Reproductive Parts of Plants and Their Functions

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GRADES 5 School: Level: V

COT Learning
Teacher: Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and
Time: Week 4 Day 2 Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding how plants reproduce.
B. Performance The learners should be able to create hypothetical community to show how organisms interact and
Standard reproduce to survive.
C. Most Essential
Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their functions SSLT-llf-6
II. CONTENT Reproductive parts of flowering plants and their functions.
A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbooks
4. Additional
Materials Powerpoint, different flowers
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous In this area, indicator # 1
lesson or Presenting Game: “Passing the Box” is being observed: Apply
the New Lesson Pupils will pass the box as the teacher will play the music ”Bubuka ang knowledge of content
Good morning kids, are Bulaklak”. within and across
when the music stops the one who is holding the box will draw(bubunot) curriculum teaching areas.
you ready with our
flower inside the box and tell what is the name and describe the flower
lesson? Well if you’re
that she/he withdrawn
ready, I’m also now *Describe its smell, looks and say anything about the flower.
ready.. Lets begin with a
(Note: the teacher will
put different flowers
inside the box)
B. Establishing a In this area indicator #3 is
purpose for the 1.What is the most attractive part that can you see in this plant? What do being observed: Use
lesson you call this part? effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom
communication strategies
With the game that
to support learner
we have done, do understanding,
you have any idea participation engagement
what is our lesson? and achievement.

Petals - are most attractive part of all floral parts, purposely to attract
Flower - reproductive organ of a plant that produces the egg and sperm.
C. Presenting examples In this area, indicator # 1
/ instances of the is being observed: Apply
new lesson What are the parts of the reproductive organs of the flower? knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching areas.

Major parts of flower and their functions:

1. Sepal – They are modified leaves that enclose the developing
flower. Sepals are the first essential part that grows in a flower,
arising from the top of the stem.

 Providing protection to the young flower buds from an
injury by forming a tightly closed area
 Giving structural support to a flower

2. Petals - They are modified leaf-like parts that surround the

reproductive organs of a flower. Petals are the brightest and
colorful parts of a flower that distinguish them from other parts.

 Protecting the reproductive structures in flowers
 Attracting pollinators like insects (e.g., bees, wasps,
and butterflies), birds and other small mammals to
transfer pollen from male to female reproductive part
of a flower
3. Stamen- It is the male reproductive part of a flower. It consists
of two main parts:
a. a) Anther – Yellowish sac-like structure present at the head
of the stamen.

b. b) Filament – Slender stalk-like structure present at the tail

of the stamen.

 Anther helps in producing and storing pollen grains
 Filament holds the anther and attaches it to the flower

4. Carpel -Female reproductive part of a flower that forms pistil.

A pistil may contain a single carpel or multiple carpels fused
together. It contains three parts:

a) Stigma – Head of the pistil that catches pollen grains.

b) Style – The stalk of the pistil. When pollen grains reach
stigma, a tube-like structure grows through the style called
pollen tube, which reaches the ovary.

c) Ovary – The base of the pistil that holds the eggs or ovules.
The ovary later becomes the seed when the male and female
reproductive cells fuse together, thereby forming the embryo, a
process called fertilization.

 Stigma helps in receiving pollen grains and also in
their germination
 Style supports the stigma and connects it to the ovary
 Ovary helps in developing, distributing, and
nourishing the embryo
D. Discussing new Group Activity: In this area, indicator #4 is
concepts and being observed: Establish
practicing new Group reporting and presentation of outputs. Make a simple poem or safe and secure learning
skills #1 sing a song about flower before reporting. environments to enhance
learning through the
Group 1: Draw the flower and label its major parts. consistent implementation
Group 2: Draw are the female reproductive parts and give its functions of policies, guidelines and
Group 3: Draw the male reproductive parts and give its functions procedures.

E. Discussing new Individual Learning

concepts and In your own idea, explain the important role of the flower to the plant?
practicing new Explain your answer.
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Give the parts of a flower. Select from the box below
leads to formative
Assessment #3 In this area, indicator #6
Sepal petal receptacle ovule ovary style is being observed:
stigma carpel anther filament stamen Maintain learning
environments that nurture
and inspire learners to
participate, cooperate and
collaborate in continued

G. Finding practical How will you handle the situation?

applications of In this area, #7 indicator
concepts and skills You have a park full of flowery plants in your community. You saw a is being observed: Apply a
in daily living group of young people making fun by removing the petals and the others range of successful
began picking them. What would you do? What would you tell to them? strategies that maintain
Why flowers are important to plants to survive and reproduce? learning environments that
motivate learners to work
productively by assuming
responsibility for their own
H. Making 1. What is flower?
Generalizations and Flowers are the reproductive part of a flowering plant. They are In this area, #7 indicator
abstractions about the most colorful and attractive organ of a plant body. is being observed: Apply a
the lesson 2. What are the major parts of a flower? range of successful
Sepals - are modified leaves which enclose and protect the strategies that maintain
other parts of a flower when it is still a bud.
 When a flower blooms the sepals supports the bottom of
the flower.
 A group of sepals is called Calyx

Petals - the brightly colored parts that attracts insects during

 A group of petals is called corolla
3. Stamen – the male part of a flower. It consists of filament and

1.filament- holds the anther in a position tall enough to

release the pollen.
2.anther- consist of two lobes that contain pollen
has pollen grains that are released by the anther when it
3. pollen grains- contain the male gametes.
Pistil or carpel is the female part of the flower. It consists of
the stigma, style and ovary.
1. ovary - contains two or more ovules. Within the ovule is
the female games or egg cell called ovum. learning environments that a stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary, tall motivate learners to work
enough to trap the pollen grains. productively by assuming
3.stigma – a swollen structure at the end of the style responsibility for their own
It receives the pollen grains. learning.
Mature stigma secretes a fluid that stimulates the pollen
grain s to germinate.

I. Evaluating learning Evaluation

Classify the following parts of flower into male and female. Use the
chart below In this area, #7 indicator
is being observed: Apply a
range of successful
Stamen filament ovary style stigma anther strategies that maintain
learning environments that
MALE REPRODUCTIVE FEMALE motivate learners to work
PART REPRODUCTIVE PART productively by assuming
responsibility for their own

J. Additional In this area, #8 indicator

Activities for 1. Draw a flower and label its parts based on what we have is being observed: Design,
application and discussed. adapt and implement
remediation 2. Go to your backyard (parents involve), neighborhood or teaching strategies that
community-ask those plantitos or plantitas how do they grow are responsive to learners
their plants, how do they reproduce plants? with disabilities, giftedness
Give example of plants and how they reproduce. (seed or stem) and talents.

V. REMARKS (Make your remarks here what transpired during the lesson)

VI. REFLECTION Evaluate yourself how you teach the lesson.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? Number of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation/s or
localized materials did I
used/ discover which I
wish to share with other

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