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Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

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Food Chemistry
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Analytical Methods

Single run analysis of glutathione and its disulfide in food samples by liquid
chromatography coupled to on-line post-column derivatization
Apostolia Tsiasioti , Anastasia-Stella Zotou , Paraskevas D. Tzanavaras *
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Greece


Keywords: Glutathione and its disulfide were determined in a single run using liquid chromatography with on-line post-
Glutathione column derivatization and fluorimetric detection (340 nm/425 nm). The analytes were separated using a
Glutathione disulfide reversed-phase column capable of operating at 100% aqueous mobile phase and detected following direct on-line
Post column derivatization
reaction with o-phthalaldehyde (7.5 mmol L− 1) in highly basic medium (0.37 mol L− 1 NaOH). The instrumental
Food samples
and chemical variables were carefully investigated towards high sensitivity and throughput, while special
GSH/GSSG quantification
Liquid chromatography attention was paid to validating potential matrix effects. Glutathione and its disulfide could be selectively
determined with respective LODs of 0.10 and 0.30 μmol L− 1 in the absence of matrix effect (<6%). The
endogenous content of the analytes was accurately determined in various food samples with recoveries ranging
between 80 and 120% in all cases. The proposed method is reliable and promising as a generic analytical tool for
the convenient estimation of the redox status of glutathione in various food matrices.

1. Introduction 2017) requires two steps for GSH/GSSG analysis (blocking of –SH with a
suitable reagent). In analysis of olives by LC–MS a clean-up step using
Glutathione (GSH) is a low molecular weight tripeptide (cysteine, solid-phase extraction is necessary prior to measurement (López-Huertas
glycine, and glutamic acid) extensively found in the cells of animals and & Palma, 2020), while simultaneous analysis of GSH and GSSG by HPLC
plants (Minich & Brown, 2019; Demirkol & Cagri-Mehmetoglu, 2008). coupled to coulometric electrochemical detection was only partially
Due to its highly anti-oxidant properties, GSH protects cells from the validated (Bayram et al., 2014). A quite significant fraction of the re­
toxic effect of reactive oxygen substances and it plays an important role ported analytical protocols for the analysis of GSH/GSSG in food sam­
in the synthesis of proteins and DNA (Malmezat et al., 2000). In plants ples is based on HPLC coupled to pre-column derivatization. Due to the
recent studies have presented strong indications on the protective role of low absorptivity of the analytes in the UV–Vis region, derivatization has
GSH against heavy metal poisoning and on the accumulation of antho­ proven quite useful in terms of sensitivity and stabilization of GSH even
cyanins (Xiang et al., 2001). GSH is also an important constituent in when mass spectrometry is used (Roland & Schneider, 2015; Reinbold
grapes and wines and a recent review has highlighted its role in wine­ et al., 2008). Pre-column derivatization followed by separation using
making (antibrowning, aroma profile, ageing, etc. (Kritzinger et al., HPLC or capillary electrophoresis coupled to UV or fluorescence (FL)
2013)). Last but not least, GSH has been investigated in the food in­ detection has been applied to a variety of foods such as wines (Fra­
dustry as an alternative natural antibrowning agent for fresh fruit cassetti et al., 2011; Webber et al., 2014, 2017), citrus fruits juices
(Rojas-Graü et al., 2008; Wu, 2014). (Kubalczyk & Bald, 2009; Kuśmierek & Bald, 2008) and yeasts (Tsar­
GSH is an extremely sensitive analyte, easily oxidized to its respec­ daka et al., 2013). Regardless of the employed derivatizing reagent, the
tive disulfide (GSSG). Sample preparation should therefore not alter the detection mode and the separation technique, the common character­
endogenous GSH/GSSG ratio in real samples and analytical methods istic of all the above procedures is their inability to quantify GSH and
should ideally be capable for the effective estimation of the red/ox status GSSG in a single run. Total GSH is estimated only after reduction of the
of GSH in various complicated matrices such as food. For example, the disulfide using suitable reagents, introducing additional uncertainty to
reliable enzymatic recycling assay (Rahman et al., 2007) that has been the results (reduction efficiency, potential interference of excess
used in broccoli (Raseetha et al., 2013) and mushrooms (Kalaras et al., reducing reagent, quantification by difference etc).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.D. Tzanavaras).

Received 22 February 2021; Received in revised form 16 May 2021; Accepted 18 May 2021
Available online 21 May 2021
0308-8146/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Tsiasioti et al. Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

When it comes to the analysis of complex matrices (e.g. food and (Gilson, UK) operated with Tygon pump tubes; (ii) reaction coil heater
biological material) on-line derivatization in post-column mode (PCD) is (HiChrom Limited); (iii) 200 cm/0.5 mm i.d. PTFE reaction coil.
considered as a robust and reliable choice, offering well-documented Other equipment: (i) RF-5301PC batch spectrofluorophotometer
advantages in terms of sample preparation and minimization of matrix (Shimadzu); (ii) ultrasonic bath (Elma Transonic); (iii) pH meter
related interferences (Zacharis & Tzanavaras, 2013). An overview of (Orion); (iv) centrifuge (Hermle); (v) blender (Ultra Turrax).
recent HPLC–PCD methods for the determination of GSH (and GSSG) in
various samples is presented in Table 1S (Supplementary Section) 2.2. Reagents and solutions
(Zacharis et al., 2013, 2011; Karakosta et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2014;
Özyürek et al., 2012; Li et al., 2011; Pelletier & Lucy, 2004; Robin et al., All reagents were of analytical grade and were provided by Sigma-
2011). Successful analysis of GSH/GSSG by HPLC–PCD has to overcome Aldrich, unless otherwise stated. Doubly de-ionized water was pro­
two main “obstacles”; (i) the relative high polarity of the analytes duced by a Milli-Q system (Millipore).
(separation step) and (ii) the implementation of a PCD chemistry The standard stock solutions of glutathione (GSH) and its disulfide
capable of reacting with both the thiol and its disulfide (derivatization (GSSG) were prepared daily at 1000 μmol L− 1 in EDTA (5 mmol L− 1).
step). As can be seen in Table 1S, effective HPLC separation of polar GSH Dilution in the same solvent was employed to prepare the working so­
and GSSG can be either achieved by the conventional reversed-phase lutions. The solution of o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) as post-column deriv­
mechanism by minimizing the organic fraction in the mobile phase atization reagent was prepared at a concentration level of 7.5 mmol L− 1
(up to 100% aqueous in specially designed columns), or by the more by ultrasonic dissolution of the suitable amount in 5 mL methanol,
straightforward for polar analytes hydrophilic interaction mechanism following by dilution to 100 mL with doubly de-ionized water. This
(HILIC). solution was typically consumed within 1–2 working days (it is stable for
On the other hand, the determination of GSH/GSSG in a single at least 3 days when stored at 4 ◦ C and protected from light. NaOH so­
chromatographic run does not always seem an easy task. Peletier and lution was prepared at an amount concentration of 0.37 mol L− 1 by
Lucy employed an effective thiol reducing agent (TCEP, tris(2- dilution of a 2.0 mol L− 1 stock in water.
carboxyethyl)phosphine) in a first post-column step to reduce GSSG, The HPLC mobile phase was consisted of 0.1% phosphoric acid in
followed by an indirect FL chemistry (Pelletier & Lucy, 2004). The Milli-Q water. It was prepared daily, including ultrasonic degassing and
relatively high cost of TCEP is rather unattractive for continuous flow filtration under vacuum through 0.45 μm membrane filters
modes, whereas the kinetics of the reduction under flow conditions (Whatman®).
reduce the sensitivity for GSSG (LOD = 4.3 μmol L− 1). Mass spectrom­
etry is in theory capable of determining underivatized GSH/GSSG in a 2.3. HPLC–PCD procedure
single run. However post column addition of silver nitrate enhanced the
sensitivity 5-fold in ESI mode ([M + Ag]+ vs [M− H]+) (Robin et al., Standard solutions or samples (20 μL injection volume) were injected
2011). A 250-cm-long C18 column opearated at low flow rate (0.25 mL in the analytical column and were separated under isocratic elution
min− 1) enabled the use of 50% acetonitrile in the mobile phase, (0.1% phosphoric acid) at a flow rate of 0.7 mL min− 1. The column was
resulting in a separation cycle of < 10 min. In all other HPLC–PCD ap­ thermostated at 50 ◦ C. The separated compounds were mixed down­
proaches described in Table 1S the determination of GSSG cannot be stream with the PCD reagents (OPA and NaOH) (0.35 mL min− 1 total
accomplished in a single run, since treatment of the sample with a flow rate) forming the OPA-derivatives, on passage through the ther­
suitable reducing reagent is required (TCEP, NaBH4, DTT, etc) for the mostated reaction coil (200 cm/60 ◦ C). The products were delivered
estimation of total GSH content (GSSG is quantified by difference). towards the fluorescence detector and were monitored at 340/425 nm.
In the present study we propose an HPLC–PCD method for the sep­ It should be noted that during analysis of real samples the column was
aration and direct analysis of GSH and its disulfide in a single run, periodically flushed with 50–80% acetonitrile for 15 min in order to
avoiding extra sample treatment steps. The analytes are separated iso­ remove strongly retained hydrophobic compounds and pevent the
cratically using a reversed-phase column that is stable under 100% appearance of “ghost peaks”.
aqueous mobile phases (Prevail®, Alltech), followed by on-line post-
column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and fluorimetric 2.4. Preparation of food samples
detection. In highly alkaline medium (pH > 12) GSH reacts directly with
OPA from both the primary amine and the thiolic group (in the absence All fresh and frozen vegetable samples (various types of spinach,
of nucleophilic compounds) to form a tricyclic derivative (Tsikas et al., peppers, avocado, cucumber, frozen green beans, frozen Brussels sprouts
1999). Under the same conditions, the -S–S- bond of the more strongly and fresh asparagus) were purchased from the local market and were
retained GSSG is hydrolyzed on-line and the produced GSH reacts with stored as for everyday use. The vegetables were chopped at ca. 1 × 1 cm
OPA under the same mechanism (Tsiasioti & Tzanavaras, 2021). The pieces using a non-metallic (ceramic) knife and accurately weighed
developed HPLC–PCD method is simple, straighforward, utilizes widely amounts of 10 g were blended for 1 min in 100 mL of a solution of 1.0
available instrumentation and reagents and enables the matrix-effect- mmol L− 1 EDTA that was kept refrigerated. The resulting suspensions
free determination of the redox status of GSH in a variety of complex were extracted ultrasonically for 5 min, centrifuged for 5 min at 4000
food matrices (vegetables, wines and grapes). rpm and filtered through 0.45 μm syringe filters. Depending on the
concentrations of the analytes in the filtered solutions (estimated
2. Materials and methods through preliminary analyses), appropriate dilutions were performed, if
needed, in 1.0 mmol L− 1 EDTA. The matrix effect was evaluated using a
2.1. Instrumentation pooled sample of various fresh and frozen vegetables (n = 10), following
analogous pretreatment as described above.
HPLC instrumentation: (i) AS3000 autosampler (Thermo Scientific); Wine samples were also purchased from commercial sources and
(ii) LC-9A binary pump (Shimadzu, Japan); (iii) RF-551 spectro­ were stored bottled in their original packaging until processing. Simple
fluorimetric detector operated at high sensitivity (Shimadzu, Japan); pretreatment included 5 or 6-fold dilution in 1 mmol L− 1 EDTA
(iv) Elite™ vacuum degasser (Alltech, U.S.); (v) column oven (Jones (depending on the labelled ethanol content, see Section 3.4.3), filtration
Chromatography); (vi) Prevail C18 HPLC column (100 × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 through disposable syringe filters and direct analysis. For the evaluation
μm, Alltech); (vii) Clarity® software (version 4.0.3; DataApex, Czech of the matrix effect a pooled wine matrix (n = 5) was prepared using
Republic). equal volumes of each wine.
Post column instrumentation: (i) Minipuls™ 3 peristaltic pump Varieties of commercially available fresh Greek grapes were

A. Tsiasioti et al. Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

Fig. 1. Graphical depiction of the HPLC–PCD setup; IV = autosampler (V = 20 μL); PP = peristaltic pump (Q = 0.35 mL min− 1); RC = reaction coil (200 cm/0.5 mm
i.d.); FL = fluorimetric detector (340/425 nm); W = waste.

packaged in air-tight plastic bags and stored at –18 ◦ C until analysis. The investigation of the potential effect of the column temperature
Pretreatment was carried out according to the procedure described proved that it could be a critical factor in terms of resolution and sep­
above for the vegetable samples, with the slight modification of ho­ aration cycle. Temperature increase affects eluent viscosity leading to
mogenizing and extracting 20 g grapes in 50 mL EDTA. more efficient diffusion of hydrophobic components between the eluent
and medium thereby controlling resolution (Dolan, 2002). The column
3. Results and discussion temperature was therefore examined at four different levels (30, 40, 50
and 60 ◦ C). As can be observed in Fig. 1S (Supplementary Section),
In previous studies we examined the OPA-GSH and OPA-GSSG re­ variation of the column temperature within the selected range affected
actions under flow conditions (Tsiasioti & Tzanavaras, 2021). Our mainly the more hydrophobic GSSG. A value of 50 ◦ C was selected for
findings confirmed and demonstrated that GSH can react on-line with further experiments, as it provided a satisfactory resolution factor of >
OPA under both mildly alkaline pH = 8 and highly alkaline medium (pH 5.0, reasonable duration of the separation cycle and did not “stress” the
> 12) forming a tricyclic fluorescent derivative (Tsikas et al., 1999). On column at the upper limit of its specifications for temperature.
the other hand, GSSG reacts with OPA, after its on-line hydrolysis/ Under the preferred HPLC conditions, GSH was eluted at 4.8 min,
cleavage of the S–S bond in highly alkaline medium (>0.1 mol L− 1 GSSG at 8.9 min and the resolution factor (Rs) was 7.5.
NaOH), yielding the same derivative. In this study we take advantage of
the above mentioned chemical behavior of GSH/GSSG to explore the
3.2. Post-column derivatization
determination of both analytes in a single run following separation by
liquid chromatography coupled to on-line post column derivatization by
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, the main chemical
OPA in highly alkaline medium (Fig. 1).
and instrumental variables for the PCD reaction were investigated: the
The starting values of the main HPLC and PCD variables were: MP =
concentration of OPA and NaOH, the flow rate of the reagents, the
0.2% phosphoric acid (pH = 2.0), Q(MP) = 0.7 mL/min, c(OPA) = 5
temperature and the length of the reaction coil. All the above factors
mmol L− 1, c(NAOH) = 1.0 mol L− 1, T(RC) reaction coil = 50 ◦ C, l(RC) =
were individually investigated (one-at-a-time) and all experiments were
200 cm and Q(PCD) = 0.25 mL min− 1 for each stream. The amount
carried out using a mixture of GSH and GSSG at an amount concentra­
concentrations of GSH and GSSG were 10 μmol L− 1.
tion of 10 μmol L− 1 each. The experimental results can be summarized as
3.1. Chromatographic conditions
(i) The alkalinity of the reaction medium proved to be a significant
GSH and GSSG are polar compounds with low retention on reversed- factor as it affects both the cleavage of the S–S bond of GSSG and
phase columns. The use of highly aqueous mobile phases could be a the reaction of GSH with OPA. The experimental results are
viable alternative for the efficient retention and separation of such presented in Fig. 2S (Supplementary Section). In the case of GSH,
compounds (Gritti et al., 2020). For this reason, the Prevail C18 column variation of NaOH in the range of 0.1–2.0 mol L− 1 resulted in a
was selected as, according to the manufacturer, it can be combined with decrease in sensitivity; the phenomenon was less pronounced in
mobile phases ranging from 100% aqueous to 100% organic. Due to the the range of 0.1–0.37 mol L− 1. This behavior should be more or
presence of carboxyl groups in the analytes, acidic pH is suitable to less expected as previous flow-based studies indicated that the
suppress their ionization and enhance the retention. The mobile phase reaction of GSH with OPA is favored in the pH range of 8–12
also contained 1 mmol L− 1 EDTA, to avoid potential oxidation of GSH by (Tsiasioti & Tzanavaras, 2021). On the other hand, GSSG was
traces of metallic ions present in the chromatographic system (Tang affected in a different manner, since the role of alkalinity is dual.
et al., 2003). The sensitivity increased>10-fold in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 mol
Preliminary comparative studies demonstrated that phosphoric acid L− 1 NaOH, where the cleavage of the S–S bond predominates.
under isocratic elution achieved better retention and chromatographic For higher NaOH amount concentrations the GSH-OPA reaction
efficiency compared to acetic acid and formic acid (data not shown). As predominates and the trend is analogous to reduced GSH. As can
expected, GSH was eluted first, followed by the more hydrophobic GSSG be seen in Fig. 2S, a concentration of 0.37 mol L− 1 provides a
(it is comprised of two GSH molecules). The effect of the volume fraction viable compromise for both analytes.
of phosphoric acid on the chromatographic behavior of the analytes was (ii) The effect of the concentration of the derivatizing reagent was
studied in the range of 0.05–0.2%. The experimental results demon­ investigated in the range of 2.5–15 mmol L− 1. As can be seen in
strated that the retention times of both analytes remained practically Fig. 3S (Supplementary Section), OPA concentrations higher than
unaffected with the increase of the acid. A practical level of 0.1% was 7.5 mmol L-1 offer practically “steady state” conditions in terms of
selected for subsequent studies. sensitivity for both compounds. The latter value has been selected

A. Tsiasioti et al. Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

for further experiments taking also into account the reasonable the curves, the percent residuals were satisfactory, ranging between
consumption of the reagent under the continuous flow PCD –13.0% and + 6.0% for GSH and –14.3% and + 12.2% for GSSG.
mode. The LODs were calculated from the standard deviations of the in­
(iii) As depicted in Fig. 4S (Supplementary Section), the effect of the tercepts approach, based on the following equation;
reaction temperature is more pronounced for the two-step
LOD = 3 × SDb/s
chemistry of GSSG. Increase of the temperature of the reaction
coil in the range of 30–70 ◦ C resulted in a ca. 2.5 fold improve­ where SDb is the standard deviation of the intercept and s is the slope of
ment in sensitivity for the analysis of GSSG, indicating that the the regression line. The LODs were found to be 0.10 μmol L− 1 and 0.30
cleavage of the S–S bond is favored kinetically at elevated μmol L− 1 for GSH and GSSG, respectively. The LOQ was set to be the
temperatures. The value of 60 ◦ C was finally selected, as it offered lowest concentration level of the calibration curves and was found to be
adequate sensitivity combined with lack of bubble formation in 0.25 μmol L− 1 for GSH and 1.0 μmol L− 1 for GSSG. Taking into account
the flow lines and the flow-through cell of the fluorimetric the sample preparation described in the Experimental Section, the pro­
detector. posed method can accurately quantify GSH and GSSG in real samples at
(iv) The total flow rate of the PCD reagents should always be levels starting from 2.5 and 10 nmol g− 1, respectively.
considered during optimization of HPLC–PCD methods, as it af­ In order to evaluate the within-day precision, successive injections
fects both the reaction time and the dispersion of the zones of the (n = 8) at 5.0 μmol L− 1 of both analytes were conducted. The RSD values
analytes through the mixing ratio of the mobile phase and PCD of peak areas were satisfactory and were calculated to be 0.9% and 1.3%
reagents. As can be seen in Fig. 5S (Supplementary Section) the for GSH and GSSG, respectively. Τhe RSD values of the retention times
total flow rate of the PCD steams had a more marked effect on were calculated, as well, and found to be 0.03% for GSH and 0.08% for
GSH, resulting in a decrease of ca. 50% in the examined range of GSSG. The between-day precision was evaluated by obtaining inde­
0.25 to 0.65 mL min− 1. This behavior can be attributed to three pendent calibration curves at different working days (n = 6). The RSD of
main factors: (i) the decrease of the mobile phase to reagents the regression slopes was 4.7% for GSH and 2.8% for GSSG (Table 2S in
ratio, (ii) reduction of the reaction time and (iii) increase of the Supplementary Section).
alkalinity of the reaction medium. A practical total flow rate of The robustness of the PCD method was examined by small deliberate
0.35 mL min− 1 was selected in terms of sensitivity, flow stability variations of the following post-column parameters; flow rate of PCD
and reagents consumption. reagents, temperature of the reaction coil, amount concentrations of
(v) Finally, drastic improvement in the peak areas was obtained by OPA and NaOH. As can be seen in Table 3S (Supplementary Section), the
increasing the reaction coil length in the range of 0–200 cm. At percent recoveries were satisfactory in all cases, ranging between 96.2
the selected value of 200 cm, 2-fold and 8-fold sensitivity im­ and 101.7% for GSH and 95.5–108.6% for GSSG.
provements were recorded for GSH and GSSG, respectively.
Longer coils did not offer significant improvement apart from
prolonging the analysis cycle. 3.4. Application to real samples

3.3. Validation of the method The developed HPLC–PCD method has been applied to a variety of
food samples including various vegetables, wines and fresh grapes.
The proposed HPLC–PCD method was validated in terms of linearity,
limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), within-day and 3.4.1. Evaluation of the potential matrix effects
between-day precision and robustness. Due to the complexity of the selected matrices, the evaluation of the
Linearity was evaluated by cumulative calibration curves including potential matrix effects was evaluated separately for vegetables, wines
all available data points from the analyses of aqueous standards that and grapes.
were obtained on different working days during validation. In this way, Six matrix-matched calibration curves (3 for GSH and 3 for GSSG)
potential between-day variations are compensated. Linearity was in the were constructed using pooled samples of vegetables, wines and grapes,
range of 0.25–10.0 μmol L− 1 for GSH and 1.0–16.0 μmol L− 1 for GSSG. respectively. Following pretreatment, each pooled sample was spiked
The regression equations and the regression coefficients for GSH and with elevated concentrations of the analytes in the range of 1.25–10.0
GSSG were as follows; μmol L− 1 for GSH and 2.5–15.0 μmol L− 1 for GSSG. The percent matrix
effect was calculated by comparison of the aqueous and matrix-matched
A = 1076.8 (±5.98) × c(GSH) − − 24.427 (±33.62), r2 = 0.9979 calibration curves. As can been seen in Table 4S (Supplementary Sec­
tion), the percent matrix effects for GSH/GSSG were − 0.14% and +
A = 374.97 (±4.86) × c(GSSG) + 289.94 (±40.09), r2 = 0.9922 5.74% (vegetables), − 2.36% and + 2.92% (wines), − 4.38% and +
2.15% (grapes) respectively.
where A = is the peak area and c the concentration of the GSH and GSSG All above mentioned values confirm the direct applicability of the
respectively in μmol L-1. Taking into account the cumulative character of proposed method following simple processing and using the aqueous
calibration curves for quantification.
Table 1
Analysis of various vegetable samples. 3.4.2. Potential oxidation of GSH during sample preparation
Vegetables GSH (nmol g− 1) (SD) GSSG (nmol g− 1) (SD) When analyzing GSH in real samples, potential oxidation during
Fresh spinach 293.4 (±28.8) <LOQ sample preparation should always be of concern. For this reason we
Packed spinach 288.6 (±10.1) <LOQ performed a series of experiments in order to evaluate if GSH is oxidized
Baby spinach 479.2 (±37.3) <LOQ at this stage of the analytical cycle. It should be noted that due to the
Frozen spinach 22.4 (±0.1) 34.8 (±2.6) sensitivity and selectivity of our method the pretreatment of the samples
Green pepper 254.8 (±3.0)
is simple, it is based on a single step and EDTA is employed to avoid
Red pepper 107.1 (±0.7) <LOQ
Avocado 233.2 (±17.1) 89.1 (±2.8) oxidation by trace metallic ions.
Cucumber 132.5 (±6.6) <LOQ A pooled sample of vegetables was processed as follows; (i) extrac­
Frozen green beans 8.8 (±2.4) <LOQ tion of GSH/GSSG was carried out by the proposed procedure and the
Frozen brussels sprouts 219.9 (±17.7) 108.4 (±8.7)
extract was analyzed by the HPLC–PCD method; (ii) in a second
SD = standard deviation from three independent analyses (n = 3). experiment, NEM (N-ethylmaleimide, 1 mmol L− 1) was added to the

A. Tsiasioti et al. Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

On the basis of these findings, a series of experiments was carried out

in order to try to resolve the peak of GSSG from the endogenous inter­
ference. Based on the 100% aqueous mobile phase of the HPLC step, the
only parameter that could provide sufficient alteration on the chro­
matographic selectivity was thought to be the column temperature. As
already identified during optimization experiments (see Section 3.1 and
Fig. 1S) the column temperature has a considerable impact on the
retention of GSSG, while the role of column temperature on controlling
selectivity in liquid chromatography is very well documented in the
literature (Dolan, 2002). Indeed, as can be seen in the series of chro­
matograms of Fig. 9S (Supplementary Section), lowering the column
temperature to 40 ◦ C (compared to the 50 ◦ C that was initially selected
during optimization), provided sufficient separation between GSSG and
the interfering peak (Rs > 1.5).
The effect of the lowering of the column temperature on the quan­
tification of GSH and GSSG was evaluated by recovery experiments of
Fig. 2. Representative chromatograms of (A) frozen spinach and (B) fresh baby
spinach; the fresh baby spinach was diluted 10-fold.
aqueous standard mixtures processed using the cumulative calibration
curves described in Section 3.3. In all analyzed mixtures the recoveries
were better than 90–110%, being within the evaluated range of residuals
extraction solution in order to block the –SH group of GSH. Three in­
reported in the validation experiments.
dependent extractions were performed in each case. Analysis of the
The three asparagus samples were therefore analyzed and the results
resulting extracts revealed no variations in the levels of GSSG (<10%),
confirmed GSH levels of > 1000 nmol g− 1 (1300–1600 nmol g− 1). As
indicating no oxidation of GSH in the absence of NEM.
mentioned above, no GSSG was quantified in any of the samples.
Analogous accuracy experiments were also carried out for asparagus and
3.4.3. Determination of GSH/GSSG in vegetables
the respective recoveries ranged between 103.4 and 107.6% (GSH) and
The selected vegetables were various types of spinach (included
89.2 and 94.8% (GSSG).
fresh, frozen, packaged and baby spinach), fresh red and green peppers,
avocado, cucumber, frozen green beans, frozen Brussels sprouts and
3.4.5. Determination of GSH/GSSG in wines and grapes
fresh asparagus. All samples were purchased from the local market and
Prior to application of the proposed HPLC–PCD method to wine
prepared as described in the experimental section.
samples, it was necessary to evaluate the effect of the ethanolic content
In order to evaluate the reproducibility of the sample preparation,
of the samples on the chromatographic behavior of the analytes. It is
each sample was processed in triplicate. As shown in Table 1, GSH was
more or less well-known that if the diluent of the samples is more highly
quantified in all examined vegetables at concentration levels ranging
eluotropic than the mobile phase, the analytes may be expected to
between ca. 10–500 nmol g− 1. The lowest levels of GSH were detected in
behave differently as they enter the column, causing fronting or splitting
frozen green beans, and the higher in fresh baby spinach (for the analysis
issues when the analytes elute from the end of the column (Layne et al.,
of fresh asparagus, see discussion in the related section). A graphical
2001; Catchpoole et al., 2006). Standard solutions of GSH and GSSG
comparison of the GSH/GSSG content in two representative spinach
were prepared at various volume fractions of EtOH (0–15% v/v) and
samples (fresh baby spinach and frozen spinach) is shown in the overlaid
analyzed. These series of experiments are critical, as the results will
chromatograms of Fig. 2. The analysis results indicate that (at least in
dictate the necessary dilution factor of the wine samples prior to injec­
the selected samples) fresh spinach contains significantly higher
tion. As can be seen in the representative chromatograms in Fig. 10S
amounts of GSH compared to frozen. On the other hand, GSSG was
(Supplementary Section), the peak of GSSG is severely affected by the
quantified only in the frozen spinach indicating potential oxidation of
diluent of the sample, whereas the less strongly retained GSH seems to
GSH during processing (Shalaby et al., 2014). GSSG was identified in all
be rather unaffected. These findings are in perfect accordance with
samples but only in three of them at quantifiable levels of > 10 nmol g− 1
theoretical studies using 100% aqueous mobile phases in HPLC (Loeser
(frozen spinach, avocado and frozen brussels sprouts). As can be seen in
& Drumm, 2006). A volume fraction of EtOH of 2.5% is perfectly
Table 1, the GSH/GSSG (redox) ratios were ca. 2–3 in fresh avocado and
tolerable by the proposed HPLC–PCD method, indicating a necessary
frozen beans, and < 1 in frozen spinach.
5–6 fold dilution factor prior to analysis.
The accuracy was validated by spiking experiments in the vegetables
Another important parameter that was investigated was the potential
samples at concentration levels of 25 and 50 nmol g− 1 for GSH and
effects of the presence of sulfites in wines on the GSH/GSSG ratio. Sulfite
GSSG. As can be seen in Table 5S (Supplementary Section), the re­
is commonly used as a preservative and anti-microbial agent in wine­
coveries ranged between 93.0 and 108.3% for GSH and 91.4 and 116.0%
making, with reported concentrations of up to 30 mg L− 1 (Kontaxakis
for GSSG, confirming the applicability of the method in real samples.
et al., 2020). Although the anti-oxidant effects of sulfite will be in
Representative chromatograms of blank and spiked avocado and frozen
“equilibrium” in the bottled samples, it could affect the results of ac­
Brussels sprouts are depicted in Figs. 6S and 7S (Supplementary Section)
curacy studies when GSH and GSSG are spiked. Additionally, sulfite is a
common nucleophilic reagent that is employed in OPA derivatization
reactions of primary amines as an alternative to the odorous 2-mercap­
3.4.4. Analysis of fresh asparagus
toethanol; in this sense it should be examined as a potential interference.
Asparagus is one of the most GSH-rich vegetables (Demirkol et al.,
Mixtures of GSH (2.5 μmol L− 1) and GSSG (10 μmol L− 1) were therefore
2004). However, analysis of three different asparagus samples (domestic
spiked with elevated concentrations of sulfite in the range of 10–100 mg
and imported) revealed an interfering peak that partially overlapped
L− 1. The mixtures were analyzed (i) immediately after mixing (t = 0
with GSSG. Although asparagus was included in the pooled sample
min) and (ii) after 60 and 180 min. Representative overlaid chromato­
during matrix effect studies (see Section 3.4) its effect was “diluted” in
grams in Fig. 11S (Supplementary Section) showed that (i) sulfite is not
the presence of the other vegetables and the interfering peak co-eluted
detectable by the selected PCD chemistry even at the highest level of
with GSSG. Fig. 8S (Supplementary Section) depicts representative
100 mg L− 1 and (ii) sulfite levels higher than 50 mg L− 1 can almost
overlaid chromatograms of blank and spiked asparagus samples (no
totally reduce GSSG within ca. 180 min. Based on these findings, the
endogenous GSSG was detected in all blank asparagus samples).
spiked samples during accuracy experiments were analyzed

A. Tsiasioti et al. Food Chemistry 361 (2021) 130173

Table 2 (GSSG).
Analysis of wine samples by the proposed HPLC–PCD method. On the other hand, GSSG was predominant in all analyzed domestic
Wine Samples GSH (μg L− 1) (SD) GSSG (μg L− 1) (SD) grapes, ranging between 336 and 512 nmol g− 1 (see Table 3). The GSH
content was significantly lower ranging between 18 and 232 nmol g− 1.
Rose Sample 1 1850 (±25) N.D
Rose Sample 2 950 (±15) ND The experimental results were also satisfactory in terms of accuracy (see
White Sample 1 < LOQ ND Table 7S in Supplementary Section) with the recoveries being in the
White Sample 2 1300 (±20) ND range of 98.6–113.6% (GSH) and 82.7–106.4% (GSSG).
White Sample 3 580 (±12) ND Representative chromatograms from the analysis of wines and grapes
ND = not detected. can be found in Fig. 3.
SD = standard deviation from three independent analyses (n = 3).
4. Conclusions

Table 3 In this study we propose a new HPLC–PCD method for the simulta­
Analysis of grapes samples by the proposed method.
neous determination of GSH and GSSG. The developed method allows
Grapes GSH (nmol g− 1) (S.D.) GSSG (nmol g− 1) (SD) the simultaneous determination of both analytes in a single run, offering
Sample 1 29 (±0.5) 502 (±8.9) considerable advantages over analogous approaches where either
Sample 2 21 (±0.3) 336 (±5) blocking of GSH or reduction of GSSG is required. Additional interesting
Sample 3 49 (±0.7) 427 (±2.6) features include; (i) the analytes are isostatically separated in reversed-
Sample 4 18 (±0.6) 511 (±2.5)
phase mode using 100% aqueous mobile phase in<12 min; (ii) the se­
Sample 5 232 (±2.1) 403 (±12)
lective derivatization of GSH and GSSG with OPA in highly alkaline
SD = standard deviation from three independent analyses (n = 3). medium offers a selective analytical scheme with sensitivity at the low
micromolar level; (iii) endogenous GSH and GSSG could be determined
in various complicated matrices without matrix effect and with mini­
mum sample preparation, yielding satisfactory accuracy and precision;
(iv) when/if required, chromatographic selectivity can be controlled by
control of the column temperature; (v) GSH/GSSG levels in real samples
were in good agreement with previous reports (Demirkol et al., 2004;
Demirkol and Cagri-Mehmetoglu, 2008; Kritzinger et al., 2013; Zacharis
et al., 2011).

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Apostolia Tsiasioti: Methodology, Investigation, Validation,

Writing - original draft. Anastasia-Stella Zotou: Methodology, Writing
- review & editing. Paraskevas D. Tzanavaras: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Supervision, Writing - review & editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.



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