Certificate of Compliance: Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date
Certificate of Compliance: Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date
Certificate of Compliance: Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date
This Certificate of Compliance does not provide authorization to apply the UL Mark. Only the UL Follow-Up
Services Procedure provides authorization to apply the UL Mark.
Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered as being UL Certified and covered under UL’s
Follow-Up Services.
Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please
contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at http://ul.com/aboutul/locations/
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Certificate Number E498657
Report Reference E498657-20180607
Issue Date 2020-JANUARY-09
This is to certify that representative samples of the product as specified on this certificate were tested
according to the current UL requirements.
LED low-voltage luminaires, class 2 luminaires, Model XXYaaaXbbAA-Zdddd, where “XX” can be B, D,
DS, DY, M, DM or DT; “Y” can be 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, F or J; “aaa” can be 06, 30, 48, 60,
60M, 64, 70, 72, 80, 80B, 98, 120, 120M, 128, 128B, 140, 160, 160B, 160L, 168, 192, 196, 240, 256,
280, 300, 300H, 320, 350, 420, 560 or any characters; “X” can be 12 or 24; “bb” can be any two
characters; “AA” can be NO, NA, SG, ST, EG, SF, ET, EF or EH; “Z” can be any alphabet or digits;
“dddd” can be 0050, 0200, 0300, 0400, 0500, 1000 or any alphabet or digits.
LED low-voltage luminaires, class 2 luminaires, Model XXXXXXX-ZXXVGGGGGG, where first “XXX”
can be NMS, NMT, NTS, NPS, NNT, NNR, NNS, NM3D; followed by “XXXX” for two or four digits, may
followed with “U”; “Z” can be 0, 8 or 9; “XX” can be any alphanumeric digits; “V” can be 12 or 24;
“GGGGGG” can be any alphanumeric digits.
Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please
contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at http://ul.com/aboutul/locations/
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