Physical Science

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Formation of the Elements During the Big Bang


 Big bang theory is the stretching of a singular
atom that led to the expansion of the universe
14 billion years ago.  All elements have a number of isotopes
 Hydrogen has the fewest number of
Beginning of Everything isotopes with only 3
 10-5 seconds = 0.00001 seconds after the big
→ Quarks combine forming protons and neutrons;
→ Protons and neutrons combine to form He, Li,
and Be through the process of Big bang

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN)

 Big bang nucleosynthesis is the formation of
 BBN starts when a proton and neutron
combines to form deuteron (nucleus).
 Each proton and each neutron contains 3  Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, and Beryllium
quarks are not elements, they Formed through the
Vesto Slipher (1910) process of nucleosynthesis.
 discovered that the spiral nebulae  20 mins after the big bang the temperature of
(galaxies) are moving away from the Earth. the universe continue to drop until the
Georges Lemaitre (1927) protons and neutrons where no longer able to
 explained that the space is expanding due combine because they already lack energy
to the expanding distance between the
galaxies and the Earth. LESSON 2: FORMATION OF THE
 discovered that galaxies are moving away FORMATION AND EVOLUTION
from Earth at speeds proportional to their
In life, you’ll see 2 kind of balloons
1. Flying balloon
- consist of helium (gas lighter than air. Helium is a
Four important Concepts
light element)
1. The Big Bang is an expansion of the space. 2. Falling balloon
- consist air (mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
2. As the universe expands, it cools.
Composed of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and other gases
3. The more energetic the particles are, the higher their in small quantities)
temperature will be.
Periodic table is arranged intelligently by Dmitri
4. The identity of the element depends on how many Mendeleev. Light elements are placed on top, heavier
elements are below the light elements down to the
protons it has
Dmitri Mendeleev
 Russian chemist and inventor who created the
first version of the periodic table of elements
in 1869.
 Mendeleev law- states that the elements
having similar properties appear in the same
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) group or vertical column
 10-5 seconds = 0.00001 seconds after the big  Modern periodic table of elements
 Deuteron is an isotopes of hydrogen, one Henry Moseley
proton only  Until in 1913, English physicist, Henry
Moseley, used x-rays to measure wavelengths
of elements and correlated these
measurements to their atomic numbers.
 Atomic mass - sum of the number of Due to the super energetic explosion, heavier elements
neutrons and protons in a nucleus then were produced through the process called neutron
 Atomic number - sum of the protons only in capture.
the nucleus
Neutron Capture
If 15-20 minutes after the big bang the protons and → A nuclear reaction in which an atoms nucleus and
neutrons cannot combine anymore due to lack of heat, one or more neutrons collide and merge to form a
where and how did the heavier elements form? heavier nucleus
→ Core of the massive star
The Sun and Other Stars → The explosion of the red super giant star may
 The stars do not twinkle, and not little. They leave a core that can become a neutron star or a
are the greatest maker of heavier elements. black hole
Why stars do not twinkle? → If neutron stars collide with each other, they are
 the stars seems to twinkle in the night sky due called neutron stars mergers and they can form
to the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere elements heavier than iron
called light refraction → Neutron star + Neutron star = Neutron stars
 affected by winds in the atmosphere and mergers
areas with different temperatures and → Stops widening at 20m ----- neutron stars
densities → More than 20km -------- black hole
Why stars are not little?
 because they are far away

How do stars make heavier elements?

→ Nuclear fusion

Nuclear Fusion
→ Starts from the collapse of a stellar nebula- the
birth place of the stars.
→ Due to the collapse, gas and dust particles
compress, creates friction, and results to a
production of heat.

What will happen if there is no longer hydrogen

inside a star?
It depends on the kind of star.
→ If medium-sized star (sun), it will become a red
giant. Nuclear fusion continues using helium to
form heavier elements (Be, C, O).

What will happen to a massive star if it loses its

hydrogen fuel?
→ It will become a red super giant
→ Red super giant can fuse more elements like Ne,
Si, up to Fe.
→ Red super giants cannot make elements heavier
than iron (Fe)

If there is no longer fusion happening inside the red

super giant star, it will quickly collapse and explode.
The explosion is super intense, hot and energetic that it
is considered to be the biggest explosion humans have
ever seen and we call it supernova.

→ A super nova is a a powerful and luminous
explosion of a star.
→ A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary
stages of a massive star
→ Heavier elements like copper, silver, and gold
came from supernova

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