J Icheatmasstransfer 2017 07 023
J Icheatmasstransfer 2017 07 023
J Icheatmasstransfer 2017 07 023
Keywords: In the present study, melting of phase change material (PCM) in vertical and inclined rectangular enclosures is
Phase change material numerically investigated. Comparison of the numerical and experimental results reveals that the two-dimen-
Inclination sional numerical simulations of PCM melting in vertical enclosures can accurately predict both the liquid
Constrained melting fraction and the temporal evolution of the solid-liquid interface. Also, it well predicts the instantaneous values of
Lauric acid
liquid fractions for inclined enclosures (45° and 0°) with a maximum deviation less than 6.5%. Regardless of the
Stephan number, the complete melting time in 0° and 45° inclined enclosures are respectively about 52% and
37% shorter as compared to the vertical enclosure. Heat transfer enhancement and consequently melting rate
augmentation in inclined enclosures are found to be the result of the intensification of natural convection flows
and formation of thermal plumes originating from counter-rotating vortices. Moreover, to generalize the results,
a group of dimensionless numbers is introduced and used to develop three new correlations for prediction of the
instantaneous liquid fraction, energy storage and time-averaged Nusselt number in inclined enclosures.
1. Introduction unconstrained melting, the solid PCM descends to the bottom of the
container and heat transfer to the PCM occurs by both heat conduction
The latent heat thermal energy storage systems based on phase and natural convection. Heat conduction is the dominant mode of heat
change material (PCM) have gained increasing interest due to the ad- transfer through the thin film of liquid between the solid PCM and heat
vantages of high thermal energy storage density and small temperature transfer surface while natural convection exists at the bulk of the liquid
change during the melting and solidification processes. PCMs have PCM in the upper part of the enclosure [8–12]. During the constrained
great potential for integration with different thermal systems such as melting, the solid PCM is restrained from settling down to the bottom of
solar thermal collectors, solar cells, building air conditioning and the container and heat conduction plays a significant role only during
electronics. Besides the advantages of PCMs, the main drawback of the initial stage of melting while natural convection becomes the
these materials is their inherently low thermal conductivity decreasing dominant mode of heat transfer as the gap between the solid PCM and
the rate of heat transfer during the melting and solidification processes. container wall increases [13–15]. The strength of natural convection
In order to overcome this shortcoming of PCMs, various heat transfer flows in the liquid PCM depends on the geometry of the container and a
enhancement techniques have been proposed. These methods include group of nondimensional numbers, namely Rayleigh, Stefan, and
the use of fins [1], metal/graphite matrices [2], heat pipes [3,4], dis- Fourier. Also, the inclination of the container with respect to the
persed high-conductivity nanoparticles in the PCM [5], and micro- gravitational field affects the formation of natural convection flows and
encapsulation of PCM [6]. consequently changes the melting rate of the PCM [16,17]. One of the
It has already been proven that melting of PCM in an enclosure is a earliest studies addressing the melting of PCM in inclined enclosures
transient process controlled by two heat transfer mechanisms, heat was conducted by Webb and Viskanta [17]. They experimentally in-
conduction and natural convection [7]. The dominance of each of the vestigated melting of PCM in a rectangular enclosure at inclinations of
mentioned heat transfer mechanisms depends on the melting method of 0°, 30° and 60° with a fixed Stefan number. The results revealed that the
the PCM. Melting of PCM in enclosures can be categorized as un- melting rate of PCM is strongly dependent on the inclination angle of
constrained (close-contact or unfixed) and constrained (fixed), de- the enclosure. Sharifi et al. [18] examined the effect of tilting on
pending on the position of solid PCM in the container. During the melting behavior of PCM in a cylindrical enclosure. The experimental
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (B. Kamkari), [email protected] (H.J. Amlashi).
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
⎧0 if T < Tsolidus
3. Results and discussions
ΔH ⎪ T − Tsolidus
γ= = Tliquidus − Tsolidus if Tliquidus < T <Tsolidus
Lsf ⎨
⎪1 if T > Tliquidus (7) Figs. 3–5 illustrate the predicted temperature contours, streamlines
and the evolution of the solid-liquid interface at different inclination
The initial condition of the PCM is: angles of 90°, 45° and 0° for Ra = 8.3 × 108 (Tw = 70°C). Also, the shape
At t = 0 , T = 25°C and position of predicted interfaces are compared with the melting
The boundary conditions adopted for solutions of conservation photographs reported by Kamkari et al. [16]. In the melting photo-
equations are: graphs, the white and black colors represent the solid and liquid phases
of the PCM, respectively.
1. No slip boundary condition at the walls, u = v = 0 Fig. 3 shows the melting of PCM in the vertical enclosure (θ = 90°).
2. The right wall is isothermal, T = TW The initial stage of melting with the uniform recession of interface re-
3. The other walls are insulated, ∂n = 0 , where n is the normal direc- sembles the close contact melting in which the heat conduction is the
tion to the wall dominant heat transfer mechanism. As the thickness of liquid PCM in-
creases, a circulating convection current establishes and develops in the
2.3. Numerical procedure and validation liquid region. The liquefied PCM gains heat and rises along the hot wall.
Then it is deflected to the solid PCM as it reaches to the top wall of the
The above mentioned governing equations in conjunction with enclosure and descends along the interface while melting the solid PCM
boundary and initial conditions are discretized by a control volume and forming the curvilinear shape of the interface. At the final stage of
approach employing a staggered grid. Central difference and QUICK melting, the decrease in the density of streamlines at the upper part of
schemes are used to discretize the diffusion and convection terms, re- the enclosure demonstrates the weakening of convection flows and the
spectively. The SIMPLER algorithm is applied for the velocity-pressure formation of thermally stratified liquid layers. This region grows as the
coupling. A line-by-line solver based on a tridiagonal matrix algorithm solid PCM shrinks. A comparison between the numerical phase fields
(TDMA) is used to iteratively solve the resulting set of discretized al- and experimental images shows that both the position and shape of the
gebraic equations. An in-house code is developed in order to simulate solid-liquid interface are well captured by the two-dimensional simu-
the melting process. The iterative calculations are continued until a lation.
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
Fig. 3. Instantaneous streamlines, phase field, temperature contours and photographs of PCM melting in the vertical enclosure at different times.
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
Fig. 4. Instantaneous streamlines, phase field, temperature contours and photographs of PCM melting in the 45° inclined enclosure at different times.
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
Fig. 5. Instantaneous streamlines, phase field, temperature contours and photographs of PCM melting in the horizontal enclosure at different times.
Fig. 4 depicts the melting of PCM in the enclosure inclined at 45°. Fig. 5 demonstrates the melting of PCM in the horizontal enclosure
Unlike melting in the vertical enclosure with the convex interface (Fig. 3), (θ = 0°). Streamlines and temperature contours show the formation of
melting in 45° inclined enclosure produces a concave interface due to the multiple small thermal plumes arising from the hot wall and impinging
formation of thermal plumes between two adjacent counter-rotating con- to the interface. The waviness of the interface is the result of the in-
vection cells. These plumes carry the hot liquid from the heated wall to the cidence of thermal plumes to the interface. As the liquid fraction in-
interface and increase the melting rate. At the early stage of melting creases, the small vortical flow structures merge with the neighboring
(t≤40 min), the predicted interface shapes and experimental images are in ones and grow in size. It was already mentioned in Fig. 2 that two-
good agreement. However, as the melting progresses, the thickness of the dimensional simulation can well predict the instantaneous values of
liquid increases and some discrepancies appears in the shape of the interface liquid fractions in the horizontal enclosure with a maximum deviation
between numerical and experimental results which is attributed to the es- less than 6.5%. It is also evident from Fig. 5 that the locations of the
tablishment of three-dimensional flow structures. interfaces are in good agreement with experimental images and
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
Fig. 6. Comparison of time histories of maximum velocities for enclosures with different
inclination angles at the wall temperature of 70 °C.
B. Kamkari, H.J. Amlashi International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2017) 211–219
Fig. 8. Generalized results for thermal energy storage at various inclination angles and
Stefan numbers.
with increasing the Stephan number the melting time decreases. Fol-
lowing the dimensional analysis applied by Kamkari et al. [29], an
appropriate combination of dimensionless numbers of Fourier, Stefan,
and Rayleigh is used to correlate the liquid fractions. Fig. 7(b) plots the
liquid fractions versus Ste∗ 2FoRa0.25 for different inclination angles and
Stefan numbers. The product of Ste∗ 2Fo takes into account the transient
heat conduction and phase change and Ra0.25 includes the effect of
natural convection on melting process. It can be seen in Fig. 7(b) that
compared to Fig. 7(a), liquid fractions correspond to each inclination
angle that come together. However, they are still separated when the
inclination angle varies. In an attempt to propose a general correlation
including all inclination angles and Stefan numbers another parameter
should be added to consider the effect of inclination angles on the
melting rate. It was found that the data can be well correlated by adding
the parameter of χ = { 1 + Cos1.5 (θ)
exp(1.5 + Fo) } to the group of dimensionless
numbers. Fig. 7(c) shows that the liquid fractions coincide on a single
curve when they are plotted versus Ste∗ 2FoRa0.25χ. In the present study,
a nonlinear regression analysis was performed to fit an equation to all
data presented in Fig. 7(c) as follows:
where e is the thermal energy storage per kilogram of PCM. For this To further deepen the understanding of the thermal behavior of PCM
correlation, the root mean square error and R2 are equal to 0.011 and 0. during melting in inclined rectangular enclosures, a numerical simulation
99, respectively. was conducted and the results compared to the experimental data. Lauric
Fig. 9(a) shows the variation of time-averaged Nusselt number with acid as a high Prandtl number PCM was used in this study. Simulations were
Rayleigh number for different inclination angles. It clearly illustrates performed for enclosures with inclination angles of 90°, 45° and 0° at three
that time-averaged Nusselt numbers increase by decreasing the in- different modified Stephan numbers of 0.36, 0.43 and 0.55. The following
clination angle. As it is shown in Fig. 9(b), it was found that time- concluding remarks can be drawn from the obtained results:
averaged Nusselt numbers can be well correlated if they are divided by
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averaged Nusselt number with Rayleigh number for different inclina- tions can accurately predict both the liquid fractions and interface
tion angles with a root mean square error of 0.451 and R2 = 0.991. shapes.
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