D- & L - Alanine are used as standard reference for alpha amino acid
with D-L system of configuration.
D-series of sugars are those with –OH group attached to
highest numbered stereo center on the right side in
Fischer projection.
L-series are those with –OH group attached to highest
numbered stereo center on the left side in Fischer
D- & L- configuration of α-amino acid refers to the
configuration of the regardless of the number of asymmetric
carbon in the molecule.
The D- & L- system has the disadvantage of specifying
configuration of only one stereocenter.
Rule-4: Orient the molecule so that the groups or atoms with lowest
priority are directed away from the observer.
Rule-5: Draw an arrow from the group or atom with highest priority
to the group or atom with next priority (decreasing priority). If you
trace a circular path from 1 to 2 to 3 and the path describes a
clockwise rotation, then the center is called R (Latin: rectus means
right). If the path shows a counter clockwise rotation, then the
chiral center is called S (L.: sinister means left).
Note: If fourth group is above the plane, then clock wise movement
is “S”, while anti clock wise movement is “R”.
R-S nomenclature for Fischer projection:
Case-I: If the 4th group is present on top or bottom of the vertical line in the
Fischer projection.
Case-II: If the 4th group is present on left or right of the horizontal line I
n the Fischer projection.
Conversion of Dash Wedge formula to Fischer projection
If the solid lines are on right side in the first step solid line is
written vertical line.
If not, then rotate the Fischer projection through 180o in the plane of
the paper.
If the solid lines are on left side in the first step solid line is written
vertical line.
Torsional Strain
The bond angle would be 120o i.e. 10.5o larger than the ideal
tetrahedral angle.
It has five carbons lie in plane and one puckered out of plane.
Stability order of cyclohexane conformers:
The half-chair, as expected, has a very high energy and is only a transition state, which
gives rise to the actual conformation—twist-boat c.
Next, the twist-boat conformation flips into the alternative twist-boat conformation e.
Then, the cyclohexane molecule passes through another half-chair transition state f
(mirror image of the first one) and finally arrives at the alternative chair conformation
All lines are passing through this point, hence it is the center
point of the molecule.