Charitha - Heat Tolerance - Sign1
Charitha - Heat Tolerance - Sign1
Charitha - Heat Tolerance - Sign1
November 2022
Performance of Advanced Rice Lines Derived from Heat Tolerance Breeding
A thesis
Faculty of Agriculture
Sri Lanka
This is to certify that the thesis on ‘Performance of Advanced Rice Lines
Derived from Heat Tolerance Breeding Program in High Temperature Conditions’ is
completed by Chandrasekara Mudiyanselage Charitha Manoj Chandrasekara in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.
The thesis has been carried out under our guidance and is a record of the bona fide work
carried out successfully.
External supervisor
Dr. K.G.P.B. Karunarathne
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research)
Plant Breeding Division
Rice Research and Development Institute
Internal supervisor
Dr. D.M.D. Dissanayake
Senior Lecturer
Department of Plant Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Dr. U.G.A.I. Sirisena
Senior Lecturer
Department of Plant Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Affectionately dedicated to
Table of contents
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................... i
Abstract .........................................................................................................................ii
Table of contents .........................................................................................................iii
List of tables................................................................................................................. iv
List of figures ............................................................................................................... iv
Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Broad objective....................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Specific objectives .................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2. Review of literature .................................................................................. 4
2.1 Climate change and agriculture ........................................................................... 4
2.2 High-temperature fluctuations in Agriculture .................................................... 4
2.3 Effects of high temperature on rice production .................................................. 6
2.4 Physiological processes in rice plant under heat stress conditions .................... 6
2.5 Rice breeding for development of heat tolerance ............................................... 8
Chapter 3. Materials and methods ........................................................................... 10
3.1 Pot Experiment..................................................................................................... 10
Location . ..................................................................................................................... 10
Experiment design....................................................................................................... 10
Rice varieties used:...................................................................................................... 11
Crop cultivation ........................................................................................................... 12
Temperature treatment ............................................................................................... 13
Sampling and measurements ...................................................................................... 13
Data analysis ............................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Open Field Experiments at Bathalagoda and Murunkan ................................. 15
Locations .................................................................................................................... 15
Crop management ....................................................................................................... 15
Sampling and measurements. ..................................................................................... 17
Experimental design .................................................................................................. 17
Data analysis . ............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion ........................................................................... 19
4.1 Results of pot experiment .................................................................................... 19
Thermal variation ....................................................................................................... 19
Pollen Viability and Yield Components Under HS .................................................... 20
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................... 33
References ................................................................................................................... 34
List of tables
Table 3.2.1 Fertilizer recommendations for paddy cultivation - Intermediate
zone and Dry zone (Source: Department of Agriculture) ...................................... 16
Table 4.1.1. Probability of significance difference in parameters for varieties ... 21
Table 4.1.2. PV and yield components as affected by HS (38C) .......................... 21
Table 4.1.3. Probability of significance in open field experiments at BG and MR
...................................................................................................................................... 24
Table 4.1.4. Mean separation data from both open field experiments at BG and
MR .......................................................................................................................... 25,26
Table 4.1.5. Significant differences between treatment means of parameters from
open field experiments at BG and MR ..................................................................... 29
List of figures
Figure 4.1.9. Early morning flowering of IR64EMF .............................................. 24
Figure 4.1.10. Pollen viability of treatments in the open field at BG .................... 26
Figure 4.1.11. Pollen viability of treatments in the open field at MR .................. 26
Figure 4.1.12. RH at flowering in the open field at BG (Source: Department of
Meteorology) ............................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.1.13. RH at flowering in the open field at MR (Source: Department of
Meteorology). .............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 4.1.14. Monthly maximum and minimum RH at MR (Source:
Department of Meteorology). .................................................................................... 28
Figure 4.1.15. FGP of open field experiments at BG and MR ............................... 28
Figure 4.1.16. TGW of open field experiments at BG and MR ............................. 29
Figure 4.1.17. Maximum temperature (C) at flowering in open field at BG
(Source: Department of Meteorology) ..................................................................... 30
Figure 4.1.18. Maximum temperature (C) at flowering in open field at MR
(Source: Department of Meteorology) ..................................................................... 30
Acronym Description
Chapter 1. Introduction
that can tolerate high temperature conditions. By learning more about the molecular
processes governing the methods by which rice plants tolerate heat, bioengineered rice
cultivars that can withstand extreme heat stress conditions can be created (Fahad et al.,
2018). Global warming has resulted in heat-induced spikelet sterility due to the loss of
healthy pollen grains induced by metabolic heat responses in rice plants (Wada et al.,
2020). Sri Lanka has an average temperature between 27°C and 28°C, making it one of
the hottest countries on earth. The average daily maximum temperature is 31C. Over
the last century, Sri Lanka has experienced warming of around 0.8°C. Sri Lanka has
two seasons, including the Maha season, related to the northeast monsoon (from
September to March), and the Yala season, related to the southwest monsoon (from
May to August). Due to heat stress in Sri Lanka's high-temperature regions, the seasonal
maximum temperatures for both the Maha and Yala seasons have shown that the Yala
season may have a higher influence on rice output (the Dry Zone). Apart from the low
rainfall, heat stress may be the reason for Yala to become the minor cropping season in
the Dry Zone. In Northern Province, the seasonal maximum temperature (June-July-
August) increases during the Yala season (Climate Risk Country Profile: Sri Lanka
(2021): The World Bank Group and the Asian Development Bank.). As the south-west
monsoon (May-September) directs rains into the Wet Zone, the Northern and North-
Western parts of Sri Lanka remain at a high temperature during that time. Climate
resilience is going to be achieved by scientists worldwide with advanced breeding
techniques. Rice is densely cultivated in the tropical and subtropical Asian regions,
under high temperatures and it is a high-temperature sensitive crop, especially at the
booting and flowering stages. Heat-tolerant rice varieties are limited, and heat stress
conditions at the booting and flowering stages could become a reason for the loss of
pollen viability through sterile pollen, decreased pollen shedding, and poor pollen
germination. By assessing the pre-breeding performance of lines obtained from
advanced breeding programs, parental lines with efficient responses to heat stress
should be chosen. The replacement of heat-sensitive cultivars with heat-tolerant
cultivars could build climate-resilient rice cultivation systems (Ye et al., 2021).
1.2 Broad objective
To evaluate the performance of advanced rice lines derived from heat tolerance
breeding in high-temperature conditions
To measure the pollen viability of heat tolerance lines in both ambient and heat
stressed environments
To study the heat tolerance traits in advanced breeding lines of rice
To select the heat tolerant lines, depending on the performance of advanced rice
To study the growth and yield performance of advanced rice lines in high-
temperature conditions
Chapter 2. Review of literature
Crop damages due to climate change have increased, causing frequent and
severe impacts of global warming on crops worldwide. Climate change will alter
agricultural productivity; one region's production will decline while global production
increases in other regions. The economies of different regions will also change (Aydinal
et al., 2008). Climate change parameters, including average temperature, energy
consumption, precipitation, CO2 emissions, and non-climatic components such as area
of crop production and fertilizer use efficiency, are expected to have a detrimental effect
on agricultural output. CO2 emissions and energy consumption can be managed
properly to increase agriculture production, but average temperature and precipitation
cause production losses in agriculture. The area used for crop cultivation and the
effectiveness of fertilizer application both boost agricultural output. The development
of new crop varieties with resistance to extreme temperatures and scarcity is required
to adapt to the changing climate (Van et al., 2022).
The location of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean between latitudes 5 – 10 N
causes it to have a tropical maritime temperature level. Consequently, the temperature
variation is wider each day than it is in other tropical areas (Department of Meteorology,
Sri Lanka). The country of Sri Lanka has warmed by about 0.8C in the previous
century. There are two seasons in Sri Lanka: The Yala season, which corresponds to
the southwest monsoon, and the Maha season, which is associated to the northeast
monsoon (from September to March) (from May to August). Sri Lanka is one of the
hottest places on earth with an average temperature of 27°C and 28°C. 31°C is the
typical daily high temperature. (Climate Risk Country Profile: Sri Lanka (2021): The
World Bank Group and the Asian Development Bank). The seasonal maximum
temperatures during both Maha and Yala seasons have shown that the Yala season may
have a greater impact from heat stress on rice production in high-temperature areas of
Sri Lanka (Dry Zone). Apart from the low rainfall heat stress may be the reason for
Yala to become the minor cropping season in the Dry Zone.
The seasonal maximum temperature rises in the Northern Province during the
Yala season (June-July-August) (Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka). Mean annual
temperatures from 27°C in the coastal belt to 16°C in the central hills have a significant
variation in Sri Lanka (Department of Meteorology Sri Lanka). In the Mannar region,
at Murunkan the highest maximum temperature was recorded in the months of April
and May. (Figures 2.2.1. and 2.2.2.). The Eastern and Northern parts of Sri Lanka have
recorded larger Diurnal Temperature Ranges (DTRs), while southern and western parts
indicate the lowest DTR. DTR is the difference between the maximum and minimum
temperature (Shelton et al., 2022).
2.3 Effects of high temperature on rice production
Heat stress conditions were the most common type of climatic factor in rainfed
rice cultivation (Mittler et al., 2001). High temperatures affect, plants at various
organizational levels, shortening the reproductive phase to cut down on flower numbers
(Chaudhary et al., 2020). The heat stress conditions cause pollen sterility and spikelet
infertility in rice. An advanced breeding program has developed heat-tolerant rice lines
to be verified for high performance under high-temperature conditions (Wada et al.,
2020). High-temperature stress can be mitigated by developing adaptations, as
concluded in research, related to the rice plant. Rice is frequently produced in regions
where the temperature is higher than what is ideal for growth. High-temperature
conditions during the critical stages of the rice plant could reduce the rice grain weight
and quality (Krishnan et al., 2011).
The impact of heat stress is different according to the stage of the rice plant.
There is an 8% yield reduction per every 1C increment of temperature, in early-rice
plants due to the heat stress conditions at the grain filling stage. In late rice plants, heat
stress normally impacts the vegetative growth stage, which is not so susceptible to high-
temperature conditions (Song et al., 2022). In rice plants under heat stress, adequate
canopy cooling by transpiration was a typical tactic to lower high spikelet temperature
(Weerakoon et al., 2008).
sterility was produced by the extra heat that was contained inside the leaf sheath due to
the absence of unrestricted air movement (Cruz and O'Toole, 1984; O’Toole and
Namuco, 1983). Even through a longer blooming time in response to the imposed stress
treatments may be a viable alternate escape strategy, plants that were subjected to
independent high temperatures did not show greater spikelet fertility. Thus, in addition
to the immediate adverse effect of heat stress occurring at the same time as anthesis,
which causes spikelet sterility, the carryover effect on un-anthesized spikelets even
after stress removal also causes sterility. The cumulatively deleterious impact of
extended heat stress on successive flowering days was examined after the spikelet
marking strategy. A cumulative impact of heat stress was indicated by the linear decline
in spikelet fertility on successive blooming days, whether in the heat-tolerant N22 or
the heat-sensitive rice variety, Moroberekan (Matsui and Omasa, 2002). According to
the findings, there is a serious disruption in the pathways for metabolizing energy and
carbohydrates, and heat shock proteins may be crucial in avoiding cellular damage
brought on by heat stress. Furthermore, the relationship between high temperatures and
grain quality has been underlined in proteomic investigations of rice caryopsis
development and grain filling under heat stress (Lin et al., 2005, 2010). The expression
of high-temperature-responsive proteins varied amongst rice genotypes; the thermos-
induced accumulation of certain proteins, such as cold (CSP) and heat (HSP) shock
proteins, may contribute to the tolerant species' increased temperature tolerance
(Jagadish et al. 2010). Heat shock may significantly change cellular metabolism and
affect a cell's membrane, cytoskeleton, and nucleic acid composition (Kim et al., 2002).
Utilizing cleistogamous (closed flower) plants will physically prohibit outcrossing. For
the rice flower to open, mechanical activity of fleshy appendages known as lodicules,
which are typically thought of as the rice flower's equivalent of grass petals, is required
(Lombardo et al., 2017). Cleistogamy in rice flowers may be a characteristic for heat
tolerance as a result of its ability to prevent pollen from experiencing heat stress. The
impact of high-temperature stress during flowering in rice is reduced by cleistogamy.
Global warming has been linked to a significant agricultural issue known as rice
infertility, triggered by a high temperature at flowering. During the reproductive stage,
rice plants are particularly vulnerable to extreme temperature stress (Koike et al., 2015).
Cleistogamous flowers do not open; instead, they remain as buds. Cross-pollination
occurs often in chasmogamous flowers (and sometimes they are self-pollinated).
Cleistogamous flowers can only pollinate themselves.
2.5 Rice breeding for development of heat tolerance
Gaining yield is far more significant than survival in actual crop breeding. The
reproductive stage should be given more consideration when assessing the heat
tolerance of the rice line because the flowering stage is when rice plants are most
vulnerable (Satake and Yoshida, 1978). Numerous studies on the physiological and
molecular processes of heat tolerance have made extensive use of the rice cultivar
Nagina 22 (N22), which has attracted particular interest for its exceptional resistance
to heat stress during the blooming stage. Reduced grain filling percentages, spikelet
counts, and grain weights, all of which vary depending on the rice cultivar and the
reproductive period in which heat stress occurs, are the main causes of yield losses
during heat stress. During the mid-late reproductive phase (flowering and grain filling),
the heat-tolerant rice cultivar Nagina 22 was most resilient, whereas the early
reproductive phase was extremely vulnerable; (panicle initiation) (Li et al., 2015). The
best adaptation technique for extremely changeable future climates is to make rice more
resilient to shocks such as heat stress during its most vulnerable blooming stage (Horie
et al., 1996).
During the dry season, morphological and physiological traits such as pollen
viability and spikelet fertility were studied under ambient conditions (38°C) and in heat
stress conditions (44°C). All the observed trait values under ambient conditions were
higher in mutants compared to N22 and IR64, causing the reduction of all observed
traits for all the genotypes except the increase in plant height. Significant reduction in
yield per plant was observed under heat stress conditions in both N22 and NH219, and
there were also significant differences under heat stress conditions for both pollen
viability and spikelet fertility (Poli et al., 2013). Heat tolerance had increased the
spikelet transpiration rate, resulting in strong transpirational cooling and a lower
temperature inside spikelets, especially in heat-tolerant genotypes (Wang et al., 2021).
The overexpression of some genes could increase pollen viability and seed setting rate
under heat stress conditions, suggesting that a particular gene could positively regulate
heat tolerance in rice at the heading and flowering stages (Zhou et al., 2022).
In order to understand the physiological, biochemical, and molecular
mechanisms controlling heat tolerance, a large population was screened to identify
different genotypes. This method is one of the most well-known approaches used by
breeding scientists to create crop varieties with increased heat tolerance. Heat stress is
often accompanied by drought stress (Sehgal et al., 2017). Reduced 100-grain weight
was the result of the reduced spikelet fertility at high temperatures, which also led a
large reduction in grain filling. The spikelet fertility, 100-grain weight and panicle
weight had declined due to high daytime heat. The decrease in spikelet fertility was
mainly associated with impaired pollen viability and pollen germination (Cheabu et al.,
2019). One aspect of rice agriculture that was especially impacted by the high
temperatures was anthrax dehiscence. N22 rice variety had shown a significantly higher
anther dehiscence. Moroberekan rice variety was observed as the least anther
dehiscence. The pollen count pollinated on the stigma was reduced due to heat stress
(72%). N22 was the highest pollen count having variety (52-70). The germinated pollen
count on the stigma was decreased by heat stress (81%). The rice variety with the most
pollen that germinated was IR64. A higher pollen germination percentage was recorded
in N22 rice variety. The spikelet fertility was reduced by 72-81% with exposure to heat
stress. A significantly higher spikelet fertility was observed in N22 rice variety (Rang
et al., 2011).
Complex reaction of rice plants to heat stress involves both protein up-
regulation and protein down-regulation, suggesting that rice's ability to withstand heat
may be explained by an increase in the abundance of some proteins and a reduction in
the abundance of others. However, the majority of the transgenic studies for rice that
could withstand heat relied on the overexpression of certain proteins. Despite the
observation that knockout (KO) mutants of rice shown better resistance to high
temperature, research on lowering protein abundance for heat-tolerant rice is scarce
(Koh et al., 2007).
Chapter 3. Materials and methods
3.1 Pot Experiment
A pot experiment was conducted inside a plant house at the Rice Research and
Development Institute (RRDI), Bathalagoda (BG); 7.532N longitude, 80.435E
latitude; 117 m above sea level; in Northwestern Province, Sri Lanka, which belongs to
the Low Country Intermediate Zone (IL1a), with an annual rainfall and average
temperature of >1400 mm and 28C, respectively. The soil type associated with red-
yellow podzolic was sandy clay loamy soil. Rice cultivation was conducted during the
Yala season from April to August in 2022.
Experiment design
An experiment is set up using a CRD when each treatment is applied a specified,
possibly unequal, number of times, the particular units to receive a treatment being
selected completely random. Rice seeds from 12 rice varieties were sown on dry-bed
nursery and subsequently transplanted into plastic pots in order to analyze the
performance under high temperature condition in sensitive and tolerant genotypes
(Figure 3.1.3). One plant from each cultivar in a single pot were moved to the plant
house at BG for heat stress treatment and all the 48 pots were arranged in CRD (Figure
A daytime heat stress (38°C) was maintained during the blooming initiation
IR64EMF was created by combining genes from the wild rice species Oryza
officinalis. The heat tolerant check was N22, and the heat susceptible check was
Moroberekan. Nona Bokra was used as the salinity tolerant check. Six rice lines derived
from the advanced breeding program at RRDI, Bathalagoda (HT lines) were used. The
heat tolerant check was N22, and heat susceptible check was Moroberekan rice variety.
Nona Bokra was an indica landrace that could tolerate salt and shared genetics with
Koshihikari, a dominant but salt-sensitive japonica cultivar (Mitsuya et al., 2019). The
average yield of Bg 374 is 5.9 t/ha according to the Department of Agriculture. It was
a white pericarp with intermediate bold shape grains, which had given yields in 3 ½
months. Bg 20-1204 was an advanced heat-tolerant rice line derived from the parents
Bg 358/N22. HT01, HT02, HT04, HT05, HT06, and HT07 were advanced rice lines
derived at RRDI, Sri Lanka. A West African upland japonica variety with significant
drought tolerance was known as Moroberekan. (Champoux et al., 1995). While IR64
(48) and N22 (71) were moderately and extremely heat tolerant, respectively,
Moroberekan (18% spikelet fertility at 38C) was the most heat-sensitive genotype
(Jagadish et al., 2010).
Crop cultivation
Seeds were sown in the upland (dry-bed) nursery and allowed to be germinated.
After 21 days, the seedlings were transplanted into plastic pots (27.8 cm diameter and
24.5 cm height) filled with soil and kept inside the plant house. Four replicates were
transplanted in pots per treatment. A total of 48 pots was arranged in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD). Department of Agriculture fertilizer recommendations
of the year 2013 were followed when fertilization in the pot experiment (Table 3.2.1).
To establish the relationship between heat stress and pollen viability, the soil pot
experiment was conducted inside the plant house (controlled environment) and plants
were exposed to direct sunlight and high temperature during the daytime at flowering.
The pollen viability test was observed through the microscope (OPTIKA B-290
microscope, OPTIKA Srl, Ponteranica, Italy).
Temperature treatment
The psychrometer was used to measure the wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures
at 7.00 a.m., 9.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m., and 13.00 p.m. during the period of flowering, daily
(Figure 3.1.1.).
Figure 3.1.1. Psychrometer, TFA Dostmann GmbH & Co. KG, Wertheim,
The daytime temperature was maintained at a maximum of 38C for high temperature
treatment during the flowering period by following temperature-control methods inside
the plant house. All the rice plants in pots were exposed to the same 38C temperature.
Relative humidity was maintained in a range of 60 – 80% by following suitable
humidity control methods. Windows were opened to control the temperature when it
exceeded 38C, allowing for natural air circulation. The floor and walls were moistened
to increase the RH to the above-mentioned range. The daytime temperature of open-
fields at BG has never dropped below 35C during a Yala season.
The yields from each line and cultivar were measured. Yield components of
rice, including the number of panicles per square meter, number of spikelets per panicle,
filled grain percentage, and 1000 grain weight, were recorded. A scientific procedure
was followed to measure anthers’ dehiscence (Wu et al., 2016). The pollen collection
process was repeated four times for each replicate. A dehisced anther had opened apical
and/or basal pores. Measuring pollen viability was conducted by counting stained
pollen grains using a 1% iodine-potassium iodide solution (Gunawardena et al., 2003).
Pollen grains from undehisced anthers were examined at 10× magnification using the
OPTIKA B-290 microscope (Figure 3.1.2).
PV was calculated as the ratio of the number of fertile pollen grains to the total
number of pollen grains. Pollen germination was observed under the microscope.
Anthers were collected using forceps at flowering (at 11.00 a.m.) into the sample bottles
of 10 ml total volume, filled with 70% ethanol (4-5 spikelets per experimental unit),
and anthers were placed on the glass slide to be crushed and spread on the glass slide
using the spoon spatula. The staining of fertile pollens into a blue-black color took place
with the addition of 1% iodine-potassium iodide solution (I2-KI), and the stained fully
fertile pollens, number of partially fertile pollens, and sterile pollens were counted. The
number of fertile pollens was taken as the sum of the fully fertile (fully stained) and
partially fertile (half-stained) numbers of pollen. The total number of pollens was
calculated by adding the numbers of fertile and sterile (non-stained) pollens together.
The pollen viability percentage (PV) was calculated using the following equation.
The number of panicles per square meter (NPSM) was obtained as the number
of panicles per unit area. The number of spikelets per panicle (NSP) was measured by
counting the total number of spikelets in a rice plant and dividing by the number of
panicles in that particular plant. The filled grain percentage (FGP) was measured after
detaching grains from harvested panicles from plants grown in soil pots, FGP was
calculated as the ratio of the total number of filled and partially filled grains to the total
number of grains.
The weight of 1000 filled rice grains were detected as the 1000-grain weight
(TGW). PV and FGP were used to evaluate the performance and tolerance under heat
stress conditions. Spikelet fertility was calculated as a ratio of number of grains filled
to total number of florets as a percentage. Fertile grains (completely or partially filled
grains) were detected by applying pressure on to each floret using both forefinger and
thumb, after 20 days from anthesis completion (Prasad et al., 2006).
Data analysis
Two experiments were conducted as open field experiments at BG and the Rice
Research Station, Murunkan (MR). Open field experiment at MR was conducted during
the peak period of the highest daily temperature in Yala season, 2022. The nursery
preparation steps were followed as in the pot experiment. After 21 days, seedlings in a
dry bed nursery were hardened enough to be transplanted in paddy field plots. A yield
trial of Bg 20-1204 was transplanted in 6×3 m2 plots. Other seedlings were transplanted
in RCBD, as 3 row progenies of 99 plants each. 33 plants were there in a single row.
Crop management
Screening of rice plants for heat tolerance traits was done at the flowering stage
so that the performance of each cultivar could be evaluated. According to their heading
times, cultivars were classified and planted so that flowering times coincide with the
heat stress period (mid-April to mid-May 2022). Spikelet fertility was assumed to be
corresponded when evaluating the performance of each variety under heat stress
conditions (Tenorio et al., 2013). Fertilizer recommendations by the Department of
Agriculture, for paddy cultivation in 2013 to the Intermediate Zone and Dry Zone were
applied in the research (Table 3.2.1).
Table 3.2.1. Fertilizer Recommendations for Paddy Cultivation - Intermediate
Zone and Dry Zone 2013
(Source: Department of Agriculture)
Sampling and measurements
The sampling procedure for the pollen viability test was carried out similarly to the pot
experiment, and the same yield components were measured using the same procedure.
Experimental design
Open field experiments at BG and MR were designed in RCBD as three replicates per
treatment. The experimental units were divided into smaller groups (blocks or
replicates) so as to reduce the effect of environmental variability. Every treatment
occurred at least once within every block (Figures 3.2.4. and 3.2.5.).
Data analysis
The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using a statistical computer
package, SAS version 9.0 as per the RCBD in both open fields at BG and MR. The
significant differences were estimated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion
Thermal variation
In heat stressed (HS) experiment, the transplanted seedlings were fully exposed
to high-temperature stress inside the plant house for about 91 days after transplanting
(DAT) from 17/06/2022 to 16/09/2022 (harvesting date). A maximum air temperature
(daytime) ranging from 35C to 40C was maintained for 10 days before the initiation
of 50% flowering. However, mild heat stress was occurred at 7.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m.
according to the temperature data captured. The daily maximum temperature was
observed at 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. (Figure 4.1.1.). The relative humidity (RH) at 7.00
a.m., 9.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. was also recorded using the psychrometer
(Figure 4.1.2).
Figure 4.1.1. Daily maximum air temperature change during flowering in pot
Figure 4.1.2. Daily maximum RH change during flowering in pot experiment
In the pot experiment, 50% flowering was initially completed by the varieties
Bg 374, HT01, HT02, HT04, HT05, HT06, and Moroberekan on 10/08/2022
(55DAT). IR64EMF, N22, and HT07 reached 50% flowering stage on 15/08/2022
Figure 4.1.3. Nona Bokra pollens after Figure 4.1.4. Sterile pollens of
crushing and stigma absent of received HT01 inside the anther in HS
pollens in HS
(60DAT) and Nona Bokra (4-month variety) achieved 50% flowering on 16/08/2022
(61DAT). Pollens that were collected on 50 flowering dates of each treatment
discovered that the highest pollen-viable variety was Nona Bokra and the lowest was
HT01 after taking the pollen count through the compound light microscope (Figure
4.1.4.). All the treatments were significantly different from each other in the pot
experiment (p<0.05) (Table 4.1.1.). Even though the PV is highest in Nona bokra, its
stigma receptivity was poor (Figure 4.1.3). Nona Bokra variety was shown the highest
PV while HT01, the lowest. The number of spikelets per panicle (NSP) was higher in
HT07 among varieties and a higher FGP was represented by N22. IR64EMF and Bg
20-1204 obtained the highest TGW (Table 4.1.2.).
Table 4.1.1. Probability of significance in parameters for varieties in pot
Pollen No. of No. of Filled grain 1000-grain
viability panicles per spikelets percentage weight
m2 per panicle
Probability 0.003 <0.001 0.0024 0.004 0.03
Parameters of p<0.05 are significantly different
High temperature, had caused abnormal pollen development (obscure outline of
the pollen exine with a collapsed bacula, disordered tectum, and no nexine of the pollen
walls) as well as abnormal anther development (fewer vacuolated microspores, un-
degraded tapetum, unequally distributed Ubisch bodies), which may have decreased
pollen viability. Additionally, Heat stress had resulted in a compact knitted anther
cuticle structure of the epidermis, an un-degraded septum, dense anther walls,
disproportionate Ubisch bodies, and suppression of the confluent locule. These severely
Table 4.1.2. Pollen viability and yield components as affected by heat stress (38C -
40C) in pot experiment
Treatment Variety Pollen No. of No. of Filled grain 1000-
no. viability panicles spikelets percentage grain
(PV%) per m2 per (FGP) weight
(NPSM) panicle (TGW)
(NSP) (g)
1 IR64EMF 76.93a 288a 117d 77.12ab 20.37a
2 N22 66.23ab 132d 105d 87.2a 17.18cd
3 Nona Bokra 84.53a 112d 198cd 79.35ab 16.48d
4 Bg 374 71.53ab 210bc 283a 68.9bc 17.8cd
5 Bg 20-1204 82.58a 120d 280b 66.65bc 19.93a
6 HT01 22.03d 192bc 194cd 59.53d 17.75bc
7 HT02 82.2a 240b 182d 65.33bc 18.78ab
8 HT04 24.53cd 246ab 172d 78.3ab 17.45cd
9 HT05 64.8ab 168cd 217c 64.83bc 17.58cd
10 HT06 78.38a 168cd 234b 65.83bc 18.45ab
11 HT07 39.43bc 248ab 297a 57.7d 18.97ab
12 Moroberekan 55.43ab 136d 221c 52.28d 15.8d
Values followed by the same letter in a column are not significantly different at p<0.05
The blue-black color conversion of fertile pollens and partial fertile pollens with half-
blue-black color was also demonstrated (Figure 4.1.5.).
Figure 4.1.5. Pollen viability of treatments under HS in pot experiment
been reduced under HS, were detected (Figure 4.1.7.).
The flowering of IR64EMF was recorded at 6.52 a.m. in the morning (Figure
All the treatments were significantly different in open fields at BG and MR.
Location × Variety interaction was significantly different at BG and MR open fields,
only on FGP and TGW (p<0.05) (Table 4.1.3.).
In the open field experiment at BG, the highest PV was recorded in Bg 374. Bg
20-1204 was the highest in NSP, whereas HT04 and Moroberekan were the least. HT02
showed a greater FGP among varieties, and the least were HT04 and Moroberekan. The
highest TGW was recorded by HT02, while N22 had the lowest. Open field experiment
at MR revealed that Bg 20-1204 achieved the greatest PV among others. However,
IR64EMF had the lowest. Bg 374 was recorded as the highest NSP,
Bg 374
Bg 20-1204
Nona Bokra
89.67a 91.4a 91.2a 86.65bc 82.33c 92.2a 98.07a 83.87c 85.23bc 77.03c
PV (%)
88.87a 88.53a 88.2ab 87.33ab 93.67a 96.2a 92.23a 88.47ab 80.37cd 71.85d
272b 232bc 256bc 232bc 240bc 208c 168c 224c 328a 360a
416a 328ab 252bc 320ab 224bc 184cd 208bc 200cd 432a 372ab
161bc 155bc 86d 171bc 147bc 366a 221ab 170bc 257ab 117cd
188ab 224a 154ab 108c 94d 227a 256a 106c 145ab 105c
86.97b 79.8c 57.5d 89.2a 78.0c 83.9b 78.77c 84.93b 79.23c 88.07a
FGP ()
79.13ab 88.95a 62.3cd 58.73cd 62.33cd 89.35a 87.53a 71.33bc 56.63cd 88.65a
28.95a 22.7b 18.9d 32.85a 27.1a 18.03d 21.13c 21.53c 17.7d 25.33a
TGW (g)
21.73a 13.37d 21.8a 20.17bc 13.3d 17.83cd 20.53bc 21.77a 18.5cd 24.15a
Table 4.1.4. Mean separation data from both open field experiments at BG and
Values followed by the same letter in a column are not significantly different at p<0.05
although HT01 had the lowest. The FGP was higher in Bg 20-1204 across varieties
and lowest in Moroberekan. IR64EMF demonstrated the highest TGW and HT05 the
lowest (Table 4.1.4.). The grain production of Bg 20-1204 was 4.53 t/ha in the open
field at BG and 2.57 t/ha in the MR.
Figure 4.1.12. RH at flowering in open field at BG
(Source: Department of Meteorology)
The monthly maximum RH at MR (86.8) during August was higher than that of the
BG (78.9) (Figure 4.1.14). When combined with high RH (85%–90%) at heading, a
high midday temperature of 35 °C caused almost total grain sterility in rice
(Abeysiriwardena et al., 2002).
Figure 4.1.16. TGW of open-field experiments at BG and MR
The causes for the poor TGW and FGP may be the lack of water from the Giant
tank (Yoda wewa), the only water tank at Murunkan area, during the flowering period
(Figure 4.1.17.). However, the TGW was a significant parameter because the 12
varieties had different grain sizes and shapes (e.g. IR64EMF grain is long-medium and
Bg 20-1204 was short-round).
Table 4.1.5. Differences between the data from open field experiments at BG
and MR
The highest treatment means of FGP and TGW were significantly demonstrated
by the opened field at BG than that of MR (Table 4.1.5.). The high RH during the time
of flowering that prevailed at MR was the reason for the poor grain production (Figures
4.1.12, 4.1.13 and 4.1.14). The effect of temperature on PV and grain yield was
considered equal at both locations (Figures 4.1.17. and 4.1.18.)
high temperatures. Upon flowering at 38°C, the cleistogamous rice plants demonstrated
resistance to severe temperature stress. These results contributed to the conclusion that
cleistogamy, due to glume cooling, was beneficial for rice pollination and fertilization
at high temperatures (Koike et al., 2015). Under general conditions, an enclosed stigma
increases spikelet fertility and heat tolerance in high-temperature circumstances during
rice flowering (Wu et al., 2019)
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations
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