DRAFT SOLUTIONS - Waleska Nieves

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Committee: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Topic A: Migrant Abuse at International Borders
Signatories: Waleska Nieves

The International Migrant Abuse Council,

1. Recommends We offer five recommendations for States, civil society and

international organizations to take into consideration when developing prevention
plans for the hurricane season, protecting the rights of migrants, thoroughly
addressing their vulnerabilities and needs, but also taking advantage of their
resilience and capabilities,
a. Incorporate migrants in emergency prevention, preparedness and response
b. Build a little near the border bridges, where incoming immigrants can
complete their stay, while their immigration process is being processed.
Here they can be organized by families, and guarantee quality of life for a
certain time.
i. Create schools for children. For refugees, education is the best way
to become full members of the society of their host country.
Ordinary migrant workers and their children benefit intellectually
and socially from school where they learn about their society.
ii. Build churches that practice the predominant religion of the
country.Various studies have shown how, on some occasions, those
who migrate resort to popular religious practices to create bridges
and maintain ties with the communities of origin, while in other
cases, the migratory experience favors religious conversion
iii. Build community kitchens, where the group of immigrants can
receive decent food as human rights claim.
iv. Generate recreational centers, including parks, squares, libraries.
That they serve as a distraction for the cruel reality that they are
facing, such as leaving their place of origin in search of a better
quality of life. Above all, this helps children to better manage the
situation they are experiencing.

c. Create a program called help your neighbor, where a native family through
sponsorships, contributes to the stay of the immigrant family. Wall share
the same world and without any distinction of their nationality, we are all
neighbors, hence the name of the program.
d. Professionalize border control.
i. Most of the countries in the region have adopted border and
migratory controls through responses generally coordinated by the
National Police or the Army, while migration agencies.
e. Invest in long-term development
i. Have opportunities to invest in return and reintegration programs.
There is a high demand for comprehensive services that help
returning migrants obtain necessary documents, receive physical
and mental health care, access employment opportunities, and re-
establish themselves within their communities.

f. Develop legal avenues for temporary work

i. Work on a selection process for workers who wish to take advantage
of temporary job opportunities abroad, while the Costa Rican
government has improved its processes for the issuance of seasonal
agricultural workers.
What: Training and quality of life program for immigrants, together with the
protection of human rights and their integration into the new society into
which they are integrating

Why: All migrants, by virtue of their human dignity, are protected by

international human rights law, without discrimination, on an equal footing
with citizens, regardless of their administrative situation or condition. This is
why all human beings have the same rights

How: First, it is necessary to enable and build the spaces that are being
proposed. After this, it is necessary to take a census of the group of
immigrants that is being received, in order to have a count of them. On the
other hand, we also need a way to be able to monitor the refugees, since they
will not be able to leave the space until their migration process finished and
they can move freely in the country.

Who: One of the contributing organizations would be UNHCR, the former

High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, presented the prestigious
Nansen Refugee Award to UNV in recognition of services provided to
refugees. On the other hand, private companies, apart from contributing
monetarily, can contribute by employing some immigrants who are trained in
their area. Thus, generating sources of employment.

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