Sessler2008 Patient Focused Sedation and Analgesia in ICU (CHEST 2008 133:552-565)
Sessler2008 Patient Focused Sedation and Analgesia in ICU (CHEST 2008 133:552-565)
Sessler2008 Patient Focused Sedation and Analgesia in ICU (CHEST 2008 133:552-565)
Patient-Focused Sedation
and Analgesia in the ICU*
Curtis N. Sessler, MD, FCCP; and Kimberly Varney, PharmD
Abbreviations: ATICE ⫽ Adaptation to the Intensive Care Environment; BIS ⫽ bispectral index; DIS ⫽ daily interruption
of sedation; EMG ⫽ electromyography; ICDSC ⫽ Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist; LOS ⫽ length of stay;
MSAT ⫽ Minnesota Sedation Assessment Tool; MV ⫽ mechanical ventilation; NMB ⫽ neuromuscular blockade;
PTSD ⫽ posttraumatic stress disorder; RASS ⫽ Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale; RCT ⫽ randomized controlled trial;
SCCM ⫽ Society of Critical Care Medicine
Relative Daily
Drug/Class Elimination Onset/Duration Dosing (IV) Concentration Advantages Disadvantages Cost†
Lorazepam/ Hepatic conjugation to
5–20 min/6–8 h; up LD: 2–4 mg IV push MD: 2–6 100 mg/100 mL Inexpensive, longer Propylene glycol toxicity at high $$
benzodiazepine inactive metabolite to 24–72 h in mg IV q4h-q6h; infusion: D5W only half-life doses (anion gap metabolic
elderly/cirrhosis/ 1–10 mg/h; start low in acidosis, renal insufficiency)
ESRD elderly
Midazolam/ Cytochrome P450 3A4; 5–10 min/1–4 h LD: 2–5 mg IV push MD; 1–20 100 mg/100 mL Shorter acting if Many drug interactions, may $$$
benzodiazepine active metabolite (longer in ESRD/ mg/h; start low in elderly NS or D5W preserved organ increase midazolam levels,
excreted renally CHF/liver failure) funct ion; fast active metabolite accumulates
onset in renal failure
Propofol Conjugation 30–50 s/ MD: 5–150 g/kg/min Premixed (10 Short acting 2BP, increase serum $$$$
approximately mg/mL) triglyceride, pancreatitis,
3–10 min (dose propofol infusion syndrome,
dependent) zinc depletion
Dexmedetomidine Hepatic Cytochrome Immediate/ LD: 0.5–1 g/kg over 10 min; 100 g/50 mL Very short duration; 2BP, 2HR; not approved for $$$$$
P450 and approximately 6 MD: 0.2–0.7 g/kg/h for 24 h NS only has some analgesic use ⬎ 24 h, some studies use
glucuronidation min (longer in properties longer
liver failure)
Morphine Conjugation; active 5–10 min/2–4 h LD: 2–4 mg IV push MD: 2–30 100 mg/100 mL Reduces tachypnea 2BP, respiratory depression, $
sulfate/opioid metabolite excreted mg/h for ventilated patients NS or D5W accumulation in hepatic/renal
analgesic renally failure
Fentanyl/opioid Cytochrome P450 3A4 1–2 min/2–4 h LD: 25–50 g IV push MD: 1.25 or 2.5 mg/ Less hypotension 3A4 inhibitors may increase $$
analgesic (longer in liver 0.7–10 g/kg/h for ventilated 250 mL NS or than morphine fentanyl; fever will increase
failure) patients D5W patch fentanyl levels by 30%
Hydromorphone/opioid Hepatic 5–10 min/2–4 h LD: 0.2–0.6 mg IV push MD: 100 mg/100 mL May work if patients Respiratory depression, caution $
analgesic 0.5–3 mg/h NS or D5W are tolerant to in nonventilated patient;
morphine/fentanyl highly addictive
Alfentanil/opioid Hepatic; active 1 min/30–60 min LD: 50–75 g/kg slowly over 10 mg/250 mL Very short-acting 2HR, 2BP, 1ICP; 3A4 $$
analgesic metabolites excreted (dose dependent) 3–5 min; MD: 0.5–3 g/kg/ NS or D5W agent inhibitors may increase levels
renally min (usual 1–1.5 g/kg/min) of alfentanil
Remifentanil/opioid Tissue esterases 1–3 min/10–20 min LD: 1 g/kg over 1 min MD: 5 mg/250 mL No accumulation in 2HR, 2BP, 1ICP $$$
analgesic 0.6–15 g/kg/h for MV NS or D5W hepatic or renal
(unlabeled use); use ideal failure
body weight if ⬎ 30% over
ideal body weight
Sufentanil/opioid Hepatic 1–3 min/dose- LD: 1–2 g/kg slowly over 3–5 250 g/250 mL 2HR, 2BP, 1ICP $
analgesic dependent min; MD: 8–50 g as needed D5W; variable
duration stability in NS
*ESRD ⫽ end-stage renal disease; LD ⫽ loading dose; MD ⫽ maintenance dose; D5W ⫽ 5% dextrose in water; CHF ⫽ congestive heart failure; NS ⫽ normal saline solution; 2BP ⫽ hypotension;
2HR ⫽ bradycardia; 1ICP ⫽ increased intracranial pressure.
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in which loraz- gated. In small studies of short-term use in the
epam and midazolam are compared for long-term postoperative or trauma patients, dexmedetomidine
(⬎ 72 h) infusion. No significant difference in time has been shown to decrease opiate use, and to
to awakening was noted in two studies,87,88 whereas facilitate extubation in patients who have failed
Barr and coworkers89 found significantly shorter previous ventilator weaning attempts due to severe
emergence time and time to extubation for midazo- agitation.96 Case reports have also documented suc-
lam vs lorazepam infusion in a double-blinded RCT cess in preventing alcohol withdrawal in patients in
of postoperative patients without significant renal, the perioperative period.97 Drug-related adverse ef-
hepatic, or neurologic impairment. Additionally, pro- fects are primarily cardiovascular including hypoten-
longed high-dose administration of lorazepam can sion and bradycardia,98 particularly when loading
result in accumulation of the vehicle, propylene doses are used. Tolerance to the drug has been seen
glycol, resulting in worsening renal function, meta-
and there are concerns for a rebound effect when
bolic acidosis, and altered mental status.90 Toxicity is
used beyond 24 to 48 h. Most studies find that
typically observed after prolonged (⬎ 7 d), high-dose
higher-than-recommended doses are needed for ef-
(average of 14 mg/h), continuous lorazepam infusion,
and can be recognized by measuring an increased ficacy but that a ceiling dose effect is reported at a
osmolal gap.90 Lorazepam infusion was identified as dose approximately 1.5 g/kg/h.99 Dystonia has
an independent risk factor for transition to delirium been reported and may be due to its effect on
among ICU patients receiving MV15; however, ex- acetylcholine release.99 Acquisition cost is higher
amination of the odds ratios for other sedative and than for other sedative agents, although one ret-
opioid analgesics agents used less frequently in the rospective outcomes study100 of ⬎ 10,000 cardiac
study suggests it may occur with other agents. In surgery patients suggests favorable clinical and
light of drug accumulation with continuous infusion, economic outcomes when dexmedetomidine is
and concerns for propylene glycol toxicity, long-term added to midazolam and propofol for sedation.
high-dose lorazepam should be used with caution. Publication of additional research will help to
Midazolam may be a better alternative if hepatic and clarify new roles for this drug.
renal function is normal.
Despite consensus recommendations that admin- Opioid Analgesic Medications
istration of propofol be limited to ⬍ 24 to 48 h,9 it
remains widely used worldwide.5,35,83,84 Propofol in- A variety of opioids used by IV administration in
fusion has been compared to midazolam infusion for adults are available for use in ICUs throughout the
sedation in the ICU in many RCTs. Walder and world; many of these are compared in Table 2.
colleagues91 demonstrated more effective sedation Surveys and prospective surveillance studies35–37,83,84
(higher percentage of time) and shorter weaning indicate widespread use of fentanyl and morphine
time for short-term (⬍ 36 h) infusion but higher sulfate, although sufentanil enjoys considerable use
adverse event rates with propofol compared to mi- in Europe.37,84 The 2002 SCCM guidelines recom-
dazolam in a systematic review of 27 RCTs. Duration mend the use of fentanyl, hydromorphone, or mor-
of MV was similar for propofol and midazolam phine if an IV opioid analgesic is required.9 Opioids
infusions, however, when DIS was routinely used function through stimulation of receptors, principally
with both drugs.77 In contrast, duration of MV was via the 1 and 2 opioid receptors. All opioids
significantly shorter with propofol infusion and DIS produce a dose-dependent respiratory depression;
compared to intermittent lorazepam in a recent other common side effects include muscle rigidity,
RCT.78 Propofol infusion has been linked to a num- hypotension, delayed GI transit, nausea, pruritus,
ber of adverse effects,92 including hypertriglyceride- and urinary retention.27 There are important differ-
mia,93 dose-dependent hypotension,94 and the ence in regards to lipid solubility, volume of distri-
propofol infusion syndrome, a rare clinical syndrome bution, and metabolism that are reflected in data
of rhabdomyolysis, metabolic acidosis, renal failure, displayed in Table 2. Particularly noteworthy is that
and cardiac failure after high doses of propofol.95 morphine is metabolized to several active metabo-
Dexmedetomidine is a selective ␣2-adrenergic re- lites, including morphine-6-glucuronide that is more
ceptor agonist with a short half-life of approximately active than the parent compound, and accumulates
2.3 h, and has sedative, analgesic, anxiolytic, and in renal failure potentially resulting in prolonged
sympatholytic effects without depressing respiratory sedation and respiratory depression.101 Morphine
drive. Dexmedetomidine currently has limited ap- should be avoided in patients who have renal insuf-
proval by the US Food and Drug Administration for ficiency. Fentanyl has a rapid onset of action as a
sedation in postoperative patients of ⬍ 24 h dura- result of high lipophilicity and a short duration of
tion, although other ICU settings are being investi- action from redistribution.27 Elimination is delayed,
Key Components of
Source Patients and Setting Study Design Protocol Major Findings Comments
Brook et al 321 MV medical ICU RCT: protocol-directed Nursing-directed protocol Protocol group had shorter duration of MV (56 h vs 117 h,
patients, US sedation vs non- that emphasizes using p ⫽ 0.008); shorter ICU LOS (5.7 d vs 7.5d, p ⫽ 0.013);
university hospital protocol–directed intermittent therapy; shorter hospital LOS (14.0 d vs 19.9 d, p ⫽ 0.003);
sedation (control) fentanyl, lorazepam lower tracheostomy rate (6.2% vs 13.2%, p ⫽ 0.038)
Kress et al77 128 MV medical ICU RCT: intervention vs Intervention group Intervention group had shorter duration of MV (4.9 d vs 2 ⫻ 2 factorial design;
patients; US control received DIS 7.3 d, p ⫽ 0.004); shorter ICU LOS (6.4 d vs 9.9 d, patients also
university hospital p ⫽ 0.02); and fewer diagnostic tests for changes in randomized to
mental status (9% vs 27%, p ⫽ 0.02) receive midazolam
or propofol
MacLaren et al107 158 MV patients in Prospective two-phase Evidence-based sedation Protocol group had less “discomfort” (11% vs 22 0.4%, Protocol adherence ⫽
medical-surgical- study: empiric before/ and analgesia protocol p ⬍ 0.001); less pain (5.9% vs 9.6%, p ⬍ 0.05); lower 83.7%
neurologic protocol after hourly sedation cost (Canadian $5.68 vs Canadian $7.69,
Canadian ICU p ⬍ 0.01); trend for longer sedation duration (122.7 h vs
88.0 h, p ⬍ 0.1); trend for longer duration of MV (61.6
h vs 39.1 h, p ⫽ 0.13)
Mascia et al108 158 MV medical and Prospective two-phase Guidelines based upon Guideline group had lower direct drug costs; shorter
surgical ICU study: baseline before/ “rational cost-effective duration of MV (167 h vs 317 h)†; shorter ICU
patients, US tertiary guidelines after use of drugs” LOS (9.2.d vs 19.1d)†; shorter hospital LOS (19.1 d vs
care university 34.3 d)†
Brattebo et al109 285 MV surgical ICU Prospective two-phase Small-scale rapid-cycle Protocol group had shorter duration of MV (5.3 d vs 7.4
patients, Norwegian study: baseline before/ improvement model; d)†; trend for shorter ICU LOS (8.3 d vs 9.3 d)†
university hospital guideline after protocol, sedation scale
De Jonghe et al47 102 MV medical ICU Prospective two-phase Algorithm: regular Algorithm group had shorter time to arousal (2 d vs 4 d,
patients, French study: control before/ assessment of p ⫽ 0.006); shorter duration of MV (4.4 d vs 10.3 d,
university-affiliated algorithm after consciousness and p ⫽ 0.014)
hospital tolerance to ICU
environment with goal
of tolerance and high
Breen et al81 105 MV medical- 15-center RCT: analgesic Titration of analgesic Analgesic-based group had shorter time from weaning to
surgical ICU (remifentanil based) or (remifentanil, fentanyl, extubation (0.9 h vs 27.5 h, p ⬍ 0.001); shorter duration
patients, 10 sedative (midazolam or morphine) and of MV (94 h vs 147.5 h, p ⫽ 0.033)
European countries based) sedative (midazolam)
drugs to targets
Carson et al78 132 MV, sedated RCT: lorazepam by Daily interruption of Continuous infusion propofol group had shorter duration
medical ICU intermittent bolus, or sedation was of MV (5.8 d vs 8.4 d, p ⫽ 0.04); trend for more
patients, two US propofol by continuous performed in both ventilator-free survival (18.5 d vs 10.2 d, p ⫽ 0.06)
university hospitals infusion groups
duration of MV not
of MV. Thus, DIS is emerging as a useful technique
ileus with
tion” has been widely embraced.112
Questions arose regarding the neuropsychiatric
impact of repeated abrupt awakening on critically ill
patients,113 yet subsequent research has demon-
strated that patients randomized to DIS have fewer
symptoms of PTSD compared to control subjects.114
Protocol group had lower incidence of pain (42% vs 63%,
Co-sedation group had fewer hour with “off- target” circulating catecholamines; however, patients with
coronary artery disease subjected to DIS had no
increase in cardiac ischemia when taken off seda-
tion.115 These studies are encouraging for the safety
Major Findings
protocol; midazolam,
of pain and agitation
Key Components of
Protocol emphasis on
sedation with
university hospital
patients, French
patients, US