.
copycat league. When one team conference at Demoff grew up in L.A., the
or one organization has a run of the Forum in son of agent Marvin Demoff, so
success, others will see if what January 2016, he gets it. He was here for Show-
works there might work for them. introducing the time with the Lakers, and Fer-
So now that the Rams have won Rams back to nandomania with the Dodgers,
three NFC West championships L.A. and their and the Wayne Gretzky trade
in five seasons and reached their future home in that not only transformed the
second Super Bowl in the last four Inglewood. Kings franchise in L.A. but
under Sean McVay, it only figures hockey throughout the Sun Belt.
that others will be sampling the PHOTO BY BRAD “Certainly when you look at
secret sauce as well, right? GRAVERSON Los Angeles, the teams that
Um, maybe not. have been synonymous with
“I wouldn’t wish that on any- winning have had star power,”
body,” Rams chief operating offi- Demoff said. “And maybe that’s
cer Kevin Demoff noted last week. unique to this market, but cer-
“I don’t think there’s anything tainly that was a blueprint that
here that’s replicable, right? I has been provided for genera-
mean, you start with an owner tions of Angelenos to under-
(Stan Kroenke) who has given stand how to win.
us every opportunity to spend, “And I think that was Stan’s
to build the world’s most amaz- challenge to us. It doesn’t have
ing stadium, to spend to the sal- to be the same. But you know
ary cap and then some, to build pulled up stakes in 1994. per Bowl fortnight, with all its were in Des Moines, Iowa. They what it looks like.”
an amazing roster, to take the That’s in addition to Disney- attendant publicity, is certainly did tremendous community out- It probably wouldn’t work as
risk to go hire a 30-year-old head land, Knott’s Berry Farm, Magic important in the Rams’ attempt reach. There were Triple-A nights well elsewhere. It remains to be
coach. Mountain, Universal Studios, the to bolster that fan base. and Little League nights and Ki- seen how long it will be sustain-
“I don’t know that you can beach, and a cornucopia of other “But so is 2022,” Demoff said. wanis nights, and they built the able here. Being in SoCal is cer-
try this anywhere else. You can’t sports, entertainment and recre- “So is 2023. You cannot get to be concept of going to a Dodger tainly no guarantee there won’t
try to build SoFi Stadium in any ation options peculiar to South- at the pinnacle of this market game. It didn’t matter who the be down times, and the diverse
other market except Los Ange- ern California. The colossal na- by having one great season. You pitcher was, didn’t matter who nature of this market means not
les. I don’t know that the way we ture of this market makes it ideal get to the pinnacle of this mar- they were playing. The concept everyone will be on board. All of
build and construct our team for Super Bowls, though if you’re ket by having great season after was that it was an event. those red-clad fans in the sta-
would work in any other market, trying to drive in or through In- great season after great decade “And the Rams have now cre- dium for the last two meetings
with any other group, with any glewood Sunday afternoon you after great decade, and build- ated that same dynamic … They with the San Francisco 49ers
other owner. And look, I would might have second thoughts ing fans and generations of fans have done tremendous commu- represented a reminder that
not advise anybody to copy what about that. But it makes the day- with that. nity outreach, having their play- winning hearts and minds is
we do, not because I think that to-day competition a grind. “And that only comes with sus- ers out in the community, having going to be an uphill battle.
they couldn’t do it. I just think And now add to that mix the tained success and sustained in- executives out in the community, And they’re taking a page
you have to find what’s uniquely Rams and Chargers, from a vestment in the market, in the getting involved in local charity.” from the NBA Clippers, their fu-
yours and lean into that and league that traditionally domi- community, in schools, building Beyond that? ture Inglewood neighbors: Get
make that special.” nates every market it touches but relationships. That’s not over- “What they created was an the kids on board.
It’s an only in L.A. scenario, has found itself coming from be- night.” event destination (in SoFi Sta- “There’s so many fans who
and it goes beyond the all-in phi- hind in this one. Making it work The Rams’ adoption of the dium) that perfectly fits the grew up from 1995 to 2016 with-
losophy of general manager Les in L.A. requires a good dose of hu- Watts Rams youth football team taste of Los Angeles,” Stein- out a team to root for … so many
Snead, the culture built by Mc- mility, even if you’re playing in is an example of the roots they’re berg said. “Because we want the parents and people who moved
Vay, now 36, and the wealth and a Super Bowl in your home sta- trying to plant. They were called state-of-the-art, flashiest, most here in that time frame who
willingness of Kroenke, who had dium. the Watts Bears previously, but exciting stadium. And they built root for other teams, as they
the vision and took the risk to “I absolutely believe we can now they are so much part of it. And they had the advantage should,” Demoff said. “(It) isn’t
build that stadium. own this market,” Demoff said the family — the Ramily? — that of every breakthrough in sta- about someone who’s a Pitts-
The Rams’ objectives in this during his media session last Odell Beckham Jr. was present- dia construction that had hap- burgh Steelers fan who grew up
market are a reflection of South- week, in answer to a question ing Super Bowl tickets to the kids pened. And so it becomes an in Pittsburgh and moved to Los
ern California itself and its in- about why the NFL might not be last week. It’s one of a number of event to go to the Ram game. Angeles becoming a Rams fan.
tense competition for atten- as dominant here as it is in other community endeavors the Rams And if it’s an event in South- That’s great if it happens, but
tion. When the Rams returned cities. Then he stopped and said: organization has thrown itself ern California, the harder tick- that may not be realistic.
in 2016 after the NFL’s 21-season “And I think that’s probably the into, and the prime example of ets are to find, the more peo- “What it’s about is their kids,
absence, they came back to a re- wrong thing to say. I absolutely how that can be successful for the ple want to come there. Right? who are eight, nine, 10 years
gion even more saturated than it believe that we can be at the level long term is the team that origi- And they created a star location. old, growing up wearing Cooper
was before the Rams and Raid- (at which) the Dodgers and Lak- nally followed the Rams franchise If you’re watching the game the Kupp jerseys, wearing Aaron
ers abandoned it in 1995. Two ers have been. Those teams have to L.A. in 1958. other night, they had 10 Holly- Donald jerseys and becoming
baseball teams, two NBA teams, decades of success and champi- “If you look at the team that’s wood stars and 15 big sports he- lifelong Rams fans. And that’s
two hockey teams and two Power onships and building a fan base, been the model in Southern Cal- roes, and they made it a happen- what these two weeks (leading
5 college programs had been building a deep, multicultural ifornia, it’s the Dodgers, right?” ing place to go.” up to the Super Bowl) truly are
joined by two teams in Major fan base. You know, stars, leg- said long-time agent Leigh Stein- L.A. likes winners, star qual- about. That’s what this season’s
League Soccer and a WNBA fran- ends, Hall of Famers and build- berg. “When the Dodgers came ity and an exciting product. been about.”
chise, two leagues that didn’t yet ing on consistency.” they had Vin Scully as an an- Check, check and check. And Only in L.A., right?
exist when the Rams and Raiders The front-of-mind opportunity nouncer, and they went out and the Rams have done it the way a
in the Su- marketed the team just like they big market team, and especially [email protected]
Rams mascot “Rampage” helps lead a free sports clinic Rams coach Sean McVay, left, celebrates with team owner Rams coach Sean McVay congratulates quarterback
sponsored by the L.A. Education Recovery Fund, LAUSD Stan Kroenke after the Rams’ 20-17 victory over the San Matthew Stafford after Stafford threw his 300th career
and the Rams at the UCLA Community School. Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship Game. touchdown pass against the Lions.
Building community
By Gilbert Manzano
the best opportunity and why is But Rucker’s USC teams pro-
[email protected]
it going to stop there? They’re go- vided the blueprint for how the
ing to want the best in the college L.A. NFL teams can rise to the
LOS ANGELES >> Kevin Demoff, football space too, and the best is popularity of the Lakers and
the Rams’ chief operating officer, what? What is on your checklist? Dodgers.
boldly went there. A program with great culture. A
“I absolutely believe that we program that puts guys out in the The pro football situation
can own this market,” Demoff (NFL) consistently.” Los Angeles wants champion-
said. Can’t blame local quarterbacks, ships, star power and tradition.
Demoff spoke with conviction. such as Ohio State’s C.J. Stroud The Rams have the star play-
After all, the Rams are participat- and Ole Miss’ Matt Corral, for ers with Matthew Stafford, Coo-
ing and hosting Los Angeles’ first leaving the state to face the best per Kupp, Odell Beckham Jr.,
Super Bowl in 29 years. competition in the country. Aaron Donald, Von Miller and
It was the perfect outcome that For decades, some of the best Jalen Ramsey.
Demoff and the Rams wouldn’t college football and NFL players They have Los Angeles’ atten-
have imagined if it was presented have come from the Los Angeles tion. This is their second Super
to them in a Hollywood script five area and its more than 600 high Bowl appearance in four seasons.
years ago before informing the schools, and the surplus of tal- They’ll need to win Super Bowls
NFL that SoFi Stadium wouldn’t ented young quarterbacks from though to keep this market’s at-
be ready in time. this area is another perfect exam- tention. Maybe then they’ll regain
Tampa Bay jumped the line ple. They might not play at USC the rich tradition they had before
and was awarded Super Bowl LV Rams fan Robert Sattler rejoices at the beginning of the NFC and UCLA, but they were raised leaving for the Midwest.
— and the headaches that go with Championship Game at SoFI Stadium against the San Francisco 49ers and groomed in Southern Cali- Football fans from the Los An-
it — long before masks and vac- at Legends Sports Bar in the Belmont Shore area of Long Beach. fornia. geles area split in different direc-
cines were requirements to enter tions when the NFL left the sec-
NFL games. sionate about football as their re- Palmdale, to Van Nuys, to Ox- The college landscape ond-biggest market in the nation
Waiting an extra year turned spective fan bases. nard. The Greater Los Angeles The abundance of talent from for two decades.
out to be the best outcome for the It’s hard to disagree and buy region, the second-largest metro- the Los Angeles area shows that “It’s not about flipping fans,”
Rams and the Los Angeles Super what Demoff was selling because politan area in the country, will this market does care about foot- Demoff said. “Someone who grew
Bowl Committee. SoFi Stadium it wasn’t that long ago that San be showcased late this afternoon ball. But to make the point clearer, up in Pittsburgh and moved to
will have 70,000-plus fans in at- Francisco 49ers fans invaded the for Super Bowl LVI. USC and UCLA will need to start L.A. as a Steelers fan. That’s great
tendance today for the big game Rams’ house twice in a month. winning again and have sold-out if it happens, but that may not
between the home team and the The snickers returned on social The high school scene crowds at their respective presti- be realistic. It’s about their kids,
Cincinnati Bengals. media after the Rams had an un- The list of current college gious home venues, the L.A. Me- who are 8, 9, 10 years old grow-
“When you get a chance to play impressive turnout at Oaks Chris- quarterbacks Danny Hernandez morial Coliseum and Rose Bowl. ing up wearing Cooper Kupp jer-
in a Super Bowl, that always helps tian High School in Westlake Vil- has helped groom is long and im- “Nothing tops the Rose Bowl seys, wearing Aaron Donald jer-
pin hearts and minds,” Demoff lage for their fan rally compared pressive. with 100,000 people for games seys and becoming lifelong Rams
said. “When you get a chance to to the Bengals’ large showing at The local quarterback guru against USC or Oklahoma,” said fans.”
host a Super Bowl, that obviously Paul Brown Stadium. coached Alabama’s Bryce Young, Chargers running back Joshua The Chargers are behind in
helps elevate your brand, the SoFi The Los Angeles area has its Clemson’s DJ Uiagalelei, Colora- Kelley, who played at UCLA. “It’s the winning category and, out-
Stadium brand, the NFL in Los flaws when it comes to support- do’s J.T. Shrout, Texas’ Maalik still the best venue I’ve played at side of the franchise’s inaugu-
Angeles as a whole. When you ing the local teams, but the peo- Murphy, Michigan State’s Katin and that includes the NFL.” ral season in 1960 before moving
combine those two, it’s an unbe- ple here care and it takes a lot for Houser and Michigan’s Jayden Kelley’s Chargers teammate, south, don’t have the history the
lievably powerful mix to develop them to be impressed. The Los Denegal. All of them grew up in Uchenna Nwosu, disagreed with Rams had with Los Angeles be-
that next generation of fandom.” Angeles market is complex yet the Los Angeles area. his pick for best venue in the na- fore relocating to St. Louis. And
That’s why Demoff planted his rich with football fandom and “It’s a wide range and I don’t tion. Nwosu prefers the Coliseum it doesn’t help that the Chargers
flag on the Rams’ growing pres- tradition. mean to name drop or anything,” as a USC alum. for decades have been the rivals
ence and briefly warned the Dodg- Rams Hall of Fame offensive said Hernandez, a private quar- “I definitely agree people are of the Raiders, probably L.A.’s fa-
ers and Lakers that the Rams are lineman Jackie Slater doesn’t terbacks coach and founder of Los sleeping on the L.A. culture of vorite NFL team.
coming for the top spot in the Los want Demoff to tone down the Angeles Dimes. football and how big it is out Raiders fans from Los Ange-
Angeles market. confidence because he remem- Hernandez could have rattled here and how many people really les have made their presence felt
Demoff, however, understands bers when the Rams were the off more names, especially if he watch USC football,” said Nwosu, at the Black Hole in Oakland and
how complex this market is com- kings of Los Angeles before the wasn’t just restricted to quarter- an edge rusher for the Chargers. Las Vegas — another unique way
pared to the rest of the country. 1980s, when Magic Johnson and backs from Southern California. Former NFL defensive line- this market supports football.
His priority since the team left St. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar won cham- Word is starting to spread about man Frostee Rucker won na- But the Chargers showed prog-
Louis in 2016 has been to make pionships for the Lakers and Fer- Hernandez and that has led to tional championships at USC in ress in the L.A. market during
Southern California fall in love nandomania took over Dodger young quarterbacks from across the early 2000s with teammates their first season at SoFi Stadium
with the Rams again. Stadium. the country traveling to Los An- Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush. with fans.
Demoff quickly pumped the “I was sitting on the bench geles to work with the San Gabriel Those USC squads rode the same “I feel the support and I can
brakes on the confidence, despite down there in Anaheim and I Valley native. wave of popularity here as the see it,” Chargers general man-
having the stars aligned during looked over and Magic Johnson Hernandez didn’t want to brag Lakers with Shaq and Kobe. ager Tom Telesco said. “I see it
this run to the Super Bowl. was giving me the thumbs-up,” about his quarterbacks list, but he “The energy and how electric on game day, which going into
“That’s probably the wrong Slater recalled. should. There aren’t many Mex- we were on the football field,” this year was completely new. We
thing to say,” Demoff said seconds Magic in his prime making an ican-American football coaches Rucker said about why his col- didn’t know what we were going
after his proclamation. “I abso- appearance at Anaheim Stadium doing what he’s doing. He’s pav- lege team was able to gain L.A.’s to see in our first year in a new
lutely believe that we can be at the signifies how beloved the Rams ing the way for the many Latinos attention. “Nearly every player stadium, in what, basically, is a
level of the Dodgers and Lakers were in this market before they playing youth and high school I played with got drafted in the new market for us. I think that
have been and continue to be. But fled for St. Louis and played there football across the greater Los NFL. We put on a show. We were there’s a lot there to be proud of
those teams have been decades of from 1995 to 2015. Angeles area. Football in L.A. is showtime. We were the ones win- with this football team and how
success and championships and The Rams have made prog- diverse and filled with talent. ning championships and everyone they play.”
building a deep multicultural fan ress by making yearly playoff ap- But Hernandez might be so showed up. The reason they re- Demoff might have gotten car-
base, stars, legends, hall of fam- pearances with coach Sean Mc- good at his job that his pupils are modeled the (Coliseum) was be- ried away when he said the Rams
ers and building on consistency.” Vay, but they have work to do to becoming exports. Decorated cause of the attendance we had are capable of owning the Los An-
reach the level of the Lakers and college coaches like Alabama’s and they kept getting bigger. geles market. Perhaps that can one
Work to do Dodgers. The Chargers, who ar- Nick Saban and Clemson’s Dabo “The stadium is now built for day happen, but the truth is the
The Rams are steps and years rived in 2017 after 56 seasons in Swinney are recruiting L.A.’s best the growth Lincoln Riley can NFL in Los Angeles works.
away from reaching the popular- San Diego, have more work to do, quarterbacks and causing them to bring to the table.” And Los Angeles’ football cul-
ity of the Lakers and Dodgers, and but they have a main attraction in leave the state for college football. Riley, USC’s new coach, has ture and passion will be on dis-
the national perception of football star quarterback Justin Herbert. “These (Southern California) plenty of pressure to turn the Tro- play for Super Bowl LVI.
in Los Angeles agrees. Outsiders The NFL in Los Angeles needs kids are constantly chasing the jans into a national powerhouse “It’s sort of surreal that we’re
believe the 18 million people scat- work, but this area is passionate best,” said Hernandez, who is again. There’s pressure because here,” NFL Commissioner Roger
tered across Los Angeles, Orange, about football, from Inglewood to also a coach for QB Collective. L.A. football fans do care. They Goodell said. “I think this is go-
Riverside, San Bernardino and Carson, to Long Beach, to Santa “They’re chasing the best trainer. just have different ways of show- ing to be a regular Super Bowl
Ventura counties aren’t as pas- Ana, to Whitter, to Pasadena, to They’re chasing the best school, ing it. stop.”
Looking back
The Rams are 4.5 point favorites against the AFC’s Bengals. Both teams bring in
high powered passing games. The biggest difference may be the two teams’ ability
to protect their quarterbacks. The Bengals offense gave up a league-leading 55
sacks in 2021, the Rams gave up 31. Both teams were able to pressure opposing
quarterbacks. The Rams had 50 sacks and the Bengals had 42 in the regular season.
Joe Burrow: Burrow won a National Championship at LSU and was the first overall
pick of the 2020 draft by Cincinnati. Burrow led the NFL in completion percentage
(70.3) and his 108.3 quarterback rating was 2nd in the league. Burrow sat out the
last regular-season game after getting banged up in a playoff-clinching victory
against the Chiefs in week 17.
Burrow’s leading receiver is Ja’Marr Chase, who had 1,455 receiving yards (4th in
the NFL) and the offense also features running back Joe Mixon who ran for 1,205
yards (3rd in the NFL). In good company
Matt Stafford: The Rams traded their 2016 first overall pick, Jared Goff, to Detroit Bengals’ Joe
for Stafford in the offseason. Stafford went to Georgia and was drafted by Detroit Burrow is the
first overall in 2009. Stafford played 12 seasons in Detroit where they made the seventh QB to get
playoffs three times and went 0-3. Stafford’s 2021 quarterback rating was 102.9 a team to the
On a mission Super Bowl in his
Defensive tackle and he was third in the NFL in passing yards (4886) and second in TDs (41).
second year.
Aaron Donald, in his Stafford’s leading receiver is Cooper Kupp, who led the NFL with 145 catches, 1,947 Others:
eighth season with yards and 16 TDs this season. Dan Marino
the Rams, had 12.5 Kurt Warner
sacks in 2021 and 2021 regular season statistics
Tom Brady
has 98 in his career. Games Comp. Att. Pct. Yards TDs Int. Sacked Age Ben Roethlisberger
Joe Burrow 16 366 520 70.4% 4,611 34 14 51 25 Colin Kaepernick
Russell Wilson
Matt Stafford 17 404 601 67.2% 4,886 41 17 30 33
To Los Angeles
To Anaheim To St. Louis To Los Angeles
First season: 1937
Cleveland Rams
Sources: Pro Football Reference, NFL, Sportrac.com, National Football League Players Association Illustrations by KURT SNIBBE, SCNG using the Associated Press photos
“Missing that Super Bowl, that’s one of the hardest things I’ve been through ... The conflict it
creates in you, when you’re both cheering and pulling for your guys, but you know that every time
they do succeed it just hurts you that much more because you want to be a part of it as well.”
— Cooper Kupp, when reflecting on his missed chance to play in the Rams’ last Super Bowl appearance
By Kevin Modesti
game for the Cardinals in 1991,
[email protected]
and grandfather, Jake, a Pro Bowl
guard who played for the Saints
The best way for a great foot- and three other teams in the
ball player to enhance his reputa- 1960s and ‘70s.
tion is to rise to the occasion in Kupp watches game film with
the Super Bowl. Matthew Stafford so he can see
Three years ago, Cooper Kupp it through his quarterback’s eyes.
picked the worst way. He en- He watches offensive linemen for
hanced his reputation by miss- tips on blocking, which is part of
ing the Super Bowl. his game. He turned his knee in-
He didn’t really pick that jury to his advantage by taking
path, of course. Kupp missed his recovery time to improve pass-
the Rams’ last nine games of the running techniques.
2018 regular season and post- “I think the thing that probably
season after tearing his left got him there is all the work that
ACL. When the Rams lost that he puts into it, and I’m glad it’s
Super Bowl to the Patriots 13- paying off for him,” Stafford said.
3, it wasn’t the first sign but it Kupp says his dedication comes
was the most painful reminder from what he calls a “supernatu-
of what the wide receiver meant ral calling” to football.
to their offense. “I think that really comes down
Three years later, as Kupp gets to my faith,” Kupp said. “I believe
his first chance to play in a Su- God made me with a purpose. He
per Bowl today at SoFi Stadium gave me the passions and the tal-
against the Cincinnati Bengals, ents to pursue a specific thing. I
he’s still thinking about the one RONALD MARTINEZ — GETTY IMAGES feel like I found that at a young
he had to watch from the Rams’ age. I just felt like when I was play-
Cooper Kupp celebrates after catching a touchdown pass against the 49ers in the NFC Championship Game.
sideline in Atlanta. ing football, he was well pleased
“Missing that Super Bowl, that’s with what I was doing.
one of the hardest things I’ve achieving personal glory. “It was really about, each day,
been through,” Kupp said a few As hard as it was to miss Su- waking up and saying I want to be
days ago. “The conflict it creates per Bowl LIII, he says the experi- the best that I can possibly be for
in you, when you’re both cheering ence taught him an enduring les- no other reason than that God has
and pulling for your guys, but you son. It’s a version of: Since the des- put me here and I want to honor
know that every time they do suc- tination is uncertain, you’d better that and respect that to the best
ceed it just hurts you that much enjoy the journey. of my abilities. So I get to come in
more because you want to be a “Not being able to play in that to work with the greatest purpose,
part of it as well.” first Super Bowl back in 2019 of- the greatest drive and the greatest
In 2018, Kupp was in his second fered a pretty cool perspective for goals in mind.”
season with the Rams after being me (on) the importance of enjoy- As for why Kupp made the leap
drafted in the third round out of ing the process of what this NFL to his first Pro Bowl and All-Pro
Eastern Washington, and the son season is,” Kupp said. selections this season, part of the
and grandson of NFL players was “I’ve really been able to take the credit goes to the addition of Staf-
just starting to prove himself in approach this year that every sin- ford in the offseason.
the pros. gle day I get to come in here (to Part goes to Kupp staying
He’s on a different level now. the Rams’ training facility), being healthy enough to play every game
At 28, he’s going into the final able to play alongside the guys I for first time in his five NFL sea-
game of a breakout year, one of get to play with, the coaches that sons. The 6-foot-2, 208-pound re-
the best ever by a receiver. Setting come in here, (that’s) the impor- ceiver showed up at training camp
records was practically a weekly KEITH BIRMINGHAM — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER tant thing.” looking more muscular than be-
occurrence in the second half of Cooper Kupp celebrates with his wife Anna after the Rams defeated Kupp said he didn’t take lightly fore. (Such was the effect that re-
the regular season. the 49ers, 20-17, to win the NFC championship and advance to the the chance to play for a champion- porters watching from the side-
Kupp rocketed to the top of Super Bowl. Kupp had 11 catches for 142 yards and two touchdowns in ship, especially after missing the lines thought he looked taller, too.)
the Rams’ all-time receiving lists the victory that sent the Rams to the Super Bowl. chance before. Now there’s one more game.
in the NFL’s first 17-game season: “(But) the important things Kupp, born in 1993 — the last
His 145 receptions are an indis- Louis Rams in 1999, Hirsch was ing Triple Crown winner to earn from that year to me was the year the Super Bowl was played
putable Rams record, surpassing a star of the Los Angeles Rams’ a Super Bowl ring in the same sea- people I got to spend that time in the Los Angeles area, the Cow-
Isaac Bruce and Tory Holt. His only NFL championship-winning son, and join Hirsch in 1951, the around, and the enjoyment of the boys beating the Bills 52-17 at the
1,947 yards are a Rams record, team in 1951, and Benton was a Packers’ Don Hutson in 1944 and process, and coming in and spend- Rose Bowl — grew up with the Su-
although not as good on a per- star of the franchise’s first NFL the Colts’ Raymond Berry in 1959 ing 12, 13, 14 hours or whatever it per Bowl “basically another holi-
game basis as Elroy Hirsch’s 1,495 championship as the Cleveland as the only Triple Crown winners is preparing alongside these guys day” in his family.
in 12 games in 1951 and Jim Ben- Rams in 1945. to capture a pre-Super Bowl-era to play a football game,” he said. He dreamed, vaguely, of playing
ton’s 1,067 in nine games in 1945. Kupp also became the first NFL championship in the same “That’s the stuff that I really en- in the Super Bowl someday.
His 16 touchdowns are second to player since the Panthers’ Steve season. joyed.” “None of those dreams were
Hirsch’s 17 in ‘51. Smith in 2005, and the 12th in Part of what makes Kupp Coaches and teammates marvel filled with any anxiety. Those
Perhaps not coincidentally, NFL and AFL history, to lead a unique is that he consistently, at Kupp’s enthusiasm for learning dreams were always filled with
Bruce and Holt were stars of the league’s receivers in catches, yards seemingly genuinely puts a lower about the game that was handed the joy of the moment,” Kupp
Rams’ only Super Bowl-winning and touchdowns. priority than most people do down to him by his father, Craig, said. “I’m going to enjoy every
team, when they were the St. He can become the first receiv- on enhancing his reputation or a quarterback who got into one second of playing in this game.”
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Odell Beckham Jr. pulls in a touchdown catch behind the From left: Rams defensive end Aaron Donald, defensive Matthew Stafford heads onto the field before the Rams’
Cardinals’ Marco Wilson during their NFC wild-card game. tackle A’Shawn Robinson and linebacker Troy Reeder. season opener against the Bears at SoFi Stadium.
Acting on
our beliefs
a brighter
future for all
By Gilbert Manzano
problems for the Rams if they
[email protected]
decide to have cornerback Jalen
Ramsey shadow Chase. Higgins,
Joe Burrow likely doesn’t want at 6-foot-4 and 215 pounds, is a
to hear the underdog story, but physical, big-body receiver who’s
the Bengals weren’t supposed to reliable when the game is tight.
be here, at least not this fast.
The Bengals built around the Top newcomer: Ja’Marr
former Heisman Trophy-winning Chase, wide receiver
quarterback after he proved he
was worthy of the No. 1 overall Burrow pushed for his former
pick in the 2020 draft. Burrow de- LSU teammate while most draft
livered thrilling performances be- experts shouted at the Bengals to
fore he suffered a season-ending draft an offensive tackle in the
knee injury to cut his rookie sea- first round to protect the fran-
son short. chise quarterback.
The Bengals made the right The Bengals likely wouldn’t be
signings and draft picks in the in the Super Bowl if they hadn’t
past two seasons, but the rebuild selected Chase with the fifth over-
project quickly advanced because all pick. Chase’s explosiveness
of Burrow’s leadership and con- took the Bengals to a different
fidence. level. He came up clutch in many
He made the Bengals believe memorable games this season.
they could defeat the mighty
Kansas City Chiefs twice in five Offensive player of
games, including in the AFC the year: Joe Burrow,
championship game. quarterback
Burrow said the Bengals are no
longer underdogs and that’s a big This ride to Super Bowl LVI in
reason why they’re in Los Angeles Los Angeles happened because of
for a Super Bowl matchup against Burrow. He made his teammates
the Rams. PAUL SANCYA — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS believe they belonged against the
Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins (85) escapes a tackle attempt by Chiefs linebacker Willie Gay Jr., left, best teams in the NFL and had
How they got here many sensational performances
after catching a pass during the AFC Championship Game in Kansas City.
The Bengals won their first down the stretch. He’s the front-
AFC North title since 2015 be- runner for Comeback Player of
cause of back-to-back drafts that the Year after the devastating
changed the franchise’s fortunes. knee injury halted his rookie sea-
It started with making Burrow son after 10 games.
the No. 1 overall pick and adding
weapons for him, like wide re- Defensive player of the
ceivers Tee Higgins, the team’s year: Trey Hendrickson,
second-round pick last year, and defensive end
Ja’Marr Chase, the team’s No. 5
overall pick in April. Many wondered if Hendrick-
The Bengals also drafted key son had a fluke breakout season
players in linebacker Logan Wil- with the New Orleans Saints in
son, a 2020 third-round pick, and 2020.
kicker Evan McPherson, a 2021 The Bengals took a chance by
fifth-round pick. signing Hendrickson to a four-
But the Bengals didn’t turn year, $60 million contract and
into a winning team by solely fo- never looked back. Hendrickson
cusing on the draft. They finally recorded 14 sacks this season and
spent money in free agency by Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow signals during the Bengals defensive end Sam Hubbard (94) probably made the Saints regret
adding defensive end Trey Hen- AFC title game against the Chiefs. He passed for 250 celebrates after tackling Chiefs quarterback their decision to let him walk in
drickson and cornerbacks Eli Ap- yards and two TDs in Cincinnati’s 27-24 OT victory. Patrick Mahomes (15) in the AFC title game. free agency.
ple and Mike Hilton.
ceiver Tyler Boyd during the fu- his torn ACL and MCL and un- ond-most popular player on the Shrewd coaching move
Turning point rious rally. leashed him for the rest of the Bengals behind Burrow because The Bengals had a thrilling
The Burrow versus Justin Her- ESPN analyst and former NFL season. he was raised in Cincinnati and overtime loss to the 49ers in
bert showdown never material- quarterback Dan Orlovsky took The Bengals also fell short the played at Ohio State. Week 14, but that was the game
ized after the Chargers jumped heat for saying Burrow had a following week against the San He’s been one of the Bengals’ when Taylor ended his conserva-
out to a 24-0 lead and cruised to better performance than Her- Francisco 49ers, but they deliv- best defensive players by provid- tive play-calling and allowed the
a dominant win in Cincinnati in bert, who recorded 317 yards ered a better performance that ing consistent pressure at the offense to reach new heights with
Week 13. But that early double- with three touchdowns and one led to a three-game winning line of scrimmage and contrib- Burrow and his many weapons.
digit deficit might have been the interception. Burrow finished streak to capture the AFC North uted 7.5 sacks and 62 combined Cincinnati was faced with a
best thing that could have hap- with 300 yards, one touchdown title. tackles this season. fourth-and-5 from the 49ers’ 17-
pened to the Bengals. and two interceptions. During the Bengals’ current yard line with less than 10 min-
Bengals coach Zac Taylor al- It’s hard to agree with Orlo- six-game winning streak, Bur- X-factor player: Tee utes left in regulation and a 20-6
lowed Burrow to push the ball vsky because Herbert had the row has thrown 13 touchdowns Higgins, wide receiver deficit. Burrow responded with a
downfield and opened the play- better numbers and his team and just two interceptions. touchdown pass to Chase to start
book to trim the deficit to 24-22 won, but Burrow made some Higgins has made the most of the rally.
midway through the third quar- unreal throws in the losing per- Unsung hero: Sam his opportunities with opposing That ignited the Bengals’ three-
ter before the Chargers pulled formance. That was probably Hubbard, defensive end defenses focusing on containing game winning streak against the
away. Burrow made sensational the game where Taylor realized Chase. Denver Broncos, Baltimore Ra-
throws to Higgins and wide re- Burrow had fully recovered from Hubbard might be the sec- Higgins could present matchup vens and Kansas City Chiefs.
A viewer’s guide
Halftime show
Rappers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg perform onstage during the 2012 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in Indio. They’ll team up again, and add Eminem, Mary J. Blige and Kendrick
Lamar, for the halftime show of Super Bowl LVI between the Rams and 49ers at SoFi Stadium.
things about
Dr. Dre’s hip-hop
show spectacle
By Peter Larsen
don’t need to consult Google maps dark, so let’s go with “Rap God,” a
[email protected]
to get around; this is their turf. nice slice of cheerful braggadocio.
In this group, Dre is the leader Kendrick Lamar: He does
The halftime show at Super because his legendary career — “Humble” in the halftime show
Bowl LVI today promises the he- first as a member of the ground- trailer, but our pick is “All The
roes of hip-hop, legends such as breaking rap group NWA, later as Stars,” his Oscar-nominated song
Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Mary J. Blige, a solo artist, producer and Beats from “Black Panther.”
Eminem, and Kendrick Lamar. by Dre mogul — includes mentor- And the bonus you’re getting for
So what should viewers expect? ing Snoop and Lamar early in their the finale: “California Love,” by the KEVIN WINTER — GETTY IMAGES
For starters, with all that star careers. late Tupac Shakur, featuring Dr. Eminem and Dr. Dre perform at the 53rd Annual Grammy
power, the year promises per- Dre featured Snoop promi- Dre, and name-checking cities all Awards at Staples Center in 2011.
haps a few more pyrotechnics nently on his 1992 solo debut, “The across the state including Ingle-
than the halftime show at Su- Chronic,” which helped jumpstart wood, which SoFi calls home.
per Bowl I at Los Angeles Memo- Snoop’s own career a year later
rial Coliseum in 1967, which in-
cluded two marching bands, jazz
trumpeter Al Hirt, and Anaheim
when he debuted with “Doggy-
Lamar was 8 years old when
4 . Mid-game gambling: Sure,
some people bet on the game,
but there are also wagers being
High School’s Ana-Hi-Steppers he saw Dr. Dre and Tupac Shakur made on the halftime show.
Drill Team (though we bet they filming a version of their “Califor- Prop bets, which are wagers
were all excellent, too). nia Love” music video. Years later, not connected to the actual game,
Today features five of the big- Dre invited Lamar to join him on cover topics such as which per-
gest artists in hip-hop, with three his never-released album “Detox,” former will be first on stage — Dr.
of them practically born and raised along with Snoop, shortly before Dre is the favorite, followed by
in the backyard of SoFi Stadium, Lamar released his first proper al- Mary J. Blige — and whether or not
where the Los Angeles Rams and bum in 2011. there will be more than 8.5 songs
Cincinnati Bengals will occupy the performed in the show.
field on either side of the halftime
This year’s halftime show is ex-
2 . Visiting powerhouses: Emi-
nem and Mary J. Blige hail
from Detroit and Yonkers, New
You can bet on whether Eminem
will be censored during his perfor-
mance and which song is likely to
pected to be a very big deal. How York, respectively. be played first. “California Love,”
big? The soft drink company that’s Dr. Dre and Eminem have our pick for the finale, is favored
sponsoring the show sparked a worked together often on each in the latter. ETHAN MILLER — GETTY IMAGES
huge buzz a few weeks ago with other’s albums and songs such as And, of course, you can lay a bet Mary J. Blige performs at The Joint inside the Las Vegas
the release of a splashy cinematic “Guilty Conscience,” “Forgot About on whether cannabis connoisseur Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in 2019.
trailer. Dre,” and “I Need A Doctor.” Snoop Dogg lights up during the
In it, Dre moved pieces on a Dre cowrote Blige’s song “Fam- show. Probably not, right? But the
three-dimensional chessboard, ily Affair,” and she’s done features fun money says yes.
summoning Kendrick, Mary, on his songs such as “The Mes-
Snoop and Em to Los Angeles to
do battle with any foolhardy mor-
5 . Super SoCal: Southern Cal-
ifornia has hosted seven Su-
tals thinking of switching over to
the Puppy Bowl at halftime.
So let’s dig into the serious and
3 . Sure-fire songs: This is
tricky partly because you’ve
got five artists and a finite
per Bowls before this one, and to
be frank, only one of them had
a halftime show to write home
the silly of the Super Bowl half- amount of time, limiting the about.
time show that we hope and ex- number of songs that will fit even Most of them happened in the
pect to see. after they’re chopped into med- pre-modern era of the halftime
Details remain mostly under leys as Super Bowl acts typically show when the NFL apparently
wraps, but this should help get do. But we’ll pick one for each asked whatever marching bands
your heads around the spectacle artist, and you can judge how we or middle-of-the-road jazz or pop
to come. do. acts cared to do it.
Dr. Dre: “Nuthin’ But A G But the modern era, in pop
Local legends: Dr. Dre and
Lamar were both
and raised in Compton, and
Thang” is a classic “Chronic”
track, and it featured Snoop, a bo-
nus when you have to squeeze five
stars, rock bands, country sing-
ers, and eventually hip-hop art-
ists took over the show, arrived
Snoop Dogg is a Long Beach na- performers in on Jan. 31, 1993, when Super Bowl
tive. That likely makes this the Snoop Dogg: “Drop It Like It’s XXVII invited Michael Jackson to
Super Bowl halftime show with Hot” is a fun, catchy song, and perform at the Rose Bowl.
the most local legends in its perfect for the guys and the girl Two years later, there were
lineup ever. to join in. no NFL teams in the Los Ange-
In that soft drink ad, Lamar Mary J. Blige: “Family Affair” on les area, which not only deprived
rides a tricked-out Stingray bicy- Sunday will mean Mary and the fans of home games for more than
cle to SoFi. Snoop swings by the guys all jamming on this one. two decades but also kept us from SANTIAGO BLUGUERMANN — GETTY IMAGES
beach in his lowrider with hydrau- Eminem: We were thinking getting good Super Bowl halftime Kendrick Lamar performs during Lollapalooza Buenos Aires
lic jacks to give Dre a lift. They “Lose Yourself,” but it’s a little shows until now too. 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Head coach)
Go to https://www.ocregister.com/tag/super-bowl-lvi/ to download a pdf. of this page
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Sunday, February 13, 2022
By Brad & Paul Anderson
Next Week:
A prickly
Issue 07, 2022 Founded by Betty Debnam
in Your
the artists’ congressman proposed that
initials on the the 10-cent coin’s design
obverse. Use be changed to honor the 32nd president.
babies not
California Age: 54
Hometown: Torrance
Favorite surf spot: Too many to
Happy Valentine’s Day, mil-
lennials. name but I always seem to get my
Speaking of love, can you most fun waves at Bolsa Chica
please help the economy and State Beach in Huntington Beach.
start having Hobbies: Watching my son play
more babies?
Yes, we must ice hockey, snowboarding, hiking,
talk of the busi- camping and traveling to the Big
ness of romance. Island - I’m moving there some-
This lustful hol- day!
iday is a great
time for restau-
rant owners,
chocolatiers and
anybody selling
anything in any
shade of red. But with passion
in the air, I must note one
troubling trend: Young adults
aren’t making babies like they
used to.
This isn’t just a monetary
headache for purveyors of COURTESY OF VIPE DESAI
baby care and youth-oriented Vipe Desai, taking on a new role as executive director of the Surf Industry Members Association, says the future is bright for surfing and that
gear. Procreation, or the lack everyone involved should be proud of how it has emerged from a cottage industry to a growing worldwide phenomenon.
Inflation climbs to
highest in 40 years
From news service reports sures, a record 50% of companies said
they boosted compensation amid diffi-
Inflation soared over the past year at culty attracting qualified talent.
its highest rate in four decades, ham-
mering American consumers, wiping out
pay raises and reinforcing the Federal
Reserve’s decision to begin raising bor-
rowing rates across the economy.
The Labor Department said Thurs-
day that consumer prices jumped 7.5%
last month compared with a year ear-
lier, the steepest year-over-year increase
since February 1982. The acceleration of
prices ranged across the economy, from
food and furniture to apartment rents, PHOTO BY MICHAEL FERNANDEZ
airline fares and electricity. Vipe Desai, who has been in the surf industry for 40 years and is an environmentalist,
When measured from December to takes on a new role as director of SIMA, the Surf Industry Members Association.
January, inflation was 0.6%, the same SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
as the previous month and more than The IRS has launched a revamped child tax that foster collaboration
economists had expected. Prices rose credit website meant to steer people to ABOUT SIMA while still being indepen-
0.7% from October to November and free filing options for claiming the credit. dent to build their respec-
0.9% from September to October. FROM PAGE 1 The Surf Industry Mem- tive businesses.
Shortages of supplies and workers, bers Association brings I think what we have to
heavy doses of federal aid, ultra-low in- Filing tax returns necessary our industry, advocacy ef- together manufacturers, look at is the impact fac-
terest rates and robust consumer spend- to claim child tax credit forts to help our members board builders, media, ing our ocean — from cli-
ing combined to send inflation leaping thrive and philanthropy suppliers and others mate risk, sea level rise,
in the past year. And there are few signs The Biden administration wants fam- for the ocean through to tackle key issues plastic pollution, oil spills,
that it will slow significantly anytime ilies with children to know that there is the SIMA Environmental together such as sustain- sewage discharge — these
soon. roughly $193 billion waiting for them Fund and SIMA Humani- ability and environmental are the challenges our in-
Wages are rising at the fastest pace — all they need to do is file their taxes tarian Fund. policy to best business dustry faces. What I’m
in at least 20 years, which can pressure to claim it. With that said, sustain- practices and cost-saving seeing is sustainability has
companies to raise prices to cover higher That estimated total is what remains ability is at the top of the solutions. been a growing priority
labor costs. Ports and warehouses are of the expanded child tax credit, and the list of what we want to Location: Aliso Viejo within our industry, in ad-
overwhelmed, with hundreds of work- administration is concerned that some lead on, and a united in- dition to supporting envi-
ers at the ports of Los Angeles and Long of those most in need of the assistance dustry is vital to this ef- Year founded: 1989 ronmental groups.
Beach, the nation’s busiest, out sick last may be the least likely to get what is fort. It is a responsibility Members: About 100 Being a former surf
month. Many products and parts remain due to them. our members take very se- Focus on the ocean: In shop owner myself, I have
in short supply as a result. President Joe Biden increased the pay- riously, and I aim to help the past 30 years, SIMA’s a special place in my heart
ments and expanded who was eligible as deliver on it. Environmental Fund has for this sector — for many
Small businesses raising part of his coronavirus relief package. Long term, the future is raised more than $8 surf enthusiasts it’s the
prices as costs increase While most families already received looking good for our sport, million for environmental first stop on their journey,
half of the credit as monthly payments and we have to get ready groups seeking to protect and we have to make sure
A record share of U.S. small busi- last year, they’ll lose out on the remain- for an exciting decade the world’s oceans, that these fans continue to
nesses raised their prices in January to ing balance unless they file their taxes. ahead with the Olympics beaches and waves. visit specialty retailers.
combat high costs of materials and la- Vice President Kamala Harris, Trea- — Paris 2024, Los Angeles More info: sima.com
bor. sury Secretary Janet Yellen and White
A net 61% of owners reported increas- House senior adviser Gene Sperling
2028 and Brisbane 2032.
Q How might inland
wave pools change
ing average selling prices last month, staged a virtual event Tuesday to encour-
the most in monthly data back to 1986, age people to send their tax forms to the Q There was an unex-
pected surge in busi-
a resiliency that we should
be proud of. Our contribu-
the surf market?
the National Federation of Independent IRS, including those whose incomes are
Business said Tuesday. Inflation remains so low that they might not have tradi-
a top concern for small businesses, still tionally filed.
ness for surf products dur-
ing the pandemic. What
does this say about the
tion to the coastal econ-
omy needs to be cele-
brated, and we recognize
A I believe this is one of
the most exciting ar-
eas of growth I want to
cited by the greatest share of respon- Families should go to childtaxcredit. sport? that what was once a cot- tackle for the surf industry.
dents since 1981. gov to check their eligibility. The tax fil- tage industry has given From what I see, there
“More small-business owners started ing deadline is April 18.
the new year raising prices in an attempt The administration estimates that
to pass on higher inventory, supplies and roughly 58 million households would
A As unfortunate as the way to increased recre-
pandemic has been
for society, surfing expe-
ation and tourism.
I’ll also add that there’s
are a lot of sophisticated
teams working on surf
parks and through these
labor costs,” NFIB Chief Economist Bill qualify for the credit, which averages rienced a surge. This was been a growing movement parks, we have the oppor-
Dunkelberg said in a statement. “Own- $3,300 and could be used to offset an ex- due to many reasons, but with surf therapy, and I re- tunity to drive growth,
ers are also raising compensation at re- isting tax bill or be paid out as a refund. being outdoors, socially ally believe that being in create innovative new
cord high rates to attract qualified em- distanced, the Olympics, the ocean helped people to products and experiences
ployees to their open positions.” The Associated Press and Bloomberg incredible product from cope with the pandemic, and connect more people
In another sign of inflationary pres- contributed to this report. our member companies and we’ll continue to see to the ocean so they can
and great content from incredible strides in the help us protect it.
the team at the World Surf surf therapy sector. Surf parks are still in
League all played critical the early stages, but I am
roles in this surge.
What it says about the
sport is that our indus-
Q What challenges do
surf retailers, brands
face in coming years?
all in on surf parks and
what they can do for our
sport and the economic
try was ready to welcome impact they will have in
more than a million new
enthusiasts and has shown A One of my goals is to
put programs in place
every community that puts
one in.
deals pop
up to take
Conventional mortgage refi-
nancing volume has fallen off
a cliff as rates are more than a
full point higher than the all-
time Freddie Mac
low of 2.65% set in
January 2021.
loans are also
plenty slow, stem-
ming from a
dearth of homes
for sale.
But the mort-
gage machine
must be fed. And
thus, there are always exotic
mortgages for those tough-to- PHOTOS BY JOEL DANTO — DANTO PHOTOGRAPHY
qualify borrowers when demand This hilltop estate in Laguna Niguel’s guard-gated Bear Brand Ranch is on the market for $50 million.
“I think California
Bill YIMBY is a great example
of an organization that en-
FROM PAGE 4 deavors to find the three P
solutions: The production
always our wild card.” solutions, the tenant pro-
“This issue has been tection solutions and the
around for years and I un- affordable housing preser-
derstand the vote got very vation solutions,” he said.
close, with significant new “We’re not eager to pit
support for many corners,” those solutions against each
said Chiu, former chairper- other.”
son of the Assembly Hous- The California Apart-
ing and Community Devel- ment Association, however,
opment Community, who dubbed the bill the “Stay in
co-authored the bill last Business Forever Act,” argu-
year and is now San Fran- ing that it restricted land-
cisco city attorney. “And so lords’ freedoms.
I’m hopeful that there will Carlton said though a
be a real conversation about property owner still could
this in the coming months.” sell his building, without
the option of turning below-
Protecting small market apartments into
landlords — or big biz? more profitable condos or
market-rate units, the uni-
The bill took aim at the verse of buyers shrinks con-
Ellis Act, a 1985 state law siderably. The powerful Cal-
that allows owners of rent- ifornia Chamber of Com-
controlled properties to merce opposed the measure
evict their tenants if they for the same reason, as did
take all the units of a build- the California Building In-
ing off the rental market — dustry Association.
a path that could otherwise Carlton also argued the
be blocked by local govern- bill would block “tenancies
ments guarding the pre- in common,” in which sev-
cious stock of affordable eral families buy a duplex
units. or fourplex together — the
Once off the market, An aerial view of the 400-unit Catalina apartment building, center, and 416 Catalina St., center left, next door in the only way for some families
those apartments can be Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles. to enter homeownership as
sold as condos or demol- median home prices top
ished to make way for new In an opposition letter the California Association city, which means it can’t housing is taking place $700,000 in California.
homes. to lawmakers, the Califor- of Realtors, says is not in- be demolished. The owner across Los Angeles, accord- “I support homeown-
More than 27,000 rent- nia Association of Realtors significant. Besides, he ar- is hoping to mount it on a ing to Moira O’Neill, senior ership, but the question
controlled units have been asserted that the bill would gued, the impact of the pan- truck and move it elsewhere research fellow at the Cen- is: ‘How are you getting
removed in Los Angeles devastate “struggling small demic on small property — and renting isn’t in the ter for Law, Energy, and the there?’ ” said Joan Ling, an
since 2001 using the El- property owners who are owners should not be un- picture. Environment at UC Berke- urban planning professor
lis Act, and San Francisco seniors or individuals of derstated. Some landlords, The owner plans to erect ley, who recently co-au- at the UCLA Luskin School
has lost about 5,000 units color.” he said, have gone nearly a luxury tower in its place thored a report for the Cal- of Public Affairs. “Are you
since then. And they’re “I think it’s concern-mon- two years without rent pay- — following in the foot- ifornia Air Resources Board going to get there by dis-
sorely needed: The Califor- gering for a problem that ments, thanks to eviction steps of a 61-unit tower about social equity in hous- locating renter families
nia Housing Partnership we don’t know exists,” Fer- bans, while still having to next door, where a 576-foot ing development patterns. that most likely are going
estimates 1.2 million low- rer said, citing the lack of upkeep their properties. studio apartment rents for O’Neill and her col- to have to move out of the
income renter households demographic data on prop- “Among small rental $2,654 monthly and where, leagues found that the de- area where they are living?
don’t have access to an af- erty owners. Wagle cited property owners, there’s according to the building’s molition of at least 2,400 There’s a big public policy
fordable home, and build- anecdotal evidence from this sense of, ‘Wait a min- website, “living your best housing units in L.A. from question here.”
ing a new government-sub- their members. ute. We’re enduring all life has never been easier.” 2014 to 2017 gave way to Abdeshahian, from the
sidized unit costs an aver- Ferrer’s analysis found these problems right now “You tear down an old at least 12,000 new units. Tenderloin Housing Clinic,
age of $500,000. that owners who had a and again, more burdens building, you want to build But the demolition of 1,600 said that during the two
Lee’s bill mandated a property registered under are being placed,’ ” he said. something that’s going to units that were rent-stabi- weeks leading up to the
five-year holding period their own name evicted ten- Tenant attorney Sean maximize your income,” lized gave way to only about vote, the legislators who
before evicting tenants — ants, on average, eight years Chandra, of Public Coun- said John Greenwood, the 1,300 affordable units on originally had demon-
an attempt to allow strug- after purchase — but lim- sel in Los Angeles, said developer’s attorney. “So it’s those same sites. strated their support for
gling property owners to ited liability companies, re- the threat of an Ellis Act hard to incentivize building Though every neighbor- the bill began parroting the
go out of business, as had sponsible for more than half eviction remains a crucial low-income property. And hood type saw a loss of rent- talking points they read in
been the law’s original in- of those evictions, did so tool for landlords, even these Ellis Act evictions stabilized units, most were opposition letters by the Re-
tent, while preventing spec- in an average of just three if the court process isn’t do displace poorer people, lost in more affluent areas altors and the Apartment
ulators from buying up years. But in California, it’s completed. Instead of go- that’s understood. But, you of L.A. like Westwood and Association, which spent
cheap properties and flip- not uncommon for individ- ing through the Ellis Act, know, that’s also the defini- Brentwood. Only 241 af- $1.6 million and $1.3 mil-
ping them overnight. The ual property owners to put which mandates reloca- tion of progress — making fordable units replaced the lion, respectively, in total
bill also restricted the use even a single rental into an tion costs between $8,650 things better.” 1,092 rent-stabilized units lobbying efforts in 2021.
of such evictions to one LLC. and $22,350 depending on According to Greenwood, lost in those same neigh- “ T hat’s what killed
building per owner per de- That means a bid to win a renter’s age, income and the tenant will be able to borhoods. About half of the this bill,” she said. “It be-
cade. more votes — an amend- tenure in the building, some rent an affordable unit in rent-stabilized units demol- came just like an annoying
That would significantly ment that carved out an owners pay tenants to leave the new building, provided ished in moderate income screaming match where
curb Ellis Act evictions, as exemption for “natural by their own choice in “cash she qualifies. Ellis Act re- areas, like parts of Kore- the Apartment Association
three-quarters of evictions persons” who own no more for keys” arrangements. strictions in L.A. stipulate atown, were replaced with will be saying one thing,
in Los Angeles from 2016 than four residential units Chandra’s client, who that if a developer builds affordable housing. we’d be saying another, and
to 2019 occurred within — is “not logical,” accord- declined to be interviewed, market-rate units, a por- “It makes sense that peo- why would they listen to us
five years of purchase, ac- ing to Debra Carlton, ex- is facing an Ellis Act evic- tion of them must be afford- ple are trying to prevent when we don’t give them
cording to a recent analy- ecutive vice president and tion at 416 S. Catalina St. able, or all the units must that,” O’Neill said. any money for their reelec-
sis by Alexander Ferrer, pol- chief lobbyist for the Cali- in Koreatown. The elderly be rent-controlled after the tion, but the Apartment As-
icy and research analyst at fornia Apartment Associa- woman and her adult son initial rent is set. But in Policy and politics at sociation is the reason that
SAJE in Los Angeles. tion. are paying $975 a month contrast to rent-controlled the Capitol they’re in office?”
But because of a glar- Ferrer found 45% of El- for their two-bedroom in units, affordable housing “I just don’t buy that,”
ing lack of transparency lis Act evictions during the six-unit building, where usually comes with income California YIMBY, which Carlton responded, describ-
around who owns buildings that time period in Los An- they moved in 1996. The and immigration status re- often supports housing pro- ing a clear division between
in California, the effect on geles were filed by owners stucco-clad, L-shaped two- strictions, and sometimes, a duction efforts, backed the the organization’s lobby-
mom and pop landlords — a who held five properties or story, originally commis- long waitlist. bill because production ing and campaign efforts.
group the Legislature holds less — L.A.’s definition of a sioned by an L.A. Times ad- Demolishing rent-sta- alone isn’t enough, said “This has just been a con-
dearly — is difficult to de- mom and pop landlord — vertising executive in 1940, bilized housing to make legislative director Louis sistent policy that legisla-
termine. a percentage Wagle, from was deemed historic by the way for exponentially more Mirante. tors haven’t agreed with.”
your mortgage payment the previous week.
is due. You can use cash-
out (from a cash-out re-
Bottom line: Assuming
a borrower gets the aver-
FROM PAGE 4 finance) to frontload the age 30-year fixed rate on FROM PAGE 4
required mortgage pay- a conforming $647,200
body cares. ments. loan, last year’s payment combined — Maine, Okla-
Here are the basics: Here’s an example: In- was a staggering $340 homa, Kansas, New Mex-
Maximum loan amount vestment property has less than last week’s pay- ico, Iowa, New Hampshire,
is $5 million for any one- a $2 million sales price. ment of $2,975. Montana, Arkansas, Mis-
to four-unit investment The borrower must put What I see: Locally, sissippi, Rhode Island, Ne-
property, even mixed use. 30% down or $600,000, well-qualified borrow- braska, District of Colum-
Owner-occupied is not al- leaving a loan balance of ers can get the follow- bia, Delaware, West Vir-
lowed! $1.4 million. The monthly ing fixed-rate mortgages ginia, Vermont, Alaska,
You must put at least principal and interest pay- without points: a 30-year South Dakota, Wyoming
30% down on a purchase ment at 4.5% on a 30-year FHA at 3.375%, a 15-year and North Dakota.
or must have 30% remain- fixed is $7,094. Multiply conventional at 3.125%, Those 19 states’ collec-
ing equity after the com- $7,094 times 48 months When conventional lending slows in the mortgage world, a 30-year conventional tive $3.06 trillion value
pletion of the rate and (for those payment re- exotic deals make their way to the market. at 3.75%, a 15-year con- is up 74% in a decade vs.
term refinance or cash-out serves) for an additional ventional high balance L.A-OC’s 133% gain, No. 26
refinance. $340,512. Effectively, the month bank statement dence only. This 30-year ($647,201 to $970,800) among the 50 metros.
borrower is coming up loan, perhaps especially fixed rate is somewhere at 3.125%, a 30-year high
Some stipulations with 47% of the sales price good for self-employed over 5% with perhaps 1 to balance conventional at Bottom line
for borrowers to make this happen. But borrowers (self-employed 2 origination points. 4.125% and a jumbo 30- Southern California is
you don’t have a house two years or more) strug- Do the current flavors year purchase, fixed at lucky to have a housing
The interest rate is payment for four years ei- gling through COVID-19 of exotic mortgages re- 3.25%. “bargain” in the Inland
4.5% amortized on a 30- ther. business stop-start-stop quire enough skin in the Note: The 30-year FHA Empire.
year fixed rate. Not bad. Unlike standard con- stuff over the past couple game to avoid a repeat of conforming loan is lim- You may think the two-
The borrower will have ventional financing, there of years. the Great Recession ex- ited to loans of $562,350 county region is pricey,
a balloon payment due is no requirement to prove The lender averages otic mortgage meltdown? in the Inland Empire and for its location. But please
in five years and a first- where the down payment your business bank state- I sure hope so. $647,200 in Los Angeles note the three metros just
year prepayment penalty funds or cash reserves ment deposits over the Freddie Mac rate news: and Orange counties. ahead of the IE in the
of 2% of the loan balance came from. Can you say most recent three months, The 30-year fixed-rate av- Eye-catcher loan of the value rankings are all pop-
should you decide to pay straw buyer? excluding an expense fac- eraged 3.69%, 14 (ferocious) week: a 30-year adjustable ular destinations for Cal-
the loan off in less than Upfront, the borrower tor. The remaining av- basis points higher than jumbo mortgage, locked ifornia relocations: Salt
one year. will pay 3 points or less to erage of the deposits is the previous week. The 15- for the first 10-years at Lake City at $553,658;
You do have to front- acquire this financing in- counted as the income. year fixed-rate averaged 2.875%, with 1 point. Austin, Texas, at $545,850;
load four years or 48 strument. Each point is For example, you can go 2.93%, up 16 basis points and Portland, Oregon, at
months of principal and 1% of the loan amount or 75% loan-to-value with from the previous week. Jeff Lazerson is a $540,550.
mortgage payments into $14,000 in the above ex- a 700 middle FICO score The Mortgage Bankers mortgage broker. He So Riverside and San
a bank account accessi- ample. up to a $3 million loan Association reported an can be reached at 949- Bernardino counties pro-
ble for the mortgage ser- Another hot exotic amount. This is for owner- 8.1% decrease in mortgage 334-2424 or jlazerson@ vide the region a real es-
vicer each month when mortgage is a new, three- occupied, primary resi- application volume from mortgagegrader.com. tate relief valve, a place
where folks can remain
Southern Californians
a smaller triangle in that matches the family room a dozen men and a crane created this incredible vi- without dealing with L.A.-
Ranch triangle. And then I inter-
connected it with one rep-
ceiling, and a 27,000-piece
glass mosaic by Christo-
to bring it into the home.
But the table like the home
sion, and we just don’t live
the lifestyle that someone
OC’s $868,350 home val-
ues, third-costliest among
FROM PAGE 4 resenting our two daugh- pher Guy assembled over has become too big for the in this compound should all U.S. metros, or San Di-
ters and our two dogs.” the staircase. empty nesters. be living. This should be a ego’s $834,199 — No. 4.
who designed a series of There’s a male and fe- Rocco Borghese chande- “I know we’ll be so sad party palace.”
interconnected triangles male lion hand-carved liers grace the grand entry to go but there’s two of us Josh Altman, Matt Alt- Jonathan Lansner is the
in the ceiling of the library into the 10-by-5-foot door and dining room. and our two golden doo- man and Andy Stavros of business columnist for the
to represent her immediate to the primary bedroom, The dining room table, dles, and we just don’t uti- Douglas Elliman and John Southern California News
family. “My husband is the a Kyle Bunting custom- fashioned from blue agate lize so much of our home,” Stanaland of Villa Real Es- Group. He can be reached
main triangle, and then I’m designed hide rug that and stainless steel, took Lindy Dinkin said. “We tate are the listing agents. at [email protected].
Real estate news >> Lake Forest office campus sold to Prologis for $96 million
Prologis Inc. has ac-
quired Pacific Vista, a
322,262-square-foot Class
A office campus on 24
acres in Lake Forest, for
$96 million, according to
Cushman & Wakefield.
The campus at 25500-
25550 Commercentre
office buildings leased Three new retail properties at Monterey Crossing shopping
to seven long-term ten- center in Palm Desert have been sold for a combined $15.7
ants, Cushman & Wake- million in three separate transactions. The three sales
field said. included a new single-tenant pad leased to Chick-fil-A.
The seller was not iden-
tified by the brokerage. gins resigned but indicated estate development includ-
Reps said Prologis plans he would remain with Five ing ground-
to continue operating the Point to fulfill regulatory up proj-
property as an office proj- filings, which are due this ects, in both
ect. spring. The company ap- market-rate
Cushman & Wakefield’s pointed Leo Kij, its corpo- and afford-
Jason Ward represented rate controller, to CFO on able hous-
the buyer and Cushman an interim basis. ing catego-
& Wakefield’s John Harty CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD
Five Point on Thursday ries. Pre-
with assistance from Jef- declined to comment on viously, he
frey Cole, Nico Napolitano Pacific Vista, a five-building Class A office campus on 24 acres in Lake Forest, has been the leadership changes be- worked at Hillel
and Ed Hernandez also sold to Prologis Inc. for $96 million. yond its prepared state- Greystar, a
represented the seller. ment. real estate developer and
tions, according to Hanley manager, with more than
Newport Beach Investment Group Real Es- Brea engineering firm $50 billion in assets under
investor sells complex tate Advisors. acquired by LB firm management.
Hanley represented
An unidentified New- Fountainhead in all three Power Engineering Ser- Coming up
port Beach investor has deals. vices Inc., an electrical en- Stephanie Young Group
sold a 39,796-square-foot The transactions in- gineering company based is partnering with the
medical office complex in cluded two new pads in Brea, has been acquired American Red Cross to
Hemet for $5.56 million, leased to Chick-fil-A and by P2S Inc. of Long Beach. host a blood drive from
according to Progressive Quick Quack Car Wash The terms of the deal 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Real Estate Partners. along with a two-tenant were not disclosed by ei- March 18 at Highland
The buyer of Courtyard pad leased by AT&T and ther company. Park in Irvine.
Medical & Professional Spectrum. P2S is also a provider of A photo ID is required
Center at 910-960 N. State Other national brand engineering and construc- to donate. Appointments
St. was identified only as tenants at the shopping PROGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE PARTNERS tion management services can be scheduled online at
an overseas investor rep- center include Costco, A 39,796-square-foot medical office complex in Hemet for institutional, industrial RedCrossBlood.org with
resented by CBD Invest- Home Depot, Kohl’s, has sold for $5.56 million. and commercial clients. the sponsor code SYG or
ments. Sam’s Club, Walmart, 99 In a statement, the com- over the phone at 800-733-
Built in 1981, the fully Cents Only, Ashley Home- ficer four months after said Stuart Miller, who is panies said PES would 2767.
leased complex generated Store, JOANN Fabrics and its founder the executive chairman of continue to provide its cli- To check eligibility to
13 qualified offers, accord- Crafts, PetSmart and Re- Emile Had- Lennar, Five Point’s larg- ents with the same ser- donate blood, call the Red
ing to Greg Bedell at Pro- gal Cinemas. dad was de- est stakeholder. vices, along with the sup- Cross Donor Support Cen-
gressive. “In 2022, we anticipate moted to The announcement port of P2S and its engi- ter at 866-236-3276.
Bedell said the deal fur- more developers and shop- an advisory capped a series of leader- neering services. Address: 12205 Dream-
ther solidified “the contin- ping center owners seek- role. ship changes at the Irvine- “Joining P2S allows us catcher
ued rebound in demand ing to implement a break- Dan- based developer. to expand and acceler-
we are experiencing for up sale strategy to capital- iel Hedi- Last August, Five Point ate design, service and Real estate transactions,
multitenant commercial ize on the high demand for gan, who announced that Haddad deployment of projects leases and new projects,
assets in SoCal’s Inland single-tenant and multi- spent 10 Hedigan would be shifting to senior to our customers with industry hires, new
Empire.” tenant retail pad product years on Ir- adviser. much-increased bench ventures and upcoming
at premium pricing,” said vine Co.’s executive team, The company also pro- strength and exceptional events are compiled
NB firm sells 3 Palm Bill Asher, an executive assumed the role immedi- moted its chief operating resources,” said PES Presi- from news releases by
Desert retail pads vice president at Hanley. ately, according to a Five officer, Lynn Jochim, to dent Barbara Effenberger. contributing writer Karen
Point statement released president. “Joining P2S is the ulti- Levin. Submit items and
Fountainhead Develop- Five Point taps former Wednesday. The announcement mate partnership.” high-resolution photos via
ment of Newport Beach Irvine Co. exec as CEO “He will bring an ex- Wednesday said that Jo- email to Business Editor
has sold three new re- cellent balance of man- chim would step down On the move Samantha Gowen at
tail properties at Mon- In case you missed this agement skills and expe- from her dual roles but re- Oren Hillel is the new [email protected]. Please
terey Crossing shopping news on Friday’s front rience, with a focus on main an adviser for three director of development at allow at least a week for
center in Palm Desert for page, Irvine-based Five right-sizing our cost struc- years. Waterford Property Co. in publication. All items
a combined $15.7 million Point Holdings has named tures to fit the size and In late January, Chief Fi- Newport Beach. Hillel will are subject to editing for
in three separate transac- a new chief executive of- scale of our business,” nancial Officer Erik Hig- oversee the company’s real clarity and length.
Like many businesses and organizations, we are being affected by the
ongoing challenges caused by the pandemic. Most recently, this involves
a surge in COVID cases and shortage of labor at our distribution centers
resulting in some delivery issues. This has also impacted our call center
operations resulting in longer than expected hold times.
We’d like to remind you of the ease and convenience of our online
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In thousands
Buena Park 90620 $790,000 17.0% 31 6.9%
Buena Park 90621 $770,000 21.3% 15 -60.5% 600
In thousands
Garden Grove 92843 $732,000 22.0% 19 -29.6% 2.0
Garden Grove 92844 $839,500 37.1% 10 -37.5%
Garden Grove 92845 $867,500 14.1% 20 17.6% 1.5
Huntington Beach 92646 $964,500 28.6% 65 25.0% 1.0
Huntington Beach 92647 $1,010,000 16.1% 47 0.0%
Huntington Beach 92648 $1,067,500 6.7% 44 -21.4% 0.5
Huntington Beach 92649 $1,150,000 7.7% 46 9.5% 0
Irvine 92602 $1,955,000 31.6% 48 29.7%
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Irvine 92603 $1,955,000 54.3% 22 -24.1%
Irvine 92604 $925,000 27.6% 25 -13.8% aa
Irvine 92606 $914,000 11.5% 16 -23.8%
Irvine 92612 $910,000 25.5% 28 16.7%
Irvine 92614 $922,000 21.6% 31 -13.9%
Irvine 92618 $1,270,000 42.5% 100 -39.4% 1,270 3.69% 2.7%
Irvine 92620 $1,500,000 64.3% 48 -37.7% AS OF FEB. 3 AVERAGE FOR WEEK ENDING FEB. 10 DECEMBER DECEMBER
Ladera Ranch 92694 $1,108,500 33.3% 66 -28.3% Market time: 0.75 Change from month Last year-over-year
(months to sell all was 2.93%, up before: up 4.3% rent drop in Los
La Habra 90631 $664,500 6.3% 48 -17.2% OC listings at the from last week. The median house Angeles and Orange
La Palma 90623 $900,000 10.1% 11 37.5% current buying pace) 30-year rates averaged
payment is $662 counties:
The $1 million-plus 7.8% since 1971.
Laguna Beach 92651 $3,443,000 52.2% 40 -27.3% higher per month than September 2010.
market equals 56.3% 2021’s average
a year before.
Laguna Hills 92653 $929,000 -9.8% 33 -29.8% of listings. was 2.96%.
Laguna Niguel 92677 $1,156,500 43.9% 97 -11.8% Sources: CoreLogic, Steve Thomas, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Freddie Mac SCNG
Laguna Woods 92637 $362,000 3.4% 44 2.3%
Lake Forest 92630 $945,000 20.1% 75 -37.5%
Los Alamitos 90720 $1,302,000 8.3% 22 -26.7% The Original repipe SpecialiSTS
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Newport Coast 92657 $5,312,500 179.1% 16 -36.0% the price of what a regular plumber
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Orange 92866 $1,075,000 31.1% 12 50.0% COPPER FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE PEX
Orange 92867 $930,000 11.7% 31 -26.2%
Orange 92868 $860,750 42.9% 30 114.3% Professional repiping at an affordable price,
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Santa Ana 92704 $450,000 -25.2% 30 7.1% FREE IN-HOME estimate
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Santa Ana 92706 $880,000 8.0% 17 -41.4%
Santa Ana 92707 $614,000 13.7% 31 14.8%
Tustin 92780 $820,000 14.7% 25 -53.7%
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