Eng - A Study On Flexible Urban Regeneration Plans Through The Use of Vacant Lots and

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ÿNational Land Planningÿ Vol. 48 No. 6 2013. 11

A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and

vacant lots in regeneration business districts

- Through case study of 'Temporary Utilization' and 'Tactical Urbanism' -

Flexible Urban Regeneration: Creative Use of Empty Houses and Vacant Plots
- Focused on Temporary Uses and Tactical Urbanism -

Hyunjin Ahn* ÿ Hyunyoung Park**

An, Hyunjin ÿ Park, Hyeon-Young


This paper aims at inducing implications from overseas cases, related to urban regeneration strategy, and has focused on considering
vacant real estates as productive rather than useless. In order to make this study successful, this research explore 'temporary uses' and
'tactical urbanism' as theory, and 'Community Gardens', 'Site Pre-Vitalization', 'Pop-up Town Hall', and 'Temporary Urbanism Initiatives' in
Washington DC as cases. They support temporary, ephemeral and experimental land use and small-short term projects for urban regeneration.
This approach can contribute to urban regeneration as 'bottom-up' planning instruments and encourage participation. In addition, temporary
uses permit a trial-and-error as incremental planning approach. When these done well, such small-scale changes may be conceived as the first
step in realizing lasting change. In Korea, due to economic recession a lot of urban regeneration projects have stopped and abandoned empty
property gave rise to many problems. Now we need to think differently, and allow 'temporary uses' for urban regeneration strategy.

keyword ÿ Urban Regeneration, Empty Property, Temporary Uses, Temporary

Keywords City, Tactical Urbanism

I. Introduction Therefore, through public-private partnerships based on resident participation,

changes are being made in the direction of restoring not only the aging physical

As social trends change, such as low growth, low birth rate, and aging, environment but also the social and economic vitality of the region. successful

urban regeneration, which revives existing cities that are declining due to For urban regeneration, not only a hardware strategy focused on

local economic downturn, population decline, and deterioration of the reconstruction and redevelopment, but also a software strategy and

residential environment, is becoming a major urban strategy rather than a flexible strategy that can respond to the ever-changing needs of

developing new places. have. In addition, the urban regeneration method is residents are needed. Accordingly, in May, the “Special Act on the

different from the government-led method of total demolition and redevelopment in Vitalization
the past. and Support of Urban Regeneration” (hereinafter referred to as “Do

* Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University (Lead author: [email protected]) **

Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University (Corresponding author: [email protected])

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The Special Act on City Regeneration”) passed the National Assembly to prepare Afterwards, various cases of utilizing vacant lots and vacant houses are

a legal basis for urban regeneration, but it seems insufficient to contain these considered, and 'Temporary Urbanism Initiatives' of Washington City, which

demands. institutionalized them, is reviewed. Finally, through these Western cases, we will

In Korea, when designated as a maintenance project district, construction try to draw implications for Korea's urban regeneration policy.

activities or development activities are restricted in accordance with related laws

to prevent uneconomical construction activities and inflow of speculative demand.

Although these legal regulations serve their purpose in the short term, they cause
II. Related research trends
many problems if the implementation of the project is delayed for a long time.

Neglected vacant spaces and vacant lots in the city spoil the aesthetics and are
Domestic studies related to the use of idle spaces, including empty spaces
used as places of crime, degenerating into crime areas.
and vacant lots in cities, are limited to studies on abandoned facilities such as

abandoned industrial facilities and closed schools, or relocated sites within the

It is easy to encourage regional decline by damaging its image and losing its
city (Kim Hong-ju et al., 2009; Kang Dong-jin, 2010; Lee Jong-guk, 2011; Lim Yoo-

vitality (Accordino and Johnson, 2000). In the West, including England and
kyung and Lim Hyeon-seong, 2012). These studies focus on the recycling of

America, programs that temporarily utilize such vacant homes and vacant lots are
relocated sites resulting from the relocation of underused public or historical

being actively pursued. A program that temporarily uses abandoned spaces

buildings, closed large-scale industrial facilities, or public institutions (Table 1).

in the city reduces the economic opportunity cost and security costs caused by
These are different from the perspective on vacant homes or vacant lots in small

vacancy and expands these vacant spaces and vacant lots.

cities, which this study focuses on, and domestic research on the flexible use of

such vacant homes or vacant lots is insufficient. Neglect of real estate in declining

areas is attracting attention as a major aspect of declining cities in Korea, but both

It can prevent the decline of areas that can be deepened into mountains (Samsung academic and policy interests are lacking (Kim Kwang-joong et al., 2010).

Economic Research Institute, 2012). In addition, this small-scale temporary Research on vacant homes and vacant lots in residential areas remains at

development method instead of an official master plan discovers the potential of the research (Lee Dong-gi et al., 2005; Lim Jeong-ah et al., 2008) that identifies

space and helps sustainable urban regeneration in the future (Bishop and the actual conditions such as their distribution status and characteristics and

Williams, 2012). Korea also needs to change its mindset and manage vacant lots analyzes the factors that cause vacant homes. not recognized as Hyemi Choi

and vacant lots within the maintenance project area. However, if you look at (2012) and Hyeonji Cho (2013) are domestic studies on the temporary utilization

the currently legislated Special Act on Urban Regeneration, you will find content of urban space, and few others can be found. Choi Hye-mi (2012) studied a

that includes such a flexible plan. temporary environment creation plan for idle space for complex stations, and Cho

Hyun-ji (2013) studied a temporary domestic utilization plan from the perspective

In addition, there is a possibility that the provision related to the restriction of of cooperative design.

conduct may follow previous issues that were overlooked by the existing law.

In this study, we will look at urban theories and practices that consider

software elements as well as hardware and emphasize flexible urban planning

through the experience of the West. First, 'Temporary Uses' and 'Tactical

Urbanism' were examined as theories.

In the case of the West, it received support from the European Union in 2001.

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

Table 1. Classification of Under-used Recently, in the field of urban planning and design, there are

Spaces Table 1. Type of Under-used Spaces voices proposing 'temporary utilization' against the traditional urban
Private Private
division state-owned planning that has pursued permanence (Haydn and Temel, 2006;
Public Large Scale Small*
Large Small Senatsverwaltung).
Public buildings closed,
Historical buildings industrial facility vacant store
fur Stadtentwicklung Berlin, 2007; Bishop and Williams, 2012). Rather
(modern cultural and industrial heritage) Industrial Vacant
Buildings than carrying out a long-term mater plan, it is to utilize urban space
public Buildings, Facility Houses and
Historical Assets Previous shops through small-scale temporary policies.
location (military base, Relocated

public institution, etc.) site (factory, etc.)

land unused parcels
Relocated Site Relocated
land Unused Plots Existing urban planning sets and pursues final goals, and the
(Military, Government Site
Office) (Factories)
temporary use of temporary buildings or sites has been regarded as

infrastructure road, railway secondary to the ultimate goal or failure of development activities
Infrastructure Road, Railroad
structure (Bishop and Williams, 2012). However, various activities that
Source: Yukyung Lim, Hyeonseong Lim (2012:7)
temporarily utilize empty urban spaces, such as pop-up stores, pop-up
Reorganization * The types of idle space that this study focuses on are small-scale open spaces and
open spaces owned by the private sector.
cafes, street festivals, and guerilla gardening, are increasing in Western

cities such as Europe and North America. These activities do not have
Starting with a research team called 'Urban Catalyst', city-related
meaning only by themselves, but have the effect of promoting the
scholars have paid attention to temporary activities. Case studies and
activation of the surrounding area. Accordingly, Western city
theorization of various temporary utilization strategies occurring in the
governments began to apply the temporary utilization of space to their
urban field are being studied, and the major books published so far are
urban regeneration policies. The temporary use of urban space is not
Haydn and Temel (2006), Senatsverwaltung fur Stadtentwick -lung
new, but the recent increase in the phenomenon and the attention it
Berlin (2007), Bishop and Williams (2012) are still few, and it can be
has received in urban planning can be understood in relation to
said that it is a newly emerging field in urban planning academia in the
changes in various conditions surrounding the city, such as society,
economy, and culture.

III. Flexible Urban Regeneration Strategy

We seek the eternal, but we are constantly changing and

In Chapter 3, instead of rigid urban regeneration based on existing
surrounded by all sorts of uncertainties. We have undergone changes
traditional urban planning or long-term comprehensive plans that have

in political and economic environmental conditions that were thought

recently appeared in the West, we will examine strategies that pursue

urban regeneration in a more flexible way that can be modified at any to be eternal, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the bankruptcy of

time as a small-scale, short-term strategy. global banks, and natural disasters such as global warming,

earthquakes, and tsunamis further increase the uncertainty of our lives

1. Temporary Uses (Bishop and Williams, 2012). In particular, since the 1960s, changes in

the industrial structure, suburbanization, and population decline in

1) Background of 'Temporary Utilization'
Western Europe and North America have increased the number of vacancies in the city center.

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Growth1) and the stagnation of the real estate market due to the recent Temporary activities increased amid various conditions

financial crisis have raised uncertainty about development. real estate such as the economic crisis, the suspension of development

In a situation where transactions are difficult and the timing of projects and the increase in vacancy, and the emergence of

development is difficult to predict, real estate owners are trying to creative industries and social enterprises. With the beginning

overcome the current situation through temporary utilization. of research on activities, interest in temporary activities is

The prevalence of uncertainty and the oversupply of increasing and developing into a theory of temporary cities.

empty spaces in the city alone cannot explain the background

of temporary utilization. The number of people who use

these spaces inexpensively to engage in creative activities is 2) Concept of 'temporary use'

also increasing, including artists, early entrepreneurs, and In the research on the use of temporary so far, 'temporary'

freelancers (Bishop and Williams, 2012). Empty space in the means more than 'temporary' or 'temporary' in English

city is the best place of opportunity not only for artists looking (Temel, 2006). The English word 'temporary' can be found in

for a studio with low rent for artistic activities, but also for various aspects. It means a short life in the concept of time,

early entrepreneurs who are just starting their business with and a substitute for a certain completion in the concept of

little capital and risk. It is not new for creative entrepreneurs quality. However, the 'temporary' mentioned here means that

or artists to use vacant real estate temporarily and thereby it has a short lifespan, but can last longer than originally

change the image of a region. However, the recent increase intended, and has perfection in itself, not as a substitute. It

in interest in cultural and creative industries in post-industrial seems to have temporary appearance, but it can lead to

cities is continuity.

activity became more active.

In addition, in a situation where lifelong employment is

not guaranteed and social unrest such as the economic Therefore, the temporary utilization strategy can be said

crisis, freelance workers or early entrepreneurs who are to lead to continuous urban change through the temporary

trying to open up a niche market are increasing. We pay utilization of space. First temporary use

attention to social entrepreneurs who have been leading the

way (Bishop and Williams, 2012). City governments, which

have been oriented towards small government, cut spending and private

As citizens and their communities gradually delegated their

powers, social enterprises have come to provide a variety of

public services, such as day care, rental housing, job training,

and urban regeneration projects. Under this background, an

increasing number of social entrepreneurs are trying to bring

about social change with a new approach rather than the

existing traditional method. Temporary activities are used in Figure 1. The Concept of 'Temporary Uses '

Source: Bishop and Williams (2012)

their strategy.

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

N has a time limit of use for a certain period of time, but it can It leads to one activity and generates synergy.

last longer if successful. In addition, this small-scale temporary use can maximize

and can replace existing plans (Figure 1). the effect with minimal investment cost. In most cases,

temporary utilization projects utilize existing structures or

3) Mechanism of 'Temporary Utilization' spaces with minimal intervention, and the buildings or structures

The temporary utilization strategy aims for a DIY (Do-it- used in the project can be moved to other locations and reused.

yourself) attitude rather than expecting planners to solve local

problems (Temel, 2006). Temporary activities are initiated Temporary utilization on a small scale can be carried out at

voluntarily by citizens who own real estate whose development a minimum cost, so more advanced results can be obtained by

has been suspended or underutilized and whose management repeating trial and error (Temel, 2006). From this point of view,

costs are only increasing, and by citizens who want to utilize temporary utilization is a gradual

these empty spaces in the city with cheap capital. At this time, It can be understood in connection with incremental planning.

local governments hardly bear any additional financial burden, Policies in incremental planning are not created all at once, but

but if there are legal regulations that hinder temporary utilization, once created, are constantly reviewed (Lindblom, 1959).

they are alleviated and allow temporary activities. There are

individuals or groups (agents) who help with temporary Temporary utilization strategies can be an alternative to

utilization, and in most cases, temporary activities are initiated urban planning carried out by master plans, which today are

by them (Urban Catalysts, 2003). It serves as a link between the only local government planning tools. If traditional urban

people who want to use the space temporarily, the owners of planning is a top-down planning method of the central or local

vacant real estate, and local governments, drawing cooperation government, temporary utilization can be seen as a bottom-up

from them, and sometimes these groups directly become the plan based on participation and cooperation that starts with

subject of temporary activities. these individuals or citizens' voluntary movements. It also aims for sustainability

Organizations are experts, social activists, or their groups in and has a relationship with the theory of gradual planning that

various fields, such as cities, architecture, culture, and art, and completes through repeated trial and error.

they are voluntary, unpaid activists who want to change society

4) Types of 'Temporary Utilization'
with new ideas.
Examples of temporary uses range from community gardens,
Although a transient activity is a small-scale project, its

effects spread not only to the place where the temporary activity where scraps of land are turned into vegetable gardens, to

occurs, but also to the entire region. For most facilitators, the empty stores as pop-up stores, to using entire streets as a

festival venue (Reclaim the Streets). They vary in size and

primary resource is not money or status, but
content. If the cases dealt with in the existing literature are
It is a social network (Urban Catalysts, 2003). Agents or
categorized into activities, they can be classified into five
temporary activists share thoughts and spread temporary
activities as shown in Table 2. There are types that are used as
activities through networks. A temporary activity is similar to

that in the same place or another place nearby. spaces for consumption through commercial activities such as

shops and restaurants, and festivals and galleries.

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It can be divided into types that contribute to citizens' cultural and Nor does it guarantee success (Lydon et al., 2012). In light of the

artistic activities by being used as a rally or theater, and citizens' recent economic and real estate market, this explanation is easy

sports and entertainment activities such as beaches, swimming to understand. Likewise in Korea, the New Town project district,

pools, and ski resorts. In addition, we will promote local community which affected more than 15% of Seoul's households, is undergoing

activities such as cultivating fields using empty land with local the process of cancellation and review, and the Yongsan

residents, cooking with the harvest, and sharing food together, and International Business District project, which was said to be the

finding ways to use it as a community center to discuss local urban 'largest scale project since Dangun', has returned to its original point.

planning issues with residents. can Finally, illegal activities such Also, these large-scale projects are making the recent urban

as squatting, in which immigrants or homeless people occupy planning process that seeks resident participation difficult. Citizens

vacant real estate, are also included as examples of temporary are forced to participate in projects that do not touch and

use as alternative housing types. understand them because of their large scale, rather than proposals

that directly benefit their real lives. Therefore, whether the plan is
Table 2. Type of Temporary
good or bad, it often results in NYMBYism (Lydon et al., 2012).
Uses Table 2. Type of 'Temporary
Uses' Category specific case These problems can be thought of in connection with the situation

Examples in which resident participation is not properly performed in our

Pop-up shops, pop-up restaurants
commercial use
urban planning in general. Residents rarely pay attention to large-
Pop-up Stores, Pop-up Restaurants,
Street Dinner
scale plans such as the urban master plan or living area plan.
Street festival, temporary exhibition hall, pop-up theater,
Cultural and pop-up design gallery However, gardening started in the neighborhood or
artistic use Reclaim the Streets (London, etc.), Instant
Cultural & Art Island(Vienna), pop-up theater, pop-up design
gallery Paris Plage, dump truck swimming When a flea market is held, many residents voluntarily participate
Use of sports and pool, urban children's ski school, urban beach
without being forced to participate.
entertainment volleyball court Paris Plage(Paris), Dumpster
Sports & North American urban activists, who considered these problems
Entertainment Swimming pools, Ski run, Beach Mitte community
of large-scale planning or development projects in cities as a
garden, community food project, forum for urban issues

community use challenge, proposed 'tactical urbanism' as a way to solve them.

Community Community Gardens (NYC), Community
Activity Food Project (Middlesbrough), Urban
Cabaret (Glasgow) Lydon et al. (2012) pay attention to the economic recession, population
Use of alternative housing
change, and the development of the Internet as reasons for the active
Alternative Squatting Squatting

Dwellings promotion of tactical urban theory in the present age (Figure 2). recent economic downturn

The Che has forced citizens, city governments and developers to

3. 'Tactical Urbanism' pursue smaller, more incremental directions in the way and

financing of projects. And more and more people, especially highly

1) Background of 'Tactical Urbanism'
educated young people, are starting to move into the once deserted
Large-scale projects such as museums, waterfront parks, and
but walkable urban areas, and they are willing to transform their
convention centers take a long time and require huge amounts of
neighborhoods for themselves. older generation silver
capital, and these long-term projects

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

By retiring, these young people are transforming the city by If you mean strategy, the former means a tactic for short-term

filling key government positions where they can influence city policy. battles in many places during a war.

there is Finally, the development of online media such as blogs, In urban planning, strategy can be called master plan, and

Twitter, and Facebook has made tactical urbanism projects tactics can be called temporary utilization (Haydn and Temel,

accessible to many people. These changes are the driving force 2006). The tactical urbanism, which seeks to lead long-term

behind the tactical urban theory. changes through small urban interventions, seeks to share

new ideas that can bring changes to the city with many people

so that they can learn from each other and spread them to the

world. This has worked effectively now that the Internet and

social media have become the main medium of communication.

All. Mike Lydon, the representative of the 'Street Plans

Collaborative', a civic group on urban planning and design, and

his colleagues first published a guidebook on tactical urbanism

through an online website in 2011, which was quickly downloaded

and spread. .2) Sharing tactics happening in cities around the

world through the Internet homepage (www.streetplans.org) and

Figure 2. Background of the tactical urban theory
Facebook page (www.facebook.com/TacticalUrbanism)
Figure 2. The Rise in Tactical Urbanism Source: Lydon et al. (2012)

In early 2012, the second version of the official guidebook on

2) Tactical Urbanism tactical urbanism was published. This move was selected as

'Guerrilla gardening', 'open streets', 'Pavement to parks', one of the '2011-2012 Major Urban Planning Trends' by

these are projects that seek to make the city a more lively and 'Planetizen', an American urban planning news website. Tactical

enjoyable place. In some areas, it is done in a short time or urbanism that pursues long-term changes through short-term,

temporarily, and with little capital. These small-scale projects small-scale projects has five characteristics (Lydon et al.,

are called various terms such as temporary, guerrilla, pop-up, 2012). First, tactical urbanism is an intentional approach to bring

ad-hoc, and DIY, and are increasing like a trend recently. Lydon about changes in places, and is done step by step. The first

et al. (2012) named them 'Tactical Urbanism' in the sense of step is to apply tactics to the place, small actions that can

using tactics to improve the urban environment. At this time, change the way the place is used. Once a change has occurred,

tactics are distinguished from strategy, both of which are words the next step is to find a way to make that change happen
borrowed from military terminology, and the latter is a strategy repeatedly or sustain it. In addition, tactical urbanism is based

for a long-term war. on local ideas to solve local urban planning issues.

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Figure 3. Projects of 'Tactical

Urbanism '
Source: Lydon et al. (2012)

is to provide, and these ideas must be short-lived and In addition to the 12 projects introduced in the first guidebook,

capable of producing tangible results. And the risk factor is 12 new projects are included. These are mostly examples

small, but has the characteristics of bringing about the from North America, and are mainly projects in streets,

greatest possible outcome. Finally, through tactical urbanism, blocks, parcels, vacant lots, and vacant buildings. Fresh

social capital among citizens can be accumulated, and ideas such as changing paved areas to unpaved areas

organizational management capabilities can be cultivated (Depave), painting weeds (Weed Bombing), and placing

chairs made using waste furniture in public spaces (Chair

among public or private institutions, non-profit or NGOs, and residents.

Bombing), etc. Ron's project draws attention, and the result

3) Project of 'Tactical Urbanism' of the change in the city through it makes the traditional

Tactical urbanism projects are approved by the city urban planning rethink.

government, as shown in Figure 3.

Most of them are initiated by citizens themselves without

permission. If they succeed, they become government- IV. Examples of flexible urban regeneration strategies

approved projects or go on-the-go. For example, the

'Depave3)' project started as a local movement and later In this chapter, we will analyze actual cases where

developed into a non-profit project supported by the City of flexible urban regeneration strategies are applied. First,

Portland and the US Environmental Protection Agency vacant/vacant lands resulting from urban decline, such as

(EPA). 'Community Gardens', 'Site Pre-Revitalization', and 'Pop-up

A recently published guidebook contains the first of tactical urbanism. Town Hall'

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

Consider examples of using Next, the 'Temporary Urbanism 2006). This is because many of the real estate owned by the

Initiatives' institutionalized by the city of Washington while municipality due to the tax delinquency of the owners were

implementing a 'pop-up retail' strategy called 'Temporium' will be neglected, and in many cases, these municipal properties were

examined. created as 'community gardens' without permission5). Through the

establishment of 'GreenThumb', a 'community garden' management

agency, the 'community garden' began to be systematically

managed by signing a lease contract for municipal land and

providing support for operation (GreenThumb, 2013).

However, in the 1990s, the administrative authorities recognized

'community gardens' as simply bare land and promoted land sales

for development (Smith and Kultz, 2003). Local communities

operating 'community gardens' advocated stopping the sale of

'community gardens' in solidarity with environmental organizations

such as 'Trust for Public Land (TPL)' and 'Green Guerrillas'. In

selling the municipal land, a plan to legalize the 'community garden'

Figure 4. The beginning of 'Community Garden' in 1973 Figure 4. The
was devised, requesting the sale of public land completely
First Community Garden in 1973

Source: www.nycgovparks.org/ neglected and not being used as a 'community garden'. As a result,

there are currently about 750 'community gardens' in operation in

1. Cases of urban regeneration through 'temporary utilization' New York, and about 70% of the 215 'community gardens'

registered on 'GreenThumb' are owned by the New York City Park

1) Community Gardens Authority (NYC Park) and TPL. 6) Permanent use as a park within
'Community gardens' emerged as a response to New York the city became possible.
City's severe decline in the 1970s (Lydon et al, 2012). Vacant

houses and vacant lots, which have greatly increased due to the New York's 'community garden' is an urban regeneration
continuous economic recession, have caused various urban strategy that utilizes neglected vacant lots in the city that have
problems such as damaging the aesthetics of the city and been maintained for over 30 years. By producing crops on
becoming a hotbed of crime. However, the city government, which
unused land, the utility of the land was increased, and the local
had to significantly reduce its financial expenditure, was unable to
community was able to secure reliable food materials through
take any action to solve the problem. 1973 in Manhattan's Lower East Side.
this. In addition, more than 20,000 residents in New York City
A group organized by (Figure 4) created a garden on neglected alone are participating in 'community gardens', and community
land in the vicinity with the intention of 'Let's do something to solidarity has been further strengthened by cultivating vegetable
prevent the decline of the region4)' . The 'community garden' that gardens and holding farmer's markets and local festivals using
started in this way has expanded throughout New York City. the crops produced. 'Community Garden' has the effect of
As the number of 'community gardens' increased significantly, improving the image of the region by attracting hundreds of
in 1978, municipal management began (Haydn and Temel, tourists while providing a quality resting place and open space to the local community

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(Saldivar-tanaka and Krasny, 2004). First of all, the land owner must be persuaded for 'good use of the site' and

a separate permit from the local government is required. In addition, various

2) Site Pre-vitalization uses such as galleries, studios, flea markets, small stores, and restaurants

Once a new development is confirmed, a detailed plan is established. are used, and for this, participation from various fields such as merchants,

It is inevitable that there will be a time lag between the finalization of artists, and local activists as well as local residents is required. Therefore,

development and the start of construction. recent partnerships between local governments and developers, as well as local

The real estate recession further aggravates this time lag, causing various merchants' associations, local residents, artists, and local activists, are

problems. Garbage dumped on the site where the project was suspended essential for the success of the 'good use of land' strategy (Lydon et al,

and the frame left behind spoil the aesthetics of the region and turn it into

a crime zone, degrading the image of the region. Therefore, through 2012).

'preemptive use of land', existing functions are suspended due to the new

development plan, and the use of the land is temporarily suspended until Dekalb Market, Brooklyn
the start of construction (Lydon et al., 2012). So far, 'Proxy' in San 'Dekalb Market' is a project that held local events such as performances

Francisco, 'Hercules Market Hall' in Hercules Sushi, and 'Dekalb Market' in and exhibitions while temporarily operating a commercial space and

Brooklyn have been held. grocery store on the site of 'City Point' in downtown Brooklyn. 'City Point' is

a large-scale project in accordance with the 'Downtown Brooklyn Plan

When a site with a confirmed development plan is to be used (2004)' established to strengthen commercial functions in downtown

preferentially, it faces complicated interests. Brooklyn.

Figure 5. 'Dekalb Market' project in Brooklyn Figure 5. Dekalb Market

in Brooklyn
Source: http://inhabitat.com/nyc/, http://dekalbmarket.com/

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It is a complex development project. The 'Dekalb Market' project, which Receiving attention from the public, it further strengthened its image as

was carried out on the site where this project was planned, was the center of downtown Brooklyn's emerging culture. Thanks to this, it

temporarily operated from July 2011 to September 2012 before the led to natural publicity for permanent development in the future, further

second phase of 'City Point' development. raising expectations for development.

'Dekalb Market' was led by 'Urban Space', which was established in

the UK in the 1980s and has been active in New York since the 1990s, 3) Pop-up Town Hall
steadily carrying out community development projects. In addition, 'Pop-up town hall' is a strategy to utilize neglected space in the city

cultural and artistic activities and exhibition planning experts, local to create a space where residents can voluntarily discuss the utilization

artists, and real estate development companies cooperated to participate plan of the space and current urban issues. In the early 2000s, old cities

in the 'Dekalb Market'. in Europe already raised the need for community-level problem-solving

and discussion, and created a temporary forum for discussion at the

The facilities of 'Dekalb Market' are made of recycled or eco-friendly private level (Haydn and Temel, 2006). Lydon et al. (2012) defined a

materials. Spaces such as stores and exhibition halls recycled logistics 'pop-up town hall' as 'an informal space created by the private sector

containers in their original state, and eco-friendly materials were used where discussions and opinions about life in the city are exchanged'.

for the floors and fences of the market to consider environmental aspects Unlike resident discussions or public hearings by local governments or

(Figure 5). public institutions, it is possible to form a more free and diverse

Stores were selected based on the principle of small capital consensus by escaping from formal and procedural frameworks and

and small scale after receiving applications from local limited topics. Therefore, it is possible to expand the participation of

merchants. Displays and sales of unique handicraft products residents by attracting the interest or interest of various individuals. The

made by local designers were the main focus, and a unique place used as a 'pop-up town hall' has gone from being an object of

cafe or snack bar was also set up to consider the convenience indifference and a sign of urban decline to a catalyst for urban vitality

of users. Performances by small bands or musicians were through participatory planning. In the 'Pop-up Town Hall', not only

made possible regardless of time and place, and local residents discussions on current issues of the city, but also events such as

also participated in the performances. On one side of the site, exhibitions and performances promote the vitality of the region by

farmers from the nearby area set up a non-profit 'farming promoting the location.

incubator' to provide a space for promoting and educating nearby farmers.

'Dekalb Market' withdrew as scheduled from the 'City Point' project,

but customers and store owners could not hide their regrets. 'Urban BMW Guggenheim Lab in NYC
Space' is seeking a similar site to continue 'Dekalb Market' in Brooklyn 'BMW', a global company, and 'Guggenheim Foundation' have

(Brooklyn Paper, August 30, 2012). established 'BMW Guggenheim Lab7), a 'temporary research institute

to promote progressive ideas and designs for urban life', ' First Park' in

'Lower East Side' of Manhattan. (Choi Seong-min, Choi Seul-gi, 2013).

'Dekalb Market' is a strategy to utilize the site in advance prior to a The 'Southeast Manhattan' area is New York City, where migrant

permanent development project. Creative exhibitions and performances workers lived together.

at 'Dekalb Market' are open to all New Yorkers.

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Figure 6. Before (left) and after (right) installation of 'BMW Guggenheim Lab'
Figure 6. The change from the empty space to 'BMW Guggenheim Lab'
Source: Fiedler marciano Architecture website

'First 'Confronting Comfort' held lectures by renowned

After the building was demolished in the 1930s, urban theorists such as 'Saskia Sassen' to try
Park' was left without a special plan (left of Figure to form a deeper consensus on the city. In
6.). In the 2000s, as gentrification occurred in the addition, through citizen discussions, ideas for
vicinity of 'Southeast Manhattan' and small-scale future use of the site were collected.
cultural hideouts began to be built, residents' desire Even after the withdrawal of 'BMW Guggenheim Lab',

to utilize 'First Park' increased. residents are working hard to maintain 'First Park' as the center

Residents refer to 'First Park' as 'Southeast Manhattan'. of the community with '1st Street Green' as the main axis. The

'1st Street Green', a committee to make it a center of vitality, results of the 'BMW Guggenheim Lab' were made into sculptures

was formed, and 'BMW Guggenheim Lab' paid attention to and exhibited, and the second act of 'First Park' is being prepared

this movement of the community and installed a unique through a design competition for park facilities. In recent years,

structure in 'First Park' to transform the existing image of the the participation of residents in urban planning has been

place. 8) 'BMW Guggenheim Lab' uses lightweight carbon considered as an essential issue. This is because when residents,

fiber materials and is designed in the most open form to easily the end users, participate in the entire process of planning from

arouse the interest of passing citizens. In addition, the conception to establishment, it enhances the purpose of the plan

variability of the internal structure was considered so that the and guarantees the sustainability of the plan (Sungmin Choi and

space could be used freely according to various programs. Seulgi Choi, 2013). The 'Pop-up Town Hall' installed in 'First

When the project was completed, the place where it was Park' in 'Southeast Manhattan' is an example of providing a place

installed was restored, and the structure was planned to be for free discussion for residents for 'temporary use' and deriving

re-installed in another place. Along with city tours, workshops, a plan for using the site as a result of the discussion (Lydon et al., 2012).

screenings, and performances, the core program of the

'Pop-up Town Hall' was free discussions by the general public 2. Case of Institutional Support: Temporary
Urbanism Initiative
about city life. During the project period, the main topic of

'BMW Guggenheim Lab' was 'comfort and

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

1) Temporary Urbanism Initiative: Washington City expanded to locals and tourists. The 'Temporium' project was also

linked with neighboring retail businesses, so that the success of

The City Planning Bureau of Washington City introduced the
'Temporium' was directly linked to the revitalization of the H Street (NE) area.
'Temporary Urbanism Initiative' as a regional revitalization strategy
'Temporium', created on a pilot basis, has sufficiently achieved the
through 'temporary utilization'. H Street (NE) and No. 13 as a place to
following goals, which are the core of 'Temporary Urbanism Initiative'.
be sold for economic revitalization in 2010 as an existing commercial street
(1) Promote neighborhood regeneration through 'community building'
A pilot project called 'Temporium' was carried out at the intersection of
with culture and art as the core means, and (2) expand opportunities
NE. Through this success, 'Temporium' was expanded throughout the
to experience culture and art to residents through support from creative
city and 'Temporary Urbanism Initiative' was formulated. The main
companies to improve the quality of life. raised the quality (3)
principles of 'Temporium' are (1) temporarily using low-use land such
Strengthened partnerships between landowners, public institutions,
as vacant houses and vacant lots, (2) supporting the activities of artists
and private businesses, demonstrating Washington's innovation and
and cultural arts groups based in Washington City, and (3) It is to
entrepreneurial spirit. (4) The space created for temporary use further
revitalize the region through resident participation and partnership
highlighted the existing retail business, resulting in continuous
economic revitalization of the neighborhood, and (5) the direction of
The 'Temporium' pilot project allowed local artists to decorate
public sector support for neighborhood regeneration10) was specifically
stores9) with low occupancy, and created a space for retail and cultural
presented .
and artistic activities. It is a temporary retail space to display and sell

products by local designers, and at the same time organizes the space
2) Specific support plan for Washington City
and creates programs for performances by local musicians and art
First of all, the city of Washington prepared financial resources to
groups. More than 20 artists or art groups participated during the 4-
activate 'temporary use'. The Washington City Department of Urban
week period, and 'Temporium' recorded sales of over 11,000 dollars
Planning secured a budget of $250,000 from ArtPlace11) in 2011 for
and attracted 1,600 visitors. Initially, the main visitors were residents
regional regeneration through cultural arts .
of the neighborhood, and gradually the city of Washington.
It was used to support 'Temporium' projects.

In addition, the city of Washington is designating an area for 'temporary use'.

Figure 7. Panoramic view of 'Temporium'

Figure 7. Temporium in H Street NE

Source: The PINKLINE Project et al. (2010)

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designated, and administrative support was provided for the implementation According to the Special Act on Urban Regeneration, the strategic planning authority is

of the project. Based on the community regeneration strategy 'Creative DC provided by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to promote urban regeneration.

Action Agenda'12) and 'Retail Action Roadmap'13), the planning authority Establish an urban regeneration strategy plan that meets the contents of

designated a 'neighborhood' to create a 'Temporium'. Organizations or the national urban regeneration basic policy (Article 4, paragraph 1) and the

companies that wish to conduct cultural and artistic projects through existing urban basic plan (Article 12). At this time, an urban revitalization

'Temporium' within the selected region must submit a 'Request For area is designated according to the urban regeneration strategic plan (Article

Applications (RFA)' 13, paragraph 4). At this time, the urban regeneration activation area is the

The application was submitted to meet the requirements of 'For Arts and effect of the project for urban regeneration by concentrating resources and

Culture Temporium (2011)', and the city formed a review team to review the capabilities of the state and local governments. It refers to an area whose

application and evaluate it. The final project site was determined by the designation and cancellation are determined as an urban regeneration

Urban Planning Bureau. strategic plan as a strategic target area to maximize the

Regarding these urban regeneration activation areas, the person with

the right to establish a strategic plan can establish an urban regeneration

activation plan (Article 19), and at this time, the urban regeneration activation

plan is supposed to determine the area to which activity restrictions are

applied (Article 19, Article 19). 3 of 7). In areas subject to restrictions on

activities, from the date the urban regeneration activation plan is announced,

construction of buildings, installation of structures, changes in the form of

land, collection of earth and stones, land division, and accumulation of

objects that do not conform to the urban regeneration activation plan (Article


These restrictions are also included in the existing “Urban and Residential

Renewal and Environment Improvement Act” (Article 5) or the “Special Act

Figure 8. Washington City's support plan for 'TEMPORIUM' Figure 8.

The Mechanism of 'Temporary Urbanism Initiative' for Promotion of Urban Renewal” (Article 8). This is for planned development

and to prevent unnecessary uneconomical development, but if the project is

delayed for a long time, as mentioned above, there is a possibility of

V. Proposal for a flexible urban regeneration strategy
spreading regional decline, and it can be used as a place for social problems

such as crime and vandalism. In addition, at the individual level, real estate
In this chapter, we will first examine the institutional conditions in Korea
owners were prevented from exercising their property rights, and as the
for flexible urban regeneration, and then discuss the implications obtained
actual maintenance project was delayed for a long time, residents' complaints
from the cases analyzed above and the possibility of domestic application.
continued. As a result, some local governments have partially relaxed

restrictions on activities within the maintenance project area.14 ) Meanwhile,

in this special urban regeneration law,

1. Conditions for flexible urban regeneration in Korea

examined through the Special Act on Urban Regeneration

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

If no urban regeneration project is initiated for 3 years from the date of All. Currently, Korea is also experiencing difficulties in investing in large-

notification of the redevelopment plan, urban revitalization scale maintenance projects due to the prolonged recession in the real estate

The damage caused by long-term non-implementation of the project is market. It is worth introducing 'temporary utilization' by taking this current

minimized through the provision of the cancellation plan (Article 22, situation as an opportunity rather than a crisis. For example, in the case of

Paragraph 4). In addition, through the urban regeneration special account, it Incheon Metropolitan City (Financial News, September 3, 2013), it began to

is possible to support the cost of purchasing and utilizing abandoned houses manage vacant spaces and vacant lots in the regeneration project area to

and vacant lots in the urban regeneration activation area (Article 28 prevent them from becoming the norm. The preferential demolition of vacant

Paragraph 3-10), making it more open to the use of vacant houses and houses was permitted, and the cost of temporarily converting the demolished

vacant lots in the regeneration project district. taking an attitude site into a parking lot or park was subsidized.

The West's 'flexible urban regeneration strategy' is diverse and creative.

2. Implications and Domestic Applicability through
Flexible Overseas Urban Regeneration Strategies Demonstrates creative ideas. Lydon et al. (2012) classified more than 20

cases of 'temporary use' in Western cities according to the nature of the

As a result of examining the domestic institutional conditions, it was partnership of the actor and the intensity of permission and approval for the

found that there is a high possibility that the temporary use cases analyzed project. Haydn and Temel (2006) analyzed and categorized more than 30

in the previous chapter can be applied domestically. The Special Act on cases of 'temporary use'. These 'flexible urban regeneration strategies' were

Urban Regeneration was promulgated last June and is set to take effect in not confined to the framework of the existing system and applied

December. Unlike the existing rigid urban reorganization-related laws, the groundbreaking programs. So far, Korea's existing plans have been overly

newly enacted law contains relatively flexible elements. If the project is dependent on guidelines or manuals, limiting the application of various

delayed for more than three years after the plan is established, the planning methods. On the other hand, the city of Seoul recently held a

development direction can be changed, and the system has become more student contest on village development to gain new ideas (Seoul City, 2013).

flexible by facilitating the use of vacant spaces and vacant lots in the project Also, in the Haebangi area of Yongsan-gu, creative activities such as 'Rooftop

area. Thus, underutilized wealth in the city Yoga', 'Body Salim Movement', and 'Twelve Open Markets' are being carried

The possibility of using the movable property temporarily has increased. out led by residents (Bae Young-wook, 2012). This movement is similar to

the Western case in Korea.

'Temporary use' is applied to a small, empty space, emphasizing that

low-cost or close-to-zero financial expenditure is possible. The effect is not

insignificant compared to the investment cost. By utilizing low-use land,

productivity of land can be increased, and urban management costs can be This shows that there is sufficient possibility to apply both 'temporary

reduced by mitigating the deterioration of urban aesthetics and preventing utilization'.

delinquency. Among the various strategies for temporarily using vacant houses or

can improve the Through this, the effect of local regeneration is expected. vacant lot, it is particularly noteworthy that the temporarily used space is

The emergence of small-scale, low-cost 'temporary utilization' was against used as a place to discuss the current issues of the city. At this time, urban

the background of reduced investment and financial difficulties caused issues refer to problems in the target area, and by expanding the scope a

by the economic downturn. little,

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can also be a problem This place, created temporarily by the private However, it is clear that temporary utilization is actively taking place

sector, enables more free and realistic discussions, rather than formal and attention is being paid to this movement.

and rigid discussions. Therefore, it is possible to more effectively Currently, due to the ongoing economic recession in Korea,

induce 'resident participation', which is increasingly taking up a greater development projects are halted in the middle or implementation is

role in recent urban planning. Korea also recognizes the importance delayed for a long time while only being planned. Neglected vacant

of resident participation and tries to collect and reflect residents' lots or vacant houses and buildings that remain ugly with only the

opinions through public announcements and public hearings in the steel frame raised are increasing in the city, causing concerns about

planning process, but this is a passive method of resident participation. aesthetic problems and crimes. Therefore, it seems urgent to introduce

Last year, the city of Seoul established a new urban master plan led and allow the temporary use as seen in the case of the West. In

by a citizen participation group and attempted a more active resident Korea, it is possible to hear through the media that activities such as

participation method. However, since the long-term vision plan for the gardening using empty land and the Seoul Foundation for Arts and

entire Seoul area was talked about, discussions on realistic issues of Culture's 'Urban Guerrilla Project' are already being carried out (KBS

residents were somewhat lacking, and it was judged that there was a News, February 18, 2013; Hankyoreh, September 26, 2013). date),

limit to forming a practical consensus. Therefore, discussions on interest in the field of urban planning is still low.

current issues at the community level can induce resident participation

more effectively, and empty spaces in the community can be used as Accordingly, this study attempted a theoretical discussion on

such places. 'temporary utilization', a small-scale, short-term urban regeneration

strategy, and 'tactical urbanism', which can be called the American

version of the same context. Although there was a limit due to the

VI. conclusion limited number of related books or research papers, it was possible

to understand the context and contents of the temporary use of urban

This study paid attention to 'temporary utilization' that enhances space and analyze the characteristics. In addition, by analyzing actual

the vitality of the city through the temporary use of urban space. cases of using vacant real estate such as 'community garden', 'good

Through this, the existing large-scale demolition method use of land', and 'pop-up town hall' among these cases, and

Rather than a rigid urban regeneration plan, the paper attempted to 'Temporary Use Initiatives' of Washington City, which institutionally

propose a more flexible urban regeneration plan that was gradually supported them, Implications for the application of were derived.

progressed on a small scale. 'Temporary use' and 'tactical urbanism' use urban spaces that

Research on 'temporary utilization' can be said to be in its infancy. are neglected or underutilized for a certain period of time.

As mentioned above, the first study was started by 'Urban Catalyst' in However, it is an urban strategy that seeks to lead continuous urban

2003, and there are only four or five major books. While various terms change through this. It is a bottom-up strategy initiated by local

with similar concepts such as 'temporary uses', 'temporary city', residents or citizens, and is based on the participation and cooperation

'temporary urbanism', and 'pop-up city' were being used of various actors such as local residents, experts in various fields,

interchangeably, urban activists in North America came up with the and the city government. Through social networks, their activities are

term 'tactical urbanism'. It was also used and named in 2011. that disseminated and shared.

362 l Korea Land and Urban Planning Association

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A study on flexible urban regeneration plans through the use of vacant lots and vacant lots in regeneration business districts

take a way to complete it with Therefore, 'temporary utilization' can be Note 2. The Atlantic Cities, "The Official Guide to Tactical Urbanism, March 2,
2012 Note 3. Areas that are paved with concrete or cement and cause
said to be an urban strategy that is in line with urban planning theories
environmental pollution, such as rainwater leaking out during rain and

such as bottom-up urban planning, participatory planning, cooperative contaminating waterways, can be removed by breaking the pavement to
remove natural soil. It is a ground-making project, which pursues
planning, and gradual planning. environmental friendliness and strengthens the friendship of the

The case of temporarily utilizing neglected real estate in the West community by cultivating a vegetable garden or turning an unpaved area
into a park Note 4. http://www.greengureillas.org Note 5. http://
has many implications for us. By having various activities take place in treebranch .org Note 6. http://www.greenthumbnyc.org/ Note 7. 'Starting in New
York in 2011, the total project period is 6 years, 3 cycles, 3 cycles each, touring
empty real estate, it can bring vitality to the region, and through this, it
9 cities. .Berlin, Germany in 2012 and Mumbai, India in January 2013, have
has the effect of enhancing the image of the region by resolving the now completed 1 cycle of projects in 3 cities, and the contents and results of
the projects will be displayed in New York under the theme of
image of a crime-prone or declining region. In addition, by participating
'Participating Cities' from October 2013. (Sungmin Choi, Seulgi Choi,
in various activities with local residents, 2013) Note 8. http://firststreetgreenpark.org/ Note 9. The land was used
as the RL Christian Innovation Center, and the land owner He is an
activist who has made various efforts for the community since then, and

By strengthening solidarity and encouraging local residents to resolve has contributed to the project by providing land for the pilot project Note
10. Request For Applications for Arts and Culture Temporium, p.2 Note 11.
local issues on their own, it is possible to naturally increase residents'
ArtPlace focuses on culture and arts It is a private-public partnership established

participation in urban planning. In this way, it is clearly shown that to revitalize the community and local economy.13 private foundations
and 6 large banks across the United States raise funds, National
'temporary utilization' not only increases the utilization of unused real Endowment for the Arts, the departments of Housing and Urban
Development, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Educat In close
estate, but also brings about urban regeneration effects such as
cooperation with federal agencies such as ion and transportation, the
regional revitalization, enhancement of regional image, strengthening Ministry of Administrative Budget and the Policy Committee, we invest in local
government strategies to revitalize the community with culture and
of community solidarity, and enhancement of resident participation.
arts as the core. Note 12. The Washington DC Urban Planning Bureau
Our city needs to actively apply 'temporary utilization' to urban and various economic departments determined that there was no
representative commercial street compared to the city's status and
regeneration. 'Temporary utilization' not only brings about the effect of
size, and decided to develop a Retail Action Roadmap (2010 ) was
urban regeneration, but also can reduce economic opportunity costs published. Note 13. Although Forbe Magazine ranked Washington DC
as the second most attractive art city in the United States, it was
and security costs due to vacancy. In addition, small-scale projects are
judged that creative companies' cultural businesses were not well

possible with small capital, so it can be said that it is an appropriate established. Creative DC for playback

urban regeneration plan in the current situation where urban finance is


It is necessary to change the way of thinking of vacant spaces or

vacant lands as productive spaces rather than useless or criminal

spaces. Do not wait for delayed development projects to proceed.

In the current situation, it should be actively utilized in a creative way,

and the institutional authority should support such activities so that Action Agenda (2010) was announced. According to the survey, the
creative economy creates 75,000 jobs and more than $5 billion in
they are not restricted.
economic benefits.
Note 14. Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul partially eased restrictions on building permits in all

maintenance areas within the jurisdiction, including the Yeongdeungpo New Road
Note 1. Between 1996 and 2001, 57% of European cities experienced a
Redevelopment Promotion Area. Construction of facilities essential for residents'
population decline, and as a result of analyzing 700 cities in the UK in
economic activities and housing, and construction prior to designation of change
2010, 13% of shops were vacant (Bishop and Williams, 2012).
of use and maintenance area, except for cases where the number of households increases

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36. http://dekalbmarket.com/ 44. http://www.streetplans.org

37. http://www.facebook.com/TacticalUrbanism 45. http://treebranch.org
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firststreetgreenpark.org/ 40. http:/ / Paper submission 2013-09-30 Review
www.greengureillas.org 41. http:// completed 2013-10-24 Modified date
www.greenthumbnyc.org/ 42. http://inhabitat.com/ 2013-10-31 Publication confirmed date
nyc/ 43. http://www.nycgovparks.org/ 2013-10-24

Last viewed 2013-11-05

366 l Korea Land and Urban Planning Association

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