Zxdu68 b301 v5.0r02m12 Datasheet

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ZXDU68 B301

DC Power System
Product Description

Version: V5.0R02M12

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The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2016-07-07 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20161028155312-002

Publishing Date: 2017-10-24(R1.0)

SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Introduction and Features........................................................ 1-1
1.1 Product Positioning ............................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Product Features................................................................................................ 1-1

Chapter 2 Configuration List ..................................................................... 2-1

Chapter 3 Structure and Components...................................................... 3-1
3.1 Dimensions........................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Product Structure ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Power Distribution ............................................................................................. 3-3
3.4 ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier .................................................................................... 3-4
3.5 Centralized Supervision Unit ............................................................................... 3-7
3.6 Signal Interface Board ........................................................................................ 3-9
3.7 PBMU ..............................................................................................................3-11

Chapter 4 Rectifier Features...................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Input Properties.................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Output Property.................................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Overtemperature Power Property ........................................................................ 4-3

Chapter 5 Technical Specifications .......................................................... 5-1

5.1 Environment Specifications ................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Performance Specifications................................................................................. 5-1
5.3 Electrical Specifications ...................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Physical Specifications ....................................................................................... 5-4

Chapter 6 Design Standards ..................................................................... 6-1

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I

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About This Manual
This manual provides information about the ZXDU68 B301 (V5.0R02M12) DC power
system. The ZXDU68 B301 DC power system can be installed into a 19-inch cabinet or
installed on the battery rack to supply power to -48 V communication devices.
This manual describes the functions, structures, and performance of the ZXDU68 B301
DC power system.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Planning engineers
l Maintenance engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes.

Chapter/Appendix Summary

Chapter 1, Introduction and Features Describes the product introduction and features.

Chapter 2, Configuration List Describes the detailed configurations of the product.

Chapter 3, Structure and Describes the overall structure and components.


Chapter 4, Rectifier Features Describes performance features of the ZXD3000 (V5.5)


Chapter 5, Technical Specifications Describes the environment specifications, performance

specifications, electrical specifications and physical

Chapter 6, Design Standards Describes the compliant standards of the product.

This manual uses the following conventions.

Warning: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in

death or serious personal injury.

Caution: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result

in moderate or minor personal injury.

Danger: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply will result in

death or serious personal injury.

SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Note: provides additional information about a topic.

Caution: Indicates equipment or environment safety information. Failure to comply

can result in equipment damage, data loss, equipment performance degradation,
environmental contamination, or other unpredictable results.


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Chapter 1
Introduction and Features
Table of Contents
Product Positioning ....................................................................................................1-1
Product Features........................................................................................................1-1

1.1 Product Positioning

The ZXDU68 B301 is a 9U (height)/19-inch (width) installed in DC power system that can
supply power to -48 V series communication devices.
l Using the three-phase five-wire AC input mode (L1/L2/L3/N/PE), the ZXDU68 B301
is applicable to the 220 V/380 V electrical grid.
l Fully configured with six rectifiers, the ZXDU68 B301 has a rated 18 kW output power
and a maximum 300 A/54 V DC output current.

1.2 Product Features

Wide Input Voltage Range
The wide input voltage range of 80 V to 300 V reduces the impacts of unstable power
supply upon the equipment.

Rectifier Automatic Sleep/Wake

In power-saving mode, the monitoring unit turns redundant rectifiers to sleep mode or
wakes sleep rectifiers up automatically based on the changing load power. The maximum
power consumption of a sleep rectifier is 4 W, which saves power greatly.

Modularized Rectifiers
The rectifiers use a modular design to facilitate installation and maintenance, and they are

Intelligent Monitoring Units

The monitoring unit provides monitoring management functions, and supports intelligent
battery management and rectifier management.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

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Chapter 2
Configuration List
Table 2-1 lists the maximum configuration capabilities of the ZXDU68 B301. The actual
configuration depends on the contract.

Table 2-1 ZXDU68 B201/B301 Configuration List

Item Description

Rectifier Model ZXD3000 series

Quantity six

Monitoring unit Model CSU501B

AC power AC input One channel, 1x63 A/3 P air circuit breaker

AC lightning Class C

DC power Battery input 4x125 A/1 P, circuit breaker

DC load output l LLVD1: 4x32 A+4x20 A
l LLVD2: 4x20 A+4x16 A
l BLVD: 2x16 A+2x10 A+2x6 A

DC lightning In=15 kA

Battery temperature sensor 4

Signal Interfaces The signal interface board provides relay interfaces,

communication interfaces, and environmental variable
detection interfaces.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

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Chapter 3
Structure and Components
Table of Contents
Dimensions ................................................................................................................3-1
Product Structure .......................................................................................................3-1
Power Distribution .....................................................................................................3-3
ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier ...........................................................................................3-4
Centralized Supervision Unit ......................................................................................3-7
Signal Interface Board ................................................................................................3-9
PBMU ......................................................................................................................3-11

3.1 Dimensions
The dimensions of the ZXDU68 B301 are 397 mm x 483 mm x360 mm (Height x Width x
Depth). For an external view of the ZXDU68 B301, see Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Dimensions

• Unit: mm

3.2 Product Structure

The ZXDU68 B301 consists of rectifiers, a monitoring unit, a signal processing board, and
power distribution units.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Figure 3-2 shows the layout of components after the panel is opened.

The following figures are only for reference. The actual configuration depends on the

Figure 3-2 Product Structure

1. DC power distribution 4. Centralized Supervision

2. AC power distribution Unit
3. Rectifier 5. Signal Interface Board

For a description of the components, refer to Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 ZXDU68 B301 Component Descriptions

Serial Component Description


1 DC power Provide DC load output interfaces and battery input interfaces.


2 AC power Provide AC input interfaces,


3 Rectifier Converts AC power to DC power for load and battery charging.

4 Centralized Collects information, monitors alarms, and manages the operation of

Supervision Unit the system.

5 Signal Interface The signal interface board provides relay interfaces, battery
Board temperature detection interfaces, environment detection interfaces,
and communication interfaces. .


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Chapter 3 Structure and Components

3.3 Power Distribution

AC Power Distribution
Figure 3-3 shows the layout of AC power distribution components.

Figure 3-3 AC Power Distribution Components

For a description of the AC power distribution components, refer to Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Descriptions of AC Power Distribution Components

Label Component Function

AC Input AC input Circuit l Connects or disconnects the total AC power supply.

Breaker l Connects to the live wire ( L1/L2/L3) in AC input cables
as the AC input interface.

Protective Connects to the Protection Earth (PE) wire in AC input

grounding wire cables.

N-wire connecting Connects to the Neutral wire (N) in AC input cables.


AC SPD AC lightning Provides lightning protection at the AC input side.


DC Power Distribution Components

DC power distribution units are located in the right part of the PDU. Figure 3-4 shows the
layout of DC power distribution components.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Figure 3-4 DC Power Distribution Components

For a description of the DC power distribution components, refer to Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Descriptions of DC Power Distribution Components

Label Component Function

DC SPD DC lightning Provides lightning protection for DC circuits.


DC Output Load Circuit l Connects or disconnects DC output circuits.

Breaker l Connects to the -48 V power cable for electrical load
as the DC output interface.
l According to group management methods for different
power-off protection modes, it is divided into Low Low
Voltage Disconnect (LLVD) and Battery Low Voltage
Disconnect (BLVD).

BATT Battery Circuit l Connects or disconnects battery circuits.

Breaker l Connects to the negative output wire of a battery pack
as the battery input interface.

3.4 ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier

The ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifiers convert AC to DC, power DC loads and charge the batteries.


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Chapter 3 Structure and Components

Electrical Specifications
The ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifiers is a constant output power.
l Rated input voltage: 100 V–240 V
l Rated output voltage: 48 V
l Adjustable range of the output voltage: 42 V–58 V
l Maximum output power: 3000 W

External View
For the external view of the ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifier, see Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 External View of the ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier

1. Fan 3. QUY Button 5. Ventilation Holes

2. Status Indicators 4. Wrench (left/right) 6. Interfaces

Buttons and Indicators

l Press and hold the QUY (query) button of a rectifier for 5 seconds and then the CSU
displays the ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifier's main information screen.
l The indicators display the operational status of the ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifier. For a
description of the indicators, refer to Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier Operational Status

Operational Status
Power Run Alarm Fault

Lit Lit - Not lit Operating with Stable


Flashing Not lit - Not lit Sleep


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Operational Status
Power Run Alarm Fault

Lit Flashing - Not lit Output Current Limit

Lit - Flashing - Communication Failure

Lit - Lit - Alarm

Lit Not lit - Lit Fault

• "-" means that the status of the indicator is not relevant to the condition.

Input and output interfaces are laid at the back of the ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifier. For the
interface layout of the ZXD3000 (V5.5) rectifier, see Figure 3-6. For a description of the
pin definitions, refer to Table 3-5.
The interfaces complete the electrical and signal connections between the ZXD3000 (V5.5)
rectifier and the ZXDU68 B301 power system.

Figure 3-6 Rectifier Interfaces

Table 3-5 Pin Definitions of ZXD3000 (V5.5) Rectifier Interfaces

Interface Name Pin No. Signal Function


AC input 1-6 L Connects the AC input phase cable.

7 - 12 N Connects the AC input neutral cable.

18 - 20 PE Connects the protection ground.

- 13 - Reserved

Phase detection 14 AA Locates the phase where an operating rectifier is.

15 AB

CAN 16 CAN- A rectifier communicates with other devices

communication through the interfaces. For example, a rectifier
17 CAN+
detection transmits data to the CSU, and the CSU issues
interfaces commands to a rectifier.

DC output 21 - 28 OUTPUT+ Provide DC output power.

29 - 36 OUTPUT-


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Chapter 3 Structure and Components

Interface Name Pin No. Signal Function


Hot-plug pins 37, 38 Hot-plug pin (+) Prevent sparks when a rectifier is installed into
the ZXDU68 B301 system.
39, 40 Hot-plug pin (-)

3.5 Centralized Supervision Unit

The centralized supervision unit (CSU501B) is a foreground monitoring unit of the
communication DC power supply system. It is used to track and manage the operational
status of the system.

l Management
à Supports the charging management, discharging management, and test
management of battery sets.

à Controls the automatic sleep of rectifiers to save energy.

à Exports historical records through a USB flash drive.
à Supports data query, parameter setting, and system control through the LCD.
l Alarm
When faults occur on the power system, the CSU reports alarms and takes protective
l Monitoring
à Collects the operation data of the power system and monitors its operating status
in real time.
à Reports data to the Supervision Center (SC), and monitors the power system
remotely in accordance with the orders received from the SC.
l Wireless communication

Supports General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and 3G network mode, provides the
SMS notice and the E-mail notice function.
l Web functions

After the CSU is connected to the network, you can access the CSU by using Chrome.

Figure 3-7 shows the appearance of the CSU501B.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Figure 3-7 CSU501B Appearance

1. RJ45 Ethernet interface 3. Indicators 5. Buttons

2. USB interface 4. LCD

l USB interface
à The USB interface supports USB flash drives but does not support SD cards or
other portable storage devices, such as portable hard disks, MP3 or MP4.
à The system format of USB files is FAT.
l RJ45 Ethernet interface
à The rate of the RJ45 Ethernet interface is 10 M/100 M (adaptive).
à The RJ45 Ethernet interface supports multiple monitoring network modes
through Telecommunication Network Protocol (TELNET), Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).

The indicators indicate the operational status of the CSU and the system. For a description
of indicators, refer to Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Indicator Status

Operational Status of the
Power Operating Alarm CSU
Indicator Indicator Indicator

Lit Flashing Not lit Operating normally

Lit Lit or not lit - Faulty

Lit Flashing Flashing Alarm

• "-" means that the status of the indicator is not relevant to the condition.

You can query information and set parameters through the menu buttons. For a description
of the functions of the CSU buttons, refer to Table 3-7.


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Chapter 3 Structure and Components

Table 3-7 Buttons

Button Button Name Function

▲ Up/Direction button l Scrolls pages up.

l Moves to the previous item.
l Increases numerical values.

▼ Down/Direction l Scrolls pages down.

button l Moves to the next item.
l Decreases numerical values.

◄ Left/Direction button l Moves the cursor to the left.

l Moves to the previous page.

► Right/Direction l Moves the cursor to the right.

button l Moves to the next page.

Ent Confirmation button l Confirm the operation.

l Saves modifications.

Esc Return button l Returns to the upper-level screen.

l Cancels modifications.

<▲+▼> Combination button You can press the ▲ and ▼ buttons simultaneously to
enter the shortcut menu.

<◄+▲> Combination button You can press the ◄ and ▲ buttons simultaneously to
enter the Language Setting menu.

<▲+Ent> Combination button You can press the ▲ and Ent buttons simultaneously to
view the help information of the current menu.

3.6 Signal Interface Board

The Signal Interface Board (SIB) provides signal interfaces, including input relay interfaces,
output relay interfaces, communication interfaces, and environmental variable detection
The position of SIB see Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8 SIB

1. SIB 2. Interface desigation


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

l Figure 3-9shows the interface layout and pins of each interface.

l For a description of the interfaces, refer to Table 3-8.

Figure 3-9 Diagram of SIB

Table 3-8 Descriptions of the Interfaces on the SIB Board

Silk Interface Description


X2 Flooding alarm Connects to the flooding alarm sensor to detect floods.

X3 Input relay 1, 2 Provides four input relay channels.

You can query the statuses of four input relay channels
X4 Input relay 3, 4
through the centralized supervision unit .

X5 Door status alarm Connects to the door status alarm sensor to detect the
switching status of the cabinet door.

X6 Battery temperature detection Connected to the temperature sensor for battery pack 1.
interface 1

X7 Battery temperature detection Connected to the temperature sensor for battery pack 2.
interface 2

X8 Battery temperature detection Connected to the temperature sensor for battery pack 3.
interface 3

X9 Battery temperature detection Connected to the temperature sensor for battery pack 4.
interface 4

X10 Environmental temperature Connected to the environmental temperature sensor.

detection interface.

X11 RS232 Simplified RS232 interface, used in system network


X12 RS485 (Indepent) RS485 interface, used to communicate with other

external devices under management of the CSU.


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Chapter 3 Structure and Components

Silk Interface Description


X13 RS485(Multiplex) Multiplexing RS485 interface. It cannot be used

together with the X12 interface.

X14 Output relay 1, 2 Provides 8 output relay channels.

You can query the statuses of four output relay channels
X15 Output relay 3, 4
through the centralized supervision unit .
X16 Output relay 5, 6

X17 Output relay 7, 8

X18 CSU fault Raises alarms for the CSU.

3.7 PBMU
l For the external view of the PBMU, see Figure 3-10.
l For a description of the PBMU interface, refer to Table 3-9.

Figure 3-10 Overview of PBMU

Table 3-9 definition of PMUB

Silk Name Interface Definition


X1.1 GND Grounding interface.

X1.2 48 V+ Connected to the positive end of the power supply.

X1.3 48 V- Connected to the negative end of the power supply.

X1.4 C+ -

X2.1 C1 Connected to the positive end of the first battery of the first battery set.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Silk Name Interface Definition


X2.2 C2 Connected to the positive end of the second battery of the first battery set.

X2.3 C3 Connected to the positive end of the third battery of the first battery set.

X2.4 C4 Connected to the positive end of the fourth battery of the first battery set.

X2.5 C5 Connected to the negative end of the fourth battery of the first battery set.

X2.6 C6 -

X3.1 C1 Connected to the positive end of the first battery of the second battery set.

X3.2 C2 Connected to the positive end of the second battery of the second battery set.

X3.3 C3 Connected to the positive end of the third battery of the second battery set.

X3.4 C4 Connected to the positive end of the fourth battery of the second battery set.

X3.5 C5 Connected to the negative end of the fourth battery of the second battery set.

X3.6 C6 -

X4.1 C1 Connected to the positive end of the first battery of the third battery set.

X4.2 C2 Connected to the positive end of the second battery of the third battery set.

X4.3 C3 Connected to the positive end of the third battery of the third battery set.

X4.4 C4 Connected to the positive end of the fourth battery of the third battery set.

X4.5 C5 Connected to the negative end of the fourth battery of the third battery set.

X4.6 C6 -

X5.1 C1 Connected to the positive end of the first battery of the fourth battery set.

X5.2 C2 Connected to the positive end of the second battery of the fourth battery set.

X5.3 C3 Connected to the positive end of the third battery of the fourth battery set.

X5.4 C4 Connected to the positive end of the fourth battery of the fourth battery set.

X5.5 C5 Connected to the negative end of the fourth battery of the fourth battery set.

X5.6 C6 -

X6.1 RS485A Input interface of RS485 signals (end A).

X6.2 RS485B Input interface of RS485 signals (end B).


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Chapter 4
Rectifier Features
Table of Contents
Input Properties..........................................................................................................4-1
Output Property..........................................................................................................4-2
Overtemperature Power Property ...............................................................................4-3

4.1 Input Properties

Undervoltage Protection
When the AC input voltage is lower than the configured undervoltage protection threshold,
undervoltage protection is enabled. The ZXD3000 rectifier is shut down, there is no output
current, and the alarm indicator is lit. When the voltage increases to the undervoltage
restoration threshold, the ZXD3000 rectifier automatically resumes operating properly.

The undervoltage protection threshold of the ZXD3000 rectifier is 80 V±5 V, the hysteresis
voltage is 5 V to 12 V, and the undervoltage restoration threshold equals the undervoltage
protection threshold plus the hysteresis voltage.

Overvoltage Protection
When the AC input voltage is higher than the configured overvoltage protection threshold,
overvoltage protection is enabled. The ZXD3000 rectifier is shut down, there is no output
current, and the alarm indicator is lit. When the voltage decreases to the overvoltage
restoration threshold, the ZXD3000 rectifier automatically resumes operating properly.
The overvoltage protection threshold of the ZXD3000 rectifier is 300 V±5 V, the hysteresis
voltage is 5 V to 10 V, and the overvoltage restoration threshold equals the overvoltage
protection threshold minus the hysteresis voltage.

Power Limitation Based on the Input Voltage

The ZXD3000 rectifier can limit the output power based on the input voltage.

Figure 4-1 shows power limitation based on the input voltage when the following conditions
are met:

l Environmental temperature: -25 °C–+55 °C.

l Output voltage: 52.5 V–58 V. If the output voltage is between 42 V–52.5 V, the
maximum output current should be constant.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Figure 4-1 Power Limitation Based on the Input Voltage

1. Undervoltage protection 2. 55% power (110 V) 4. Overvoltage protection

threshold (80 V±5 V) 3. Maximum power (176 V) threshold (300 V±5 V)

Figure 4-1 shows the relationship between the AC input voltage and the output power of
the ZXD3000 rectifier. For a description of the relationship, refer to Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Descriptions of the Relationship Between the AC Input Voltage and the
Output Power of the ZXD3000 Rectifier

AC Input Voltage Output Power (Percentage of the Maximum Power)

≤ 80 V±5 V 0%

(80 V±5 V)–110 V 40%–55%

110 V–176 V 55%–100%

176 V–(300 V±5 V) 100%

> 300 V±5 V 0%

4.2 Output Property

Figure 4-2 shows the output property of the ZXD3000 rectifier.


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Chapter 4 Rectifier Features

Figure 4-2 Output Properties of the ZXD3000 Rectifier

Figure 4-2 shows the output property of the ZXD3000 rectifier in the following conditions:
l Point A corresponds to output voltage 58 V, and the typical output current capacity is
52.5 A.
l Point B corresponds to output voltage 48 V, and the typical output current capacity is
63.5 A.
l Area C corresponds to output voltage lower than 41 V. In this area, the ZXD3000
rectifier must operate stably and reliably, basic requirements for connecting power
units in parallel must be met, and there is no mandatory requirement for the output
l When the output voltage is between 41 V and 48 V, the output current is constant.
l When the output voltage is lower than 36 V, the ZXD3000 rectifier restarts for
If the environmental temperature is higher than 55 °C, the ZXD3000 enters the power
decrease with high temperature mode. If the input voltage is lower than 176 V, the
ZXD3000 enters the input power limit mode. If both the input voltage and environmental
temperature are high, the maximum current limit threshold is further reduced. In that
case, the maximum power and maximum output current are simultaneously affected by
the input voltage, output voltage, and environmental temperature.

4.3 Overtemperature Power Property

When the environmental temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold, the output
power of the ZXD3000 rectifier decreases with the rise in temperature.
Figure 4-3 shows the overtemperature power property of the ZXD3000 rectifier. For a
description of the property, refer to Table 4-2.


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ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Figure 4-3 Overtemperature Power Property

Table 4-2 Overtemperature Power Property Descriptions

Environmental Output Power (Percentage of the Maximum Power)


-40 °C–+55 °C 100%

+55 °C–+75 °C The output power decreases linearly as the temperature rises. When
the environmental temperature reaches 75 °C, the output power is no
lower than 50% of the maximum power.

> 75°C 0% (The ZXD3000 rectifier is shut down for protection due to


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Chapter 5
Technical Specifications
Table of Contents
Environment Specifications ........................................................................................5-1
Performance Specifications ........................................................................................5-1
Electrical Specifications..............................................................................................5-2
Physical Specifications ...............................................................................................5-4

5.1 Environment Specifications

For a description of the environment specifications, refer to Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Environment Specifications

Item Specification

Operational temperature -10 °C to +55 °C

Storage temperature -40 °C to +80 °C

Relative humidity 10% to 95% (non-condensing)

Altitude l 0 to 2000 m: 100% output power.

l 2000 m to 3000 m: The power derating percentage is 1% for each
100 m increase in altitude above 2000 m.

Other requirements l No conductive dusts or corrosive gases.

l No explosion hazard, no shake or jolt.
l The cabinet should be stable and erect.
l No strong Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).

5.2 Performance Specifications

For the performance specifications of the ZXDU68 B301 DC power system, refer to Table

Table 5-2 Performance Specifications

Item Specification

System capacity Rated output 300 A


Maximum output 18 kW


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

Item Specification

System efficiency Peak efficiency: ≥ 95.5%.

Overall noise (sound

≤55 dB (A)

Network architecture RS232 serial port mode, Ethernet mode, active-device transparent
for monitoring transmission mode, relay mode

Mean time between MTBF≥2.2×105 h


5.3 Electrical Specifications

For the electrical specifications of the ZXDU68 B301 DC power system, refer to Table 5-3
and Table 5-4.

Table 5-3 AC Electrical Specifications

Item Specification

Input AC features AC input mode Three-phase five-wire system (L1/L2/L3/N/PE)

Input AC Voltage l Rated phase voltage: 200 V–240 V

l Range of phase voltage: 80 V–300 V(±5 V)

Input frequency l Rated frequency: 50 Hz/60 Hz

l Frequency range: 45 Hz–66 Hz

Input PF The PF is no lower than 0.99 at the rated load.

AC lightning Class C. Lightning-protection through-current capacity

protection In=20 kA, Imax=40 kA (8/20 μs).

AC power distribution AC input One-channel manual input, 1x63 A/3 P circuit breaker.

Protection feature AC overvoltage The overvoltage protection takes effect when the
protection single-phase input voltage is higher than the AC
overvoltage protection threshold.

AC undervoltage The undervoltage protection takes effect when the

protection single-phase input voltage is lower than the AC
overvoltage protection threshold.

Input overcurrent The AC input Circuit Breaker(or AC input contactor)

protection provides the overcurrent protection function.


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Technical Specifications

Table 5-4 DC Electrical Specifications

Item Specification

Output DC Features Rated output –54 V DC


Range of the Continuously adjustable from -42 V to -58 V (the

output voltage monitoring unit adjusts the monitoring unit).

Regulated ≤0.6%
voltage precision

Psophometri- ≤ 1 mV
cally weighted
noise voltage

Peak-to-peak ≤ 100 mV (20 MHz bandwidth)

noise voltage

DC lightning Lightning-protection through-current capacity In=15 kA

protection (8/20 μs).

DC power distribution Battery input Four channels: 4x125 A/1 P air circuit breaker

DC load output Power-off protection mode: LLVD1+LLVD2+BLVD,


Protection feature DC overvoltage The overvoltage protection takes effect when the output
protection voltage is higher than the DC overvoltage protection

DC undervoltage The undervoltage protection takes effect when the output

protection voltage is lower than the DC overvoltage protection

Battery The load power-off protection or battery power-off

undervoltage protection takes effect when the battery voltage is lower
protection than the power-off voltage protection threshold.

Battery high- The battery power-off protection takes effect when the
temperature battery temperature is higher than the high-temperature
protection power-off protection threshold.

Battery low- The battery power-off protection takes effect when the
temperature battery temperature is lower than the low-temperature
protection power-off protection threshold.

Load low- The power-off protection takes effect when the

temperature environment temperature is lower than the environment
protection temperature power-off protection threshold.


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

5.4 Physical Specifications

For the physical specifications of the ZXDU68 B301 DC power system, refer to Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Physical Specifications

Item Specification

Dimensions 397 mm × 483 mm × 360 mm (H x W x D)

Weight of rectifiers 2 kg (each)

Installation mode Embedded in a 19-inch cabinet

Wiring mode Upward wiring

Maintenance mode Front-end maintenance


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6
Design Standards
The ZXDU68 B301 power system complies with the RoHS (2002/95/EC) requirements in
the European Union.
Table 6-1 lists the design standards that the ZXDU68 B301 power system complies with.

Table 6-1 Design Standards

Item Standard

Electromagnetic compatibility IEC61000 series and EN300386

Conduction and radiation EN55022 class A

Safety IEC60950 and EN60950

Earthquake resistance YD 5083 Specification for Seismic Test of

Telecommunications Equipment and YD 5096
Specification for Seismic Test of Power Supply Equipment
for Telecommunications


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

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SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Battery Low Voltage Disconnect
- Controller Area Network
- Centralized Supervision Unit
- Electromagnetic Interference
- File Transfer Protocol
- General Packet Radio Service
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- International Electrotechnical Commission

- Liquid Crystal Display

- Load Low Voltage Disconnect
- Mean Time Between Failures
- Restriction of Hazardous Substances
- Supervision Center
- Secure Digital memory card
- Signal Interface Board

- Simple Network Management Protocol
- Surge Protection Device

SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXDU68 B301 Product Description

- Telecommunication Network Protocol


SJ-20161028155312-002|2017-10-24(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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