LP Wk3 Grade 6
LP Wk3 Grade 6
LP Wk3 Grade 6
9:00 am - Talk about the New Year’s P.E – Warm up exercise Grade 8 and 10- Math
10:00 am tradition. How do people around Arts – New Year’s Balloon Grade 6- English
the world celebrate the new year’s Writing Craft and make a
eve. bulletin Board that will serve
as a visual reminder of new
year’s resolution.
10:00 am -
10:15 am
10:15 am - New Year New Goals Activity TLE – Will Plan for the menu Grade 8 and 10- Math
11:15 am Jar of Happiness and Jar of next week and what to bring Grade 6- Filipino
For Zaq- teach him how to
cook rice in rice cooker and
9:00 am - Grade 8 and 10- English Grade 8 and 10- Filipino P.E – Warm up exercise Grade 8 and 10- Math
10:00 am Arts – Grade 6- English
Grade 6- AP Grade 6- Math
10:00 am -
10:15 am
10:15 am - Grade 8 and 10- English Grade 8 and 10- Science TLE – give task for the next Grade 8 and 10- Math
11:15 am Grade 6- Math subject (advance Grade 6- Filipino
Grade 6- Science
Health- Basic use of
11:15 am - Grade 8 and 10- English Grade 8 and 10- English Music Grade 8 and 10- Math
11:45 am Grade 6- English Grade 6- Science
Grade 6- Filipino
11:45 am -
12:00 nn