Final Abdata Internship Report
Final Abdata Internship Report
Final Abdata Internship Report
ID NO: RAMIT/007/11
In doing so, assuring that I agree with all written above with signature as follows.
In his stay in our company he has been excellent in performing work tasks accurately and on
time. He also developed team playing skills, communication skills and work ethics. To the best
of his knowledge and as per his declaration, the report is an authentic work on the issue and has
not been submitted to anywhere.
Words are in adequate to compensate the help of God and a great many people. Firstly, I would
like to thank Arba Minch University department of Electromechanical engineering for its
opportunity providing role and support. I would like to appreciate the engineer’s cooperation
their presence for consultation in their office and work shop. I would like to express my deepest
gratitude and appreciation to my advisor Mr. Umer Rashid whose suggestions and
encouragement helped me to coordinate and conduct this internship project and report. The next
thanks go to brotherly supervisor Mr. Mehari for his best advice and follow up helped me a lot. I
would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to the workers of transformer
body manufacturing mechanical shop and electrical workshop that helped me to acquire lots of
knowledge and practices throughout my stay. My last thank goes to Ethiopian Power
Engineering Industry who made any type of contribution in my performance of this internship
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY........................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. BRIEF HISTORY OF ETHIO- ENGINEERING GROUP..................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO EEG..........................................................................................................1
1.2 VISSION AND MISSION.................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 VISSION....................................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 MISSION....................................................................................................................................2
1.3 MAIN PRODUCT.............................................................................................................................2
1.4 MAIN CUSTOMER OF THE FACTORY........................................................................................3
1.5 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY.............................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................4
2. OVER ALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE.........................................................................................4
2.1 HOW CAN I GET INTO THE COMPANY..................................................................................4
2.2 THE SECTION OF THE COMPANY..............................................................................................5
2.3 ELECTRICAL SHOP WORK FLOW...............................................................................................6
2.4 CALIPERING SYSTEM...................................................................................................................6
2.5 INSULATION...................................................................................................................................7
2.5.1 PAPER INSULATION...................................................................................................................7
2.5.2 VARNISH INSULATION..........................................................................................................9
2.6 WINDING OF TRANSFORMER.....................................................................................................9
2.6.1 AUTOMATIC WINDING..........................................................................................................9
2.6.2 MANNUAL WINDING...........................................................................................................10
2.6.3 HIGH VOLTAGE WINDING..................................................................................................10
2.6.4 LOW VOLTAGE WINDING...................................................................................................11
2.7 CONSTRUCTION OF CORE.........................................................................................................11
2.7.1 CORE TYPE TRANSFORMER...............................................................................................12
2.7.2 SHELL TYPE CORE CONSTRUCTION................................................................................12
2.8 TRANSFORMER CORE LOSS......................................................................................................13
2.8.1 HYSTERESIS LOSSES...........................................................................................................13
2.8.2 EDDY CURRENT LOSSES.....................................................................................................14
2.9 TRANSFORMER NO LOAD LOSSES..........................................................................................14
2.9.1 NO LOAD CURRENT.............................................................................................................14
2.10 TRANSFORMER WIRE LOSS....................................................................................................14
2.10.1 FULL LOAD LOSS OR COPPER LOSS...............................................................................14
2.11 FINAL ASSEMBLY.....................................................................................................................14
2.12 TESTS OF THE TRANSFORMER...............................................................................................16
2.12.1 TURNS RATIO TEST............................................................................................................16
2.12.2 FULL LOAD TEST................................................................................................................16
2.13.3 NO LOAD TEST....................................................................................................................16
2.14.4 SHORT CIRCUIT TEST........................................................................................................17
2.15 OILING OF TRANSFORMER.....................................................................................................17
2.16 TRANSFORMER BODY PRODUCTION...................................................................................19
2.16.1 Raw material entry..................................................................................................................19
2.16.2 Sheet metal forming................................................................................................................19
2.16.3 Cutting of metal......................................................................................................................20
2.16.5 SHEARING MACHINE.........................................................................................................20
2.17 TYPES OF SHEARING MACHINE.............................................................................................21
2.17.1 STRAIGHT KNIFE SHEARING MACHINE........................................................................21
2.17.2 PNEUMATIC SHEARING MACHINE.................................................................................21
2.17.3 ROTARY SHEARING MACHINE........................................................................................21
2.18 AUTOMATIC SHEARING MACHINE.......................................................................................22
2.19 DRILLING MACHINE.................................................................................................................22
2.19.1 AUTOMATIC DRILLING MACHINE..................................................................................23
2.20 BENDING.....................................................................................................................................23
2.21 ROLLING......................................................................................................................................24
2.22 FIN AREA.....................................................................................................................................25
2.22.1 CORRUGATED FIN MACHINE...........................................................................................25
2.23 WELDING.....................................................................................................................................25
2.23.1 ARC WELDING.....................................................................................................................26
2.23.2 OXYACETYLENE WELDING.............................................................................................26
2.23.3 METAL INERT GAS.............................................................................................................26
2.24 CONSERVATOR TANK WELDING...........................................................................................26
2.25 GRINDING...................................................................................................................................27
2.26 INSPECTION AND PAINTING...................................................................................................28
BEEN USING WHILE PERFORMING MY WORK TASK................................................................28
2.28 THE WORK TASKS I HAVE EXECUTTING.............................................................................28
2.29 CHALLENGES I HAVE BEEN FACED DURING MY INTERN TIME....................................28
IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS) IN ORDER TO OVER COME THE PROBLEM....................................29
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................30
3. OVERALL BENEFITS GAINED FROM INTERNSHIP.................................................................30
3.1 In terms of improving practical skill................................................................................................30
3.2 In terms of upgrading theoretically knowledge................................................................................31
3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill................................................................31
3.4 In terms of improving team playing skill.........................................................................................31
3.5 Improving Leadership skill..............................................................................................................32
3.6 Understanding work ethics related issues........................................................................................32
3.7 Improving entrepreneurship skills....................................................................................................33
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................34
4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................34
4 .1 Conclusions....................................................................................................................................34
4.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................34
4.2.1 For the University.....................................................................................................................35
The central aim of this study is to attempt the back ground of the internship hosting company,
Ethio-engineering group (EEG), at Tatek starting with explanting the brief history of the
company and serves. Then tries to discuss about the Four months’ general internship experience
in the section of the company I have been working in that are electrical and mechanical shop
with the main activities performed in each work shop and the project that I performed in the
company. In addition to that the challenges those have been faced and measures taken to solve
the challenges.
Also, I tried to explain the overall benefit gained from the internship experience that are in terms
of improving our practical skills, upgrading theoretical knowledge, improving interpersonal
communication skill, improving our team playing skill, improving our leader ship skill,
understanding about work ethics relation issues and entrepreneurship skill.
Lastly, I discussed with conclusion and recommended the problem that is really presented in the
company and activities they must take to solve the problem.
Ethio-Engineering group is established after reformation of metal and technology corporation
(METEC), EEG is the governmental business enterprise re-established in September 2020 under
the FDRE council of minister regulation number of 475/2020. The main purpose of the
reestablishment of the group is to enable it play a leading role in the development of heavy
industries in the country towards meeting of national vision of transforming an industrial-led
economy. EEG is, therefore; engaged, among others, the manufacturing and trading of
automotive products, agricultural machineries, power and electronic equipment, metal and
products plastic, polymer product. Currently, EEG has nine subsidiary industries that have their
own manufacturing facilities in different parts of the country. These are:
Power equipment manufacturing industry PEMI, one industry established under EEG. This
industry contains five manufacturing industries: Transformer product, factory, wire and cable
production factory,
To develop and transfer technologies that accelerate the growth of the manufacturing industry,
and the service sector. To substitutes imports that created market gaps and demanded high
foreign currency with local products that have decisive roles in the country economic
To design, produce, erect, renovate, and improve manufacturing and service providing plants. To
make our products and services accessible to foreign market.
Core values:
Costumers focused
The magnetic material determines the size of the equipment, its capability, and introduces
limitations because of saturation and loss on the performance. Essentially, a transformer consists
of two or more windings interlinked by a mutual magnetic field. These windings are simply
coiling of wires, inductors. In Tatek transformer production factory there are eight shops to
manufacturing transformer such as; Body production shop, Insulation production shop, winding
production shop, Core production shop, core/ coil assembly and Connection shop, final assembly
shop, oil filling shop and final testing shop. In Tatek transformer production factory there are
eight shops to manufacturing transformer such as Body production shop, Insulation production
shop, winding production shop, Core production shop, core/ coil assembly and Connection shop,
Final assembly shop, Oil filling shop and final testing shop. Transformers Main supplier of the
production factory Dubai Emirate, China, METEC different industries, Tabor ceramic
General Manager
Executive director
Planning and
Internal audit
Engineering department
ICT service
Quality control
The university industry linkage program is planned to create a good interaction between
universities and industries, and also create students that have the capability of facing and solving
practical problems.
because of these reasons Arba Minch University has given a great deal attention to this program
in helping students, starting from searching company that are willing to part of this program to
giving essential documents and schedules. As an Electromechanical engineering student, after I
graduate I can work on different sectors of Electromechanical engineering infrastructure
sectors .so there was no good opportunity than this internship program to know more about
power transformer and its working environment.
When I first gone the company I found a good service from the general the manager of intern
ship linkage Mr. Yesemwerk, and I try to illustrate and give information about the internship
program, so that she should gave me special attention to the request paper what the university
had given me, because the firm will also gain some advantageous from the program.
As I went to the firm on the first day of the internship, I had to wait for the general manager and
give necessary documents and papers that will be filled by the firm. So as to make my stay on
the firm according to the university program. On the second day I have been introduced to my
supervisor and other employees of the firm. When they heard were I came from and for what
reason I came, they were very much happy to show me around, give me necessary information
about the work and cooperate with me.
As the name implies Ethio- engineering group is the center of research in the Ethiopia. And it
was the company which has so many branches, which facilitate, infrastructures for the Ethiopian
as well as for the country side. Most of the engineers in Ethiopia prefers to have the relation
with this industry, because it creates most of creative engineers before this time up to now. Also
I hope it made me more knowledgeable. That why I prefer to select the Ethio-engineering group
for my university and the industry linkage program and I spent most of my time for four months
in this company.
Winding stage
To measure thickness, length, and width, you can certainly use this device. You can also use it as
well for measuring depth. A caliper is equipped with a thin stick on the backside. Thanks to its
benefits, a caliper is one of the key measuring instruments that is usually used in various fields
such as engineering, construction, and metal working. A caliper is a precision measuring
instrument that has the good flexibility and very complete tool to support you’re your multiple
dimension measurement.
This section is the main and the important section for making transformer. Here in this section
where insulator materials are formed. Those materials are made up of different size papers and
other materials.
We use insulation for almost all transformer making system or processes. Most works here are
cutting the insulator materials in different size and shapes in order to make it simple to insulate
the materials which are in the transformer.
This is the material that used to provide electrical insulation between transformer winding at
different voltage levels and also between the energized parts and the metal tank of the
transformer. Generally, for large transformers used in power application.
A) white paper
B) paper insulation
D) H-Paper
E) cotton tap
They are applied over electrical conductors to provide layer of electrical isolation and prevent
Figure 4 Automatic winding
The side of the transformer which consists of low voltage winding is called low voltage side. The
transformer low voltage side carries low voltage or low voltage winding. The transformers low
voltage side carries low voltage and high current. The transformer low voltage side winding
having fewer turns than the high voltage side. The conductor of the low voltage winding having
a higher thickness than the high voltage side. The resistance of the low voltage winding is always
lesser than the high voltage winding. The low voltage winding of transformer having less
insulation than the high voltage winding. For large transformer, low voltage winding, are
generally star connected.
The two most common and basic design of transformer construction are the closed core
transformer and shell core transformer.
In the “closed core” type (core form) transformer, the primary and the secondary winding are
wound outside and surround the core ring. In the shell type transformer, the primary and the
secondary winding pass inside steel magnetic circuit (core) which forms a shell around the
In core type construction of transformer, the magnetic circuit consist of two vertical legs called
legs and two horizontal section called yokes. The low voltage winding is placed next to the core
while the high voltage winding is placed around the low voltage winding. Hence the primary and
secondary winding are arranged as concentric coils, thus known as concentric winding or
cylindrical winding. The major advantages of a core type transformer that it is easier to dismantle
repair and maintenance.
The shell type core construction of the transformer provides better support against the
electromagnetic forces between the current carrying conductors, which are very under short
circuit conditions. The shell type transformers are mainly used in low voltage and high output
Figure 8 core construction material
This molecular friction causes heat to be developed which represents an energy loss to the
transformer. Excessive heat loss can over time shorten the life of the insulating materials used in
the manufacture of the windings and structures. Therefore, cooling of transformer is important.
Also, transformers are designed to operate at particular supply frequency lowering the frequency
of the supply will result in increased hysteresis and higher temperature in them on core. So
reducing the supply frequency from 60 Hertz to 50 Hertz will raise the amount of hysteresis
present, decreased VA capacity of the transformer.
Eddy currents do not contribute anything towards the usefulness of the transformer but instead
they oppose the flow of the induced current by acting like a negative force generative resistive
heating and power loss with in the core. Is also the current that flows in the transformer core and
results from the voltage that is induced in the core by the primary winding.
Sufficient ducts are provided between the coils to ensure heat dissipation through the
circulation of oil. Best quality insulations are provided at all joints and gaps.
The optimum design of core coil assembly is achieved by considering the required
technical particulars including cooling, size compactness and tapping arrangement.
All leads and conductors are rigidly supported by a special clamping arrangement.
Core and coil assembly is placed inside its tank, tank is filled with oil to stop exposure to air, a
cover assembly added and bushing connections made. Once the cover is welded and leak
checked, galvanized radiators are assembled to the tank, the unit is drained and the transformer is
vacuum filled for final testing. During this same time, the control box and any other customer-
specified monitors and components are installed and wired. All external welded assemblies are
mounted to ensure correct fit to the tank and removed before the finished transformer moves on
for factory acceptance testing
Highly skilled people assemble the laminations on a core channel to form CORE. These are
perfectly assembled without any gaps to avoid energy loss.
The complete assembly is kept in the Hot Air Chamber and a high temperature is maintained to
prevent any moisture in the CORE coil assembly.
The transformer turns ratio is one of the most common test used to assess the condition
of the transformers winding and core. It is performed as a part of acceptance and
maintenance test procedure to determine any problems due to poor design, assembly,
handling, overloading, fault conditions or poor maintenance.
A phase voltage is applied to the one of the winding by means of bridge circuit and the
ratio of induced voltage is measured at the bridge. When testing transformer for turns
ratio, the connections are determined by machining parallel vectors. Transformer turns
ratio test sets come in variety of styles and test connections. However; all turn ratio
testers have at least two high leads and two low leads. Basic setup procedures are
explained below.
Make certain that all terminals of the transformer are disconnected from line or load at
the transformer.
The input voltage is increased from zero until the ammeter in the primary circuit
indicates normal primary current. When this occurs the normal full load secondary
current is circulating in the secondary winding
The first step in finding a short circuit is to look for physical sign. This may include
visible burns or melted metal on wires, burning smells, etc. In this test generally, the
high voltage side is connected to the AC supply and low voltage side is short
circuited with help of thick copper wire. The short circuit test on the transformer is
performed at the primary and secondary rated currents. Therefore; the total copper
loss is the full load copper loss.
kinds. Those are the Dry-type or Cast Resin transformers and Liquid Filled or Oil Filled
Oil distribution transformers are essential components for delivering energy to households. It
can come in different types depending on the requirement of the application. This article will
focus solely on Oil Immersed Transformer.
The oil-filled transformer is a voltage transformation device that uses an oil cooling technique to
minimize transformer temperature. It is placed in a welded steel oil tank filled with insulating oil.
When an oil-filled transformer is in operation, the coil’s heat and iron core are converted first to
insulating oil. Then it is converted to the cooling medium. It may also be split into two types
based on capacity: immersed natural cooling transformers and forced air cooling transformers.
Standard ratings of Oil Immersed Transformer are below 200 kVA. However, exceptions are to
be made, especially in situations where higher ratings are needed.
An Oil Immersed Transformer involves the oil cooling method to reduce its temperature. Its
body is connected to the welded steel oil tank, which is full of insulation oil.
These transformers work because the heat of the coil and iron core is transferred into the
insulation oil. After that, it is then converted into a cooling medium. Capacity sizes allow it to be
divided into immersed forced air cooling and immersed natural cooling transformers,
respectively. Here are the main function of oil in distribution transformer.
Oil distribution transformer transforms high voltage to low voltages for house hold or
commercial use.
It reduces voltage rating by the induction principle or Faraday law
This transformer type distributes electricity to a smaller cluster of end users.
Electricity from power plants needs distribution transformer.
2.16.3 Cutting of metal
Cutting of sheet metal is accomplished by a shearing action between two sharp cutting edges.
Shearing is used to cut large sheets into smaller sections of subsequent press working operation.
Also the mild steel sheet metal is cut by hydraulic CNC shear machine into desired shape or
width and length. If the thickness is more than the machine can handle, the sheet metal can be cut
by CNC plasma cutter.
CNC plasma machine uses a plasma cutter to cut thin to thick metal along a multi- axis grid. The
CNC method provides an advantage over handled plasma cutting tools due to the cut being
programmed and controlled by a computer instead of human motion. CNC plasma is where high
speed and precision meet low cost among a vast array of additional benefits.
For cutting and squaring flat stock in desired size and shapes straight knife shearing is basically
used for producing rectangular and square shapes and straight sided shapes can also be obtained
from straight knife. Generally, the operation of shearing is performed with the help of two blades
in which one blade is fixed to the shear bed and the other blade moves in vertical direction with
no or little clearance. Shearing operation is done in progressive manner from one side to the
other side of the material.
The punching or shear cutting actions are the result of close motion of two sharp edges which are
closely adjoined and the material placed in between edges. These shear stress is applied at the
point of fracture in three styles.
1. Deformation: As the cutting edges begin to close on the material, deformation occurs on
both sides of the material next to the cut edge.
2. Penetration: The cutting edges cut or penetrate the material, causing fracture lines.
3. Fracture: The point where the upper and the lower fracture line meets. At this point the
work is done, but in punching, punch must continue to move through the material to clear
the slug.
A machine that shears a sheet by reciprocating linear motion with one blade relative to the other
it uses a moving upper blade and fixed lower blade to apply a shearing force to the metal sheets
of various thickness with a reasonable blade gap to break the sheets in the required size.
It has display which is used to insert input data to machine to get required output.
In transformer body forming there are many holes starting from the small hole to a big one.
Also it’s the machine for drilling, reaming, counter boring, and taping holes especially, a power
machine for drilling holes in a metal, (as a drilling press or radial press). Drill press are used
mainly for drilling holes, they can also be used for enlarging holes with boring tool or finishing
holes with a reamer. They can also reduce threads. Those which are bigger are drawn or drilled
by plasma cutter.
When the power is given to the motor, the spindle rotates and thereby the stepped pulley attached
to it also rotate. Now the drill bit also rotates which was placed in the chuck and which was in
connection with the spindle. As the pulley rotates, the spindle also rotates which can rotate the
drill bit.
Bending is one of the most common sheet metal fabrication operation. This method is used to
deform a material to an angular shape, whether into a V-shape or into other desired design. This
is done through the application of force on the work peace. To force an object, especially a
straight form into curved, or angular one, from a curved or angular to different shape.
In transformer body forming sheet metals are bend as need by the design by using hydraulic
CNC bending machine. Bending machine is also referred to as a primarily used machine which is
mainly used to form a bend on any required work piece. The machine is used to make use of the
bending tool which is present in it and is responsible for the process. There are different various
types of bending machines which are commonly available in the market. Some of them are
mentioned below:
The sheet bending machine is mainly selected for the purpose of creating a bend inside the metal
sheet. The metal pieces are initially fixed on the clamping device which is known to hold them
during the complete operating process. The nature of this bending machine is found due to an
unknown fact which is that they are manufactured by using a very high grade raw material.
A sheet folding machine is referred to as an instrument which is used to bend the object at any
particular angle. The profile bending machines are the ones which are used due to their highly
accurate quality and amongst most of the users.
A rolling machine is a piece of equipment that contains two or more rollers through which the
raw metal is fed. The main purpose of the rolling machine is, to compress the raw metal into
thinner and more uniform shape which is essential when producing sheet metal. Plate
rolling ,round processing and forming. The plate rolling machine is also known by plate bending
roller. This machine is a type of machine tool which is employed for creating continuous point
metal sheet bending. The plate rolling machine holds special importance in the sheet metal
industry. This piece of machinery can be used to produce cylindrical part, conical part, and other
parts having different shapes. machine is a type of metal forming machine which utilizes work
rollers to produce sheet metal
This is a compressive deformation process in which the thickness of the slab or plate is reduced
by two opposing cylindrical tool called rolls. The rolls rotate so as to draw the work in the gap
between them and squeeze it.
Welding is the metal joining process in which two or more parts are joined at their contacting
surface by suitable application of heat or pressure. In some welding a filler material is added to
facilitate coalescence. In transformer body shop there are different types of welding takes place.
Welding is the fabrication process whereby two or more parts are fused together by means of
heat, pressure, or both forming a join as the parts cool. Welding is usually used on metals and
thermoplastics but can also be used on wood. The completed welded joint may be referred to as
Welding is done by joining two materials together without any adhesive. Unlike soldering and
brazing, which use low melting point adhesives, welding joins two work pieces directly. Most of
the welding that is done is divided into some categories.
Arc welding refers to a group of welding process in which heating of metal is accomplished by
arc. In transformer body most structures are welded by this type of welding. Arc welding uses an
electric arc to melt the work material and filler material (sometimes called a welding rod) to
welding joints. Arc welding involves connecting a ground wire to the welding material or other
metal surfaces.
Another wire called electrode lead is placed in the material to be welded. An electric Arc occurs
when that lead moves away from the material. The Arc melts the work piece along with the filler
material that helps to bond parts together. As the rod melts, the welder must continuously feed
the filler into the joint using small, steady back and forth motions. These movements are what
give weld its unique look. Moving the Arc too fast or too slow, too close or too far from the
material can result in poor weld.
The shape of the conservator tank is cylindrical and the ends of the tank is air tight closed. A
large cover is placed on one side of the tank for periodic cleaning and maintenance. The pipe of
the conservator tank is connected to the main tank of the transformer. The pipe is connected to
the bottom of the conservator tank. In the tank, a cap is attached to the top of the pipe so that any
kind of oil waste does not enter the main tank from the conservator tank.
The work of the conservator tank starts to heat up once due to the load of the insulating oil
transformer and leaves in the tank facing up wards. As a result, the same amount of air in that
distance is moved away with the help of breathing. As the load on the transformer decreases, the
transformer cools down and shuts down.
Grinding is generally called as fine machining or finishing operation of removing materials from
surface usually 0.25-0.5mm in most operation through the use of grinding wheel. It may be used
to finish almost all surface, which has been previously roughly shaped by some other process or
remove extra material which is too hard to be removed by other machining process.
After transformer body is finished, it may be passing through the inspection process to check up
if there is any linkage. The process is done by using compressor and detergent. If there is any
linkage found in in transformer body it will be welded again. After inspection it goes to final
process of painting and galvanizing.
CRANE: Used to carry the heavy material from one place to other place.
REMOTE: Used to guide a crane to move back, forth, and to different side.
I have been using some especial techniques what I had learn as one course in the class. Which is
what we call AUTOCAD display. And also I have used excel to disprove the data.
This measure focus mainly on the design of transformer to reduce no load loss and
also reduce the accumulation of core in the store in company which have high
watt/kg. When we mixed two different core material which have different watt/kg, I
increase the efficiency of the transformer. This identified solution play a great role
for the host company and it could be learning material for new joining other intern
ship student.
Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as potentially
responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participating in
production control as well as maintenance in industrial company. And such trends help to have
valuable work experience. Internship programs are also potentially valuable to the company. In
this internship, I have observed what the outside industrial world looks like more than the regular
classes. In this internship, I have got good opportunity to face difficulties in the real world.
The overall benefits of internship are not limited to the practical skill only. The overall benefits
that I have gained in terms of different daily activities. Such as:
3.2 In terms of upgrading theoretically knowledge.
This internship program provided chances to build intellectual knowledge and practical skills. I
have been familiarized with different types of machines such as shearing machine, lath machine,
bending machine, CNC machines, winding machines and CNC plasma cutting machines which
helped to have a better understanding on what I have learned in class. Internship program is not
only used to improve practical skill, but also used to impose theoretical knowledge by correlating
the practical skill with theoretical knowledge. The appropriate measures we undertake to
improve theoretical knowledge are:
To know what system the machine, use to work, also its controlling system.
To know the details parts of the machine one by one.
They are can vary in educational level, economic situations, cultural backgrounds, life standards
and etc. Since the aim of the company is to accomplish the work in good way, to have good
communicative skills is important. During internship time, I have improved communication skill
by communicating starting from daily labor to project manager learning different type of
production terms.
To increase the ability of active participant.
To become a problem solver on time
To share our problems openly and get the team involved in solutions whenever there is a
As a leader to be clear, active by working, to have goals, mission and vision in our
During our working time, always ready to show smiley face for the workers and
Respecting differences of all team members.
Listening and accepting the ideas of our supervisor.
To recognize, tell and solve mistakes and problems
Maximizing productivity: This is the ability to do high quality work faster and
4 .1 Conclusions
I have mentioned earlier, I spent the last four months on an internship practice in Ethio-
engineering group with the aim of reinforcing my theoretical knowledge with practical works
Since the industrial business is one of the fastest growing sectors along with other sectors in our
country I have managed to gather a lot of experience through practical work during my
internship program. The objective of this program is to upgrade the theoretical knowledge
learned in the university to practical skill. So the internship program gave me more
understanding of my theoretical knowledge by exercising practical work. This, on the job
training mission is very important should not be avoided. Due to this the university arranged this
valuable program.
During my internship period I got satisfactory knowledge and well informed about the
maintenance. Due to this I gained a great sense of responsibility increased my productivity. This
assisted me in moving forward career goals by combining what I had learned from school and on
the job training. This I advise every student to undergo this process in order to lead good life.
Considering the working I have been taking part, my performance on the tasks I was given in the
company, the responses I have been getting from the staff members I have been working with
and the benefits I have gained professionally, socially and ethically, I can conclude that I have
completed the internship program effectively.
4.2 Recommendation
The company I have been working as an internship student was very good in creating an
opportunity of work (sharing experience) for the students who want to work as an intern student.
The company also provides some of our basic needs. So I would like to recommend the company
to continue their assistance for the students in order to create properly learned and experienced
future generations
In my stay in the organization I have tried to observe some encouraging and also some defects on
the organization. As we know Ethio-engineering have a great experience in manufacturing
transformer most of the raw materials have been doing waste out because of the mishandling and
the worker of the company did not pantual for the work time. As an intern I tried to give some
recommendation for the organization.
The organization has stopped the tire recapping factory and is wasting a lot of money because
all the highly integrated machineries do not have any application or use. And they are getting this
product from other organization by losing a lot of money
In the machine shop there are different kinds of machineries even some of these machineries are
only found in that organization in our country but most of the machineries do not have any
application they are always on standby. Even though the organization has a lot of skilled man
power. So they should be more versatile and use different designing opportunities for their
Material wastage
During intern time, I have faced financial problem as the ongoing inflation outpaced the
allocated budget. Therefore, I recommend the budget allocation inconsideration with the broad
economic instability.
Before the internship the student must take essential courses such as PLC, in order to have more
understandability about the information of the industry linkage program. Also the intern ship
program could not enough (shortage of time means four months), so the company should
improve about the program.
As Arba Minch University so many problems are there concerning to the budget spent for the
intern students is very small when we compare this cost with the national economy, not for four
month it is less for two months, so the concerning body must think for future generation.
1 The Ethio-engineering group library text book Daskufta.
1 Internet
2 Electrical machine one module of Arba Minch University
3 My self what I have been doing during my intern time