Reduce The Failure Rate of The Screwing Process With Six Sigma Approach

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Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Bali, Indonesia, January 7 – 9, 2014

Reduce the Failure Rate of the Screwing Process with Six Sigma

Nihal Erginel
Department of Industrial Engineering
Anadolu University
Eskişehir, 26555, TURKEY

Aytaç Hasırcı
Department of Industrial Engineering
Anadolu University
Eskişehir, 26555, TURKEY

The Six Sigma approach is a well-structured method for improving quality level by detecting and reducing the
variability of the process. Six Sigma approach also helps to achieve the company’s strategic goals by managing the
several Six-Sigma projects. There are five sequential phases that are Define, Measurement, Analysis, Improvement
and Control of the Six Sigma Project. These phases lead the way to carry out to the project. At the end, defective
units will be decreased and/or the process capability index is increased. In this study, the screwing process is
examined as a Six Sigma project. The aim of this project is to reduce the failure rate of screwing process in the white
appliance factor in Turkey. Mentioned five phases are applied. The experimental design and analysis are handled.
Finally, the pin shape and the type of handgun are determined as effective factors. Also, the best levels of these
factors are found. The failure rate of screwing process is decreased from 30% to 14%. This study proposes the Six-
Sigma projects with all phases sequencing and presents the results are originated the deviations from the
manufacturing process.

Six sigma, screwing process, quality improvement

1. Introduction
The Six Sigma approach was firstly introduced by Motorola. Then, Six Sigma has been successfully through many
organizations such as GE, Texas Instruments, Sony, Nokia, LG and ABB with the aim of reducing quality costs. Six
Sigma is a well-structured and quantitative approach to improve product and process quality using statistical
techniques by reducing the variability of process/ product.

It has five steps DMAIC (Define, Measurement, Analyze, Improve, and Control). Define step include the definition
of the problem with quantitative scale like defect per unit or process capability index. Also, all quality characteristics
on the process/ product are determined with SIPOC diagram (Supplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) or
process map. In Measurement step, data from quality characteristics and analysis are collected. Gage R&R studies
carried out on the quality characteristics. Also the critical-to-quality characteristics (CTQs) of the process or
product identified with the cause and effect diagram. In Analysis step, data from CTQs are analyzed several
statistical tools such as test of hypothesis, box-plot, ANOVA etc. The analyzing of CTQs is the baseline for
understanding the root cause of why defects occurred. In Improvement step, design and analysis of experiments are
conducted on the CTQs to determine effective factors and their levels on the problem. Also, the modified defect per
unit or process capability index is calculated for exhibiting of the improvement. The last step is Control. In this step,
the determined process/ product factor levels are applied and standardized with procedures or instructions.

There are several studies on literature about the application on Six Sigma. Apak and et al. applied the Six Sigma
methodology on the hydrogen energy to boost energy efficiency and to emphasize the importance of exploring
potential future sources of sustainable, reliable and competitively priced energy (Apak et al. (2012).
Kim et al. used the Six Sigma phases to the chemical process industry to improve the process capability They
improved process from 3.5 sigma level to the 5.5 sigma level (Kim et al. 2003).
Koziołek and Derlukiewicz presented the methodology for assessing the process of designing and constructing
vehicles and machines, which implements Design for Six Sigma tools. They also showed the requirements needed to
implement the method and the benefits arising from the use of quality assessment tool (Koziołek and Derlukiewicz
Sahoo et al. focused on implementing the DMAIC based Six Sigma approach in order to optimize the radial forging
operation variables. They minimize the residual stress developed in components manufactured by the radial forging
process. To optimize the results obtained and to make the analysis more precise and cost effective, response surface
methodology (RSM) was also incorporated (Sahoo et al. 2008)
Shirazi et al. illustrated a paper for reducing variability of material flow and establishing balanced zone layout, some
new constraints have been added to the problem based on six sigma approach. They constructed a non-linear multi-
objective problem for minimizing the material flow intra and inter-loops and minimization of maximum amount of
inter cell flow, considering the limitation of TAGV work-loading (Shirazi et al. 2010).
Kumar et al. presented a paper that includes two optimization models that will assist management to choose process
improvement opportunities are presented. The first model is to maximizing the sigma quality level of a process
under cost constraint, and the second model select of Six Sigma alternatives to maximize process returns (Kumar et
al. 2008)
Also some papers consider Six Sigma as general concepts like Six Sigma educations (Kwaka and Anbar 2006),
(Fouweather et al 2006) and (Mehrabi 2012) selection of Six Sigma projects (Büyüközkan and Öztürkcan 2012) ,
(Saghaei and Didehkhani 2011), ( Bilgen and Sen 2012) and (Padhy and Sahu 2011).

In this study, the screwing process on the the rare base points on the product is analyzed in white appliance factory
in Turkey. There are many holes on the product and the rare base points are assembled with the help of equipment to
these holes. It may be occurred some shifts and defects while assembling the rare base points. Mentioned five step of
Six Sigma approach are applied.

2. Six Sigma Steps for Screwing Process and Results

The six sigma approach is aimed to reduce the variation on the effective factors in the process after the effective
factors for the problem are determined. The six-sigma approach is also a project-driven management tool for
improving the productivity, financial performance and customer satisfaction. Many applications of the six sigma
approach in many organizations are provided sustainable development of their quality by integration their process
knowledge with the statistical tools.

2.1. Define Phase:

This study proposes the six sigma study carried out to improve the screwing process of the rare base points of a
white appliance product in the factory located in Turkey. Firstly, problem is defined, the SIPOC diagram is
constructed, the cause and effect diagram is set for the screwing process problem and process map is drawn in
Define Phase. The SIPOC diagram is shown in Figure 1. Also, the cause and effect diagram is given in Figure 2.

Figure 1: The SIPOC diagram for the screwing process

Figure 2. The Cause and Effect diagram if the screwing problem

2.2. Measure Phase:

Secondly, the failure rate of screwing process is figured out in the present situation. The panel and the measurements
of holes on the panel is presented in Figure 3. The Gage R&R study is performed for the measures of the hole
locations on the back consolidation that carry the compressor in Measurement Phase. The Gage R&R values of all
measurements are acceptable (Gage R&R% < 30%).

Figure 3: The panel and the measurements of holes on the panel

2.3. Analysis Phase:

Thirdly, data about the failure rates are collected and analyzed with tests of hypotheses on two proportions based on
lot by lot among assembling lines, and among several holes on the back consolidation. The hypothesis on the lot for
a1 and b1 measurement is given in Eq.1. The result of analysis shows that there is no any statistical differences
between lots for a1 and b1 measurements because of the p-values’ > 0.05 where 5% values represents the confidence
level, given is Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. It is conclude that the hole measurements doesn’t change lot by lot.


: (1)

Table 1: One factor analysis on a1 measurement

One-way ANOVA: a1 versus lot

Analysis of Variance for a1

Source DF SS MS F P
lot 5 0.0408 0.0082 0.25 0.933
Error 24 0.7681 0.0320
Total 29 0.8089
Individual 95% CIs For Mean
Based on Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+---
1 5 5.2980 0.1013 (------------*-------------)
2 5 5.3860 0.2288 (-------------*-------------)
3 5 5.3760 0.1873 (-------------*-------------)
4 5 5.3200 0.1162 (------------*-------------)
5 5 5.3820 0.1927 (------------*-------------)
6 5 5.3960 0.2091 (-------------*------------)
Pooled StDev = 0.1789 5.16 5.28 5.40 5.52

Table 2: One factor analysis on b1 measurement

One-way ANOVA: b1 versus lot

Analysis of Variance for b1

Source DF SS MS F P
lot 5 0.1382 0.0276 1.17 0.352
Error 24 0.5664 0.0236
Total 29 0.7047
Individual 95% CIs For Mean
Based on Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+-------
1 5 22.680 0.081 (--------*--------)
2 5 22.680 0.228 (--------*--------)
3 5 22.742 0.171 (--------*---------)
4 5 22.744 0.102 (--------*---------)
5 5 22.664 0.197 (---------*--------)
6 5 22.864 0.067 (--------*---------)
Pooled StDev = 0.154 22.65 22.80 22.95

Then, the failure rates are examined before and after waiting in which the shrinkage occurs during waiting time. The
hypothesis is conducted on the before waiting failure rate (p1) and after waiting failure rate (p2). This tests imply
that the waiting time is an effective factor (p-value < 0.05) for screwing problem because of the shrinkage of the
refrigerator panels.


Table 3: Two proportion test on the before and after waiting failure rates

Test and CI for Two Proportions

Sample X N Sample p
Before waiting 10 261 0.038314
After waiting 94 507 0.185404

Estimate for p(1) - p(2): -0.147090

95% CI for p(1) - p(2): (-0.188159; -0.106021)
Test for p(1) - p(2) = 0 (vs not = 0): Z = -7.02 P-Value = 0.000

The mechanical component like handgun for screwing process is required to repair. Also, the failure rates of both
before and after repairing are statistically tested whether it is significant or not in the Analysis Phase. There are
significantly differences on failure rates (p-value < 0.05) according to the Table 4.

Table 4: Two proportion test on the failure rates of both before and after repairing of handgun

Test and CI for Two Proportions

Sample X N Sample p
Before repairing 99 1041 0.095101
After repairing 11 522 0.021073

Estimate for p(1) - p(2): 0.0740281

95% CI for p(1) - p(2): (0.0523631; 0.0956931)
Test for p(1) - p(2) = 0 (vs not = 0): Z = 6.70 P-Value = 0.000

Two handguns, pneumatic and electric; for screwing are used in the process. It is analyzed to determine the
differences between two types of handgun in statistically. It is shown that the failure rate of pneumatic handgun is
significantly less than the failure rate of electric handgun, like in Table 5.

Table 5: Two proportion test on the pneumatic and electric handgun failure rate

Test and CI for Two Proportions

Sample X N Sample p
Pneumatic 72 3248 0.022167
Electric 121 2494 0.048516

Estimate for p(1) - p(2): -0.0263490

95% CI for p(1) - p(2): (-0.0361846; -0.0165133)
Test for p(1) - p(2) = 0 (vs not = 0): Z = -5.25 P-Value = 0.000

2.4. Improve Phase:

The type of handgun for screwing process is selected. The effect of waiting of the product is determined and taken
some precautions. The experiment is conducted on the pin shape and type of the handgun with two levels that:
triangular pin shape and trapezoidal pin shape; pneumatic handgun and electric handgun in Table 6. Trapezoidal pin
shape and electric handgun are used in present for screwing. After the results of experiments are analyzed with
ANOVA in Table 7, it is conclude that the triangular pin shape and the pneumatic handgun should be preferred for
the minimum failure rate according to the Figure 4. The used trapezoidal pin shape and proposed triangular pin
shape are given in Figure 5.

Table 6: Factors and levels in experiments

Factors Levels
Pin shape Triangular Trepozidial
Type of handgun Pneumatic Electric

Table 7: The ANOVA Table of the experiments

Fractional Factorial Fit: failure rate versus pin shape; type of handgun

Estimated Effects and Coefficients for failure (coded units)

Term Effect Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 0.07524 0.002056 36.60 0.000
pin shap 0.08212 0.04106 0.002056 19.97 0.000
type of hang 0.04627 0.02314 0.002056 11.26 0.000
pin shap*type of 0.02143 0.01071 0.002056 5.21 0.006

Analysis of Variance for failure (coded units)

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Main Effects 2 0.0177718 0.0177718 0.00888589 262.83 0.000
2-Way Interactions 1 0.0009181 0.0009181 0.00091806 27.15 0.006
Residual Error 4 0.0001352 0.0001352 0.00003381
Pure Error 4 0.0001352 0.0001352 0.00003381
Total 7 0.0188251

Figure 4: The interaction plot of pin shape and type of handgun Figure 5: Pin shapes

2.5. Control Phase:

Finally, the failure rates are monitoring with fraction nonconforming control chart after applying the triangular pin
shape and pneumatic handgun for screwing process. It is decided that these determining best levels of effective
factors will be applied to the other assembling lines.

3. Conclusions
The six sigma approach is carried out to decrease the failure rate for the screwing process of the back consolidation
to the side panels of product. It is conclude that the type of handgun and the shape of pin are effective factors on the
failure rate of the screwing process. Therefore, the statistical background and the process knowledge are combined
to reduce the failure rate in these six sigma study. Also the failure rate are decreased from 30% to 14% with this Six
Sigma project. This study presents the Six-Sigma project with all steps to reduce the deviations in the manufacturing
process and contribute the decline of the failure rate in the assembling process.

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Erginel Nihal is an Associated Professor and vise chair of Anadolu University, Industrial Engineering Department,
Eskisehir TURKEY. She earned B.S. at 1988 and M.S. at 1991 in Industrial Engineering at the Anadolu University,
Eskisehir, TURKEY. She took PhD at 1999 from Osmangazi University in Turkey. She worked Arcelik Refrigerator
Factory that is an appliance firm between 1995 and 2001. She is a Black Belt and expert on ISO9001. She is also a
trainer in the Turkey Society of Quality. Her courses and main areas are probability, statistics, quality control, total
quality management, six sigma and ISO9000’s.

Hasarıcı Aytac was a student at Anadolu University, Industrial Engineering Department. He graduated at 2012. His
final project instructor is Mrs. Erginel.


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