Complete Blood Count
Complete Blood Count
Complete Blood Count
Basophils 00 % 0-2
Ureais the nitrogen-containing end product of protein catabolism. States associated with elevated levels of urea in blood are referred to as
hyperuremia or azotemia. Parallel determination of urea and creatinine is performed to differentiate between pre-renal and post-renal azotemia.
Pre-renal azotemia, caused by e.g dehydration, increased protein catabolism, reference range. In post renal azotemias, caused by the obstruction
of the urinary tract, both urea and creatinine levels rise, but creatinine in a smaller extent. In renal diseases, urea concentrations are elevated
when the glomerular filtration rate is markedly reduced and when the protein intake is higher than 200 gm/day.Creatinineis a waste product
excreted by the kidneys mainly by glomerular filtration. The concentration of Creatinine in plasma of a healthy individual is a fairly constant,
independent from water intake, exercise and rate of urine production. Therefore increased plasma. The creatinine clearance enables a quite good
estimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) which allows better detection of kidney diseases and monitoring of renal function. For this
purpose creatinine is measured simultaneously in serum and urine collected over a defined time period.Sodium is the major component of the
cations of the extra cellular fluid. It is largely associated with chloride and bicarbonate in regulation of acid base balance. Increased sodium levels
occur in cushingsyndrome,head injury with water depletion.Hyponatremia occurs in burns,exudative skin lesions, massive sweating , addisons
disease, diabetes ketoacidosis , prolonged vomiting and diarrhoea. Potassiumis the principal cation of the intra cellular fluid. It plays important
role in maintenanceof acid base balance.It is essential for several important metabolic reactions catalyzed by enzymes.It is very important
constituent of the extra cellular fluid because it influences muscle activity notably the cardiac muscle. Hyperkalemia is observed in renal failure,
advanced dehydration,shock, addisons disease. Hypokalemia is seen in gastrointestinal loses , chronic wasting disease with malnutrition,metabolic
alkalosis, Cushing syndrome,heart failure. Chloride is must important anion in serum. Serum concentration of chloride behave parallel to sodium
levels and reciprocally to bicarbonate. Increased chloride values occur in dehydration, metabolic acidosis related with prolonged diarrhoea and
bicarbonate loss, renal insuffciences and endocrinological disorders as reduced or increased adrenal function. Decreased values are observed in
metabolic acidosis with increased production of organic acids, salt nephritis and excessive sweating.
Pateint Name : Mr. JASWINDER SINGH Reg Date : 12-12-2022 10:01:46 AM
**End Of Report**