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; FREDERICK UNIVERSITY MAOHMA: DLSPES02 - ME@OAOI KAI XTPATHTIKED ATAADKAAIAY ETHN EIAIKH KAI ENIAIA EKMAIAEYSH HMEPOMHNIA: 27/01/2018 ATAPKEIA: 3 OPEY, OAHTIEE TIPOE TOYE YHOVH®IOYE Na anavidotv dhz5 01 eporiiozic oto Mépos A Kut 62.¢ 01 epwtiigeic ot0 Mépos B. Ot anaveijoeis va Kutaypagosy oto tetpadt0 anuvejocav nov ba Gas bo0ci. H eGéraon xpayparonoreirar pe whetoré fiBhia Kat onerderrs MEPOE A (70 povades) Na anavenPobv Shes ot eparfacic. Ohes ot anavriosis va Karaypagoiy ato Biphio axavnjccov. Oda ta spotmata éouv ion Papienta (2.6 wovades). Tia nig epariioeis Eaots / AdOog va ypayere tov aids me epemong Kat diha ™ En Zoot av mpotaoy sivar owori Hm AEN AdBoc, av Oewpeite du sivar davdaspévn. Epscov dev wopiCere my anavenon, iLete to axdhovdo onpddr (-) Sinha and tov apps mg spdmons. Tie Tic vadhoines eponiocic evepyfote SHjpova pe Ti obnyies nov divovtat o= KANE EpdrHG. 1. To azpiKd povrého vioGeret ia anoonaopanixi pooéyyion tov xadiKdv Svoxohbv. Z@ots / AdGoc 2. H doy «tay pwhiie pa t0 «ovowhorKs» omy xadayeyUK Sev avugepdpacte OTIV oMOLoyEvEIA GAAG oTOV eyRhoUNOLS oT ETEpoyEveIA Kat GTC ROAUAINOEic gies nov xpoxiatovv and thy aokvbuiGTaTH mpayyaTKMTay civat oUUBaTH He MY evraktaxt orLocopia; Lots / Addos 3. OL exnandevnixoi ong meputdoeig HaONTOY je AUTOS APéREL va evIOYbOLY TIE owvexeic addayés oro nepBaAAOV tov HAIG Behiba 1/9Laots / Addos 4, O1 mapeuBdors oc madd we ayxddes MkatuOdMEKés SvoKonies mpémet va condowv anoKhsiorixi Kat vg om jaOOLUK' BoMeIa, cote to maidi va eveayOet kot mit omaha omy wien Loos / AdBog 5. Ot yoveic ovyvd apvowvear ic SvaKohies tov nadLdY TOVg Ka o EkMUISELTIKGG! EI] ogeiket va tovg empaiet tv avayvipion avtév tov dvoKohdv ya va mpoxopijcet ois napeuBacers Loos / AdGos 6. H tpidda tov dtatapayov otov avons avagépetar omy emKowavia, om pavtacia Kat oy vonHootvn Ywors / AdOog 7. H diarapag avnotxos péspatos unorehsi om Bion ms ja avarTVEWuKh Suorapay nov Aapovordcerat pe wuiCovoa ovvbcrSeta KaL Sev anotehet mpryLo stadt ms opCogpéverac, Lwors / AdBos 8, Ta madd pe mpoBARLaTa cvuReprpoplic jOpek va avarTOEoUV ¥} va KPUPovV iow Gnd Tig emOenKés TOS GUHREPIOOpES KUL KATUOLIATIRG GUMATOYATE/COURTdpATO eeyyovs Loors / Addos 9. O Bvp6s avawéperat oe cvvacbipate Kar otdocIg KaL amotehei Tm owvaicOnparue)-Oopuxsi ahepd me emBerKommeas, Yoors / Addos 10. Or waOntés We ManotaKés AvoKohies Exovv oLaVvTKO govohoyIKd AEyyLA, Tov aut tH GttypU} Tov KU Stepo ApoBLeniK6 Rupdyovta TE Avodeétas, Yoo / AdBos 11. Zvyvé waOntés ps «mpopAnuanixd yapaxmprotixt Ka copAEpIpOpé apyntKé ouvaoOhpata tous exmuiBeuTIKOds, We KiVoUVO aKUTa.AMoW avnidpiccoy Fehiba 2/9Loors / AdBos 12. Tlows an6 avtés ig oxpurnyixés Bewpodvean BacrKés ya mH SidacKaia / ayoyh, HaSntov HE TpoPLntaTiKés ovurcprpopés (KaTAYPAytE TY aRavEor GUS cto Tetpadto anavajocav onwerdvovtus Kat Tov apiOLs mg epdtmanc) (a) éxawvog SacKddov (evioxvon) (B) weytihos apiOuds eoxarprdy andxpiong Kurd mH SiSaoKdAia (1) oupeis SwSaxtKés otpamyKés, ovpaepRayfavouévns mE dpeans biducKahiag- ©) Gere} vaocTipLEn cvumcproopac (GUpREPRAaLBavonévay tov PucloRévoy oe Aettovpyny aEtohynon Kur oT Katavdnon mE Rettoupyiag mE mpoPAneTUKHS ovprepipopic mupepBaceav) (€) Beta oxeon (ot) emBohh opiav we Berix6/ SevayuKs tao 13. Orav eouppdcovra pacrxés Oeatig ovpnep\popIRis vmoGTpLENS of exinedo oxoheiov, novi and ta axdhova Oewpeite 6u ioxsowv (KaTuypayte MY andvmoy cas oto tetpddio axuvEGEOV onpcVovovtas Kat tov apLOLd TMs epdtmons) @ opadueh zpoceypion na m dSacKadia KurdANLoV cvpREpIOpsy GE dhovg OVS hadntés tov ozoheiov (8) hot or SioKaror kar to mpocaAKs tov axodsiov ovpErézouv om SiSaoKahio Kat THY aporBA tov emOvpntiv copREpLoOPAY Tow jaOnTV (7) ot ovvéneies ya thy xapafiacn tov Kavévev opiCovta pe cugivern Kat eouppoCoven jie otaBepérnta © znomorowsvea avexepevexd Sedopéva ya ty ae yMON Ka Tm, owvext edtioon tov ovormpatos (©) or topies apéner va dacpadiCovv dt. Snunovpyoov éva aioOnpua Gtépyans oto panty (61) ta ovpepipopiKd A4n tov paOntOy Stop9dvovtat evepyntIKG, ote Ot padn{tés va Katavor}oowy dt N GULTEPIPOpE toUs HitAV jy aMOBEKN (© zpnomonowvter texvixés avtodiazeipions ‘na va. avéniei to nocoot6 tov enaivey (7) xMnotpororeitar otaBepé n avtoakwohsynan (ovyKpiverat 1 exidooh tov js éva mpoKaBoplopevo KpLTpLo f 61870) (8) aroxeronds (nepropropds ene apSoPacns evdc pant omHY Evioxvon Ya abvto}LO YpovikS Sidompa pera and pia aKUTGARNAN ovUREpLoOpA) FeNi6a 3/9(© wrion NOvpop (w) ovoTmtKi mpocéyyion, 14, Se oxen pe uc apodnanxés otpurnyixés na ta mpophfwaca ovpRepLoOpAic, moves and tig aKdhovdes mpaxtixés sivar amapaimytes KaL opHavTIKés, He Bon THY épevva (Kataypayte TY axdvrna aus oto TeTpAdto anavT}Ge@Y onpELavovtas KaL Tov apiOud mE Epetyons): (a) B6pnon TOV PLOIKON nEpIBAAROVTOS mE TENS (AL. ToROBEMEN HaonTdv) (8) Bap6pea0y cupdv Kavivov Kat APOGdoKLOV () mpoypaypatiopss kar axoRovdia padnoaKdy Spacmpioritay ya apotonoinan vexpod xpvov (6) Biatfpnon ms evepyNTUKHS cEALoKIIg Tov paBNTdv Kata mM dvdpKeia m™mS didacKahias (©) ron exatvou Kai Bets evioqvons ya THY KLATORO’NON TMs emOpNT}S ovpmeproopas (ot) puxpé StadAciuara «popiac» (time out) (nz. va pny éyovv to Stxaiopa va HUsoovY Ta AMIE Na KamoI0 ypOVIKG StdoTHUG H Ve ENV ToUs Siveren o Aéyos Stav to emtntoiv) © Eupaon om ovpasproopuxi «embi6p0oor» tov xpoPi.nHaTKOY oréceov Ken dy 1600 ota cwvaicOpata (n) ot nadnrég BiSéoKovEE, evdappévovtat KaL eviGZoVTAL Va avaospoDV o évUS Ts apynrixis ouuteproopés tov d.0v (0) omy aadayoyuci oxéon, sive onPAvTKd 0 iBtog 0 SéoKahos va anoKahbater Eva Badd xpooomKdy tov otoyzsiwv atous paOntés tov (i) or duipopes texviKég Sev mpéncr va epapHECoven psHovopéva, aAAG va Evoopativovtt o& Eva GUVOAIKG Rhavo Suayeipions ts TaENs Ka oZSoCOV He Tov wade (k) Kabnpepwés ovvaveiacts mpoypayyiatiopod / anohonopod Kur aadayeryKdv aytadhayoy pa to exmandevTIK6 spoGOAKS 15. Emaééte nic teyvixéc Kat otdoeig mov Gwpeite onpaveués Kat axodotiKés / KardiAnhes Na THY ayoyh Ku SiacKakia paOnKv tov AD om Peviny wen (xataypayte my axdvmon cus oto TEXpAdI anavT|GEOV onpEIOvovtas KUL tov ap18u6 me eparnonc). (a) Oéote wg orSyovg Se&SMTES Rov Oa ivan ypAoEs 6m Cor KADE ALdLOd. (B) Xpnowororjote we cbveon SbaKniKés mpotporés Ku anoobpete tes YpHYOPA. () Expetaddevteite nig didaxnixés evxmpies xv mpoxdmrowy ova maicw tov Qvaixdy oZohtKGv povtwvy Kat SpastpLoTiTOV. Fediba 4/9(8) Xpnoworoujote ovndropéva viuxé ya SiSuoKuria, (©) Tapox) cvprinpoparxdy paOnpdtov ovo tia éveuéng, ypnoyorovdveas tu i6ta viuKd mov o1 LaONTE GvvavTosY om THEN yevURH|g eKnaidevENs. ote va evio7p0ci n emrvzia tovg oT KavovuR THEN 16. O 6pog Exdtxég MaOnouaxés Avoxohies apopé (Kutaypayre avt6 xov toxbet): (@) Mua cxcpoyevii opdda Scutepoyevav dtatupaxay mov exdndavovean us oopupi mpoPawata oTHY KoIvavER GULTEPLOOpA. (B) Byyeveis dvoxorics xov oyeriCoven jue noknopixéc, aiaOnmproxwneKés Kat ovvaicOnwatixés dckdemrec. () Mporoyers, xpopiqwara or wdOnon nov axeriGoven je Himes evSoyeveis Surtapaysc Ka apoposy ja GtEVy Covn yaotIKdY iKaVvOTHTaY H SeEOTHTOV. (8) Acvtepoyev mpoPripara om pdOnon mov oxeriGoveat pe avtizoss KoIvavixootKovopiKés GUVOT|KES KaL YOLOKOLWOVIKES BUOKORIES, 17. He axpiBiig avayvoonxy amoKwdixonoinon and padntés we MaOnowaKés Avoohies (MA) evogietar He ia Geipi UeB63av nov otoxebovv omHY KaTaKTON Te Sckidmtas wéow (emAéEte Ig aMuVT}OEG xO \oxbovv KaI Katuypayre TY axdvmor cas oto texpadto unuvT}oEOV onjeUbvovtUs KUL TOV aGpIONG mE epotmone): (a) me exavednynes, (B) me epappoyyc ohvarcOn™MpLaKdy ebdSOv, () Ms otpatnyiKis avayvaprons MEEEwv 18. 01 Biokoyixés Oepancias om Statupazt avtIoTIKOS pdopATOS Sfovv BucK6 PAO Kat unopei 1] avepetomon tov RpoBAntétav va Pactotei anoKAeLoTIKG Ge aUTés, Zaotd / AdOog 19. H evraktaxi exraisevon mpoteiver anoxerotixt Kat [Ovo Eva evan2aKTiK6 dwSaxTiKd Lovtého opyaveoane me azohuiig taENC. Zoors / AdBos 20. Or dtatapaxtiKés svpreproopéc ézovv ta {Sta yapaKtMploTIKG oTHV ROGYOAKT}, om oxohuer Kat omY coMBURA MaAKia. word / Addos Beniba 5/921. O1 pabnowaxés SvoKohies égouv exudes: (emMééte Kat KaTEYPaYTE) @) amy ixavornta yia pron tov mpogoprKod 2.6y00 B) omy txavornta ya yprion tov ypartod 26you YOTHY iKaVvoTHTa ya Ypi{oN Tov mPOHOPLKOD KUL ypuRtOd LOU 8) omy wavdtHta ya YpHIGN tov mpopopIKOS KuI ypaRtos Aéyou, omV IKaVETITE la HAONLATIKODS UAOLONIGLOKs, OTIS GUVTOVIOHEVES KIVIIGELS KO om diatipnon ms Aposoy} 22. Ot wabmtés Ue Madnoaxés AvoKohies anodiSovy my axoTUxla Tous omY tKavomnté tovs, eved THY exUEVYla oTHY THY Lord / Addog 23. H Eoupjoopévn Avdévon Evumepipopic Sewpei mos o Avtioyds efvar éva SiVBPOHO GULAEPLPOPIKGY EAE UMATOV KaL eovagpav PlokoyiRts BaonC: 1. nov dev wxopovv va akAGEoV 2. xpnowonorei apzéc ms oKoovormudrs Rposéynions 3. mpoonadei va adAdEE T0 Maisto Léow opyavopéva exorxodopntiKady WAnhemBpascov tov xa1d100 4. ypnowororei cupaeproopixés apyéc Kut texvinés 5. bev éfe1 1oxopi} epevvntiny Baon KaL oTHpLEN 6. empadAet cvycexpipéva dibaxciKé maiow Kar popHES 24. H tevoloyia tov mextpovixdy vmohoyiatay ypnoyonoreita otHV exnuiSEvan TaV RABLOY OtO PdoHA TOV AvTIOHOd Ent} mpoowéper «evKoAn» Woon tarpidCer otov tpén0 avtiAnyme tov xUW5IOb pe AvTIOHS civen mpopréyyn diver eveaipies ya efatopiKevpiévn anon uxopet va xpaté Baduodoyia yet SovarémTes va wetapader ovvexirs to nEpIPaRLov poapéper otadjos Le oprodeTpEves GvvOriKes epyaciag Nave 25. Mota an6 ta napaxdto ioxbovv ya tm Siugoporoinpiévy StSaoKuhia 1. ompaiver epyacia axoxheotixts ot 3-4 opowoyeveic opddes Biapopetixdov emnédov civat ovppetoy agtonowi my evéiuctn omadonoinon sivan mpooapyoyy ts diSaoKahiag Stay anoriyouv Kénowwr padntEs Bian ja mpaxtiar chebBepns Exopaans tov HadNtdY He Wayova ta evbuapépoved tous weep Zediba 6/96. onpaiver anox).crotuxé ixydtepes aanijacic, dpa RoGoTIKY mpooup|Loyi, 26, Enedore now and tu napaKditw axotehowy tpéxoVg mapénBacns MoV tehiKti Apodyouv Ty yunuer avOexrKoMeA TOY RULdIOY: avartn£y Bendy cvvacOnpatiKdy Seopdav avaarvey meWapzing Kat doudy chéyzou suvexiis a&to2.6ymon tov axadnpaikdy axotehecudétov Snwovpyia cagay opiov exudEon KowovrKdy SebIoTATAY, yproyLov ya tH Com 6. mpopirakn aad éKBeon oF otpeaoy6va yeyovita yawns 27. AV zpnoworo1odcare Sonnpévy StSucKahia Oa to KavarE Na Va MpoGpEpEte 6t0 HaONTH He Avtiops: 1. véa Kat evnepopévn petayvootunr yon 2. oovércia Kar mpopheyyornta yeyovstov eSpaiacn Kowoviné anodextiy Gvpepipopov evxapics epappoyiic tov waoeav tov omy KoWwotTA otadepéryra Kat amomoinon me KatéotaaNS B6pNEN tov pwnHoviKod tov unZaviGpod aeae MEPOE B [30 povades} Anavijore oe Ohzs tis eponoric. Ohzs ot anavrijosis va Karaypagosy oto Terpéd10 axavtioeov nov 4 cus 8086, Or epotiesis 1-12 ézovv ion Bapormra weTao rove (1.25 povdda) xa or Eporioets 13, 14, 15 ézouv ion Bapimmta petaés tovs (5 hovddes). Eng wehétes nepiatwons (Epatioers 13, 14, 15) anavedte we ppdoeis Kietdid 6 KouKKiSzs Kun Jy! jLs OLOKANPO KeijievO. 1. H evtadiaxh piooogia mpodyer my taupe evds KoWovIKOD Kat YoyoKowewrKos poveéhov avrinyng me avampiac evi napdadanha yopaxrnpicerar kar and évav wxpoyevi yapaxtiipa. Embééte: Boots / Ad®os 2. Avagépete tpeig tovképotov otoyous me evtaktaxiig exmaisevong (ev ovvtoptia oe 3 ypayyiés). 3. To povtého «Kadpépeng ms yoveixiic cumhoxiign (atm cuvepyaoia yovéa- exmondevtiKdy) vmobétet but o1 yoveis dev ypeviCovtat dia doa éxouv va tovs Tpospépovv ot enayychuaries Kat dt. Kavévas yovéac Sev avapeverar va mapéyet ta mvt, Emééte: Ewotd / Addoc 4. Or padntés We Madnoaxés Avoxodies eivin npocavarodiopévor omy Apooéyyion ts enidoanc orm wéOnon eneidr} Exouv cowtepKs Kévepo ehéyyov. Emv.ééte: Emots / AGBoc Bedi 7/95. H teyvixt) mg yootixiis — vonporixrie yuptoypdonons Baoicera omy axotinwcn evwouby Kat Gxéseuv Tov tAnpopoptdy We opyavanEvo tpsx0. Emiééte: Zaotd / AéBog 6. H ddacKkahia woonkdv'kat petayvootiKdy otpamyiKd 6 padnrtés He MA (Madyoaxés Avoxoics) cuppiier omy aviiarvén —ovpincprpopiov avtoppoOmiang Katé ty ovyypagH aNd THY ALepA TOV pUOnEdV. Empééte: Laoté / AaBos 7. Ta poPisjpata ovuaeprpopdic omy tien Tig epraadtepes popés exppaCovv ovowoticd SvoKonics mpocuppoyiis oto aYokK6 nepIpaAROV Us Béon mY naidayayre tpooéyyon. Emdééte: Loot | AGB0 8. 01 Mabnounis Avexodies avaépoveat ovsactiKt ot anpSopeva ya}.6 vortix6 Swvaytxd Srav umdpzer zopndA axadnuaiKy enidoon. Embééte: Sword / Ad®os 9. Or BaowKés éwous ya my extiinon ts GoBapdmrug evd¢ xpoBArpatos Guurepipopis efven: a) H évtaon B) H vonpooivy 7) O apts narduov me orxoyéveras 8) H btapxera £) H 60,0} tov ozoreiov ot) Hovpormta 10.H Aettovpyuc aviikven mE cvpRepYpopAs avakier Tig nepiPakLovaKéc ovvOiiKes nov Tpopodotody tic Sumpocdppoctes avrdpdcers tov maLdIOv KaL emTvypaveran pe tovs e&fig tpémovs: (EmAsETE Kut KaTaY/pAYTE) @) neprypaginé. B) cumepiotatopéva Kar cvo™paTiKé y) wa Kan B 8) rinota and ta napandves 11. «Otay ein oto xpoasii0 Gé.o va aaiLo xoddcpapor, avth civar ja mpotaon and Wa KoWoVURH Lotopia. Tt ciSovg ApStaGn civan; (EMEC Ko xutaypayte) @) Kadodnyntiy, B) Meprypapucy 7) Katagatuci, 3) Tpoomeuis 12. Towt axd tovg napaxito pnyaviopods aaiCovv onwaveKs pdho ong napexKhicets Kat oy avdatUen aNOBEKTOY LOPOdY cULREPLOOpAS; @) Mipnon B) Tation, y) Mvqun 5) Metayviron, 8) Avanapayoryi nporénoy Beniba 8/913.0 K. mapovouiter cofgpés Svoxonics ovpnepipopas oto mhaicio ms oxohuaig taEng. Dowd omy T” rééN Ka ot yoveis tov éxovv mpopata opie. Karaypayte emypappatixt tpémove Ku GZoves napéyPacns. 14. H Eévn ézet Stayvootet we avtiop6 song mpos yapniig MertovpyiKomtas, Acv éyet avantiéet axopa 2byo. Extehet amis evtohés. Tng apéoer no20 1 Nr6pa 1 e£epevvijepra. [poteivete tpénovs ~pe065ou (emypapyaTiKa) nov 8a Boniicouv omy avintvEn me emKowaving aviqtsou otOV ExnULdEvTIKd at ty Edw, 15. 0 iawn civan évac waOqris we AETI-Y. Avoxodsberat va xupaxo?.ovdiioet Tov EKNALELTIKS Gt0 Mhaiow ME TENS, GoVvEHias SiagntaL KaL HEEL HE TV Tapayucph apopHi va onkeOei and TY KapéKha tov. Lovexig Gee ta mpéynard tov (PiPhia, HokPia) 610 Gxorsio A ato onit. KOerat oto xicw HEpos ME TENS anopovepévos ya va ymV evoxrei ta naIdLd. Tpoteivere EmtypapaTIKa tPSxoVg napEBBuoN: a) Gto Mhaicto opydeveacns ms TENS Ka B) omy Bedti@on ts opyavacng tov wudnt. Zediba 9/9
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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