Volvo Gearboxes F86-9 & N

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VOLVO Powerline Combinations oF ae NE truck | az] | axe oe extant | on cuore fenivpnie| ens [ouisfeussprie|oLis| pur [pus | GEARHOX Rit Rol_SR6I seat curcn_[euirpie|euss]eLies] ous [oLie| puis Wide slction of catches best service, Toads. OnallN-seris tuck and the Sonafehtcesatpted Thecich othe. The F ses, ech nso clutch pda system has = Sento pire cserescand lover | Fully synchronized 8-speed and 16-speed gearboxes The ishespeed gearbox consists of sfourspeed base pluva compact twvo-sped range uit. Changs are Ima throughthe our sped Basie Un de rane unt is then switched Into operation ad gives four new crs The ange units operated by means of convenient tonal sith onthe gear leverThinmeans that he gar ever reqles onl four forward postions. This toaple Stitch needs oly te use once ‘ven etna rom the Tst= th ‘ang tothe Sth tthrange orice ‘era, The ange unit compressed Troperatd, The change-over takes place when the oar lever passes, ‘rough the natal gt ull synchronization o all gears The gearboxes ae fll yA nized: Gear changes are carried out ‘ery gully. Tas means that eling speed drops nly Yer) Slight on inclines. The syochro izing ngs onthe RG or Ist and Brn gear (coven ako Sth and (6h gears) are manufactured of steel Fost and convenient — only four and feature malybdenumccted — gearposiions. Is! pear ives alo ontat surfaces. Tit design thy dud ives alot and so. {sures mooth operation and long ie iter reli ‘The geatoxes have care hardened searvteels of special steel. The eel bearing yearwhects ive low fictional uses, exact journaling hd mesh ow wear and les hb Ctingrequrements Theselessse- ‘manding needs for lubrication make Snoilptpunnesessary. Thste- Eight even gear stages spit into wo Imoves possible souceaf ure. speed ranges allow ull tation of ‘Theciliscleanedin am cally acces. engine op sible paper inert iter whichis acetone pe Yea. ne prope ‘The RS and R 6 units ull on the Same priacpe. The difereace s tore found in her dimensons and gear mts. The RSI i de Siened forthe TD Mengine and ihe Rl forthe TD 10 Peston: The Stl consists of the same base unt witha ange aux section ‘featured inthe Rel but alos ‘pliter section on the input side. ‘The sper section conshes of single synchronized spr ger. e's {erefre very compact andrei ‘The overall engthix ony em (3) sind weight is about 60 kg (121), Convenient operation “The spliter sections compressed siroperated. Sige ocitedin [font ofthe gearbox the loading on the synchronization every sh “This means that gear changes are aed out very quickly — mess {han 03 seconds! Salcton is made vi og ‘nt the spliter gear canbe pre Selected. The seeal change-aver takes place inthe spliter section ven the elutch pedals depressed The spliter secon canbe operated. bylseir simultaneous to gear the tga switch is pre-selected Frstand hen the usa gear chong Ismade withthe ver All gers ae syachronzad 16 Wet spe In principle, te splitter section similar an overive wichgives ach ofthe eight speeds an ext, Fao. The spite section ratios are ‘hosen sotha he allbetween the Fist eight speeds. The 16 aioe made possible give an ideal and Well chosen range of posses {0 sual speeds and conditions “race fort — maximum speed ‘The SR6l cover ah ener "ange han the R6 By choosing a ‘table final dive ths very wie ange en be wtlzed waa forextralarge starting effort or "ap- ‘wards or high masioum speeds 3nd low engine revolutions when driving emp Tnectal diving conditions isnot necessary tue al 16 speeds, One anjump overane orm sosds ich time, The advantage ofthe closely spaced ratio is ha itis ays possible to choose ratio ‘ven nthe moe oublesome power take-os The spliteryecton alse operatey.on the power take-off af the gearbox Speeds Doubling the eight gear stoger ‘rough atti of the ove ‘tive means tha the SR 61 can ‘matuain high average speeds iS a BT Facts in Brief Advantages Provided by Vlvo's ange Ceaboxee ‘Wide namie of evenly ssced gears “high average output, high average speeds Extensive goar range gives feedom te-ehoose between final drive ving entra lage tctve effort or high maim speds, Tis applies spect to the SRS Large numberof gear ratios cone bute to good fel economy. All specs flly synchronize. {Convenient operation uiiing oly fone lever nd for positions Oit capacity Gearbox dm Speci RSI 80 * Rol os 5 sxc eaetis gece MRGr 9S s * Described ina separate pblcation Both the range and spliter sections can be preselected ‘Optional power take-ofs — two speed with SR 6 Relat and ong ie resting from neo Bearing earvheel FAL skoos- OR are Raton Engine 1.48110 1D 70 Tos0—1001 TD 100 M0841 TD IMO/TD 120 Ho s6:1— Loot 1D 100 (0 cleaner with paper insert fer for easy maintenance (Quik changes — minimum oling Toss when changing on a incline

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