MIS Final
MIS Final
MIS Final
Final Exam
Course title: MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Course Code: MIS522
Submitted to
Asma Akter Faria
Southeast Business School
Southeast University
Submitted by
Name: Md. Mahmudul Hasan
Id: 2020110004006
Section: A(01)
Batch: 36th
Date of Submission: 3rd February, 2021.
1. How e-commerce sites are different from e-business sites? Is there any pure e-commerce
in Bangladesh? If yes, then name them.
Even though there’s no transaction occurring within that setup, the use of online tech for
business purposes makes it an e-business.
1. Ubiquity:
Ubiquity is defined as being something that occurs everywhere. Ever since the inception of the
internet, its user base has grown exponentially, and with it, E-commerce has blossomed. The
great thing about the internet is that pretty much everyone, everywhere, can access it for free or
quite cheaply. Which makes it a fabulous tool for trading globally, which leads to the next
feature of E-commerce, global reach?
Example: Amazon availability to interact with the clients, either to buy or to responds client´s
questions is really important to be a successful e-company.
2. Global Reach:
E-commerce allows business transactions on the cross country bound can be more convenient
and more effective as compared with traditional commerce. On the e-commerce businesses, the
potential market scale is roughly equivalent to the network the size of the world’s population.
Global reach allows previously unheard of retailers to sell to the other side of the world, while it
also connects the bigger sellers with new opportunities as well.
Example: Amazon Company had a lot of potential for this type of business so they use all the
tools necessary and are one of the most important companies in the world for E-business.
3. Universal Standards:
E-commerce technologies are an unusual feature, is the technical standard of the Internet, so to
carry out the technical standard of e-commerce is shared by all countries around the world
standard. Standard can greatly affect the market entry cost and considering the cost of the goods
on the market. The standard can make technology business existing become more easily, which
can reduce the cost, the technique of indirect costs, besides, can set the electronic commerce
Example: Amazon e-commerce is a very friendly website because it gives you all the
information very easily from the initial page to buying the product you want.
4. Information richness:
Businesses discovered that they could amplify their advertising power by using new methods to
catch potential buyers’ attention, and boy does it work.
Advertising and branding are an important part of commerce. E-commerce can deliver video,
audio, animation, billboards, signs, etc. However, it’s about as rich as television technology. A
good example is Facebook.
Example: Amazon webpage is really good selling products because of the design of the webpage
has really cool options to see the products. Besides, the entire page has a lot of products that is
interesting to the consumers.
5. Interactivity:
Twentieth Century electronic commerce business technology is called interactive, so they allow
for two-way communication between businesses and consumers.
Example: The users can communicate with the consumers’ because of specifications in the
products and because of consumers care is really important to amazon.
6. Information Density:
The density of information the Internet has greatly improved, as long as the total amount and all
markets, consumers, and businesses quality information. The electronic commerce technology,
reduce information collection, storage, communication, and processing cost. At the same time,
accuracy and timeliness of the information technology increase greatly, information is more
useful, more important than ever.
Example: In Amazon, they are really transparent with all the things that leads to the product
including the specification and the prices there is for the product that you are buying.
7. Customization:
E-commerce technology allows for Customization. Business can be adjusted for a name, a
person’s interests and past purchase message objects and marketing message to a specific
individual. The technology also allows for custom. Merchants can change the product or service
based on user preferences or previous behavior.
Example: In Amazon, The personalization of the webpage is really important, because this page
has to customize their webpage in many ways to maintain the selling and buying products.
8. Social technology:
When you want to sell a product, you can put the information about your product on a social
media site. You just copy and paste the link of the page with the description of the product.
Social technology has changed E-Commerce in many ways. It has allowed people all over the
world to start networking and share their interests, which in turn have allowed companies to
more selectively target their customer bases.
Example: The social networks for Amazon include products that they sell but depending in the
holiday or season. This includes communication in chats with Amazon and sometimes
responding to questions.
All eight of these features contribute to the reason why E-Commerce is the way of the future for
all businesses. If you aren’t online, you’re not going to survive in this new
marketplace/marketspace. E-commerce has significantly (positively) changed the way we do
business, and will continue to do so for generations to come.
2. How can companies maintain relationships with customers using customer relationship
management systems (CRMS)? Explain the analytical and operational technologies of
CRMS focusing on the benefits with example.
Firms use customer relationship management (CRM) systems to help manage their
relationships with their customers. Integrate firm’s customer-related processes and consolidate
customer information from multiple communication channels to one single place.
Customer relationship management (CRM) programs help a company manage all aspects
of customer encounters, including marketing and advertising, sales, customer service after the
sale, and programs to retain loyal customers. CRM can help a company collect customer data,
contact customers, educate them about new products, and actively sell products to existing and
new customers. Often, CRM software uses a variety of information sources, including sales from
retail stores, surveys, e-mail, and Internet browsing habits, to compile comprehensive customer
profiles. CRM systems can also get customer feedback to help design new products and
Tesco, Britain’s largest retail operation uses a CRM Club card program to provide
outstanding customer service and deliver loyalty rewards and perks to valued customers.
Customers can earn services such as meals out, travel, dry cleaning, and car maintenance. The
Club card loyalty program also extends to Tesco’s business partners, introducing Tesco
customers to other businesses. To be of most benefit, CRM programs must be tailored for each
company or organization.
1. CRM systems provide information to coordinate all of the business processes that deal with
customers in sales, marketing, and service to optimize revenue, customer satisfaction, and
customer retention.
2. This information helps firms identify, attract, and retain the most profitable customers; provide
better service to existing customers; and increase sales.
The answer would be definitely YES. For that, all you have to do is give your customers a strong
reason to form an emotional connection with your business. Overall, agree of having better
customer relationships as a powerful marketing weapon. Money cannot buy one of the most
important things vital for your business: relationships. You might think now customer
relationships drive your business? That’s true! Good customer relationships are based on good
customer experience. The top customer relationship management examples discussed in the blog
show how brands put effort into structuring good customer relationships.
Explain the analytical and operational technologies of CRMS focusing on the benefits with
1. Operational CRM technologies: Operational CRM is the most traditional CRM subset. It
maintains a record of direct interactions with clients and prospects. It’s based on data entries and
helps organizations monitor sales and marketing activities.
Example: When any election is knocking at the door every people in the selected area get SMS
(Short Message Service) from the candidates to vote.
2. Analytical CRM technologies: Analytical CRMs mine data received from every level of the
organization and provide insights and intelligence to help businesses operate effectively. When
used for sales and marketing (its most common application), this CRM analyzes data from
multiple sources, such as web forms, white paper downloads, and other portals to help profile
Example: When a customer makes inquires about certain about CRM systems as “one size fits
all” technology would defeat its actual purpose.
4. In Bangladesh describe the business value and probable challenges of automating
business processes in a firm with enterprise systems. Give examples. How those challenges
can be mitigated?
In Bangladesh Automating your business helps to increase the efficiency of your business
management. It also reduces the overall cost of running a company.
Here are some key benefits of Bangladesh Enterprise system of that business process
automation will bring you. There are many enterprise system in Bangladesh I will describe
five points-
1. Better allocation of the workforce: Bangladesh Automating tasks allow your business to free
up your workforce from many repeated actions that actually do not need that much human
intervention. This enables you to reorganize your company’s structure and focus more on
creative tasks and innovation.
2. Cost reduction: Business process automation means that more man-hours are available to
you. This means your company can have the same level of output even after reducing the human
workforce. Thus, you have the chance to focus more on the quality of your employees instead of
quantity. And eventually, reduce the overall cost of business operation.
3. Reduction of human errors: No matter how efficient your workforce is, it’s impossible to
avoid human errors. Automation can limit the possibility of errors in the business process. Of
course, it’s not possible to use software to run all parts of any business. But integrating BPA can
reduce or eliminate the possibility of human errors at certain stages of the business process.
4. Better collaboration: At complex projects, monitoring every team member and ensuring
proper flow of information often turns out to be a difficult task. Keeping track of project process,
updating the different teams, setting goals and deadlines become a lot easier if these processes
can be automated.
5. Deeper insights into the business process: By computationally managing your business
information, you can analyses and dig deeper into the data. Automating the business process thus
gives you a way to gain deeper into different aspects of your business.
For example, you may want to see the number of leads that you are generating and compare that
with the number of sales you have. Of course, this analysis can be done manually. But for large
organizations, such manual analysis can be complex. Better insights also mean you can easily
identify problems in any part of the business process, which may otherwise be invisible.
Business process automation is becoming an essential for strategy every forward thinking
company. It enhances your organizational management, lets you make more informed business
decisions and increases the output while reducing cost.
Airtel: Business Process Automation (BPA) is a process of managing information, data and
processes to reduce costs, resources and investment. BPA increases productivity by automating
key business processes through computing technology. Challenges of Traditional Work
Process the nature of the workplace is changing, and the enterprise is adapting to meet new
challenges and profit from new opportunities. Nowadays the bandwidth of accommodating the
traditional manual processes is very narrow which eventually generates below challenges as
Delay in Approval
Lots of Paper Works
Tons of Internal Processes
Higher cost and man-hour involvement
Use Cases for Business Process Automation (BPA) Airtel: one of the main goals of business
process automation is to increase of the Airtel productivity and stability of a company by
integrating software solutions. A vast range of area where BPA can be applicable Airtel:
Airtel Benefits of BPA The benefits of business process automation are substantial. Every
industry can find significant gains by applying business automation.