Reproductive Parts of Plants and Their Functions
Reproductive Parts of Plants and Their Functions
Reproductive Parts of Plants and Their Functions
Petals - are most attractive part of all floral parts, purposely to attract
Flower - reproductive organ of a plant that produces the egg and sperm.
C. Presenting examples In this area, indicator # 1
/ instances of the is being observed: Apply
new lesson What are the parts of the reproductive organs of the flower? knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
Providing protection to the young flower buds from an
injury by forming a tightly closed area
Giving structural support to a flower
Protecting the reproductive structures in flowers
Attracting pollinators like insects (e.g., bees, wasps,
and butterflies), birds and other small mammals to
transfer pollen from male to female reproductive part
of a flower
3. Stamen- It is the male reproductive part of a flower. It consists
of two main parts:
a. a) Anther – Yellowish sac-like structure present at the head
of the stamen.
Anther helps in producing and storing pollen grains
Filament holds the anther and attaches it to the flower
c) Ovary – The base of the pistil that holds the eggs or ovules.
The ovary later becomes the seed when the male and female
reproductive cells fuse together, thereby forming the embryo, a
process called fertilization.
Stigma helps in receiving pollen grains and also in
their germination
Style supports the stigma and connects it to the ovary
Ovary helps in developing, distributing, and
nourishing the embryo
D. Discussing new Group Activity: In this area, indicator #4 is
concepts and being observed: Establish
practicing new Group reporting and presentation of outputs. Make a simple poem or safe and secure learning
skills #1 sing a song about flower before reporting. environments to enhance
learning through the
Group 1: Draw the flower and label its major parts. consistent implementation
Group 2: Draw are the female reproductive parts and give its functions of policies, guidelines and
Group 3: Draw the male reproductive parts and give its functions procedures.
F. Developing mastery Give the parts of a flower. Select from the box below
leads to formative
Assessment #3 In this area, indicator #6
Sepal petal receptacle ovule ovary style is being observed:
stigma carpel anther filament stamen Maintain learning
environments that nurture
and inspire learners to
participate, cooperate and
collaborate in continued
Classify the following parts of flower into male and female. Use the
chart below In this area, #7 indicator
is being observed: Apply a
range of successful
Stamen filament ovary style stigma anther strategies that maintain
learning environments that
MALE REPRODUCTIVE FEMALE motivate learners to work
PART REPRODUCTIVE PART productively by assuming
responsibility for their own
V. REMARKS (Make your remarks here what transpired during the lesson)