Adventures in The East Mark Explorer Class

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animal and vice versa, with the to train
Explorer her to attack, defend and engage in simple
CAPITULO 2: Clases de Aventureros

CAPITULO 2: Clases de Aventureros

tasks. If the animal companion dies, the
explorer will not be able to attract a repla-
Requirements: STR 12, DEX 9, WIS 12
cement for at least a month.
Primary Characteristic: Strength, Wisdom
Hit Die: 1D8 P rogression Table for Explorers
Max Level: None Experience Hit Dice
Points (1d8)
These adventurers have become specia-
lized in survival in nature and are expert 0 1 1
scouts, trackers, and rangers. They are 2,000 2 2
also habitual fighters, astute and agile 4,000 3 3
hunters who spend the majority of their
time traveling from one place to the other. 8,000 4 4
Explorers, also known as rangers, feel a 16,000 5 5
special connection with nature and the 32,500 6 6
beings that live in it. They always strive
65,000 7 7
to not break the balance between the two.
Explorers can use any type of armor, but 120,000 8 8
no shields. They are inclined to sport light 240,000 9 9
armors such as leather armor. Explorers
360,000 10 +2 HP *
can use any weapons, but they will prefer
to use long bows and short swords. 480,000 11 +4 HP *
600,000 12 +6 HP *
Explorer’s Abilities: 720,000 13 +8 HP *
They receive a bonus of +1 per level when 840,000 14 +10 HP *
they attack goblinoid creatures and giants 950,000 15 +12 HP *
(ogres, orcs, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, 1,100,000 16 +14 HP *
ogres, ettins, giants, and trolls).
1,200,000 17 +16 HP *
Explorers may only be surprised with a 1,300,000 18 +18 HP *
1 on a 1d6 surprise roll. They can surpri- 1,400,000 19 +20 HP *
se their prey on a 1-3 on a 1d6. They are
expert trackers able to identify and follow 1,500,000 20 +22 HP *
the trail of a creature both outdoors (1-5 * Constitution Modifiers to Hit Points are
on a 1d6) as well as in caverns (1-4 on a ignored.

Upon reaching the 8th level, explorers

can attract an animal companion (bird of
prey, dog, wolf, feline or similar animal
described by the narrator). The explorer
will have a special connection with this

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