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Stern Gerlach

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The Stern-Gerlach Experiment

Translation of: “Der experimentelle Nachweis der

Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld”
Martin Bauer
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics,
Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom
arXiv:2301.11343v1 [physics.hist-ph] 26 Jan 2023

The following is a translation of the paper by Walther Gerlach and Otto

Stern1 ) that reported the first evidence for the quantisation of atoms in a
magnetic field. The atoms have quantum states corresponding to a limited
number of possible angles between the directions of the angular momenta of
the atoms and the magnetic field, also called space quantisation. Wording and
layout have been chosen to be as close to the original as possible. For context
we recommend the recent review2 ).
I thank Phillip Helbig for substantial help in preparing this translation and
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein for bringing to my attention that there is no
available english translation of the original paper by Gerlach and Stern.

W. Gerlach u. O. Stern, Zeitschrift für Physik 9, 349–352, 1922.
H. Schmidt-Böcking, L. Schmidt, H. Lüdde, W. Trageser, A. Templeton and T. Sauer,
Eur. Phys. J. H 41, 327–364, 2016.

Experimental Evidence for Space Quantisation in a
Magnetic Field.
By Walther Gerlach in Frankfurt a.M. and Otto Stern in Rostock.

Including 7 figures. (Recieved March 1, 1922.)

Recently3 ) this journal published a possible method to experimentally

answer the question whether space quantisation in a magnetic field exists.
It was shown in a second communication4 ) that the normal silver atom has
a magnetic moment. We allow ourselves to report in the following that the
continuation of these investigations has led to e s t a b l i s h s p a c e q u a n t i -
sation in a magnetic field as a fact.
E x p e r i m e n t a l s e t u p . Method and experimental setup are generally the
same as in our earlier experiments, but substantial improvements have been
made to some parts of it5 ), which we will describe here in addition to the
information provided earlier. The beam of silver atoms emer-
ges from an electrically heated small chamotte oven with a
steel insert and a cover with a 1 mm2 circular hole. The
distance between the hole in the oven and the first beam
aperture was increased to 2.5 cm to prevent clogging by oc-
casional small silver droplets sprayed from the oven as well
as precipation from the atomic beam. This first aperture is
almost circular and its surface measures 3·10−3 mm2 . 3.3 cm
behind this circular aperture, the silver beam passes through
a slit aperture with a length of 0.8 mm and a width between 0.03 mm and
0.04 mm. Both apertures are made from platinum sheet. The slit aperture is
positioned where the magnetic field begins. The opening of the slit aperture
is right above the knife-edge S (see Fig. 1) and is adjusted with respect to
the circular aperture and the hole in the oven in such a way that the silver
beam travels in parallel along the 3.5 cm long knife-edge. Precisely at the end
of this knife-edge the silver beam hits a glass plate where it condenses.
The two apertures, the poles of the magnet and the glass plate are in a
brass housing with wall of thickness 1 cm, which are rigidly connected so that
O. Stern, ZS. f. Phys. 7, 249, 1921
W. Gerlach u. O. Stern, ibid. 8, 110, 1921.
These were worked out and tested collaboratively. The final experiments had to be
performed by one of us alone (G.) due to the departure from Frankfurt of one of us (St.).

pressure from the poles of the electromagnet doesn’t result in a deformation
of the housing nor cause a shift in the relative position of the apertures, the
poles, and the glass plate.
Two Volmer diffusion pumps and a Gaede Hg-pump as pre-pump are used
for evacuation. Through continuous pumping and cooling with solid carbon
dioxide a vacuum of 10−5 mm Hg was achieved and maintained.

The “exposure time” was increased to eight hours without interruption.

But as a result of the very narrow apertures and the long beam, the silver
film on the glass plate was so thin that it had to be developed —as reported
previously— even after eight hours of vaporisation.
R e s u l t s . First, Fig. 2 shows a photograph after 41/2 hours of exposure time
without a magnetic field; it’s magnified by a factor of 20. Measurements of
the original under the microscope using an ocular micrometer resulted in the
following dimensions: Length 1.1 mm, width at the narrowest point 0.06 mm,
at the widest point 0.10 mm. We see that the slit isn’t exactly parallel. It
should be noted, however, that the figure shows the slit magnified by a factor
of 40, since the “silver image” of the slit is already twice the size; it is difficult
to make such a slit in a frame only a few millimetres in size.

Fig. 3 shows a photograph after eight hours of exposure time magnified
by a factor 20 (20 scale divisions of the imaged scale = 1 mm). This is the
best photograph we took. Two other photographs show the same result in all
relevant aspects, but don’t show this complete symmetry. It has to be said
that adjustment of these small apertures by optical methods is very difficult,
so that it takes some luck to obtain a perfectly symmetric photograph as
shown in Fig.3; errors in adjusting an aperture by just a few hundredths of a
millimeter are enough to completely ruin a photograph.

The results of the two other experiments are shown schematically in Fig.
4a and 4b. In Fig. 4a the silver beam ran intentionally at a slightly greater
distance past the knife-edge than in the experiment of Fig.3. The slit aperture
wasn’t completely “filled” here. Fig. 4b shows the deposit of an experiment
both with and without a field on the same plate; the beam ran very close to
the knife-edge, but was moved 0.3 mm perpendicular to the field (Fig. 4c).
Regarding clarity of the pictures, the complete splitting, and all other details,
these pictures are in no way inferior to those shown in Fig. 3.
The photographs show that the silver-atom beam is split in an inhomoge-
neous magnetic field in two directions in the direction of the inhomogeneity,
of which one is attracted by the knife-edge pole and the other is repelled by
the knife-edge pole. The deposits show the following details (see the schematic
Fig. 5)

a) T h e d i m e n s i o n s of the original were measured in a microscope:

Length 1.1 mm, width a 0.11 mm, width b 0.20 mm.

b) T h e a t o m i c b e a m s p l i t s i n t o t w o d i s c r e t e b e a m s i n a
m a g n e t i c f i e l d . We f o u n d n o e v i d e n c e f o r n o n - d e f l e c -

ted atoms.

c) T h e a t t r a c t i o n i s s l i g h t l y s t r o n g e r t h a n t h e r e p u l s i o n .
The attracted atoms get closer to the pole and therefore to the regi-
on of largest inhomogeneity, so that the deflection while flying past is
stronger. Fig. 3 and 4b show the significantly larger deflection directly
at the knife-edge of this one magnetic pole. In the immediate vicinity of
the knife-edge the attraction becomes very large so that a bulge arises,
with a sharp edge pointing towards the knife-edge.

d) T h e w i d t h o f t h e d e f l e c t e d b a n d s i s l a r g e r t h a n t h e
w i d t h o f t h e u n d e f l e c t e d i m a g e . The latter is simply the image
of aperture B2 projected by aperture B1 onto the glass plate. The de-
flected band is broadened following the velocity distribution of the silver

e) T h i s f a c t s t r e n g t h e n s t h e c a s e f o r t h e r e b e i n g f e w i f
a n y u n d e f l e c t e d a t o m s [ s e e b ) ] . The detection of undeflected
atoms in a small area is much more sensitive than that of deflected atoms
in a large area. There appears to be no magnetic axis perpendicular to
the field direction.

We v i e w t h e s e r e s u l t s a s d i r e c t , e x p e r i m e n t a l e v i d e n c e
for space quantisation in a magnetic field.
A detailed account of the experiment and results in our thus far short
communications will be published in the Annalen der Physik, as soon as we
have precise measurements of the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field and
can provide quantitative information about the size of the magneton.
The electromagnet necessary for these experiments was procured with
funds from the foundation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute; to the director,
Mr. A. Einstein, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks. We further
thank the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the University of Frankfurt
sincerely for the abundant resources they gladly made available to fund the
continuation of the experiments.

Frankfurt a. M. and Rostock i. M., February 1922.

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