l5c01 Online Rulesreference v15 d25xp164j1gc Compressed
l5c01 Online Rulesreference v15 d25xp164j1gc Compressed
l5c01 Online Rulesreference v15 d25xp164j1gc Compressed
Version 15
This update will go into effect on October 5, 2020. New entries and changes from previous editions
will be noted in this space. Changes noted in blue text.
In Play and Out of Play (page 11), Interrupts (page 12), Reactions (page 17), Framework Details (page
27), Appendix III: Card Clarifications (page 35), and Appendix IV: Card Errata (page 39).
Rules Reference Glossary
The following is an alphabetical list of entries for game rules,
This document is intended as the definitive source for rules
terms, and situations that may occur during play.
information, but does not teach players how to play the game.
Players should first read the Learn to Play book in its entirety
and use this Rules Reference as needed while playing Ability
the game. An ability is the special game text that a card contributes to the
The majority of this guide consists of the glossary, which game. Card abilities fall into one of the following types: actions,
provides an alphabetical listing of terms and situations a player constant abilities, interrupts, keywords, and reactions. Some
might encounter during a game. This section should be the first interrupt and reaction abilities are also forced.
destination for players who have a rules question. ◊ Card abilities only interact with, and can only target, cards
The latter part of this guide contains two appendices. The first that are in play, unless the ability specifically refers to an
appendix provides detailed timing diagrams that illustrate the out-of-play area or element. Card abilities on characters,
structure of an entire game round, as well as how to handle attachments, holdings, strongholds, and provinces can
each game step presented in those diagrams. The second only be initiated or affect the game while they are in play
provides a detailed anatomy of each card type. unless the ability specifically refers to being used from an
out-of-play area, or require that the card be out of play for
Active Player
In some phases, the game creates an active player, who is
granted permission to perform a specified task.
◊ During the dynasty phase, the active player is the player
who is permitted to play character cards from their
provinces or initiate an action ability. The status of active
player alternates between players in this phase until all
players have passed.
◊ During the conflict phase, the active player is the player with ◊ Attachments on a province are not considered to be in that
the opportunity to initiate a conflict, or the player who is province.
resolving a conflict they have initiated.
◊ If a character card is in play as an attachment, the skill
values on that character-as-attachment are not treated as
Additional Conflicts skill modifiers (as they lack the “+” or “–” symbol before the
Some card abilities allow a player to declare an additional value) for the character to which the card is attached.
conflict during the conflict phase. The additional conflict ◊ If an attachment has a limit (for example “Limit 1 Battlefield
created by such an effect is in addition to a player’s two normal attachment per province”), that indicates that only one
conflict opportunities. It does not replace the normal or instance of a particular subset of cards can be attached to
conflict opportunity that player has each conflict phase. the same card or game element. If a second card of that
subset becomes attached to the card or game element, the
Additional Cost previously-attached card is discarded as the limit has been
Some card abilities require an additional cost to be played to
play a card, trigger an ability, or perform a framework step. If For attachment card anatomy, see “Appendix II: Card
the additional cost cannot be paid, the game action cannot be Anatomy” on page 33.
◊ All costs are paid simultaneously, including additional ones. Attacker, Attacking Character, Attacking Player
Related: Cost The term “attacking character” refers to a character that is
participating in a conflict on the side of the player who initiated
Against the conflict. The term “attacker” is also used as shorthand for
“attacking character.”
During a conflict, the attacking player and the defending player
The term “attacking player” refers to the player that initiated
are considered to be taking part in the conflict against each
the conflict that is currently resolving.
◊ Dynasty cards may still be played from broken provinces,
and broken provinces still refill following the standard game
rules. The game’s cardtypes are: character, attachment, holding,
event, province, stronghold, and role. Each of these cardtypes,
◊ If three of a player’s non-stronghold provinces are broken, with a detailed card anatomy, is presented in “Appendix II:
that player’s stronghold becomes an eligible province Card Anatomy” on page 33.
against which attacks may be made. If a player’s stronghold
province is broken, that player loses the game. ◊ If an ability causes a card to change its cardtype, the card
loses all other cardtypes it might possess and functions as
h If a player does not have a stronghold province, they would any card of the new cardtype.
lose the game when all of their provinces are broken.
The word “cannot” is absolute, and cannot be countermanded
by other abilities or effects.
Clan Constant Abilities
There are 7 clans in the game, as depicted in the chart below. A constant ability is any non-keyword ability whose text
contains no boldface timing trigger defining its ability type. A
A player’s stronghold card signals which clan a player has
constant ability becomes active as soon as its card enters play
chosen as the primary clan for his or her deck. The clans and
and remains active while the card is in play.
their associated symbols are listed below.
◊ Some constant abilities continuously seek a specific
◊ An “in-clan” card bears a clan symbol that matches the clan
condition (denoted by words such as “during,” “if,” or
symbol on its controller’s stronghold card.
“while”). The effects of such abilities are active any time the
◊ An “out-of-clan” card bears one or more clan symbols that specified condition is met.
do not match the clan symbol on its controller’s stronghold
◊ If multiple instances of the same constant ability are in play,
card, and does not bear a clan symbol that matches the clan
each instance affects the game state independently.
symbol on its controller’s stronghold card.
◊ If a constant ability would cause a card to leave play,
h If a player does not have a stronghold card, “in-clan”
interrupt abilities cannot be used to replace or prevent that
and “out-of-clan” determination is defined by the clan
constant ability.
selected during deckbuilding to be that player’s primary
Related: Deckbuilding
Control and Ownership
A card’s owner is the player who included the card as a part
IN TEXT ON CARD of his or her deck (i.e. dynasty deck, conflict deck, provinces,
stronghold, role) at the beginning of the game.
◊ By default, cards enter play under their owner’s control.
CRAB CLAN Some abilities may cause cards to change control during a
CRANE CLAN ◊ A player controls the cards in his or her out-of-play game
areas (such as the hand, the dynasty and conflict decks, and
the dynasty and conflict discard piles).
DRAGON CLAN ◊ If a card would enter an out-of-play area of a player who
does not own the card, the card is placed in its owner’s
equivalent out-of-play area instead. (For all associated
LION CLAN card ability and framework effect purposes, the card
is considered to have entered that opponent’s out-of-
play area, and only the physical placement of the card is
◊ If a participating character changes control during a conflict,
it is considered participating in the same conflict on the side
SCORPION CLAN of its new controller.
During the conflict phase, each player has two opportunities to
declare a conflict against an opponent. For the rules on how to
resolve conflicts, see Framework Details on page 27.
Copy (of a character) Count
Some card abilities may cause a character to become a copy When instructed to count a total of game values on a subset of
of another character. When that happens, the character that is characters, values on bowed characters are not counted.
changing loses its name, cost, base skills and glory, traits, clan
affiliation, and ability text. It gains the name, cost, base skills
and glory, traits, clan affiliation and ability text of the copied
character for the duration indicated by the card ability. Courtesy is a keyword ability. When a card with the courtesy
keyword leaves play, its controller gains 1 fate.
◊ Cards that refer to a character’s printed text (skills, traits,
abilities, etc.) still refer to the text physically printed on the ◊ The courtesy keyword resolves after the card leaves play,
card. before reactions to that card leaving play can be triggered.
◊ A character cannot become a copy of a character if both ◊ Covert may only be used when characters are declared as
characters have the same title. attackers. If a character with covert is moved into or played
into a conflict after the point at which the conflict was
declared, that character’s covert ability does not resolve.
A card’s cost is the numerical value that dictates how much fate
must be paid to play the card from a player’s hand or provinces.
If an ability references a “current” skill or glory count, use
Some triggered card abilities also have an ability cost. Any
the players’ applicable specified totals at the time the ability
imperative instruction (other than “choose…,” which denotes
one or more targets must be chosen, or “select…,” which
denotes that one or more of a number of effects must be ◊ When resolving an ability that references a “current” skill or
selected) that appears before the dash of a triggered ability glory count during a conflict, count the skill or glory values
is considered a part of that ability’s cost. Some examples of that would be used if the conflict were currently resolving.
ability cost instructions are: “Bow…,” “Spend…,” “Sacrifice…,”
“Lose…,” “Dishonor…,” and “Discard….”
Dash (–)
◊ Unless otherwise specified, a card effect that modifies a cost
In the text of a triggered ability, a dash (–) is used to separate
only modifies the fate cost.
the criteria that are necessary to use the ability from the effect
◊ If a card has a dash as its printed fate cost, the card cannot of the ability. Any triggering conditions, play restrictions or
be played. Its printed fate cost is considered to be 0 for the permissions, costs, and targeting requirements are denoted
purposes of card abilities which require a numerical value. before the dash. The ability’s effect is denoted after the dash.
◊ When a player is paying a cost, the payment must be made If a character has a dash (–) for a skill value, that character
with cards and/or game elements that player controls. The cannot participate in, be played into, or be put into play in
word “friendly” is used as a reminder of this in some costs. conflicts of that type.
◊ Should a character with a dash skill value somehow end up
◊ If a cost requires a game element that is not in play, the participating in a conflict of the corresponding type, that
player paying the cost may only use game elements that are character is immediately removed from the conflict, and
in his or her out-of-play areas or token pools to pay the cost. placed in its controller’s home area in a bowed state.
◊ If multiple costs for a single card or ability require payment, ◊ If a character has a dash for a skill value, that skill value
those costs must be paid simultaneously. cannot be modified by card abilities.
◊ If any part of a cost payment is prevented, once all costs ◊ If a character has a dash for a skill value and a card ability
that can be paid are paid, the process of initiating the requires a numerical value for that skill, treat the card as if it
ability or playing the card immediately ends without further had an unmodifiable skill value of 0.
resolution. (If this occurs while playing a card, the card
remains unplayed in its owner’s hand or province.) ◊ A character with a dash skill value cannot be involved in a
duel of that skill type.
◊ An ability cannot initiate (and therefore its costs cannot be
paid) if its effect on its own does not have the potential to Related: Participating and Cannot Participate
change the game state.
and carries a number of unique rules including, but not limited ◊ A different version of a unique card (that shares the same
to, an additional cost of choosing a non-unique character to title) may be discarded from a player’s hand or provinces as
discard when the disguised character enters play. a duplicate.
• When playing a character using the disguised keyword, you
Related: Unique Cards
may play that character during the conflict phase, following
all timing rules which apply to playing characters from hand.
• To play a character using the disguised keyword, you
must choose a non-unique character you control of the A card effect is any effect that arises from the resolution of
appropriate Trait or clan affiliation as an additional cost to ability text printed on or gained by a card. A framework effect is
play the character. Reduce the cost to play the disguised any effect that arises from the resolution of a framework step.
character by the printed cost of the the chosen character, ◊ Card effects might be preceded by costs, triggering
pay that cost, the disguised character enters play, then conditions, play restrictions or permissions, and/or targeting
move all attachments and tokens (fate, status, etc.) from requirements. Such elements are not considered effects.
the chosen character to the disguised character. Finally,
discard the chosen character from play. Interrupts cannot ◊ Once an ability is initiated, players must resolve as much of
be used to replace or prevent this discard. each aspect of its effect as they are able, unless the effect
uses the word “may.”
• A character played using the disguised keyword cannot be
played into a conflict unless the character chosen by the ◊ When a non-targeting effect attempts to engage a number
keyword was also participating in the conflict, and fate from of entities (such as “search the top 10 cards of your conflict
your fate pool cannot be put on it. deck”) that exceeds the number of entities that currently
• A character played using this keyword enters play ready. exist in the specified game area, the effect engages as many
entities as possible.
Dishonored, Dishonored Status Token ◊ The expiration of a lasting effect (or the cessation of a
constant ability) is not considered to be generating a game
See “Personal Honor, Personal Dishonor” on page 15.
state change by a card effect.
◊ Event cards with action abilities may be played from a
player’s hand during any action window.
Fate is the game’s basic resource, and is used
h In the skirmish format, event cards with action abilities to pay for cards and some card abilities. The
cannot be played from a player’s hand during the amount of fate a player has available at any
dynasty phase. given time is represented (as open information)
by fate tokens in his or her fate pool.
◊ When an event card is played, its costs are paid, its effects
are resolved (or canceled), and it is placed in its owner’s ◊ Fate begins the game in the general token
appropriate discard pile prior to opening the reaction pool. When a player gains fate, that player takes that much
window which follows the ability’s resolution. fate from the general token pool and adds it to his or her
fate pool.
◊ Lasting effects, including those created by event cards,
engage the game state at the time they resolve. If an event ◊ When a player is instructed to place fate on a card, that
card creates a lasting effect on a set of cards, only cards fate comes from the general token pool unless otherwise
that are in play (or in the affected game area or game state) specified.
at the time the event is played are eligible to be affected.
Cards that enter play (or the affected game area or game ◊ When fate is spent or lost, it is usually returned to the
state) after the resolution of the event are not affected by its general token pool. If fate is spent to a ring, it is placed on
lasting effect. that ring.
◊ If the effects of an event card are canceled, the card is still ◊ Whenever a player plays a character from his or her hand or
considered to have been played, and its costs remain paid, provinces, after that character enters play, that player has
and the card is still discarded. Only the effects have been the option of placing any number of fate from his or her fate
canceled. pool onto that character.
◊ Unless the ability that puts it into play also changes its ◊ During the fate phase, each character with no fate on it
cardtype to a cardtype that is permitted in play, an event is discarded. Subsequently, 1 fate is removed from each
card cannot enter play. character in play. Finally, 1 fate from the general token pool
is placed on each unclaimed ring.
For event card anatomy, see “Appendix II: Card Anatomy” on
page 33.
Fill a Province
Facedown Province If a player is instructed to fill a province, that player takes the
top card of their dynasty deck and places it facedown (without
A facedown province card has no inherent identity other than looking at it) on the province.
“facedown province.” When a facedown province is turned
faceup, that province card is considered to be revealed. ◊ A player can fill a province even if that province already has
1 or more dynasty cards in it.
◊ A facedown province is turned faceup when an attack is
declared against it. ◊ If a player is instructed to fill a province faceup, the dynasty
card is placed in the province faceup rather than facedown.
◊ A player may look at the facedown provinces under his
or her control at any time. Note: this rule refers to the
facedown province card itself. A player is not permitted to First Player, First Player Token
look at facedown dynasty cards in their provinces. A first player is chosen during setup, and the first player token
is used to indicate that player’s status as the first player. The
◊ If a facedown province becomes the attacked province in a
chosen player remains first player until they pass the first player
manner other than the declaration of an attack, immediately
token to the player on their left during the fate phase.
turn the province faceup.
◊ The first player becomes the active player first during the
◊ A facedown province is considered to be a different dynasty phase and the conflict phase.
entity than its faceup side. While a province is facedown,
its faceup side is considered to be out of play. When a ◊ The first player has the first opportunity to initiate actions
province is turned faceup, the “faceup province” and or act first during all non-conflict resolution action windows.
“facedown province” simultaneously exchange positions, While a conflict is resolving, the defending player has the
such that the facedown province is now out of play and the first opportunity to initiate actions during each conflict
faceup province is now in play. The opposite is true when a resolution action window.
province is turned facedown.
◊ The first player has the first opportunity to initiate interrupt
◊ Province tokens in the skirmish format are never considered or reaction abilities at each appropriate game moment.
to be facedown and are never revealed.
◊ For any question as to who should perform an act or make a
decision first, in the absence of any other direction by card
or rules text, the first player does so first, followed by the
player to the first player’s left and continuing in clockwise
Related: Active Player, Setup, Priority of Simultaneous ◊ A player counts the glory value of each ready character he
Resolution, Appendix I or she controls whenever a glory count is required.
Give ◊ During the fate phase, when discarding faceup cards from
his or her provinces, a player may choose to discard a
If a player is instructed to give tokens to another player, those faceup holding. When this occurs, the province is refilled,
tokens are removed from the giving player’s pool of tokens (or facedown, with the top card of that player’s dynasty deck, as
specified game area), and are added to the other player’s token normal.
◊ While a holding remains on a province, that province is not
◊ The player giving the tokens is considered to be losing the
tokens and the other player is considered to be gaining the
tokens. For holding card anatomy, see “Appendix II: Card Anatomy” on
page 33.
Related: Gains, Loses, Take
Home, Move Home applies to the player’s total skill that is counted for the
conflict, but does not modify the skill value of any of the
Character cards that are in play but not currently participating in characters participating in the conflict.
a conflict are considered to be in their controller’s home area.
◊ Once the Imperial Favor is set to its military or political
◊ If a character that is participating in a conflict is moved side, it must remain on that side until it is claimed again or
home, it is removed from the conflict and placed in its changed by a card ability.
controller’s home area. A character that is moved home
maintains its status of bowed or readied. ◊ If a player in possession of the Imperial Favor wins the
framework glory count in the conflict phase, that player
Honor claims the Imperial Favor again and may set it to either side.
Honor represents the behavior of a player’s ◊ If players have the same total, the Imperial Favor remains in
clan, and the outward perception of that its current state (either unclaimed or under the possession
behavior. It is bid during the draw phase (see of the player who currently has it, remaining set on its
framework step “2.2. Honor bid” on page current side).
27) and during duels. Honor also serves as ◊ The game begins with the Imperial Favor unclaimed.
a victory track to measure an honor win or an
honor loss. The amount of honor a player has at any given time ◊ If a card ability causes the Imperial Favor to be claimed, it
is represented (as open information) by honor tokens in his or may be claimed from its unclaimed status, or claimed from
her honor pool. a player. Each time the Imperial Favor is claimed, it may be
◊ A player’s stronghold indicates that player’s starting honor set to either side.
total. In the skirmish format, each player starts with 6 honor. ◊ If a player is instructed to discard the Imperial Favor, that
◊ Each time a player gains honor, that honor is taken from the player returns the Imperial Favor to its unclaimed state in
general token pool and added to the player’s honor pool. the token bank.
Each time a player loses honor, that honor is taken from the ◊ In the skirmish format, the Imperial Favor is not set to a
player’s honor pool and returned to the general token pool. side as described above. Instead, the +1 skill modifier
◊ If a card ability references a player who is more or less granted by the Imperial Favor applies to each conflict in
honorable than another player, the players compare the which its bearer controls at least one participating character,
amount of honor in each of their honor pools to determine regardless of conflict type.
if the ability is applicable, or to whom the ability refers. Related: Glory Count
◊ If a card ability references a player’s honor bid, the ability is
referencing the current setting on the player’s honor dial. In Play and Out of Play
The cards (generally characters and attachments) that a player
Related: Winning the Game controls in his or her play area (at home or participating in a
conflict), a player’s stronghold card, a player’s faceup province
Honored, Honored Status Token cards, and all holdings on a player’s provinces are considered
“in play.” A player’s facedown provinces are considered in play
See “Personal Honor, Personal Dishonor” on page 15.
only as “facedown provinces,” and the ability text on such cards
is not considered active until the card is revealed.
Immune “Out-of-play” refers to all other cards and areas involved in
If a card is immune to a specified set of effects (for example, the game environment, including: character cards in a player’s
“immune to ring effects” or “immune to event card effects”), provinces, role cards, cards in a player’s hand, decks, discard
it cannot be targeted or affected by effects that belong to that piles, and any cards that have been removed from the game.
◊ A card enters play when it transitions from an out-of-play
◊ Immunity only protects the immune card itself. Peripheral origin to an in-play state.
entities associated with an immune card (such as
attachments, tokens on the card, and abilities that originate ◊ A card leaves play when it transitions from an in-play state
from the immune card) are not themselves immune. to an out-of-play destination.
◊ If a card gains immunity to an effect, pre-existing lasting ◊ A player’s stronghold cannot leave play.
effects that have been applied to the card are not removed.
◊ If a card enters or leaves play, any lasting effects, delayed
◊ Immunity only protects a card from effects. It does not effects, or pending effects that are currently or about to
prevent a card from being used to pay costs. interact with that card no longer do so. This is also true if a
card transitions from one out-of-play area to another (such
as going from hand to discard pile).
Imperial Favor, Imperial Favor Contest
◊ If a card would enter a deck of the incorrect deck type
The Imperial Favor represents which player currently holds the (conflict or dynasty), it is put into the discard pile of its
favor of the Emperor. Step 3.4.1 of the conflict phase consists owner corresponding to its correct deck type instead.
of a framework glory count. The winner of this count claims the
Imperial Favor and may set it to either side if appropriate. ◊ If a dynasty card would enter a player’s hand of conflict
◊ The +1 skill modifier granted by the Imperial Favor applies cards, it is put into its owner’s dynasty discard pile instead.
to any conflict of the specified type in which its bearer
controls at least one participating character. This modifier
◊ If a conflict card would enter a player’s provinces, it is put 8. At this time the card is considered “played” or the ability
into its owner’s conflict discard pile instead. “triggered.”
Related: Enters Play, Leaves Play, Play and Put Into Play Interrupts and reactions may be used throughout this process
as normal, should their triggering conditions occur.
Influence, Influence Cost Related: Ability, Cost, Effects, Resolve an Ability, Target
Influence is a deckbuilding resource that is indicated by a
player’s chosen stronghold for that deck. Many conflict deck In Player Order
cards have an influence cost, which makes them eligible for If the players are instructed to perform a sequence “in player
selection as an out-of-clan card. order,” the first player performs their part of the sequence first,
In the skirmish format, each player cannot spend more than followed by the player to the first player’s left and continuing in
6 influence to include out-of-clan cards in their deck. clockwise order.
◊ A player may spend influence up to the amount indicated ◊ If a sequence performed in player order does not conclude
by his or her stronghold to include out-of-clan cards from a after each player has performed their aspect of the
single additional clan in his or her conflict deck. sequence once, the sequence of opportunities continues to
alternate from player to player in clockwise order until it is
◊ Each copy of a card that is chosen reduces the amount complete.
of influence a player has at his or her disposal to use in
selecting other cards for the deck.
◊ A clan-affiliated card that has no influence cost cannot be
An interrupt is a triggered ability whose text is prefaced by a
selected using influence for inclusion in a deck.
boldface “Interrupt:” precursor. An interrupt ability interrupts
Example: Tom is building a Lion Clan deck for the stronghold the resolution of its triggering condition, sometimes canceling
format, and has 10 influence to spend on out-of-clan cards, or changing the resolution of that condition. Always resolve
as indicated by the Lion stronghold, Yojin no Shiro. He must interrupts to a triggering condition before resolving the
spend all of his influence on cards from a single clan. He consequences of the triggering condition itself.
chooses to select cards from the Crane Clan. Tom decides Unlike actions, which are resolved during action windows,
to include 3 copies of Admit Defeat (2 influence cost each), an interrupt may be initiated only if its specified triggering
3 copies of The Perfect Gift (1 influence cost each), and 1 copy condition occurs, as described in the interrupt ability’s text.
of Duelist Training (1 influence cost). As this is all of Tom’s
influence, he cannot include any other Crane Clan cards in his When a triggering condition initiates (but before it completes
conflict deck. All of the other cards in Tom’s conflict deck must its resolution), an interrupt window for that triggering condition
either be from the Lion Clan, or be neutral. opens.
Within the interrupt window, the first player always has the first
Initiating Abilities/Playing Cards opportunity to initiate an eligible interrupt (to the triggering
condition that opened the window), or pass. Opportunities
Whenever a player wishes to play a card or initiate a triggered to initiate an eligible interrupt, or pass, continue to alternate
ability, that player first declares his or her intent (and shows between the players until all players consecutively pass, at
the card to be used, if necessary). There are two preliminary which point the interrupt window closes. Passing does not
confirmations that must be made before the process may prevent a player from initiating an eligible interrupt later in that
begin. These are: same interrupt window.
1. Check play restrictions and verify the existence of eligible Once an interrupt window closes, further interrupts to that
targets: can the card be played, or the ability initiated, specific triggering condition cannot be initiated. The triggering
at this time? If the play restrictions are not met, or there condition now completes its resolution (as long as its effects
are not enough eligible targets for the ability, the process have not been canceled).
cannot proceed.
◊ Unless otherwise noted by the ability, each interrupt ability
2. Determine the cost (or costs, if multiple costs are required) may be initiated once each round. (This includes forced
to play the card or initiate the ability. If it is established interrupts.)
that the cost (taking modifiers into account) can be paid,
proceed with the remaining steps of this sequence. ◊ An interrupt with specified limit that enables it to be
triggered more than once per round may only be initiated
Once each of the preliminary confirmations has been made,
once each time its specified triggering condition occurs.
follow these steps, in order:
3. Apply any modifiers to the cost(s). h If multiple players can trigger an interrupt ability, each
may do so to the same triggering condition.
4. Pay the cost(s).
5. Choose target(s), if applicable. Any pre-effect instructions to
“select” among multiple options in the ability are made at
this time as well. A keyword is a card ability which conveys specific rules to its
card. The keywords in the game are: Ancestral, Composure,
6. The card attempts to enter play, or the effects of the ability
Courtesy, Covert, Disguised, Eminent, Limited, No Attachments,
attempt to initiate. An interrupt ability that cancels this
Pride, Rally, Restricted, Sincerity, and Support.
initiation may be used at this time.
7. The card enters play, or the effects of the ability (if not
canceled in step 6) complete their initiation and resolve.
◊ Sometimes a keyword is followed by reminder text, ◊ All lasting effects and/or delayed effects affecting the card
which is presented in italics. Reminder text is a shorthand while it was in play expire for that card.
explanation of how a keyword works, but it is not rules
text and does not replace the rules for that keyword in this
glossary. Limited
Limited is a keyword ability. No more than one card in total with
◊ Keywords that resolve based on the occurrance of a the limited keyword can be played by each player each round.
triggering condition (such as a character leaving play) Cards played from hand and played from a player’s provinces
resolve immediately after the triggering condition occurs, are restricted by and count toward this limit.
before triggering any reaction abilities.
◊ Limited cards that are “put into play” via card abilities
◊ A card can have multiple instances of the same keyword. ignore and are ignored by this restriction.
However, a card that does so functions as if it has one
instance of that keyword, and the keyword will only resolve
once per triggering condition. Variable keywords (see Limit X per [period]
below) are an exception: if a card has multiple instances of This phrase specifies the number of times a triggered ability
a variable keyword, each of those instances acts on the card can be used during the designated period. This replaces the
independently. general restriction of using a triggered ability once per game
◊ Some keywords, such as Composure, are variable keywords.
Variable keywords operate in the same way as other ◊ Each copy of an ability with a specified limit may be used
keywords, but their effects are unique on a card-by-card the specified number of times during the specified period.
basis. Each variable keyword has the same condition in
which they become active, but different effects based on ◊ If a card leaves play and re-enters play during the same
the individual card’s text. period, or if a card transitions from one out-of-play area
to another (such as going from hand to discard pile), it is
considered a new instance of the card. There is no memory
Lasting Effects of having used the ability during the specified period for
any new instance of a card.
Some abilities create conditions that affect the game state for a
specified duration. Such effects are known as lasting effects. ◊ All limits are player specific.
◊ A lasting effect persists beyond the resolution of the ability
◊ If the effects of an ability with a limit are canceled, the use
that created it, for the duration specified by the effect. The
of the ability is still counted against the limit.
effect continues to affect the game state for the specified
duration regardless of whether the card that created the Related: Limits of Triggered Abilities, Max X per [period]
lasting effect is or remains in play.
◊ If a lasting effect affects in-play cards (or a specified set of Limits of Triggered Abilities
cards), it is only applied to cards that are in play (or that Unless otherwise specified, each triggered ability can only be
meet the specifications of the set) at the time the lasting used once per game round. This general restriction applies to
effect is established. Cards that enter play (or change status any triggered ability that does not have “Limit X per [period]”
to meet the criteria of the specified set) after a lasting printed as part of the ability’s text.
effect’s establishment are not affected by that lasting effect.
◊ If a card leaves play and re-enters play during the same
◊ If a card enters or leaves play, any lasting effects, delayed period, or if a card transitions from one out-of-play area
effects, or pending effects that are currently or about to to another (such as going from hand to discard pile), it is
interact with that card no longer do so. This is also true if a considered a new instance of the card. There is no memory
card transitions from one out-of-play area to another (such of having used the ability for any new instance of a card for
as going from hand to discard pile). the purposes of this general restriction.
◊ A lasting effect expires as soon as the timing point specified ◊ If a card triggers its ability from a hidden out-of-play area
by its duration is reached. This means that an “until the end (such as a hand or deck) but does not leave that hidden
of the phase” lasting effect expires before an “at the end of area, that ability may be triggered again because it is
the phase” ability or delayed effect may initiate. considered a new instance of the card.
◊ A lasting effect that expires at the end of a specified time ◊ All limits are player specific.
period can only be initiated during that time period.
◊ If the effects of an ability are canceled, the use of the ability
is still counted against the general restriction of only once
Leaves Play per game round.
The phrase “leaves play” refers to any time a card makes a Related: Limit X per [period], Max X per [period]
transition from an in-play state to an out-of-play destination.
If a card leaves play, the following consequences occur Loses
simultaneously with the card leaving play:
If a player loses fate or honor, that player takes the specified
◊ All tokens on the card are returned to the general token amount of fate or honor and removes it from their fate pool or
pool. honor pool. Unless that player is moving the fate or honor to a
◊ All non-ancestral attachments on the card are discarded. specific destination, the token is returned to the general token
All ancestral attachments on the card are returned to their pool.
owners’ hands.
◊ When tokens are removed from a card, that card is
considered to lose those tokens. If the tokens are not
moved to a specific destination, return them to the general Some abilities allow players to move cards or tokens.
token pool. ◊ When an entity moves, it cannot move to its same (current)
Related: Gains, Give, Take placement. If there is no valid destination for a move, the
move attempt cannot be made.
Max X per [period] ◊ When a character is moved into a conflict, that character
is considered participating in the conflict on its controller’s
This phrase imposes a maximum number of times that an ability
may be initiated from all copies (by title) of cards bearing the
ability (including itself), during the designated period. Initiating
an ability on a card counts toward the maximum for all copies of Mulligan
that card.
During setup, each player has a single opportunity to mulligan
◊ Each maximum is player specific. any number of cards in his or her provinces, and a single
opportunity to mulligan any number of cards in his or her hand.
◊ If the effects of a card or ability with a maximum are
When a player decides to mulligan, the mulliganed cards are
canceled, the use of the card or ability is still counted
set aside, replaced with an equal number of cards from the
against the maximum.
top of the appropriate deck(s), and then shuffled back into the
◊ An ability’s maximum value cannot be modified. deck(s) from which they originated.
◊ Players mulligan (or pass the opportunity to do so) in player
Related: Limit X per [period], Limits of Triggered Abilities
order. If the first player passes an opportunity to mulligan,
that player cannot change his or her mind and then decide
May to mulligan during that step after seeing the opponent’s
The word “may” indicates that a specified player has the option decision.
to do that which follows. If no player is specified, the option is ◊ After a player mulligans the cards in their provinces, they
granted to the controller of the card with the ability in question. may look at the new cards before drawing their conflict
Some abilities may ask players to modify values. The game Nested Ability Sequences
state constantly checks and (if necessary) updates the count of
any variable quantity that is being modified. Each time a triggering condition occurs, the following sequence
is followed: (1) execute any interrupts to that triggering
Any time a new modifier is applied (or removed), the entire condition, (2) resolve the triggering condition itself, and then,
quantity is recalculated from the start, considering the (3) execute any reactions to that triggering condition.
unmodified base value and all active modifiers.
Within this sequence, if the use of an interrupt or reaction leads
◊ The calculation of a value treats all modifiers as being to a new triggering condition, the game pauses and starts a
applied simultaneously. However, while performing the new sequence: (1) execute interrupts to the new triggering
calculation, all additive and subtractive modifiers should condition, (2) resolve the new triggering condition itself, and
be calculated before doubling and/or halving modifiers are then, (3) execute reactions to the new triggering condition.
calculated. This is called a nested sequence. Once this nested sequence
is completed, the game returns to where it left off, continuing
◊ Fractional values are rounded up after all modifiers have
with the original triggering condition’s sequence.
been applied.
It is possible that a nested sequence generates further
◊ When a value is “set” to a specific number, the set modifier triggering conditions (and hence more nested sequences).
overrides all non-set modifiers (including any new non-set There is no limit to the number of nested sequences that
modifiers that are added during the duration of the set may occur, but each nested sequence must complete before
value). If multiple set modifiers are in conflict, the most returning to the sequence that spawned it. In effect, these
recently applied set modifier takes precedence. sequences are resolved in a Last In, First Out (LIFO) manner.
◊ A quantity cannot be reduced so that it functions with Related: Interrupts, Reactions
a value below zero: a card cannot have negative icons,
political or military skill, glory, traits, cost, or keywords.
Negative modifiers that would take a value below zero can
be applied, but, after all active modifiers have been applied, Some cards are not affiliated with any clan, these cards are
any resultant value below zero is treated as zero. neutral. Any deck may include neutral cards.
◊ If a value “cannot be increased/decreased,” any modifiers ◊ Neutral cards are not considered to be in-clan or out-of-clan.
to that value that would increase/decrease it are ignored for
the duration of the “cannot be increased/decreased” effect, No Attachments
even if those modifiers were applied before applying the
“cannot be increased/decreased” effect. No attachments is a keyword ability. A card with this keyword
cannot have an attachment card attached.
h “Set” modifiers are not ignored, as they do not directly
increase/decrease the value.
◊ If one or more traits precedes the word “attachments” (for an already participating character gains “cannot participate”
example, “No Weapon or Armor attachments”), the card status during a conflict, move it home bowed.
cannot have an attachment that possess one or more of the
specified qualities, but it can have attachments possessing ◊ In the enlightenment format, only two players can control
none of those qualities. participating characters: one attacking player and one
defending player. The third player in the game may take
◊ If the word “attachments” is followed by the word “except” actions to influence the outcome of the conflict, but they
and one or more traits (for example, “No attachments cannot play or move characters to the conflict on either side
except Weapon”), the card can have attachments that (except as indicated by card effects).
possess one or more of the specified qualities, but it cannot
have attachments possessing none of those qualities. ◊ In the team conquest format, all four players can control
participating characters. Characters controlled by players on
◊ If a card has multiple variants of the “No attachments” the same team participate on the same side of the conflict
keyword, any variant that would prevent a card from having and contribute their skill towards the same total.
a given attachment prevails.
◊ If a conflict does not have two participating players, it
cannot resolve. Therefore, if a player is eliminated from
Opponent the game in the middle of a conflict and the game does
In the stronghold format, as well as most games of the skirmish not end, the conflict immediately ends with no winner.
format, each player has only one opponent. Return the ring to the attacker’s unclaimed ring pool (or the
common unclaimed ring pool, as appropriate) and each
In the enlightenment format, where each player has two participating character controlled by the remaining player
opponents, a player’s card ability that refers to “your returns home bowed.
opponent” only refers to the single opponent participating
against that player in a conflict. It does not refer to the player
not participating in the conflict. Pass
In the team conquest format, where all players can control There are times in the game at which a player has an option to
participating characters in a conflict, a player’s card ability that perform an act (such as taking an action, triggering an ability, or
refers to “your opponent” or “an opponent” refers to either executing a game step), or to pass. Passing in such a situation
player on the opposing team, chosen when resolving the card forfeits the player’s right to perform that act in that moment.
ability. ◊ The first player to pass the opportunity to use an action or
play a card during the dynasty phase forfeits the opportunity
Ordinary to do so for the remainder of the phase, and gains one fate.
See “Personal Honor, Personal Dishonor” on page 15. ◊ Other game sequences in which players have the option
to pass continue until both players pass consecutively. If
Own, Ownership the first player passes, and the second player does not,
the opportunity returns to the first player in the sequence.
See “Control and Ownership” on page 5. The sequence only ends when both players have passed
in succession. (In other words, passing in such a sequence
Participating and Cannot Participate does not prevent a player from re-entering the sequence
should the opponent not also pass in succession.)
Any character that has been declared as an attacker or
defender for a conflict is considered participating in that conflict ◊ When passing an opportunity to declare a conflict, a player
through its resolution, unless it is removed by an ability or game is not required to specify which type of conflict they are
effect. passing.
◊ Each character that is in play is either participating or not
participating in each conflict. Personal Honor, Personal Dishonor
◊ If an ability removes a character from a conflict or moves a Personal honor is a means of tracking the honored or
character home, that character is no longer participating in dishonored status of individual character cards. Each character
the conflict and is returned to its controller’s home area. exists in one of three states:
◊ If a non-participating character is moved into a conflict, it is ◊ Honored
considered participating on its controller’s side.
◊ Ordinary
◊ If a participating character is bowed, it is still considered
◊ Dishonored
participating, but will not contribute its skill toward the
resolution of the conflict while in a bowed state. Characters enter play with ordinary status. Honored status
tokens and dishonored status tokens are used to track the state
◊ If a participating character leaves play for any reason, it is no
of a character that receives a status other than ordinary.
longer participating in the conflict.
◊ When a character is honored, it receives an honored status
◊ A character played directly into a conflict from a player’s token to indicate its honored status. An honored character
hand is participating in the conflict. The controller of the adds its glory value to both its military and political skill so
character must indicate that this is the case when the long as it possesses that token. When an honored character
character is played. leaves play its controller gains 1 honor.
◊ If a character “cannot participate” in a conflict, that
character cannot be declared as an attacker or defender for,
move into, be played into, or put into play in that conflict. If
◊ When a character is dishonored, it receives a dishonored
status token to indicate its dishonored status. A dishonored
Player Elimination
character subtracts its glory value from both its military and In most game formats, players are eliminated from the game
political skill so long as it possesses that token. When a when certain conditions are met. Once a player is eliminated
dishonored character leaves play its controller loses 1 honor. from the game, all cards that player owns are immediately
removed from the game, and their honor dial is ignored for the
◊ When an honored character is dishonored, it loses its purposes of card abilities for the rest of the game. If, after a
honored status, discards the status token, and returns to player is eliminated, only one player remains in the game, that
ordinary status. Likewise, when a dishonored character is player is the game’s winner.
honored, it loses its dishonored status, discards the status
token, and returns to ordinary status. ◊ If a player is eliminated from an enlightenment format
game, perform the following steps:
◊ A character with an honored status token cannot become
honored. A character with a dishonored status token cannot
h Any ring tokens an eliminated player had claimed on
become dishonored. their provinces, or that are in the eliminated player’s
personal unclaimed ring pool, are placed in the common
◊ Should a character have both an honored status token and unclaimed ring pool.
a dishonored status token at the same time, discard both
tokens. The character returns to the ordinary state.
h If the eliminated player was the first player, the first
player token immediately passes to the player on the
◊ If a character enters play honored or dishonored, abilities eliminated player’s left.
cannot be triggered from that character becoming honored
or dishonored, as it enters play already with that status.
h Any treaties made by the eliminated player are
immediately dissolved.
Play and Put into Play ◊ Players are not eliminated from a team conquest format
game until their entire team loses. If a player’s stronghold
Playing a character or attachment card involves paying the province is broken, they continue to play, with the following
card’s fate cost and placing the card in the play area. This penalties:
causes the card to enter play. Cards are played from a player’s
hand or provinces. Any time a character card is played, its h Treat the printed text box of that player’s stronghold as if
controller has the option of placing additional fate from his or it were blank (except for Traits).
her fate pool on the card.
h That player cannot bid more than two during honor bids.
Some card abilities put cards into play. This bypasses the
need to pay the card’s cost, as well as the opportunity to place h That player cannot reshuffle either of their decks if those
additional fate on the card. A card that is put into play bypasses decks run out of cards.
any restrictions or prohibitions regarding the potential of
h If a player reaches zero honor, their stronghold province
playing that card. A card that is put into play enters play in its
is immediately broken.
controller’s play area.
◊ A card that has been put into play is not considered to have h Broken stronghold provinces are immune to all card
been “played.” effects.
of its removal. If there is no specified duration, a card that has opponent’s satisfaction. If there is no specified duration for
been removed from the game is considered removed until the the reveal, the cards remain revealed until they reach a new
end of the game. destination (as specified by the ability), or through the ability’s
◊ Cards that have been removed from the game are faceup,
open information that is available to both players, unless ◊ While a card is revealed, it is still considered to be located
otherwise specified. in the game area (such as a player’s hand or deck) from
which it is revealed.
Replacement Effects ◊ When a province card is revealed by a card effect, it remains
A replacement effect is an effect (usually an interrupt) that faceup until a card or game effect turns it facedown.
replaces the resolution of a triggering condition with a different
means of resolving the same triggering condition, but in such Rings
a manner that the triggering condition is still considered to
occur for the purposes of paying non-sacrifice costs. The word Rings, represented by double-sided tokens, are used to
“instead” is frequently indicative of such an effect. After all determine the type and element of conflicts. Each ring exists in
interrupts to the triggering condition have resolved and it is one or more of three states, as follows:
time to resolve the triggering condition itself, the replacement Unclaimed — Each ring in the unclaimed ring pool is an
effect resolves instead. unclaimed ring, and is eligible to be selected by a player as a
◊ If multiple replacement effects are initiated against the same part of the process of declaring a conflict.
triggering condition, the most recently initiated replacement Contested — While a conflict is resolving, the ring that has
effect is the one used for the resolution of the triggering been selected by the attacker when the conflict was declared is
condition. the contested ring.
◊ If the new resolution of a triggering condition caused by a Claimed — Each ring in a player’s claimed ring pool is a
replacement effect would not change the game state, that claimed ring.
replacement effect cannot be initiated. ◊ While performing a glory count, each player adds 1 to their
total for each ring in his or her claimed ring pool.
Related: Would
◊ During the fate phase, place 1 fate on each unclaimed ring.
Resolve an Ability h This step is skipped when playing the skirmish format.
Some abilities instruct a player to “resolve an ability” or
“resolve this ability twice.” To resolve a triggered ability, resolve ◊ When a ring becomes the contested ring in a conflict, move
all text after the bold timing word (action, reaction, or interrupt), all fate on that ring to the attacking player’s fate pool.
paying all ability costs, choosing any relevant targets, and
◊ When a ring is claimed, it is still considered to be contested
resolving the ability’s effect.
until all reactions to its claiming have resolved.
◊ When resolving a card’s ability, that card is not being played,
and its fate cost (or other costs associated with playing the ◊ A card effect that refers to “the [ELEMENT] ring” refers to
card) are not paid. any ring that has that element.
Related: Initiating Abilities/Playing Cards ◊ When a player claims a ring in the enlightenment format,
that ring is placed on one of that player’s provinces. The
ring is considered to be “claimed on that province.”
Restore a Province Rings claimed on a player’s provinces do not return to the
If a player is instructed to restore a broken province, that unclaimed ring pool during the fate phase. They are still
province is rotated 180 degrees and its ability text becomes considered to be in that player’s claimed ring pool.
active as the province is no longer considered to be broken. It
h A player cannot have multiple rings of the same printed
is not turned facedown.
element claimed on their provinces. If they would do
so, the duplicate ring is not claimed and is instead
Restricted returned to the attacking player’s unclaimed ring pool (if
Restricted is a keyword ability. A character may not have more contested) or to the defending player’s unclaimed ring
than two attachments with the restricted keyword attached to it pool (if claimed on a broken province).
at any time. h A player cannot claim a ring on their stronghold
◊ If at any time a character has three or more restricted province unless their stronghold province is eligible to
attachments, that character’s controller must immediately be attacked by their opponents.
choose and discard one of the restricted attachments on the
character as soon as the illegal game state occurs. h If a player breaks an opponent’s province during a
conflict, they claim each ring that was claimed on that
◊ A player may choose to play a third restricted attachment province, distributing those rings among their own
onto a character, but that character’s controller must provinces if able.
immediately choose and discard one of its restricted
attachments when the new attachment enters play. h When a card effect would cause a ring to move from
a player’s claimed ring pool to an unclaimed ring pool
or vice-versa, both pools must belong to the same
Reveal player. During a conflict, card effects can only switch the
When a player is instructed to reveal cards, that player is contested ring with rings in the claimed or unclaimed
required to show those cards to their opponent to that ring pools of the attacking player.
◊ In the team conquest format, each team has a shared
claimed ring pool. For the purposes of card and game
effects, a team’s claimed ring pool counts as the claimed When a player is instructed to sacrifice a card, that player must
ring pool of each player on that team. select a card in play that he or she controls and that matches
the requirements of the sacrifice, and place it in his or her
Related: Ring Effects discard pile.
◊ If the selected card does not leave play, the sacrifice is
Ring Effects considered to have been prevented.
Each time a player wins a conflict as the attacking player, they
◊ Sacrificing a card does not satisfy other means (such as
may resolve the ring effect associated with the contested ring’s
“discard”) of a card leaving play.
element. The ring effects are as follows:
Air: Either take 1 honor from your opponent, or gain 2 honor
from the general token pool. Search
Earth: Draw 1 card from your conflict deck and discard When a player is instructed to search for a card, that player
1 random card from your opponent’s hand. is permitted to look at all of the cards in the searched area
without revealing those cards to his or her opponent.
Fire: Choose a character in play and either honor or dishonor
that character. ◊ If an effect searches an entire deck, the deck must
be shuffled to the satisfaction of the opponent upon
Water: Either choose a character and ready it, or choose a completion of the search.
character with no fate on it and bow it.
◊ A player is not obliged to find the object of a search effect,
Void: Choose a character and remove 1 fate from it.
even if the searched cards contain a card that meets the
◊ Whenever a player resolves a ring effect for a ring that has eligibility requirements of the search.
multiple elements, that player may choose among those
elements when the conflict’s ring effect resolves. ◊ If a search effect would add a card with specified
characteristics to a hidden game area, the player fulfilling
◊ When a player is instructed to resolve multiple ring effects, the search must reveal the card to his or her opponent to
they resolve each effect (or pass on that effect) in its entirety verify that the card is eligible to be found by the search.
before resolving the next ring effect.
◊ While a game area (or a part of a game area) is being
◊ When playing the skirmish format, the following three rings searched, the cards being searched are considered to still
have the following effects instead: be in that game area.
h Air: Take 1 honor from your opponent.
h Earth: Either draw 1 card from your conflict deck or
discard 1 random card from your opponent’s hand. Some abilities instruct a player to select among multiple
h Water: Choose a character in any player’s home area
◊ If a selection is required before the effect of the ability
with 1 or fewer fate on it and either ready or bow it.
resolves (i.e., before the dash), the selection is made during
the same timing step in which targets are chosen.
Role Cards ◊ If a selection is indicated after the dash of an ability’s text,
A role card is placed alongside a player’s stronghold, and that selection is made during the resolution of the effect.
provides specialized abilities and limitations for that player’s
deck. A player may use a single role card in conjunction with ◊ Unless otherwise indicated by the ability, the controller of
their stronghold while assembling a deck. The role card starts the ability is the player who makes the selection.
the game next to its owner’s stronghold and is revealed along
◊ For all selections, an option that has the potential to change
with the stronghold during setup.
the game state must be chosen, if able.
Role cards are not used in the skirmish format.
Related: Initiating Abilities
◊ Role cards are not considered in play. Their text affects the
game state from the out-of-play area while they are active Self-referential Text
beside a player’s stronghold.
When a card’s ability text refers to itself (“this character,” “this
◊ Cards that are printed as the role card type cannot be province,” etc.), the text is referring to that copy only, and not
removed from the game by other card abilities. to other copies (by title) of the card.
◊ Some cards have the text, “___ role only.” This is a
deckbuilding restriction, and is not active during gameplay. Set
See “Modifiers” on page 14.
Running Out of Cards
If a player attempts to fill or refill one of their provinces or to
draw a card from their conflict deck and no cards remain in the To set up a game, perform the following steps in order:
deck, that player loses 5 honor, then shuffles the corresponding 1. Select decks. Each player selects a deck using the
discard pile and places it facedown to form a new dynasty or deckbuilding rules. See “Deckbuilding” on page 7.
conflict deck. That player then continues to (re)fill the province
or draw the conflict card.
2. Create token bank and unclaimed ring pool. Place all fate ◊ The sincerity keyword resolves after the card leaves play,
tokens, honor tokens, status tokens, and the Imperial Favor before reactions to that card leaving play can be triggered.
in a pile within reach of each player. This area is known as
the token bank. Place the rings near the token bank. This
area is known as the unclaimed ring pool. Skill
h In the enlightenment format, instead of placing five rings A character’s effectiveness in various endeavors is measured
in a single unclaimed ring pool, each player places five by its skill. There are two types of skill in the game, military skill
ring tokens (one of each element) in their own personal and political skill.
unclaimed ring pool. Military skill () is used to determine the victor during military
3. Determine first player. Randomly select a player. That
player will be the first player. Place the first player token in Political skill () is used to determine the victor during political
front of this player. conflicts.
4. Shuffle dynasty and conflict decks. Each player shuffles
both their dynasty and conflict decks separately and
presents them to the opponent for additional shuffling and/
or a final cut. Then each player places their dynasty deck to
A character’s printed
military skill can be found
at the top of the banner
5 Akodo Toturi
the left of their play area and their conflict deck to the right. beneath the cost, in red.
5. Place provinces and stronghold. In player order, each
player secretly selects one of their province cards, places
6 A character’s printed
political skill can be
it facedown above their dynasty deck, and places their
stronghold card on top of it. If a player is using a role card, 3 found at the bottom of
the banner beneath the
it is placed next to their stronghold during this step. Each
player then places their other four provinces facedown cost, in blue.
between their dynasty and conflict decks, in any order.
h In the skirmish format, each player instead places three ◊ Total attacking skill is the sum of each ready participating
province tokens between their dynasty and conflict character’s skill (for the appropriate conflict type) on the
decks. attacking player’s side, plus any relevant modifiers.
6. Fill provinces. Each player places a card from the top of ◊ Total defending skill is the sum of each ready participating
their dynasty deck facedown onto each of their empty non- character’s skill (for the appropriate conflict type) on the
stronghold provinces. In player order, each player looks defending player’s side, plus any relevant modifiers.
at each of their cards placed in this manner and has one Bushi. Champion.
opportunity to mulligan any number of them. ◊ A player is not able to win a Reaction:
conflict if that
Afterplayer has a
you claim totalduring a
a ring
attacking or defending skill of zero.
in which this character is participating – resol
h Note: After this step, a player may not look at facedown
cards in his or her provinces. ring’s effect.
Status Token A lion is more than his roar, his mane, his teeth, his
7. Draw starting hand. Each player draws 4 cards from
their conflict deck. In player order, each player has one A status token can be placed on a card to alter itsAstatus
lion is all of these.
opportunity to mulligan any number of these cards. a game. These include honored status tokens and dishonored
status tokens. Each kind of status token has a different effect on
h In the skirmish format, each player draws and mulligans the card it is placed on.
to 3 cards instead of 4. ILLUS. SHAWN IGNATIUS TAN © 2017 FFG
◊ Honored status tokens are used to indicate a character’s
8. Gain starting honor. Each player gains honor tokens equal honored status. A character with an honored status token
to the honor value on their stronghold. adds its glory to each of its skills. That character’s controller
gains 1 honor when that character leaves play.
h In the skirmish format, each player starts the game with
6 honor. ◊ Dishonored status tokens are used to indicate a character’s
dishonored status. A character with a dishonored status
The game is now ready to begin.
token subtracts its glory from each of its skills. That
character’s controller loses 1 honor when that character
Shuffle leaves play,
The word “shuffle” is used as a shorthand that instructs ◊ Dishonored status tokens can be placed on provinces by
a player to shuffle a deck that was just searched. card abilities. A province with a dishonored status token
When a player is instructed to shuffle, only shuffle the is treated as if its printed text box were blank (except for
deck or decks that were affected by the ability. Traits) while the token is on that province.
◊ Each time a deck is shuffled, it must be randomized to the ◊ A status token cannot be removed from a card unless it is a
satisfaction of the opponent, and upon completion of the character whose personal honor is changed (see Personal
shuffle presented to the opponent for additional shuffling Honor, Personal Dishonor on page 15) or a card effect
and/or a final cut. specifically moves or removes that status token.
Traits text. Note that any treaty card that refers to “the player who did
not break this treaty” refers only to the single other player with
Most cards have one or more traits listed at the top of the text whom the treaty was made.
box and printed in Bold Italics.
After a treaty is broken (and its effects resolved) or fulfilled (and
◊ Traits have no inherent effect on the game. Instead, some its effects unrevealed), put that treaty card on the bottom of the
card abilities reference cards that possess specific traits. the treaty deck.
1. The triggering condition becomes imminent. (Meaning that ◊ In the team conquest format, a conflict is only considered
if it is not canceled, changed, or otherwise pre-empted by unopposed if no player on the defending team controls any
interrupt abilities, the triggering condition is the next thing defending characters at the time the attacking team wins
that will occur in the game.) the conflict. If that is the case, each player on the defending
team loses 1 honor.
2. Interrupt abilities that reference when the imminent
triggering condition “would” occur may be used. (Note:
For effects, a “cancel” interrupt may prevent the effect Winning a Conflict
from initiating, and the initiation of the effect is a separate
triggering condition that precedes the effect’s resolution. Each conflict is won by the player who counts the highest total
“Cancel” interrupts are the only type that will reference the skill applicable for that conflict type for his or her side when the
initiation of an effect.) If the imminent triggering condition conflict result is determined.
is canceled, none of the subsequent steps in this sequence ◊ A player’s total skill is the sum of the skill matching the
occur. If the triggering condition is changed, the original conflict type of each ready participating character on his or
condition is no longer imminent, but the new triggering her side of the conflict, along with any other modifiers that
condition is now imminent. are affecting the amount of skill the player counts for the
3. Forced interrupts that reference the imminent triggering conflict.
condition must resolve, in the order determined by the ◊ A player must count at least 1 total skill and there must be
first player.
The standard interrupt window to the imminent at least one participating character on his or her side in
triggering condition opens. It closes after all players order to win a conflict.
consecutively pass.
◊ If the total skill counted on each side is tied at a value
4. The triggering condition itself occurs.
of 1 or greater (and the attacking player controls at least
5. Forced reactions that reference the triggering condition one participating character), the attacking player wins the
must resolve, in the order determined by the first player. conflict.
6. The reaction window to the triggering condition opens. It ◊ If neither player can meet the requirements of winning a
closes after all players consecutively pass. conflict, neither player wins (or loses) that conflict. When
this occurs, return the contested ring to the unclaimed ring
Unique Cards pool.
A card with the symbol in front of its title is a unique card. ◊ Some card abilities reference a character “winning” a
Each player may only have a maximum of one instance of each conflict. In order for a character to be considered to have
unique card, by title, in play. “won” a conflict, that character must be participating in the
◊ A player cannot take control of or bring into play a unique conflict on the winning side at the time the ability resolves.
card if they already control or own another in-play card with
◊ Some card abilities reference a character “losing” a conflict.
the same title or printed title.
In order for a character to be considered to have “lost” a
◊ A player cannot bring into play a unique card owned by conflict, that character must be participating in the conflict
their opponent if that opponent controls an in-play card on the losing side at the time the ability resolves.
with the same title or printed title.
◊ In the team conquest format, players on a team win or
◊ As a player action during the dynasty phase, a player may lose the conflict as a team, regardless of who controls
discard a copy (by title) of a unique character from their participating characters. Any card abilities that trigger when
hand or provinces to place 1 fate on an in-play copy of that a player wins (or loses) a conflict can be triggered if that
unique character they control. player wins (or loses) a conflict.
h The first player to meet the condition of having 25 or
more honor in their honor pool wins the game.
h The first player to have 0 honor in their honor pool is
eliminated from the game.
Appendix I: Timing I. Dynasty Phase
This section provides a detailed overview of the phases 1.2 Reveal facedown dynasty cards.
and framework steps of an entire game round. The “Phase
Sequence Timing Chart” depicts each framework step and
action window that occurs throughout a game round. The 1.3 Collect fate.
“Framework Details” section explains how to handle each
framework step presented on the game’s flow chart, in the
order that the frameworks steps occur throughout the round. ◊ 1.4 SPECIAL ACTION WINDOW
III. Conflict Phase IV. Fate Phase
3.1 Conflict phase begins. 4.1 Fate phase begins.
3.3 Conflict Ends/ Conflict was passed. Return to
the action window following step (3.1).
4.5 Ready cards.
3.4 Determine Imperial Favor.
Conflict Resolution
3.2 Declare conflict.
Framework Details
and adds it to their fate pool. After one player has passed, the
other player may continue to use action opportunities until he
or she also passes. Once both players have passed, this step is
Each of the following entries corresponds to the framework step complete.
of the same number on the Phase Sequence Timing Chart.
1.5. Dynasty phase ends
1. Dynasty Phase This step formalizes the end of the dynasty phase.
The end of a phase is an important game milestone that may
1.1. Dynasty phase beg ins be referenced in card text, either as a point at which an ability
may or must resolve, or as a point at which a lasting effect or
This step formalizes the beginning of the dynasty phase. As this constant ability expires or begins.
is the first framework step of the round, it also formalizes the
beginning of a new game round.
2. Draw Phase
The beginning of a phase is an important game milestone
that may be referenced in card text, either as a point at which
an ability may or must resolve, or as a point at which a lasting 2.1. Draw phase beg ins
effect or constant ability begins or expires. This step formalizes the beginning of the draw phase.
lower number takes honor from both opponents. The A conflict cannot be declared against a player’s stronghold
total amount of honor taken is equal to the difference province in the stronghold or enlightenment formats unless
between the two numbers selected, divided as evenly at least three of that player’s non-stronghold provinces are
as possible between the two players that selected the broken. A conflict cannot be declared against a player’s
same number. If any honor remains to be taken after stronghold province in the team conquest format unless
dividing it as evenly as possible, the player receiving that player’s team controls at least 3 broken provinces and
the honor selects which opponent to take the remaining at least one of that player’s non-stronghold provinces is
honor from. broken.
◊ In the team conquest format, each player only compares If a player selects an unclaimed ring with fate on it to
their honor bid with that of the opponent sitting across from become the contested ring, that fate is moved from the ring
them for the purposes of transferring honor. to the attacking player’s fate pool. In the team conquest
format, this fate is given to one player on an attacking team,
2.5. Draw cards and cannot be distributed among the players on that team.
Each player simultaneously draws a number of cards from their h In the enlightenment format, a player can only declare
conflict deck equal to their honor bid. a conflict using a ring in their personal unclaimed ring
pool or the common unclaimed ring pool.
2.6. Draw phase ends
◊ Declare which ready characters (under their control) are
This step formalizes the end of the draw phase. being committed as attackers. The attacking player may
declare any number of eligible characters under their
3. Conflict Phase control as attackers. Slide these characters toward the
center of the play area, away from the attacking player’s
home area. At least one character must be declared as an
3.1. Conflict phase beg ins attacker at this time in order to initiate a conflict. If any of
This step formalizes the beginning of the conflict phase. the attackers have the covert keyword, the targets for covert
are chosen at this time.
3.2. Declare conflict h In the team conquest format, each player on the
(Shares 3.2 with conflict resolution chart.) attacking team may declare attackers in the same
conflict, and those characters participate on the same
During the conflict phase, each player is granted one or more
side together.
opportunities to declare a conflict. These conflict opportunities
alternate between players with remaining conflict opportunities Each of the above items are considered to be performed
in player order until each player has declared a conflict or simultaneously. If any of the above cannot be completed, the
passed on each of their conflict opportunities. In the team conflict cannot be initiated.
conquest format, conflict opportunities are given to each team
instead of each player. If the province being attacked is facedown, turn it faceup as
soon as a conflict is successfully declared against it. This occurs
In the stronghold, enlightenment, and team conquest formats, before any reactions to the process of conflict declaration may
each player (or team) is granted one opportunity to declare be triggered.
a military conflict and one opportunity to declare a political
conflict. A player’s military and political conflicts may be Once a conflict has been declared, resolve that conflict before
declared in either order during the round. In the skirmish the next conflict is declared.
format, each player is granted one opportunity to declare a If no player has a conflict opportunity remaining when this step
conflict of either type. is reached, advance to step 3.4.
When a player has an opportunity to declare a conflict, that
player may: 3.2.1. Declare defenders
◊ Declare a military conflict. The defending player declares which—if any—ready characters
(under their control) are being committed as defenders. The
◊ Declare a political conflict. defending player may declare any number of eligible characters
under their control as defenders. Slide these characters toward
◊ Pass.
the center of the play area, away from the defending player’s
If a conflict opportunity is passed, the player forfeits their right home area. Declaring “no defenders” is also an option.
to use that opportunity this phase. ◊ In the team conquest format, the controller of the attacked
In order to declare a conflict, the attacking player must: province may declare one or more defenders if they choose,
and each other player on their team may declare up to one
◊ Declare the type and element of the conflict to be initiated. one defender. Those characters participate on the same
This is indicated by selecting a ring from the unclaimed ring side together.
pool (this ring is known as the contested ring, and defines
the element of the conflict), and placing it on an opponent’s
eligible unbroken province (this indicates which province is 3.2.2. Conflict action window
being attacked) with either the military side or the political This is a special action window in which the defending player
side faceup (the faceup side of the contested ring defines (rather than the first player) has the first action opportunity.
the type of the conflict). These opportunities then alternate between the players until
both players consecutively pass.
With an action opportunity, a player may: If the attacking player wins a conflict and breaks a province,
they may immediately discard any dynasty cards on that
◊ Activate an eligible action ability on a card they control.
province. If the province becomes empty this way, the province
◊ Play an event card with an action trigger from their hand. is refilled facedown as normal.
◊ Play an attachment card from hand, and attach it to any If the defending player or no player won the conflict, nothing
eligible character in play. happens during this step.
◊ Play a character from hand, into the conflict, participating 3.2.6. Resolve ring effects
on that player’s side. (Additional fate from the player’s fate
If the attacking player won the conflict (in step 3.2.3), that
pool may be placed on the character at this time.)
player may resolve the ring effect of the contested ring. The
◊ Play a character from hand into their home area. (Additional ring effects are as follows:
fate from the player’s fate pool may be placed on the Air: Either take 1 honor from your opponent, or gain 2 honor
character at this time.) from the general token pool.
◊ Pass. Earth: Draw 1 card from your conflict deck and discard
1 random card from your opponent’s hand.
After using an action opportunity, a player must announce the
total relevant skill present on both sides of the conflict that Fire: Choose a character in play and either honor or dishonor
would be counted if the conflict were to resolve with no further that character.
actions. Water: Either choose a character and ready it, or choose a
Once both players consecutively pass their action opportunities, character with no fate on it and bow it.
proceed to the next step. Void: Choose a character and remove 1 fate from it.
If the defending player or no player won the conflict, nothing
3.2.3. Compare skill values and determine result happens during this step.
The conflict type indicates which skill value is used to resolve
◊ When playing the skirmish format, the following three rings
the conflict. During a military conflict use military skill. During a
have the following effects instead:
political conflict use political skill.
First, determine the attacking player’s total skill in the conflict h Air: Take 1 honor from your opponent.
by adding together the skill (that matches the conflict type) of h Earth: Either draw 1 card from your conflict deck or
each ready attacking character and factor in all active modifiers. discard 1 random card from your opponent’s hand.
Then determine the defending player’s total skill in the conflict by
adding together the skill (that matches the conflict type) of each h Water: Choose a character in any player’s home area
ready defending character and factor in all active modifiers. with 1 or fewer fate on it and either ready or bow it.
The player whose side has the higher total skill wins the conflict. ◊ In the team conquest format, the Air and Earth ring effects
In order to win a conflict, a player must count a total skill of 1 or may only be resolved against the opponent whose province
higher. In the case of a tie, the conflict is won by the attacking is being attacked, and only a single player on the attacking
player. If both players count 0 skill, the conflict resolves with team may receive the ring’s effect.
no winner and no loser, and the ring is returned to the pool of
unclaimed rings.
3.2.7. Claim ring
◊ In the team conquest format, players win or lose the
conflict as a team, regardless of who controls participating The player who won the conflict (in step 3.2.3) claims the
characters. Any card abilities that trigger when a player contested ring and adds it to their claimed ring pool.
wins a conflict can be triggered if that player’s team wins a ◊ In the enlightenment format, the attacking player claims
conflict (the same is true for losing a conflict), as each player the ring on one of their eligible provinces if they win the
on that team counts as having won the conflict. conflict. The defending player does not claim the ring if they
win the conflict, and it is returned to the attacking player’s
3.2.4. Apply unopposed personal unclaimed ring pool.
If the attacking player won the conflict and the defending If no player won the conflict (in step 3.2.3), the ring is returned
player controls no defending characters (in step 3.2.3), the to the unclaimed ring pool.
conflict is considered “unopposed.” If playing the stronghold or The ring continues to define the conflict type and element(s)
team conquest format, the defending player loses 1 honor and until the end of the conflict even after it ceases to be contested.
returns it to the general token pool.
If the defending player or no player won the conflict, nothing 3.2.8. Return home
happens during this step.
Simultaneously bow each ready participating character in the
conflict. Return each participating character to its controller’s
3.2.5. Break province home area. These characters are no longer participating in the
If the attacking player won the conflict by an amount equal to conflict.
or greater than the strength of the attacked province (in step
3.2.3), the province is broken. Rotate the province 180 degrees 3.3. Conflict ends/Conflict was passed
or discard the province token to indicate this.
This step formalizes the end of a conflict, or that a conflict
opportunity has been passed. Return to the action window
following step 3.1.
3.4. Determine Imperial Favor 4. Fate Phase
This step marks the beginning of the contest for the Imperial
Favor. 4.1. Fate phase beg ins
3.4.1. Glory count This step formalizes the beginning of the fate phase.
Each player counts the total glory value of all ready characters 4.2. Discard characters with no fate
they control, factors in all active modifiers, and adds 1 to this
count for each ring in their claimed ring pool. In player order, each player discards each character they control
with no fate on it. These characters are discarded one at a time,
The players then compare their totals. The player with the in the order of the discarding player’s choosing. Characters are
highest total wins the glory count. If the highest totals are tied, only discarded in this way if they had no fate on them during
no player wins the glory count. the initiation of this step and no fate when they would be
◊ In the team conquest format, each team adds together the discarded.
total glory on ready characters they control and adds one
for each ring claimed by their team. This total is compared 4.3. Remove fate from characters
to that of the opposing team, and one of the two teams
Simultaneously remove 1 fate from each character in play.
wins the glory count if the totals are not tied.
D.2. Establish the challenge
D. Duel Timing The process of initiating the duel (in step D.1) will have
identified the two characters that are involved in the duel,
as well as the kind of duel that will take place. This statistic will
D.1 Initiate a duel. be used to determine the results of the duel.
D.7 Calculate duel total and determine result. D.5. Transfer honor
The player with the higher honor bid must give an amount of
D.8 Apply duel results. honor to the player with the lower honor bid that is equal to the
difference between the two bids. If the bids are equal, no honor
is transferred during this step.
D.9 Duel ends.
D.6. Calculate dueling statistic
D. Duel Timing The process of initiating the duel (in step D.1) will have
established which statistic ( skill, skill, or glory) is being
used to determine the results of the duel. Each player calculates
D.1. Initiate a duel the current value of that statistic for their character involved
in the duel. Any skill modifiers that were active at the time the
When a card ability initiates a duel, part of the cost of that
duel was initiated are still applicable during the duel.
ability may use the phrase, “initiate a [type] duel.” This opens
the duel timing window. ◊ If multiple characters are involved in the duel on the
same side, add their dueling statistics together. The value
To initiate a duel, the player resolving the card ability must
calculated in this step is treated as the skill value of a single
choose two characters to duel against each other: one they
character for the purposes of determining duel results.
control and one controlled by an opponent. The following
Those characters win or lose the duel together.
parameters exist on which characters can be chosen for the
◊ One character must be controlled by the player whose
D.7. Calculate duel total and determine result
card ability initiates the duel, and one character must be Each player calculates their duel total and compares it with that
controlled by an opponent of that player. of their opponent to determine the results.
◊ If a duel is initiated during a conflict, both characters chosen In the stronghold, enlightenment, and team conquest formats,
must be participating. each player adds their duel honor bid to the statistic value they
calculated in step D.6 to determine their duel total.
◊ If a duel is initiated by an ability on a character card, that In the skirmish format, the player with the higher dueling
character is automatically involved in the duel. Some statistic value calculated in step D.6 adds 1 to their honor bid to
abilities use the phrase “this character initiates” as a determine their duel total. The other player’s duel total is equal
reminder of this. That character is not considered to be to their honor bid and is not increased by the dueling statistic.
chosen as a target of the duel, as it is already involved.
◊ The character whose controller has the higher duel total is
h During a conflict, a duel can only be initiated by the duel’s winner.
an ability on a character card if that character is
participating in the conflict. ◊ The character whose controller has the lower duel total is
the duel’s loser.
If this process is completed, a duel has been initiated.
Otherwise, the duel fails to initiate and cannot resolve. ◊ If the duel totals are the same, neither character is the duel’s
winner and neither character is the duel’s loser.
Resolve the duel
A duel is resolved during the successful resolution of any
triggered ability that instructs players to “resolve the duel,” or
that their “character challenges the opponent’s character to a
[type] duel.” To resolve a duel, perform the following steps:
D.8. Apply duel results
The ability that initiated the duel (in step D.1) specifies the
consequences of this duel for the winning and/or losing
characters, or for the player(s) controlling those characters.
Apply those consequences during this step.
Appendix II: Card Anatomy
This section presents a detailed anatomy of each cardtype.
Definitions of each element can be found in the glossary.
2 Character 1
2 Vengeful Oathkeeper
Card Anatomy Key CHARACTER
5 2
1. Title: The name of the card. 1
2. Cost: The fate cost to play the card.
3. Cardtype: Indicates how a card is played or
used during the course of the game.
4. Clan Symbol: The card’s clan affiliation.
5. Military Skill: The character’s military skill
16 Bushi.
0 9
value. Reaction: After you lose a conflict – put this
character into play from your hand.
6. Bonus Military Skill: The bonus value this “When a samurai has said he will perform an action, it is as
good as done.” – Akodo’s Leadership
card provides to the attached character’s
military skill.
7. Political Skill: The character’s political skill
value. 17
8. Bonus Political Skill: The bonus value this
card provides to the attached character’s
political skill. 18
9. Glory: The card’s glory value.
10. Element: This indicates the province’s
elemental affiliation.
11. Strength: The province’s strength value.
12. Bonus Strength: The bonus strength provided
to a province or stronghold if this holding is
12 Holding
in it.
13. Starting Honor: The amount of honor this
stronghold provides at the start of the game. 1 Academy.
Action: During the conflict phase –
reveal the top card of your conflict deck.
14. Fate Value: The amount of fate this Until the end of the phase, you may play
that card as if it were in your hand.
stronghold provides each dynasty phase.
15. Influence Value: The amount of influence this
Artisan Academy
6 1
1 Stronghold
2 Shizuka Toshi
Guidance of the Ancestors
Action: Play this attachment from your
conflict discard pile.
“Oh blessed ancestors, hear my prayer! May the
strength of your honor guide my steps and lead
me to righteousness!”
Action: During a conflict, bow this stronghold.
Choose a participating character with skill 2 or
lower – bow that character.
Event 11 7 10
13 15
1 14
4 Role
Action: Reveal the top 4 cards of each player’s
conflict deck. Choose 1 revealed card owned
by each player and add it to its owner’s hand.
He had refused twice, but could not bring
himself to refuse a third time.
5 Pilgrimage
Appendix III: Card
Watch Commander (133)
◊ If a player plays a card whose effects result in Watch
Commander being discarded, its ability cannot be triggered
as it is no longer in play.
Banzai! (204) Seekers of Wisdom
◊ When Banzai! is played, a player can choose to cancel
Banzai!’s entire card effect, just the second part of its effect,
or none of its effect. Dragon Tattoo (23)
h When Banzai!’s effect initiates during the step 6 of ◊ After you play an interrupt or reaction event that targets
playing the card (see page 12), the effects that initiate a character with Dragon Tattoo attached, the tattoo can
are: “you may lose 1 honor, the chosen character gets be used to play that event again. The interrupt or reaction
+2, and if you lost 1 honor resolve this ability twice.” event is played during the interrupt/reaction window that
If Banzai!’s effects are canceled at this time, none of the card was originally played in.
those things happen and the card’s effects do not h When an interrupt or reaction is played in this way, it
resolve at all. is “queued” into the appropriate interrupt/reaction
window, but is not actually played until the reaction
If those effects resolve, and the 1 honor is lost, “resolve window for playing the original event closes. Therefore,
this ability twice” causes the ability’s resolution to return cards like Watch Commander (Core, 133) will trigger
to step 5 (“choose a participating character”). This after the first instance of the event but before the
causes the effects to initiate a second time, and thus second instance of the event—this is different from when
they can be canceled a second time to prevent the Dragon Tattoo plays an action event, as an Action event
second +2 and optional honor loss. (such as Hurricane Punch (Elemental Cycle, 17)) is fully
played and resolved within the resolution of Dragon
Disciples of the Void Tattoo’s ability.
Elemental Cycle Inheritance Cycle
Retire to the Brotherhood (28) ◊ If Compromised Secrets and the character it is attached to
are both controlled by the same player, the additional cost
◊ If a player reveals their entire deck and does not reveal a to trigger the character’s abilities would require a player
number of characters equal to the number of characters to give themself 1 honor. Because a player cannot give
they discarded to this province’s effect, they do not reshuffle themself 1 honor, the additional cost cannot be paid, and
their discard pile to keep revealing more cards. They only therefore the abilities cannot be triggered.
put into play the characters revealed, even though this
results in fewer characters entering play than the number of
characters that were discarded.
Appendix IV: Card Errata
Butcher of the Fallen (Dominion Cycle, 31)
Should read: “While this character is attacking, characters with
less skill than the number of unbroken provinces you control
This section contains the official errata that have been made cannot be declared as defenders.”
on individual cards in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card
(Replaces “While this character is attacking, characters with
Game. Errata overrides the originally printed information on the
printed skill X or less cannot be declared as defenders,
card it applies to. Unless errata for a card appears below, the
where X is the number of unbroken provinces you control.”)
original English printing of that card and all of its information
is considered accurate, and overrides all other printings. This Unbridled Ambition (Dominion Cycle, 116)
includes translated cards, promotional cards, and printings Should read: “Cannot be a stronghold province.”
which may appear in alternate products.
(Added “Cannot be a stronghold province.”)
Restoration of Balance (Core Set, 10)
Should read: “Interrupt: When this province is broken...” Reprint Changes
(Replaces “Reaction: After this province is revealed...”) The following errata clarifies the interaction between individual
Kuroi Mori (Core Set, 12) card text and the rules in this document, based on the current
card ability templating. These text changes will be reflected in
Should read: “Cannot be a stronghold province.”
any future printing of the card, whether in reprints of existing
(Added “Cannot be a stronghold province.”) product, promotional printings, and new printings in future
Against the Waves (Core Set, 117) products.
Should read: “Choose a Shugenja character you control” Pronouns (All cards)
(Added “you control”) All instances of “he or she” that appear on existing cards will be
reprinted with the singular “they” pronoun.
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void, 1)
“As if you were the attacking player” (All cards)
Should read: “During a conflict, bow this stronghold and
discard a Spell event from your hand” All instances of the phrase “as if you were the attacking player”
printed on cards that resolve ring effects will be removed on
(Added “and discard a Spell event from your hand”) future reprints.
Kaito Kosori (Disciples of the Void, 18) “Initiate a [type] duel” (Characters and attachments)
Should read: “During each conflict, if you control at least 1 All instances of the phrase “initiate a [type] duel” printed on
participating character and if this character is in your home area character and attachment cards should read: “this character
and ready, it contributes its skill to your side.” initiates a [type] duel.”
(Added “and ready.”)
Daidoji Uji (Masters of the Court, 11) Keeper Initiate (Core Set, 124)
Should read: “While this character is honored, you may play Should read: “If you do, place 1 fate on this character.”
each character in your provinces as if it were in your hand.”
(Replaces “Then, put 1 fate on this character”)
(Removed “reducing its cost by 1.”)
Wandering Ronin (Core Set, 127)
Those Who Serve (The Emperor’s Legion, 28)
The title should be spelled Wandering Rōnin.
Should read: “(to a minimum of 1).”
Should have the Rōnin trait.
(Replaces “(to a minimum of 0).”)
(Updated the spelling of the title and trait.)
Kaiu Shihobu (Defenders of Rokugan, 10)
Steward of Law (Core, 139)
Should read: “Put a facedown holding under your stronghold
province into play in an unbroken non-stronghold province...” Should read: “...characters cannot receive dishonored status
(Replaces “Put a facedown holding under your stronghold
province into an unbroken non-stronghold province...”) (Replaces “...characters cannot become dishonored.”)
Feast or Famine (Imperial Cycle, 41) Yogo Kikuyo (Disciples of the Void, 25)
Should read: “...move 1 fate from that character to a character Should read: “When the effects of a Spell event your opponent
you control.” plays during a conflict would initiate, put this character into play
from your hand – cancel its effects.”
(Replaces “move each fate from that character to a character
you control with no fate.”) (Added “from your hand.”)
Hawk Tattoo (Elemental Cycle, 75) Kitsuki Shomon (Underhand of the Emperor, 13)
Should read: “Attach to a character you control.” Should read: “If you do, ready this character.”
(Added “Attach to a character you control.”) (Replaces “Then, ready this character”)
Stay Your Hand (Children of the Empire, 80) The Spear Rushes Forth (Masters of the Court, 23)
Should read: “When a duel that targets a character you control Should read: “discard an honored status token”
would resolve” (Replaces “discard an honor token”)
(Replaces “When an opponent initiates a duel that targets a
character you control”)
Prepare for War (The Emperor’s Legion, 25) Hand to Hand (Children of the Empire, 62)
Should read: “Then, if that character is a Commander...” Should read: “If you do, your opponent may resolve this
(Added “Then,”)
(Replaces “Then, your opponent may resolve this ability.”)
Hida Sukune (Defenders of Rokugan, 5)
Unmatched Expertise (Children of the Empire, 65)
Should read: “draw 1 card, then discard 1 card from your hand.
(Limit once per conflict.)” Should read: “Attached character cannot receive dishonored
status tokens.”
(Replaces “draw 1 card and discard 1 card from your hand. (Limit
once per conflict.)”) (Replaces “Attached character cannot become dishonored.”)
River of the Last Stand (Defenders of Rokugan, 14) Ide Ryōma (Inheritance Cycle, 79)
Should read: “your opponent discards 2 random cards from Should read: “If you do, ready the other.”
their hand, then draws 1 card.” (Replaces “Then, ready the other.”)
(Replaces “your opponent discards 2 random cards from his or Regal Bearing (Inheritance Cycle, 84)
her hand and draws 1 card.”)
Should read: “Set the bid on your honor dial to 1. Then, draw
Kaiu Inventor (Imperial Cycle, 63) cards...”
Should read: “...an additional time this round (or specified (Replaces “Set the bid on your honor dial to 1 and draw
period).” cards...”)
(Changed “each” to “this”) Expert Interpreter (Clan War, 45)
Pit Trap (Imperial Cycle, 73) Should read: “during each conflict in which one of the chosen
Should read: “Play only on an attacking character. rings is contested this phase...”
Attached character does not ready during the fate phase.” (Added “this phase”)
(Replaces “Attach to an attacking character. Spectral Visitation (Dominion Cycle, 27)
Attached character does not ready during the regroup phase.”) Should read: “After this province is revealed, discard the top 4
cards of your dynasty deck – choose a character in your dynasty
Ride Them Down (Imperial Cycle, 99)
discard pile and put that character into play.”
Should read: “...set the base strength of the attacked province
(Moved the phrase “choose a character in your dynasty discard
to 1 until the end of the conflict.”
pile” from before the dash to after the dash.)
(Added “until the end of the conflict.”)
Study the Natural World (Dominion Cycle, 68)
Oracle of Stone (Elemental Cycle, 37)
Should read: “the contested ring gains each of the attacked
Should read: “Then, each player discards 2 cards from their province’s elements until the end of the conflict.”
(Added “until the end of the conflict”)
(Added “from his or her hand.”)
Ikebana Artisan (Elemental Cycle, 63)
The text after the dash should read: “cancel that honor loss. If
you do, lose 1 fate. (Unlimited.)”
(Replaces “lose 1 fate instead. (Unlimited.)”)
Hidden Moon Dojo (Elemental Cycle, 68)
The title should be spelled Hidden Moon Dōjō.
Should have the Dōjō trait.
(Updated the spelling of the title and trait.)
Mantra of Earth (Elemental Cycle, 116)
Should read: “opponents’ card abilities cannot choose that
character as a target.”
(Replaces “opponents’ card effects cannot target that
Paragon of Grace (Children of the Empire, 13)
Should read: “During a conflict in which this character is
participating on your side alone”
(Added “on your side”)
Sage of Gisei Toshi (Children of the Empire, 28)
Should read: “If you do, move that character home.”
(Replaces “Then, move that character home.”)