Lecture3 Architecture Modules

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IoT and IIoT Systems


Lecture 3
IoT and IIoT Architecture and Modules

Prof Pedro Tondo, M.Eng.

Tondo, 2021

• Assignment 1 feedback
• Purdue Model
• Historians
• The IOT connected ecosystem
– IoT versus machine-to-machine versus SCADA
– IoT and edge architecture
• Part 1 – Sensing and power
• Part 2 – Data communication
• Part 3 – Edge computing
• Part 4 – Compute, analytics, and machine learning
• Part 5 – Threat and security in IoT

Tondo, 2021

Networking Review - Automation

• The Purdue model for Control Hierarchy

Tondo, 2021

Fieldbus vs Industrial Ethernet



Tondo, 2021

Data Historians/Trending Servers

Tondo, 2021

Data Historians/Trending Servers

• Crucial for troubleshooting IoT/IioT, DCS and PLC issues
• Without data there is no way to tune/control PID loops and
processes, understand what happened
• Ability to back in time (1-3 seconds or 10-20 years)
• With the data recorded we can plot normal probability plots
and generate control charts
• Normally works over OPC (250-2000ms) / fiber optic link (2-

Tondo, 2021

Data Historians/Trending Servers

• Most OPC servers run on a level 1/2 server (PLC/SCADA server)
• There are dedicated data acquisition servers also (ie IBA PDA)
• Dedicated DAQ server is normally connected directly to a
FOB/Module on the PLC rack
• Examples are Canary Labs (Trendlink) and IBA PDA (Process Data
• Trend/Data Historian/PDA server is normally database centric (if fast
data is required to be logged then it’s written to memory first (Level 1
server) then transmitted to a database/storage server

Tondo, 2021

Data Historians/Trending Servers

DP = decentralized periphery
Tondo, 2021

Data Historians/Trending Servers

Tondo, 2021

S7-400 PLC Modules

Tondo, 2021

Remote IO Rack

Tondo, 2017

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

Tondo, 2021

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

OPC (OLE for Process Control) – Governed by the OPC Foundation

Set of standard on Microsoft Windows environment that allow plant-floor data via its own
controller and protocol to be accessed by any automation and business process software
within Microsoft Windows application. It talks via COM

Non-proprietary technical specification, but copyrighted by the OPC Foundation

Set of standard maintained by ‘OPC Foundation’, and based upon Microsoft’s :

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) / ActiveX
COM (component object model)
DCOM (distributed component object model) technologies
(basic difference is DCOM allows software parts on different computers to
Tondo, 2021

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

More than 150 vendors offer OPC servers to connect their IEDs, PLCs, field
bus devices, displays and visualization systems.

OPC is also used for data exchange between applications and for accessing
databases (matlab – realtime simulations)

OPC is available as DLL for Automation Interface (C#, Visual Basic)

OPC consists of three major components:

1) OPC - DA = Data Access (widespread, mature, near real-time data)
2) OPC - AE = Alarms and Events (not yet much used, specific client)
3) OPC - HDA = Historical Data Access (seldom used, specific client)
4) OPC - UA = Unified Architecture (widespread, used within visual
studio, compatible with all data types)
Tondo, 2021

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

covered by the OPC
standard application
(OPC client) servers

OPC server OPC server OPC server

X (simulator) Y

Field bus

Tondo, 2017

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

Why the emphasis on UA?
- Final OPC foundation release 2009
- backwards compatible with all existing OPC standards
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- easy to integrate with Visual Studio
- Security and encryption is built in

Good technology to support Industry 4.0

Tondo, 2017

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

Matrikon OPC Server

Source: MatrikonOPC.com

Tondo, 2017

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

Matrikon OPC Explorer

Source: MatrikonOPC.com
Tondo, 2017

L1/L2 Networks - OPC Technology

National Instruments -> Matrikon Server example for
visual studio

Tondo, 2021

IoT Architecture/Modules
• The IOT connected ecosystem
– IoT versus machine-to-machine versus SCADA
– IoT and edge architecture
• Part 1 – Sensing and power
• Part 2 – Data communication
• Part 3 – Edge computing
• Part 4 – Compute, analytics, and machine learning
• Part 5 – Threat and security in IoT

Tondo, 2021

IoT versus M2M versus SCADA

• The IOT connected ecosystem - M2M

– General concept involving an autonomous device communicating directly to

another autonomous device.

– Autonomous refers to the ability of the node to instantiate and communicate

information with another node without human intervention.

– The form of communication is left open to the application. It may very well be the
case that an M2M device uses no inherent services or topologies for

– This leaves out typical Internet appliances used regularly for cloud services and
storage. An M2M system may communicate over non-IP based channels as well,
such as a serial port or custom protocol.

Tondo, 2021

IoT versus M2M versus SCADA

• The IOT connected ecosystem – SCADA

– This term refers to supervisory control and data acquisition.

– These are industrial control systems that have been used in factory, facility,
infrastructure and manufacturing automation since the 1960s.

– They typically involve programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that monitor or

controls various sensors and actuators on machinery.

– SCADA systems are distributed and only recently have been connected to Internet

– This is where Industry 2.0 and the new growth of manufacturing took place.

– These systems use communication protocols such as ModBus, BACNET, and

Tondo, 2021

IoT versus M2M versus SCADA

• The IOT connected ecosystem – IOT

– IoT systems may incorporate some M2M nodes (such as a Bluetooth mesh using
non-IP communication), but they aggregate data at an edge router or gateway.

– An edge appliance like a gateway or router serves as the entry point onto the

– Alternatively, some sensors with more substantial computing power can push the
Internet networking layers onto the sensor itself.

– Regardless of where the Internet on-ramp exists, the fact that it has a method of
tying into the Internet fabric is what defines IoT.

Tondo, 2021

IoT versus M2M versus SCADA

• By moving data onto the Internet for sensors, edge processors, and smart
devices, the legacy world of cloud services can be applied to the simplest of

• Before cloud technology and mobile communication became mainstream and

cost-effective, simple sensors and embedded computing devices in the field
had no good means of communicating data globally in seconds, storing
information for perpetuity, and analyzing data to find trends and patterns.

• As cloud technologies advanced, wireless communication systems became

pervasive, new energy devices like lithium-ion became cost-effective, and
machine learning models evolved to produce actionable value. This greatly
improved the IoT value proposition.

• Without these technologies coming together when they did, we would still be
in an M2M world.
Tondo, 2021

IoT and edge architecture

• The designer needs to consider interference effects in the LAN and WAN—
how will the data get off the edge and on the Internet?

• The designer needs to consider resiliency and how costly the loss of data is.

• Should resiliency be managed within the lower layers of the stack, or in the
protocol itself?

• The designer must also make choices of Internet protocols such as MQTT
versus CoAP and AMQP, and how that will work if he or she decides to
migrate to another cloud vendor.

Tondo, 2021

IoT/IIoT Systems
• Sensing and power
– An IoT transaction starts or ends with an event: a simple motion, a temperature change,
perhaps an actuator moving on a lock.
– Unlike many IT devices in existence, IoT in a large part is about a physical action or event. It
responds to affect a real world attribute.
– Sometimes this involves considerable data being generated from a single sensor, such as
auditory sensing for preventative maintenance of machinery. Other times, it's a single bit of
data indicating vital health data from a patient.

• Data communication
– A significant portion of IoT and IIoT surrounds connectivity and networking
– The starting point for IoT isn't sensors or the application; it's about connectivity
– Data communication and networking varies from the near-range and near-meter
communication systems known as personal area networks (PANs), typically using non-Internet
protocol messages to long-range communication using cellular (4G LTE/5G)

Tondo, 2021

IoT/IIoT Systems
• Edge computing
– Edge computing brings nontraditional computing power close to the sources of data. While
embedded systems have existed in devices for the last 40 years, edge computing is more than
a simple 8-bit microcontroller or analog-to-digital converter circuit used to display
– Edge computing attempts to solve critical problems as the number of connected objects and
the complexity of use cases grows in the industry

• Compute, analytics, and machine learning

– Understand aspects of cloud architectures such as SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS systems
– Data transformation and mining (orange)

• Threat and security in IoT

– The IoT represents the single biggest attack surface for any type of cyberattack (IEDs)
blockchains and software-defined perimeters
– Proposed congressional act to secure the IoT

Tondo, 2021

Assignment 2
• Install the OPC software
• Visual Studio C# solution (chart control may not work – disregard it)
• Read a value from the OPC server (via your own client)

Tondo, 2021

Next week
- IoT/IIoT Connectivity and Networking protocols

- Assignment 3 - PubNub

Tondo, 2021


Tondo, 2021


[1] IoT and Edge Computing for Architects. Book. P.Lea

[2] D. Pugliesi, “The Enterprise Architecture”, available at https://commons.
wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31527335, 2015.


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