Contextualizing Multidisciplinary Resear
Contextualizing Multidisciplinary Resear
Contextualizing Multidisciplinary Resear
Multidisciplinary research
landscape: creation of internet by the military and its impact on
Figure 3open vs. closed innovation logic: Source; Henry W. chesbrough, open innovation: The New Imperative for creating and
profiting from technology (Cambridge: Harvard business school press, 2003)
Figure 4 industrial economy vs. idea economy: Source; collaborative economics, joint venture Silicon Valley’s 2006 index of
Silicon Valley
Figure 5 Innovation framework: Source; The pew center
on states and National Governor Association innovation
framework, 2007
Figure 6 Prototypical U.S. industry: Source; National
Center of education and the economy, tough choices or
tough times
Innovation system heavily draws from all knowledge on their ideas and dream.
management process and its strength depends on the Innovation input in the economic development agenda has
effectiveness of this processes. These in include all process been with due regard to ideas. Ideas have been major
that are involved in the creation, distribution and source of innovation power and idea sourcing mechanisms
application of knowledge. Processes such as research and have taken priority in many managerial committees as an
development are very crucial in any organizational setting innovation management strategy. The emerging global
as far as knowledge creation is concerned. Equally all innovation economy according to the area council
processes such as outsourcing and collaboration sachems; economic institute (2008) is driven by ideas and is different
that are intended to facilitate easy sharing of knowledge not from industrial economy of the past. The recent study on
be neglected either. Leadership style that is characterized innovation shows close relationship between innovation
with enabling and friendly atmosphere is necessary for an and economic growth. This implies that to compete,
innovation system to strive [11]. The role leadership is to regions and organizations as well as universities must be a
create an atmosphere that is friendly and enabling climate well spring of ideas to drive innovation in the global market
to support entirely the innovation processes. Survey place
conducted by Baylor university revels that institutions that
enjoy favorable organizational climate have sizeable and VIII. CONCLUSION
direct impact on the development of new inventions and On account of the above study, it is thus vital for the
patents. This view is reinforced by [12], who argue that the Kenyan university and the Kenyan government at large to
organizational climate is the key factor of explaining the
Implement lifelong learning model to ensure that the
implement the following:
innovation capacity of firm. Leadership is the determining
factor of any organization climate. Leadership plays an Kenyan workforce is acquainted with the latest
important role of establishing a climate for innovation and developments in technology and new skills in the
the climate also influences organizational behavior.
Expose students to research at interfaces of multiple
workers’ fields of specialization.
Research attests that one way of achieving a strong
innovation climate is through leaders’ behavior [21], [22].
The government and universities to increase their
disciplines as early as in undergraduate level.
Therefore climate plays an intervening role between
varieties of influences that affect innovation. It is
expenditures on research and development to promote
leadership that coordinates and implement innovation.
Universities should partner with the industries to acquit
maximum outcomes from research.
Studies revels that innovation climate is associated with
strategic leadership (Nystrom, 1990). Specifically leaders
their students with industrial practical skills and enhance
foster innovation by creating a climate open to creativity
Universities should create a conducive innovation climate
their students’ creativity and stimulate innovations.
and supportive of differences and also supportive of risk
taking [23]. Thus, the important way to impact innovation
through schemes of crowdsourcing as a way of fostering
is by manipulating leadership behavior [24]. Innovation
The government should formulate policies favoring
open innovations.
according to W. Arthur Porter is the pivotal moment when
talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to act
venture capitalist to enhance commercialization of
A conclusion section is required to review the main
points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the
conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the
importance of the work or suggest applications and
I take this chance to express my gratitude to the
organizers of this occasion as a way of transforming Kenya
positively. I also acknowledge the support of my university
to ensure that I am part and parcel of this auspicious event.
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