Study On The Analysis of Near-Miss Ship Collisions Using Logistic Regression
Study On The Analysis of Near-Miss Ship Collisions Using Logistic Regression
Study On The Analysis of Near-Miss Ship Collisions Using Logistic Regression
Generally, risk assessment for a ship collision can be ing CPA, TCPA, and the encounter angle between vessels.
performed by analyzing the trajectories of two ships This dynamic model only calculates collision risk for en-
as they get close to each other. A near-miss collision counter situations.
between ships is an undesired event that did not re- The second part is made up of the consequences of
sult in collision, but had a high risk of doing so. Due encounter situations, such as collision accidents or near-
to the high frequency of these occurrences, many ac- misses. Collision accident data contains sufficient expla-
tual accident data samples can be obtained. In this nation regarding an encounter situation. Additionally, it
paper, we extract various variables related to near- is categorized according to ship size and type, encounter
miss collisions from this data, such as Distance to Clos- type (i.e. head on, cross, overtake), human factors in-
est Point of Approach (DCPA), Time to Closest Point volved in the collision accident, etc.
of Approach (TCPA) and Collision Avoidance Vari- By looking at previous studies on the usage of ship
ance (CAV). To assess near-miss collision risk, logistic collision accident data as dependent variables, Roeleven
regression analysis is performed by categorizing en- et al. [5] calculated the probability of a collision acci-
counter types based on ship trajectories collected over dent through a casuistic approach by using the binary
4 months in coastal water areas. logit model of Generalized Linear Models (GLM). In this
model, collision accident data contains a two-value de-
pendent variable indicating whether or not a collision ac-
Keywords: ship encounter variables, near-miss ship col- cident occurs. Jin et al. [6] also employed a binary logit
lision, logistic regression model for modeling the probability of fishing ship ac-
cidents. It used wind speed, ship length, navigating or
working regions, seasons, etc. obtained from dichoto-
1. Introduction mous accident data.
Despite the many advantages of collision accident data,
Ship collisions are one of the most common maritime there is still a significant lack of samples for statistical
accidents at sea. In order to reduce collision numbers, analysis. As Debnath [7] and Inoue et al. [8] pointed out,
ship collision risk assessment has become an important it is necessary to have a database containing a sufficiently
issue for maritime safety and traffic management. Many large number of collision accident cases to draw statisti-
researchers have reported that conflicts in navigation in- cally sound inferences from the analysis of collision acci-
tentions account for a substantial portion of ship colli- dent records.
sions [1, 2]. In general, risk assessment for ship collisions Table 1 displays statistical data on the consequences
can be performed by analyzing the trajectories of ships as of encounter situations over a one-year time period in the
they near each other, using Automatic Identification Sys- coastal water areas of Busan Port and Busan New Port
tem (AIS) dynamic information. It is reported that collid- located in the south-eastern part of South Korea. The
ing ships typically exhibit unsafe movements [3]. number of reported collision accident is only three per
A ship encounter situation consists of two main parts. year [9]. Near-misses, however, account for 1,278 cases,
The first part is made up of collision predictors such as and close quarter situations account for 15,114 cases;
Distance to Closest Point of Approach (DCPA) and Time these numbers are sufficient for statistical analysis. A
to Closest Point of Approach (TCPA); these are proximity near-miss collision is an undesired event that did not re-
indicators for the Closest Point of Approach (CPA). They sult in collision, but had a high risk of doing so. A close
represent temporal and spatial margins between two ships quarter situation is a sequence of events and/or conditions
prior to a collision. between ships that had the potential to result in a colli-
J. M. Mou et al. [4] proposed a dynamic risk model us- sion [10]. The encounter distance of a close quarter situa-
3. Methodology
3.4. Discussion
The DCPA/L independent variable has a negative effect
on near-miss probability in all encounter situations (OR in
head-on: −2.007 times, OR in cross: −1.414 times, OR Fig. 9. Near-miss probability curves in overtake situation.
in over-take: −0.905 times) when it is decreased by 1.
The TCPA independent variable also has a negative effect
on near-miss probability in all encounter situations (OR
in head-on: −0.492 times, OR in cross: −0.075 times, CAV(1) and CAV(2) for near-miss probability is signifi-
OR in over-take: −0.256 times) when it is decreased by cantly higher for overtake situations compared to the other
1. For the CAV independent variable, CAV(1) has a nega- encounter types.
tive effect when compared with CAV(2) for all encounter
situations (OR in head-on: −1.135 times, OR in cross:
−1.055 times, OR in over-take: −1.776 times). 4. Conclusion
Figures 7–9 shows near-miss probability distribution
curves calculated using the regression coefficients values We utilized ship encounter data including DCPA/L,
for each encounter type. The X-axis is DCPAL, the Y -axis CAV, and encounter type from near-miss events for logis-
is TCPA, and the Z-axis is Near-miss Probability. The tic regression to perform statistical assessment of water-
slopes of the curves are determined by |β |, which is asso- way risk. Near-misses, which are as a dependent variable,
ciated with independent variable sensibility. are substituted for actual accidents due to their relatively
In the distributions of near-miss probabilities, the vari- high occurrence in the available dataset.
ance in head-on and cross situation are higher than in The model coefficients, OR, are obtained by applying
overtake situations. Additionally the difference between regression to the encounter data. The resulting model
equations are useful for analyzing risk factors posed by [19] D. R. Collet, “Modelling Binary Data,” Chapman and Hall, 1991.
independent variables, and calculating near-miss proba- [20] D. K. Cox and E. J. Snell, “The Analysis of Binary Data,” London,
The results will support vessel traffic service operators
or ship navigators in collision avoidance and real-time
traffic control. Additional encounter data and the addition Name:
Kwang-Il Kim
of other risk variables will improve model classification
accuracy in the future. Affiliation:
Computer Science, Chungbuk National Univer-
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2016R1A6A3A 11935806). Address:
This work was supported by ETRI through the Maritime Safety & 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 28644, Republic of
Maritime Traffic Management R&D Program of the MPSS (Min- Korea
istry of Public Safety and Security) and KIMST (2009403, Devel- Brief Biographical History:
opment of next generation VTS for maritime safety). 2005 Received the Bachelor of Science in Department of Maritime
Transportation System from Mokpo National Maritime University
2005-2009 Navigator-Deck Officer, Ssangyong Shipping, Co. Ltd.
2010- VTS Officer, Yeosu VTS, Ministry of Public Safety and Security,
References: Republic of Korea
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[12] K. I. Kim, J. S. Jeong, and G. K. Park, “A Study on Near-miss Inci- Brief Biographical History:
dents from Maritime Traffic Flow by Clustering Vessel Positions,” 1987 Received the Bachelor of Science in Department of Nautical
J. of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Vol.24, No.6, pp. 603-
608, 2014. Science from Korea Maritime University
[13] A. K. Debnath and H. C. Chim, “National Traffic Conflict Tech- 1993 Received the Master Degree in Department of Electronic and
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lision Risks in Port Waters,” The J. of Navigation, Vol.63, pp. 137- 1993-1996 Senior Researcher, Korea Telecom R&D Center
152, 2010. 2001 Received the Doctoral Degree in the Department of Electrical and
[14] IMO, COLREG: Convention on the international regulations for Electronic Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology
preventing collisions at sea 1972, The International Maritime Or- 2001-2002 Senior Researcher, Korea Telecom R&D Center
ganization, 2002. 2002 Associate Professor, Faculty of Maritime Transportation
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Vol.24, pp. 543-552, 1971.
• Parameter estimation, statistical risk assessment, maritime traffic
[16] E. K. Kim, J. S. Jeong, G. K. Park, and N. K. Im, “Characteristics of
Ship Movements in a Fairway,” Int. J. of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent engineering, collision avoidance
Systems, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 285-289, 2012. Membership in Academic Societies:
[17] J. S. Kim, J. S. Jeong, and G. K. Park, “Utilization of Planned • Korea Institute of Intelligent Systems
Routes and Dead Reckoning Positions to Improve Situation Aware- • Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research
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No.4, pp. 288-294, 2014. Processing Society
[18] K. I. Kim, J. S. Jeong, and G. K. Park, “A Study on the Analysis
of Ship Encounter Data using Logistic Regression,” The 16th Int.
Symp. on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 235-242, 2015.
Byung-Gil Lee
Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute (ETRI)
218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Republic of Korea
Brief Biographical History:
1991-2001 Senior Research Engineer, Dacom R&D Center
2001-present Principle Member of Engineering Staff in Hyper-connected
Communication research laboratory of ETRI
2003 Received the Doctoral Degree in the Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering from the Kyungpook National University
Main Works:
• “An intelligent real-time multi-vessel collision risk assessment system
from VTS view point based on fuzzy inference system,” Elsevier Expert
Systems with Applications, Vol.40, Issue 4, pp. 1220-1230, 2013.
Membership in Academic Societies:
• Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
• Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research
• Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
• Korea Multimedia Society