My Action Research Report

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My Action Research Report

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Mathematical skills are important, not only for school performance, but also for children’s
future educational attainment (Korhonen, Linnanmäki, & Aunio, 2014; Widlund, Tuominen, Tapola,
& Korhonen, 2020). According to the George W. Bush Institute, mathematics has a vital part in the
lives of the students. It offers students job choices across many content areas of sciences,
technologies, engineering and mathematics. It helps to promote critical thinking and address
student difficulties which makes them successful in the future in various ways. This was supported
by the study of Ofsted (2018) which stated that the importance of mathematical skill or the
numeracy skill has been widely acknowledged as the foundation for lifelong learning and must be
harnessed from an early age to support young people’s success in the wider curriculum and other
activities beyond the classroom. In fact, numeracy is the knowledge, skills, behaviours and
dispositions that students need in order to to use mathematics in a wide range of situations and
through this skill, students are exposed to increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical
understanding, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem-solving. Moreover, numeracy is an
important area of learning for young people, not only as a fundamental element of mathematics but
also as a life skill that gives students a foundation to succeed in learning and access the wider
curriculum (Education Scotland, 2019).

Meanwhile, digital learning is used to improve numeracy, reading and writing skills as well as
developing speaking and listening skills. Using digital resources provided learners with more time for
active learning in the classroom and access to games with a learning benefit. The quality of teaching
and the ability of teachers to use the digital equipment and tools effectively for lessons using
numbers in everyday contexts, counting objects and understanding how the numbers combine and
connect to describe the world and help us to make meaning. According to Etcuban et al. (2019), a
computer is a tool which may have multiple uses in the mathematics classroom. It may be a device
for making the learning of concepts, skills, and problem solving more effective than that of
traditional practice.

Students who experience difficulties with mathematics may frequently make errors when
reading, writing and recalling numbers, experience difficulty with abstract concepts (e.g., time and
direction), struggle to remember math facts, rules, formulas and sequences, have difficulty applying
operational procedures accurately and consistently, and show limited strategic planning ability.
However, despite having many benefits and advantages of learning mathematical or numerical
skills, many students still find it difficult to learn it in schools. Academic interventions address the
academic problems of a student (Matthew, 2019). In the Philippines, some of the implemented
academic interventions were peer-tutoring/ assessment and self-assessment. Nevertheless, in spite
of the efforts put by the teachers to implement interventions, students continued to exhibit
downtrend performance in Mathematics. Ofsted (2018) have also emphasized the need to focus on
numeracy skill development in young children, given the impact of early mathematical attainment
on future achievement in school. Thus, this paper aims to determine the level of effectiveness using
enhanced and digital instructional materials of Grade 1 learners to improve their numeracy skills.


The purpose of this study is to determine the level of effectiveness using enhanced and digital
instructional materials of Grade 1 learners in improving numeracy skills in Hanopol Elementary
School, Caramoan South District, Division of Camarines Sur for S/Y 2022- 2023. This seeks to answer
the following questions:

1. What is the level of numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners of Hanopol Elementary

2. What is the level of effectiveness of enhanced and digital instructional materials in
improving numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners?
3. What is the significant difference in the numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners before
and after using enhanced and digital instructional materials?
 After implementing this action research, there will be an improvement on learners’
numeracy skills.
 Implementation of the interventions of this action research will raise/increase
performance in mathematics.
a. Research Arrangement

The researchers will ask permission to the school principal and to the grade 1 class adviser
to allow them to at least have a maximum of two hours per day to conduct their action

b. Data Collection Method

This action research employed descriptive method of research in discussing the answers of
the three research questions posted.

The statistical method that was used to answer the question sought in the study were the

For question number 1: The pre-test result of the learners in Numeracy Skills was
computed and recorded.
For question number 2: The tool below was distributed to the learners and was answered.

Results was tabulated, summarized and was interpreted using the rubric. The pupils were
oriented before answering the tool. It was administered after the post test.


1. One-on-One Tutorial

2. Two Play with Numbers

3. Threead and Listen



3.25-4.00 Highly Effective


2.50-3.25 Moderately Effective


1.75-2.50 Less Effective


1.00-1.75 Not Effective


For question Number 3: Post-test was conducted to the Grade 1 learners. The
result was gathered. Mean, PL and the percentage of the class who got 75% mastery
level was computed and recorded. Simple tabulation in obtaining the difference between
the effects of the intervention implemented on the improvement of the Grade I class.

Pre-test Post-test Differenc Interpretatio

Name of Pupils
PL PL e n
Legend: 90-100% - Outstanding
80-89% - Very satisfactory
75-79% - Satisfactory
74% Below – Needs Improvement
c. Data Analysis

The following data analyses plan was done per action research question.

1. Score of the pupils was analysed by computing the PL individually. Then average result
of the class was also computed and interpreted using the following guide: 74% and
below Needs Improvement, 75-79% Satisfactory, 80-89% Very Satisfactory and 90-
100% Outstanding.
2. On the level of effectiveness to the intervention used, the pupils were surveyed using a
tool with 4 indicators revealing their feelings on the intervention. Results were
interpreted using the following;

3.25-4.00 Highly Effective, 2.50-3.25 Moderately Effective, 1.75-2.50-Less Effective and

1.00-0.75 Not Effective.

3. Pre-test and Post test results were analysed through computation of their difference.
Result was interpreted using the following guide:
74% and Below - Needs Improvement, 75 – 79% - Satisfactory, 80 – 89% - Very
Satisfactoy, 90 – 100% - Outstanding.


The following statements show the discussion of results of the three research questions
in this action research in line with the effects of improving the Numeracy skills of the Grade 1

Question number 1: What is the level of numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners of

Hanopol Elementary School?

Table 1 showed the result of the pre-test of Grade 1 learners. The average of the class
who got 75% and above mastery did not even reached to the 50% or half of the class which is
9. The target of this research is to at least have 75 and above as the PL general average. The
number of learners who got 75% and above mastery level is only 7 out of 17 learners.

Table 1: Pre-test result of the Grade IV-Maya in the First Quarter

Total Average Average No. Percentage of pupils Average Interpretation

No. of Score of Pupils who who got 75% and PL
pupils got 75% and above Mastery Level
above PL
17 8.21 7 93.84 48.32 Needs
Legend: 90-100% - Outstanding
80-89% - Very satisfactory
75-79% - Satisfactory
74% Below – Needs Improvement

This action research suggested that Grade 1 learners enjoyed learning in a fun way with
the aid of enhanced and digital instructional materials which lead them to better understanding
and improved numeracy skills.

Question number 2: What is the level of effectiveness of enhanced and digital

instructional materials in improving numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners?
Table 2 revealed that no.2 intervention ranked first which have a weighted mean of 3.82,
obviously they really enjoyed learning through enhanced and digital instructional materials.
Intervention no.1 had weighted mean of 3.76 while intervention no.3 had a weighted mean of
3.41. Intervention no.1, 2 & 3 have a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE as an overall interpretation.

Table 2: Summary of the Level of Effectiveness to the 1-2-3 LEARN Interventions by the

Interventions Weighted Mean Rank Interpretation

1. One-on-one Tutorial 3.76 2 Highly Effective
2. Two Play with Numbers 3.82 1 Highly Effective
3. Threead and Listen 3.41 3 Highly Effective
Legend: 3.25-4.00 Highly Effective, 2.50-3.25 Moderately Effective, 1.75-2.50-Less Effective
and 1.00-0.75 Not Effective.

Tutoring the learners one-on-one, teaching learners with the aid of enhanced and digital
instructional materials and teaching them through story telling with numbers really brought out
the best in learners. As a result, they enjoyed learning with the intervention no. 2 (Two Play with

Question 3: What is the significant difference in the numeracy skills of Grade 1 learners
before and after using enhanced and digital instructional materials?

Table 3 showed the post test result conducted after the implementation of the 1-2-3
LEARN. The target of this research is to at least have 75 and above as the PL general average.
However, the table reveals that it garnered 82.89 average PL and have 96.72% of the class got
75% and above Mastery Level.

Table 3: Result of Post-Test after the implementation of Project Sci GROPT

Average No.
Total of Pupils Percentage of pupils
Average Average
No. of who got 75% who got 75% and Interpretation
Score PL
pupils and above above Mastery Level
17 53.88 11 96.72 82.89 Very

The 1-2-3 LEARN obviously created a great effect as to the performance of the learners
in improving the numeracy skills. From 93.84 to 96.72 percentage of the class who got 75% and
above Mastery Level is a big improvement from a Grade I learners.

Table 4. Result of Pre-test and Post Test Showing Difference and its Interpretation

Table 4 showed the pre and post test result. It revealed that from the average of 48.32
PL in the pre-test it reached to 82.89 in the post-test, with an increase of 34.57. Out of 17
learners only 7 of them got 75% and above PL in the pre-test and became 11 of them got 75%
and above PL in the post-test. From Needs Improvement in the Pre-test it soared up to the Very
Satisfactory in the Post-test.

Average No. Percentage of

Total of Pupils who pupils who
No. of Average PL got 75% and got 75% and
Pupils above PL above Remarks
Mastery Level

Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Pre- Post-

17 test Test test Test Test Test test Test

31.41 53.88 48.32 82.89 7 11 93.84 96.72 Improved


The 1-2-3 LEARN that was used to improve the numeracy skills of the 17 Grade I
learners is effective and improved their performance in this aspect thus, anyone whose learners
are low performing in numeracy skill are highly encourage to use this intervention or implement
this action research.


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