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Syllabus For Class - VIII - 2022 - 23: FIRST TERM (01-04-2022 To 30-09-2022) SECOND TERM (01-10-2022 To 31-03-2023)

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FIRST TERM (01-04-2022 to 30-09-2022) SECOND TERM (01-10-2022 to 31-03-2023)
Name of the Text
First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
LS1: A lantern as Big LS1 A Lantern as Big as a House LS7: Against the Odds LS7: Against the Odds
as a House LS2 : Olive Ridley Sea Turtles LS8: Through Grandpa’s eyes LS8: Through Grandpa’s Eyes
LS2: Olive Ridley Sea LS3: The footsteps die out forever LS9: Blackboard House (play)
Turtles LS4: The Leopard Poem: The fog LS10: The Mystery of the Missing Ring
Poem1: Wandering LS5: The Day the Viceroy Came LS11: Dream of the Antarctic
English Junction singers LS6: William finds a Party LS12: Camels versus Trains

Poem Poem
Poem1: Wandering Singers Poem4: The fog
Poem2: The Charge of the Light Poem5: The Listeners
Bridge Poem: A Life on the Ocean wave
Poem3: The Hero
LS1:Countable& LS1: Countable nouns & LS13: Kinds of sentences LS14: Modals
uncountable uncountable nouns LS14: Modals LS15: Infinitives
LS2: Determination LS2: Determiners LS15: Infinitives LS16: Participles
LS3: Adjectives LS3: Adjectives LS16: Participles LS17: Gerunds
LS4: Phrases and LS4: Phrases & clauses LS17: Gerunds LS18: Coordinating & Subordinating conjunction
clauses LS5: Preposition & prepositional LS18: Coordinating & Subordinating LS19: Compound & complex sentence
LS5: Preposition & phrases Conjunction LS20: Noun Clauses
English Grammar prepositional phrases LS6: Adverb & Adverbial phrases LS21: Relative Clauses
Land LS7: Noun phrases LS22: Adverbial clauses
LS8: The simple present & the LS23: Conditional clauses
present continuous tense LS24: Direct & Indirect Objects
LS9: The present perfect and the LS25: Active & Passive voices
present perfect continuous LS26: Direct & Indirect speech
LS10: The past perfect and the past LS27: Hyphen En-dash and En-dash
perfect continuous
LS11: Future time
LS12: Subject-Verb Agreement
LS13: Kinds of sentences
LS14: Punctuation marks

Writing Writing Writing Writing

1. Article (Text Book 1. Article (Text Book Pg. 20) 1. Formal letter of complaint 1. Formal letter of complaint
Pg. 20) 2. Report writing (English Junction) (Grammar Book) 2. Argumentative essay
3. Informal Email 2. Report Writing 3. Informal Email
4.Paragraph writing (Text Book Pg.No.132)
5. Speech Writing (Text Book Pg.No.58)
Name of the
Text Book First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
Hindi Reader Hindi Reader Hindi Reader- Hindi Reader-
सायाांश ऩाठ 1 से ऩाठ 3 तक ऩाठ 1 से ऩाठ 10 तक ऩाठ 11 से ऩाठ 13
Hindi Grammar- ऩाठ 3,8,10,11 से ऩाठ 20 तक
1 बजन-ऩज
ू न ऩाठ 1 से ऩाठ 10 11 सूखे सुभन से
12 कन्मा कुभायी भें Hindi Grammar-
ऩाठ 3,8,10,11 से 23 तक
2 अन्माम के विरुद्ध अनेकाथी शब्द- अांक से ऩढ तक 13 बायत का लभशन भांगर
ऩाठ 21 यचना बाग( दै नांहदनी डामयी, सांिादरेखन,
3 बायतयत्न ऩमाणमिाची शब्द –अभत
ृ से नाि तक
Hindi Grammar-
ऩाठ 11 सेऩाठ 13 अनुच्छे द रेखन), अऩहठत फोध,
अधधगभ डॉए. ऩी. जे. अब्दर
ु कराभ विरोभ शब्द – अांधेया से स्िगण तक
औये 11 कार
अनेकाथी शब्द – प्रस्ठ से श्रुतत तक
व्माकयण व्माकयण- 1 से 3 िाकमाांशों के लरए एक शब्द 1-25
1 बाषा, लरवऩ, व्माकयण औय 12 िाच्म
ऩमाणमिाचीशब्द – नायी से हाथी तक
हहन्दी सश्रत
ु लबन्नाथणक शब्द 1-18
13 अिमम मा अविकायी शब्द
विरोभशब्ध – आदान से साचरयत्र
2 िणण विन्मास उच्चायण ऩाठ -20 भुहािये 1-45

3 सांधध रोकोक्कतमा 1-9,

िाकमाशों के लरए एक शब्द 25-50
अऩहठत फोध ,
भुहािये 45-90,
अनुछेद 1-4 ,
रोकोक्कत 9-18
ऩत्ररेखन 1-5 ,
ऩत्ररेखन 6-10
1-वऩता को ऩत्र ,
2- छोटे बाई को ऩत्र लरखकय
सत्सांगतत का भहति फताओ
3- कऺा भे प्रथभ आने ऩय सखी को फधाई
तनफांधरेखन (9 से 15) तक
9- सड़क ऩय घटी दघ
ु ट
ण ना का आांखो दे खाहार ,
4- लभत्र को जन्भहदन ऩय सब
ु काभना ऩत्र 10- कभार का इांटयनेट ,
11- आतांकिाद
5- लभत्र के वऩता की आकाक्मभक म्रतु ऩय
12- फेयोजगायी ,
शोक सांिेदना ऩत्र
13- ऩहरा सुख तनयोगी कामा ,
तनफांध रेखन 1-8
14- ऩिणतीम प्रदे श की मात्रा,
1-भनमु म औय विऻान ,
15- दहे ज एक कुप्रथा
2- फढ़ती जनसांख्मा ,
3- साये जहाां से अच्छा हहांदस्
ु तान हभाया
4- कम्प्मुटय बफन सफ सून ,
5- गणतन्त्र हदिस ,
6- सदाचाय ,
7- विऻाऩन से तघया जीिन
8- भेयी अविश्भणी मात्रा



Name of the
Text Book First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
भांगरभ (ईशिांदना) भांगरभ )ईशिांदना ( ऩाठ9 विद्मा अभत
ृ भ् ऩाठ 6 रोट्रकायः (आऻाथणकः)
ऩाठ10 विमिे बायतभ ् ऩाठ 7 उऩसगाणः
ऩाठ 1रट्रकायः प्रथभःऩरू
ु षः ऩाठ 1रट्रकायः प्रथभःऩुरूषः
श्रेमठभ ऩाठ 8 आदषण हदनच;k (Z िाताणराऩः)
ऩाठ 2रट्रकायः भध्मभऩरू
ु षःउत्तभ
ऩाठ 2रट्रकायः भध्मभऩुरूषः उत्तभऩुरूषच ऩाठ 11 कृत्जन्ऻैभा ऩाठ 9 विद्मा अभत
ृ भ्
ु षच
बूमात ् ऩाठ 10 विमिः बायत म्पश्रेमठभ ्
ऩाठ 3रांगरकायः प्रथभःऩरू ऩाठ 3रांगरकायः प्रथभःऩरू
ु षः
ु षः
ऩाठ 4रांगरकायः भध्मभः एिां उत्तभःऩरू
ु षः ऩाठ12 सुबावषतातन ऩाठ 11 कृत?uks भा बूमात ्
ऩाठ 4रांगरकायः भध्मभः एिां उत्तभः
ऩाठ ):िाताणराऩ(: ट्रकाय 5 व्माकयण- ऩाठ 12 सुबावषत u
ु षः
शब्दरूऩ - कवि, नदी, इदभ ् ऩाठ 13 दरू
ु त्भkन%् विन्ममतत
ऩाठ :रोटरकाय 6आऻाथणकः ऩाठ :उऩसगाण 7 (तीनो लरांगो भें) ऩाठ 14 सांस्कृतबाषामाः भहत्िभ ्
laLd`r धातुरूऩ- ततम्, अस ्, कुद्ध ऩाठ 15 भकयokuj कथा
धातु रूऩ ऩठ, लरख बू (चायों रकायों ऩाठ )िाताणराऩ( आदशाण हदनचमाण 8
(चायों रकायों भें ) ऩाठ 16 वषऺाप्रदा सुकतमः (सूक्कतसचमः)
¼dyk fuf/k%½ भें )
व्माकयण व्माकयण
शब्दरूऩ (दे ि, वऩता, भाता)
izosf'kdk षब्दरूऩ - साध,ु भतत, गुणी
शब्द रूऩ भुतन, रता, पर, ककभ ् )तीनो लरांगो भें ( सिण0- सिण,एतत ् (तीनो लरांगो भें)
ु ऩ- न ् त
ृ ् ्, वऩफ, प्रच््छ दा (मच ् )
धातु रूऩ यऺ् ,गभ ् , दृश ् )चायों रकायों भें (
(सबीरकायोंभें )

सांख्मा55 े तक सांस्कृत भें आत्भusin - सेि ,रब ् (सबी रकायों भें )

सांख्मा 1से 50 तक
सांधध - दीघण स्िय सांधध
सांधध- गुण स्िय सांधध
ु छे द - सांस्कृतबाषाभहत्िभ ् (ऩाांचिाकम)
ु छे द - आदशण हदनचमाण ऩय ऩाांच िाकम सांस्कृत भें
Name of the Text Book First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
Mathematics - 8 1.Rational numbers 1.Rational numbers 7.Factorisations 1.Rational numbers
2.Exponents 2.Exponents 8.Linear equations 7.Factorisations
3.Squares and Square roots 3.Squares and square roots 12.Direct and inverse 8.Linear equations
4.Cubes and cube roots proportions 9.Percentage
5.Playing with numbers 13.Time and work 10.Profit and Loss
6.Operations on algebraic 19.Three dimensional figures 11.Compound Interest
expressions 12.Direct and Inverse
14.Polygons proportions
15.Quadrilaterals 13.Time and Work
16.Parallelogram 17.Construction of
21.Data Handling quadrilaterals
22.Introduction of coordinate 18.Area of trapezium and
geometry polygon
23.Line graphs and linear graphs 19.Three dimensional figures
24.Pie chart 20.Volume and Surface area
25.Probability of solids
21.Data handling
24.Pie chart



Name of the Text
First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
General Science -8 11. Force and 11 . Force and Pressure 15. Some Natural Phenomenon 12. Friction
Pressure 12. Friction 15. Some Natural Phenomenon
13. Sound 16. Light
17. Stars and the Solar System
General Science -8 3. Synthetic Fibres 3. Synthetic Fibres and 6. Combustion and Flame 3. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
and Plastics Plastics 14. Chemical Effects of Electric 6. Combustion and Flame
4. Metals and Non- Current 14. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
metals 18. Pollution of Air and Water
5. Coal and Petroleum
General Science -8 1. Crop Production 1. Crop Production 8. Structure and Function of Cell 2. Microorganisms
2. Microorganisms 2. Microorganisms 8. Structure and Function of Cell
7. Conservation of Plants and 9. Reproduction
Animals 10. Reaching the Age of Adolescence


Name of the Text
First Periodical Test Half Yearly Second Periodical Test Annual Examination
Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name Chapter No. & Name
Forever with Social L1- Where, When L1- Where, When And How L8- Spread Of Modern Education In L2- The Rise of the English East India Company
Science -8 And How L2- The Rise of the English East India L8- Spread Of Modern Education In India
L2- The Rise of the India Company L9-Social And Religious L9-Social And Religious Awakening In India
English East India L3- Rural Life Under British India Awakening In India L10-Colonial Cities
Company L4- Tribal Society and Challenge L11-Indian Culture - A Further Evolution
of Colonialism L12- The Struggle For India's Freedom
L13- India After Independence - New Challenges Ahead
L5-Crafts And Industry in the
Colonial Period
L7- The Revolt of 1857
Forever with Social L1- Endowments Of L1- Endowments Of Nature L5- Industries L2- Diverse Natural Resources Of The World
Science -8 Nature L2- Diverse Natural Resources Of L6- Human Resources L5- Industries
L2- Diverse Natural The World L6- Human Resources
Resources Of The L3-Ingredients of Modern Industry L7- Disaster Management- An Introduction to Natural
World L4-Agriculture - Backbone of Indian Disaster
Economy L8 – Disaster Management – Man Made Disaster
Forever with Social L1- The Constitution L1- The Constitution Of India L5- Marginalized Groups And L2- Parliamentary Form Of Government
Science -8 Of India L2- Parliamentary Form Of Social Justice L5- Marginalized Groups And Social Justice
L2- Parliamentary Government L6- Untouchability And The L6- Untouchability And The Law On Manual Scavenging
Form Of Government L3-The Indian Judiciary Law On Manual Scavenging L7-The Government And Economic Development
L4-The Police Administration
and the courts

Omitted Chapter:History – L6 – Social, Economic and Cultural Impact of the British Rule.

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