Of Of: February 4987-Vol. 25, No. 2 IEEE Communications Magazine
Of Of: February 4987-Vol. 25, No. 2 IEEE Communications Magazine
Of Of: February 4987-Vol. 25, No. 2 IEEE Communications Magazine
a codingand
fordigitaltransmission over
band-limited channels. Its main attraction comes from
the fact that it allows the achievement of significant
codinggains over conventionaluncodedmultilevel
modulationwithoutcompromisingbandwidth effi-
ciency. T h e first T C M schemes were proposed in 1976
[I]. Following a more detailed publication [2] in 1982, an
explosion of research and actual implementations of
TCM took place, to the point where today there is a good
understanding of the theory and capabilities of T C M
methods. In Part 1 of this two-part article, an introduc-
tion into TCM is given. T h e reasons for the development
of TCM are reviewed, and examples of simple TCM
schemesarediscussed.Part I1 [I51providesfurther
insight intocode design and performance, and addresses .
recent advances in TCM.
T C M schemes employ redundant nonbinary modula-
tion in combination with a finite-state encoder which
governs the selection of modulation signals to generate
coded signal sequences. In thereceiver, the noisy signals
aredecoded by asoft-decisionmaximum-likelihood
sequence decoder. Simple four-state TCM schemes can
improve. the robustness of digital transmission against
additivenoise by 3 dB, comparedtoconventional
, uncoded modulation. Withmore
complex TCM
schemes, the coding gain can reach 6 dB or more. These
gains are obtained without bandwidth expansion or
reduction of the effective information rate as required by
traditional error-correction schemes. Shannon’s infor-
mation theory predicted the existence of coded modula-
tion schemes with these characteristics more than three
decades ago. T h e development of effective TCM tech-
niques and today’s signal-processing technology now
allow these ,gains to be obtained in practice.
Signal waveforms representing information sequences
~ are most impervious to noise-induced detection errors if
they are very different from each other. Mathematically,
this translates into therequirement that signal sequences
should have large distance in Euclidean signal space.
~ T h e essential new concept of TCM that led to the afore-
1 mentionedgainswastousesignal-setexpansionto
I provide redundancy for coding, and to design coding and
’ signal-mappingfunctionsjointly so astomaximize
~ directlythe “free distance”(minimumEuclideandis-
tance) between coded signal sequences. This allowed the
construction of modulation codes whose free distance
significantly exceeded the minimum distance between
uncoded modulation signals, at the same information
rate, bandwidth, and signal power. The term “trellis” is
used becausethese schemes can be described by a state-
transition (trellis) diagram similar to the trellis diagrams
of binary convolutional codes. T h e difference is that in
T C M schemes,thetrellisbranchesarelabeledwith
redundant nonbinary modulation signals rather than
with binary code symbols.
T h e basic principles of T C M were published in 1982
[2]. Furtherdescriptionsfollowed in 1984[3-61, and
coincided with a rapid transition of TCM from the re-
search stage to practical use. In 1984, a T C M scheme
with a coding gainof 4 dB was adopted by the Interna-
tional Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Commit-
Amplitudemodulation Amplitude/Phasemodulation 4-PSK.
Two problems contribute to this
T situation.
O - 2 r - O
o o o o o o o : o o o o o
o o o o o o i o i o o o o o
. .lo 0 ojoiojo
: : ; ;
0 01.
i i 16-PASK
One problem in the
of informationinthe
coded 8-PSKsystem just described
made prior to decoding which cause anirreversible loss
receiver. T h e remedy forthis
problem is soft-decision decoding, which means that the
j j decoder operates directly on unquantized “soft” output
j i 32-CROSS
O 1 ; i samples of the channel. Let the samples be r, = a, 4-w,
j 64-OASK
(real- or complex-valued, for one- or two-dimensional
1 28-CROSS modulation, respectively), where the a, are the discrete
4-PSK 8-PSK 16-PSK
signalssent by themodulator,andthe w, represent
Fig. 1 . Signal sefs for one-dimensional amplifude modulation, samples of a n additive white Gaussian noise process.
and two-dimensional phase and ampliiudelphase modulaiion. T h e decision ruleof the optimum sequence decoder isto
lator for the four-state coded 8-PSK scheme.
Soft-decision decoding is accomplished in two steps: T
In the first step, called “subset decoding”, within each
subset of signalsassignedtoparalleltransitions,the
&z:j 01010101
[I] G. Ungerboeck and I . Csajka, “On improving data-link
performance by increasing the channel alphabetand
introducing sequence coding,” 1976 Int. Symp. Inform.
Theory, Ronneby, Sweden, June 1976.
[2] G. Ungerboeck, “Channel coding with multileveVphase
signals,” I E E E T r a n s . I n f o r m a l i o n T h e o r y , vol. IT-28,
pp. 55-67, Jan. 1982.
[3] G. D. Forney, Jr., R. G. Gallager, G. R. Lang, F. M.
Longstaff, and S. U. Qureshi, “Efficient modulation for
band-limited channels,” IEEE Trans. Selecled Areas in
C o m m . , vol. SAC-2, pp. 632-647, Sept. 1984.
[4] L. F. Wei,“Rotationally invariant convolutional channel
coding with expanded signal space-Part I: 180 degrees,”
I E E E T r a n s . S e l e c t e d A r e a s i n C o m m . , vol. SAC-2, pp.
659-672, Sept. 1984.
[5] L. F. Wei,“Rotationally invariant convolutional channel
1 2 3 4 5 b4-uA:
coding with expanded signal space-Part 11: nonlinear
codes,” IEEE Trans. Selecled Areas in Comm., vol. SAC-2,
Spectral efficiency [bit/sec/Hz]
pp. 672-686, Sept. 1984.
Fig. 8. Free distance of binaryco~tuolutional codes with f - P S K [6] A. R. Calderbank and J. E. Mazo, “A new description of
modulation, and TChf with a unrirty of two-dimenszonal modula- trellis codes,” I E E E T r a n s . I n f o r m a l i o n T h e o r y , vol. IT-
tzon .scheme.s, for spectral efficiencies from 213 to 6 b i t l s e c l H z . 30, pp. 784-791, NOV.1984.
[7] CCITT Study Group XVII, “Recommendation V.32 fora
ciencies are also depicted. T h e average signal energy of family of 2-wire, duplex modems operating on the general
switched telephone network and on leased telephone-type
all signal sets is normalized to unity. Free distances are circuits,” Document AP VIII-43-E, May 1984.
expressed in decibels relative to the value dfrct, = 2 of 81 CCITT Study Group XVII, “Draft recommendation V.33
uncoded 4-PSK modulation. The binary convolutional for 14400 bits per second modem standardized for useon
codes of rates 113, 1/2, and 314 with optimum Hamming point-to-point 4-wire leased telephone-type circuits,”
distances are taken from textbooks, such as, [12]. T h e Circular No. 12, COM XVII/YS, Geneva, May 17, 1985.
T C M codes and their properties are found in the code 91 G. Ungerboeck, J . Hagenauer, and T. Abdel Nabi,
tables presented in Part I1 (largely reproduced from [2]). “Coded 8-PSK experimental modem for the INTELSAT
All coded systems achieve significant distance gains SCPC system,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Digital Satellite
with as few as 4,8, and 16 code states. Roughly speaking, Communications (ICDS-7), pp. 299-304, Munich, May
it is possible to gain 3 dB with4 states, 4 dB with 8 states, IO] R. J. F. Fang, “A coded8-PSKsystemfor140-Mbit/s
nearly 5 dB with 16 states, a n d u p to 6 dB with 128 or information ratetransmissionover80-MHz nonlinear
more states. The gains obtained with two-state codes transponders,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Digital Satellite
usually are very modest. With higher numbers of states, Communications (ICDS-’I), pp. 305-313, Munich, May
theincrementalgains become smaller.Doublingthe 12-16,1986.
number of states does not always yield a code with larger111 T. Fujino, Y. Moritani, M. Miyake, K. Murakami, Y.
free distance. Generally, limited distance growth and Sakato. and H . Shiino, “A 120 Mbit/s 8PSK modem with
increasing numbersof nearest neighbors, and neighbors soft-Viterbi decoding,” Proc.7th Int. Conf. on Digital
with next-larger distances, are the two mechanisms that Satellite Communications (ICDS-7), pp. 315-321, Mu-
prevent real coding gains from exceeding the ultimate nich, May12-16,1986.
[I21 G. C. Clark and J. B. Cain, Error-Correction Coding for
limit set by channelcapacity.Thislimitcan be Digital Communications, Plenum Press, New York and
characterized by the signal-to-noise ratio at which the London, 1981.
channel capacity of a modulation system with a 2””-ary [I31 A. J. Viterbi, “Error bounds for convolutional codes and
signal set equals m bit/sec/Hz [2] (see also Fig. 4). an asymptotically optimum decoding algorithm,” I E E E
T r a n s . I n f o r m a l i o n T h e o r yvol.
, IT-13, pp. 260-269, April
Conclusion 1967.
[I41 G. D. Forney, Jr., “The Viterbi algorithm,” Proc. of l h e
Trellis-coded modulationwas invented as a method to I E E E , vol. 61, pp. 268-278, March 1973.
improvethe noise immunity of digitaltransmission [ 151 G. Ungerboeck. “Trellis-coded modulation with redun-
systems without bandwidth expansion or reduction of dant signal sets, Part 11: State of the art.” I E E E
data rate. TCM extended the principles of convolutional C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a g a z i n e , vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 1987.