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Question bank- Business Environment (2021-22)

Learning Outcomes:
The students should be able to

L1 ·         Understanding of business and its types

L2 ·         Explain the macro and micro environmental factors of a business

L3 ·         Explain the impact of all the business environmental factors on a busines

L4 ·         Understand the Indian and international business environment.

Sr. no Unit Topic Q.No.

1 1
2 Introduction to Business Environment: 2
3 • Business- Meaning, Definition, Nature & 3
scope, Types of Business Organisation.
4 • Business Environment- Meaning, 4
Characteristics, Scope and significance,
Components of Business Environment. 5
5 • Micro and Macro Environment- Definition,
Differentiation, Analysis of Business 6
6 Environment, SWOT Analysis
1 • Introduction to Micro Environment-
Internal Environment: Value system, mission, 7
7 objectives, organizational resources, company
image, brand equity
External Environment: Firm, Customers, 8
8 Suppliers, Distributors, Competitors, Society
• Introduction to Macro Components-
9 Demographic, Natural, Political, Social, Cultural, 9
economic, technological, international and
• Political Institutions- Legislature, Executive, 1
Judiciary, Role of Government in Business, legal
11 framework in India
• Economic environment- Economic system 2
12 and economic policies, concept of capitalism,
2 social and mixed economy 3
13 • Impact of business on private sector, public
sector and joint sector. 4
14 • Sunrise sectors of Indian Economy,
Challenges of Indian Economy. 5
17 7
20 4 10
23 13
25 1
26 2
27 3
• Social and Cultural Environment- Nature, 4
28 Impact of Foreign Culture on Business,
29 Traditional Values and its impact, Social Audit- 5
Meaning, and importance of corporate
governance and social responsibility of 6
30 business.
31 7

34 10
35 11
• Technological Environment- Features, impact
36 of technology on business. 12
3 • Competitive Environment- Meaning, Michael
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Competitive 13
39 1

41 WTO: Evolution of WTO through GATT,
42 Functions of WTO, Pros and Cons of WTO. 4

45 7
46 8
• Globalisation- Meaning, Nature and stages of 9
47 globalization, features of globalization, foreign
48 market entry strategies, LPG Model. 10
• MNCs- Definition, Meaning, Merits, Demerits,
MNCs in India. 11
49 • FDI- Meaning, FDI Concepts and Functions,
50 Need for FDI in developing countries, factors 12
influencing FDI, FDI operations in India.
51 • Challenges faced by International Business 13
and Investment Opportunities for Indian
Industry. 14
Need for FDI in developing countries, factors
influencing FDI, FDI operations in India.
• Challenges faced by International Business
and Investment Opportunities for Indian

ness Environment (2021-22)

d its types
environmental factors of a business
usiness environmental factors on a business
ernational business environment.

Questions Marks
Define business.What are the characteristics of business ? 10
Explain scope of business with a well labelled diagram. 10
Explain the various types of business organisations. 10
Elaborate on the significance of business environment. 10
Explain the components of business environment, with a well
labelled diagram, 10
Define internal business environment. Discuss its important
constituents. 10
Define external environment. Explain the factors in external micro-
environment. 10
Define external environment. Explain the factors in external macro-
environment. 10

Distinguish between Micro-environment and Macro-environment 10

Write short notes on: A) SWOT Analysis (B) Economic Environment

C) Political Environment D) Ecological Environment 5
Enlist the factors that create favourable and unfavourable political
environment? 10
Name and explain the political institutions that influence political
environment. 10
Explain the role of Indian Government in business. 10
What are responsibilities of government towards business
organisation? 10
Discuss the concept of legal environment with reference to legal
framework in India. 10
Define economic system . What are the various types of economic
systems? 10
What are the features of Capitalism? 10
How mixed economy combines the merits of both capitalism and
socialism ? Explain. 10
Discuss the role of public sector in economic development of a
nation. 10
What is the role of joint sector in India. 10
Discuss major economic policies with reference to Indian economy. 10
What are the major challenges faced by the Indian economy?
Discuss in detail. 10
Enlist all the sunrise sectors in Indian econmy. 10
Write short notes on: A) Capitalism B) Socialism C) Trade Policy in
India 5
Explain the concept of culture. How does it affect business? 10
Analyse the impact of traditional values on business. 10
Define social audit. State its significance. 10
Explain the concept of Corporate Governance with reference to its
principles. 10
What is the impact of foreign culture on business? 10

What is the importance of Corporate Governance? Discuss in detail. 10

What is the concept of CSR with reference to its scope. 10
Explain Social responsibilty of business. Enlist the features of Social
responsibility of business. 10
Write short notes on: A) Culture B) Corporate Governance C)
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
What is Technological environment? Explain its features. 10
How does technology affect business? Explain with examples. 10
Discuss the Five Forces Analysis of Michael Porter. 10

Explain various competetive strategies with the help of matrix. 10

Write short notes on: A) Technological Environment
B)Competetive environment C) Competetive Strategies 5
Discuss the formation and negotiation rounds of GATT. 10
Write a note on : "The Uruguay Round of GATT assumes great
significance ." 10

What are the objectives & functions of WTO? Explain them in detail. 10
Differentiate between GATT and WTO. 10

Enlist the pros and cons of WTO? Discuss with suitable examples. 10
Write short notes on: A) Timeline of GATT B) Uruguay Round of
GATT C)Functions of WTO 5
Define globalisation. What are the features of globalisation ? 10
Elaborate different stages of globalisation. 10
What are the different market entry strategies for international
market ? Discuss. 10
Write a note on LPG Model with reference to India. 10

Explain MNCs with reference to their advantages & disadvantages. 10

Define FDI. What is the role of FDIin developing economies? 10
What are the factors that influence FDI flow? Discuss them. 10

Discuss the challeneges faced by International business? Discuss. 10

Write short notes on: A) Globalisation B) LPG Model
C)Multinational Corporations(MNCS) D) Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) E) Investment opportunities outside India 5
Classification in
Question Type Objective type as
Unit (long/ Short/ Recognition Time required
Difficulty Level
No very short/ type/Supply type for completion
Objective Type) (not applicable for

Non Objective Question

Unit 1-1 L-Long 1-very easy 1- 2mins
- NA

Unit 2-2
S- Short Objective Question 0.75- easy 2- 5Mins
Unit 3-3

Unit 4 -
V- Very Short RT-Recognition Type 0.5-Medium 3 – 10mins
Unit 5 -
O-Objective ST-Supply Type 0.25-Difficult 4- 15minutes
0.05 very Difficult 5- 30minutes
Level as per
Learning Programme
Discriminatory Bloom’s
Outcome Outcome
level Revised
Mapped mapped

25% to 39% -
L1 P1 R-Remember
Good – G

L2 P2 U-Understand

40% to 100% -
L3 P3 Ap-Apply
Excellent - E
L4 P4 An-Analyse

L5 P5 E- Evaluate
L6 P6 C-Create
L7 P7
L8 P8

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