Part1. The IASB’s Conceptual Framework for
Financial Reporting
The objective of general purpose financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting
entity that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions
about providing resources to the entity. Those decisions involve buying, selling or holding equity and debt
instruments, and providing or settling loans and other forms of credit.
General purpose financial reports do not and cannot provide all of the information,需要结合其他信息,譬
General purpose financial reports provide information about the financial position of a reporting entity, which
is information about the entity's economic resources and the claims against the reporting entity, and the
effects of transactions and other events that change a reporting entity's economic resources and claims. (简单
的理解,就是 asset, liability, equity and revenue & expense)
用户关心的 3 方面信息:
1) Accrual accounting
2) Past cash flows
3) changes in economic resources and claims not resulting from financial performance, e.g. a share
The cost constraint on useful financial reporting: The benefits of reporting information should justify the
costs to provide and use that information.
Underlying assumption: going concern
Asset A resource controlled by an entity as a result for past events and from which further
economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
Liability A present obligation of the entity arising from the past events, the settlement of which is
expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
Equity The residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all its liabilities.
Income Increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or
enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increase in equity, other
than those relating to contributions from equity participants.
Expense Decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or
depletions of assets or increases of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than
those relating to distributions to equity participants.
Recognition 条件:经济利益流进/出的可能性 probable+ 成本或价值 measured with reliability
Measuremen 方式:其中,历史成本是最为常用的
Internally generated 的 Brands, Publishing titles, Customer lists & Other similar
inventories investment property held under the fair value
deferred tax assets model
employee benefit assets biological assets held at fair value less costs to
financial assets sell
non-current assets held for sale.
资产出现在负债表上金额不能大于 Recoverable amount = Fair value less costs of disposal 和 Value in use
取高值。也就是说,如果 carrying value≦ Recoverable amount,不需要减值!
1) 测试频率:Annual 或有任何减值迹象时 where there is evidence of impairment
必须 Annual impairment test 的科目:
a) Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life/ not yet available for use
b) Goodwill acquired in a business combination.
2) Cash-generating unit 定义:
It is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
3) 减值的顺序:先 GW,再 NCA on a pro-rata basis 按比例 based on carrying amount
4) 减值损失折回 Reversal:
a) Goodwill 只能减值,不会再增值 impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed
b) NCA on a pro-rata basis 按比例,减值折回部分计入 P&L,再超出部分计入 OCI。
5) 先增值再减值-考试技巧:
a) It is XX company policy to make all necessary transfers for excess depreciation following
revaluation.有这句话,人家 OCE 已经吐出一部分了,所以可以用水位线方法简单计算
b) 没有这句话,这直接把之前增值的 OCE 全部吐出,类似于有准备先冲准备
1) Short-term benefits 定义: Employee benefits (other than termination benefits) that are expected to be
4) ‘Asset ceiling’test
× 育
定义:Amounts recognised as a net pension asset in the statement of financial position must not be stated at
more than their recoverable amount.如果养老金为正资产,资产要做封顶测试。
Remeasurement loss & Impairment 合并计入 OCI。
(IAS 37)
Adjusting events 调整项目 Non-adjusting events 非调整事项
Resolution of a court case 未决诉讼 Destruction of major asset, e.g. by flood or fire 自然
Bankruptcy of a major customer 大客户破产 灾害
Evidence of NRV of inventories 库存 NRV 测试 Major share transactions 大宗股权交易
Discovery of fraud or errors that show the financial Announcement of a plan to close part of a business
statements were incorrect 舞弊/错误 关闭公司或部门,包括裁员
Financial instruments 金融工具 (IFRS 9)
1) Financial asset: 可以是 cash,或 equity instrument of another entity; 或 contractual right
举例:Trade receivables; options; shares (as an investment).
注意:未来现金流折现率还是采用 original effective rate 当初的利率 (而不是用现在的市场利率或有效
Initial measurement Subsequent measurement
Investment in Debt: Fair value + Amortised cost
-business model: held to collect transaction costs
contractual cash flows (solely
principal and interest)
Investment in Debt: Fair value +
育 Fair value through other comprehensive
-business model: held to collect transaction costs income (with reclassification to P/L on
contractual cash flows (solely derecognition)
principal and interest) and to sell Note:interest revenue calculated on amortised
注意:当投资非上市公司,FV 公允价值不能被可靠计量,则用历史成本来代替。
4) 金融衍生品 Derivative.三大特征:
– its value changes in response to an underlying variable (e.g. share price or interest rate)
– it requires little or no initial net investment
– it is settled at a future date.
5) 复合金融工具 Compound instruments:It contains some characteristics of equity and some of financial
liability then its separate components need to be classified separately.
Financial assets and liabilities are required to be recognised in the statement of financial position when the
entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
The recognition criteria for financial instruments differ from those in the Conceptual Framework which
transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
Accounting policy Fair value through OCI Fair value through P&L
Financial assets are reclassified under IFRS 9 when, and only when, an entity changes its business model for
managing financial assets. The reclassification should be applied prospectively from the reclassification date.
generally move in the opposite direction because of the same risk 反向行动来对冲,才能降低风
ii. hedge ratio of the hedging relationship (quantity of hedging instrument vs quantity of hedged item)
2) Hedge 做账方式:
a) Fair value hedges
These hedge the change in value of a recognised asset or liability that could affect profit or loss.
All gains and losses on both the hedged item and hedging instrument are recognised immediately in
profit or loss. 差额入账 PL The gain or loss on the hedged item adjusts the carrying amount of hedged
item. 被对冲项目按 FV 值变动
如果被冲项目是入账 OCI 的,那么价值波动入 OCI,保持一致。However, if the hedged item is an
investment in an equity instrument held at fair value through OCI, the gains and losses on both the
hedged investment and the hedging instrument will be recognised in OCI.
b) Cash flow hedges
These hedge the risk of change in value of future cash flows from a recognised asset or liability (或比
较能预测的未来交易) that could affect profit or loss。入账步骤:
i. The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is effective (对冲的量<被冲的量,超
过部分直接入 PL) is recognised in other comprehensive income ('items that may be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss') and the cash flow hedge reserve.先入 OCI,等实际发生了记录为 PL,
DR Forward contract (Financial asset in SOFP) 3.36
CR Other comprehensive income 3,36
ii. Any excess is recognised immediately in profit or loss.
The overall effect on profit or loss is:
Profit or loss(extract)
Cost of sales (65.70)
Functional currency: The currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity
初始计量:交易时间点汇率 spot exchange rate
Monetary assets and liabilities Restate at closing rate.
Non-monetary assets measured in terms of Do not restate
historical cost (i.e. they remain at historical rate)
Non-monetary assets measured at fair value Use exchange rate at date when fair value was
Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
(IFRS 5)
Disposal group 定义
Disposal group is a group of assets to be disposed of together as a group in a single transaction and liabilities
directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction。
1) 形式:a group of CGUs,单一 CGU,或 CUG 部分
2) 价值的衡量:是以卖来实现,而非持续使用 An entity shall classify a non-current asset (or disposal
group) as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sales transaction
rather than through continuing use.
3) 认定条件 criteria:
a) 价格合理 Reasonable price in active market
b) 方案不会有很大变化或撤回 no significant change or withdraw the plan
c) 一定级别管理层通过方案 management committed
d) 积极寻找买家 Active programme to locate a buyer
e) 一年内卖 within one year
Subsidiary Control Full consolidation
Associate Significant influence Equity accounting
Investment which is none Asset held for accretion As for single company
of the above 通常<20% of wealth accounts per IFRS 9
1) Control 必须满足的条件,3 个都要:
a) Power over the investee
b) Exposure to, or rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the investee 承担风险,享有
c) The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor's returns 行使投
衍生一下:任命/罢免核心管理人员,对孙公司的控制,操纵合并范围 (Rights to direct the
investee to enter into, or veto changes to, transactions for the benefit of the investor),其他管理契
关键时间点:The date of 'Acquisition' & 'Disposal'
2) Significant influence: ‘power to participate’, but not to ‘control’
特征:往往具有 20%以上,不足 50%投票权。选董事会代表,参与政策制定,有重大交易,管理
Goodwill (IFRS 3)
Consideration transferred (cost of investment) X
Non-controlling interests(NCI) X
Consideration 对价
注意:买公司的 Costs (professional fee) involved in the transaction are charged to profit or loss.
Deferred consideration 未来支付的对价要折算到当前,才是真正的对价 discounted to PV at
acquisition date to determine its FV
Contingent consideration Measured at FV at acquisition date,初始计量用 FV
未来支付跟当初 FV 的差额计入 P&L
Cash, Share, Loan note
Full goodwill
Full goodwill NCI at fair value
Partial goodwill NCI= proportionate share of the FV of 被收购方净资产
P-80% NCI-20%
consideration 13,800 13,800
NCI 3,200 3,200
Less:FV of NA of S (13,000) (10,400) (2,600)
Goodwill 4,000 3,400 600
Consolodated P’ goodwill Attributable to NCI
Partial goodwill
P-80% NCI-20%
consideration 13,800 13,800
NCI 3,200 3,200
Less:FV of NA of S (13,000) (10,400) (2,600)
Goodwill 3,400 3,400 0
Consolodated P’ goodwill Attributable to NCI
Under IFRS 3 the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of subsidiaries are therefore required to
be brought into the consolidated financial statements at their fair value rather than their book value.
资本在合并报表中入账,用 FV 而不是其在单家报表的 BV。
decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.做决定需
Joint operations A joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the
arrangement have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities,
处理:按比例分账 relating to the arrangement.
开一个 Joint operation 认定:
account,Line by line 入 1) its own assets, liabilities and expenses
账 2) its share of assets held and expenses and liabilities incurred jointly
3) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint
4) its share of revenue from the sale of output by the joint operation itself.
合并报表:No adjustments are necessary on consolidation
Joint ventures A joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the
类似结婚 arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.
处理:Equity method 出现在母公司报表上的形式:
1) at cost; or
2) at fair value (as a financial asset); or
3) using the equity method as Investments in Associates
合并报表:同 Associates
Revenue from contracts with customers (IFRS 15)
来源:IFRS 15 is the result of a joint IASB and FASB project on revenue recognition. It replaces both IAS 18
Revenue and IAS 11 Construction contracts.
新变化:Under IFRS 15 the transfer of goods and services is based upon the transfer of control, rather than
the transfer of risks and rewards as in IAS 18. Control of an asset is described in the standard as the ability
to direct the use of, and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from, the asset.
Performance obligation Under IAS 19 Under IFRS 15
$ $
认定:For contracts such as long-term service contracts and multi-element arrangements it could result in
changes either to the amount or to the timing of revenue recognised.
影响:IFRS 15 is likely to impact on the timing, measurement, recognition and disclosure of revenue.
These impacts will require adjustments in policies, procedures, internal controls and systems. Even if the
total revenue reported does not change, the timing will change in many cases.
Contract An entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the entity has
asset transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the
passage of time (ie the entity’s future performance).
Receivable An entity’s right to consideration that is unconditional (ie only the passage of time is
required before payment is due.)
Performance A promise in a contract with a customer to transfer to the customer either XX or XX:
obligation a) A good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct;
履约义务 b) A series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same ad that have the
same pattern of transfer to the customer.
Stand-alone The price at which an entity would sell a promised good or service separately to a
selling price customer.
Transaction The amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for
price transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on
behalf of third parties 税
Five-step model:
1) Identify the contract with a customer. 识别与客户订立的合同
2) Identify the separate performance obligations in the contract. 识别合同中单独的履约义务
关键词:distinct function and distinct profit margin
3) Determine the transaction price. 确定交易价格
关键词:'entitled'需要考虑 reasonable estimates of contingent amounts, customer’s credit risk and the
time value of money (if material). 比如合同某块业务价值有减损时,它用 FV,其他用原价。
4) Allocate the transaction price to the separate performance obligations in the contract. 将交易价格分摊
关键词:stand-alone selling price, reasonably measure
5) Recognise revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation. 履行每项履约义务时确认
1. 主体是否已转移了对资产的实际占有(Physical possession)
2. 主体是否拥有收取对资产的付款的现实权利
3. 客户是否已经拥有资产的法定所有权(Legal title)
4. 客户是否已经接受资产(Accepted the asset)
5. 客户是否已承担资产所有权上的重大风险和报酬
11 种情况:
1) Sale with a right of return: 收入以 Expected value 来计算,用金额*百分比。可能收不到的钱叫做
refund liability。Expected value = amount - refund liability
2) Warranties 质保:看这种担保义务是不是法定的。法定的,不能被拉出来单卖的,不算做收入;可
3) Principal versus agent:如果是卖家,收入都入账;如果是代理 Dr T/ R 10, Cr T/P 8; Dr COS 8, Cr
Revenue 10 可入账的利润是 2,这才是收入
4) Options for additional goods or services:类似于优惠券。举个例子:100 送 20 优惠券,第二次使用
20 优惠券,第一次:Dr cash 100, Cr revenue 83.33, Cr defer income 16.67;第二次:Dr cash 80, defer
income 16.67, Cr revenue 96.67
5) Customers’ unexercised rights 客户未行使权利:类似于付定金买。如果是 non-refundable prepayment
不可退还的预付款,如果客户逾期未履约剩余义务,且今后再履约的可能性极低 remote,则可将对
6) non-refundable prepayment 不可退还预付款:类似于俱乐部入会费。处理类似于优惠券,随今后的
7) Licensing 许可证: 取决于牌照跟商品或服务是否绑定的。whether the performance obligation is
satisfied ‘at a point in time’ or ‘over time’.绑定的,那跟产品,随时间阶段入账;如果不绑定,那获得
a) Right to access
表示 the entity can make changes to the intellectual property throughout the licence period,这种情
况:performance obligation satisfied overtime
b) Right to use
表示 customer can direct the use of, and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from, the
licence at the point at which it is transferred.
Royalties, based on sales or on usage 只有当销售实际发生或履约义务完成时,才能确认为收入。
8) Repurchase agreements 回购协议:关键:看会不会行权,以及卖出和买回的价格!!!
a) An entity has an obligation to repurchase the asset (a forward contract 远期合同),不拥有和控制,
入 asset 和 liability。
b) An entity has the right to repurchase the asset (a call option 权利持有者,买入期权) 不拥有和控
Fair value
Fair value is a market-based measure, not an entity-specific one. Therefore, valuation techniques used to
measure fair value maximize the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable
IFRS 13 establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises the inputs to valuation techniques into 3
Level 1 inputs Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the
市场法 entity can access at the measurement date.
Level 2 inputs
Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset
or liability, either directly (i.e. prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices), e.g.
quoted prices for similar assets in active markets or for identical or similar assets in non
active markets or use of quoted interest rates for valuation purposes
Level 3 inputs Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, e.g. discounting estimates of future
成本法 cash flows.
Level 3 inputs are only used where relevant observable inputs are not available or where
the entity determines that transaction price or quoted price does not represent fair value.
1) A fair value measurement assumes that the transaction takes place either资产或负债进行有序交易的主
要 (或最有利)市场。:
a) in the principal market for the asset or liability, or
b) in the most advantageous market (in the absence of a principal market). 注意:计算最有利市场
2) The fair value of a liability assumes that the liability remains outstanding and the market participant
transferee would be required to fulfill the obligation, rather than it being extinguished.需要考虑各种风
3) For non-financial assets, the fair value measurement is the value for using the asset in its highest and
best use
(the use that would maximise its value,考虑点:physically possible, legally permissible and financially
feasible) or by selling it to another market participant that would use it in its highest and best use. 对于
Operating segments (IFRS 8)
满足 10%,就需要披露。注意:如果有负数,需要撇除负数项目,取所有正项目来考虑。举
例:(利润分别为-6,2,10) ,按照 12 来考虑总利润。
b) Segment total is 10% or more of total:无论收入(外部+内部总额) ,利润,还是资产, 只要一个
c) 报表披露总额必须达到 75%外部收入,如果不满的话,那原来<10%的也需要披露,凑足 75%。
At least 75% of total external revenue must be reported by operating segments.
1) 定义: A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that either has been disposed of or is classified
as held for sale and:
a) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations, or 对于重大的生
产线,题目会给比较明显的.比如 10%销售额
b) is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical
area of operations, or
c) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.
2) 披露:分成两块:
a) Continuing operations:这个按正常做
Continuing operations
Revenue(4,700 + (3,300×8/12)) 66,900
Cost of sales(3,700 + (2,400×8/12) + (W5)14 + (W6)10 + (W5)27) (5,351)
Gross Profit 1,549
Other income (150 + (30×8/12)+ (W3)45 ) 125
Distribution costs(270 + (210×8/12) (530)
Finance income (W4) 6
Finance costs (110 + (60×8/12)+ (W4)4 ) (154)
Profit before tax 586
Income tax expense (140 + (120×8/12)) (220)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 366
b) 不持续经营的,只要算 profit 即可
Discontinued operations
Profit for the year from discontinued oprations ((40×3/12)+ (W8)7 ) 3
Profit for the year 369
a) required by an IFRS; or
b) it results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information about the
effects of transactions, other events or conditions on the entity's financial position, financial
performance or cash flows.
2) 具体改动:
a) opening balance of each affected component of equity
b) comparative amounts for each prior period
Instruments •All other financial instruments SMEs can •Financial assets: all others
also choose to use the IFRS 9 rules •Financial liabilities: held for trading,
(limiting disclosures to those required for accounting mismatch or part of group
1) Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable or recoverable in respect of taxable profit or loss for a
2) Deferred tax is the tax attributable to temporary differences, which are differences between the
carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of financial position and its tax base.是 b/f 和政
府税务部门计算的 tax base 之间的暂时性差异。Where the tax base materially differs to accounting
treatment, the tax charges in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income may be
misleading without some form of adjustment.
Adjustments for deferred tax are made in accordance with the accruals concept and in accordance with the
definition of a liability in the Conceptual Framework, ie a past event has given rise to an obligation in the
form of increased taxation which will be payable in the future. The amount can be reliably estimated. (DFA 同
Development costs 财报上资本化,但不是 tax deductible,会造成 DTL
Impairment losses 公司做账了,但不是 tax deductible,会造成 DTA
(and inventory losses)
Financial assets 公允价值计量的 PL 或 OCI 都不是 tax deductible,会造成 DTL 或 DTA
Unused tax losses and 过去的 Tax losses 如果可以抵扣未来盈利,那么会省税 tax saving。如果判断
unused tax credits 未来肯定有盈利,那么这部分省税的记为 DTA。
披露关联方交易, 是为了确保财报的公允 transactions reflected in financial statements have been carried out
on an arm's length basis, unless disclosed otherwise. 注意点:substance over legal form 挖掘背后的关系!
1) 关联方:
a) A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person
i. control or joint control
ii. significant influence
iii. key management personnel
b) An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies
i. members of the same group
ii. an associate* or joint venture* of the other entity
iii. joint ventures* of the same third party
one associate + one JV
post-employment benefit plan
公司掌握在 a)的个人手中
2) 非关联方 Not related parties
a) Two entities have key management personnel in common,即在 A 公司做 ED,又在 B 公司做 NED,
或者对 C 公司有重大影响
b) A 和 B 公司合资组建 C 公司
c) Providers of finance
d) Trade unions 工会
e) Public utilities 公共事业单位
Statemet Property, plant & equipment No property, plant and equipment
of X Lease receivable (net investm't in lease):
financial Lease liability: Present value of:
position Present value of: Minimum lease payments X
注意:显示在承租人和出租人账目上的区别是:担保额 vs 未担保额
Net investment in the lease at 1 January 20X1:
Gross Discount Net
Investment factor (10%) investment
$ $
1.1.X1 Instalment 40,000 1 40,000
1.1.X2 Instalment 40,000 0.909 36,360
31.12.X2 Guaranteed residual value 10,000 0.826 8,260
Minimum lease payments 90,000 84,620
31.12.X2 Unguaranteed residual value 2,000 0.826 1,652
(12,000 – 10,000)
2. 新准则 IFRS 16
对于 OL 还是 FL,它们的归类影响了 FS,包括负债率,杠杆,ROCE 和利息等。
对于 OL 当前的会计处理是有争议的,与 assets and liability 的定义不一致。 育
所以呼吁资本化 OL,认为这样做更符合 assets and liability 的定义,赋予它在租赁期间跟 FL 一样的
2013-Exposure Draft 征求意见草案
基于 2010ED 和 2009DP,新准则将替代 IAS 17.
跟老准则经营租赁一样处理。承租方也可以选择资本化,按照后面的 a 或 b 处理。
Type Assets where the lessee consumes more Assets where the lessee consumes not more
than an insignificant amount of the than an insignificant amount of
economic benefits embedded in the the economic benefits embedded in the
underlying asset underlying asset
Approach Reflects the financing nature of the Reflects the fact that property has a long
transaction and consumption of a life and lessors look to earn a yield rather
depreciating asset than a lender's return
Initial DR Right-of-use asset X DR Right-of-use asset X
recognition CR Lease liability X CR Lease liability X
(at PV lease payments and expected residual (at PV lease payments and expected residual
value guarantee payments, discounted at the value guarantee payments, discounted at the
rate the lessor charges the lessee) rate the lessor charges the lessee)
Initial direct costs incurred by the lessee are Initial direct costs incurred by the lessee are
added to the right-of-use asset added to the right-of-use asset
P/L Amortisation of right-of-use asset (normally Single straight line lease cost (combining
straight line) unwinding of discount and amortisation of
Interest on lease liability asset)
Variable lease payments not included in lease Variable lease payments not included in
liability lease liability
SOFP Right-of-use asset less amortisation and/or Right-of-use asset less amortisation and/or
impairment losses impairment losses
Lease liability at amortised cost Lease liability at amortised cost
Importance of ethics
1) Ethics in accounting is of utmost importance to accounting professionals and those who rely on their
2) Accounting professionals know that people who use their services, especially decision makers using
financial statements, expect them to be highly competent, reliable, and objective.
3) Those who work in the field of accounting must not only be well qualified but must also possess a high
degree of professional integrity.
4) A professional’s good reputation is one of his or her most important assets
Directors' responsibility
1) Directors are responsible for preparation the financial statement incompliance with IFRS and statutory
laws and regulations.合规
2) If they believe that they are not complying with IFRS, they should take all steps to ensure that the error
or irregularity is rectified.纠错
3) Directors have a responsibility to act honestly and ethically and not be motivated by personal interest
and gain.诚实,避免利益冲突
4) If the ethical conduct of the directors is questionable then other areas of the financial statements may
need scrutiny.任何错误会导致 FS 受质疑
Accountants' responsibility
1) Accountants must possess a high degree of professional integrity and the profession’s reputation
depends upon it.正直和声誉
2) Professional accountancy bodies set out ethical guidelines within which their members operate covering
standards of behaviour, and acceptable practice. These regulations are supported by a number of codes.
3) The accountant has a responsibility not to mask the true nature of the financial statement.还原真相
4) The accountant should try and persuade the directors to follow acceptable accounting principles and
comply with accounting standards and the accountant should consider his position if the directors insist
on the adjustments by pointing the inaccuracies out to the auditors.合规,特殊事件时候的立场考虑
Reason for / Aim of Unethical practice
1) Management often seeks loopholes in financial reporting standards that allow them to adjust the financial
statements as far as is practicable to achieve their desired aim.
2) Reasons for such behaviour often include market expectations, personal realisation of a bonus, and
maintenance of position within a market sector.
3. 金融资产 (债券和股票投资)公允价值的波动。其中债券是你打算卖,才选择以公允价值计量,相
应的公允变动才计入 OCI。股票投资都以公允价值计量,其公允价值变动计入是否计入 OCI 任由
您选择 (考题中会明示)。做这个选择时,买入交易成本计入初始计量,卖出交易成本计入 P&L。
4. 金融资产 Hedge – 只是暂时存放在 OCI 里,之后要从 OCI 转到 P&L 中
5. 外币报表折算差异: 因为 FS 是按照年底汇率然后倒算出的 RE,而 PL 是按照平均汇率来记账的,
这 2 个值算出来肯定是不一致的,差额就是外币报表折算差异,进入 OCI。
a) 这里需要注意的是,在 FS 报表里,外币资产因汇率的价值波动:FV 计量时,就用当前汇率;
HC 计量时,用原始汇率。不是因为汇率因素入 OCI,而是汇率计价的东西,是 PPE 增值或是
金融资产,而导致的。只有 FS 表跟 PL 表的差异,才是进入 OCI 的。
6. Deferred tax on revaluation – 进入报表的资产>tax base,就会有一个暂时性差异,叫做 deferred tax.
1) 写分录是训练思维的,报表上如有一增必有一减,就算放错位置,报表整体还是平的,至少考试
2) 各种题型需要对比着来看:
Group Disposal:组织架构变化,如子公司变成 Associate,则从整体来看,差额计入 PL;如子公司还是
子公司,则从局部来看,用 NCI 的价值来算,差额计入 Equity
IFRS 9:A 公司买 B 公司股票 5%作为 inv. hold for trading,FV 变动 3 计入 OCI。后又买 20%变联营。
则这个 OCI 3 不需要重新归类到 PL,直接从 OCE 转到 RE 即可。这样做,对利润表没有影响,但对资
产负债表有影响。 (OCE 转 RE,视作实现的利润)