Smart Classroom

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AI Basics for School

AI Basics for Schools MOOC

AI Learning Activity


An AI learning activity is a short activity that encourages the use of AI tools and
technologies in the classroom. In this AI activity called Smart Classroom, students will
train a machine learning model to recognise the meaning of instructions. They will create
a smart assistant in scratch allowing them to control virtual devices. This project aims to
introduce students to the basics of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
by making their own machine learning powered project. This is team project, each team
training their own ML Model and working with its own Scratch 3.0 program. All activities
can be done remotely.

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AI Basics for School


Name of author: Vasiliki Servou

Subject: ICT Computer science

Title of activity: Smart Classroom

Topic of activity: Text recognition, digital assistants, confidence thresholds, supervised learning

Learning objectives: By completing this project, students will be able to:

 Demonstrate familiarity with basic AI and ML concepts.
 Build and train a machine learning model to recognise the meaning
behind writing.
 Recognize what the main stages of a machine learning project are.
 Apply the supervised learning technique based on labelling.
 Recognize the importance of quality and quantity of training data.
 Reflect on the ethical use of AI, the need for transparency and the risks
of bias.
 Identify threats and challenges imposed by AI.
 Understand how virtual assistants (E.g. Amazon Alexa, Google Home)
Preparation time: 1 hour
Teaching time: 45 minutes -1 hour
Materials needed: Internet access, a smartboard or a projector, one computer per 2 students. If the
lab includes an LTSP server, epoptes can be used instead of a projector.

Each group of 2 students will need a computer with a web browser. Project
worksheet (download from)

Project templates in scratch3 and scratch2

Project worksheets in Ms Word format are available so you can modify them to
suit your class

Username and password for every team for

Class account will need:

API Keys
Watson Assistant
1 workspace per team One “Lite”API key is free and can only be used to create 5
workspaces but is adequate for this project.

Learning space
School Lab or Synchronous Virtual Classroom (collaborative real-time web2.0
tools with breakout rooms).

Age of students: Lower Secondary School (12-15)

Other relevant remarks: The students should know basic scratch programming. The project will be
implemented by all the students from all classes I teach, average 250 students.
The activity is suitable for physical classroom, online classroom and hybrid

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AI Basics for School


- Preparation for the Activity,

- The teacher sets up students accounts for the Machine Learning for Kids tool
(, and the ML model, and assists the
students with both theoretical knowledge (introduction to virtual assistants like
Amazon Alexa, ML & AI introduction, vocabulary) and technical support (use of
the Machine Learning for Kids tool, description of the classification method,
Scratch 3.0 coding). As students become more independent and self-confident,
the teacher acts as facilitator and mentor to support the teams.
- Activities and roles.
- Activity1, 15 minutes.
- The teacher asks the students to discuss in groups what they think the terms
artificial intelligence and machine learning mean and whether they can give
some examples. A representative of each group presents the outcome of the
group discussion to the plenary. The teacher sums up all the presentations and
concludes by giving definitions of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and
more examples and emphasising that many students already use language
translators, language learning apps, math helpers, text-to-speech, also
describing Amazon Alexa, Google Home etc. The teacher may also show some
videos like:

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AI Basics for School

- Then using the Machine Learning for kids, the students are shown what they are
going to make.

- Activity 2, 20 min
- The students work in pairs with the worksheet: Quick simplified version of the
project, ideal for use as a first introduction to the tool:
- Activity 3, 10 minutes
- In the plenary, students discuss the confidence score each team attained, and
they draw conclusions about AI ethics and biases in the training data. The
teacher sums up and maybe shows a video like:

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