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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of ACLC College of Meycauayan

MC Mall Building Banga, Meycauayan City, Bulacan

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for SHS K to12 Program

Accounting Business & Management Strand

Practical Research 2


Juan Dela Cruz

January 2023



Job satisfaction is defined as the length to which an employee is self-

motivated, productive, and satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction happens

when an employee feels that having a permanent job, career growth, and a

comfortable work life balance. This simply means that the employee is having

satisfaction at their job because the company or work load meets the

expectations of each individual. More so, satisfaction in the workplace includes;

psychological, physiological, and environmental circumstances that cause a

person to surely say that they are satisfied with their company. Employees

mainly expect from their employers the exact information and updates regarding

their salary, promotion, benefits, and working conditions. While leadership and

communication come after- influence of leaders in their team have a great impact

on an individual staying for a certain job. Guidance in employees' tasks made

their motivation and satisfaction increases.

The level of satisfaction someone gets from work depends entirely on

their goals, perspective, needs, and values. Some may find job satisfaction in

doing a simple job and receiving regular salaries to use for their own needs,

while others find this type of job boring and find that you are not satisfied and
want career growth and professional challenges. There are employees that

appreciate a low income when their mental health is well while others could

handle stress and having a high rate from their employers. To be precise, all

employees are different but everyone wants a competitive salary and health

environment. Work satisfaction isn’t just about the role you work in. Different

companies and organizations have different approaches and can make a

difference in whether employees are satisfied or not. To make it even more

complicated, we all find job satisfaction in various aspects of employment.

Companies have different strategies on conducting their customer and

employee’s needs. Manufacturing companies are one of the struggling industries

when it comes to employee’s engagement. In these studies, the key to facilitating

motivation lies with management's good understanding of their employee’s

satisfaction at work. Multiplast Corporation in Valenzuela City that produces

plastic cups, styro cups, cake tray, egg tray, and microwaveable, this company

needs improvement in engagement, promotion, and salary increase according to

its employees. Aims of employees under this company are accurate salary in a

position proper and regulatory rate. Further, factors contributing to job

satisfaction were investigated to determine how Multiplast Corporation might

improve job satisfaction among their employees in manufacturing.

Background of the Study

In a company, job satisfaction plays a vital role in the life of employees

because it affects positively on the personal and social adjustment of the

individual. On the contrary, job dissatisfaction adversely affects the physical and

mental health of the employee in the workplace. Moreover, the employee that is

satisfied with their salary is paid according to the working experiences and

promotion is depending on the length of service of the employee. Promotion is

also based on the employee's job performance. However, an employee who is

dissatisfied, can lead to leaving the company.

Lack of other options for employees lead them to unemployment. This

occurs when they choose to resign from a company. This can affect the

companies’ rates and other programs since DOLE will adjust their implemented

codes. Business world already released their results for the year 2021, month of

November. Mr. Ruben Carlo O. Asuncion (Union Bank of the Philippines Chief

Economist) added that November underemployment layout needs the current

and the next government leaders and even the companies to respond better to

controlling the negative results of the pandemic and crises together with the

potentially being stuck with a high unemployment rate in the terms, and the lack

of quality employment to be useful for everyone. Unemployment rate risen while

the job quality decreases. This is the reason why employers should invest in
engaging with their employees and produce ideas and alternative procedures in

sustaining the company’s growth. (Business World, 2022)

Employees that are satisfied with their job have a positive attitude and

mind to be at work on time, more concern about the given task, work free of

errors and omissions, loyalty and commitment to the job, suggest new ideas,

tend to improve knowledge, willing to accept more responsibility, obedience of

rules and regulations, less absenteeism and effort to retain in the present job. A

positive attitude will increase the quality and quantity of an employee's

performance. Hence, such a situation is good for an organization. But some

companies are not concerned about employee satisfaction, for example

promotion, a pay increase, or a chance for another position in another

department. Conversely, an individual with a low level of satisfaction may be very

productive if he or she perceives that such a performance will be rewarded.

Therefore, if organizations can be more concerned about the job satisfaction of

employees, better performances can be expected.

Companies spent time on exit interviews and other surveys on what are

the reasons their employees are resigning. Finding out why individuals leave is

typically the motivation, with the theory being that if a company can determine

the real causes of attrition, it can lessen employee turnover rates. This strategy

can hold resigning employees. Enhancing such practices of employers can lower

the rate of their resignation tendencies. (Flowers and Hughes, 2013)

Employees are the most valuable assets of any organization. And the main

purpose of human resource management (HRM) is to manage the development

and performance of people employed in the company. Some of the significant

tasks of HRM comprise of attracting and retaining employees with the right skills

and abilities, match people to the right positions within an organization and to

align employee’s goals and objectives with that of the organizations. All these

key tasks are directly or indirectly affected by the compensation and benefits plan

which the human resource management decides. Compensation and benefits

redefine value and success in any workplace. An effective compensation strategy

motivates current employees and is used as a tool to attract new ones.

The researcher is from the Undergraduate of Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration major in Human Resource Management. It is an asset

for an employee in the Human Resource Department to know the current

situation of his/her under employees and their satisfactory suggestions. The

study will cover the S.Y. 2021-2022 in which the respondents will come from

employees of Multiplast Corporation. The study will determine the impacts of

employees related sectors in relation to Job satisfaction rate in Multiplast

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the Job Satisfaction Among Employees in

Multiplast Corporation.


● To determine whether there is a statistically significant relationship

between job satisfaction and work in present job, remuneration,

leadership, promotion and the working condition among employees.

● To study the relationship between job satisfaction and biographical

variables which focus on age, gender, educational level, marital status, job

position and tenure years of employees.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the factors affecting job satisfaction among

employees working in Multiplast Corporation. A number of aspects are effects on

employee job satisfaction such as overload of work, separation, wide hours

worked, innocuous work atmosphere, tough affairs between co-workers and role

uncertainty, annoyance and shortage of chances or inspiration to develop one's

skill level.

Specifically, the research study aims to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the employees in terms of?

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Educational Level

d. Job Position

2. What are the considerations that employees wanted from their company to

be productive and satisfied in their workplace? Strategies that composes

the following:

a. Salary Increase

b. Promotions

c. Leadership

3. What is the level of impact to an employee when these considerations are

successfully sustained by the employer?

4. Is there a significant relationship on the effectiveness of job satisfaction

strategies used by the employers in saving the rate of employment in Multiplast


5. Is there a significant relationship on the level of employees' competencies

when they are engaged well by the company?

6. Based on the results of the study, what strategic programs could be

implemented in response to the study's findings?

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Accurate numbers of
employees to participate from
lower to higher positions. Effective analysis
Proposed study Company’s approval in in finding the
in checking the conducting surveys.
employees satisfaction rate
Identifying the types and
opinions and of employees and
benefits that employees
experiences resolutions
wanted to receive.
throughout the Give start up resolutions factors to
management in possible risk. maintain job

Figure1. The Conceptual Framework Model of the study

The diagram above shows the input, process, and output that this

study opts to follow. The input involves Proposed study in checking the

employees opinions and experiences throughout the management such as

Accurate numbers of employees to participate from lower to higher positions,

Company’s approval in conducting surveys, Identifying the types, benefits that

employees wanted to receive, and give start up resolutions in possible risk. The

perceived output of this study is the effectiveness of analysis in finding the

satisfaction rate of employees and resolutions factors to maintain job satisfaction.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on determining the strategies of Multiplast

Corporation in meeting the expectations of its employees. The researcher will

investigate/determine the effects of strategic approach to the respective

employees inside the company. The study’s credibility, accuracy, and legitimacy

will be determined by its position. The researchers believe that the respondents

play a pivotal role in the success of it. This will be conducted at Multiplast

Corporation, #25 Sitio Malinis St. Brgy. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City. It

delimits that the study may not be generalizable to other populations outside

Multiplast Corporation.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to explore job satisfaction among

employees to discover their needs and enhance the management system.

This will benefit the following:

Professors/Instructors. The result of this study would help the

Professors and Instructors with basic information in exploring and

identifying the challenges of their students in conducting business-based

research. As early as possible is important to prevent further difficulties

and challenges in the succeeding school years of the students. It

would also guide them in selecting plausible ways to address the problem.

This is to give them a clearer vision of their function in the school which is

to assist students into their best professional selves.

Future Researchers. This study will be a useful reference for

researchers who would plan to make any related studies precisely the

standard underlying the Undergraduate program major in Human

Resources Management.

Human Resource Professionals. This study can help

professionals who are already in their working place. This can help them

plan any meetings and alternative approaches when it comes to job

satisfactory implementation.

Business and Companies. The results of this study can give a

tremendous idea to owners, especially the Multiplast Corporation in

addressing their employees concerns in salaries, schedules, leadership,

and benefits. These are connected to both customers and employee’s

Definition of Terms

These are the common words used in connection to the study that may

lead to knowledge and confusions;

Pivotal – crucial importance in relation to the development or success of

something else.

Remuneration- is defined as the financial and non-financial extrinsic rewards

provided by an employer for the time, skills and effort made available by the

employee for fulfilling job requirements aimed at achieving organisational


Disgruntled- is an employee who is unhappy or dissatisfied with their job and is

prone to 'grumbling' about it.

Tenure- refers to the number of years an employee has spent working in the


Attrition- is the departure of employees from the organization for any reason

(voluntary or involuntary), including resignation, termination, death or retirement.



This chapter presents the conceptual and research literatures which the

researcher reviewed in order to know the fundamentals of the study. More so, it

indicates the relevance of the study on the factors affecting the job satisfaction

among employees conducted in Multiplast Corporation.

The Importance of Proper compensation

According to Contributor (2020) in a survey conducted for job satisfaction

under Human resource management, staff or employees rated compensation as

one of the most important aspects of job satisfaction. A well- paid employee feels

recognized and valued by its organization. Employees want to feel that their

employer isn’t just paying them to get the job done, he’s also respected for his

skills matter expertise. Experiences like this made employees more likely to be

satisfied with their job and not feel the need to find other company with the same

position that offers better pay. On the other hand, employees who doesn’t feel

like his company is paying them high enough are much more likely to look for

other opportunities outside the organization with a good paying salary position. A

worker's performance can be affected by salary especially in his potential and

growth inside the organization. An employee with a high salary feels motivated to

wake up and to please his employer for a higher position offer. That person will

always have courage to put extra hours in his work for a better outcome more

than a thousand full-time workers, more than 150 employers, and other
management on how they believed wages and salaries were set. He specifically

asked how significant they thought of pay and performance elements are, among

others. The findings were clear: Individual performance earned the most support

of any criteria. Two-thirds of respondents on a survey of full-time employees

indicated it was a crucial factor in determining their compensation. Another 20%

of people agreed that it was somewhat significant. 85 percent of respondents

overall agreed that their individual performance played a significant role in

determining the amount on their paycheck. These results show the eagerness of

people in getting the higher compensation that causes them to strive more in

their work and performances. In motivation, Benefits and better pay are the key

(Miller, 2022) compensation is vital for motivating workers, it will not operate at its

full capacity in isolation. For compensation to reach its full potential, businesses

require a solid plan and better approach. In addition, compensation packages

have a tremendous impact on an employees’ level of engagement. High

compensation provides employees with a sense of satisfaction from their job and

pushes them to sustain their performances. Specifically, when the compensation

or salary increases were determined by their performances. On the other hand,

studies have also shown that low compensation lowers the employee’s

motivation and productivity.

According to Hashanin (2022) the best example for this conflict is in

health workers. This type of situation may also work in other industries. Making

the employee’s salary and compensation might be difficult due to high demands

and inflation including taxes that were tremendously affected by the COVID 19
pandemic. However, there are a lot of ways to secure this compensation matters.

Specifically, Basic salary, Overtime allowance or compensation for overtime

work, Hazard allowance or harmful work conditions allowance. Other allowances

like school or benefits for relatives, Performance pay, and Per diems or salary


Promotions and Trainings

Based on the study of Mayhew (2022) in improving job satisfaction, an

organization should know how to give better criteria and offers for promotions.

Promotions aren't about just giving in because someone is working longer in a

company. It has many aspects to consider like interviews, performances, salary

raise, and surveys. Promotion programs to improve job satisfaction can be critical

unless there is a deal that promotions will actually resolve some issues pertaining

to job satisfactory. The causes of job dissatisfaction vary; some workers are just

bored in their current jobs or feel their potential is underutilized by the

organization; other workers are disgruntled because of the overall working

environment or strained relationships with their managers. Promotion may be a

viable option for enhancing job satisfaction, depending on the situation. It really

depends on someone’s personality however strict compliance in promotions may

lead to a better performance and pleasing personality of the employees. Hence,

getting a job promotion had an immediate effect on job satisfaction. However,

this positive effect will change shortly after the promotion due to work load or if

the salary isn’t suitable to work demands (Siegmar, et Al. 2021) For example,

SME or supports need training and need to be compensated. Their satisfactory

from being promoted as supports feels good since it is a result of hard work.

SME or supports' position are highly focused on determination and performance

during their lower position years. That's why it can give them such satisfactory

however trainings are mandatory for them. Organizations and companies must

know how to handle these circumstances, especially trainings should be effective

and paid. (Rahaman, 2022)

According to Heatfield (2020) Training and opportunities in promotions

are the major connection of employees in engagement with performance, and

satisfaction inside the company. It helps them to communicate and perform well.

In her study, he also claims that there is more in Job satisfaction. Employee

satisfaction is often achieved in conducting anonymous employee satisfaction

surveys that are confidential and analyzed periodically to all members of the

organization in checking their employee satisfaction. In an employee satisfaction

survey, employee satisfaction is focused at in these categories; management

effectiveness with trainings and necessary meetings, company’s commitment in

understanding of the mission and vision of the organization and where each

employee fits inside of this framework, strong responsible leaders by the

management and the real life expectations of the organization, teamwork on

teams and with co-workers, Communication transparency and effectiveness, Co-

worker interaction and relationships which also includes in meetings and

trainings, their ability to solve customer problems and provide outstanding

service both employees and customers, Leadership given and the potential to
lead for everyone inside the organization, The great sense of opportunity inside

the company for the employees to grow professionally and personally.

Effective Leadership

In manufacturing, leadership is only for good communicators and

competitive people. Critical thinking and analysis are the must have.

Manufacturing leaders are highly appreciated when the factory is working well

and there is no delay. It simply means that they've motivated their employees to

work efficiently; however they may cause some disturbances if their leadership

has been done rudely. (Coolidge, 2022) Leadership is stressful due to

organizational and employees’ demands in a working place. Leaders are

obligated to ensure that there is no negligence inside his/her team. More so, they

are the star of motivation since they can give ideas from their experiences and

morals, which they’ve learned inside the organization. Improved leaders with

strong leadership qualities can reduce or mitigate perceptions of organizational

politics, which improves job satisfaction. Therefore, organizational politics and

leadership style are significant aspects that may have an impact on an

employee’s job happiness. (Kuzey and Torlac, 2020)

The Importance of Job Satisfaction

In Ajinomoto Philippine Corporation, they stated that one of their moves in

improving job satisfaction was Employee motivation is increased by effective

reward and compensation systems, management practices, and workplace

culture. The three guiding principles for a supervisor empowering those around
them are appreciation, approbation, and attentiveness. A supervisor who

demonstrates only these three traits will stand out as a master of interpersonal

communication and inspire confidence in others around them. A worker who is

dissatisfied with his or her job will not only be looking for a new job, he or she will

also be uninterested in performing to the best of their abilities, and he or she will

transfer this negativity into his or her fellow employees, leaving one who will be

left with a bad impression of the company. (Saludo, Et. Al 2015) More so, If the

person's skills become commonplace and don't reflect his or her obligations or

runs out of things to accomplish, the job becomes difficult and boring. Breaking

up circles is the first step to overcoming challenges. Try some reading, listening

to music, or other engaging and amusing activities waking up the day by taking a

walk. The second is cross-training, which entails routine activity, like operating an

assembly line or entering data. Offering to help or discussing with the supervisor

the possibility of preparing for a new task is effective. In the Philippines,

Leadership has toxic discussions upon employees inside and outside the

educational system. Which means that Filipino’s somehow have that

contradicting personality or Crab mentality. However, as there are a lot of real-life

situations, some leaders inside a corporation are too high of themselves, kind, or

those who don't even know what they’re doing. Leadership’s effectiveness can

be seen in the performance of the employees under. (Arcilla, 2020)

As Cited by P. Robbins (2005) Job satisfaction is attitude of an employee

towards work according to the rewards they receive from work and rewards they
believe they should get from the work. Positive attitude towards work shows job

satisfaction and negative attitude towards work shows job dissatisfaction

(Armstrong, 2016). Aziri B (2014) states that efficiency and effectiveness of an

employee depends on job satisfaction and there is a relation between happiness

and success of an employee. Professional success of a worker is related to his

or her job satisfaction. Job Satisfaction improves efficiency, productivity and self-

satisfaction of a worker.

According to the study conducted by Zohreh et al., (2014) concluded that

two group of factors affecting job satisfaction. Motivation factors improve

efficiency and performance of an employee and protective factors improve co-

ordination and reduce job dissatisfaction of workers. According to the Gaqo &

Piro (2015) studies, type of work, attitude of supervisor, people, remuneration

and promotion are the factors which affect the job satisfaction of employees. “job

satisfaction is determined by four main groups of factors like economic aspects,

interpersonal relations, working conditions and personal fulfilment, including pay,

working hours, working conditions, Human Resource department, job design,

stress and various demographic factors” (Shaju & Subhashini, 2017). Job

satisfaction can be affected by quality of life and environmental factors outside

the work like family, leisure time and social life. If demands of employees are not

met by work, then it will affect performance and satisfaction of the worker.

According to George (2014) reveals the importance of increasing job

satisfaction and trimming down Job-Related Stress in organizations. It can be

concluded that even in the same sector there can be a variation in job stress and
job satisfaction of employees. Compared to public sector banks, new generation

banks and private sector banks have variation in Job-Related Stress and job

satisfaction. Hence private sector banks and new generation banks have to take

measures to increase job satisfaction and decrease job-related stress among

their employees which can solve various employee-related problems in the

banking sector and lead to better performance of employees and reduced

burnout of the employees in these banking sectors. Sharma and Malu (2015)

analysed and compared Job Satisfaction in terms of certain parameters between

public and private sector commercial banks situated in the city of Bangalore,

Karnataka State. Overall Job Satisfaction of employees was independent of type

of bank which and overall job satisfaction of employees was dependent on type

of the bank was also rejected. This illustrates that there was no significant

association between overall job satisfaction score of employees and type of

bank. It was further analysed job satisfaction of employees on various facets in

both the public and private sector Banks reveals that the employees of public

sector banks were more satisfied with pay, supervision, co-workers, nature of

work and communication, whereas, employees of private sector banks were

more satisfied with promotion, fringe benefits, contingent rewards and operating

conditions. This means that the relationship between Pay, Supervision,

Contingent Rewards and Operating Conditions and Type of Bank was significant.


The chapter highlights how the research problem was explored, with

specific reference made to how the participants were selected and the procedure

followed to gather the data. Furthermore, the ethical considerations and

confidentiality aspects are addressed; the measuring instruments to gather the

data and its ensuing psychometric properties are discussed. The chapter

concludes with the statistical techniques utilised for the data analysis.

Research Design

This study will be using a Quantitative approach which is a descriptive

research that seeks to describe the current status of job satisfaction among

employees in Multiplast Corporation. These research projects are designed to

provide systematic information about a phenomenon. Typically, the researcher

does not start with a hypothesis; however, after gathering data, a hypothesis is

likely to be developed. The analysis and synthesis of the data provide the test of

the hypothesis. Systematic collection of information requires careful selection of

the units studied and careful measurement of each variable. This study includes

30 random respondents from MULTIPLAST CORPORATION employees that

seek job satisfaction action and programs. The participant’s response was to

determine if job satisfaction affects their performance and motivation to stay in

the organization.
Research Locale

The researcher will conduct the study at Multiplast Corporation, located in

#25 Sitio Malinis St. Brgy. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City, the researcher will

gather 30 respondents, ages 21 years old and above either male or female at

any job position. It is more convenient because the researcher was employed at

the said company. The respondents will be interviewed in their workplace &

answer the questionnaire at their comfortable time that the respondent will

choose too.

Key Informant Selection

A Non-Probability Sampling Technique was established in this study in the

form of a convenience sampling method that was adopted and considered to be

appropriate to gather the data. The rationale for using this sampling method was

due to the respondents being easily accessible, their availability, as well as it

being less time consuming and inexpensive to gather the research information.

The researcher chose employees from MULTIPLAST CORPORATION of

Valenzuela City. The researcher will get information about the impact of Job

satisfaction factors on the satisfactory and performance. The respondents

included are exclusively Multiplast Corporation employees only.

Research Ethics

To ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents, the

researcher secured a consent form informing them about the mechanics of the

study and indicating the agreement that should clarify the obligations and

responsibilities of all involved in the process. Participants have the right to back

out at any moment if they want to. Respondents are highly respected by the

researchers. Furthermore, all the information entrusted to the researchers is

strictly observed and was only used for the studies purpose only.

The researcher doesn’t intend to falsify any given data or information

collected from the respondents. Also, the proper citations of authors, sources

and other references in the study conducted was prioritized and acknowledged

by the researchers. Citations were based on the American Psychological

Association (APA) format. The researchers do not plagiarize any content of the

research study.

Research Instruments

The questionnaire was utilized as an instrument in this study so as to

gather the data. The researcher’s questionnaire aims to find out the factors which

affect job satisfaction among employees. The questionnaire was adapted from

the OCDQ (Organization Climate Descriptive Questionnaire) which belongs to

Hoy and Forsyth (1986). In this type of instrument, respondents are able to

answer the questions based on how they feel and think about the topic.

Restrictions about the participants' answers are recognized by the researcher.

The questionnaire consists of two parts: the first part contains the

questions about the personal background: age, marital status, and length of

working time. The second part reflects on factors that affect the level of job

satisfaction among employees. These factors are work, compensation, career

advancement, recognition, fringe benefits, working conditions, supervisors and

co-workers, self-esteem, and company policy and administration.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the purposes of research, the researcher gives out questionnaires to

30 employees randomly selected in Multiplast Corporation who are the

respondents in this study. All selected participants came from different

departments in order to know each level of employee satisfaction. Moreover, the

selected respondents of the study were permanent employees, not temporary

employees. The permanent employees could answer questionnaires on every

topic such as fringe benefits, career advancement, and recognition. The

researcher explained well the topic for the clarification of what they really feel

about their job. The respondents will answer the questionnaire during their break

time and give back their responses within the day. Then the researcher will

collect all the survey forms for documentation and analysis of data. The

researchers also have the records of observation that have been carefully

interpreted and analyzed. Baker (2006) said that the value of observation is that

it permits researchers to study people in their native environment in order to

understand “things” from their perspective.



This chapter presents the result of the survey conducted in the study of

the factors affecting job satisfaction among employees in Multiplast Corporation.

The chapter also outlines the demographic information depicted in graphical

format. The descriptive and inferential statistics are presented thereafter.

Demographic Profile of the Respondent

The chapter commences with an analysis of the biographical data

gathered from the research. The data analyzed are presented in the form of bar

charts. This is followed by a description of the most salient sample characteristics

by means of frequencies and percentages. The demographic information given

by the respondents in the questionnaire includes the age, gender, educational

level, marital status, job position and tenure years of their job.

Table 4.1 Age of Employees

30 respondents
Less than 30
2 4 31-40

In Table 4.1 the large part of this data show that most of the respondents

are between 31-40 years of age which is identified more familiar of their assigned

task and able to work with minimal supervision.

Table 4.2 Gender of Employees

30 respondents


The majority of respondents, as indicated by the statistics in Table 4.2,

were male.

Table 4.3 Educational Level of Employees

30 respondents

In table 4.3 shown that mostly of the respondents were high school

graduate that commonly assigned in Production department.

Table 4.4 Marital Status of Employees

30 respondents SINGLE


In this table 4.4 the highest percentage were the married employees which

indicate that they really need the job to sustain the needs of their family in which

we can also determine in this study that respondents has a different perspective

in regards to job satisfaction.

Table 4.5 Job Position of Employees

30 respondents
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The table displays the various job titles that employees currently hold in

the company.

Table 4.6 Tenure Years of Employees

30 respondents

The majority of the employees are in their first to fifth years of

employment, as shown in the table.

Table 4.7 Level of Job Satisfaction Among Employees

In this section, it focuses on the level of job satisfaction of the employees

working at Multiplast Corporation. A questionnaire is a tool used in this study to

obtain the information from the 30 employees.

D O - Y
O E O -W N
C FR N & O

The table illustrates that most of the employees expressed satisfaction

with their work as well as their supervisor and co-workers. Employees in the

company reported the lowest levels of satisfaction with career advancement,

recognition, and company policy.

In this study, employees (both white-collar and blue-collar) were satisfied

most with supervisors and co-workers. It can be concluded that good relationship

at the workplace can heighten both levels of employees’ job satisfaction. Helpful

supervisors and co-workers would turn employees to satisfaction in working

aspiration. If the employees enjoy working, there will be a high production and

job satisfaction achieved.

However, the result showed that career advancement was the least score

of satisfaction. The outcome reflects that Multiplast Corporation employees need

more opportunities for their promotion. The result indicated that career
advancement is an influential factor to foster satisfaction toward one’s job. Needs

of career advancement is not only from the managers, but it is also for rank and

file employees. Hence, managers could help employees to meet their needs by

providing a chance to be considered to be promoted.

Employees also had a least of satisfaction in recognition which also a

factor of job satisfaction in order for an employee to be motivated. In the

workplace, employee recognition and appreciation plays a key role in creating a

positive organisational culture and strengthening employee-leader relationships.

Many studies have revealed that recognizing an employee’s efforts and

appreciating their abilities is one of the proven methods to motivate employees,

make them more productive and committed to their jobs.

Company policy and administration also lead to least satisfaction because

some policies are not agreeable by employees as well as union members in the

company. Accordingly, union officers schedule a meeting with managers to

resolve the issue with regards to their concern. Furthermore, Top management

should improve or adjust some other policy to avoid conflicts with employees

especially with union members in the future.



The main goal of this research was to determine each individual’s

perspective, to understand and assess their level of job satisfaction.

In this final chapter, it summarizes the findings of the research and

provides the results of data analysis and also presents a conclusion and

recommendation for further studies are also provided.

Demographic Data

The data gathered through actual survey, 30 respondents were randomly

selected to answer the questionnaire and they’re all selected from various

department which we could determine the factors affecting job satisfaction

among employees


The purpose of this study was to examine the level of job and

aimed to determine the factors that affecting job satisfaction among employees in

Multiplast Corporation. The instrument used for the data collection was a

questionnaire that was composed of two parts: personal background and job

satisfaction. This study was conducted last December 2022. The subjects of this

study were thirty employees working at Multiplast Corporation.

The researcher found out that the mostly of the respondents who are over

30 years of age were satisfied with their work while the younger employees are

more flexible but not satisfied with supervisors and co-workers as well as the

compensation. More so, employees who are much older were more adjusted to

work standard, values or demands of their jobs than younger employees. Age

therefore had a substantial impact on job satisfaction. The married employees

were satisfied with work and self-esteem. It shows that married employees

concerned about their status in work. It reflected that married employees felt they

have a significant autonomy at work. However, the married employees were less

satisfied with compensation. The findings indicate that married employees at the

organization were impacted by both physiological (compensation) and

psychological (self-esteem) factors. This was because married employees would

like to have authority at work and be compensated to sustain their family needs.

Therefore, marital status was highly correlated with job satisfaction. With regards

to the tenure years, most of the employees who had been with the company for a

longer years are most satisfied with their work, working conditions and fringe

benefit. The study found that staying with the same employer for a long time

increases job satisfaction. The results of the study on employee job satisfaction

can be beneficial for the growth of the company by assisting managers in

maintaining factors that give employees the most satisfaction and improving

practices that give them the least. The management team can utilize the findings

of the degree of job satisfaction to create their organizational strategy to meet

employees' demands and enhance the company policy. From the questionnaire,
the least satisfaction factor was career advancement. The result showed that

employees were looking for the opportunities from the company to be promoted.

Generally, the company must provide a promotion to lessen the turnover rate and

evaluate the job performance as well, so that potential employee will have a

chance. This will enhance employee retention: promotions not only inspire

employees to work hard and to achieve their career goals, but also, they

encourage employees to grow and develop with the company, thus increasing

employee retention and loyalty along with the alignment of the salary of

employees for each level.


I. Natures of Work

With regard to the employees in this study, there were no

restrictions on the kinds of jobs they performed for the company.

Additional research may focus specifically on the kind of jobs or

shifts that people work at various businesses. This could be useful

for future research that examines how satisfied employees are with

their jobs across different business sectors.

II. Salary Alignment

means an adjustment that addresses pay issues involving the

proximity of one employee’s salary to the salaries of others in the

same classification who have comparable levels of training,

education and experience, duties and responsibilities, performance,

knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies, and who are

appropriately placed.

III. Wages and Compensation in Relation to Employee


Productivity in relation to compensation starts with employees

feeling valued which increases motivation and loyalty. Not only are

employees more motivated to do a good job, but also, the longer

employees are with the company, the more they know and the

more efficient they become.


Inform Consent

Dear Respondents,


I am student of ACLC College of Meycauayan, pursuing a Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management. I

am conducting a research entitle “Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction Among

employees in Multiplast Corporation” as part of our undergraduate degree


In accordance with this, I will seek assistance with the completion of the

questionnaires necessary for the research.

Thank you so much for your support.

Juan Dela Cruz


This survey is designed to study about employees’ job satisfaction of

employees. Please understand that there is no right or wrong answer, researcher
is interested in the most thoughtful and valuable responses that truly reflect your
feelings. All the responses will be absolutely kept confidential.

PART 1: Personal Backgrounds

Directions: Please complete the following information about yourself by making a

checkmark () in box in front of the number. It is necessary to gather this data
for usefulness of research analysis.

1. Age
Less than 30 years 31-40 years
41-50 years B above 51 years
2. Gender
Male Female
3. Marital Status
Single Married
4. Educational Level
High School Graduate College Graduate
College Under Graduate

5. Tenure Years
1-5 Years 6-10 Years
11-15 Years 16 Years above
6. Job Position
Part 2: Job Satisfaction

Directions: Please indicate your opinion by checking () on the statement

level which you agree. This part is categorized by nine factors and four degrees
of satisfaction. Very Satisfied = 4

Moderate Satisfied = 3

Moderate Dissatisfied = 2

Very dissatisfied = 1



Very Very
Satisfie Moderate Moderate Dissatisfie
d Satisified Dissatisfied d
1. Work        
1. Are you satisfied with your job, and never
bored to work?        
2. Are you satisfied that you can learn
something new about your job        
3. Are you satisfied with the chance for career
growth from doing job?        
4. Are you satisfied that you have a chance for
initiating new idea?        
5. Are you satisfied with your independent
thinking and action on the job        
you do?        
2. Compensation        
6. Are you satisfied with your present salary?        
7. Are you satisfied that company pay is
reasonable while compared        
with other companies?        
8. Are you satisfied with the degree to which you are fairly paid for
you contribute to this organization?        
9. Are you satisfied with the method of payment of the company?        
10. Are you satisfied with the present rate of increase in pay that the        
company provides you?        
3. Career Advancement        
11. Are you satisfied that you have a chance to be considered for the        
raise or promotion resulting from your job?        
12. Are you satisfied with your promotion or raise you have received        
obviously come from your abilities and performances?        
13. Are you satisfied with a promotion policy provided by company?        
14. When you compared with other companies, are you satisfied that        
you have a better chance to get a promotion here?        
4. Recognition        
15. Are you satisfied of fame and honor in your work?        
16. Are you satisfied that you are considered to be recognized in the        
17. Are you satisfied that your supervisor gives positive comment to        
your work?        
18. Are you satisfied that your supervisor or manager always assign
important work to you?        
19. Are you satisfied that your colleagues like your work, and trust        
you to let you do important work?        
5. Fringe Benefit        
20. Are you satisfied with remuneration and overtime payment        
provided by company?        
21. Are you satisfied with medical-care provided by company?        
22. Are you satisfied with all allowance provided by your company?        
23. Are you satisfied with yearly bonus provided by company?        

6. Working Conditions        
24. Are you satisfied with your work place in terms of suitable        
25. Are you satisfied with lighting in your office and workplace?        
26. Are you satisfied with computer program that you use in        
27. Are you satisfied that your workplace is safe and healthy?        
7. Supervisors and coworkers        
28. Are you satisfied with simplicity and intimacy with subordination        
of your supervisor?        
29. Are you satisfied with kindness, morality, and impartiality of your        
supervisor or manager?        
30. Are you satisfied with helpfulness toward subordination        
personally and on job of your supervisor or manager?        
31. Are you satisfied with your co-workers in terms of good        
relationship and help?        
32. Are you satisfied with a chance that you can interact with others        
in terms of teamwork or co-workers?        
8. Self-esteem        
33. Are you satisfied with freedom, independence, or discretion in        
work scheduling, methods, quality control, or other decision making?        
34. Are you satisfied that you are allowed to participate in decisions        
that influence your job?        
35. Are you satisfied with authority that you have?        
36. Are you satisfied that you have adequate power for doing your        
assigned job?        
9. Company Policy and administration        
37. Are you satisfied with overall policy of your company?        
38. Are you satisfied with the convenience and speed in
with administration of company?        
39. Are you satisfied with assignment or task that aligned with        
your department even if it's not on your job description?        
40. Are you satisfied with the code of discipline of the company?        

Respondent’s Signature______________________S

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