21-1065-J B Shine-Wadhavali-Chembur-Pvt
21-1065-J B Shine-Wadhavali-Chembur-Pvt
21-1065-J B Shine-Wadhavali-Chembur-Pvt
1. Purpose for which valuation is made. : For assessment of fair market value of property
for Official work.
5. Brief description of property : This is Residential use premises Flat No.601 located
under valuation. on 6th floor of building known as "J. B Shine" is
situated at Collectors Colony, village Wadhavali,
Chembur, Mumbai - 400074.
7. Survey /plot no of land. : Survey No.67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 77-A, 77-B, 77-D & 78
of village Wadhavali
11. Means and proximity to surface : Easy Auto/Bus Route From Chembur railway Station
communication by which the
locality served.
19. Attach plans and elevations of all : Owner may attach on demand.
structures standing on the land.
25. Give details of water and electricity : Borne by co-op Hsg.soc and charged to Each Flat
charges ,if any borne by owner Owner.
26. Who has to bear cost of repairs and : Borne by co-op Hsg soc and charged to Each Flat
maintenance? Owner.
27. If a lift is installed , who is to bear : Installed and all charges to be borne by Owners.
the cost of operation & maintenance.
28. If a pump is installed,who is to bear : Installed and all charges to be borne by Owners.
cost of maintenance &operation
29. Who has to bear cost of electricity : Borne by co-op Hsg society and charged to Each Flat
charges for lighting of common
space,like entrance,stairs,passage
compound etc.
30. What is the amount of property tax : Borne by Society and shared by Each Flat Owner.
who is to bear it ?
31. Is the building insuered ? : N.A.
32. Has any rents have been fixed for the : Nil.
the premises under any law ?
33. Give instances of sale of immovable : Not considered essential as fair market
property in the locality on separate value of simillar type of residential use
sheet,indicating the name and adress premises has been considered from
of the property,registration no.sale local enquries & market survey in said
price & area sold vicinity and location.
34. Land rate adopted in this valuation : The fair market value of Residential use
: premises is considered as on date of
: inspection, and premises is inspected
35. If sale instances are not available, : to checkup its present condition upkeep
or not relied upon the basis of : maintenance,locatiopn,locality residential
arriving at the land rate. : use on which valuation is based.
Considering all aforesaid factors, location, locality here land rate under Residential use
premises. As Residential land rates in said area from Rs.24,000.00 to Rs.26,000/ Sq.ft.Built up area.
Here land rate adopted is Rs.25,000 Sq.ft.BUA.
Which is fare and marketable.
1. The information furnished above is true & correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
2. I have no direct or indirect intrest in property valued.
3. Issued without prejudice.
4.Our Report does not cover Cheak of Ownership,Title Clearance or Legality.
This Valuation is purely an opinion & has no Legal or contractul obligation on our
Part .The sales are based on Current market value these may very with time.
5.Unless Otherwise specified the Valuation is based free & transferable title
without any hindrance like Tenancy etc.&must check with Original Doccument/Ownership.
6. I Personally Inspected the Property Which is shown by owner of the Property .