Com Res 10869

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Republic of the Philippines
crrrDELrNEsoN THE [11 GARCIA, George Erwin M. Chairperson
CONDUCT OF PILOT INTING, Socorro B. Commissioner
CA"PITAL REGION AND MACEDA, JR., Ernesto Ferdinand P. Commissioner
SELECTED AREAS IN CELIS, Nelson J. Commissioner
Promulgated: November 29,2022!
10 869

WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Commission on Elections (Commission)

to establish a clean, complete, permanent, and updated list of voters through the
conduct of the system of continuing registration of voters as provided for under
Republic Act (R.A.) No.8189, otherwise known as "The Voter's Registration Act
ot 1996";
WHEREAS, under the said 1aw, qualified voters are required to file their
sworn application for registration before the Electlon Officer (EO) of the
city/municipality/district where he/she resides;
WHEREAS, the Commission recognizes the difficult5r of numerous
qualified voters who temporarily reside in a.reas far from their
city/ municipality/ district by reason of (1) occupation, (2) profession, (3)
employment in private or public sector, or (4) educational activities; and a,re
required to travel back to their permanent place of residence in order to register
or to transfer their existing registration record;

WHEREAS, to improve voter registration experience and to carry out a

system of registration of voters which is inclusive, pa-rticipatory, and accessible,
the Commission seeks to implement a Register Anywhere Project (RAP) to provide
convenience and remedies to qualified voters who are temporarily residing in
areas outside their actual city/municipality/district of residence;

WIIEREAS, in order to come up with a conceptualized project, the

Commission created a Register Any'where Committee (RAC) to formulate the
pertinent rules and regulations for the implementation of the RAP in the
identified pilot areas;

WIIEREAS, to ensure its feasibility and to devise ways to efficiently

implement the RAP, a pilot test must be conducted in the Nationa-l Capital Region
(NCR), Regions V and MII;

Page I of l0
' NOiV THEREFORE, the Commission on Elections, by virtue of the powers
vested in it by the Constitution, Republic Act No. 8i89, the Omnibus Election
Code, and other registration and election laws, has RESOLVED, as it
hereby RESOLVES to promulgate the following rules on the conduct of the
Register Anyurhere Project (RAP):

voters who are present in a given locality other than his or her residence
city/municipality/district during the period set forth under Section 3 hereof may
proceed to the designated registration venues and file their applications before
the created RAP Teams if he/she desires to be registered in the
city/municipality/district of his/her permanent residence.
This will cover a-lso those individuals, who by reason ol occupation,
profession, employment in private or public sector, and educational activities,
temporarily reside in areas outside the city/district/municipality of their

For applicants who have already satisfied the residency requirement in the
city/municipality/district where the RAP activities are established, they should
file their application at the Office of the Election Officer (OEO) having jurisdiction
over the said locality.

The Commission, through the RAC, shall initially implement the RAP by
conducting pilot testing in NCR, Regions V and VIII where only appiications for
New Reqis tration and Transfer from Aaother Citv/ District/ Municipalitv
shall be accepted. Its implementation shall eventually be expanded to include
all highly urbanized cities nationwide.
In no case shall the reception of the application and capturing of
biometrics by the RAP Team constitute automatic registration of the applicant.
Registration shall commence at the date of receipt by the loca,l EOs of the
applicant's registration documents.

SDC. 2. Creation oJ Regi"ster Angwh.ere Projec4-Team (RAP-Tean). -

The RAC shall initially constitute five (5) RAP Teams in the NCR. Each RAP-
Team, which shal1 be designated as a remote reception point of all OEOs, shall
have the iollowing personnel from the Main Office and Office of the Regional
Election Director-NCR (ORED-NCR) who will act as follows:

1. At least two (2) personnei to receive and process the

applications and interview the applicants;
2. One (1) Acting Election Officer ('Election Officer-at-Large')
who shall be authorized to administer the oath of
applications on-site;
3. At least five (5) Voter Registration Machine (VRM)
4. One (i) laptop operator for the National List of Registered
Voter (NLRV);
5. Two (2) personnel in charge of crowd management; and
6. At least one (1) personnel ofthe COSF.
For other pilot areas in Naga City, Camarines Sur, Legazpi City, Albay and
Tacloban City, Leyte, the RAP Teams shall accept the same applications as above
and shall be marned by regular personnel from the Office of the Provincia-l
Election Supervisor (OPES) and ORED. One (1) RAP Team composed of the same

personnel complement as above stated shali be created for each ofthe cited areas
to be deployed in seiected malls therein.

For this purpose, the Information Technologr Department (lTD) shal1

allocate the required number of VRM laptops for all RAP venues and NLRV
laptops for NCR RAP Teams.

For RAP Teams outside NCR, the corresponding OPES shail provide the
NLRV laptops/desktop for each RAP venue within their area of responsibility.

StsC. 3. Schedule antd r*nue of RAP. - Pilot testing of the RAP sha-ll be
conducted every Saturdays and Suadays in piiot malls or public areas in NCR,
Naga City, Camarines Sur, Legazpi City, Albay, and Tacloban Citv, Le1te.
However, the Commissioner-in-Charge lor 2023 BSKE may set additional days
for RAP as may be recommended by the RAC.

The RAP piiot testing shall commence on Decembet 17, 2022, except
December 24, 25, and 3 1, 2022 and January I, 2023. The same shall continue
until January 22,2023.

SE'C,4. Marynuer and logl.stical requiremcnts. -The RAC, headed by

the Office of the Deputy Executive Director for Operations (ODEDO), shall
coordinate with the concerned Departments to provide the logistica-l
requirements necessary for the conduct of the RAP pilot test and eventually, its
implementation nationwide:

1. Office of Commissioner Rey E. Bulay, BSKE-CIC

2. Ofhce of Commissioner Nelson J. Celis, Digital
3. Office of the Executive Director (OED)
4. Information Technologr Department (lTD)
5. Education and Information Department (EID)
6. Election and Barangay Affair Department (EBAD)
7. Law Department
8. Administratlve Services Department (ASD)
9. Finance Services Department (FSD)
10. Offices of the Regional Election Director (ORED)
i 1. Offices of the Provincial Election Supervisor (OPES)

Departments shall perform the following tasks:

1 . Submit report to the CICs on the status of
implementation of the RAP.

1. Provide technical instructions and training to RAP-

Teams of the VRM registration process and
transmission of applicants' database;
2. Provide at least five (5) units of laptops per RAP-Teams
with insta-lled Voter Registration System [VRS) and one

(1) laptop with NLRV, including complete sets of
peripherals; and,
3. Provide technical personnel; and,
4. Update the Comelec website on the status report of the
list of applications transmitted to the OEOs; ard,
5. Post in the Comelec website, within five (5) days from
receipt, the transmitted list of approved and
disapproved applications forwarded by the OEOs.


1 . Facilitate the execution of the Memorandum of

Agreement with mal1s and other commercial
2. Distribute the forms and supplies to the RAP-Teams;
3. Coordinate with the RAC/ORED/OEO for the effective
implementation of the project;
4. Provide lawyers who will act as administering officers
for the RAP activity, as needed;
5. Provide manpower personnel for the RAP-Team.

1. Review the Memorandum of Agreement with malls and

other commercial establishment for the venue of the
RAP activity; and
2. Provide lawyers who will act as administering officers
lor the RAP activity, as needed.


1. Provide to the RAP Teams, through the EBAD, all forms

and supplies needed for the activity;
2. Provide transportation requirements for piiot test of the
RAP-Teams in the NCR;
3. Provide at least one (1) COSF personnel for every RAP
venue in the NCR;
4. Provide manpower for the RAP activity, as needed; and,
5. Ensure the deployment of packed and iabeled
processed/accomplished forms to the concerned OEO;

l. Provide the content and design for the signages to be
used at the RAP activity registration venues;
2. Conduct extensive information dissemination of the RAP
activity; and
3. Provide manpower for the RAP activity, as needed.


1. Facilitate the processing and release of funds for the

necessary and incidental expenses for the RAP activity
including payment of overtime;
2. Recommend to the CIC the special disbursing officer
(SDO); and
3. Provide manpower for the RAP activity, as needed.
1. Monitor the conduct of RAP activity in their respective
2. Ensure that RAPTeam/s is/are in custody of a,ll received
applications and processed demographics and
biometrics information in applicants' database and that
the same are transmitted to BBAD and ITD, respectively;
3. Monitor the transmittal and receipt by the concerned
OEO, through courier and Secure File Transfer Protocol
(SPTP), the segregated processed application forms and
applicants' database from EBAD and ITD, respectively;
4. Coordinate with the malls and other commercial
establishment for the conduct of RAP; and
5. Coordinate with the EID for the information
dissemination of the RAP.

I. EOs

1. Notify applicants of the status of their applications

through email/text message, receipt of their application
from EBAD,/lTD, schedule of Election Registration Board
(ERB) Hearing and thereafter, whether the application is
denied or approved by the ERB;
2. The EOs may conduct the ERB Hearings by online video-
teleconference for applications for registration and
transfer of registration coursed through the RAP.
The EOs shall send notice of scheduled ERB
Hearing to applicants with opposition through
email/text messase, in addition to the reguia,r posting in
the bulletin board and registered mail.
In cases where the ERB Hearings are conducted
online, the EOs shall give written notice to applicants
with pending oppositions that the ERB Hearing will be
conducted online and provide access thereto;
3. Upon receipt of the electronic documents submitted
during the applications, the same sha-ll be used by the
EOs and ERBs as basis in acting on the registration;
4. The EOs shal1 send notice to the registered political
parties and accredited citizens'arm that the notices and
list of applicants to be talen up at the ERB Hearing shall
be posted in the COMELEC website and official
Facebook pages of the OEOs;
5. Include in the ERB Minutes of Hearing the total number
of applications processed through the RAP, including the
total number of approved and disapproved applications
thereon; and,
6. After ERB Hearing, submit to ITD the list of approved
and disapproved applications processed through RAP.

SEC. 6. RAP Data Priuacg Policg and Custodg of VRMs, Accomplished

Application Form"s and Appticdnts' Datahase. In the implementation of the
RAP activity, the RAC shall ensure that the iollowing measures shall be observed:

1. Ensure that the database for NLRV to be utilized for

verification shall be encrypted and properly secured, and
under the custody of the RAP-Team Head;

2. Require members of the RAP-Team to execute and submit
to RAC, prior to their engagement, a Non-Disclosure
Agreement (NDA) and security clearance stating among
others, the duty to duly secure the confidentiality of all
personal information of applicants received and processed;
3. Ensure the custody and safety of the filled-out application
forms; and, proper back-up of appiicants' database at the
end of each day of activity;
4. Ensure that the VRMs and peripherals are sa-fe from theft,
loss and from any elements that may cause damage;
5. Access to the VRMs shall be strictly limited to the assigned
members of the RAP-Team; and,
6. Provide a waiver/consent form (Annex "A') on the
processing of personal data for uploading to the applicants'
database and voters' database to be accomplished and
submitted together with the application forms/applicable

SEC. 7, Procedure on the Filtng of Application Jor Registration and

T'ra nster from Another City/fuIunicipalitg/District. -

A. The applicant shall personally appear before the RAP Team and
proceed to the initial interviewer. The applicant sha-ll state his/her
name and exact address, specifying the house number, name of the
street, area, district, purok or sitio, ald barangag where he/she
resides, and present aly vaJid identification documents that bear
applicant's photograph and signature except Community Tax
Certificates (cedula) and PNP clearance;

In the absence of any of the said identification documents, the

applicant may be identified under oath, through the execution of art
Affidavit of Identification (Annex "B'), by any registered voter of the
precinct where he/she intends to be registered, or by any ofhis/her
relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. No
registered voter or relative sha-ll be allowed to identify more than three
(3) applicants.

If the applicant fails to establish his/her identity by any of the

a-forementioned methods/documents, he/she shall not be issued arr
application form, nor sha11 his/her pre-accomplished application form
be accepted.

B After establishing the identity of the applicant, the applicant shall

proceed to the Nationai List of Registered Voters (NLRV) Verifier where
the latter shall check the name of the applicant in the said list to
determine if he/she has an existing voter registration in another

If applicant has no existing registration, he/she may apply for New

Registration. Otherwise, he/she will be directed to file an application
for Tralsfer. The NLRV Verifier will issue art application form and the
oval corresponding the appropriate application type shall be marked
with a check. In case the applicant has brought his/her printed arrd
duly accomplished application form downloaded from the COMELEC
website, the NLRV verifier shall mark the oval corresponding the
appropriate application type.

The applicant will now be directed to the designated area for fiiling-
out of forms

C. Thereafter, applicant will proceed to the next Interviewer who shall

ask the former with searching questions pertaining to his/her voter
qualifications and fact of registration or non-registration in another
loca-lity. If the Interviewer is satisfied, the applicant will be directed to
the Voter Registration Machine (VRM) Operator;

D The applicant shall submit the accomplished application form to the

VRM Operator for encoding of demographic entries and capturing of
biometric details.

The VRM Operator shall show the encoded demographics to the

applicant and confirm from him/her if all the details therein are
complete and accurate;

B The applicant sha-ll then proceed to the Acting EO for the

administration of oath. The applicant's thumbprint shall be imprinted
on the application form in the presence of the Acting EO and the
acknowledgment receipt shall be cut and given to the applicant.

In case the applicant has already affixed his/her signature and

imprinted his/her thumbmark in the accomplished application
form, the a licant sha11 confirm the same a-ftixi his her
sign ature and thumbrnark at the back portion of the application form
in the presenee ql t!!te r\c [i!]gEO.

SEC. 8. Segregation and ttt lt-ouer of appllcation Jonns and back-up

oJ the applicrrnt's dotabase. - The RAP-Teams shall:

A. NCR RAP Teams:

1 . Segregate all processed application forms by

province/ city/ municipality/ district;
2. Conduct daily back-up of processed voters' information
stored in the applicant's database;
3. Turn-over the application forms either through personal
delivery or accredited courier to the EBAD; and
4. Transmit the applicants' database to ITD either through
personal delivery or via Secure File Transfer Protocol

B. RAP Teams Outside NCR:

1. Segregate al1 processed registration forms by

province / city/ municipality/ district;
2. Conduct daily back-up of processed voters' information
stored in the applicants' database;
3. Turn-over the application forms through accredited courier
to EBAD, through the OPES; ald,
4. Transmit the applicants' database, through the assistance
of the Computer Maintenance Technologist (CMT), to ITD
through SFTP.

SEC. 9. Transmittal oJ segregated accomplished application Jorm.s
and applicc:nts' to the intended OEOs. - It shall be the duty of the
foilowing to:

1 . Receive all appiication forms turned over by the RAP-
Teams in the NCR;
2. Check and ensure that application forms are properiy
segregated by province, city, municipality and district. If
not, conduct segregation and arrange the same
3. Pack the application forms, properly labeled indicating the
city, municipality, district of destination and the complete
address of the OEO;
4. Transmit the labeled package to the Internal Records
Division (lRD), ASD for deployment to the recipient OtrOs,
th rough authorized courier;
5. Inform ORED, OPES and OEO of the schedule of
deployment and the expected date of arrival;
6. Monitor and confirm with OEO's the receipt of the package
containing application forms; and
7. Submit monitoring report to the RAC, copy fumish ORED
and OPES concemed.


1. Segregate the applicants'records received from RAP-Teams

by province, city, municipality and district;
2. Transmit, through SFTP, the appiicants' encrypted
database, AFIS results and summary list to the intended
OEOs. In case of areas without internet connection, the
applicants' database, AFIS results and summary list shall
be transmitted through encrypted storage device to the
concerned OEO via authorized courier;
3. Inform the concerned OEO;
4. Provide OEO the technical procedures for the merger of the
received applicants' record to their respective local
applicant's database; and
5. Post the ERBs' lists of approved and disapproved RAP
applicants in the Comelec Website.


1. Ensure immediate dispatch of lilled-up application forms

and applicants' database to EBAD and ITD;
2. Monitor the receipt by the OEOs, through courier and
SFTP, the segregated processed forms and applicants'
record from EBAD ald ITD;
3. Submit a report on any missing, lacking or mis-delivery of
the transmitted forms and applicants' database; and
4. Faciiitate, in case of mis-delivery, the delivery of the
wrongfully transmitted processed forms or appiicants'

D. EOs:

1. Inform EBAD, ITD, ORED and OPES, through fastest
means, receipt of the transmitted application forms and
applicants' record;
2. Verify thoroughly the completeness of application forms
vis-d-vis the total number of received records in the
applicants' database. In case of missing or lacking
records/ application forms, report immediately in writing to
BBAD or ITD as the case may be;
In no case shall missing or lacking physical
records/ application forms be a ground for the EOs not to
act on the applications for registration received through
the RAP. In case of "total loss' of Fhysical
records/application forms, where the application forms
either: (1) did not arrive and their whereabouts are
unknown; or, (2) should they arrive, they are mutiiated,
defaced, tampered or totally destroyed, the scanned
application forms and records shail be treated as the
functional equivalent or substitute of the original physical
3. In case of mis-delivery of application forms, the concemed
EO shall forward the same to the intended OEO, and
inform EBAD thereafter. As for mis-delivered applicants'
database, the concerned OEO shall coordinate immediately
to the ITD, and shall delete the files or destroy the storage
4. Ensure the merger of applicants' database received from
ITD to the local voter registration system applicants'
database; and,
5. Include the names of RAP applicants for posting in the
bulletin boards ald submission to the ERB Hearing for
approva-1/disapproval. In addition to posting in the bulletin
boards, the list oi applicants to be taken up during the ERB
Hearing may likewise be posted in the COMELEC website
andlor the OEO's official social media accounts.
S.EC. IO. hrytlenartafion oJ Autotruted Fingerprint ldentlfication
system (AFIS) Matching - The Commission, through the RAC, shall ensure
1. Upon approval by the ERB of the applications processed
through the RAP, the consolidated records in the Voters'
Database shall be transmitted to ITD and shall undergo the
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
matching process;
2. AFIS summa,ry list of applicants shall be posted in the
Comelec Official Website arld Facebook Account; and
3. Digital/soft copy of the AFIS results and summary list shall
be forwarded to the OEOs through SFTP for abatement or
manua-l cross-out in the next ERB Hearing.

S.DC. 77. Ent:ltlemcnt to pagrrant Jor otertimc sentices and mcal

allouanrces. - RAP Team members shall be entitled to overtime pay equivalent
to the applicable rate for Saturdays and Sundays and to meal allowances in
accordance with the pertinent rules and regulations, subject to the Commission
on Audit (COA) auditing procedure.

S.EIC.72. Bt dSeA rcquircmcnt. -For the RAP pilot testing, the RAP-Teams
will require a total budget of Eight Hundred Nineteen Thousand Pesos
(Php819,000.00) pesos to finance all expenditures relative to its conduct for the
period startlag December 17,2o22 to January 22r 2023.

SEC. I3. Applicabiltlg of tesolttl:lotts of the Comnrlssloa. -Resolutions

pertaining to the registration rules and regulations promulgated by the
Commission in so far as applicable and not inconsistent herewith shall apply.

S,EC. 74. Etfec+funly. - This Resolution shall take effect immediately after
its publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the
Philippines. The Education and Information Depa,rtment (EID) is hereby directed
to cause the widest dissemination of this Resolution and its publication.
Likewise, the ITD shall post the same in the Comelec Website.

Let the Office of the Deputy Executive Director for Operations, Election
and Barangay Affairs Department, Information Technolos/ Depa-rtment,
Administrative Services Department, Finaace Services Department, Offices of the
Regional Election Directors, Offices of the Provincial Election Supervisors and
Offices of the Election Officer implement this Resolution.





Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


APPROVED by the Commission En Banc on November 29,2022 pursuart

to COMELEC Resolution No. 10671 entitled: 'Supplemental Resolution to
COMELEC Resolution No. 9936 promulgated on March 25,2021 entitled: 'Rules
on the Enactment and promulgation of Executive or Administrative Resolutions'
providing for other format of meetings to include online meetings applicable in
times of the COVID- 19 pandemic and the imposition of Community Quarantine
and similar emergency situations."

Director IV
Office of the Comelec Secretar5r


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