Action Research

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Action Research on Improving Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during Sport Period among Grade 5th &

6th students in ketele Primary School

College Of Natural And Computational Science

Department Of Sport Science 
Misile Mina

Action Research on Improving Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during Sport Period
among Grade 5th & 6th Students in ketele Primary School

College Of Natural And Computational Science

Department Of Sport Science 
Misile Mina
Advisor: Beta. (Dr)

Submission date, 9/8/2022 G.C

August ,2022 Arbaminch Ethiopia.

Table of contents pages

I. Table of contents-----------------------------------------------------------------iii
II. Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------iv
III. Alternative topics-----------------------------------------------------------------v
1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 statement of the problem--------------------------------------------------------2
1.2 significance of the study---------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 objectives--------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.3.1 specific objectives --------------------------------------------------------2

2. Materials And Methods-------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1 Study design, area and period----------------------------------------------------3

2.2 data collection method------------------------------------------------------------3

2.3 Sampling technique and sample size---------------------------------------------------------4

2.4 data analysis and interpretation-------------------------------------------------4

3. Result And Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

4. Discussion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

5. Recommendation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

6. References--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

7. Appendixes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii


First of all I would like to thank my alimighty God for supporting me from starting to ending up
my project. Next I would like to give great appreciation and thanks to my advisor Beta (Dr) to
give his encourage able advice and show the ways how to do the project. Finally also I would
like to thanks all my family members, class mates and other friends who support and encourage
me to reach for this success.

Alternative topics of my action research.

1. Action Research on Improving Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during

Sport Period among Grade 5th & 6th students in ketele Primary School
2. Improving students low participation in Ketele primary school in grade 6th A section.
3. How to reduce cheating in tests in Ketele primary school in grade 5th B
4. How to improve grade 5th A students football kicking skill.
5. How to improve disable students towards physical activities in Ketele primary school
grade 6th A.

From the above given topics ,I select the first topic(Action Research on Improving
Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during Sport Period among Grade 5th & 6th
Students in ketele Primary School.

) for my action research project.

Improving Wearing of Recommended Sport Materials during Sport Period was essential
ways to develop the physical education subject and it was very important to lead students
to encourage their physical fitness properly. The improvement of wearing of
recommended sport materials in Ketele primary school was not given attention by school
communities during sport period within school compound and also in village when the
youths play sport games like football, volleyball and other games in the area. In Ketele
primary school the wearing of recommended sport materials was not given attention by
other subject teachers, due to the awareness problem students were wear any other
wearing materials during sport period and they are not effective in practical activities and
also it affects the development of physical education subjects practical future background
in village societies in the study area. Compared to other topics chosen above the
improving wearing of recommended sport materials during sport period among grade 5th
& 6th students in ketele primary school relatively not focused improved in the school.

1. Introduction

According to a recently released report (HHS, 2013), multicomponent school-based approaches,

which usually include enhanced physical education in conjunction with other forms of school
related physical activity, are effective in increasing physical activity among students.

Play works is another program promoting physical activity through integrative means.
The Play works mission is to improve the health and well-being of children by
increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play at recess and
throughout the school day.

There is evidence that combined factors such as poor playing fields, inadequate protective
equipment, and insufficient supervision by instructors with limited knowledge may contribute to
the incidence of injury in school sport. Increasing participation in school sport is one of the
‘health of the nation’ targets, and, if a parallel increase in injuries is to be avoided, attention will
have to be given to adequate facilities, equipment, and training for those supervising this activity
[Helms, P.J."Sports 1997]. Most injuries in school occur during sport. School sports injuries are
important. They account for just over half of all injuries in secondary school children. They
cause significant disruption to school and sport and have important implications for the wider
family(Abernethy,Liz and Macauley Domhnall,2003 and Morrison, W. 2016).

Sport injuries occur during exercise or while participating in a sport. Children are particularly at
risk for these types of injuries, but adults can get them, too. Sport injuries are common in
younger adults and children. More than 3.5 million children and teens are injured as part of an
organized sports or physical activity each year. One-third of all injuries in children are related to
sports, too (Finison K, Guyer B and Good enough S. 1984).

An individual may be at risk for sport injuries if a person hasn’t been regularly active, don’t
warm up properly before exercise and play contact sports. The best way to prevent a sports
injury is to warm up properly and stretch. Besides, the uses of proper technique, don’t overdo it,
and have the proper sport equipment

1.1 Statement of the Problem

Taking part in sports and recreation activities is an important part of a healthy, physically active lifestyle
for children. More than 2.6 million children 0-19 years old are treated in the emergency department each
year for sports and recreation related injuries. The important prevention method that can take to help
make sure they stay safe on the field, whenever they play or participate in sports and recreation activities
is the use of right stuff (using proper equipment) CDC. (2015).

1.2 Significant of the Study

The researcher believed that the results of the study will have some contribution to the school. The
following are among the significance of the study: The management of the school who are responsible for
making various strategic decisions to minimize or prevent the sport injuries related to not use of sport
equipment’s if they implement the result of the action research. Teachers of the school compound may
use the results of the action research to improve the use of sport equipment’s of their students based on
the factors identified. The action research was use as reference for next study and it shows ways to
improve recommended wearing of sport materials during sport period.

1.3 Objectives

General objective

To improve the use of sport equipment’s by female students during in field sport period through
awareness creation and close follow up.

1.3.1 Specific objectives

 To assess factors affect their utilization of sport materials.

 To create awareness on the importance of sport equipment’s.
 To assess attitude of students of toward wearing sport materials
 To increase the use of sport materials by students.

2. Materials And Methods

2.1 Study design, area and period

A descriptive survey research design was conducted in Ketele Primary School which is found in
Gamo Zone Geresie Zuria Woreda in Ketele kebele. It was established in 1999. The school was
established by the government as a result of expanding of societies in the area. In the school,
there are 7 sections and 320 students are registered and enrolled in the school. Of the 320, 137
students were grade 5and 6. A sample consisting of total 60 respondents were selected. The
sample units (participants) were selected randomly from grade 5 and 6 to follow the student there
day to day sport activity. There are 2 classes (section) of students in grade 6 and one (1) class of
grade 5. Of them, 31 students were female and 60 students were male in grade 6 and in grade 5,
17 students were female and 29 students were male. Total of 60 students (23 female & 37 male)
students were selected randomly to undertake the study. The study was done in 2022 G.C in
Ketele primary school.

2.2 Data collection method

The data were collected using primary data collection methods such as questionnaire and
observation. Using questionnaire, the students feeling towards wearing recommended materials
was assessed. Whereas through the use of observation, the students observed behavior was

Questionnaires: In order to acquire adequate information from respondent, a questionnaire which

consists of both open and closed ended questions was designed and distributed to 60 selected
students to collect relevant information about the school in relation to the performance of
students in wearing recommended sport materials during sport period.

Action (Strategies) taken

The intervention was given after collecting and analyzing the data. Then to improve the wearing of sport
materials among students, the following actions were taken.

 Awareness given
 Forbid from sport period during sport time in field.
 Reward given for students who fulfill sport materials during sport period
 Communication made with students parent to fulfill sport materials.
2.3 Sampling technique and sample size
The 60 students from grade 5 and grade 6 classes were selected randomly in lottery
method because for my study all students had equally important.
2.4 Data analysis and interpretation
The data collected from selected students, data collected from observation were presented
in table chart/figure form and explained in percentage, the qualitative data were
expressed in narrative way

3. Result And Interpretation.

Table 1. sex of the respondent

Students Frequency percent

Male 37 61.67
Female 23 38.33

Table 1. Shows the number of students selected for action research purpose. From total of 60
selected students 37(61.67%) were male and 23(38.33%) were females student.

Table 2. Age group of respondent

Age group in Frequency Percent

12-15 35 58.33
16-20 20 33.33
Above 20 5 8.34
The 2. Shows that age group of the respondents categorized in three groups. After collecting of
data about their from respondents I category the age group based on the majority of the students
age. Based on the data 58.33% of students age was lies under between 12 to 15 years and
33.33% lies between 16 to 20 years old, and finally 8.34% lies above 20 years old in grade five
and six classes

Figure1. Factors that affect the use of sport material

awarness prblem lacko economy

absenc of interest to do sport



The above figure express that the 50% of students not wearing sport materials due to awareness
problem and the remaining students respond that they were not wear sport materials due to lack
of economy to purchase sport cloth as additional to normal wearing cloth and others respond that
they had no interest to do sport.

Table.3Wearing of sport cloth.

Frequency Percent
Wearing of sport Yes (28) 46.67
cloth No (32) 53.33
From the above table 3 the 53.33% percent of students did not wear sport materials during sport
period and only 46.67% of students wear sport clothes during sport period.

Figure 2. Attitudes of students related to wearing sport materials during sport period







posetive negative

Above figure shows that the 22(36.67%) of students have positive attitude about wearing sport
cloth and 38 (63.33%) were negative attitudes about the wearing the recommended sport

4. Discussion

Wearing the recommended sport materials is very important to perform the normal physical
fitness and improve the health condition for human being. During sport period in Ketele primary
school the students did not fulfill the sport materials as recommended. This shows that there was
varies problems which hinders students from wearing sport materials during sport period. From
the total of selected and responded 60 students majority percent of students have not positive
attitude about wearing of recommended sport materials during sport period in Ketele primary
school. They did not wear sport materials due to some reasons as indicated above in result parts.
Some of these reasons were awareness problem, lack of economy to purchase sport materials and
willingness or interest to do sport. Regarding to age after collecting of data about their from
respondents I category the age group based on the majority of the students age. Based on the data
58.33% of students age was lies under between 12 to 15 years and 33.33% lies between 16 to 20
years old, and finally 8.34% lies above 20 years old in grade five and six classes

As showed in result part about 50% of students not wearing sport materials due to awareness
problem and the remaining students respond that they were not wear sport materials due to lack
of economy to purchase sport cloth as additional to normal wearing cloth and others respond that
they had no interest to do sport.

5. Recommendation

To improve the wearing of recommended sport materials during sport period the following
recommendation would be forwarded.

 Awareness would be given to students and their parents to fulfill sport materials and use
it during sport period
 Also the awareness would be provided to students related to importance of physical
education and its practical activities for preventing of some unwanted disease occurred
due to absence physical fitness.
 Besides to awareness the school would be fulfill sport materials in the school compound
and use it rotational during sport period for section.

6. References
Abernethy,Liz and Macauley Domhnall. "Impact of School Sports Injury." Br J Sports Med, 37(2003),

CDC. (2015). Sport Safety: Protect The Ones You Love: Child Injuries Are Preventable. CDC, USA.

Gallagher,Sus, Finison K, Guyer B and Goodenough S. "The Incidence of Injuries Among 87,000
Massachusetts Children and Adolescents: Results of the 1980-81 Statewide Childhood Injury
Presentation Program Surveillance System." Am J Public Health, 8(1984): 318-324

Helms, P.J."Sports Injuries in Children : Should we be Concerned ?."Archives of Disease in Childhood,

77(1997) 161-163.

Morrison, W. "Everything you Need to Know About Sports Injuries and Rehab." Health line. (2016).

7. Appendixes



General information

1. Woreda name ---------------------

2. Name of school -------------------
3. Age of students----------in years.
4. Sex of student---------(male or female )
5. Factors that affect the use of sport material
1, lack of economy 2, awareness problem 3, absence of interest to do sport.
6. Are earing sport clothes during sport period 1 ,yes. 2,no
7. What your attitudes on wearing sport materials during sport period
1,positive , 2, negative

Appendix 2
Sampling technique =random sampling
Data analysis =descriptive (table and charts /figure)
Data interpretation= percent and frequency


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